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The Ultimate Course on

Manifesting Your Goals

Hale Dwoskin

Effortless Creation - 
A Sedona Method® Advanced Course
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Sedona Training Associates

Sedona Press
60 Tortilla Drive
Sedona, Arizona 86336
Phone: 1-928-282-3522
Fax: 1-928-203-0602

Copyright © 1996-2006 by Hale Dwoskin and Sedona Training Associates. All rights reserved. No part of
this workbook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by information storage and retrieval systems without the written
permission of the publisher.

Effortless Creation - 
Effortless Creation
The Ultimate Course on Manifesting Your Goals

Introduction to Effortless Creation...................................................................................................4

Putting Effortless Creation into Action.............................................................................................6
When Two or More Are Focused on a Goal.....................................................................................7
What Is Your Heart’s Deepest Desire?..............................................................................................9
The Goals Process...........................................................................................................................11
Wording a Goal Statement.....................................................................................................11
Sample Goal Statements........................................................................................................12
Goal Statements.....................................................................................................................13
Goal Chart Instructions...................................................................................................................14
Needs and Desires..................................................................................................................17
Breaking Rules.......................................................................................................................18
Accepting What We Already Have.........................................................................................20
Letting Go of Our Parents’ Approval.....................................................................................21
Attraction and Repulsion.......................................................................................................22
Fear and Fantasy...................................................................................................................23
Action Step Brainstorm...................................................................................................................24
The Action Step Process Instructions.............................................................................................26

Effortless Creation - 
Introduction to
Effortless Creation
Effortless Creation, recorded live in New York City, is a powerful 30-day process designed to
help you “have it all” through the process of achieving your goals effortlessly. It is also designed
to help you to create a tremendous amount of inner freedom that will benefit you in every area of
your life. The processes in this course are designed to be fun, interactive, and something you can
do on your own or do with a releasing partner or in your local Sedona Method Support Group.
The following suggestions will help you to get the most out of this audio course:
1. Effortless Creation is an advanced Sedona Method course. If you have not already done
so, please complete The Sedona Method basic course through The Sedona Method book
by Hale Dwoskin, by attending a live seminar or by listening to The Sedona Method
Audio Course (available at
2. If you would like to find a releasing partner or support group, please visit our website at and click on Releasing Community to gain access to our Worldwide
Releasing Community.
3. Please listen to the CD’s in order, as the information and processes in one section builds
upon the next.
4. Effortless Creation is a powerful 30-day process that you can experience as many times
as you like. Each time you go through it, you will accelerate your progress with releasing
and open the door to manifesting whatever you choose.

Letting Go of Resistance to Goals

Often, those who have experienced tremendous benefit from The Sedona Method may still
struggle with goals. This is due, in part, to the conditioning we accept from our parents, friends,
teachers, and society at large. We live in an extremely goal-oriented society and many people
say: “You must have a goal.” “You should have a goal.” “You need to be motivated.” “You
need to accomplish this.” “You should do this.” This causes you to resist creating what you
want and even pursuing goals at all.
What will happen as you explore this course is that much of your resistance to working on
goals will dissolve. You will find yourself celebrating each day as you watch yourself effortlessly
drawing the people, places and things you want into your experience. This happens naturally as
you actively participate in the process of creating your heart’s deepest dreams and aspirations.

Effortless Creation - 
The Goals Process
The Goals Process is a very powerful application of The Sedona Method from two different
It allows you to freely have, do and be whatever you choose. There are many things we want
to change and improve in our lives and releasing on goals creates the opportunity for us to do
that with ease.
Also, goals are an indication of our overall programming as a human being—especially if
you look at your core goals, which is part of the intention of this course. This way of working on
goals will literally set you free to have it all.
We recommend you focus on just two goals each time you do this course. Work on a life goal
and another goal that you can see substantial progress in or accomplish over the next 30 days. If
you are not sure what your life goal is, relax; this course is designed to help you discover your
life goal or purpose.

