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Lesson Plan Year 1

Duration : 40 minute

Topic Space
Learning objective To name the 3-D shape of cuboid, cube, cone,
square-based pyramid, cylinder and sphere
Learning outcomes At the end of the lesson, pupils would be able to:
1. Name the shape of cuboid, cube, cone,
square-based pyramid, cylinder and


Step 1:Watching video of the Online Translation Tool. (Section Resources A :
robots. of this lesson plan was written in Google Translation tool
Bahasa Malaysia and translated).
Students will be asked what they Murid menyatakan apa yang
have seen in the video? mereka lihat dalam video
tersebut. Murid disoal tentang
kombinasi bentuk yang terlibat
dalam membentuk robot itu.

Evidence 1
Step 2: Name the 3-D shapes. Teacher prepares a speak tool : Resources B :
Speak tool
Teacher ask the pupils to name
the shapes using the speak tool Evidence 2
Step 3:Pupils spell 3-D shapes Teacher prepare hypercamp2 Resouces C :
tool Hypercamp2
Pupils spells the name of the 3D
Shape using hypercamp2 tool.
Evidence 3
Step 4: Assesment Teacher prepares a quiz using Resources D :
kahoot: quiz questions for the Kahoot
Teacher prepare quiz to know class discussion.
how many pupils can name the
3D shapes correctly.
Evidence 4
Step 5 :Closure

Teacher request pupils to make

conclusions about what they
have learnt during the lesson.
The lesson end by singing the 3D
Shapes song. Pupils sing the song

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