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INFORMATION & PUBS. 4 — APR5 1960 Mr. Jack Jurey WTOP Radio Station Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Jurey: Here are the replies of Governor Hoegh to your questions transmitted the other day to me by telephone concerning the TV program, Alas Babylon. We would appreciate knowing in advance the evening your editorial will be aired. Enclosure 824/H.S.Moore/fd/2201/4-5-60 cc: Central files (2), Director AD, TEPA, 118 DAD, TEPA, 113 H. Moore, 105-1/2 Info Office RF, 105-1/2 a /) NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS CENTRAL Fes FOR: FROM: Mr. Jack Jurey WTOP Radio Station Information Office OCcDM Here are OCDM Director Leo A. Hoegh's replies to your questions: Question 1: In the more hopeful atmosphere of the pre- summit to a possible atomic disarmament plan and the draft of a ban on nuclear testing, was it right to put Alas, Babylon on the air Sunday night with its doomsday dramaties? ‘The production, Alas Babylon, emphasized that an attack could happen and that people must be prepared to meet the effects of such an attack should it occur. Its primary purpose was to stimulate action toward such preparedness. ‘We sincerely hope that the negotiations for disarmament will be successful. We do not feel that this film prejudiced chances for success of these negotiations. Question 2: If you feel that the civil defense and survival message must Answer: be carried to the public before, during and after summit negotiations, do you believe this type of melodramatic fiction was justified? Did it further your program of public education for family preparedness? Our responsibility is to inform people of the effects of nuclear ‘weapons and what steps they must take to prepare themselves against these effects}.Alas Babylon made a contribution toward that end. Some of the’ melodrama was not pertinent and could have been omitted. A statement was made that 92% of the earth's population was destroyed. This was unrealistic. I could point out some other flaws but generally speaking, the production did further public education. Question 3: De you favor shock treatment by way of press, radio and TV, Answer: to stir public to take self-protective measures? Generally, I do not favor shock treatment. Our educational program is based on informing the American people of the systems, adult education, training center courses of instruc- tion, press, radio, TV, ete. Question 4: Question 5: Answer: Question 6: Anewer: Was the television network responsible for the decision to produce it this way, or did OCDM and the author also concur in its planning? The Network was responsible for the production of Alas Babylon. We offered many technical corrections of the original script which were accepted. The final version wae considerably changed, however. ‘The incident about radioactive fallout permeating the necklaces and jeweled ornaments appears vastly exaggerated. Would metal of that type become permeated with radiation even after the radioactive dust had been removed by handling, or decontamination? ‘This episode was completely meaningless as shown in the film, The Frank novel explained that these jewels had been brought from a radioactive area. Nothing to do with fallout, Tell us briefly what individuals and families can do, in advance of a situation like that imagined at the Ft. Repose locality, to have shelter and emergency foods, water and medical supplies for eurvival? Individuals and families for civil defense preparedness should take the following actions: Learn the warning signals and what they mean. Know their community plan for emergency action. . Protect themselves from radioactive fallout by construction of a shelter and stocking it with food, water, first aid kit, and other survival items. Learn first aid and home emergency preparedness. Know how to use CONELRAD -- 640 or 1240 on radio -- for official directions. Supplies should be adequate to take care of an ordinary family for at least two weeks. By the end of that time, government at the local level should be able to respond, supported by the State and Federal governments. is a copy of the telegram I have sent to GBS-TV.

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