Taking Action
You will also be taking actions to support yourself in manifesting these goals in your life.
Even those of us who have worked on goals often don’t follow through into action. Instead we
sometimes get into magical thinking. This is understandable since often simply by releasing and
shifting our consciousness about our goals, miracles do happen. The reason we recommend that
you take action towards your goal as opposed to simply releasing on it is that taking action from
this released place of openness and ease will dramatically accelerate your progress in creating all
that you choose.

Deeper into Your Own Truth and Clarity

When Lester created The Goals Process, he did it for two reasons. The first reason was to
support people in having whatever it is that they choose. He also realized that deep inside all of
us want to be free, happy, and to be at rest as our basic nature. And he knew what got in the way
the most was our conflicting or unresolved desires.
Most of us have so many desires that our mind is busy all the time. So Lester created The
Goals Process as an incentive for us to let go of the pain, suffering, and general angst that comes
from our conflicting, unresolved or frustrated desires.
The processes in this course use your goals as a way to expose all of the obstacles that
are preventing you from manifesting your goals and being present. As you work with these
processes, what you will find is that they will keep pulling you deeper into your own truth and
Simply start with what you believe your goals are now and be open to how they evolve as you
work through the various exercises and processes.

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Putting Effortless Creation
into Action
The following is set of guidelines that we would recommend you follow in order to get the
most out of your experience. Although we do not recommend you turn these assignments into
new “shoulds” for yourself, we do recommend that you do your best to do each assignment every
day for the next 30 days. It often takes repetition over time to break old habits and replace them
with more positive choices; that is the intent behind these assignments.
We recommend that you start your assignments on the first day you begin listening to the
program. You do not need to complete all the CD’s before you begin these explorations. We also
recommend that each time you take yourself through this program you complete listening to the
CD’s in the first week, and then cycle through them again as many times as you can throughout
the month.
1. Work on your Goal Chart for at least five minutes twice a day. You can do this by
working on paper, asking yourself the questions out loud or silently, or by listening to
The Goals Process on CD #3.
2. Work on any of the other exercises from the course at least five minutes a day. You can
do this, too, by working on paper, asking yourself the questions out loud or silently, or by
listening to the appropriate section on The Goals Process CD.
3. Add or subtract items from your Action Steps list as they are either discovered, completed
or you have decided they are no longer appropriate. Also, review and release any feelings
about the actions you are considering doing—that day or at any time—in order to get
your goal.
4. Take at least one action towards achieving your goal a day and record it in your journal.
5. Speak to your releasing partner at least once a day to support each other in releasing and
achieving your goals. If you do not have a releasing partner, you will still get tremendous
value from the course. You can use a journal as your partner or you can simply take
responsibility for your own releasing.
Note: By going to and logging into the “Releasing Community,” you
can find a releasing partner if you don’t have one already.
6. From time to time, at random intervals throughout the day, simply stop whatever you
are doing and interrupt both the physical or mental pattern you are engaged in, in that
moment, and simply let yourself be.
7. Allow yourself to notice and celebrate all that you already have throughout the day.
8. Write down the progress you notice both in attitude and in action at the end of each day in
relation to your goal and this course in general.

