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Malang, 2016


1.1. Name and description of skill

1.1.1. The name of the skill is Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD).

1.1.2. Description of skill

Mechanical Engineering Drawing and Design covers the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD)
technology in the preparation of graphical models, drawings, paperwork and files containing
all the information necessary for manufacture and documentation of parts and components
typical of solutions to mechanical engineering problems facing workers in industry. Solutions
will comply with appropriate industry and ISO standard, latest issue.

1.2. Scope of application

1.2.1. Every Expert, Competitor trainer and Competitor must know this Technical Description.

1.2.2. The test only consist the practical work.

1.2.3. The theoretical is limited to that necessary to carry out the practical work and reflect that of
an entry Mechanical Engineering Drawing and Design


The Competition is a demonstration and assessment of the competencies associated with this
skill. The Test Project consists of practical work only.

2.1 Competency specification

The following competencies will be tested within one or more of the individual modules listed

3D modelling of part
Knowledge and understanding of 3D modelling of part:
 Have sufficient knowledge of Autodesk Inventor to be able configure the parameters of the
 Have sufficient knowledge of computer operating systems to be able to use and manage
computer files and software correctly

Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 1
The competitor shall be able to:
 Perform the modelling of the components, optimizing the constructive solid geometry.
 Create families of components (a maximum of 3 variables)
 Ascribe characteristics to the materials (density)
 Ascribe colours and textures to the components

3D modelling of assemblies
Knowledge and understanding of 3D modelling of assemblies:
 Understand mechanical systems and their functionality
The competitor shall be able to:
 Produce an assembly from 3D models of components.
 Structure an assembly (sub-assemblies)

Create photo rendered images

Knowledge and understanding of rendering:
 Understand the use of lighting, scenes and decals to produce photo rendered images
The competitor shall be able to:
 Create photo rendered images of components or assemblies

Creation of simulations
Knowledge and understanding of creating simulations:
 Understand mechanical systems and their functionality
The competitor shall be able to:
 Create functional simulations relative to the operation of the system being designed using
Autodesk Inventor Studio.
The competitor shall be able to:
 Create functional simulations relative to the operation of the system being designed using
Autodesk Inventor Studio.

Reverse engineering of a physical model

Knowledge and understanding of reverse engineering of a physical model:
 Knowledge of materials and processes for obtaining unprocessed workpieces (casting,
welding, machining, simulation, etc).
The competitor shall be able to:
 Determine dimensions on a physical part by means of the instruments described under
paragraph 3.2 Test Project design requirements
 Creating freehand sketches

Technical drawings and dimensioning

Knowledge and understanding of technical drawings and dimensioning:
 Understand working drawings in ISO standards together with any written instruction.
 Knowledge of standards for conventional dimensioning and tolerancing, and geometric
dimensioning and tolerancing appropriate to the ISO standards.
 Thorough understanding of the rules of technical drawing and the prevailing latest ISO
standards that govern those rules
 Using the manuals, tables, lists of standards and product catalogues
 Using printers

The competitor shall be able to:

 Interpret and execute drawings and diagrams

Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 2
 Create freehand sketches
 Produce print outs of drawings in sizes A4 to A3

Knowledge and understanding of materials:
 Knowledge of materials and processes for obtaining unprocessed workpieces (casting,
welding, machining, simulation, etc)

Software and hardware

Knowledge and understanding of software and hardware:
 Understanding of how to configure the parameters of the software
 Knowledge of computer operating systems to be able to use and manage computer files
and software correctly
 Working knowledge to use printers

2.2 Competency specification

Theoretical knowledge is required but not tested explicitly.

2.2.1. Knowledge of rules and regulations is not examined.

2.3 Practical work

Practical tasks will be given in the form of sketches, drawings and electronic data files,
individual physical components and assemblies. Collection of information from these sources
will require reading of prints, sketches, drawings, engineering tables, charts, and manuals.
Additional information will be obtained from direct measurement of actual parts supplied
and/or from scaled drawings. Problems will require solutions in the form of graphical and
textual descriptions, sufficient to communicate successfully the information necessary for
manufacturing of these components and assemblies in industry. Only the English version of
the chosen software is to be used during the competition.


3.1. Format / structure of the Test Project

The format of the Test Project is a series of 3 standalone modules.

