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Implementing and Supporting Hybrid Learning in a K-12 Environment

Connie Jaeger, M.S.

Computer Science Department Chair
Homestead HS Mequon-Thiensville SD, WI.
Instructor PODetc
The Stephens Group

Victoria Lovejoy, Ed.D.

Department Chair of Science
Rolling Hills Prep School
San Pedro, CA
Director PODetc
The Stephens Group


Hybrid learning, also known as blended learning, has come to be recognized as a method of instructional
delivery combining both a face-to-face component with an online instructional component. Hybrid
courses or units are not meant to replace a face-to-face course but rather to support and facilitate the
course. Instructors in a hybrid environment might use the online component to deliver materials and
resources while using the face-to-face in the more traditional format, while other teachers may use the
online component to expand the classroom discussions and to support collaborative work.

The K-12 learning environment encompasses all members of our learning community. Using hybrid
learning in our K-12 community includes support for the traditional classrooms, the expanded classroom,
staff development, and extra curricular activities as well as enhances communication with all members of
our learning community.

Why Implement a K-12 Online Learning Community?

Five years ago the Mequon-Thiensville School District (MTSD) conducted an informal needs assessment
in the area of student readiness for higher education and life long learning. During that process, which
included feedback from former students as well as educational experiences of current staff, we realized
that we were not preparing our students to be life long learners. With the increasing access to online
learning resources, we identified a need to prepare our students for success in the online environment.
Our initial goal was to provide an opportunity for our students to experience online learning prior to
graduation. Palloff and Pratt (2007) discuss the impact that moving teaching and learning online has on
both the instructor and the student. The role or function of the instructor changes with a subsequent
impact on the role of the student. Derrick (2003) reasons that success in the online learning environment
may require a different skill set then success in a face-to-face classroom. Online learners are encouraged
to be more autonomous, resourceful, and independent - characteristics that are in keeping in line with a
learner-centered approach. Our initial goal then required a prerequisite goal of preparing our faculty to be
both online learners as well as online instructors.


In the early stages of implementation, our task was to select the content management tool and the method
for deliver. The strategy that we implemented was to introduce the use of hybrid or blended courses. Cole
and Foster (2008) suggest that hybrid courses combine the best of both worlds. Teachers can save time
and increase student learning by delivering materials outside of class and use face-to-face time for
additional activities. Online discussions also give students the opportunity to express themselves in a
different way. It gives voice to the quiet student. We acknowledged that the hybrid environment would
give our instructors the opportunity to experience online learning without leaving the familiar classroom

Our plan for implementation involved several stages in the first two years. We knew it was necessary to
support our staff as they entered the world of online learning. Palloff and Pratt (2007) discuss the
changing role of the instructor in the online environment. Teachers are moving from the role as the source
of information and knowledge to a facilitative role that allows learners to work together in a collaborative
environment. While the role of the instructor is changing so is that of the student. Fink (2003) describes
the necessity to teach learners how to learn. He contends that there are three aspects to this task: teaching
students to become better learners, to inquire and construct knowledge, and to become self-directed. We
felt it was important to provide an opportunity for our instructors to experience the role of an online
learner prior to becoming an online instructor. Derrick (2003) notes that learning in the online
environment requires a new set of skills. Online learners need to be more autonomous, resourceful, and
independent. With this in mind, we developed stages of implementation that could be replicated as we
continued to introduce our staff and students to online learning.

Stages of implementation:
1. Provide the opportunity for teachers to function as online learners
2. Deliver staff development opportunities training our teachers to be online instructors
3. Develop online course materials
4. Implement the hybrid courses/units
5. Provide a vehicle for analysis, reflection, and refinement of course content
6. Develop a plan for sustaining and expanding the program


In support of our implementation plan we initially provided out of district opportunities for a cadre of
instructors to attend an online course designed to provide experience as online learners and online
instructors. We selected a required course as our pilot vehicle for delivering our first online learning
opportunities. This strategy provided a collaborative team of teachers and guaranteed that all of our
students would experience a hybrid online learning course prior to graduation.

In phase two of implementation we developed a series of district staff development opportunities that
would take teachers through the stages of implementation. The first course provided the opportunity to be
online learners and instructors resulting in the development of course materials. The second course
required teachers to “go live” with their course implementing their unit. Course three required teachers to
gather data, analyze student performance, and begin the refinement process.

Phase three of implementation provides us the opportunity to work with staff at all levels of
implementation. The cycle of staff development allows us to continually work with staff new to online
learning while implementing the refinement process with experienced online instructors. The plans for
expanding the program will require us to provide staff development opportunities outside of our district to
assist our experienced online instructors as they continue to develop as online instructors.


After five years of implementation we are extremely pleased with the implementation process. All of our
students have the opportunity to experience online learning prior to graduation from our district. Students
and staff are involved in all facets of online learning. Courses are used by:
• Administrators to enhance communication, deliver staff development and promote learning
• Teachers to deliver content, promote collaboration and transform their instruction
• Students to support extra-curricular activities.

We currently have teachers in all stages of implementation and our early adopters have become
experienced online instructors. We have expanded our project to include all 6th – 12th grade students and
we have begun to explore the use of online learning opportunities in our elementary schools. As our
teachers become more comfortable in the online environment, they are stretching the boundaries of their
classroom and shifting the balance from teacher centered to student centered learning.


Cole J., and Foster H. Using Moodle Teaching with the Popular Open Source Course Management
System, O’Reilly Media Inc., 2008

Derrick, M.G. “Creating Environments Conducive for Lifelong Learning.” New Directions for Adult and
Continuing Education, no. 100. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 2003

Fink, L. D. Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College

Courses. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2003

Palloff R. M., and Pratt K. Building Online Learning Communities. San Francisco: Jossey-Brass
Publishers, 2007.

Bibliographic Sketches

Connie Jaeger teaches Creativity and Innovation in the Classroom for PODetc. She has 30+ years of
experience as an educator; has worked with K-12 students and faculty as a math/computer science
teacher, technology integration specialist, and instructional technology coordinator; and has been
recognized as the Wisconsin Media Professional of the Year. Areas of emphasis over the past six years
have included the implementation and support of online learning in the K-12 environment and support for
the Intel Teach to the Future Program where she is certified as a Master Instructor. She earned a Masters
Degree in CS Education at Cardinal Stritch University.
Address: 1304 Edward Court
West Bend, WI 53095
Phone: 414 750-0104

Victoria Lovejoy has been an administrator and educator for more than twenty years. In 2009, Dr.
Lovejoy formally joined The Stephens Group as the Director of Online Learning for PODetc. As the
Director of PODetc, Dr. Lovejoy has developed and implemented two new courses, Technology 101:
Foundations in Collaborative Tools and Focus on STEM. Courses offered through PODetc are designed
to cover the student and teacher ISTE standards providing teachers with the tools they need to harness the
power of educational technology. Dr. Lovejoy earned her doctorate in Educational Technology from
Pepperdine University in 2004.

Address: 3737 Cedar Ave

Long Beach, CA 90807
Phone: 562 843-1791

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