Effortless Creation - 
When Two or More Are
Focused on a Goal
Guidelines for Getting the Most Out of Partnerships
Remember, you do not have to have a releasing partner in order to get the maximum value
from this course. These guidelines are provided as a way to get the most out of having a partner,
should you choose to have one. You can also bring this material to your local Sedona Method
Support Group and have everyone work this through together by listening to the recordings and
doing the partnerships.
Even if you do not do this in your support group or with a partner, you are joining in
consciousness with all the other people around the planet who are using this material to gain
greater freedom and abundance in their lives.
You may have heard the following story told many different ways. This one is my favorite. A
man goes to heaven and meets God at the Pearly Gates. God welcomes him and then asks, “Is
there any last wish, my son, before you spend the rest of eternity in heaven?”
“Yes,” the man replies. “I would like to see what hell is like so I can more thoroughly
appreciate my good fortune.”
God says, “Fine,” snaps his fingers, and instantly they enter hell. Before them, as far as the
eye can see, is a table piled high with the most wonderful delicacies that anyone’s heart could
desire, and on both sides of the table, also as far as the eye can see, are millions of unhappy
people starving to death.
The man asks God, “Why are these people starving?”
God replies, “Everyone must eat from the table with 11-foot long chopsticks.”
“That’s terribly harsh,” the man says compassionately.
God snaps his fingers again, and they’re transported to heaven.
On entering heaven, the man is surprised to see an almost identical scene—a bountiful table
stretching as far as the eye can see—except that everyone is happy and well-fed.
He turns and asks God, “What do the people eat with here? They must have different utensils.”
“No, my son,” says God, “everyone here eats with 11-foot long chopsticks, too.”
The man is confused. “I don’t understand. How is this possible?”
God replies, “In heaven, we feed each other.”
The processes explored throughout this course are designed to help us not only help ourselves,

Effortless Creation - 
but to help each other. The two often go hand in hand and can greatly accelerate your progress
with your goals and your releasing.
If you do the exercises throughout this course with someone else, you will be asking each other
the questions or leading each other through the explorations. All you need to do is be as present
as you can with your partner and read the questions from the workbook. Grant your partner the
authority of his or her self-knowledge by allowing your partner to have his/her own experience.
When you are facilitating your partner in letting go, do your best to let go, too. This will
happen naturally if you are open to it. Allow your partner to go as deeply into the process as he
or she chooses. Refrain from leading, judging your partner’s responses, or giving him/her advice.
It is not your job to “fix” your partner.
Refrain from discussing the explorations until you and your partner have both completed the
exercise. Be sure to validate your partner’s point of view, even if it does not agree with your
own. Your partner may say, “I’m sad,” when you believe he/she actually feels angry, for instance.
Therefore, help them release on sadness. Honor your partner by accepting what he/she tells you
at face value. A common disagreement between partners is whether there has or has not been a
full release. You may believe your partner needs to continue releasing on a topic, even though
he/she is telling you, “I feel good. I’m done.” Again, as tempting as it may be, it is inappropriate
to impose your feelings and interpretations on your partner.
If your partner is struggling with releasing or has answered “no” to the releasing questions,
there are two quick and easy ways to help them get unstuck.
The first is to ask them: “Would you like to change that you said no or are having a hard time
letting go?” If so: “Could you let go of wanting to change it?” This is employing step 5 of
the Method.
Alternatively, or if this does not work, ask them, “Could you allow yourself to hold onto that
for a moment?” This may cause them to let go right away. If they still need more encouragement,
you can follow with this question, “Now could you let this go?” When you give someone
permission to hold on, it often creates the inner space for them to let go much more easily.
All the exercises in this workbook are designed to either be done with a partner or on your
own. If you are doing the exercises on your own, you can ask yourself the questions in the first
person if you would like. It is also recommended that you write your responses down. Writing
them down helps to objectify your responses and also makes it easier to pick up where you left
off. With the two-part back and forth questions, you may want to simply draw a line down the
center of a page and put each set of questions at the top of a column and then go back and forth
between them, writing down and then releasing on each individual response. This is very similar
to the Likes/Dislikes Process and Advantages/Disadvantages Process from The Sedona Method
Please refrain from playing the role of counselor or therapist—even if you’re a trained
counselor or therapist—during the entire course. Also, if your partner brings up a medical
condition that would ordinarily require treatment from a trained health care professional, suggest
that he/she gets whatever support is needed in this area. If you’re not sure whether or not your
partner truly needs medical support, you can suggest it anyhow, just to be sure.

