Renegade Diet Meal Plan 1200 PDF

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Jason Ferruggia

Meal Plans for 1200 Daily Calories

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Morning Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Mid Day Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Evening Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Morning Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Mid Day Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Evening Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Here’s how you are going to pick the

appropriate menus to use.
If your main goal is Fat Loss: If your main goal is gaining muscle:
Multiply your bodyweight (in pounds) by 10. Multiply your bodyweight (in pounds) by 15
Round that number up to the nearest menu total. and round up or down to the nearest menu total
That is the total number of calories you are to get your starting point for daily calories.
going to eat per day. You are rounding up
because when you are dieting for fat loss you Those looking to gain muscle will also shorten
always want to start at the highest number their fasting time to 12 hours. To do this, simply
possible. That way you have an ace up your add a meal at the 12 hour mark that consists of
sleeve and have room to drop them lower 20-30g of protein and 10-20g of fat. This can be
if/when your fat loss starts to plateau. eggs, a shake, chicken, beef, bacon, fish,
whatever. Just eat.
For example, if you weigh 187 pounds, you are
going to multiply that number by 10. That gives So, if you weigh 165 lbs you would multiply to
you 1,870 calories/day. Then, round that number 2475 calories (160 x 15). You would then round up
up to the nearest menu total, which is 2,000. So to the 2,500 calorie/day menus and follow that
you’re going to use the 2,000 calorie/day menus. meal plan PLUS the additional 20-30g protein
and 10-20g fat meal that you will consume after
Simple, right? Yes. 12 hours of fasting.

Because your main goal is gaining muscle,

If your main goal is maintenance: you can afford to have the extra calories. In the
case of this 160lb example, this will put him at
Multiply your body weight (in pounds) by 12. right around 2700-2800 cals/day, which is a great
Round that number up or down to the nearest starting point for adding size.
calorie option.
Let’s look at one more example to make sure
So, if you weigh 160 lbs, the number you get we really understand how to set up muscle gain.
will be 1920 calories/day. Once again, you are
going to round that up and use the 2,000 A 120lb girl looking to add muscle will multiply
calorie/day menus. If you weigh 187 lbs, you will her bodyweight by 15, which gives her 1,800.
get 2244 calories (187 x 12) as your answer. In She rounds up to the 2,000 menus, follows those,
that case you would round down and also use and simply adds that extra meal after a 12 hour
the 2,000 calorie/day menus. fast. This puts her in a slight surplus, allowing
her to gain some muscle without slapping on fat.
By rounding up or down to the closest calorie
total closest to your bodyweight x 12, you have Now, the next decision is whether you will
the flexibility to move up or down depending on choose high, moderate, or low carbs.
if you are gaining/losing weight.

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


The only people who will choose high carbs are So, to sum it up:
those who are looking to gain muscle and are
• Young and just starting to train Fat Loss:
• Naturally lean and thus, have great carb • Bodyweight x 10. Round up to nearest
tolerance, or calorie total.
• Looking to add size as rapidly as possible • Low Carb option
without much concern for fat gain.

Anyone else looking to gain muscle should • Bodyweight x 12. Round up or down to
follow a moderate carb approach. nearest calorie total.
People trying to maintain should also follow • Moderate Carb Option
the moderate carb option, and those wanting to
lose fat should follow the low carb option.

You will see that the only meal plans that have Muscle Gain:
a high carb option are the 2,500 and 3,000
• Bodyweight x 15. Round up or down to
calories plans. This is because no one needing
nearest calorie total
fewer calories than that to gain muscle should
be consuming high carbs; these people should • Add a 20-30g pro/10-20g fat meal to your
instead opt for moderate carbs. plan after 12 hours of fasting.

Likewise, the 2,500 and 3,000 calories plans do • Moderate carb option, EXCEPT those who
not have a low carb option because 99% of the are young, naturally lean, or wanting to add
population will need to eat less than 2,500 size as fast as possible.
cals/day to lose fat. Those that can lose fat on
2,500 or even 3,000 cals/day do not need a meal
plan; they are the people who have their training Weekly Calorie Spikes
and nutrition dialed in. Now, for the fun part.

