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 President Rodrigo Roa Duterte delivered on Monday, July 23,2018 his third state of the nation address
(SONA) in front of 3000 law makers and guests at the BATASAN PAMBANSA in QUEZON CITY SONA
2018 was delayed by an hour as advice of who will be seated beside pres. Duterte was not immediately
finalized after Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal Arroyo sworn as the new house speaker.
The congress ousted Petaleon Alvarez few minutes before the SONA. Note that the spot besides the
president are reserved for the speaker of the house and the senate president. The SONA proper
started at exactly 5:22 in the afternoon and concluded at 6:09pm or longer by few minutes in the
originally declared 35 minutes speech, due to some off the cuff remarks of the president. SONA is a
source of drama and intrigue. Is it the fact that Bb. Joyce Bernal directed it this year? Maybe our feisty,
feeling too legit to quit president is an unstoppable source of drama. Let’s face it, this nation is a Black
Mirror episode that got shelved quickly for being too disturbing. We watch our dystopian future unfold
in front of us today.
This is not to say that we’re staying put. There’s a responsibility within the youth. Whether it’s going to
Anti-SONA protests or by the power of a hashtag, we keep it clear to the nation that we’re aware. Keep
the bias commentary on the PR website of the Malacañang Palace. Here are reaction tweets from this
year’s SONA that are serving better shade than any low-pressure area can.SONA DAY. President
Rodrigo Duterte greets guests at Batasang Pambansa before delivering his 3rd State of the Nation

 Drug war - Duterte's banner program gets first mention. He says it will be "relentless" and "as chilling
as the day it began." Slams human rights groups for criticizing the anti-drug campaign.

 Corruption - Thanks Congress for passing the Ease of Doing Business Act. Says all agencies must
simplify processes and cut red tape. Says he's had to fire "friends" due to corruption.

 Mindanao promise - Vows "significant increases" in Mindanao's budget

 Bangsamoro law - Promises to sign the Bangsamoro Organic Law within "48 hours" after Malacañang
receives Congress' approved version.

 Marawi siege - Recognizes soldiers and police who died fighting in Marawi City. Says government
welcomes with open arms terrorists who surrender to authorities.

 Foreign policy - Vows to pursue an "independent foreign policy." Mentions ties with Southeast Asian
countries but spends bulk of this portion on benefits of "reenergized" ties with China and commitment
to "defend our interests in the West Philippine Sea."
 Overseas Filipino workers - Condemns deaths and abuses suffered by Filipino migrant workers at the
hands of foreign employers. Says OFW rights to be his administration's "foremost foreign policy

 Contractualization - Says government efforts have led to regularization of 300,000 workers. Calls on
Congress to pass a law prohibiting all forms of contractualization after admitting his executive order
won't suffice.

 Coconut farmers - Asks Congress to pass bills creating a Coconut Farmers' Trust Fund, one of his
campaign promises.

 Telecommunications, internet - Reiterates promise to ensure reliable, affordable, and secure

telecommunications services. Says terms of reference for 3rd telco player is almost ready. Promises the
lowering of interconnection rates between all players to ensure improvements in the entire sector.

 Bong Go - Mentions his aide's name in relation to "consultations" with the public and establishing
"malasakit centers." Go is said to have plans to run for senator in 2019. (READ: Do Bong Go's
donations, billboards violate government ethics code?)

 Boracay closure - Justifies the island's closure as an environmental protection measure. Warns local
government units to enforce laws and not wait for the national government to "swoop in."

 Land use act - Calls on Congress to pass a law creating a national land use policy, legislation that has
been pending for two decades.

 Disaster management - Calls on Congress to pass a law creating a disaster management department
with more powers and resources than existing disaster response agencies.

 Warning to miners - Tells "irresponsible miners" to stop destroying watersheds, forests, and bodies of
water. Says natural resources must benefit all Filipinos, not just the rich.

 Tax reform - Insists Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion law must not be repealed despite
criticism it has contributed to inflation. Tells Congress he wants to sign TRAIN Package 2 by the end of
2018. Mentions by name the lawmakers who filed versions of the bill. Calls on Congress to pass all
other tax reform packages.

 Health - Calls on Congress to pass the universal health care bill. Mentions Presidential Spokesperson
Harry Roque, author of the bill when he was Kabayan representative, by name. Roque is also said to be
running for senator in 2019.

 Federalism - Thanks his Consultative Committee for their draft federal constitution. Insists that
Filipinos will support the shift to a federal system of government. (READ: Majority of Filipinos reject
shift to federalism now – Pulse Asia)

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