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CD 2

What Is Your Heart’s

Deepest Desire?
Before finalizing the goal(s) you have for this course, please spend a few minutes working
on the following exercise. You can do this exercise with the assistance of a partner, by asking
the questions of yourself in the first person or by listening to this process as many times as you
would like on the CD’s.
The purpose of this process is multiple.
• It will strengthen Step 1 of the Method by helping you to increase your desire for
freedom. Lester used to suggest that we convert all our desires into the desire for
freedom. He believed that every desire brought us suffering, even if, and when, it was
fulfilled. Only our discovery of our true nature would quench the suffering of lack. This
is part of the reason that letting go of your desires can have such a profoundly positive
impact on your life.
• This process will also help you to become clearer about your true goals and life purpose.
Most of us suppress our desires because of our judgments about them, including the ones
we have developed from using the Method and hearing that “want” equates to “lack.”
We also take on the desires and aspirations of others—parents, friends, relatives, and
bosses—as though they were our own. It is very helpful to know what you truly want, as
opposed to what you feel you are supposed to, or should, want. Once you are clear about
your true desires, you can either allow yourself to have them or let them go.
• The unreleased and unsatisfied desires we hold in mind are one of the key sources of our
resistance and general suffering. By using the following process to get clear on what you
truly want and to let go of everything else, you will find your resistance melting away and
being replaced by true happiness and the peace of being.
Step 1: Ask yourself: What is your/my heart’s deepest desire? Allow yourself to be as
truthful as possible. The less you censor and the more honest you are in your
responses, the more you will get out of this process.
Step 2: Ask yourself: Which want is this coming from? Is it wanting approval, wanting
to control, wanting security, wanting separation or wanting oneness? Whichever
want(s) it is, simply ask yourself: Could you/I let that go? And, of course, do your
best to let go.
Step 3: Ask yourself: Could you/I let go of wanting ______ (your desire) as best you can?
Then do your best to let it go. Remember to allow yourself to do this as best you
can. You will find yourself easily letting go of some desires; others you’ll find more
difficult. With still others, you’ll discover that the only way you feel willing to let go
is through the action of achieving them.

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Step 4: Start again from Step 1. If the same desire arises more than once, simply repeat the
steps as though it was the first time you’ve done them. Many items often come up
more than once, if you are being honest.
Continue doing this process in this way until you feel complete or you are simply ready to put
it aside for the moment. You may want to write down your responses to Step 1 that you feel you
would like to achieve rather than simply release, so you can refer back to them later.
Whatever desires you are unwilling or unable to release may be set up as goals for the
remainder of the course and your life.
Lester suggested that we either let go of our desires or achieve them through releasing. We
only get into trouble when we keep ourselves in the agony of lack.

Notes, Gains & Insights:

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CD 3

The Goals Process

Once you have spent some time working through the What Is Your Heart’s Deepest Desire
Process, spend some time wording at least two goals—your one month goal and your life goal—
into goal statements using the following guidelines. You can work with them on your own or
simply use the recording about goals each time you would like to go deeper on your goal.
Remember, whatever goals you start with may change as the course progresses. Just simply
be honest with yourself without over thinking or over tweaking the goals if you feel you need to
reword them.

Wording a Goal Statement

1. Phrase your goal in the NOW—as though it is already achieved. Phrasing it as a future
event tends to keep it always out of reach in the future.
2. Phrase the goal positively. Put in what you want, not what you don’t want. Your goal
statement should reflect the end result that you want to achieve. Avoid including anything
you want to get rid of in your statement, because keeping in mind what you don’t want
creates it.
3. Your goal should feel realistic and right for you. It should seem possible, with a sense of
“I can have it!”
4. Include yourself in the statement in relationship to the goal.
5. Be precise and concise. Use as few words as possible, while being sure to make it a
complete statement of what you want. Choose the exact words that convey a specific
meaning to you.
6. Be specific, but not limiting. Leave things as open as possible to allow for results to be
upgraded from what you initially project.
7. Word your goal to facilitate letting go.
8. Eliminate the word “want.”
9. State the end result, not the means of achieving it. Possible actions you may take would
more appropriately go on the reverse side of your Goal Chart.
10. Focus on one goal per statement. Don’t diffuse your energy by creating multiple goals.