Your schedule will dictate whether you use the Our initial calorie multipliers run on the low
AM, Midday, or PM Training. side. This is because one day per week, you will
spike calories ultra high. We’re talking AT LEAST
• If you train before 10am, follow the AM plan. bodyweight x 30. This means a 170lb guy will
need to eat a minimum of 5,100 calories on that
• If you train between 11am and 3pm, follow
day. If you feel like your metabolism is tanking,
Midday plan.
you may need to go as high bodyweight x 55.
• If you train after 4pm, follow PM training. Start on the lower end and see how high you
can push it while moving towards your goals.

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Every weekend you will feast til your hearts It’s the perfect balance.
content on either Saturday or Sunday.
Finally, these calorie recommendations are
Ideally, keep this day as healthy as possible, just starting points.
but don’t be afraid to indulge a little.
If your goal is to gain muscle, and the weight
These weekly feasts are necessary because isn’t coming on after 2 weeks of BW x 15, then
when your calorie runs on the lower side, your bump it up to BW x 16 for two more weeks. If the
metabolism can take a hit. By cranking calories scale still isn’t budging, push it up to 17.
once per week, you make sure that you keep
your leptin levels up, your thyroid humming All of these plans are designed under the
along nicely, and your glycogen levels topped assumption that you are training hard 3-4
off so you can get after your week of training. times/week, so some of you with lightning
metabolisms or a high weekly workload may
All of these effects of the high calorie day will need to push it higher. Don’t ever be afraid to eat
enhance fat loss and muscle gain, in addition to more if the size isn’t coming on.
keeping your hormones humming along well.

This is also a far healthier option for eating

big. When you pack down the food everyday,
you put your body under all kinds of digestive
stress, which can negatively impact how you
feel and how you perform. By eating a little on
the lighter side 6 days/week and blasting down
food on only 1 day, you mitigate a lot of the
issues that come from consistently cramming
food down your pie hole while still getting the
benefits of eating big.

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Morning Training

DAY 1 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 Pre-Workout Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

BCAAs 10g 0 0 0 0
Meal subtotals 0 0 0 0

Meal #2 Post-Workout
Whey Protein Concentrate 1 scoop 120 24 2 2.6
Banana 1 121 1.5 31 0.4
Meal subtotals 241 25.5 33 3

Meal #3 (12:30pm)
Chicken Breast 4oz 110 23 0 2.5
Spinach 1 cup 7 0.9 1.1 0.1
Tomatoes ½ cup 12.5 0.45 0.5 0.1
Olive Oil 1.5 tbsp 180 0 0 21
Meal subtotals 309.5 24.35 1.6 23.7

Meal #4 (4:30pm)
Walnuts (Raw) 1 oz 198 4.73 2.84 19
Meal subtotals 198 4.73 2.84 19

Meal #5 (6:00pm)
Beef (gound 90/10) 6 oz 294 36 0 18
Sweet Potatoes 1 115 2 27 0
Brussels Sprouts ½ cup 19 1.5 3.95 0.15
Meal subtotals 428 39.5 30.95 18.15

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Morning Training

DAY 2 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 11:30am Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Eggs 3 225 18.9 1.8 15
Coconut Oil ½ tbsp 60 0 0 7
Meal subtotals 285 18.9 1.8 22

Meal #2 3:30pm
Almonds (raw) 1 oz 164 6 5.6 14.3
Meal subtotals 164 6 5.6 14.3

Meal #3 6:30pm
Halibut 8 oz 210 47.2 0 2.4
Broccoli ½ cup 15.5 1.5 3 0
Kale ½ cup 17 1.1 3.35 0.25
Ghee 1 tbsp 135 0 0 15
Sweet Potatoes 1 small 115 2 27 0
Meal subtotals 492.5 51.8 33.35 17.65

Meal #4 (7:30pm)
Blackberries ½ cup 48.5 0.89 11.85 0.3
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Pea Protein 1 scoop 104 25 0 0.4
Meal subtotals 272.5 25.89 13.85 12.7

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Morning Training

DAY 3 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 Pre-Workout Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

BCAAs 10g 0 0 0 0
Meal subtotals 0 0 0 0

Meal #2 Post-Workout
Whey Protein Concentrate 1 scoop 120 24 2 2.6
Banana 1 121 1.5 31 0.4
Meal subtotals 241 25.5 33 3

Meal #3 (11:30am)
Shrimp 4oz 80 18 0 1
Bok Choy 1 cup 13 1.6 2.4 0.267
Onion (Red) ½ 7.5 0.5 1.5 0
Red Palm Oil 1.5 tbsp 195 0 0 21
Meal subtotals 295.5 20.1 3.9 22.267

