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The intake consist of intake thrash rack canal and main silt removal gate silt canal.

Silt canal and the main intake canal is constructed as one unit.

The forces

A. Intake canal
 Trash rack force when rack clog fully
 Water pressure to the trash rack mounting wall
 Water pressure to the base of the canal
 Silt pressure to the wall when no water in the intake canal

B. Silt removal canal

 Silt pressure with water pressure
 Uplift due to water pressure
C. Trash rack slab
 Self weight
 Imposed load – 2 kN/m2

The levels

Dam crest (Spillway) level = 1552.95 m

The maximum flood level = 1554.45 m

The silt removal canal wall top level = 1552.75 m

The thrash rack canal wall top level =1551.65 m

Silt removal canal invert level =

Trash rack canal invert level at the dam = 1550.5

Weir gate operation platform level = 1554.6 m

Trash removal platform level = 1554.7 m

Height from pipe invert level at the intake to the weir crest = 2.45 m
Intake pipe Internal diameter through the dam = 1.08 m
Figure -01 – Intake canal structure cross section.

Factors of safety

Silt load -1.2 up to the weir level

Thrash rack – 1.2

Water load up to the Maximum water height – 100 yr flood condition - 1.4

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