Get Your Iclickers Ready: Physics105

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Chapter 5: Applying Newton’s Laws
Applying Newton’s Laws
There are two forces acting on the person in Figure:
the force of gravity ࡲࢍ࢘ࢇ࢜ and ࡺ, the normal force
from the floor. The forces are equal in magnitude and
opposite in direction. Are the an action-reaction pair?

(A) NO

The two forces in a pair act on different objects and

are equal in strength and opposite in direction, so the
pair for ࡲࢍ࢘ࢇ࢜ exerted by Earth on the person is the
force exerted by the person on Earth, and the pair for
ࡺ exerted by floor on the person is the force exerted
by person on the floor.

#1 30 sec
Applying Newton’s Laws
A box of weight 100 N is at rest on a floor where s = 0.4. A rope
is attached to the box and pulled horizontally with tension T = 30
N. Which way does the box move?
(A) moves to the left
(B) moves to the right
(C) the box does not move

Static friction force has a maximum value of sN = 40 N. The tension in

the rope is only 30 N. So the pulling force is not big enough to
overcome friction.

#2 1 min
Applying Newton’s Laws
The magnitude of the drag on a cyclist encountering a head wind
is given by ଵ
(A) ‫ܨ‬ௗ௥௔௚ ൌ ߩ‫ܣ‬ሺ‫ݒ‬௕௜௞௘ ሻଶ

ଵ ‫ݒ‬௕௜௞௘
(B) ‫ܨ‬ௗ௥௔௚ ൌ ߩ‫ܣ‬ሺ‫ݒ‬௕௜௞௘ െ ‫ݒ‬௔௜௥ ሻଶ ‫ݒ‬௔௜௥

(C) ‫ܨ‬ௗ௥௔௚ ൌ ߩ‫ܣ‬ሺ‫ݒ‬௔௜௥ ሻଶ

(D) ‫ܨ‬ௗ௥௔௚ ൌ ߩ‫ܣ‬ሺ‫ݒ‬௕௜௞௘ ൅ ‫ݒ‬௔௜௥ ሻଶ

‫ܨ‬ௗ௥௔௚ ൌ ߩ‫ ݒܣ‬ଶ , where ‫ ݒ‬is the speed of the object relative to the air!!!

So, ‫ ݒ‬ൌ ‫ݒ‬௕௜௞௘ െ െ‫ݒ‬௔௜௥ ൌ ‫ݒ‬௕௜௞௘ ൅ ‫ݒ‬௔௜௥

#3 1 min
Applying Newton’s Laws
The scale at the left reads 9.81 N. Is the reading of the scale at
the right LEFT RIGHT
(A) greater than 9.81 N
(B) equal to 9.81 N
(C) less than 9.81 N

Unless told otherwise, we will assume “massless” ropes and “massless and
frictionless” pulleys. Thus a pulley will only act to change the direction of the

#4 30 sec
Applying Newton’s Laws
The scale at the left reads 9.81 N. Is the reading of the scale at
the right LEFT RIGHT
(A) greater than 9.81 N
(B) equal to 9.81 N
(C) less than 9.81 N

Again, we assume massless and frictionless ropes and pulleys. By inspection, 
we see the system on the right is in equilibrium.  Thus there is no difference 
than if the scale  was anchored. 

#5 30 sec
Forces, and Newton’s Laws

A 5 kg block and a 10 kg block slide down a frictionless incline

(A) The 5 kg block has an acceleration of twice that of the 10 kg block.

(B) The 10 kg block has an acceleration of twice that of the 5 kg block.
(C) Their acceleration depends on the normal force.
(D) They both have the same acceleration.

Net force directed along the incline,

Fnet,x = Wx = mg·sin = max.
 ax = g·sin is independent of mass.
So, both blocks slide down with the same

#6 30 sec

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