Effortless Creation - 11
Sample Goal Statements
NOTE: These can be used as a basis for creating your own individual goal statements. Simply
adjust the final wording to reflect your particular situation.

I allow myself to run my (business, department) efficiently and successfully.
I allow myself to release with ease throughout my workday.
I allow myself to easily have and enjoy the best job for me at this time in my (life/career).
I allow myself easily to find and develop a career that will greatly utilize my creative abilities
(and/or skills) and that will provide abundant financial rewards.

I allow my relationship with ____________ to be ____________ (choose from the following
list: easy, relaxed, comfortable, friendly, harmonious, loving, constructive, supportive, open,
honest, kindly, or mutually beneficial).
I allow myself to easily and effectively communicate with my ____________ (choose the
appropriate category: spouse, co-workers, boss, subordinates, children, friends, or insert a
person’s name).
I allow my situation with ____________ to be resolved with fairness and mutuality for all
I allow myself to love and accept (or forgive) myself (or ____________ ).

I allow myself easily to achieve and maintain my ideal body weight.
I allow myself to enjoy eating foods that keep my body slender, healthy, and fit.

I allow myself to release naturally and with ease.
I allow myself to sleep well and awake, refreshed and well-rested at ________ A.M.

Effortless Creation - 12
I allow myself to establish and maintain a lifestyle easily and cheerfully that promotes good
health and fitness.
I allow myself to enjoy being a non-smoker.
I allow myself to support ____________ lovingly in his/her growth (and freedom).
I allow ____________ to have what he/she want for him/herself.

Goal Statements
Take the goal(s) and convert them into goal statements here, using the guidelines for correct
wording on the previous pages. Work on these goal(s) throughout the course.

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Goal Chart Instructions

Step 1: Write your goal at the top of a blank piece of paper, using correct wording. (See
Wording A Goal Statement.)
Step 2: Read the goal silently or aloud and, below the goal, write down the first thought or
feeling that comes to mind in relationship to it.
Step 3: Ask yourself which want underlies the thought or feeling, using this question: Does
that come from a sense of wanting approval, control, or security? Make a note
of which want it is by writing an abbreviation next to the question. For wanting
approval, write w/a. For wanting to control, write w/c. For wanting security, write
w/s. If more than one want is stirred up, simply write down all the appropriate
Step 4: Release any wants that are stirred up in the NOW moment about the feeling or
thought that you wrote down. Simply ask: Could I let go of wanting the approval,
control or security? As you let go of a given want, cross it out or check it off.
Step 5: Repeat Steps 2 through 4 until you feel courageousness, acceptance or peace about
your goal. Once you’re feeling one of these higher emotional states, you can be
confident that you’ve taken off a layer of limitation about that particular goal. You
then have three options of what to do in Step 6.
Step 6: Your first option is to continue repeating the process above in order to eliminate
several more layers of limitation about that particular goal. Your second option is
to put your Goal Chart down for now and go about your life. Do your best to let go
whenever you think about your goal during the day. Your third option is to continue
your Goal Chart by working on the The Action Step Process.

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Goal Chart
My goal(s):

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Goal Chart
My goal(s):

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CD 4

Needs and Desires

When we pursue any goal, we are often doing this based on deeper needs and desires that we
may not have identified. These needs and desires may be pulling at cross purposes to each other.
They may also represent deeper or truer goals that are not always obvious.
The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to release all the needs and desires that are
conflicting with each other or with your goal. The other purpose is to allow you to discover if
your goal is actually your goal or if there is a deeper more appropriate goal that is right for you.
With this and every partnership, please always follow the general guidelines, as well as these
specific guidelines.
You can simply use the audio recordings as many times as you would like to work through
this process and/or you can do this on your own or with a partner.
Questions to ask your partner or yourself:
1. “What need or desire do you/I believe will be satisfied by achieving this goal?”
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of your need or desire for (whatever the response was to question
number 1)?”
1. “What needs or desires do you/I believe you/I will have to deny or be frustrated in order
to achieve this goal?”
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of wanting to deny that need or desire?”
This is one round. Now switch and have your partner ask you the same questions or simply
repeat this process with yourself alternating between each set of questions until you feel
complete with the process.
After you are done working, take some time to re-evaluate the focus and wording of your goal(s).

