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2 21 2.18 Study: wa Write: 2.1B Study: Write: Nouns One-word nouns Noun endings: people who do things/people who come from places [> LEG 2.2, App 2] 1 We use some words only as nouns: e.g. desk, hat, tree, etc. 2 However, we often make nouns from other words by adding different endings or suffixes and sometimes making other small changes. For example, it we add -er to a verb like play, we get the noun player, if we add -ity to the adjective active, we get the noun activity. There is no easy rule to tell us which endings to use to make nouns. 3 Typical endings which make nouns: people who do things: actor, assistant, beggar, driver, engineer, historian, pianist. people who come from places: Athenian, Berliner, Milanese, Muscovite, Roman. : TEES ALE TTT Give the nouns which describe people who do things or who come from places, Use these noun endings: an, -ant, -ar, -er, -ian, -ist, -or. Some are used more than once. 1 He acts very well. He's a fine ...... S48. 6 She's from Athens. She's an 2 Don't beg. You're not a 7 Manuel assists mé: He's my 3 I can't play the piano. I'm not a 8 She always tells lies. She's such a 4 She drives well. She's a good 9 He's from Texas. He's a 5 I'm from Berlin, 1m a an. 10 Anna is studying history. She's a fine Nouns formed from verbs, adjectives, other nouns [> LEG 2.2-3, Apps 2, 3.2] 1 Some nouns have the same form as verbs: act, attempt, blame, book, call, copy, cost, dance, fall, fear, help, joke, kiss, laugh, try, vote, wait, walk, wash, wish. 2 Typical endings which make nouns from: — verbs: acceptance, agreement, arrival, behaviour, discovery, knowledge, possession. adjectives: absence, activity, anxiety, constancy, happiness. — other nouns: boyhood, kingdom, lunacy, mouthful, sexism. ‘And note ~ing forms used as nouns: I've given your shirt an ironing. [> 2.2A, 16.5} PEEL TSE STE ive the nouns derived from verbs, adjectives or other nouns. Use these endings: -age, -hood, -ation, -ion, -ful, -ence, -ency, -ness, -al, -(er)y, -ment, -ely, -ism, -ity, -ing. 1 I decided this. It was my... A&hor........ 11 Tryagain. Have another. 2 Don't be so anxious. Control your «12 Be more efficient. Improve your 3 Ann's a Socialist. She believes in...» 18 Don'tbe so curious. Control your . 4 We all want to be happy. We all seek 14 Address this envelope. I'll give you the 5 We all agree. We're all in... 15 | refused their offer. My ....... is final, 6 7 8 Who discovered this? Who made this 16 | warned you. | gave you enough Weill all arrive, We'll be met on ... 17 Putit in your mouth. Take one .. Iwas a child then. That was in my .......... 18 Can you explain it? Is there an. 9 She is absent. Can you explain her 2.19 They tried him. | was at the .. 10 I'll postthis. What's the ..... =? 20 Don't argue. | don't want an 2.1 One-word nouns 2.1C Nouns and verbs with the same spelling but different stress [> LEG 2.3.1, App 3.1] Study: | 1 With some words, when the stress is on the first syllable, the word is a noun. ‘When the stress is on the second syllable, it is a verb. The meanings are related: noun: We have finished Book 1. We have made good ‘progress. verb: We are now ready to progress to Book 2. 2 The meanings can also be quite different: noun: My son's ‘conduct at schoo! hasn't been very good. verb: Mahler used to corrduct the Vienna Philharmonic. Underline the syllable that you would stress when speaking, 1 Ineed a permit to work in this country. 13 I've brought you a present. 2 can't permit you to park here. 14 Please present my compliments to him. 3 Will they increase my salary next year? 15 I must protestat your proposal. 4 I'm looking for an increase in salary. 16 The proposal didn't go without protest. 5 Joy objects to your proposal. 17 I've got an Australian accent. 6 Don't treat me as if | were an object. 18 Please accent every syllable, 7 We've had complaints about your conduct. 19 Our exports have increased this year. 8 I'll conduct you to your seat. 20 We export everything we make. 9 This is the entrance to the building, 21 I'll escort you to your new office. 10 Gloria will entrance you. 22 You'll need an escort. 