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Student’s Roll No…………………….

Subject Code: ENVS

(To be written before writing any answer)


Full Marks: 40
Time: 2 Hrs
Students should answer in their own words as far as practicable

1. Answer ANY TEN Questions of the following (10 X 1 = 10)

i) The uppermost layer of the atmosphere is called
a) The Exosphere b) The Troposphere
c) The Ionosphere d) The Biosphere
ii) The Bhopal gas tragedy is associated with the leakage of
a) CO2 b) SO2
c) Methyl isocyanate d) None of these
iii) The largest area in India is covered by
a) Tropical green forest b) Hills
c) Tropical deciduous forest d) None of these
iv) The primary producer in an ecosystem is
a) Carnivores b) Omnivores
c) Green plants d) Herbivores
v) The term ecosystem was coined by
a) A. Tansley b) E. P. Odum
c) Watson d) Darwin
vi) The ‘Chipko Movement’ in India is related to
a) Agricultural Conservation b) Forest Conservation
c) Industrial Revolution d) Water Conservation
vii) Which of the following is NOT considered to be a habitat?
a) Fresh water b) Marine
c) Terrestrial d) Barren rock
viii) Which one of the following is added to purify water in big cities?
a) Calcium carbonate b) Sodium
c) Lime d) Chlorine
ix) With which of these animals is the Manas Sanctuary associated?
a) Buffaloes b) Cows
c) Deer d) Rhinoceros
x) The full form of PAN is
a) Peroxyacyl nitrate b) Peroxyacetyl nitrate
b) Pesticide associated nitrate d) Peracyl nitrate

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xi) The First International Conference on Environment was held in
a) New Delhi b) New York
c) Stockholm d) Kyoto
Subject Code: ENVS

xii) Which one among the following in NOT ex-situ preservation?

a) A Pond ecosystem b) A Botanical garden
c) A Zoo garden d) A Greenhouse
xiii) Red data book gives us the information about
a) Endangered animals, birds and plants
b) Endangered plants only
c) Biological evolution
d) Polluted areas
xiv) The largest ozone hole has been detected in the atmosphere over
a) India b) Antarctica
c) Australia d) USA
xv) The main sources of acid rain are
a) Oxides of sulphur b) Oxides of nitrogen
c) Both SO2 and NOx d) HCF

2. Answer ANY TEN of the following (10 X 2 = 20)

i) Mention symptoms of Arsenic poisoning due to prolonged intake of Arsenic
contaminated water.
ii) What are conventional and non – conventional energy sources?
iii) Name two Rhinoceros projects in West Bengal.
iv) Name three sources of odour pollution.
v) Between Amoeba and an ant, which one according to you is more advanced and why?
vi) What is primary productivity in an ecosystem?
vii) Define photochemical smog.
viii) Mention the function of the ozone layer in the atmosphere.
ix) What is a wetland? Name two important wetlands in India.
x) What is de-nitrification?
xi) State the factors which determine the size of a population.
xii) What in meant by genetic erosion?
3. Answer ANY TWO of the following (in 100 words) (2 X 5 = 10)
i) State the consequences of the greenhouse effect.
ii) Illustrate biomagnification with suitable examples.
iii) What are r and k selected species? State their differences.

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