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UNIT 11 Work, Rest, Play

• Point to each person in the picture and say, ‘Look! She

Aims: is watching TV.’ ‘Look! He is surfing the net.’ etc.
In this unit, pupils will: • Repeat each a couple of times. Encourage pupils to
• describe actions happening at the moment of repeat the words after you.
speaking. • Play track 2.37 right through. Pupils follow in their
• ask and answer questions about actions happening books. Hold up your book and point to each person
at the moment of speaking. mentioned.
• listen to, read, write and say numbers aloud. • Say the actions aloud, eg: ‘watching TV’ or ‘talking’, etc.
• ask and answer questions about different activities Pupils point to the person doing it.
people are doing at the moment of speaking. • You can use the actions flashcards (see photocopiable
• review how to describe actions happening at the materials, page 150) to introduce, present, drill or
moment of speaking. recycle the ‘-ing’ actions in the unit.
• learn and improve the pronunciation of the \IN\
ending. Lisa: Hello?
• focus on the spelling of -ing verbs. Kim: Hi! It’s me. How are you?
• read and write about a pet. Lisa: Oh, hi. I’m tired.
• describe and talk about pets. Kim: Me too! What are you doing?
• learn how to start and close an informal letter. Lisa: I’m doing my homework. And I’m talking to you!
Kim: What’s that?
Grammar: Lisa: Oh, that’s Grandpa. He’s in the garden. He’s working.
Present continuous – sentences and questions about Kim: What’s Wendy doing?
Lisa: She’s watching TV.
actions happening at the moment of speaking: ‘What Kim: Is that your brother Tim? What’s he doing?
am I doing?’ ‘You are playing. You are surfing the net.’ Lisa: He’s playing.
‘What is he doing?’ ‘He’s cleaning his room.’ Kim: What’s Sam doing?
Lisa: I don’t know. Oh, he’s reading a book.
Vocabulary: Kim: And your mum and dad?
Actions Lisa: Mum and Dad? Umm… Dad is cleaning the living room.
Numbers 10–60 And Mum… she’s surfing the net.
Lisa: Hello? Hello? Kim, what are you doing?
Extra materials: Lesson 1 – a ball, actions Kim: Mmmm…? Oh, sorry!
flashcards on page 150, some background music; Lesson Lisa: Really?
2 – copies of the ‘Find someone who...’ worksheet on page
151, magazines and A4 sheets of paper, puzzles made from
2 2.38
magazine pictures; Lesson 3 – copies of the memotest • Play track 2.38. Pupils point to each action in the picture.
cards on page 152, blank slips of paper, copies of Bingo • Play the track again. Stop after each action. Encourage
cards; Lesson 4 – copies of ‘The Martian’s family’ and pupils to repeat.
‘The monkey’s family’ worksheets on page 153, A4 Audioscript
sheets of paper; Lesson 5 – sentences written on cards, work, watch TV, read, play, surf the net, clean, talk, do homework
envelopes, pictures of actions being performed, copies of
the ‘Jumbled words!’ worksheet on page 154; Lesson 6 – Let’s have fun!
magazines and poster paper; Making progress – slips Say one action aloud, eg: ‘watching TV’ or ‘surfing
of paper with number sequences, copies of the ‘Jigsaw the net’. All the class has to stand up and mime it.
sentences’ worksheet on page 154 Then call one pupil to the front. Whisper an action to
him/her. He/She mimes it and the rest of the class
has to guess the action.
Lesson 1
3 2.39
Warmer  Opposites now! • Ask pupils to look at the pictures in Activity 3.
• Toss a ball to a pupil and say an adjective aloud. • Ask them to describe what they see.
• The pupil catches the ball and says the opposite. • Read the Shaper’s question aloud. Then read sentences
• Remember to keep the pace agile at all times. a and b aloud.
• Ask pupils to match the photos with the sentences.
1 2.37 • Play track 2.39. Have pupils check their answers.
• Ask pupils to open their books at pages 98 and 99 and Audioscript/Answers
to look at the picture. Write ‘98’ and ‘99’ on the board. Girl: I like resting. I go to the park and I rest on the grass.
• Ask pupils to describe what they see (people in the Sometimes I read a book. I read for hours!
living room doing different things). Help them with any Boy: I’m working. I’m doing my homework. It’s a science project
language they may need. and I’m surfing the net for information.

