Components of Task Switching A Closer Look at Task Switching and Cue Switching

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Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196

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Components of task switching: A closer look at task switching and

cue switching
Florian Schmitz a,⁎, Andreas Voss b
Institute of Psychology, Ulm University, Ulm, Germany
Institute of Psychology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Research using the diffusion model to decompose task-switching effects has contributed to a better understand-
Received 8 November 2013 ing of the processes underlying the observed effect in the explicit task cueing paradigm: Previous findings could
Received in revised form 13 June 2014 be reconciled with multiple component models of task switching or with an account on compound-cue retrieval/
Accepted 16 June 2014
repetition priming. In the present study, we used two cues for each task in order to decompose task-switch and
Available online 5 July 2014
cue-switch effects. Response time data support previous findings that comparable parts of the switching effect
PsychINFO classification:
can be attributed to cue-switching and task-switching. A diffusion model analysis of the data confirmed that
2320 Sensory Perception non-decision time is increased and drift rates are decreased in unpredicted task-switches. Importantly, it was
2330 Motor Processes shown that non-decision time was selectively increased in task-switching trials but not in cue-switching trials.
2340 Cognitive Processes Results of the present study specifically support the notion of additional processes in task-switches and can be
2240 Statistics & Mathematics reconciled with broader multiple component accounts.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Keywords: (
Task switching
Cue switching
Repetition priming
Diffusion model

1. Introduction must be activated in working memory before stimulus classification

can proceed. Hence, switching costs are interpreted as the time it
People usually find it more difficult to shift between mental tasks takes to prepare the new task-set, whereas increased error rates
rather than to repeat the same task. In laboratory experiments, task- are explained by failures to accomplish the task-set reconfiguration
switches are usually accompanied by increased response times (RTs) in time.
and decreased accuracy compared to task-repetitions. This difference Theories postulating an additional processing phase (or multiple
may be accounted for by task-switching costs and/or by benefits of rep- phases) for task-switch trials have been referred to as additional process
etition priming. We will briefly address both possibilities below. More accounts (De Jong, 2000; Rogers & Monsell, 1995; Rubinstein, Meyer, &
extensive reviews of task switching accounts can be found elsewhere Evans, 2001). According to this perspective, preparing for the next task
(e.g., see Kiesel et al., 2010; Vandierendonck, Liefooghe, & Verbruggen, is considered a top-down mechanism exerted by (executive)
2010, and Schmitz & Voss, 2012, for a discussion on how theoretical control functions (Baddeley, Chincotta, & Adlam, 2001; Miyake,
accounts could be mapped onto parameters of the diffusion model). Friedman, Emerson, Witzki, & Howerter, 2000), and a number of
ideas or metaphors are postulated on how task-set preparation
could proceed. These include re-programming the system (Ruthruff,
1.1. Task-switching costs
Remington, & Johnston, 2001), top-down biasing the relevant task-
demand units (Gilbert & Shallice, 2002), retrieving the new task set
According to models of task switching costs, task-set reconfiguration
from long-term memory and loading it into working memory
(TSR) and task-set inertia (TSI) are assumed to contribute to task-
(Goschke, 2000; Mayr & Kliegl, 2000, 2003) or loading it into the region
switching effects. The classical task-set reconfiguration account (Rogers
of direct access of procedural working memory (Risse & Oberauer,
& Monsell, 1995) assumes that in task-switch trials a new task set
2010). It was argued that the well-known cue–stimulus interval (CSI)
⁎ Corresponding author at: Institute of Psychology, Ulm University, 89081 Ulm,
effect denoting reduced switching costs when the CSI is long (e.g.,
Germany. Meiran, 1996) supports the view of task-set reconfiguration prior to
E-mail address: (F. Schmitz). stimulus onset.
0001-6918/© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196 185

Differently from this view, the classical account on task-set inertia task performance between task-repetition trials with either a cue
(TSI; Allport, Styles, & Hsieh, 1994; Allport & Wylie, 2000) assumes switch or a cue repeat. Pure task-switch effects denote the differ-
that switching costs result from proactive interference from previous ence between cue-switch trials with either a task-switch or a task
processing of a competing task. In support of the TSI account, it was repeat. Evidence obtained with the 2:1 mapping paradigm has sup-
shown that the adverse effects of proactive interference in the explicit ported the view that cue-switches contribute substantially to the
cueing paradigm are largest on trials directly succeeding task switches, task-switch effect (Logan & Bundesen, 2003), or that both, cue-
but that they are not confined to these switch trials (e.g., Monsell, switches and task-switches, contribute to the task-switch effect
2003). Further support of the TSI account stems from the observation (Arrington, Logan, & Schneider, 2007; Logan & Bundesen, 2004;
of switch-cost asymmetries, i.e. larger costs when switching away Mayr & Kliegl, 2003; Schneider & Logan, 2005). Some of the diver-
from a less dominant to a more dominant task compared with the gent findings concerning the relative magnitudes of the task-
other direction (Allport & Wylie, 2000; Allport et al., 1994; Yeung switch and cue-switch effects may be attributed to the conditional
& Monsell, 2003). Additionally, n-2 repetition costs observed in probability of a task switch given a cue switch (Mayr, 2006), as will
paradigms with 3 tasks support the view of task set inertia: Larger be discussed later.
switch costs in the sequence ABA as compared with the sequence However, some findings challenge the compound-cue retrieval/rep-
CBA have been accounted for by inertia of “backward inhibition” etition priming account, and seem to support the existence of task sets
(Koch, Gade, Schuch, & Philipp, 2010; Mayr & Keele, 2000). Finally, instead. For instance, there are n-2 repetition costs in paradigms with
neuroimaging data show that switching costs correlate with in- a 2:1 cue to task mapping irrespective of whether the cue switches or
creases in task-irrelevant neural activity after a switch (Yeung, not (Altmann, 2007; Gade & Koch, 2008), suggesting inhibition on the
Nystrom, Aronson, & Cohen, 2006), supporting the notion of inter- level of task-sets. Similarly, task-performance in implicit sequence
ference from recently performed tasks as a major determinant of learning with a 2:1 cue to task mapping was found not to be affected
task-switching costs. To conclude, task-set reconfiguration rather by cue switches or cue repetitions (Gotler, Meiran, & Tzelgov, 2003).
emphasizes top-down control, whereas task-set inertia points to Finally, repetition priming cannot easily account for comparably fast
bottom-up processes. However, more reactive forms of control responses in trials with complete switches, i.e. when neither the task,
may come into play as well when response conflicts are detected. nor the stimulus, nor the response repeats from one trial to the next.
Both views have been supported in the literature, and were inte- Conversely, increased response times in trials in which some but not
grate into multiple-component models of task switching (e.g., Mayr all features repeat (“partial repetition costs”, e.g., Hommel, 2004) have
& Kliegl, 2003; Ruthruff et al., 2001). These models typically specify been explained by the bottom-up activation of competing task sets or
several phases of a task switch: In an earlier phase, task-set prepa- according responses.
ration is considered to take place, whereas in a later phase, stimulus
information is used to select the response along the constraints 1.3. Further evidence of separable cue-switch and task-switch effects
(e.g., S–R links) set in the first phase. As the level of activation of
S–R links is also affected by inertia effects, the latter will also The above reviewed studies with a 2:1 cue-to-task mapping par-
contribute to the efficiency of response selection in the later phase. adigm may help estimate the quantitative contribution of cue-
switch and task-switch processes to the overall switching effect.
1.2. Compound-cue retrieval/repetition priming Other studies offered more direct evidence that different processes
may contribute to both effects (see Jost, De Baene, Koch, & Brass,
An elegant alternative account of the observed difference in task per- 2013, for an excellent review). For instance, it was shown that
formance between task-switch and task-repetition trials in the absence only cue-switch costs were affected by CSI and practice, whereas
of executive control was offered by Logan and colleagues (Logan & the task-switch effect was shown to depend on response priming
Bundesen, 2003; Schneider & Logan, 2005, 2007). According to this and task-set inhibition (Mayr & Kliegl, 2003). Similarly, a response
approach, participants use a compound-cue retrieval strategy in the ex- cue interval (RCI) variation was found to affect the cue-switch ef-
plicit cueing paradigm. Specifically, it is assumed that both task-cue and fect (suggesting a decay of the cue-representation), but not the
target stimulus need to be encoded to form a compound stimulus which task-switch effect (Horoufchin, Philipp, & Koch, 2011).
uniquely determines the correct response. Importantly, cue encoding is Additionally, physiological data support that cue switches and
predicted to follow a horse-race process which is terminated as soon as task switches are governed by distinct processes, separated both
a representation of the cue is found. In all trials there should be a long- by time and the neural basis. In an EEG study using the 2:1 mapping
term memory representation, but in cue-repetition trials there should paradigm, two dissociable ERP components were found, one associ-
be as well a short-term memory representation which will easily win ated with cue-switches at around 300 ms after cue onset, the other
the race, resulting in short encoding time. Hence, cue-encoding benefits one associated with task switches 400 ms after onset of the target
in task-repetition trials are made responsible for the observed dif- stimulus with a different topography (Jost, Mayr, & Rösler, 2008).
ferences in response times between task-repeat and task-switch trials. Additionally, a number of neuro-imaging studies revealed that
After encoding of cue and target stimulus, the compound cue is cue-switches and task-switches recruit different neural networks
formed and response selection takes place, which is assumed to follow (Brass & Cramon, 2004; De Baene, Kuhn, & Brass, 2012; Wylie,
a random walk process with only a few steps, in line with retrieval the- Javitt, & Foxe, 2006). Hence, cue (-switch) processes and task-
ories of binary decision tasks (cf. Nosofsky & Palmeri, 1997). As all pro- switch processes seem to be separable. In fact, some sort of cue-
cesses are stimulus driven, this account does not draw on concepts such processing may be required in all trials (although this may take lon-
as task sets, task switches, and task-set reconfiguration. Hence, it does ger in case of cue switches), whereas task-switch specific processes
not require an endogenous act of control. may be confined to true switches of the task set.
Effects of task-switching and cue switching cannot be teased Preparation also may comprise several phases. For instance,
apart with the classical explicit cueing paradigm, because both Mayr and Kliegl (2003) suggest that in a first phase (corresponding
cue-switches sand task-switches are perfectly confounded. Hence, with the cue-switch effect), the task set is retrieved from long-term
the repetition priming account was tested using a task-switching memory. In a second phase (corresponding with the task-switch ef-
paradigm with a 2:1 cue-to-task mapping (Logan & Bundesen, fect), it is installed in a task-appropriate attentional configuration
2003; Mayr & Kliegl, 2003): Employing two different cues for each (see also Risse & Oberauer, 2010). This may correspond, e.g., with
task allows one to dissociate effects of cue switching from those the biasing of relevant task-demand units (Gilbert & Shallice,
of task switching. Cue-switching effects denote the difference in 2002; see also Ruthruff et al., 2001).
186 F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196

