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Novel Edge Detection Scheme in the Trinion Space for Use in Medical Images
with Multiple Components

Article  in  Lecture Notes in Computer Science · January 2016

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45246-3_22


2 61

2 authors:

Dawit Assefa Ondrej Krejcar

Addis Ababa University University of Hradec Králové


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Novel Edge Detection Scheme in the Trinion
Space for Use in Medical Images with Multiple

Dawit Assefa1,2 and Ondrej Krejcar2(B)

Center of Biomedical Engineering, Division of Biomedical Computing, Addis
Ababa Institute of Technology, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Center for Basic and Applied Research, Faculty of Informatics and Management,
University of Hradec Kralove, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

Abstract. Very recently we proposed a promising scheme for tissue clas-

sification of multi-parametric magnetic resonance images (MP-MRI) of
the brain based on signal analysis in higher dimensional vector spaces.
The method treats MP-MR images as colors represented holistically in
three (trinion) or four (quaternion) algebraic spaces. Compared to the
well known quaternions, the recently proposed three component trinions
are more efficient in representation of images with three channels and
the respective Fourier transforms allow visualization of their wavenum-
ber spectra as a whole. The current study discusses an edge detection
scheme based on statistical metrics derived from locally computed trin-
ion Fourier transforms for use in robust edge detection of MP-MR images
and other color medical images. Performance of the proposed scheme is
compared against a quaternion formulation and with another vectorial
approach. Application of the method is shown in edge detection of various
color test images and scenes with different degrees of difficulty. Discus-
sion and preliminary results on the application of the proposed scheme
on MP-MR images of brain scans of patients treated for glioblastoma
multiforme (GBM) have also been included.

Keywords: Color image processing · Trinion · Quaternion

1 Introduction

The inter-correlation information that is embedded among the monochromatic

components of multi channel images is often considered more informative than
just the individual serial images. Image processing approaches that make use of
such inter-correlation information are proved to be efficient in many applications.
One such interesting area of research in image processing is color edge detection.
A successful edge detection is often considered as a good step towards effective
image segmentation, registration, identification and many other applications.

c Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016
N.T. Nguyen et al. (Eds.): ICCCI 2016, Part II, LNAI 9876, pp. 231–241, 2016.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45246-3 22
232 D. Assefa and O. Krejcar

Various monochromatic as well as vectorial approaches have been suggested in

the literature for use in edge detection [1–5]. Some of these include the Lapla-
cian operator and vector gradients. A good review and detailed comparison of
different edge detection schemes can be found in [6]. Generally, in various appli-
cations, the vectorial approaches are shown to be more efficient in edge detection
of color images compared to most serial approaches. This is so as the vectorial
approaches account for the inter correlation between color channels that make
up the color image.
Integral transforms such as the 2D Gabor transform and wavelets are also
known to be one of the pillars in edge detection. Generally, for use in color
image processing, in which case edge detection is a major part, it is believed
that approaches that take into account the inter-correlation information that is
embedded among color components are more effective than serial approaches. In
this regard, a core issue is then finding an efficient color representation scheme.
A real or complex space representation that is used in the Gabor transform,
wavelets and others may not be adequate. A work around this issue, however,
has been realized recently through the use of higher dimensional algebras. One
such a holistic approach that showed great promises in color image processing
makes use of the well known quaternions [7] in four space and the recently
proposed trinions [8] in three space.
Based on Fourier transforms defined in trinion and quaternion spaces, a previ-
ous work by one of the authors (DA) showed a promising way of tissue identifica-
tion and classification of multi-parametric magnetic resonance images (MP-MRI)
of the brain, applied to patients treated for the most common and aggressive
of the gliomas known by the name glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) [9,10]. Our
ongoing investigation aims to have a good automatic tool that efficiently and
uniquely characterizes/identifies different tissue structures, specifically to the
brain, mainly targeting tumors and surrounding structures, based on MP-MR
image processing. The previous attempt was mainly a signal analysis based app-
roach that reveals useful signatures for glioma tumors which may have a poten-
tial to assist automatic tumor demarcation (segmentation). Inspired by recent
applications of higher dimensional Fourier transforms in color image analysis,
the scheme treats MP-MR images as multi band colors represented in a holistic
manner in higher dimensional algebraic spaces. The theme of the current study
is very similar but follows a different track and specifically makes use of edge
detection. A new color edge detection scheme for MP-MR images is proposed
in this paper making use of statistical features derived from a spatially local-
ized analysis of colors in the trinion space. The rest of the paper is organized
into the following sections. Sections 2 and 3 present review of quaternions and
trinions and the respective Fourier transforms. The novel algorithm for use in
edge detection of images with multiple components is presented in Sect. 4 while
results with illustrative examples and discussions are included in Sect. 5. The
final section presents concluding remarks.
Novel Edge Detection Scheme in the Trinion Space 233