• Read the question at the bottom of the page aloud. • Play frame 3. Focus on the question and the answer.
• Have pupils answer it. • Play frame 4. Draw pupils’ attention to the phrases
‘That’s impossible!’ ‘Wait a minute…’ ‘I’m sorry.’ Give
Extension other instances of these sentences.
• Write the following words on the board: ‘books’,
‘comics’, ‘magazines’, ‘newspapers’, ‘websites’.
• Ask pupils to read the words aloud and ask them which • Play track 2.40 again. Have pupils follow in their books.
of these they like reading and which they do not like • Play the track again. Stop after each frame and
reading. encourage pupils to repeat.
• Make a ranking. Draw a table on the board. • Divide the class into groups. Each plays a role. Give
• Pupils come to the front and put a tick in the them time to rehearse.
corresponding column. Tell them they can only tick two • Monitor, help, praise and encourage them.
• At the end, read the results aloud, eg: ‘Ten pupils like
reading…’ etc. Pupils can read the results and make • Ask pupils to pair up.
sentences with the information. These sentences can • Read the Shapers’ dialogue aloud.
be put up on display on the walls under ‘Class surveys’. • Encourage pupils to play the game with their partner.
• Call several pairs to the front and they perform
Cooler  Stop the music! examples of the task.
• Play background music and ask pupils to move around
the classroom. Shape your
• When the music stops, pupils should freeze while grammar!
miming an action.
• Call out the name of a pupil in the class. The rest look Read the sentences in the ‘Shape your grammar!’
at him/her and say what he/she is doing. box aloud. Reinforce the idea of the actions taking
Activity Book, page 94, Activities 1 & 2 place at the moment of speaking. Focus pupils’
attention on form and meaning.

Lesson 2
Warmer  Find someone who… Extension
• Ask pupils to stay in the same pairs as in the previous
• Give out copies of the worksheet (see photocopiable
materials, page 151).
• Provide pairs with magazines and A4 sheets of paper.
• Pupils should write the correct number in the boxes
• Pairs should find people doing different activities. They
according to the sentences below the picture.
cut out the pictures and they stick them onto the sheets.
• Check the answers orally. Have pupils describe the
Tell them to add to some of the people speech bubbles
classroom scene.
with the question ‘What am I doing?’ and to the other
• As a follow-up, you can ask some pupils to look around
characters, speech bubbles with the corresponding
their classroom and to describe what the other pupils
are doing at the moment (they should be miming the
• Have pairs present their work to the rest of the class.
different actions).
Cooler Puzzles!
1 2.40
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 100 and to look • Pupils love doing puzzles. A very easy way to get hold
at the pictures. Write ‘100’ on the board. of puzzles is to get several pages of ads in magazines
• Ask pupils to describe what they see. Help them with of people doing different actions, eg: eating, dancing,
any language they may need. driving, etc.
• Play track 2.40 right through. • Cut out several pages. Stick them all onto cardboard.
• Confirm their predictions. Then cut the photos up into pieces (neither big or small).
• Play frame 1. Draw their attention to the invitation • Put each puzzle in an envelope.
‘Would you like to…?’ Explain the meaning behind the • Have pupils work in small groups of three or four.
question. Provide other questions inviting pupils to do • Give each group an envelope. Pupils take out all the
other things. pieces and solve the puzzle.
• Play frame 2. Draw pupils’ attention to the question • When they are ready, they present their work to the
‘What am I doing?’ and the answer ‘You are watching class.
TV.’ Provide other examples and encourage pupils to Activity Book, page 95, Activities 1 & 2 and My Language Bank
give their own examples.


Lesson 3 • Give other examples.