1.5. Task-switching research using the diffusion model

The full diffusion model or simplified variants were used in

previous studies to analyze task-switching data (Karayanidis
et al., 2009, 2010; Klauer, Voss, Schmitz, & Teige-Mocigemba,
2007; Madden et al., 2009; Mansfield, Karayanidis, Jamadar,
Heathcote, & Forstmann, 2011; Schmitz & Voss, 2012). This has
shed light on how its parameters are associated with task-
switching processes.
Consider first the non-decision parameter (t0 ) which captures
processes outside the actual decision phase. Across all studies, it
was found that the non-decision parameter (t 0 ) is increased in
task-switch trials relative to task-repeat trials. In line with
Fig. 1. The diffusion model decomposes a decision process into non-decision time and the additional process theories of task switching, it was suggested that
actual decision process. Non-decision time captures processes and activity before and after this increase corresponds with the requirement to prepare the
the actual decision phase. In turn, the actual decision process (displayed right of the
new task in these trials (Karayanidis et al., 2009; Schmitz & Voss,
rounded brace) is characterized by a continuous sampling of information. A decision
counter, originating from starting point z, fluctuates over time (horizontal axes) as a func- 2012). This interpretation was further corroborated by the obser-
tion of systematic stimulus information and random noise (see gray sample path). When it vation that the non-decision time was increased only when partic-
hits the lower or upper response thresholds (at 0 or a, respectively), the according ipants could not prepare the new task set prior to stimulus
response is elicited. The mean slope of the counter across trials denotes the drift rate (v). presentation; otherwise it was reduced to the level as in task-
repetition trials (Karayanidis et al., 2009; Schmitz & Voss, 2012).
1.4. The diffusion model These findings can be reconciled with the view that task-preparation
is largely possible prior to stimulus onset. However, when the
The diffusion model for response time data (Ratcliff, 1978; time does not suffice to prepare the up-coming task sufficiently,
Ratcliff & Rouder, 1998; Voss, Rothermund, & Voss, 2004) can be preparation has to continue after stimulus presentation before
used to decompose a binary decision process into a set of psycho- stimulus information can be efficiently used to select the response.
logically meaningful parameters. A graphical representation of the Note that the reported findings of an increase in non-decision
model is given in Fig. 1. The basic assumption of the diffusion time in task-switch trials relative to task-repeat trials were
model is a continuous accumulation of information over time. interpreted to reflect high-level control processes. This does not
This information accumulation process is assumed to follow a question the conventional interpretation that the baseline level of
stochastic diffusion process, which is a process that is driven by this parameter (as indexed by the magnitude of t 0 in task repeat
systematic stimulus based information and by random noise. In trials) captures basic perceptual processes and motor execution.
Fig. 1, an example of such an information process is displayed as However, the increase in the non-decision parameter (t 0 ) is
the gray ragged line between the two thresholds. Outside the not an unequivocal evidence of task-set preparation (see also
thresholds, predicted response time distributions for both alter- Schmitz & Voss, 2012). In fact, increased non-decision time in
nate responses are displayed. task-switch trials might be also predicted by the compound-cue
In a diffusion model analysis, response times are decomposed retrieval/repetition priming account (Logan & Bundesen, 2003;
into decision-time and non-decision time. The non-decision pa- Schneider & Logan, 2005, 2007). Recall that cue-encoding should
rameter (t0) is conventionally interpreted as capturing basic stimu- be particularly fast in cue-repetition trials because of a transient
lus encoding and, particularly, motor time (Ratcliff, Thapar, & trace of the task-cue in working memory. This should save time
McKoon, 2006; Voss et al., 2004). Decision time is determined by in compound cue formation in these trials relative to cue-switch
the duration of the continuous sampling process, that is, by the trials. Hence, the difference in the non-decision parameter (t 0 )
time the diffusion process takes to reach an upper or lower thresh- in task-switch and task-repeat trials can be easily reconciled
old. This diffusion process is characterized by its starting point (z), with the repetition priming account.
threshold separation (a), and the mean slope (drift rate: v). As a Consider next parameters of the response-selection phase
diffusion process is noisy, it fluctuates randomly around its mean which may correspond with processes at a later phase when stimu-
gradient, resulting in different response-times, and sometimes in lus information is used to select the response in line with settings in
hitting the wrong threshold. the prepared task set (Mayr & Kliegl, 2003; Ruthruff et al., 2001). It
The drift rate (v) is determined by the efficiency with which stimu- was argued that drift rates are affected by the state of task readiness
lus information is used to select a response. Large drift rates will corre- (Schmitz & Voss, 2012) which can be influenced by both controlled
spond with fast and accurate responses. Drift rates can be affected by and automatic factors (Koch & Allport, 2006; Rubinstein et al.,
task difficulty (Voss et al., 2004) as well as by individual differences in 2001). If there is not sufficient time for preparation (at short CSI),
intelligence and working memory capacity (Schmiedek, Oberauer, drift rates should primarily reflect inertia effects, which can be ben-
Wilhelm, Suess, & Wittmann, 2007). eficial in the case of task-repetition trials or adverse in the case of
The distance of response thresholds (a) is considered to indicate task-switches. However, if there is sufficient time to prepare (at
response caution. A high response criterion (large values of a) long CSI), preparation can be used additionally to adjust task read-
corresponds to slow but accurate responses, while small values of iness. Accordingly, it was shown that drift rates are influenced by
a denote an impulsive decisional style that is characterized by fast both task sequence and task predictability (Karayanidis et al.,
responses and low accuracy. The a parameter can reflect experi- 2009; Schmitz & Voss, 2012).
mentally induced speed–accuracy settings (Voss et al., 2004). Addi- Finally, previous research has offered evidence that the re-
tionally, it has been shown that a more cautious setting of the sponse criterion is increased in mixed blocks as compared to task-
response criterion contributes notably to slow responding in elder- pure blocks (Schmitz & Voss, 2012). Additionally, some studies
ly people (e.g., Ratcliff et al., 2006). have shown that the response criterion may vary from trial to
Additional parameters in the full diffusion model (Ratcliff & Rouder, trial within one block as a function of the task–cue, or as a function
1998) include inter-trial variability of the starting point, drift rate (sv), of the anticipated difficulty or error-proneness of the transition
and non-decision parameter (sz, sv, and st0, respectively). (Karayanidis et al., 2009; Mansfield et al., 2011; Schmitz & Voss,
F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196 187

