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IS 875 (PART 3): 2015
[IS 875 (PART 3): 2015] - [STATIC METHOD]

DESIGN WIND PRESSURE: (Pz) [Clause 7.2 - Page 9]

Pz = 0.6 × Vz 2
Pz = Design Wind Pressure at Height z (N/m2)
Vz = Design Wind Velocity at Height z (m/s)
Z = Wind pressure and Wind velocity at level of height.

DESIGN WIND VELOCITY: (Vz) [Clause 6.3 - Page 5]

Vz = Vb × k1 × k2 × k3 × k4
Vb = Design Wind Speed at Height z (m/s)
Speed at 10m height for some important cities/towns, based
on the city/town choose Vb value. [Annex A - Page 51]
k1 = Probability Factor (Risk Coefficient)
The k1 is based on Wind Speed (Vz) value obtained from the
Fig. 1 (or) Annex A, k1 value has to be taken from the Table 1. [Clause 6.3.1- Page 5]
k2 = Terrain Roughness & Height Factor
The k2 is based on Terrain, Aerodynamic Roughness Height
and again these are again divided into 4 categories. Choose a category which suits the
building obstruction position and find the value from the ground level accordingly. The
values of heights are mentioned are multiples of 5 & 10, if the value needed is not
mentioned in the Table 2 use linear interpolation method. [Clause 6.3.2- Page 5]
k3 = Topography Factor
The k3 is based on Topography, site when the upwind slope
(θ) is less than 3ᵒ, then the value is 1 and if the slope is more than 3ᵒ then the value lies
between 1.0 to 1.36. If the value is found to be greater than 1.0 then for the value, need to
check Annex C. [Clause 6.3.3- Page 8]
k4 = Importance Factor for the Cyclonic Region.
The k4 is based on frequencies of occurrence of cyclones in
east and west coasts. According to code the buildings are of many types. So, based the
type of building choose k4 value. [Clause 6.3.4- Page 8]
Jaswanth Reddy Idamakanti Jr. Design Engineer

August 17, 2018 1

1. These wind loads are applicable from the ground floor only, no matter how
many cellars are going to be constructed.
2. The k1 value depends mainly on the parameters like Class of structure, Design
life of structure (years) & Wind Speed (Vb).
3. The k2 value plays a vital role in calculating design Wind Velocity (VZ), the
values are by default calculating from the ground floor.
4. The special care has to be taken while selecting category for k2 value.
5. Better to calculate the k2 values floor wise (or) atleast 2 floors from the Ground
Floor only.
For Example:
k2 @ 7.5 m, i.e @ 00.000 m from Ground level
k2 @ 13.48 m, i.e @ 06.879 m from Ground level
k2 @ 19.18 m, i.e @ 12.165 m from Ground level
k2 @ 24.88 m, i.e @ 17.711 m from Ground level
k2 @ 28.82 m, i.e @ 21.589 m from Ground level

NOTE: RED with BOLD indicates heights from Foundation nodes.

GREEN with ITALICIZED indicates heights from Ground level nodes.

6. In the code IS 875 (Part-3) 2015, the Table 2 has different heights in non-
decimal values. Use linear interpolation method manually (or) electronically. The manual
method of interpolation is included in ANNEX J.
7. The k4 value may not be important in all cities/towns mentioned in Annex A,
but for few cities like Gujarat etc., this value has a special importance.

A typical calculation of wind pressure for a live project is as follows with
original conditions (No Assumptions made here). [STATIC METHOD]
• Client Name: Mrs. Sujatha devi.
• Project title: Proposed commercial building.
• Location: Rehmath Nagar (Hyderabad)
• Software: STAAD.Pro

Jaswanth Reddy Idamakanti Jr. Design Engineer

August 17, 2018 2

CLIENT NAME: Mrs. Sujatha devi (Revision -1)
LOCATION: Rehmath Nagar (Hyderabad) REFERENCE

DATE: 11 FEB 19 PAGE: 1 of 3

Design Wind Velocity: (Vz) (m/s) [Clause 6.3 - Page 5]
Vz = V b × k 1 × k 2 × k 3 × k 4
• Vb = Design Wind Speed at Height z (m/s) [Clause 6.2 - Page 51]
Basic wind speed at 10m height for Rehmath Nagar ANNEX A

(Hyderabad) is taken as 44m/s.