• One pupil chooses a number and his/her partner says,
Warmer  Memotest with numbers ‘Add 2.’ The first pupil should then give the right number.
• Give out copies of the memotest cards (see • If pupils enjoy the game, you can then change the
photocopiable materials, page 152). instruction and have them say, ‘Add 4.’ or ‘Take out 3.’ etc.
• Ask pupils to pair up and give each pair a set. They
should match the numbers and the words.
Let’s have fun!
In this game pupils sit in a circle and they say which
1 2.41 their favourite number is. All pupils have to pay
attention. When the round is over, pupils have to
• Present numbers 12–20 by showing the numbers and the
relay the information they remember. Pupils need to
words. Encourage pupils to repeat the words after you.
use some of the following phrases: ‘Tom’s favourite
• Put all the numbers on display on the board. Do not number is…’ or ‘Tom likes…’
place them in order. Ask pupils to close their eyes and
remove one or two numbers.
Cooler  Bingo time!
• Ask pupils to open their eyes and to say which numbers
are missing. • Give out copies of the blank Bingo card (see
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 101. Write ‘101’ photocopiable materials, page 106).
on the board. • There are nine empty boxes on the card. Tell pupils to
• Draw their attention to Activity 1. choose nine numbers from 1 to 20 first. Then play the
• Ask them to solve the calculations. game.
• Play track 2.41 right through. • You can play a second round. This time you can tell
• Have pupils check their answers. pupils to choose 9 numbers between 20 and 50.
Audioscript/Answers Activity Book, page 96, Activities 1–3
1 5 + 6 = 11
2 35 + 8 = 43
3 23 + 5 = 28 Lesson 4
4 50 + 7 = 57
• Draw pupils’ attention to the box with all the numbers. Warmer  That is not correct!
• Introduce ‘thirty’, ‘forty’, ‘fifty’. • Mime an action, eg: sleeping, and tell pupils, ‘Look!
• Write several numbers on the board, eg: 16, 46, 22, 19, I’m doing my homework.’
35, 50, and ask pupils to read them aloud. • Obviously, this is not correct. Pupils look at what you
• Ask pupils to provide the numbers before and after the are doing (sleeping) and say, ‘That is not correct. You
ones on the board. are sleeping.’
• Repeat this mismatch between what you say and what
you do a couple of times. Then introduce a variation in
• Draw pupils’ attention to the blanks in the sequences. the pronouns by calling a boy/girl to the front to do the
• Read the first group aloud and elicit which number may same. The boy/girl mimes an action such as watching
fit the gap. TV but you say, ‘Look! He/She is reading a book.’
• Ask pupils to pair up. Have them complete the blanks. Therefore, pupils say, ‘That is not correct. He/She is
• Check the answers together. watching TV.’
• Ask pupils to come and write the words on the board. • In this way, you make them practise sentences with ‘he’
Answers: 1 eight; 2 fifteen; 3 twenty-four; 4 forty; 5 forty-six and ‘she’.
Extension  Numbers in my life 1
• Ask pupils to choose three important numbers in their • Ask pupils to open their books at page 102. Write ‘102’
life. on the board.
• Have them write their numbers down on slips of paper. • Draw their attention to the dialogue on the chat
• Encourage them to stand up and say why these numbers window.
are important in their life. • Show pupils the names: ‘Dad99’ and ‘TTom’.
• Give examples of your life. Write key language on the • Read the first four lines aloud.
board, eg: ‘This number is important in my life because • Ask some comprehension questions.
it is the number of…’ ‘This number is very important to • Ask pupils to read the rest of the dialogue in silence.
me: I’ve got… toys/CDs.’ etc. • Draw their attention to questions 1 and 2 above the
3 • Ask pupils to give their answers and to mention where
• Tell pupils they are going to play a game in pairs. the information is in the dialogue.
• Show the example in Activity 3. Explain the task in L1 Answers: 1 He’s at a hotel. 2 He’s surfing the net for information for
if necessary. his homework.