2012). In the study conducted by Karayanidis et al. (2009), it was predicted to be generally steep, but comparable across different
found that participants increased the response criterion only trial types.
when a difficult task-switch was cued with certainty, whereas in Neither theoretical account makes specific predictions concerning
task-switch trials cued with non-informative cues, the response- the adjustment of response caution, although classical definitions of
criterion was comparable to that in task-repetition trials. Similarly, task set have incorporated the “degree of caution to set one's criterion
Schmitz and Voss (2012) report that participants generally in- for response” (Monsell, Yeung, & Azuma, 2000, p. 252). Based on previ-
creased the response criterion in mixed blocks, but, they slightly re- ous results obtained in some studies using the diffusion model, we pre-
duced the response criterion when an easy task-repeat trial could dicted that participants may adjust response caution in a trial-to-trial
be predicted with certainty. Additionally, results suggest that fashion given that the nature of the next trial can be predicted and
adjusting the response criterion requires time (or cognitive capac- there is sufficient time prior to stimulus onset.
ity) and is apparently only completed when the nature of the next
task transition is known early enough prior to stimulus onset 2. Method
(Schmitz & Voss, 2012). Neuropsychological evidence further sug-
gests that setting the response criterion is exerted within a fronto- 2.1. Sample
striatal network, with the pre-supplementary motor area biasing
the striatum towards lower response thresholds (Mansfield et al., Sixty-two participants volunteered in the study (26 female). Most of
2011). them were students, 8 of which with a major in Psychology. On average
they were 23.9 years old (SD = 2.5; range 18–30). All participants re-
1.6. Aims of the current study and predictions ported normal or corrected to normal vision. They received 7 Euros or
partial course credit as compensation.
In previous research using the diffusion model to decompose
task switching costs, task switches and cue switches were con- 2.2. Procedure
founded. Hence, one of the aims of this study was to tease apart ef-
fects of task switching from those of cue switching. Further, the After signing informed consent, participants were individually
previously obtained findings in the parameters of the diffusion seated in a dimly-lit room. All tasks and instructions were present-
model could be reconciled both with multiple component models ed on a 19 in., 100 Hz CRT monitor. The session started with the
of task-switching and the compound-cue retrieval/repetition prim- task-switching paradigm and was completed by a few demographic
ing account. Consequently, we intended to test both theoretical ac- questions that were also presented on the screen. After that, partic-
counts more specifically on the level of parameters. To this end we ipants were thanked and debriefed. The total duration of the exper-
employed a task-switching paradigm with a 2:1 cue-to-task map- iment was about 45 min.
ping (Logan & Bundesen, 2003; Mayr & Kliegl, 2003) while keeping
the procedure largely comparable with that in the previous studies 2.3. Paradigm and materials
(Schmitz & Voss, 2012). We expected the usually found pure task-
switch and cue-switch effects in the observable performance data We used a variant of the classical number–letter task-switching
(see Jost et al., 2013, for a review). More importantly, a number of paradigm (Rogers & Monsell, 1995) with a 2:1 cue-to-task mapping
specific predictions could be derived from the theoretical accounts (Arbuthnott & Woodward, 2002; Logan & Bundesen, 2004). Digit–
that go beyond mean response times and errors that have been letter pairs were used as bivalent stimuli that could be either clas-
previously investigated. These predictions could be tested with sified according to the parity of the digit (odd vs. even) or according
the diffusion model. to the type of letter (vowel vs. consonant). All stimuli appeared in a
Multiple components models motivated a number of predic- rectangle in the center of a light gray screen (RGB = 220, 220, 220).
tions. Given that additional processes are required to prepare the The background color of the rectangle served as a task cue. Four dif-
upcoming task in task-switch trials, there should be an increase in ferent background colors (red, blue, green, and yellow) were ran-
non-decision time in task-switch trials relative to task-repeat trials domly assigned the two tasks so that each task was cued by two
when there is not sufficient time to prepare for the upcoming task colors. The cue–stimulus interval (CSI) was manipulated in two
prior to stimulus onset (i.e. at short CSI). One can speculate that groups: in the short CSI group, the background color of the rectan-
the non-decision time is also slightly increased in task-repeat trials gle was changed from neutral gray to the respective task–cue color
with cue switches, as the participant needs to realize that the same 150 ms prior to stimulus onset, whereas in the long CSI group, the
task repeats. But, such an orienting reaction would be expected to new task–cue color appeared 800 ms prior to stimulus onset. The
be rather small compared with the time required for actual task response–stimulus interval (RSI) was fixed at 800 ms in both
preparation. When the CSI is short, drift rates should largely reflect groups.
task set inertia that can be adverse (in the case of task-switches) or Stimuli were identical to the ones presented by Rogers and
beneficial (in the case of task-repetitions). If the CSI is long, task set Monsell: Odd digits were drawn from the set 3, 5, 7, 9, even digits
preparation can be used more efficiently to adjust task readiness. were drawn from the set 2, 4, 6, 8, consonants were drawn from
Then, drift rates can be expected to be additionally affected by the set G, K, M, R and vowels were drawn from the set A, E, I, U.
preparation. All stimuli were presented in black Courier font. The digit–letter
According to the compound-cue retrieval/repetition-priming pair was approximately 2 cm wide and 1.2 cm high. The rectangle
account, the task-switch (or actually cue-switch) effect is predicted in which the stimulus pair appeared was ca. 7.5 cm × 7.5 cm and
to be largely caused by differences in non-decision time. The latter surrounded by a thin black line. The background colors used as
should be decreased in cue-repeat trials relative to both other trial task cues were red (RGB = 221, 97, 97), blue (RGB = 109, 179,
types, as the task cue repeats only in these trials. Consequently, the 255), green (RGB = 94, 224, 76), and yellow (RGB = 228, 224,
beneficial effect of a transient representation from the last trial will 76). They were randomly assigned to the two tasks (digit task vs.
only exceed an effect in cue-repeat trials. Conversely, non-decision letter task) in a 2:1 manner for each participant and their assign-
time would be increased in task-switch/cue-switch trials and task- ment did not change throughout the experiment. In case of a classi-
repeat/cue-switch trials, but no substantial difference between fication error, a gray ‘X’ appeared below the stimulus pair. All
these trial types is predicted. Given that response selection follows stimuli remained on screen until the correct response was given.
a random walk process with only a few steps, drift rates can be Then the stimulus was removed from the screen and the rectangle
188 F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196

was set to either neutral gray (in the short CSI group) or directly to 3. Results
the task–cue of the next trial (in the long CSI group).
The experiment comprised 5 runs of blocks, each composed of 3.1. Data pre-treatment
two task-pure blocks (one for each task, each block comprised 32
trials plus 4 warm-up trials) and a mixed block comprising both As done in the Schmitz and Voss (2012) study, trials directly follow-
tasks (128 trials plus 8 warm-up trials). Participants could make a ing an error (7.6%) were removed for two reasons: First, there may be
short pause after completing each block and re-starting the next confounding error-related cognitive processing unrelated to the de-
block was self-paced. Individual trial lists were generated prior to mands of the actual task. Second, the nature of the next trial is not un-
the experiment for each participant. Half of all trials were task- equivocal, as task-confusion errors will invert the type of trial
switches and half were task repetitions; half of the latter with transition (i.e., task-switch trials become task-repetition trials, and
cue-switches and half with cue-repetitions. In the task pure blocks vice versa; see Steinhauser & Hübner, 2006). Additionally, we excluded
also, there were cue-repetition and cue-switch trials. Within each outlier latencies according to individual box-plot criteria (Tukey, 1977).
of these trial types, there were equal numbers of trials for the com- Response times were considered to be outliers when they were longer
binations of task, response congruency of the relevant and irrele- than 3 inter-quartile ranges on top of the 75% percentile of the RT distri-
vant stimulus features, and response side. As in the Rogers and bution, or 3 inter-quartile ranges below the 25% percentile or shorter
Monsell (1995) study, there were no direct stimulus repetitions, than 200 ms (3.3% excluded trials, 0.1% as fast, 3.2% as slow outlier
avoiding trial-to-trial stimulus-specific effects of negative priming values). We tested whether the background color of the rectangle had
or competitor priming. Additionally, there were no sequences of any effect on response times or errors. There was neither a main effect
more than 4 trials affording the classification with the same key. nor an interaction effect with trial type (all p N .21). Parameter esti-
Trials from the first sequence of blocks were discarded because of mates of the diffusion model were found to closely reproduce empirical
strong training effects, as done in the Schmitz and Voss (2012) study. RT distributions. A graphical display of the model fit is displayed
The analyzed four sequences of blocks consisted of 128 cue-repeat and Appendix A. Additionally, model-implied response times and error
128 cue-switch trials from the task-pure blocks, and of 256 task- rates are displayed in Fig. 2.
switch/cue-switch trials and 128 task-repeat/cue-switch and 128 task-
repeat/cue-repeat trials from the mixed blocks. 3.2. Behavioral data