Meal #4 (4:30pm)
Rice Protein 1 scoop 107 22.6 5.6 0.
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 227 22.6 7.6 12.6

Meal #5 (6:00pm)
Sole 6oz 150 30 0 1.8
Kale 1 cup 34 2.2 6.7 0.5
Ghee 1 tbsp 135 0 0 15
Meal subtotals 319 32.2 6.7 17.3

Meal #6 (7:30pm)
Strawberries (Halved) ½ cup 24.5 0.5 6 0
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 144.5 0.5 8 12

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Morning Training

DAY 4 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 11:30am Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Eggs 3 225 18.9 1.8 15
Coconut Oil ½ tbsp 60 0 0 7
Meal subtotals 285 18.9 1.8 22

Meal #2 3:30pm
Egg White Protein 1 scoop 120 24 2 0.5
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 240 24 4 12.5

Meal #3 7:30pm
Salmon (sockeye) 8oz 336 48 0 16
Peppers (green/red) ½ cup 23 0.75 4.5 0.2
Red Cabbage ½ cup 14 0.65 3.3 0.05
Ghee 1 tbsp 135 0 0 15
Jasmine Rice 1/4 cup 160 3 36 0
Meal subtotals 668 52.4 43.8 31.25

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Mid Day Training

DAY 1 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 (12:00pm) Pre-Workout Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Chicken Breast 4oz 110 23 0 2.5
Spinach 1 cup 7 0.9 1.1 0.1
Olive Oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Tomatoes ½ cup 12.5 0.45 0.5 0.1
Meal subtotals 249.5 24.35 1.6 16.7

Meal #2 (Post-Workout)
Egg White Protein 1 scoop 120 24 2 0.5
Banana 1 121 1.5 31 0.4
Meal subtotals 241 25.5 33 0.9

Meal #3 (3:30pm)
Walnuts (Raw) 1 oz 198 4.73 2.84 19
Meal subtotals 198 4.73 2.84 19

Meal #4 (7:00pm)
Beef (gound 90/10) 6oz 294 36 0 18
Broccoli ½ cup 15.5 1.5 3 0
Ghee ½ tbsp 67.5 0 0 7.5
Yukon Gold Potatoes 2 small 110 3 26 0
Meal subtotals 487 40.5 29 25.5

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Mid Day Training

DAY 2 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 (11:30am) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Rice Protein 1 scoop 107 22.6 5.6 0.6
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 227 22.6 7.6 12.6

Meal #2 (3:30pm)
Cod 4oz 89 20 0 1
Red Cabbage 1 cup 28 1.3 6.6 0.1
Red Palm Oil 1 tbsp 130 0 0 14
Meal subtotals 247 21.3 6.6 15.1

Meal #3 (6:30pm)
Seabass 8oz 218.66 42.66 0 5.32
Ghee 1.5 tbsp 202.5 0 0 22.5
Brussels Sprouts ½ cup 19 1.5 3.95 0.15
Kale ½ cup 17 1.1 3.35 0.25
Meal subtotals 457.16 45.26 7.3 28.22

Meal #4 (8:00pm)
Egg White Protein ½ scoop 60 12 1 0.25
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Blackberries 1 cup 97 1.78 23.7 0.6
Meal subtotals 277 13.78 26.7 12.85

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Mid Day Training

DAY 3 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 (11:30am) Pre-Workout Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Eggs 3 225 18.9 1.8 15
Coconut oil ½ tbsp 60 0 0 7
Mushrooms ½ cup 7.5 1.09 1.15 0.1
Tomatoes ½ cup 12.5 0.45 0.5 0.1
Meal subtotals 305 20.44 3.45 22.2

Meal #2 (Post-Workout)
Whey Protein Concentrate 1 scoop 120 24 2 2.6
Mango 1 cup 92 1 22 0
Meal subtotals 212 25 24 2.6

Meal #3 (6:00pm)
Salmon (Sockeye) 8 oz 336 48 0 16
Jasmine Rice ¼ cup 160 3 36 0
Ghee 1 tbsp 135 0 0 15
Meal subtotals 631 51 36 31

Meal #4 (8:00pm)
Strawberries (halved) ½ cup 24.5 0.5 6 0
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 144.5 0.5 8 12

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Mid Day Training

DAY 4 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 (11:30am) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Eggs 3 225 18.9 1.8 15
Coconut oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Meal subtotals 345 18.9 1.8 29