Vb = 44m/s.
• k1 = Probability Factor (Risk Coefficient) [Clause 6.3.1 - Page 7]
This value depends on class of structure which is a general Table 1
commercial building, Life of structure is 50 years and Wind Speed is
k1 = 1.0.
• k2 = Terrain Roughness & Height Factor [Clause –
The site is situated in well scattered obstructions. Therefore Page 8]
category 2 had chosen. Table 2
k2 @ 7.663 m, i.e @ 00.000 m from Ground level = 0.000
k2 @ 13.2 m, i.e @ 06.000 m from Ground level = 1.032 Always calculate the
heights from footing
k2 @ 19.2 m, i.e @ 12.000 m from Ground level = 1.0668
nodes. only.
k2 @ 25.15 m, i.e @ 17.950 m from Ground level = 1.09575

NOTE: Ground level is just

1. RED with BOLD indicates heights from Foundation nodes. for Reference only.
2. GREEN with ITALICIZED indicates heights from Ground level
3. All the heights are in decimals, these are calculated according to The overall height of
the linear interpolation method. the building starts
4. All the k2 values are calculated based on the ground level heights. from Supports only.
5. All the heights are in meters which are taken from STAAD.Pro,
the following pictures gives the clarity.

Jaswanth Reddy Idamakanti Jr. Design Engineer

August 17, 2018 3

CLIENT NAME: Mrs. Sujatha devi (Revision -1)
LOCATION: Rehmath Nagar (Hyderabad) REFERENCE

DATE: 11 FEB 19 PAGE: 2 of 3

Horizontal Line
Indicates Ground

Never Consider the

Fig.1 Heights from the Foundation Nodes
Heights from
Ground Level, all
consider from
Supports only

Horizontal Line
Indicates Ground

Fig.2 Heights from the Ground Level.

Jaswanth Reddy Idamakanti Jr. Design Engineer

August 17, 2018 4

CLIENT NAME: Mrs. Sujatha devi (Revision -1)
LOCATION: Rehmath Nagar (Hyderabad) REFERENCE

DATE: 11 FEB 19 PAGE: 3 of 3

• k3 = Topography Factor [Clause -

According to the site topography, the upwind slope (θ) is Page 8]
less than 3ᵒ, then the value is 1
K3 = 1.0.
• k4 = Importance Factor for the Cyclonic Region. [Clause 6.3.4 –
The class of structure is a general commercial building. So, Page 8]
according to the code it comes under the other structure category.
K4 = 1.0.

Design Wind Velocity: (Vz) (m/s)

Vz = Vb × k1 × k2 × k3 × k4

V7.663 = 44 × 1 × 0 × 1 × 1 = 0 m/s

V13.2 = 44 × 1 × 1.032 × 1 × 1 = 45.408 m/s

V19.2 = 44 × 1 × 1.0668 × 1 × 1 = 46.9392 m/s

V25.15 = 44 × 1 × 1.09575 × 1 × 1 = 48.213 m/s

[Clause 7.2 - Page 9]

Design Wind Pressure: (Pz)

Pz = 0.6 × Vz2

P7.663 = 0.6 × (0)2 = 0 N/m2 = 0 kN/m2

P13.2 = 0.6 × (45.408)2 = 1237.1 N/m2 = 1.231 kN/m2

P19.2 = 0.6 × (46.9392)2 = 1321.9 N/m2 = 1.3219 kN/m2

P25.15 = 0.6 × (48.213)2 = 1394.6 N/m2 = 1.3946 kN/m2

Jaswanth Reddy Idamakanti Jr. Design Engineer

August 17, 2018 5



Interpolation for 12m to find out the k2 value. FOR EXAMPLE, ONLY

Sl No. Terrain and Height

Height of structure from Ground Level at level z
Multiplier (k2)
1 10 1.0
2 12 -
3 15 1.05

= 0.02

The k2 (1 + x) i.e 1 + 0.02.

k2 Value = 1.020

For any Suggestions/Help please drop a mail here:

Jaswanth Reddy Idamakanti Jr. Design Engineer

August 17, 2018 6

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