3.2.1. Latencies
2.4. Analyses As can be seen in the upper panel of Fig. 2, median response
times (RTs) from the task pure blocks were comparable in both
Parameters of the diffusion model were estimated with fast-dm CSI groups, but the increase in response times in the mixed
(Voss & Voss, 2007, 2008) for each person and condition separately block was more pronounced in the short CSI group relative to
(see Schmitz & Voss, 2012 for details)1. The full set of parameters of the long CSI group. To test for group effects in mixing costs, we
the diffusion model was estimated without constraints using the conducted an ANOVA across task repeat trials from the task pure
information in the joint cumulative distributions of erroneous and block and from the mixed task block, collapsing cue-switches
correct responses minimizing the vertical distance of the empirical and cue-repetitions. This 2 (task pure vs. mixed task block) by
and model-implied functions according to the Kolmogorov– 2 (short vs. long CSI) ANOVA yielded a main effect of trial type
Smirnov statistic. In case of a low number of error trials, parameter (F[1,60] = 107.53, p b .001, η p 2 = .64), a main effect of the CSI
estimation is largely based on the information in the distribution of group (F[1,60] = 10.25, p b .01, ηp2 = .15), and an interaction of
correct responses. Parameter estimation is nevertheless possible, both factors (F[1,60] = 32.12, p b .001, ηp2 = .35). The latter indi-
because responses were coded as correct or erroneous and the cated that the increase in response times from the task pure block
starting point was fixed in the middle between both response to the mixed task block was more pronounced in the short CSI
thresholds. Conventional RT and error data as well as parameters group (ΔRT = 198 ms) than in the long CSI group (ΔRT =
of the diffusion model were submitted a number of analyses of var- 58 ms). Next, separate ANOVAs were conducted for each block.
iance (ANOVAs) with the trial type as a within participants factor For the task-pure blocks, a 2 (trial type) by 2 (CSI) ANOVA con-
and the CSI length as a between participants factor. Mixing costs firmed that latencies did not differ between trial types or groups
are addressed first. To this end, an ANOVA was conducted across (all p N .26). Differently, in the mixed block, a 3 (trial type) by 2
task repeat trials from the task pure block and from the mixed (CSI) ANOVA revealed main effects of trial type (F[2, 120] =
task block. Contrasting trials of the same type across the task pure 77.56, p b .001, ηp2 = .56) and of CSI group (F[1, 60] = 24.59, p b .001,
and mixed blocks may index block-wise differences in working ηp2 = .29), indicating generally slower RTs in the short CSI group
memory load, specific processing strategies, global response caution, across all trial types (all p b .001). Additionally, there was an interac-
and other settings independent of the local task-switching effect. tion of both factors (F[2, 120] = 18.16, p b .001, ηp2 = .23). This pat-
Next, two separate ANOVAs were conducted for each block. Most im- tern was characterized by a significant task-switch contrast (ΔRT =
portant for the purpose of the current study are the results of the 158 ms) as well as a cue-switch contrast (ΔRT = 98 ms) in the short
ANOVA across trials of the mixed block which was complemented by CSI group (F[1, 30] = 75.47, p b .001, ηp2 = .72 and F[1, 30] = 23.68,
theoretically informative contrasts capturing pure task-switch and p b .001, ηp2 = .44, respectively). In the long CSI group, only the task
cue-switch effects for each group (cf. Horoufchin et al., 2011, Exp. 4; switch contrast (ΔRT = 73 ms; F[1, 30] = 22.20, p b .001, ηp2 = .43)
Koch, Lawo, Fels, & Vorlander, 2011, Exp. 3). Specifically, the task- reached significance, but not the cue-switch contrast (ΔRT =
switch contrast denoted the difference between task-switch/cue- 14 ms; F[1, 30] = 3.47, p = .07, ηp2 = .10).
switch and task-repeat/cue-switch trials, whereas the cue-switch
contrast was composed of task-repeat/cue-switch and task-repeat/ 3.2.2. Accuracy
cue-repeat trials. As can be seen in the lower panel of Fig. 2, the long CSI group
tended to commit more errors across all trial types. But there was
not much of a difference between the task pure and the mixed
We counterchecked parameter estimates using the EZ program (Wagenmakers, van
task block (Δerrors = − 0.4% and Δerrors = 0.9%, for the short
der Maas, & Grasman, 2007; Wagenmakers et al., 2008), and findings were highly and long CSI groups, respectively). This was confirmed in an
comparable. ANOVA across task repeat trials with block type and CSI group as factors.
F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196 189

Fig. 2. Response times and error rates as a function of trial type (TR/CS = task repetition/cue switch, TR/CR = task repetition/cue repetition, TS/CS = task switch/cue switch, TR/CS = task
repetition/cue switch, TR/CR = task repetition/cue repetition) and cue–stimulus interval (CSI: long vs. short). Columns display the observed median RT and the proportion of errors, re-
spectively. Centered error bars represent the 95% confidence interval (CI) of these statistics. The “+” sign and its corresponding 95% CI shifted to the right of each column represent the
model implied prediction.