2 Quaternions vs Trinions in Color Image Processing

Use of quaternions offers the advantage to represent multi-channel color images
vectorially and also permit the analysis of such images holistically by treating
every multi-band color pixel as a single entity. Particularly the introduction of
quaternion Fourier transforms has helped to realize a way for computing the
Fourier transform of color images as one quantity [11–15]. This approach has
been shown to be useful in many color image processing areas including color
vector filtering [16,17], color image cross and auto-correlations [18], the design of
quaternion principal component analysis [19], and the quaternion matrix singu-
lar value decomposition [20]. Their application in local color spectral analysis has
also been shown including use of quaternionic Gabor filters [21], the quaternion
wavelet transform [22,23], and the quaternion S transform [24]. Color edge detec-
tion also has been another area where holistic color analysis techniques such as
the quaternion formulation proved to be useful. Different quaternionic schemes
have been proposed previously in this regard including use of local quaternion
phase [25], and quaternion moments [26], to mention few.
Different forms of the quaternion Fourier transform (QFT) exist which
resulted mainly due to the non-commutative multiplication in the quaternion
space. A QFT as defined in [27] is given by:
∞ ∞
QF T 1(u, v) = −∞ −∞
e−j2πux h(x, y)e−k2πvy dxdy (1)
where h(x, y) is given color image and u and v are the wavenumbers (spatial
frequencies) in the x and y directions respectively. The ortho-normal bi-vectors
{i, j, k} satisfy: i2 = j 2 = k 2 = −1, and ij = −ji = k, jk = −kj = i, ki =
−ik = j. Another type of the QFT suggested in [13] is given by:
∞ ∞
QF T 2(u, v) = −∞ −∞
e−μ2π(ux+vy) h(x, y)dxdy (2)
where μ is an arbitrary unit (norm equals unity) √ pure (zero real component)
quaternion, μ2 = −1. A value of μ = (i + j + k)/ 3 is used in the literature and
this choice coincides with the gray line on the RGB space with all three com-
ponents equal. Both QFT types are invertible and the formulae for the inverses
could be found by simply reversing the signs (− to +) of the exponents in the
respective exponential kernel terms.
There exist many modalities to capture color images such as digital cam-
eras, scanners and other color photography techniques, which nowadays could
be found almost everywhere in modern life. However, most protocols operate
only with three color channels/bands generating three component colors, which
could not be uniquely represented in four space. For example, an RGB color
h(x, y) is commonly mapped in the quaternion space as a pure quaternion as
h(x, y) = R(x, y)i + G(x, y)j + B(x, y)k, setting the real part equal to zero. Even
though it might increase the degrees of freedom, the extra fourth dimension
makes quaternions redundant in representation of such colors. Hence, for a more
efficient representation, trinions have been introduced recently and trinion based
integral transforms have been proposed as a substitute to the QFT [8].
234 D. Assefa and O. Krejcar

A trinion is defined with one real and two vector components as t = a+ib+jc
where i, j are operators satisfying: i2 = j, ij = ji = −1, and j 2 = −i. It
can easily be checked that trinions with the three base elements {1, i, j} form
an abelian (commutative) group where 1 = j 3 is the multiplicative identity
element. Distinct from quaternions, trinions with the above structure form a
commutative ring. Trinions are associative, commutative, and distributive with
respect to addition and multiplication. It is also easy to show that all other
field axioms are satisfied by trinions except invertibility. Hence trinions are not
fields. In comparison, the skew field of quaternions Q is a four dimensional, non-
commutative field over the field of real numbers R. Sum and product of trinions
is defined analogous to the complex/quaternion case. Trinion exponentiation,
conjugate and inverse (when it exists) have all quite complicated expressions.
For example, the conjugate t̄ of t = a + ib + jc is given by:

