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________ Class No..________


The purpose ︰
Create a portfolio to record in the learning process different authoring.

Task ︰
Design your own personal portfolio and reflection.

Collection content: personal profile, work classification, text description,
images, videos, etc.

E-Portfolio rubric:
Category Content Score

Describe in depth the ideas of

multimedia art works, and record in

75 – 100
detail other relevant information such

as design , work center ideas, etc.

Can appropriately describe the ideas of

multimedia science and technology

works, and record some relevant 55 – 74

Collections of
information such as design, work
comprehensive and
appropriate center ideas, etc.
Can describe the idea of multimedia
accounted for
50% science and technology works, but
failed to record other relevant 40 – 54

information such as design , work

center ideas, etc.

Failed to describe the ideas of

multimedia art works, and failed to

0 – 39
record other relevant information such

as design, work center ideas, etc.

Contents reflect the contents of the

collection of works has been connected,

75 – 100
Reflection report is described in
2. Accounting for
detail andwithappropriate criticism
The content of the reflection is related
55 – 74
to the content of the portfolio. The

description is moderate in weight and

contains a simple critique.

Reflection of content and content

portfolio has been connected, but the 40 – 54

descriptions simpler than the more

There is no connection between the

0 – 39
content of the reflection or the content

of the portfolio

Total Score :

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