Only the main effect of CSI group was significant (F[1, 60] = 5.36, p b .05, group (F[1, 60] = 17.03, p b .001, ηp2 = .22), but no interaction ef-
ηp2 =.08), but neither the main effect of block (F[1, 60] = 0.07, p = fect (F[2, 120] = 1.42, p = .24, η p2 = .02). In the short CSI group,
.79, ηp2 b .01), nor the interaction of both factors (F[1, 60] =0.58, p = there was neither a task-switch contrast (Δa = 0.04, F[1, 30] =
.45, ηp2 = .01). Testing separately in the task-pure block, a 2 (trial type) 0.78, p = .39, η p 2 = .03) nor a cue-switch contrast (Δa = 0.07,
by 2 (CSI) ANOVA confirmed that there was only a main effect of the F[1, 30] = 0.91, p = .35, η p 2 = .03). In the long CSI group, the
CSI group (F[1, 60] = 6.31, p b .05, ηp2 = .10). Neither the main effect task-switch contrast missed significance (Δa = 0.06, F[1, 30] =
of trial type nor its interaction with the CSI group was statistically signif- 3.62, p = .07, ηp2 = .11), but the cue-switch contrast was significant
icant (both p N .44). Consider next the mixed block, a 3 (trial type) by 2 (Δa = 0.08, F[1, 30] = 4.62, p b .05, ηp2 = .13), and so was the total
(CSI group) ANOVA only yielded a significant main effect of the trial switching effect denoting the difference between task-switch/cue-
type (F[2, 120] = 18.46, p b .001, ηp2 =.24), whereas the main effect of switch and task-repeat/cue-repeat trials (Δa = 0.14, F[1, 30] = 12.42,
the CSI group (F[1, 60] = 3.73, p =.06, ηp2 = .06), and an interaction ef- p b .01, ηp2 = .29).
fect of both factors (F[2,120] =3.05, p = .051, ηp2 = .05) missed signif-
icance. In the short CSI group, there was a significant task-switch
contrast (Δerrors = 1.9%, F[1, 30] = 11.22, p b .01, ηp2 = .27) and a 3.3.2. Drift rates (v)
cue-switch contrast (Δerrors = 1.6%, F[1, 30] = 10.18, p b .01, ηp2 = Drift rates were generally higher in trials of the task-pure blocks
.25). In the long CSI group, only the task-switch contrast (Δerrors = compared with those of the mixed blocks, whereas effects of the CSI
3.5%, F[1, 30] =15.74, p b .001, ηp2 = .34) was significant, whereas group seemed to depend on trial type: Drift rates were higher in the
the small cue-switch contrast in the non-predicted direction was short CSI group relative to the log CSI group, but they were lower in
not significant (Δerrors = − 1.0%, F[1, 30] = 1.81, p = .19, ηp2 = the mixed block. This resulted in a more pronounced decrease from
.06). the task pure to the mixed task block in the short (Δν = 1.16) relative
to the long CSI group (Δν = 0.58). This was confirmed in an ANOVA
3.3. Diffusion model analyses across task repeat trials of the task pure and of the mixed task block.
There was a main effect of the block type (F[1, 60] = 67.14, p b .001,
3.3.1. Response criterion (a) ηp2 = .53), no main effect of the CSI group (F[1, 60] = 1.42, p = .24,
Estimates for the a parameter are displayed in the upper panel of ηp2 = .02), but an interaction of both factors (F[1, 60] = 7.52, p b .01,
Fig. 3. In the task-pure blocks, a comparable response criterion was ηp2 = .11). Testing across trial types of the task pure blocks, the 2
estimated for both CSI groups. In the mixed blocks, the response (trial type) by 2 (CSI) ANOVA only revealed a main effect of the CSI
criterion was generally increased, but the increase was more pro- group (F[1, 60] = 10.81, p b .01, ηp2 = .15), but neither a main effect
nounced in the short CSI group (Δa = 0.71) as compared to the of trial type (F[1, 60] = 0.56, p = .46, ηp2 b .01) nor an interaction of
long CSI group (Δa = 0.27). The ANOVA testing mixing costs across both factors (F[1, 60] = 0.46, p = .50, ηp2 b .01). Across trials of the
trials of the task pure and mixed task block yielded a main effect of mixed blocks, the 3 (trial type) by 2 (CSI) ANOVA yielded a main effect
block (F[1,60] = 145.83, p b .001, η p 2 = .71), a main effect of CSI of trial type (F[1, 120] = 62.73, p b .001, ηp2 = .51), no main effect of
group (F[1,60] = 11.96, p b .001, η p2 = .17), and an interaction of the CSI group (F[1, 60] = 0.80, p = .38, ηp2 = .01), but an interaction
both factors (F[1,60] = 28.95, p b .001, η p 2 = .33). An ANOVA of both factors (F[1, 120] = 11.11, p b .001, ηp2 = .15). In the short
across trials of the task pure blocks with trial type (2) and CSI CSI group, there was a significant task-switch contrast (Δν = 0.52,
group (2) as factors neither indicated a main effect of trial type, F[1, 30] = 18.64, p = .001, η p2 = .38) and a cue-switch contrast
nor of the CSI group, nor an interaction effect of both factors (all (Δν = 0.97, F[1, 30] = 49.48, p = .001, η p2 = .62). Differently in
p N .26). An ANOVA across trial types of the mixed block with trial the long CSI group, there was only a significant task-switch contrast
type (3) and CSI group (2) as factors revealed a main effect of trial (Δν = 0.71, F[1, 30] = 19.79, p = .001, η p 2 = .40), but no cue-
type (F[2, 120] = 3.13, p b .05, η p 2 = .05), a main effect of CSI switch contrast (Δν = 0.07, F[1, 30] = 0.16, p = .69, ηp2 = .01).
190 F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196

comparable in both conditions of the cue-switch contrast in the short

CSI group (Δt0 = .017, F[1, 30] = 4.00, p = 06., ηp2 = .12). In the
long CSI group, there was virtually no total switching effect in this pa-
rameter (Δt0 =.003, F[1, 30] = 0.23, p = .64, ηp2 b .01), as indicated
by the highly comparable non-decision time in task-switch/cue-switch
and task-repeat/cue-repeat trials. This suggests that the constituents of
the total switching effect, namely the pure task-switching and cue-
switching effects, are also absent. The observation of a small decrease
in non-decision time in task-repeat/cue-switch trials relative to both
other trial types (Δt0 = .017, F[1, 30] = 4.68, p = .04, ηp2 = .14, and
Δt0 = − .014, F[1, 30] = 5.14, p = .03, ηp 2 = .15, for task-switch/
cue-switch and task-repeat/cue-repeat trials, respectively) violates
the logic of the 2:1 mapping paradigm, indicating that the specific
contrasts should not be computed in this case.

4. Additional analyses

Small unpredicted effects such as the latter provoke the question

whether these effects are substantial or whether parameters could
be constrained to be equal across conditions. As formal model com-
parisons are not possible using the KS method, we estimated param-
eters again for each participant using maximum likelihood (ML) on
the basis of individual responses. Additionally to the model without
parameter constraints, a number of alternative models were fitted in
which parameters were systematically constrained to be equal
across conditions. Appendix B summarizes results obtained for 28
models with different combinations of parameter constraints, sepa-
rate for the short and long CSI groups. All models were formally test-
ed against the baseline model (#1) without parameter constraints
using the likelihood-ratio chi-squared (LR-χ2 ) test. In case of a
non-significant difference, the Akaike information criterion (AIC)
and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) were used to determine
the best model in terms of fit and parsimony.
In terms of the LR-χ2 test alone, the response criterion (a) could be
constrained across conditions in the short and long CSI groups without
a significant increase in model misfit. Differently, constraining drift rates
(ν) across all conditions was not possible, either alone (in the short CSI
group), or after constraining the response criterion (in the long CSI
group). In the short CSI group, the markedly increased non-decision pa-
rameter (t0) in task-switch/cue-switch trials could not be constrained to
Fig. 3. Parameters of the diffusion model as a function of trial type (TR/CS = task repeti- be equal with any of the other conditions. Differently, non-decision time
tion/cue switch, TR/CR = task repetition/cue repetition, TS/CS = task switch/cue switch,
TR/CS = task repetition/cue switch, TR/CR = task repetition/cue repetition) and cue–
could be constrained across all conditions in the long CSI group, alone
stimulus interval (CSI: long vs. short). Error bars represent the 95% confidence interval and after constraining the response criterion.
of the mean. When comparing all models that did not differ significantly in LR-χ2,
the AIC and BIC model comparison indices converged in their recom-
mendation of the unconstrained model in both groups. Accordingly, pa-
rameter estimates of this model were submitted ANOVAs to test for
3.3.3. The non-decision parameter (t0) task-switch and cue-switch effects. Generally, the pattern of parameter
As can be seen in the bottom panel of Fig. 3, estimates of the non- estimates across conditions was very similar to the ones of the KS anal-
decision parameter were comparable across all trial types with the yses (see Appendix C for descriptives of the ML parameter estimates).
exception of a marked increase in the non-decision parameter in task- Only the difference between trial types in the response criterion in the
switch trials in the short CSI group. In task-repeat trials, there was not long CSI group did not reach significance in the ML analyses anymore
much of a difference between the task pure and mixed task blocks, nei- (p = .12, for the cue-switch contrast), however, a lack of statistical
ther in the short (Δt0 = .007) nor in the long CSI group (Δt0 = −.008). power cannot be ruled out either. (Actually, this contrast was also sig-
This was confirmed in the ANOVA which yielded neither a main effect of nificant in the EZ analyses in the long CSI group). Apart from that, the
block type (F[1, 60] b 0.01, p = .96, ηp2 b .01), nor a main effect of CSI short CSI group generally displayed increased response caution relative
group (F[1, 60] = 1.30, p = .26, ηp2 = .02), nor an interaction of both to the long CSI group (p b .001). In the short CSI group, drift rates
factors (F[1, 60] = 0.12, p = .73, ηp2 b .01). In the ANOVA across trials were lowest in task-switch/cue-switch trials and highest in task-
of the task pure block, none of the main or interaction effects was repeat/cue-repeat trials, and all conditions differed from each other
significant (all p N .61). The ANOVA across trial types of the mixed (all p b .05). Differently in the long CSI group, drift rates were reduced
block yielded a main effect of trial type (F[2,120] = 44.73, p b .001, in task-switch/cue-switch trials relative to both other trial types (both
ηp2 = .43), a main effect of CSI (F[1,60] = 11.85, p b .001, ηp2 = .16), p b .001), but they were comparable in task-repeat/cue-switch and
and an interaction of both factors (F[2,120] = 28.88, p b .001, ηp2 = task-repeat/cue-repeat trials (p = .60). Importantly, the pronounced
.33). The only contrast that indicated a substantial effect was the task- increase in the non-decision parameter selectively occurred in the
switch contrast in the short CSI group (Δt0 = .117, F[1, 30] = 56.16, short CSI group relative to both other trial types (both p b .001). Differ-
p b .001, η p 2 = .65). Differently, the non-decision time was ently in the long CSI group, task-switch/cue-switch trials did not differ
F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196 191