Meal #2 (3:30pm)
Turkey Breast 4oz 124 28 0 1.5
Lettuce (Iceburg) 1 cup 10 1 2 0
Avocado ½ 145 1.7 7.45 13.35
Cucumber ½ 4 0.17 0.95 0.05
Meal subtotals 283 30.87 10.4 14.9

Meal #3 (7:30pm)
Salmon (atlantic) 8oz 299.6 45.2 0 13.2
Grass Fed Butter 1 tbsp 100 0 0 11
Cauliflower ½ cup 12.5 1 2.65 0.05
Jasmine Rice ¼ cup 160 3 36 0
Meal subtotals 572.1 49.2 38.65 24.25

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Evening Training

DAY 1 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 12:00pm Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Eggs 3 225 18.9 1.8 15
Coconut oil ½ tbsp 60 0 0 7
Mushrooms ½ cup 7.5 1.09 1.15 0.1
Meal subtotals 292.5 19.99 2.95 22.1

Meal #2 (4:00pm) (Pre-Workout)

Whey Protein Concentrate 1 scoop 120 24 2 2.6
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 240 24 4 14.6

Meal #3 Post-Workout
Banana 1 121 1.5 31 0.4
Meal subtotals 121 1.5 31 0.4

Meal #4 (7:00pm)
Bison (ground) 8oz 480 46 0 22
Coconut Oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Russet Potatoes 1 small 111 3 24 0
Meal subtotals 711 49 24 36

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Evening Training

DAY 2 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 (11:30am) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Pea Protein 1 scoop 104 25 0 0.4
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 224 25 2 12.4

Meal #2 (3:00pm)
Turkey Breast 6oz 186 42 0 2.25
Kale ½ cup 17 1.1 3.35 0.25
Ghee 1 tbsp 135 0 0 15
Red Cabbage ½ cup 14 0.65 3.3 0.05
Meal subtotals 352 43.75 6.65 17.55

Meal #3 (6:30pm)
Seabass 6 oz 163.995 31.995 0 3.99
Avocado ½ 145 1.7 7.45 13.35
Coconut Oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Bok Choy 1 cup 13 1.6 2.4 0.267
Meal subtotals 441.995 35.295 9.85 31.607

Meal #4 (7:30pm)
Coconut Milk Splash 60 0 1 6
Banana 1 60.5 0.75 15.5 0.2
Blueberries ½ cup 42 0.5 10.5 0
Meal subtotals 162.5 1.25 27 6.2

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Evening Training

DAY 3 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 12:00pm Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Chicken Breast 4 oz 110 23 0 2.5
Olive Oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Lettuce (Romain) 1 cup 10 0.46 0.67 0.06
Tomatoes ½ cup 12.5 0.45 0.5 0.1
Avocado ¼ 72.5 0.85 3.725 6.675
Meal subtotals 325 24.76 4.895 23.335

Meal #2 (4:00pm) (Pre-Workout)

Peaches 1 cup 66 2 16 0
Meal subtotals 66 2 16 0

Meal #3 Post-Workout
Egg White Protein 1 scoop 120 24 2 0.5
Blackberries 1 cup 97 1.78 23.7 0.6
Meal subtotals 217 25.78 25.7 1.1

Meal #4 (7:00pm)
Halibut 4oz 105 23.6 0 1.2
Beef Chateaubriand 4oz 180 25 0 8
Sweet Potatoes 1 small 115 2 27 0
Ghee 2 tbsp 270 0 0 30
Meal subtotals 670 50.6 27 39.2

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Low Carb/Evening Training

DAY 4 Target Macros Each Day: 60g carb/90g protein/65g fat

Meal #1 (11:30am) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Eggs 3 225 18.9 1.8 15
Coconut Oil ½ tbsp 60 0 0 7
Meal subtotals 285 18.9 1.8 22

Meal #2 (3:30pm)
Salmon (Atlantic) 4oz 149.8 22.6 0 6.6
Lettuce (Romain) ½ cup 5 0.23 0.335 0.03
Olive Oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Almonds (raw) ½ oz 82 3 2.8 7.15
Meal subtotals 356.8 25.83 3.135 27.78

Meal #3 (7:30pm)
Tilapia 6 oz 162 33.75 0 2.85
Ghee 1 tbsp 135 0 0 15
Broccoli ½ cup 15.5 1.5 3 0
Meal subtotals 312.5 35.25 3 17.85