Skills that could be tested in the different modules could cover:

 Sheet Metal parts and
 Frame structures and assemblies
 Welded parts and assemblies
 Mechanical parts and assemblies
 Detail drawing
 Functional Simulation and photo rendering
 Reverse engineering from a physical model
A combination of the above skills is allowed in each module.

3.2. Test Project design requirements

The Competition is divided into 3 modules covering the following categories:

Module 1 – Mechanical assemblies and detail drawing for manufacture:

 Finished drawings of components or assemblies
Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 3
 3D models of components or assemblies
 Nomenclature
 All necessary additional information
Work requested:
 To produce models of components from detail drawings
 To produce an assembly
 To produce detail drawing(s) for manufacture
 To input components from Content Centre
Results expected:
 Part and Assembly file(s)
 Assembly drawing(s)
 Detail drawings for manufacture
 Nomenclature
 Exploded view(s)

Module 2 – Mechanical Fabrication:

 Finished drawings of components
 3D models of components or assemblies
 Nomenclature
 All necessary additional information

Work requested:
 To produce sheet metal parts and assemblies
 To produce metal frame parts and assemblies using Autodesk Inventor Frame Generator
 To add welded connections to parts and assemblies
 To add bolted connections to parts and assemblies
 To produce sheet metal and welding detail drawings
 To produce simulation using Autodesk Inventor Studio

Results expected:
 Part and Assembly file(s)
 Assembly drawing(s)
 Detail drawings for manufacture
 Nomenclature

Module 3 – Reverse Engineering from a Physical Model:

 Physical component(s) and assembly(ies)
 File of parts and assemblies
 All the necessary additional information

Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 4
Work requested:
 Making files and layout from dimensions taken from a physical component
 The use of systems enabling the memorization of scaled drawings or shapes is prohibited
(Photographs, malleable putty, ink pad, etc)
 The Competitor may produce sketches on paper which will serve as the basis for producing
the 3D modelling of the components or assemblies.
 The physical component(s) will be given to the Competitors for 2 hours and then
confiscated. The Competitor will then continue his task on the basis of the sketches and
information collected previously.
 The use of the computer is allowed during all the competition time.

Results expected:
 3D models of components or assemblies
 Manufacturing drawing(s) of components or assemblies

Output format:
 Drawing printed on sizes A3 and smaller
 Charts, table and documents printed by printers on paper sizes A3.
 Screenshots, rendering on colour printer to a maximum size of A3
 Files, components, assemblies, etc according to the instructions for the test
 During the competition, each competitor is allowed no more than 2 checking prints of each
drawing. The final printing will take place at the end of each competition day.

This section describes how the Experts will assess the Test Project / modules. It also specifies
the assessment specifications and procedures and requirements for marking.
4.1. Assessment criteria
This section defines the assessment criteria and the number of marks (subjective and
objective) awarded. The total number of marks for all assessment criteria must be 100.


Day Criterion Subjective

(if Objective Total
Module 1 – Mechanical
1 Assemblies & Detail 1 40 41
Drawing for Manufacture
Module 3 – Reverse
2 Engineering from a 1 35 36
Physical Model
Module 2 – Mechanical
3 1 22 23
Total 3 97 100
Suggested weight for Sub-criteria for Module 1 – Mechanical Assemblies & Detail Drawing for

Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 5

Criterion Sub-Criterion Subjective

(if Objective Total
A1 Part Modelling
A2 Assembly Modelling
A3 Dimensioning inc GDT
A4 Drawing Views &

Suggested weight for Sub-criteria for Module 2 – Mechanical Fabrication


Criterion Sub-Criterion Subjective

(if Objective Total
B1 Sheet Metal Parts and
B2 Frame Parts and
B3 Presentation (Functional

Suggested weight for Sub-criteria for Module 3 – Reverse Engineering from a Physical Model


Criterion Sub-Criterion Subjective

(if Objective Total
C1 Presence of part features
C2 Accuracy of dimensions
C3 Tolerances
C4 Surfaces
C5 Presentation

Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 6
4.2. Subjective marking
Scores are awarded on a scale of 1 to 10.