from task-repeat/cue-repeat trials (p = .62). Again, there was an For both groups, the pattern of effects in the error scores
unpredicted slight decrease in task-repeat/cue-switch trials relative to across trial types largely paralleled those obtained in the RTs. In
the other conditions in the long CSI group (both p b .05). This small, the short CSI group, there was a task-switch as well as a cue-
unpredicted effect could have been avoided when more constrained switch effect, whereas in the long CSI group there was only a
models would have been selected, such as model 20 for the short CSI task-switch effect but no cue-switch effect. However, the general
group and model 24 for the long CSI group. The pattern in the other pa- performance level of both groups was inverted: The long CSI
rameters would have been identical in this case. group tended to commit more errors across all trial types com-
pared with the short CSI group. The pattern of shorter RTs and in-
creased errors suggests that the long CSI encouraged participants
5. Discussion
to respond less cautiously. This was tested next more directly
with the diffusion model.
The aim of the current study was to dissociate processes of cue
switching and task switching with the diffusion model. To this end,
5.2. Findings in the parameters of the diffusion model
we employed an explicit cueing paradigm with a 2:1 cue-to-task map-
ping to tease apart both effects and decomposed the performance data
5.2.1. Non-decision parameter (t0)
with the diffusion model. By this means, we intended to investigate
According to multiple component models that also specify an
predictions derived from multiple component models of task switching
extra phase of task-set preparation, non-decision time was pre-
and the compound-cue retrieval/repetition priming account. In the fol-
dicted to be increased in trials affording task-switches, particu-
lowing, we will, first, address effects in the behavioral data. Next, find-
larly, if the time prior to stimulus onset does not suffice to
ings for the parameters of the diffusion model will be presented.
finish preparation in advance. The finding of a selective increase
in the non-decision parameter in task-switch trials in the short
5.1. Findings in the behavioral data CSI group seemed to support this prediction. Additionally, the ab-
sence of a notable task-switch contrast in the long CSI group im-
Replicating previous studies on mixing costs (Rogers & Monsell, plies that whatever processes take place during this phase, they
1995; Ruthruff et al., 2001), we found that the response times were gen- can be largely completed prior to stimulus onset given the infor-
erally increased in mixed blocks compared to task-pure blocks across all mative task cues and sufficient time, supporting previous findings
trial types. More importantly, across trial types of the mixed blocks, (cf. Karayanidis et al., 2010, and Karayanidis et al., 2009, for the
there was evidence of costs related to both cue-switch and task- role of cue-informativeness; cf. Schmitz & Voss, 2012, for the
switch. Particularly in the short CSI group, RTs were longer in cue- role of preparation time).
switch trials relative to cue-repeat trials, indicative of a cue-switch The absence of a cue-switch effect implies that there is no pronounce
effect (or repetition priming; Logan & Bundesen, 2003). However, RTs orienting phase, or, that this phase has been finished in the 150 ms prior
in the task-switch trials were further increased by about the same mag- to stimulus onset. Additionally, it constrains the interpretation of the t0
nitude in task-switch relative to cue-switch trials, indicative of a pure effect: Task-set retrieval from long-term memory (Goschke, 2000; Mayr
task-switch effect. RTs were generally shorter in the long CSI group rel- & Kliegl, 2003) cannot account for the increase in the non-decision pa-
ative to the short CSI group and they were only slightly increased in the rameter, as these retrieval processes should also take place on task-
task-switch trials relative to the other trial types in the mixed block. repeat/cue-switch trials. Plausibly, these earlier processes have been
This pattern was predicted by accounts which posit an extra phase of completed in the available CSI, anyway. Most likely, the task-switch spe-
task-set preparation in task-switch trials (e.g., Rogers & Monsell, cific increase in the non-decision parameter indexes processes at the
1995). However, findings also corroborate that preparation can be later stage of getting the task-set ready in procedural working memory
largely completed prior to stimulus onset given the predictability of (Risse & Oberauer, 2010; see also Goschke, 2000; Mayr & Kliegl, 2000,
the next task set and sufficient time to complete preparation. The 2003), which may correspond with the biasing of its task-demand
absence of a cue-switch contrast in the long CSI group, suggests that units (Gilbert & Shallice, 2002; see also Ruthruff et al., 2001).
800 ms was sufficient time to arrive at a comparable state of task read- In any case, the selective effect obtained in the current study implies
iness for these participants. Note that reduced task-switch costs in the that the increase in non-decision time may be used as a relatively specif-
classical 1:1 mapping procedure at long CSI have been previously re- ic indicator of the pure task-switch effect. Hence, the current finding
ported in studies using a within-participants design, but not necessarily contributes to existing behavioral and physiological evidence that task
in ones using a between-participants design (e.g., Altmann, 2004). It switching requires distinct processes that go beyond those in cue
was suggested that this could reflect strategic factors to engage in switching (e.g., Horoufchin et al., 2011; Mayr & Kliegl, 2003; see Jost
task-set preparation (Koch, 2001). One may speculate that participants et al., 2013, for a review of cue-processing in task switching).
in the current study considered it relevant to prepare for the up-coming From the perspective of the compound-cue retrieval/repetition
task because of the 2:1 cue-to-task mapping. Additionally, participants priming account, the pattern of results in the non-decision parameter
in the long CSI group might have been confident enough to believe is more difficult to explain. The decreased non-decision time in task-
that they will be successful in doing so. In fact, generally fast response repeat/cue-repeat trials relative to task-switch/cue-switch trials makes
times and increased error rates relative to the short CSI group suggest sense. However, non-decision time was not predicted to be decreased
a confident processing style in the long CSI group (which was also cor- in task-repeat/cue-switch trials, as the task-cue does not repeat in
roborated by the lower response criterion setting, see below). these trials. Of course, one could argue that cue-encoding is largely com-
Note that the behavioral results can be generally reconciled with the pleted by the end of the 150 ms CSI. However, even then, the pro-
compound-cue retrieval/repetition priming account. Previous studies nounced increase in task-switch/cue-switch trials seems to be difficult
have shown that the effects of CSI on mean response times can be to explain.
modeled in the absence of reconfiguration (Logan & Bundesen, 2003;
Schneider & Logan, 2005). Additionally, the absence of a major differ- 5.2.2. Drift rate (v)
ence in RTs in cue-switch and cue-repeat trials in the long CSI group Multiple component models predict that task readiness can be af-
could indicate that cue-encoding has been finished after 800 ms in fected by inertia effects and task preparation (Koch & Allport, 2006).
both conditions. However, the further increase in task-switch relative Consequently, drift rates should differ across trial types as a function
to cue-switch trials seems to be a challenge to explain in the absence of trial transition and the time available for preparation. This was con-
of task-switch specific processes. firmed in the present study. To start with mixing effects, drift rates
192 F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196