Meal #4 (7:30pm)
Coconut Milk Splash 60 0 1 6
Whey Protein Concentrate ½ scoop 60 12 1 1.3
Peaches 2 cups 132 4 32 0
Strawberries (halved) 1 cup 49 1 12 0
Meal subtotals 301 17 46 7.3

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Morning Training

DAY 1 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 Pre-Workout Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

BCAAs 10g 0 0 0 0
Meal subtotals 0 0 0 0

Meal #2 Post Workout

Whey Protein Concentrate 1 scoop 120 24 2 2.6
Banana 1 121 1.5 31 0.4
Meal subtotals 241 25.5 33 3

Meal #3 12:00pm
Chicken Breast 4oz 110 23 0 2.5
Olive Oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Spinach 1 cup 7 0.9 1.1 0.1
Mushrooms ½ cup 7.5 1.09 1.15 0.1
Tomatoes ½ cup 12.5 0.45 0.5 0.1
Meal subtotals 257 25.44 2.75 16.8

Meal #4 3:30pm
Strawberries (halved) 1 cup 49 1 12 0
Meal subtotals 49 1 12 0

Meal #5 (7:30pm)
Beef London Broil 8oz 280 48 0 9
Russet Potatoes 1 medium 222 6 48 0
Broccoli 1 cup 31 3 6 0
Grass Fed Butter 1 tbsp 100 0 0 11
Meal subtotals 633 57 54 20

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Morning Training

DAY 2 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 (11:30am) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Hemp Protein 1 scoop 134 15 5 6
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 254 15 7 18

Meal #2 (3:30pm)
Shrimp 4oz 80 18 0 1
Bok Choy 1 cup 13 1.6 2.4 0.267
Peppers (green/red) 1 cup 46 1.5 9 0.4
Avocado ½ 145 1.7 7.45 13.35
Meal subtotals 284 22.8 18.85 15.017

Meal #3 (7:00pm)
Salmon (Atlantic) 4oz 149.8 22.6 0 6.6
Turkey Breast 4oz 124 28 0 1.5
Jasmine Rice ½ cup 320 6 72 0
Red Cabbage 1 cup 28 1.3 6.6 0.1
Meal subtotals 621.8 57.9 78.6 8.2

Meal #4 (8:00pm)
Strawberries (halved) ½ cup 24.5 0.5 6 0
Blueberries ½ cup 42 0.5 10.5 0
Meal subtotals 66.5 1 16.5 0

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Morning Training

DAY 3 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 Pre-Workout Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

BCAAs 10g 0 0 0 0
Meal subtotals 0 0 0 0

Meal #2 Post Workout

Pea Protein 1 scoop 104 25 0 0.4
Peaches 1 cup 66 2 16 0
Meal subtotals 170 27 16 0.4

Meal #3 12:00pm
Eggs 2 150 12.6 1.2 10
Egg Whites ½ cup 60 12 2 0
Spinach 1 cup 7 0.9 1.1 0.1
Meal subtotals 217 25.5 4.3 10.1

Meal #4 3:30pm
Walnuts (raw) 1 oz 198 4.73 2.84 19
Meal subtotals 198 4.73 2.84 19

Meal #5 (6:30pm)
Cod 8oz 178 40 0 2
Sweet Potatoes 1 small 115 2 27 0
Brussels Sprouts 1 cup 38 3 7.9 0.3
Ghee ½ tbsp 67.5 0 0 7.5
Meal subtotals 398.5 45 34.9 9.8

Meal #6 (7:30pm)
Hot Rice Cereal ¼ cup 140 3 32 0
Blackberries 1 cup 97 1.78 23.7 0.6
Meal subtotals 237 4.78 55.7 0.6

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Morning Training

DAY 4 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 (12:30pm) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Tilapia 4oz 108 22.5 0 1.9
Kale 1 cup 34 2.2 6.7 0.5
Olive Oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Peaches ½ cup 33 1 8 0
Mushrooms ½ cup 7.5 1.09 1.15 0.1
Meal subtotals 302.5 26.79 15.85 16.5

Meal #2 (4:30pm)
Rice Protein 1 scoop 107 22.6 5.6 0.6
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 227 22.6 7.6 12.6

Meal #3 (7:30pm)
Paiche 6oz 177.99 39.99 0 1.995
Brussels Sprouts 1 cup 38 3 7.9 0.3
Ghee ½ tbsp 67.5 0 0 7.5
Red Potatoes 2-3 medium 440 12 96 0
Meal subtotals 723.49 54.99 103.9 9.795