4.3. Skill assessment specification

The skill assessment criteria are clear concise aspect specifications which explain exactly how
and why a particular mark is awarded.
Module 1 - Mechanical Assemblies & Detail Drawing for Manufacture
 Part Modelling
 Assembly Modelling
 Dimensioning inc GDT
 Drawing Views & Presentation (part subjective)

Module 2 – Mechanical Fabrication

 Sheet Metal Parts and Assemblies
 Frame Parts and Assemblies
 Presentation (Functional animation)

Module 3 – Reverse Engineering from a Physical Model

 Presence of part features
 Accuracy of dimensions
 Tolerances
 Surfaces
 Presentation (subjective)


5.1. Infrastructure List
The host province shall, for practical reasons, be responsible for provision of the major product
and support personnel for such items as computers, monitors, printers and furniture.
The Competition software will be Autodesk Inventor Professional 2015 and 2016.
Additional materials to be supplied by competition organizer, include:
 Sketching pencils (Mechanical pencil 0.5 mm 2B) and erasers
 Top quality HVS paper A3 (80 gr.) and A4 (80 gr.) for printing

Tools and equipments are allowed in their own competitors toolbox to be used in the

No. Item Specification Remark

1. Vernier caliper 0-150 mm/ 0-200 mm, 0.05 mm Nonius/ dial/ digital
2. Depth gauge 0-150 mm/ 0-200 mm, 0.05 mm Nonius/ dial/ digital
3. Bevel protractor
4. Thread gauge Metric/ whitworth
5. Radius gauge 1-7 mm and 7.5-15 mm
6. Steel ruler 0-300 mm
7. Tables and/ or charts For mechanical application

Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 7
8. Tools for manual Triangle set, divider, arc degree
drawing (180o)
9. Mouse and/ or keyboard Include the driver (if necessary)
10. Numeric keypad Include the driver (if necessary)

Note: All materials and equipment brought by competitors must be presented to jury
during familiarization time.

Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 8
5.2. Workshop layout (suggestion)

1. Competition Layout

Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 9
2. Competitor station (16 competitors)

Technical Description_Mechanical Engineering Design – CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 10





Hari /
Jam Durasi Tempat Kegiatan
Technical Meeting Juri, Pendamping dan Peserta
H-1 14.00 – selesai Malang
Pengenalan Alat dan Perlengkapan Lomba

07.45 - 08.00 15'
MODULE 1 – Mechanical Assemblies and Detail Drawing for Manufacture (total = 6 Jam)
08.00 - 10.00 120' MODULE 1 – Mechanical Assemblies and Detail Drawing for Manufacture
H1 10.00 - 10.10 10' Malang Istirahat Kecil
10.10-12.10 120' MODULE 1 – Mechanical Assemblies and Detail Drawing for Manufacture (continue)
12.10 – 13.10 60' Istirahat dan Makan Siang
13.10 – 15.10 120' MODULE 1 – Mechanical Assemblies and Detail Drawing for Manufacture (continue)

07.45 - 08.00 15'
MODULE 3 - Reverse Engineering from A PHYSICAL MODEL (total = 5 Jam)
08.00 - 10.00 120' MODULE 3 - Reverse Engineering from A PHYSICAL MODEL
H2 10.00 - 10.10 10' Malang Istirahat Kecil
10.10-12.10 120' MODULE 3 - Reverse Engineering from A PHYSICAL MODEL (continue)
12.10 – 13.10 60' Istirahat dan Makan Siang
13.10 – 15.10 120' MODULE 3 - Reverse Engineering from A PHYSICAL MODEL (continue)

07.45 - 08.00 15'
MODULE 2 - Mechanical Fabrication (total = 4 jam)
H3 08.00 - 10.00 120' Malang MODULE 2 - Mechanical Fabrication
10.00 - 10.10 10' Istirahat Kecil
10.10-12.10 120' MODULE 2 - Mechanical Fabrication (continue)

Bogor, 12 Desember 2015

Tim Juri CADD

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Era globalisasi memberi dampak ganda yaitu disamping membuka kesempatan

kerjasama yang seluas-luasnya antar negara, juga membuka persaingan yang semakin
ketat dan tajam di segala bidang pekerjaan.

Untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut diatas, maka Pemerintah Indonesia harus

memperkuat daya saing dan keunggulan kompetitif di semua sektor dengan
mengandalkan pada kualitas dan kemampuan sumber daya manusia dengan
penguasaan teknologi dan manajemen. Untuk itu Pemerintah selalu berusaha
menyiapkan tenaga kerja yang berkompeten dalam bidangnya masing-masing.