were generally higher in the task-pure relative to the mixed blocks. This 5.2.4. Evaluating model predictions
makes sense given that all previous trials in the task pure block required In the present study we used the diffusion model in order to test pre-
the same task set. Consequently, beneficial inertia effects would lead to dictions derived from two important theoretical frameworks, (a) multi-
a particular high level of task readiness. Additionally, drift rates were ple component models of task switching that comprise task-set
somewhat higher in the short CSI group relative to the long CSI preparation and inertia effects, and (b) the compound-cue retrieval/
group, which may reflect the dissipation of cue-driven task-set repetition priming account. The most important findings in this respect
priming with increasing CSI. Further, the task-cue may function as will be summarized and discussed below.
an alerting signal shortly before stimulus presentation. Both factors Generally, it turned out that results in the parameter estimates can
would contribute to an optimal state of task-readiness at stimulus be reconciled with multiple component models, whereas some of the
presentation in the short CSI group, accordingly, evidence accumu- findings pose a challenge for the compound-cue retrieval account. As
lation should be steep. to the latter, the absence of an increase in non-decision time in task-
To continue with the mixed block, drift rates in the short CSI group repeat/cue-switch trials relative to task-repeat/cue-repeat trials is par-
had a pattern that would be predicted if drift rates were largely deter- ticularly difficult to explain. As the task cue has changed, there should
mined by inertia effects. Drift rates were lowest in task-switch trials, not be an advantage in the compound cue retrieval process. Additional-
as would be expected given the adverse inertia effects or incomplete ac- ly, some of the trial-type dependent effects in the drift rate were not
tivation or biasing of the relevant task-set relative to the competing one specifically predicted. Possibly, one could argue that the response re-
just switched away from. Drift rates were at an intermediate level in trieval process is also facilitated in case the compound-cue repeats.
cue-switch trials, which would be expected given that the relevant However, this cannot easily explain the increase in drift rate in task-
task-demand units are still activated. Finally, drift rates were highest repeat/cue-switch trials over task-switch/cue-switch trials that was ob-
in cue-repeat trials, possibly reflecting additional cue-driven task-set bi- served in both groups.
asing. Differently in the long CSI group, drift rates were reduced in task- Conversely, predictions from multiple-component models of task
switch trials only, but comparably high in task-repetitions with cue- switching (e.g., Mayr & Kliegl, 2003; Ruthruff et al., 2001) were generally
switches and with cue-repetitions. This pattern suggests additional confirmed. The selective increase in the non-decision parameter seems to
effects of controlled task-set activation, particularly in the cue-switch correspond with the requirement to prepare for a new task set; and re-
trials. It seems to be reasonable to assume that the long CSI left sufficient sults of the present study extend previous findings that this effect is in-
time to realize that the same task will be repeated and, hence, re- deed task-switch (and not cue-switch) specific. However, the increase
activate it, so that comparable levels of task-readiness can be achieved in the non-decision parameter does not elucidate how exactly task-set
as in cue-repeat trials. preparation takes place (but see e.g., Gilbert & Shallice, 2002; Goschke,
Differently, the account on compound-cue retrieval/repetition prim- 2000; Mayr & Kliegl, 2000, 2003; Risse & Oberauer, 2010; Ruthruff et al.,
ing does not specifically predict substantial differences in drift rates 2001, for theoretical accounts). Nevertheless, one of the core components
across trial types. However, if one permits that repetition priming does should be the activation of relevant S–R links (e.g., Allport et al., 1994;
not only affect compound cue encoding/formation but also affect re- Monsell et al., 2000) that will allow using stimulus information to select
sponse retrieval in case the compound-cue repeats, then faster drift the appropriate response in the next phase. The stronger the rele-
rates would be expected in task-repeat/cue-repeat trials. However, this vant S–R link (relative to competing ones), the higher should be
would not easily explain the difference obtained between task-switch/ the task readiness, corresponding with high drift rates. Drift rates
cue-switch and task-repeat/cue-switch trials. seemed to largely reflect inertia effects when the CSI is short. How-
ever, when there is sufficient time to prepare, drift rates may be
additionally affected by preparation (cf. Koch & Allport, 2006, for
5.2.3. Response criterion (a) the joint effects on task readiness).
Given that both theoretical perspectives do not make specific as-
sumptions with respect to trial-to-trial adjustment in response caution, 5.3. Scope and limitations
we based our predictions on previous studies that employed the diffu-
sion model. Confirming previous findings, the response criterion was 5.3.1. Advantages of modeling task switching data
found to be generally increased in the mixed blocks relative to the We conducted this study primarily with the intention to test predic-
task-pure blocks (Schmitz & Voss, 2012). Consequently, part of the tions derived from important theoretical accounts. However, diffusion
mixing costs can be attributed to a more cautious response style in the modeling may be generally an appealing technique for the analyses of
mixed block compared with the task-pure block. This was the case for task-switching data that yields certain advantages over conventional
both CSI groups, however, the increase in the response criterion was RT and error analyses. The increase in non-decision time may serve as
more pronounced in the short CSI group compared with the long CSI a relatively specific indicator of task preparation, as shown in the cur-
group. This finding suggests that the long CSI group perceived the task rent study. The drift rates in experimental conditions may offer a less bi-
as less difficult and chose a more confident processing style. ased performance measure of task-switching costs: They integrate the
Compared with the effects of block and of CSI group, the adjustment information in correct and erroneous responses into a common metric
of the response criterion in a trial-to-trial fashion was of small magni- and simultaneously avoid a bias of response caution. The latter can be
tude only. Results obtained for this effect were less consistent across additionally quantified with the criterion parameter.
methods of parameter estimation, although a lack of statistical power
might have prevented statistical significance of a descriptive effect in 5.3.2. Suitability of the paradigm
the ML analyses. If anything, participants in the long CSI group tended The explicit cueing paradigm with a 2:1 mapping of cues to tasks is
to reduce response caution in the case of an easy task-repeat/cue-repeat appealing as it promises to tease apart the task-switch and cue-switch
trial (as confirmed by the KS and EZ estimates). Differently in the short components. However, the paradigm was also criticized for manipulat-
CSI group, the response criterion did not differ between trial types of the ing conditional task-switch expectancies (Mayr, 2006; Schneider &
mixed blocks. This can be reconciled with previous findings that re- Logan, 2006). In fact, some of the divergent results obtained with the
sponse criteria are only adjusted when there is enough time (Schmitz 2:1 mapping procedure concerning the relative magnitudes of cue-
& Voss, 2012; see also Karayanidis et al., 2010; Karayanidis et al., switch and task-switch effects may, in part, depend on the conditional
2009), possibly because fine-grained trial-to-trial adjustment of the re- probability of a task switch given a cue switch (see Mayr, 2006, for a
sponse criterion consumes time, or is a resources-demanding process global; and Schneider & Logan, 2006, for a local account). Given a high
(cf. Mansfield et al., 2011). conditional probability, participants may engage in task switch activity
F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196 193