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Mid Day Training

DAY 1 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 (12:00pm/PreWorkout) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Eggs 1 75 6.3 0.6 5
Egg whites ¾ cup 90 18 3 0
Spinach ½ cup 3.5 0.45 0.55 0.05
Blackberries 1 cup 97 1.78 23.7 0.6
Meal subtotals 265.5 26.53 27.85 5.65

Meal #2 Post Workout

Whey Protein Concentrate 1 scoop 120 24 2 2.6
Banana 1 121 1.5 31 0.4
Meal subtotals 241 25.5 33 3

Meal #3 6:00pm
Beef Chateaubriand 6oz 270 37.5 0 12
Brussels Sprouts 1 cup 38 3 7.9 0.3
Ghee 1 tbsp 135 0 0 15
Yukon Gold Potatoes 2 medium 220 6 52 0
Meal subtotals 663 46.5 59.9 27.3

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Mid Day Training

DAY 2 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 12:00pm Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Halibut 4oz 105 23.6 0 1.2
Avocado ¼ 72.5 0.85 3.725 6.675
Bok Choy 1 cup 13 1.6 2.4 0.267
Mushrooms ½ cup 7.5 1.09 1.15 0.1
Meal subtotals 198 27.14 7.275 8.242

Meal #2 3:30pm
Rice Protein 1 scoop 107 22.6 5.6 0.6
Coconut Milk Splash 60 0 1 6
Peaches 1 cup 66 2 16 0
Meal subtotals 233 24.6 22.6 6.6

Meal #3 (7:00pm)
Beef (gound 90/10) 8oz 392 48 0 24
Sweet Potatoes 1 medium 230 4 54 0
Brussels Sprouts 1 cup 19 1.5 3.95 0.15
Meal subtotals 641 53.5 57.95 24.15

Meal #4 (8:00pm)
Strawberries (halved) 1 cup 49 1 12 0
Banana 1/2 60.5 0.75 15.5 0.2
Meal subtotals 109.5 1.75 27.5 0.2

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Mid Day Training

DAY 3 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 (12:00pm/PreWorkout) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Shrimp 4oz 80 18 0 1
Coconut Oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Peppers (Green/Red) ½ cup 23 0.75 4.5 0.2
Strawberries (Halved) 1 cup 49 1 12 0
Meal subtotals 272 19.75 16.5 15.2

Meal #2 Post Workout

Egg White Protein 1 scoop 120 24 2 0.5
Mango 1 cup 92 1 22 0
Meal subtotals 212 25 24 0.5

Meal #3 4:30pm
Hake 4oz 81 18 0 1
Lettuce (Iceburg) 1 cup 10 1 2 0
Cashews (raw) 1 oz 0 0 0 0
Tomatoes ½ cup 0 0 0 0
Meal subtotals 91 19 2 1

Meal #4 (7:30pm)
Salmon (Sockeye) 6oz 252 36 0 12
Spinach 1 cup 7 0.9 1.1 0.1
Red Cabbage ½ cup 14 0.65 3.3 0.05
Jasmine Rice ½ cup 320 6 72 0
Grass Fed Butter 1 tbsp 100 0 0 11
Meal subtotals 693 43.55 76.4 23.15

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Mid Day Training

DAY 4 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 (11:30am) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Pea Protein 1 scoop 104 25 0 0.4
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 224 25 2 12.4

Meal #2 3:30pm
Turkey Breast 4oz 124 28 0 1.5
Spinach 1 cup 7 0.9 1.1 0.1
Tomatoes 1 cup 25 0.9 1 0.2
Olive Oil ½ tbsp 60 0 0 7
Blackberries 1 cup 97 1.78 23.7 0.6
Meal subtotals 313 31.58 25.8 9.4

Meal #3 (7:00pm)
Seabass 6oz 163.995 31.995 0 3.99
Ghee ½ tbsp 67.5 0 0 7.5
Jasmine Rice ½ cup 320 6 72 0
Meal subtotals 551.495 37.995 72 11.49

Meal #4 (8:00pm)
Peaches 1 cup 66 2 16 0
Coconut Milk Splash 60 0 1 6
Meal subtotals 126 2 17 6