(a2 + b2 + c2 )(a2 + bc − i(c2 + ab) − j(ac − b2 ))

t̄ = (3)
(a3 − b3 + c3 + 3abc)
Corresponding to their number of degrees of freedom, three attributes have been
defined for trinions: amplitude, eigen axis and eigen angle. Accordingly, any
√t = a + ib + jc can be written in the form t = |t|(cos(φ) + μsin(φ)) where
|t| = a2 + b2 + c2 , μ = V (t)/|V (t)|, and φ = arctan (|V (t)|/S(t)), 0 ≤ φ < π
are the amplitude, eigen axis, and eigen angle (phase), respectively, and S and
V are the real and vector parts of t. t is unit when |t| = 1, and it is pure trinion
when a = 0. More interesting properties of trinions can be found in [8].

3 Trinion Fourier Transforms

Two possible working definitions for the trinion Fourier transform (TFT) are
suggested in [8]. We chose to present only the discrete versions in this study and
readers can consult a previous study in [8] to learn more details. Accordingly,
for M × N input color image h(x, y), the discrete version of the type I TFT and
its inverse are given by:

M −1 N −1
1    ux vy ux vy 
T F T 1(u, v) = h(x, y) cos(2π( + )) − μ1 sin(2π( + ))
M N x=0 y=0 M N M N
 −1 N
 ux vy ux vy 
h(x, y) = T F T 1(u, v) cos(2π( + )) + μ2 sin(2π( + ))
u=0 v=0

where μ1 is a unit, pure trinion, and μ2 is a trinion such that μ1 μ2 = −1. Note
that μ1 and μ2 are chosen arbitrarily and the expression μ1 μ2 = −1 generally
results in a system of non-linear algebraic equations (with respect to the trinion
coefficients) and so μ1 and μ2 must be chosen such that this system has a real
Novel Edge Detection Scheme in the Trinion Space 235

solution. For √a RGB image, we customarily use μ1 = (i − j)/ 2 and μ2 =
(−1 − i + j)/ 2. It can be seen that TFT1 resembles the euler form of QFT2.
Otherwise the two are distinct. For example the conjugate relationship that exists
between the kernels of the forward and inverse transforms in the case of the QFT
doesn’t hold in the TFT space. There are also other properties which are known
to hold in the complex and quaternion spaces but not with the trinions. However,
as shown in previous studies, such unique properties of the trinions do not pose
much problems in using the TFTs for efficient color image analysis.
The discrete TFT of type II and its inverse are similarly defined as follows:

 −1 N
1  ux ux  vy vy 
T F T 2(u, v) = h(x, y) cos(2π ) − μ1 sin(2π ) cos(2π ) − μ2 sin(2π ) (6)
M N x=0 y=0 M M N N

 −1 N
 ux ux  vy vy 
h(x, y) = T F T 2(u, v) cos(2π ) + μ3 sin(2π ) cos(2π ) + μ4 sin(2π ) (7)
u=0 v=0 M M N N

where μ1 , μ2 are unit, pure trinions, and μ3 , μ4 are arbitrary trinions satisfying
μ1 μ3 = −1 = μ2 μ4 . In the current work we assumed μ1 = μ4 = i and μ2 =
μ3 = j. As shown in [8], in terms of symmetry analysis, TFT2 is a desired choice
than TFT1. However, it has also been shown previously that many operations
of interest in image processing including convolutions and correlations are easier
using TFT1 than TFT2, and hence TFT1 has been adopted in the current study.
Given a color image h(x, y), say an RGB with components R(x, y), G(x, y) and
B(x, y), by mapping R(x, y) to the real component of a trinion and G(x, y)
and B(x, y) to the two imaginary components, h(x, y) can be written: h(x, y) =
R(x, y) + iG(x, y) + jB(x, y).
As demonstrated in [8], one main advantage of use of trinions over the quater-
nions is the ability to see color spatial frequency spectra as a whole rather than
just its amplitude or phase. This is so as the TFT of a given three band image
itself has three components and hence both the input image as well as its TFT
can be plotted as color images. The case is different in the quaternion space
as the QFT of a given three channel color image, often represented as a pure
quaternion, has four components with generally non zero real part. In most
color applications ranging from a low level (non-linear) filtering to the higher
level ones such as segmentation, the extra fourth dimension in the quaternion
space is only redundant and use of the trinions should alleviate such redundancy.
In that regard, an efficient color edge detection scheme is proposed in the next
section making use of features extracted from a spatially localized application of
the TFT.