Penyelenggaraan Lomba Keterampilan Siswa (LKS) Tingkat Nasional ke-XXIV di Malang

bagi siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) seluruh Indonesia adalah sebagai wujud
nyata salah satu upaya dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang dilakukan oleh
Pemerintah melalui Direktorat Pembinaan SMK-Ditjen Pendidikan Menengah

I. Tujuan

1. Mendorong SMK untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan Kegiatan Belajar

Mengajar (KBM) yang mengacu kepada Standar Keterampilan Kerja Nasional
Indonesia (SKKNI) bidang keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa khususnya Mechanical
Engineering Design-CAD (CADD)
2. Untuk memantau peta kualitas dan kemampuan SMK di seluruh Indonesia sesuai
dengan Standar Keterampilan Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) dalam keahlian
Mechanical Engineering Design-CAD (CADD)
3. Mempromosikan Keterampilan siswa SMK dalam keahlian Mechanical Engineering
Design-CAD (CADD) kepada dunia industri sebagai calon pengguna tenaga kerja.
4. Memberikan kesempatan dan motivasi kepada siswa untuk berkompetisi secara
positif, untuk menumbuhkan kebanggaan pada bidang keahlian yang ditekuninya,
juga kebanggaan bagi sekolah dan daerah/provinsinya.

II. Peserta
Peserta adalah siswa SMK dengan kriteria sebagai berikut :

1. Warga Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

2. Tercatat Siswa tingkat II/III SMK negeri atau Swasta program studi keahlian Teknik
Mesin atau Gambar Mesin di Indonesia dalam tahun 2016
3. Dinyatakan sebagai Pemenang LKS Tingkat Propinsi pada bidang lomba Mechanical
Engineering Design-CAD (CADD) dalam tahun 2015/2016 atau yang ditunjuk oleh
Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Nasional di Propinsi sebagai peserta LKS tingkat Nasional
ke-XXIV Tahun 2016 mewakili propinsi yang bersangkutan.
4. Setiap propinsi hanya dapat diwakili oleh 1 (satu) orang peserta.

Lembar Informasi_Mechanical Engineering Design-CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 1

III. Materi Lomba

4.1 Alokasi dan Bobot Penilaian Tugas :

Hari Soal
(if Obyektif Total
Module 1 – Mechanical
1 Assemblies & Detail 1 40 41
Drawing for Manufacture
Module 3 – Reverse
2 Engineering from a Physical 1 35 36
Module 2 – Mechanical
3 1 22 23
Total 3 97 100

4.2 Aspek Penilaian dari setiap tugas adalah:

Aspek Keterampilan : - Penggunaan alat dan kertas
- Tata letak / komposisi
- Konstruksi garis
- Angka ukuran, huruf dan simbol
- Label gambar / etiket
Aspek Pengetahuan : - Konstruksi gambar
- Proyeksi dan potongan
- Penunjukan ukuran
- Toleransi dan suaian
- Tanda pengerjaan
- Toleransi geometris
- Gambar isometrik
Skor Penilaian setiap unsur aspek adalah 1 sd. 10

IV. Tim Juri

Juri sebanyak 3 orang (atau berjumlah ganjil) terdiri dari bidang pendidikan dan industri

V. Kriteria Pemenang Lomba

Juara Lomba adalah peserta yang memiliki nilai akhir tertinggi dari seluruh nilai para
peserta lomba. Apabila ada juara lomba yang memiliki nilai akhir yang sama maka
pertama akan diperhitungkan kecepatan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas. Seandainya setelah

Lembar Informasi_Mechanical Engineering Design-CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 2

diperhitungkan kecepatannya ternyata nilai masih sama maka akan diadakan tes
wawancara oleh setiap juri.

Para Juara ditentukan langsung oleh Juri meliputi: Juara I, Juara II, Juara III, Harapan
I dan Harapan II

Selain para juara maka seluruh peserta mendapat sertifikat keikutsertaan dari panitia

VI. Panitia Lomba

Panitia lomba terdiri dari Penanggung Jawab Bidang Lomba Pusat dan Daerah

VII. Tempat Lomba

Tempat lomba LKS ke XXIV di Malang, 02 s.d. 07 Mei 2016.