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Evening Training

DAY 1 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 (12:00pm) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Cod 4oz 89 20 0 1
Lettuce (Iceburg) 1 cup 10 1 2 0
Olive oil ½ tbsp 60 0 0 7
Walnuts (raw) ½ oz 99 2.365 1.42 9.5
Cucumber 1 8 0.34 1.9 0.1
Empty 0 0 0 0
Meal subtotals 266 23.705 5.32 17.6

Meal #2 (4:30pm) Pre-Workout

Blackberries 1 cup 97 1.78 23.7 0.6
Meal subtotals 97 1.78 23.7 0.6

Meal #3 (6:00pm)
Pea Protein 1 scoop 104 25 0 0.4
Pineapple 1 cup 92 1 22 0
Meal subtotals 196 26 22 0.4

Meal #4 7:30pm
Salmon (Atlantic) 6oz 224.7 33.9 0 9.9
Jasmine Rice ½ cup 320 6 72 0
Kale 1 cup 34 2.2 6.7 0.5
Coconut Oil 1 tbsp 120 0 0 14
Meal subtotals 698.7 42.1 78.7 24.4

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Evening Training

DAY 2 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 (11:00am) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Egg White Protein 1 scoop 120 24 2 0.5
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Meal subtotals 240 24 4 12.5

Meal #2 (3:30pm)
Chicken Breast 4oz 110 23 0 2.5
Spinach 1 cup 7 0.9 1.1 0.1
Olive Oil ½ tbsp 60 0 0 7
Tomatoes ½ cup 12.5 0.45 0.5 0.1
Peaches ½ cup 33 1 8 0
Meal subtotals 222.5 25.35 9.6 9.7

Meal #3 7:00pm
Shrimp 10oz 200 45 0 2.5
Jasmine Rice ½ cup 320 6 72 0
Peppers (Green/Red) ½ cup 23 0.75 4.5 0.2
Meal subtotals 543 51.75 76.5 2.7

Meal #4 (8:00pm)
Sweet Dark Cherries 1 cup 92 1 22 0
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Blackberries ½ cup 48.5 0.89 11.85 0.3
Meal subtotals 260.5 1.89 35.85 12.3

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Evening Training

DAY 3 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Meal #1 (12:00pm) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Eggs 2 150 12.6 1.2 10
Egg Whites ½ cup 60 12 2 0
Coconut oil ½ tbsp 60 0 0 7
Spinach ½ cup 3.5 0.45 0.55 0.05
Mushrooms ½ cup 7.5 1.09 1.15 0.1
Meal subtotals 281 26.14 4.9 17.15

Meal #2 (4:30pm) Pre-Workout

Blackberries 1 cup 97 1.78 23.7 0.6
Whey Protein Concentrate ½ scoop 60 12 1 1.3
Meal subtotals 157 13.78 24.7 1.9

Meal #3 (6:00pm)
Banana 1 121 1.5 31 0.4
Meal subtotals 121 1.5 31 0.4

Meal #4 7:00pm
Beef London Broil 6oz 210 36 0 6.75
Yukon Gold Potatoes 2 small 220 6 52 0
Kale 1 cup 34 2.2 6.7 0.5
Grass Fed Butter 1 tbsp 100 0 0 11
Meal subtotals 564 44.2 58.7 18.25

Meal #5 (8:00pm)
Strawberries (Halved) 1 cup 49 1 12 0
Meal subtotals 49 1 12 0

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.


Moderate Carb/Evening Training

DAY 4 Target Macros Each Day: 120g carb/90g protein/40g fat

Day 4:

Meal #1 (12:00pm) Quantity Cal Pro Carbs Fat

Turkey Breast 4oz 124 28 0 1.5
Kale 1 cup 34 2.2 6.7 0.5
Avocado ½ 145 1.7 7.45 13.35
Broccoli ½ cup 15.5 1.5 3 0
Meal subtotals 318.5 33.4 17.15 15.35

Meal #2 (4:30pm)
Whey Protein Concentrate 1 scoop 120 24 2 2.6
Coconut Milk ¼ cup 120 0 2 12
Blueberries 1 cup 84 1 21 0
Meal subtotals 324 25 25 14.6

Meal #3 7:00pm
Cod 10oz 222.5 50 0 2.5
Sweet potatoes 1 large 345 6 81 0
Brussels Sprouts ½ cup 19 1.5 3.95 0.15
Ghee ½ tbsp 67.5 0 0 7.5
Meal subtotals 654 57.5 84.95 10.15

Copyright © 2013 Jason Ferruggia. All Rights Reserved.

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