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CD 7

Breaking Rules

When we pursue any goal, we are often doing this based on believing that there are rules we
need to follow and rules we need to break. These rules may be pulling in opposite directions
from each other. They may also simply be made up, as most rules are.
The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to release all rules that are conflicting with each
other or with your goal. It is also very liberating to simply move beyond the world of rules. With
this and every partnership, please always follow the general guidelines as well as these specific
You can simply use the audio recordings as many times as you would like to work through
this process and/or you can do this on your own or with a partner.
Questions to ask yourself or your partner:
1. “What rule do you/I believe you/I will have to break in order to get your goal?”
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of wanting to break (whatever rule they replied)?”
1. “What rule do you believe you/I need to conform to in order to get your goal?
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you let go of wanting to conform to that rule?”
This is one round. Now switch and have your partner ask you the same questions or simply
repeat this process with yourself alternating between each set of questions until you feel
complete with the process.
After you are done working, take some time to re-evaluate the focus and wording of your goal(s).

Notes, Gains & Insights:

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CD 8


When we pursue any goal, we often run the gauntlet of conflicting beliefs that may be pulling
at cross purposes to each other. They may also simply be made up, as most beliefs are.
The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to release all beliefs that are conflicting with each
other or with your goal. It is also very liberating to simply move beyond the world of believing.
After all, would you rather believe you are a success or would you rather simply be successful?
With this and every partnership, please always follow the general guidelines, as well as these
specific guidelines.
You can simply use the audio recordings as many times as you would like to work through
this process and/or you can do this on your own or with a partner.
Questions to ask yourself or your partner:
1. “What beliefs do you/I believe or have that will cause you/me to fail?”
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of wanting to believe that again?”
1. “What beliefs do you/I believe or have that will cause you/me to succeed?
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of wanting to believe that again?”
This is one round. Now switch and have your partner ask you the same questions or simply
repeat this process with yourself alternating between each set of questions until you feel
complete with the process.
After you are done working, take some time to re-evaluate the focus and wording of your goal(s).

Notes, Gains & Insights:

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CD 9

Accepting What
We Already Have
One of the biggest blocks to creating what we desire and feeling the way we would like to
feel is our resistance or wanting to change what we already have—what is already here now. By
letting go of resisting and wanting to change what we have, we free ourselves to accept what is,
which is a very powerful springboard to creation.
With this and every partnership, please always follow the general guidelines, as well as these
specific guidelines.
You can simply use the audio recordings as many times as you would like to work through
this process and/or you can do this on your own or with a partner.
Questions to ask yourself or your partner:
1. “Is there anything about what you/I already have that you are/I am resisting or wanting
to change?”
2. “Could you/I let go of resisting or wanting to change that?”
3. “What is something about what you/I already have that you/I would be willing
to accept?”
4. “Could you/I allow yourself/myself to welcome or embrace that feeling of acceptance?”
This is one round. Now switch and have your partner ask you the same questions or simply
repeat this process with yourself, alternating between each set of questions until you feel
complete with the process.
After you are done working, take some time to re-evaluate the focus and wording of your goal(s).