VIII. Tata Tertib Lomba

Pembimbing diharapkan :
1. Mendampingi peserta pada saat ‘technical meeting’.
2. Mengisi daftar hadir yang disediakan Panitia.
3. Menjaga ketertiban dan ketenangan dalam pelaksanaan lomba.
4. Membantu peserta yang dibimbingnya apabila terjadi gangguan kesehatan.
5. Tidak membantu peserta pada saat lomba berlangsung.
6. Turut serta menjaga kondisi dan situasi agar lomba berjalan dengan lancer.

Peserta diharapkan :
1. Hanya satu orang yang menjadi peserta mewakili propinsi dengan Surat
Penunjukkan dari Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi. Tidak dibenarkan peserta diganti pada
saat lomba berlangsung.
2. Peserta harus hadir pada saat ‘technical meeting’.
3. Peserta harus sudah hadir 15 menit sebelum lomba dimulai.
4. Wajib mengisi daftar hadir pada saat setiap jenis lomba yang diadakan.
5. Berpakaian kerja yang rapi, diharapkan hanya memakai identitas nomor peserta
dari panitia.
6. Tidak diperbolehkan membawa buku/catatan/HP/iPad/iPhone di ruang lomba.
7. Mengerjakan tugas dengan menggunakan alat tulis yang diijinkan.
8. Tidak diperbolehkan menggunakan tip-ex untuk menghapus kesalahan. Kesalahan
hendaknya dicoret pada kata/angka yang salah dan ditulis kata/angka yang benar.
9. Untuk alasan kesehatan peserta diperbolehkan membawa makanan kecil/ buah-
buahan (apel/pisang/pier) dan minuman ke dalam ruang lomba.
10. Perlengkapan yang harus dibawa oleh peserta untuk bidang lomba CADD :
1. Pena/Ballpoint hitam, (disarankan lebih dari satu)
2. Penggaris,
3. Karet penghapus (bukan tip-ex).
4. Mal radius.
5. Jangka Sorong (Nonius/dial/digital)
6. Mal Ulir

Daftar perlengkapan selengkapnya dapat dibaca pada Technical description.

Lembar Informasi_Mechanical Engineering Design-CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 3

11. Peserta diijinkan membawa sendiri Mouse dan atau Keyboard serta Numeric
Keypad karena alasan lebih ergonomis bagi peserta. Peralatan yang dibawa disertai
driver (jika diperlukan).
12. Mematuhi tata tertib yang telah ditentukan oleh panitia atau juri, apabila melanggar
maka akan dikenakan sanksi.

a. Pendaftaran

Pendaftaran peserta, dapat menghubungi sekretariat lomba / Panitia LKS Tingkat

Nasional melalui :
 Sekretariat di Subdit Kegiatan Kesiswaan, Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah
Kejuruan dengan alamat : Kompleks Depdikbud, Gedung E, Lantai 12, Jalan
Jenderal Sudirman, Jakarta Pusat, Telepon 021 5725469

b. Penutup

Hal-hal yang belum tercantum dalam lembar informasi ini akan diinformasikan pada
waktu rapat teknis (technical meeting).

Lembar Informasi_Mechanical Engineering Design-CAD (CADD)-LKS SMK Nasional XXIV-2016 Malang 4

Competitor Station No. :_____________________ 
Module 1 – Day 1 
Mechanical Assemblies & Detail Drawing for Manufacture – 6 hours 
1.   Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. 
2.  Write  your  Station  Number  clearly  at  the  top  right‐hand  corner  on  the  front  page  of  this 
question paper. 
3.  Return this question paper at the end of the test. 

National Skills Olympic 2016 Malang_Mechanical Engineering Design‐CAD (CADD) 
Task      : Mechanical Assemblies & Detail Drawing for Manufacture 
Time Allocation  : 6 hours 
I. Given  
  2D detail drawings, ipt files and part list of ........ 

