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Y ardlong bean

Production Selection
Yardlong bean (Vigna unguiculata ssp. At an early stage when pod color and desir-
sesquipedalis) grows best under warm tem- able characters can be easily seen, select
peratures (25–35 °C) and full sunlight. Most those healthy plants and mark them for seed
varieties are day-neutral plants that flower production. Rogue out diseased plants.
all year-round.
Isolation Allow pods to dry brown before harvesting.
Yardlong bean produces perfect, self-polli- The first harvest will be 8–10 weeks after
nating flowers. Cross-pollination by insects sowing, followed by 2–3 harvests per week
is possible but rare as self-pollination oc- during the 6–8 week season. Cut pods with
curs before the flower opens (the opening a sharp knife to minimize plant damage.
anthers push up against the stigma). Isola- Pods that are harvested 20 days after polli-
tion is not necessary. nation will give the maximum seed quality.

Pods are dried in the sun for approximately
3 days (Fig. 52). For small amounts, pods
may be opened by hand. For large amounts,
hang the pods in a burlap bag and beat them
with a stick, or put on the floor and walk on
them. Remove large chaff by hand or win-
nowing. Discard blemished and shriveled
seeds. Place remaining seeds under shade
for 1–2 weeks for further drying.

Fig. 51. Yardlong bean pods

Fig. 52. Yardlong bean pods hung in bundles
for drying

24 | Saving Your Own Vegetable Seeds

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