Notes, Gains & Insights:

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Letting Go of Our
Partents’ Approval
We all have a tendency to live in reaction to our parents in many ways. We either model after
them or try not to be like them. We either take actions to get their approval or we rebel and take
actions to have them disapprove. This exercise will help you to stop living your life based on
reacting to your parents beliefs, needs, desires and rules and start living the life that you choose.
With this and every partnership, please always follow the general guidelines, as well as these
specific guidelines.
You can simply use the audio recordings as many times as you would like to work through
this process and/or you can do this on your own or with a partner.
Questions to ask yourself or your partner:
1. “What have you/I done or not done in order to get your/my parents’ approval in
relationship to your/my goals?”
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of that feeling of attraction?”
1. “What have you/I done or not done in order to get your/my parents disapproval in
relationship to your/my goals?”
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of that feeling of wanting disapproval?”
This is one round. Now switch and have your partner ask you the same questions or simply
repeat this process with yourself, alternating between each set of questions until you feel
complete with the process.
After you are done working, take some time to re-evaluate the focus and wording of your goal(s).

Notes, Gains & Insights:

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CD 10

Attraction and
We all live in a sea of conflicting attachments and aversions. These attachments and aversions
translate on a feeling level to feeling either pulled towards, that is, feeling attracted to the objects
of perception, or pulling away and feeling repulsed by the same or other objects.
The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to release all the attractions and repulsions that
are preventing you from achieving your goal. It is also an extremely powerful point in freeing
yourself to have it all and to simply be.
With this and every partnership, please always follow the general guidelines, as well as these
specific guidelines.
You can simply use the audio recordings as many times as you would like to work through
this process and/or you can do this on your own or with a partner.
Questions to ask yourself or your partner:
1. “What do you/I find attractive about this goal?”
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of that feeling of attraction?”
1. “What do you/I find repulsive about this goal?
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of that feeling of repulsion?”
This is one round. Now switch and have your partner ask you the same questions or simply
repeat this process with yourself alternating between each set of questions until you feel
complete with the process.
After you are done working, take some time to re-evaluate the focus and wording of your goal(s).

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CD 12

Fear and Fantasy

Most of allow our fear and our lust to prevent us from achieving what we desire. Our fear
prevents us from acting, and our lust will often cause us to fantasize about how great a goal is
going to be to attain, rather than moving into courage and actually creating it. Our lust will often
get us to take actions that are either unnecessary or inappropriate.
The purpose of this exercise is to allow you to release all the fears and fantasies that are
preventing you from achieving your goals. It is also a relief to free yourself from the limits of
fear and the pitfalls of fantasy. After all, would you rather fantasize about success or would you
rather simply be successful?
With this and every partnership, please always follow the general guidelines as well as these
specific guidelines.
You can simply use the audio recordings as many times as you would like to work through
this process and/or you can do this on your own or with a partner.
Questions to ask yourself or your partner:
1. “What is your/my deepest fear about achieving this goal?”
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you/I let that want go?”
4. “Could you/I let go of wanting or expecting that to happen?”
1. “What is your/my biggest fantasy about achieving this goal?
2. “Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”
3. “Could you let that want go?”
4. “Could you let go of wanting that fantasy?”
This is one round. Now switch and have your partner ask you the same questions or simply
repeat this process with yourself alternating between each set of questions until you feel
complete with the process.
After you are done working, take some time to re-evaluate the focus and wording of your goal(s).

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CD 13

Action Step Brainstorm

An important step in achieving your goals is getting into action. In this exercise, you simply
list the potential steps you can take to achieve your goal. You can start this process with your
partner or do it on your own as you work each day on your goals. You can also just listen to this
process on the CD’s as often as you feel is appropriate and helpful.
Step One:
Ask your partner or yourself each of the following questions one at a time as Step One, then
go to Step Two on each. It is recommended that you or your partner write each response down so
that you can pursue that action if appropriate after you have released.
• What is the most outrageous thing you/I could do or that could happen in order to achieve
this goal?
• What is the simplest and most obvious thing you/I can do or that could happen to achieve
this goal?
These first two questions can be used to help explore the actions you plan to take every day.
You can simply add the word “today” at the end of the sentence.
Picture each of these people sitting right in front of you, as best you can, and then ask them
for their advice about the appropriate actions for your goal using the following questions.
• If your/my best friend was sitting right here in front of you/me, what would they advise
you/me to do?
• If your/my mentor or an industry expert was sitting right here in front of you/me, what
would they advise you/me to do?
• If your/my teacher was sitting right here in front of you/me, what would they advise you/
me to do?
• If your/my mother was sitting right here in front of you/me, what would she advise you/
me to do?
• If your/my father was sitting right here in front of you/me, what would he advise you/me
to do?
Step Two:
Then ask, “What are you/am I feeling?”
“Is that coming from a wanting control, approval, security, separation or oneness?”

