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Brand Mechanism of Indication Contra- Classific Dosa Adverse Nursing

Name/Generic Action indication ation ge Effects consideration

Paliperidone (INV • specific •Treat-ment • Adults Anti- 6 mg • Neurole • Monitor BP
EGA, INVEGA mechanism of of with d psychotic OD ptic and weight.
Sustenna) action is schizophren ementi Maligna • Check for
unknown ia and then a have nt signs of
• paliperidone for bipolar- an Syndro tardive
and risperidone mania. increas me dyskinesia and
act via similar, if ed risk Tardive report
not identical, of Dyskine immediately
pathways death sia to the
• Therapeutic during • Hyperpr physician.
effect may be treatm olactine • Health
due to a ent mia, teachings
combination and Complic given such as:
of D2 and 5- have a ations • Avoid getting
HT2A receptor a greater associat too cold, or
ntagonism. chance ed with becoming
• Antagonist of pre- overheated or
effect at α1 and having existing dehydrated.
α2 adrenergic a strok narrowi • Avoid
receptors and at e or ng or activities that
H1 histamine mini blockag require mental
receptors.[1] stroke e of the alertness.
• Does not bind during gastroint • Use sugarless
to muscarinic treatm estinal candy or
acetylcholine ent. tract gums.
receptors. • May • Extrapyr • Change
cause amidal position
patient effects -- slowly.
s to persisten
becom t
e more moveme
sensiti nt
ve to disorder
extrem s or
e muscle
temper disturba
atures nces,
such such as
as restlessn
very ess,
hot or tremors,
cold and
enviro muscle
nment stiffness.

Brand Mechanism of Indication Contraindicatio Classific Dos Adverse Effects Nursing

Name/Generic Action n ation age consideration
Divalproex • Works by • Monothera • Patients • Anti 250 • unexplained • Monitor for
sodium affecting py and with manic mg weakness seizures and vital
(Depakote) sodium adjunctive hepatic • Anti BID with vomiting signs such as BP,
channels in therapy in disease or epileptic and confusion RR, and PR.
the brain and the significan • Anticon or fainting; • Monitor hepatic
increasing the treatment of t hepatic vulsants • easy bruising studies.
amount of a patients with dysfuncti or bleeding, • Health
certain brain complex on blood in your teachings
chemical partial • Patients with urine; provided such as:
(GABA) seizures known • fever, sore • Taken with
• Treatment hypersensitivity throat, and meals or snacks
for manic to the drug. headache with to reduce
depressive • Patients with a severe stomach upset.
clients known urea blistering, • Mixed with any
cycle disorders peeling, and liquid or added to
red skin rash; food for a better
• fever, chills, taste.
body aches, • Avoid activities
flu symptoms; that require
• urinating less mental alertness
than usual;
• hallucinations
(seeing things
that aren't
• extreme
lack of

• double vision
or back-and-
movements of
the eyes.

Brand Mechanism of Indication Contraindicatio Classific Dos Adverse Effects Nursing

Name/Generic Action n ation age consideration
Ascorbic acid • Works as • Prevention • High vitamin C • Vitamin 500 • Kidney stones due • Health
an electron of scurvy. levels have been mg to overdosage teachings
donor, • Lower risk associated with OD provided such as:
meaning that of cardiovas high iron stores • Increase fluid
it gives an cular in the body, a intake
electron to disease. condition that
other molecul • Enhance ir may be
es in the body on absorptio associated with
in order to n. chronic diseases
allow such
chemical as diabetes and
reactions to heart disease.
occur. By
doing this,
vitamin C
works as an

Brand Mechanism of Indication Contraindicatio Classific Dos Adverse Effects Nursing

Name/Generic Action n ation age consideration
Carbamazepine • Decreases • Reduces • Hypersensitivit • Anticon • Dangerously low • Administer
(Tegretol, synaptic anxiety, y vulstant red and white blood medication with
Tegretol XR , transmission irritability, • Kidney disease cell counts food to minimize
Equetro, in the CNS by elation • Cardiovascular • Severe skin gastric irritation.
Carbatrol) affecting • Impulse disease reactions can occur • Instruct patient
sodium control • Seizure • Serious liver to take around
channels in behavior disorder, abnormalities, such the clock, exactly
neurons myasthenia as hepatitis, resulting as directed. If a
gravis in jaundice dose is missed,
• Dehydration • Low sodium levels take as soon as
• Hypothyroidis and thyroid possible but not
m abnormalities have just before next
been described. dose; do not
double doses.
• Medication
should be
discontinued to
prevent seizures.
• Instruct that
fever, sore throat,
mouth ulcers,
easy bruising,
unusual bleeding,
abdominal pain,
chills, rash, pale
stools, dark urine
or jaundice
should be
• Advise not to
take alcohol or
other CNS
concurrently with
this medication.
• Caution to use
sunscreen and
• Encourage
frequent mouth
rinses, good oral
hygiene, and
sugarless gum or

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