4 Trinion Edge Detection

The first step in our edge detection scheme utilizes a color space transformation.
Each component of a RGB image is first normalized to its maximum and then
the normalized RGB image is transformed to the Hue (H), Saturation (S) and
Luminosity (L) color space. The reason for RGB to HSL conversion was based on
236 D. Assefa and O. Krejcar

Fig. 1. Original color image (left), trinion edge map (middle), and quaternion edge
map (right).

recommendations in previously published works suggesting the superiority of the

HSL space in many useful image processing applications [28,29]. Following this
step, the resulting color image in the HSL space is mapped to a trinion. The issue
of the order of the mapping of a given three component color image to a trinion
has been raised in the previous study [8]. The study already showed the order
should not affect many image processing applications including texture analysis,
pattern recognition and other spectral analysis applications. This is so as the
conversion doesn’t actually alter the color wavenumber spectra. The proposed
edge detection scheme in the current study relies on robust features (texture,
pattern) generated through holistic analysis of color pixles, and hence the issue of
order of the mapping is not relevant, i.e. the order of the mapping from the HSL
to the trinion space shouldn’t affect our color edge detection. Then a spatially
localized analysis was carried out on a pixel-by-pixel basis by computing the
TFTs over a translating localizing window of size 3 × 3. On the resulting 3 × 3
trinion valued matrix, a second order feature was computed and assigned to the
Novel Edge Detection Scheme in the Trinion Space 237

central pixel value. For the purpose of edge detection, the following feature F
was computed:
 log(1 + P (x, y)) 
F = M etric (8)
log(1 + max{P (x, y)})

where P (x, y) is the square amplitude (‘power’) of the TFT, and M etric is a
second order statistical feature (variance, standard deviation, etc.). The above
step is repeated across all pixels that are included in the color image under
consideration and the resulting matrix is plotted as an edge map. Note that all
discrete TFT calculations were performed using a repeated use of the 2D Fast
Fourier Transform (FFT).
The primary intent of the current study is to show the application and fea-
sibility of the above edge detection scheme on MP-MR image sets. The MP-MR
images in this study were taken from a cohort of 29 patients treated for glioblas-
toma multiforme(GBM), the most aggressive of the gliomas, and is the same
data set used in previous studies [9,10]. Contrast-enhanced T1W gradient-echo,
T2-Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) spin-echo as well as ADC MR
images of the patients acquired at baseline as well as within and after radiation
therapy were available for analysis. The MR trios came with distinct image slice
thickness and the number of slices were also different. Hence, for each patient,
the normalized mutual information algorithm was used on all serial MR volumes
and were registered to the orientation of the baseline T1W image volume and
trilinear interpolation was used to re-sample them to a common resolution. The
edge detection analysis on the MP-MR images was then carried out by combining
the T1W, T2-FLAIR and the ADC images (parameters) as three channel ‘RGB’
color images. However, two main issues have to be considered when applying the
proposed algorithm in edge detection of these data sets. Primarily, our scheme
assumes that the different MR parameters behave well so that our color assump-
tion and representation is acceptable. For example, not all glioma tumors show
elevated ADCs, which can be problematic when trying to detect tumor edges.
Hence such cases should be excluded from our analysis. This issue of course is
not present in actual color images. Another issue is possible registration inaccu-
racy, which in most cases is unavoidable, accompanied by the fact that we have
also applied interpolation as a pre processing step so that all MR image para-
meters assume a common resolution. These could potentially pose a challenge
in implementing our edge detection scheme.

5 Results and Discussion

We start with some standard test images to evaluate the performance of our
edge detection scheme. Note that only qualitative analysis is presented in this
work while a more quantitative evaluation awaits further validation steps. The
first two natural images in Fig. 1 contain horses with a grass background while
there is an increased degree of difficulty on the second compared to the first
238 D. Assefa and O. Krejcar

Fig. 2. Original color image (left), edge map using the max gradient method (second),
trinion edge map (third), and quaternion edge map (right).

Fig. 3. Columns 1 to 3 are original T1, T2-FLAIR and ADC images respectively con-
taining contrast enhanced glioma tumors; column 4 contains the respective combined
color images and column 5 contains the corresponding edge maps generated in the
trinion space.

