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Fun With Magnets

A Magnet is a very special metal. When a magnet goes near a special kind of metal or other
magnets, and the poles (sides) touching are opposite, it will pull, or attract the other metal or
magnet closer. Also, if the two poles are the same, the two magnets will push away, or repel,
from each other. This is called magnetism.

Module Name

Children can be divided into three groups on the basis of understanding and level of intellect.

To compare & contrast Magnetic Poles.

•Bar Magnets, Toy Cars, Cardboard, Iron Fillings&Adhesive Tape

Time Allotments
•First 4 minutes -Warm Up Exercises like Lunges, Squats, Leg Swings&Inchworms etc.
• 5 minutes for Arrangements.
• Remaining 55 minutes for implementation of the module.

For Basic Group
•Step 1
A brief introduction of the module.

•Step 2
Take two toy cars and fasten two bar magnets on top of each in a similar arrangement (N and S
pole in identical alignment ) with the help of adhesive tape.

•Step 3
Bring Two cars near each other and illustrate the phenomenon of Attraction & Repulsion i.e.
When cars face each other having like poles they try to escape by moving away from each oth-
er(As Like poles repel) on the other hand they follow each other or collide in the case of unlike
poles(As Unlike poles attract each other).
For intermediate Group
•Step 5
Take a Cardboard and place a bar magnet in the centre.

•Step 6
Now sprinkle iron filings and observe the pattern of the fillings representing the lines of
magnetic forces.

For Advanced Group(if any)

•Step 7
Now Observe the patterns made by iron fillings in case of two bar magnets facing like & unlike
poles. They represent the magnetic lines of forces representing Attraction & Repulsion.

•This will allow students to explore the amazing and fascinating phenomenon of magnetism in a
creative way.

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