II. Tasks: 
1. Produce 2D assembly drawings : 
 Sheet size A2, printed on A3 paper 
 The number of view is at the competitors discretion, section view is needed to show 
the hidden parts 
 Unspecified scale 
 Indicate in the drawing, the three major dimensions of the assembled system. 
 Show all part numbers (balloons) and part list as provided with the question 
2. Produce 2D detail drawing of part no. ..... : 
 Sheet size A4 
 The number of view is at the competitors discretion 
 Scale 1 : 1  
 Fully dimensioning and all necessary information for manufacturing 

3.    3D Exploded drawing 
 Sheet size A2,  printed on A3 paper 
 Produce a exploded drawing, including tweak lines 
 Show all part numbers (balloons,) including part list as provided with 
  the question paper 

4.    Simulation Video 
Create an animation video (*.AVI) format showing of assembly processes. 
5.    Produce an animation video (*.AVI)  file showing the operational of ......  
III. Output 
1. Print out your drawing on A3 paper and including title block as in the question paper. 
2. Save your drawing according to the instruction of Jury 

National Skills Olympic 2016 Malang_Mechanical Engineering Design‐CAD (CADD) 
Competitor Station No. :_____________________ 
Module 2 – Day 3 
Mechanical Fabrication – 4 hours 
1.   Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. 
2.  Write  your  Station  Number  clearly  at  the  top  right‐hand  corner  on  the  front  page  of  this 
question paper. 
3.  Return this question paper at the end of the test. 

National Skills Olympic 2016 Malang_Mechanical Engineering Design‐CAD (CADD) 
Task : Mechanical Fabrication.
Time Allocation : 4 hours

I. Introduction
A company is developing a ……………………………. You will model components of as subassembly
for the assembly the Food Processing Conveyors.

II. Description of Project and Tasks

Review the PDF and prints of the assemblies for ……………………………….. You should also create
a sheet metal parts, assemblies, and functional animations of the assembly.

III. Task
Create assemblies using parts you have created or found in the project folder.
1. Create “Sub-Assembly 1” (based on printed document in 3D view)
2. Create “Sub-Assembly 2” (based on printed document in 3D view)
3. Create “Sub-Assembly 3” (based on printed document in 3D view)
4. Create “Sub-Assembly 4” (based on printed document in 3D view)

IV. Create an Animation

a) Using Autodesk Inventor Studio, create a rendered image of the complete assembly as
1. Image size : 1024 x 768 pixels;
2. Select a Camera, Light style, and Scene style to best represent the assembly.
b) Using Autodesk Inventor Studio, create an animation as follows:
1. Screen size: 1024 x 768
2. Length : 20 seconds
3. From 0 to 8 seconds Motion 1
4. From 9 to 12 seconds Motion 2
5. From 13 to 15 seconds Motion 3
6. From 15 to 20 seconds Motion 4

V. Output
Save your drawing in folder My Documents: \MED-CAD-LKS SMK NASIONAL 2016\Module
2\Competitor Name\name of the component.

National Skills Olympic 2016 Malang_Mechanical Engineering Design‐CAD (CADD) 
Competitor Station No. :_____________________ 
Module 3 – Day 2 
Reverse Engineering from a Physical Model ‐ 5 hours 
1.   Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. 
2.  Write your Station Number clearly at the top right‐hand corner on the front page of this 
question paper. 
3.  Return this question paper at the end of the test. 

National Skills Olympic 2016 Malang_Mechanical Engineering Design‐CAD (CADD) 
Task : Reverse Engineering from a Physical Model
Time Allocation : 5 hours (part will be taken away after 2 hours)

I. Given
a. A physical model of ……………………... The material is Aluminium 6061
b. The Top, Front, X-X cutting plane, and Y-Y cutting plane are all indicated on the model

II. Notes
a. Accuracy of machined surface measurement is ± 0.5 mm.
b. Accuracy of cast surface measurement is ± 1 mm.
c. Accuracy of angle measurement is ±2.
d. Details such as parting lines, tolerances, draft angle, trademarks etc are not required.

III. Tasks and Output

a. 3D Solid Model
Create a 3D solid model of …………………….. Small fillet, round and chamfer are not
required to produce.

b. 3D View Drawings (scale 1 : 1)

Create and label following 3D shaded isometric view in A2 size paper showing:
i. An isometric view showing top, front and right side
ii. An isometric view showing bottom, back and left side
iii. X-X sectional isometric view showing top, right and back
iv. Y-Y sectional isometric view showing front, top and left

c. 2D Detail Drawings (scale 1 : 1)

Create and label the following views in either first or third angle projection in A2 size
paper showing:
i. Front view
ii. Side view from left of the front view
iii. Bottom view
iv. Section from view at cutting plane X-X
Dimensions for the machined surface and major dimensions are required. Surface
finishing symbols are required. The value of weight and material are indicated.

National Skills Olympic 2016 Malang_Mechanical Engineering Design‐CAD (CADD) 

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