(top) as the former contains more noise. In both cases, the edge maps generated
using the proposed scheme picked the edges effectively. For comparison the edge
map generated in the quaternion space (using QF T 2) is also presented. We see
similar edge map results generated in the two distinct spaces while the amount
of computation involved and the memory requirement in the trinion space is at
least an order less than the corresponding operation in the quaternion space.
The next two images contain the standard lena image and another color image
with visible patterns. The corresponding edge maps identified the edges quite
well. Note that, in all the results presented in this paper, the statistical feature
computed (M etric in Eq. (8)) is standard deviation. Results found using other
statistical features like second order variance were generally similar.
One efficient color edge detection scheme proposed in the literature is the max
gradient method. Like the trinions, quaternions and other vectorial approaches, it
treats colors as vectors. The edge detection results we found using the max gradient
method were satisfactory for most of the test images we considered. Here we want
to show with demonstrating examples that the trinion/quaternion formulation is
much more powerful than standard vectorial approaches. The example shown in
Novel Edge Detection Scheme in the Trinion Space 239

Fig. 2 show a case where the max gradient method fails to detect edges appropri-
ately. In this example what was mostly desired is to detect the bird sitting in the
middle of the grass field. Both the trinion and the quaternion schemes effectively
detected the bird and other visible edges while it was hardly with the max gradient
method. Note that the max gradient implementation was based on a recent ver-
sion of the algorithm by J. Henriques which is freely available on the Matlab Cen-
tral website. The original color scene in this example and many other natural color
scenes are freely available on the McGill calibrated color image database at http:// All tests carried out showed
that the trinion/quaternion scheme is by far superior to other vectorial approaches
including the max gradient operator indicating that an effective color edge detec-
tion requires not just a vectorial scheme but a more systematic manipulation of the
inter correlation information that is embedded among the monochromes that make
up the color image.
Figure 3 presents typical edge detection results we found using the proposed
algorithm applied on representative MP-MRI slices. Only the trinion edge maps
are presented as the results in the quaternion space were very similar. The brain
tissue edges were very well detected with some difficulties around skull bound-
aries which may have resulted from some image registration inaccuracies. The
images also present identified contrast enhanced glioma tumors. The algorithm
performs well in detecting the tumor edges and surrounding edema. In most cases
that we considered, the scheme robustly showed well defined edges for tumors
and the surrounding edemas. However, only representative preliminary results
are shown in this paper while further investigation of the method is still under-
way including clinical validations. For example, two relaxation (T1 and T2) and
one functional (ADC) MR parameters are used in this study for the MP-MRI
edge detection. Looking at just one set at a time, i.e. three relaxation or three
functional parameters, could be an interesting case to try. Resolving these and
similar other issues is awaiting further investigation.

6 Conclusions
An automatic color edge detection scheme that makes use of statistical features
derived from locally computed trinion Fourier transforms (TFT) is proposed.
The scheme is holistic in the sense that it takes into account the inter-correlation
information that is embedded within color components. The various tests that we
performed both on synthetic and natural color images as well as MP-MR images
of the brain clearly showed that the proposed trinion/quaternion formulation
offered promising results proving that a systematic use of the inter-correlation
information that is embedded within the monochromes (separate color bands)
is useful for efficient and effective edge detection of color images. The study is
partly a continuation of our ongoing effort to find robust techniques that are
able to uniquely characterize different tissues in MP-MRIs and also study their
clinical significance. Though the edge detection results found were very similar
for both the trinion and quaternion based schemes, the trinion formulation is
240 D. Assefa and O. Krejcar

shown to be more efficient. It is also demonstrated with examples that the pro-
posed trinion/quaternion formulation is more powerful and efficient than other
vectorial approaches like the max gradient operator. However, there are still
rooms to improve the performance of our edge detection scheme particularly
when considering more complex color images. After computing the windowed
Fourier transforms, ways to extract more powerful features than the once used
in this study (second order variance, standard deviation, etc.) can be benefi-
cial. This for example could mean searching for statistical features which are
less sensitive to certain subtle changes within the color image and also noise.
Moreover, other than the trinion local amplitude/power, research on inclusion
of the other two attributes, the eigen axis and eigen angle (phase), is a work in
progress. In principle, other than MRIs, the proposed scheme can be applied to
images acquired through other modalities such as CT, PET, and also other color
medical images; this without implying that we have proposed an edge detection
scheme that can work for any given color image.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the project “Smart Solutions for
Ubiquitous Computing Environments” FIM (ID: UHK-FIM-SP-2016-2102), University
of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic.

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