upon the detection of a cue switch so that the relevant task-set needs to 5.3.4. Learning effects
be prepared again later. Additionally, an orienting reaction may take Finally, it shall be discussed that task performance improved across
place in case the actual task set does not match with expectancies. all runs of blocks, although the rate of improvement diminished from
Both would lead to increased response times in the task-repeat/cue- block to block. To give numbers, we contrasted the RT in each block
switch condition (cf. Forstmann, Brass, & Koch, 2007), simultaneously with the mean of the following blocks for the short CSI (long CSI)
increasing estimates of the cue-switch effect and diminishing estimates group. The RT in TS/CS trials improved by 319 ms (116 ms) from the
of the task-switch effect. Both effects could have taken place in the first to the following blocks; the next improvement was only 150 ms
current study, as a task switch occurred in 66% of all cue switches. (71 ms). Similarly, in TR/CS trials the first improvement was 272 ms
Nevertheless, there was still a substantial task-switch effect in the RT (159 ms), and the next one was 118 ms (53 ms). In TR/CR trials,
data. Additionally, from a diffusion modeling perspective, one can pre- the first improvement was 203 ms (139 ms), and the next was 78 ms
dict that postponed task-set preparation and surprise/orienting would (49 ms). The last improvement from the fourth to the fifth block
contribute to increased non-decision time in task-repeat/cue-switch reached from 40 ms (TS/CS in the short CSI group) to 13 ms (TR/CR in
trials. However, this was not observed in the present study. the long CS group). Hence, some of the contrasts were still significant
The problem associated with cue-switch based expectancies could from the fourth to the fifth run. This non-stationary can inflate variance
have been circumvented by using the transition-cueing paradigm and may bias parameter estimates, as the model fit tends to be sensitive
(Forstmann et al., 2007) in which cue switches and task switches can to variance. Generally, the effects of learning on parameter estimates
be combined orthogonally. However, this paradigm is characterized by deserve more attention. Future studies should circumvent this limita-
particularly large switch costs which are not fully understood tion by allowing enough trials to arrive at asymptotic performance.
(Vandierendonck et al., 2010). Hence, we chose the 2:1 explicit cueing
paradigm in the current study which is more frequently used in the lit- 5.4. Conclusion
erature, too. Additionally, some of the predictions derived from the
compound cue/priming account could be directly tested using the 2:1 The previously observed increase in the non-decision parameter (t0)
mapping paradigm. in task-switch trials was shown to be task-switch specific, whereas it
was not increased in cue-switch trials in which the task was repeated.
The selective increase in the non-decision parameter can be best recon-
5.3.3. Suitability of the diffusion model ciled with additional process accounts of task switching which assume
The diffusion model applied in the current study is relatively sim- that task-switches require additional preparation processes (Rogers &
ple. Hence, its parameters will not suffice to describe all possible Monsell, 1995; Rubinstein et al., 2001). The task-switch specific increase
component processes discussed in the rich task switching literature further rules likely that preparatory processes such as loading the
in a one-to-one fashion. Nevertheless, a model may be considered task-set into procedural working memory (Risse & Oberauer, 2010),
useful, when it helps dissociating at least some of the processes of in- transforming it into a task-appropriate attentional configuration
terest or when it helps testing meaningful predictions (Brown & (Mayr & Kliegl, 2000, 2003), for instance by biasing relevant task-
Heathcote, 2008; Wagenmakers, van der Maas, Dolan, & Grasman, demand units (Gilbert & Shallice, 2002), may contribute to the effect.
2008). Following this rationale, we used the diffusion model in In the following phase, the task-set is applied to the stimulus to
order to test predictions derived from multiple component models retrieve the response, according to multiple component models of task
of task switching and the compound-cue retrieval/repetition prim- switching (Mayr & Kliegl, 2003; Ruthruff et al., 2001). The efficiency of
ing account. Of course, this makes sense only, if the fitted model ad- this process, as indicated by the drift rate (v), was shown to depend on
equately captures important aspects of the theoretical account. This both task-predictability and task-sequence. The first points to the role of
seemed to be relatively evident in the case of the compound-cue re- some sort of task-set preparation (e.g., Rogers & Monsell, 1995), whereas
trieval/repetition priming account that was developed within a the latter supports the view of task-set inertia (e.g., Allport & Wylie,
random-walk framework that closely resembles the diffusion 2000), which jointly determine the state of task readiness (Koch &
model. Hence, predictions appeared relatively straightforward. Allport, 2006).
Differently, multiple component models are generally more complex Finally, the response criterion (a) varied largely between task-pure
and they were not explicitly developed with a continuous sampling and mixed blocks and as a function of CSI length. However, trial-to-
model in mind. However, as previously argued (Schmitz & Voss, 2012), trial adjustment within blocks was of comparatively small magnitude.
we believe that diffusion model parameters may help dissociate some of If there is trial-to-trial adjustment of the response criterion, it seems
the core processes, namely the effects of task preparation from response to require time or capacity to complete prior to stimulus onset.
selection, with the latter possibly more strongly affected by inertia
effects. At least, previous research using the explicit cueing paradigm Appendix A. Graphical display of model fit
has supported this notion (cf., Karayanidis et al., 2009, 2010; Mansfield
et al., 2011; Schmitz & Voss, 2012). The plots show overlaid predicted (parameter based) and empirical
Of course, the question arises as to whether this also holds for the cur- cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) for all trial types. Predicted
rently used task-cueing paradigm with 2:1 mapping that was criticized and empirical CDFs were first computed for each participant and then av-
for introducing additional affordances such as cue-disambiguation eraged across participants. The plotted functions are joint CDFs of correct
(Altmann, 2006; Kleinsorge, 2012). If the latter corresponds with an ad- and erroneous responses, with latencies of erroneous responses plotted
ditional decision process per trial, i.e. cue-based task-set selection, the on the left side of the horizontal axis (with negative scale values) and la-
question arises as to whether the standard diffusion model is still suited tencies of correct trials plotted on the right side (with positive scale
to describe the data. However, in support of the applied model, it has to values). The intercept of the cumulative distribution function indicates
be noted that the pattern of results obtained in this study closely resem- the percentage of erroneous responses. The CDFs for the long CSI and
bles the results in previous studies using the explicit-cueing paradigms short CSI group are displayed in the upper and lower panels, respectively.
with a 1:1 mapping (Karayanidis et al., 2009, 2010; Schmitz & Voss, Trial types of the task-pure and mixed blocks are shown on the left and
2012). Additionally, the model-implied RT distributions closely matched right sides, respectively. The order of trial types in the legend from top
empirical RT distributions, supporting the descriptive adequacy of the to bottom corresponds with trial difficulty, as indicated by the order of
model. Finally, the pattern observed in the estimated parameters the steep increase in the CDF: from left to right task-repeat/cue-repeat
seems to correspond well with theoretical predictions, as previously (TR/CR), task-repeat/cue-switch (TR/CS), and task-switch/cue-switch
outlined. (TS/CS) trials.
194 F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196

Appendix B. Model comparison

# Parameter constraints Short CSI Long CSI

LR-χ 2 (df) AIC BIC LR-χ 2 (df) AIC BIC

1 No constraints btw. conditions – 165.80 240.94 – −166.90 −92.54

2 a: TS = CS 2.09 (1) 167.90 243.04 0.51 (1) −166.39 −92.03
3 a: TS = CR 2.89 (1) 168.69 243.83 0.15 (1) −166.76 −92.39
4 a: CS = CR 0.66 (1) 166.46 241.60 0.06 (1) −166.85 −92.48
5 a: ALL 4.02 (2) 169.82 244.96 1.25 (2) −165.65 −91.28
6 ν: TS = CS 2.52 (1) 168.32 243.47 2.71 (1) −164.19 −89.82
7 ν: TS = CR 6.40 (1)* 172.20 247.34 2.97 (1) −163.93 −89.56
8 ν: CS = CR 2.30 (1) 168.10 243.24 0.89 (1) −166.01 −91.64
9 ν: ALL 7.41 (2)* 173.21 248.35 5.04 (2) −161.86 −87.50
10 t0: TS = CS 7.08 (1)** 172.88 248.03 1.25 (1) −165.66 −91.29
11 t0: TS = CR 7.19 (1)** 172.99 248.14 1.21 (1) −165.70 −91.33
12 t0: CS = CR 0.89 (1) 166.69 241.83 1.12 (1) −165.78 −91.41
13 t0: ALL 10.69 (2)** 176.49 251.63 2.44 (2) −164.47 −90.10
14 a: ALL; ν: TS = CS 4.95 (3) 170.75 245.90 5.84 (3) −161.07 −86.70
15 a: ALL; ν: TS = CR 17.17 (3)*** 182.97 258.12 9.99 (3)* −156.92 −82.55
16 a: ALL; ν: CS = CR 8.99 (3)* 174.79 249.93 2.61 (3) −164.29 −89.92
17 a: ALL; ν: ALL 18.87 (4)*** 184.67 259.81 11.21 (4)* −155.70 −81.33
18 a: ALL; t0: TS = CS 7.99 (3)* 173.79 248.93 2.38 (3) −164.53 −90.16
19 a: ALL; t0: TS = CR 11.22 (3)* 177.02 252.16 3.47 (3) −163.43 −89.06
20 a: ALL; t0: CS = CR 3.41 (3) 169.21 244.35 2.22 (3) −164.68 −90.32
21 a: ALL; t0: ALL 13.84 (4)** 179.64 254.79 4.14 (4) −162.76 −88.39
22 a: ALL; t0: ALL; ν: TS = CS 28.25 (5)*** 194.05 269.19 15.48 (5)** −151.43 −77.06
23 a: ALL; t0: ALL; ν: TS = CR 71.92 (5)*** 237.72 312.86 21.72 (5)*** −145.19 −70.82
24 a: ALL; t0: ALL; ν: CS = CR 27.18 (5)*** 192.98 268.12 6.23 (5) −160.67 −86.30
25 a: ALL; ν: ALL; t0: TS = CS 46.55 (5)*** 212.35 287.49 22.16 (5)*** −144.75 −70.38
26 a: ALL; ν: ALL; t0: TS = CR 70.97 (5)*** 236.78 311.92 23.06 (5)*** −143.85 −69.48
27 a: ALL; ν: ALL; t0: CS = CR 26.97 (5)*** 192.77 267.92 12.39 (5)*** −154.52 −80.15
28 a: ALL; ν: ALL; t0: ALL 81.54 (6)*** 247.34 322.48 28.55 (6)*** −138.35 −63.98

Note. a = response criterion, ν = drift rate, t0 = non-decision parameter; TS = task switch/cue switch, CS = task repeat/cue switch, CR = task repeat/cue repeat, ALL = parameters of
all conditions constrained to be equal; LR-χ 2 (df) = likelihood-ratio chi-squared test with df degrees of freedom, AIC = Akaike information criterion, BIC = Bayesian information crite-
rion, the value of the model recommended by each information criterion is printed in boldface; *p ≤ .05, **p ≤ .01, ***p ≤ .001.
F. Schmitz, A. Voss / Acta Psychologica 151 (2014) 184–196 195

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