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Step Three:
“Could you let that want go?”
Step Four:
Now begin again with Step One with a new question.
Repeat until you have gone through all the questions in Step One.
This is one round. Now switch and have your partner ask you the same questions or simply
repeat this process with yourself using as many questions as you would like. If you are doing this
regularly once through, it is probably more than enough for each sitting. Alternatively, you can
simply take just one of these questions and go through the steps several times in each releasing
After you are done working, take some time to re-evaluate the focus and wording of your
goal(s) and record the new action steps you have discovered. Plan how you will put them into
action, if appropriate.

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The Action Step
Process Instructions
Step 1: Write your goal statement at the top of the page, using full wording.
Step 2: After you read the goal silently, ask yourself: What actions do I believe I need to take
to achieve this goal? Then, on separate lines, write down any actions that come to
mind. A few will usually pop into your awareness right away.
Step 3: On the line next to the particular action, write down any thoughts and feelings you
have about taking it.
Step 4: Ask yourself which want underlies the thought or feeling, using this question: Does
that come from a sense of wanting approval, control or security? Make a note of
the want, as you did with your Goal Chart, by writing an abbreviation next to the
question: w/a (approval), w/c (control), and w/s (security). If more than one want is
stirred up, simply write down all the appropriate abbreviations.
Step 5: Let go of any wants that are stirred up in the NOW moment about the feeling or
thought that you wrote down. Use the question: Could I let go of wanting approval,
control or security? As you let go of a given want, cross it out or check it off.
Continue to release on each action step until you feel courageousness, acceptance or
Step 6: Repeat Steps 2 through 5 until you’ve completed The Action Step Process for all
the actions you’ve listed. If you’re pressed for time, you can spend a few minutes
completing the process on a few actions and return later to complete the remainder of
them. But spend at least as much time as it takes to feel courageous about every step
you do work on.
Step 7: Where appropriate, get into action. In addition, make sure to continue to release
before, during, and after you take your action steps.

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The Action Step Process
My goal(s):

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The Action Step Process
My goal(s):

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This course, like all of our seminars, either live or through various media, is designed to be a
beginning or an opening into greater freedom, clarity and abundance, and joy.
Each time you take yourself through this process, either working with the exercises in this
workbook and/or listening to the recordings, you will get more out of it.
Since we first offered this course as a live seminar in New York City and San Francisco, the
results that participants have achieved have increased over time as they continued their regular
releasing process or continued to work with these specific materials. Many participants reported
achieving both life and short-term goals much more quickly and easily than they ever imagined
was possible.
We are sure that if you apply what you have learned in this program in your life, you will
continue to experience benefits from this course for many years to come.
If you haven’t already, please visit our Worldwide Releasing Community at
and click on Releasing Community.
If you enjoyed listening to these recordings and you have not yet experienced one of our live
seminars, we highly encourage you to make the time to experience The Sedona Method first-
hand in a seminar environment.
Yes, you can have it all with Effortless Creation and your participation in this course has set
you well on your way.
I wish you much love, joy, abundance, and success in all your endeavors.

Hale Dwoskin

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Effortless Creation Gains
We hope that you have enjoyed this course and invite you to send us your personal gains
achieved as a result of participating in the Effortless Creation exercises. You can mail your gains
to: Sedona Training Associates, 60 Tortilla Drive, Sedona, Arizona 86336 or fax them to:

Name: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code: _____________________________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________

I hereby grant you the right to publish these gains, my name, and location in order to support
sharing the Sedona Method®.


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