11. Do you want to buy this record? 23 Our imports have increased 12 Let me record your voice. 2.1D Context - “The computer was having a tantrum! 24 We import too much. Refer to the words in brackets and put in the right nouns. COMPUTER TANTRUMS clever computer built at Imperial College, London, often suffers from (bore) *.. The computer was built to find out about human (communicate) *. sone « The computer acquired a simple vocabulary in the same way as babies do: through (babble) Wis common (KNOW) 4.n...-esemee that when babies babble, itis a (prepAPE)SnennsvenefOF Speech. When babies make sounds lke real words, they are encouraged to remember them. With (encourage) ® from their parents, babies quickly build up their vocabulary. In the same way, the clever computer learnt to use real words. For example, it learnt to identify a black cat. It was then shown a white cat to test how good it was at (recognize)... tt refused to co-operate because the (soive) ¢ tothe problem was too easy. At first this (refuse) .- puzzled scientists, but then they decided the computer was having a tantrum. ‘It just sits there and goes on strike,’ a (science) ".. said, “These clever computers must also be taught good (behave) 27 2 Nouns 2.2 2.20 Study: 2.2B Study: Write: Compound nouns Nouns formed with gerund (‘-ing’) + noun: ‘dancing-shoes’ [> LEG 27, 2.11.3, 6.3.1, 16.39.3] 1. When a noun has two or more parts (e.g. classroom), we call it a compound noun, We can make compound nouns with the -ing form: e.g. dancing-shoes [compare > 16.5] 2 The -ing form can sometimes be an adjective: Couple that is dancing) Can you see that'dancing ‘couple? (= When the -ing form is an adjective, we stress both words and never use a hyphen. | 3 The -ing form can be the first part of a compound noun: | need a pair of dancing-shoes. (= shoes used for dancing; not ‘shoes that are dancing’) When the -ing form is a noun, we stress the first word only and a hyphen is of ional. EERIE Puta tick if the second word is part of a compound noun. 1 You need a pair of running shoes. v 2 We sat beside a running stream. 3 Put itin the frying pan. 4 like the smell of frying sausages. _ 5 This water is near boiling point. _ 6 Ineed some boiling water. 7 Where are my walking shoes? __ 8 Veraiis a walking dictionary. Apostrophe s ('s) or compound noun? [> LEG 2.10.1, 2.44, 2.47-48] 1. We use apostrophe s ('s) and s apostrophe (s) with people and some living things to show possession: Gus's car, the girls’ shoes, a dog's bark [> 2.8] 2 When we want to show possession with things, we can use of: the leg of the table. However, we often prefer to use a compound noun instead of of the table-leg. 3 We can say the voice of a man or a man’s voice. (Not “a man voice’) We can say the leg of a table or a table-leg. (Not “a table's leg’) : ‘Supply a phrase with ‘s or a compound noun in place of the phrases in italics. 1 Where's the key of the car? ...e. car Rey. 2 Where's the surgery of the doctor? 3 It's the idea of the committee. 4 Don't damage the nib of the pen. 5 It's the keyboard of the computer. 6 I've cleaned the top of the desk 7 twas in the reign of King John... 8 Do you like the poetry of Eliot? 9 It's the responsibility of 10 ONG... 10 Look at the handle of the suitcase! 11 Polish the knob of the front door. 12 The journey of Scott is historic. 13 Who stole the bicycle of the postman? . 14 Put out the stub of that cigarette. 15 We've got a new table in the kitchen. 16 Don't pull the tail of the horset .. 17 18 19 20 at 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Please clean the switches of the lights. I spoke to the secretary of the boss. ... This is the new policy of the party. The cover of the book is torn. He's the son of Mr Jones. The gate of the factory was shut. Please open the door of the garage. I've lost the photos of the children... The phone in the office is out of order. The eric of the film was wrong. She's a teacher of dancing. Who's the mother of the twins? .. That's the wife of my brother... I need a new lamp for reading... The surface of the roadis slippery. .. He is the secretary of the President.

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