• Write on the board the names of all the people Lesson 5
mentioned: ‘Tom’, ‘Dan’ and ‘Becky’.
• Ask pupils to describe what each child is doing. Warmer  Physical line-up
Extension  What is the family doing? • Prepare several sentences, all containing an ‘-ing’ verb.
Write each word of the sentence on a card. Put all the
• Give out copies of ‘The Martian’s family’ and ‘The cards of the sentence in an envelope.
monkey’s family’ worksheets (see photocopiable • Divide the class into groups of four or five. Give each
materials, page 153). group an envelope. Pupils take out the cards and put
• Have pupils complete the sentences for both the them in order to make a correct and logical sentence.
Martian and the monkey. Then tell them to draw their • Pupils stand up at the front in a line. Each holds up a
families accordingly. card and they stand in such a way that the rest of the
class can read the sentence.
• Read the dialogue between the two Shapers. 1 2.43
• Elicit other possible questions about the other members • Ask pupils to open their books at page 103. Write ‘103’
of their families. on the board.
• Ask pupils to pair up, to close their books and to ask • Tell them to look at the photos in Activity 1.
and answer about the people in the family. • Ask pupils to describe what they see.
• Read the words in the box above the photos aloud.
Shape your • Ask pupils to complete the blanks with those words.
grammar! • Ask them to read their sentences aloud and check the
As a round-up, read the questions and answers in Audioscript/Answers
the ‘Shape your grammar!’ box aloud. 1 He’s running a marathon.
2 He’s stopping the cars.
3 He’s playing baseball.
4 She’s making bread.
Keeping contact with
family and friends Extension
• Read the message in the ‘Values’ box. Discuss the • Ask pupils to cut out pictures or photos from magazines.
meaning of the message. They stick these on cardboard and they write a sentence
• Ask pupils if they consider it important to be in contact describing what each person is doing.
with family and friends and why. Help them with any • Put these up on display.
language they may need.
2 2.44
Cooler  Close your eyes and describe! • Draw pupils’ attention to the sentences in Activity 2.
• Ask pupils to close their eyes and to imagine the • Ask pupils what letters they think are missing.
situation you describe. • Have pupils complete the blanks.
• You present different scenarios (see some examples • Play track 2.44 right through.
below) and pupils have to imagine what each member • Ask pupils to listen and check their answers.
of their family is doing in that place, eg: ‘It is very • Have them read the sentences aloud.
hot. The family is at the beach.’ ‘It is a grey Saturday Audioscript/Answers
afternoon. All the family is at home.’ ‘It is a spring 1 She’s watching TV.
sunny afternoon. The family is in the park.’ 2 They’re running in the park.
3 Sophie is doing her homework.
• Ask pupils to open their eyes and describe what they
are all doing. 3 2.45
• As a follow-up, give each pupil an A4 sheet of paper
• Focus on the picture next to the sentence in Activity 3.
and they choose one of the scenarios and draw their
• Ask pupils to say which animals they can see (a rabbit
family there. Then encourage them to do a ‘stand up
and a rhino).
and talk’ task in which they describe what each person
• Ask them what each one is doing.
is doing.
• Read the sentence next to the picture aloud and slowly.
Activity Book, page 97, Activities 1–4 Read it again aloud, pausing after the word ‘reading’.
• Play track 2.45 twice.
• Pay the track again and stop after the word ‘reading’.
Encourage pupils to read the first part.
• Play the rest of the track and encourage pupils to repeat
the second part.

• Play the track again right through. Give time for pupils • Ask pupils who is writing the letter (Lara).
to practise reading the sentence. • Invite pupils to predict what the letter may be about if
• Encourage pupils to read the sentence by themselves. there is a photo of a cat next to it.
• Ask pupils to read in silence.
Extension • Confirm their predictions.
• Put pictures of actions being performed in a bag, eg: • Ask pupils to find the following words in the letter:
‘reading’, ‘walking’, ‘surfing the net’, ‘playing’, etc. ‘snowy’, ‘big’, ‘my desk’.
• Call a pupil to the front. Ask him/her to draw one • Have pupils say what these words refer to and where
picture out of the bag. they appear in the letter.
• Have him/her describe the picture and then write the • Ask pupils to check which photo shows Lara’s pet.
‘-ing’ verb on the board. • Confirm their answers.
• Repeat this procedure with several pupils. At the end, Answer: 2
there will be a lot of ‘-ing’ words on the board. • Ask pupils to describe the pet. (It has got big, pink and
• Point to one and ask pupils to read and spell the word. white ears.)
Let’s have fun! • Ask pupils to say what the pet usually does. (It sits on
Lara’s desk.)
Ask pupils to have a look at all the words on the
• Invite pupils to say what the pet is doing at the moment
board and to answer the question ‘Which is your
favourite ‘-ing’ word?’ Pupils give their answers. Put a
of speaking. (It is watching Lara.)
tick next to the ‘-ing’ words mentioned. The word with Extension
the most ticks is the favourite word in the class.
• Give pupils some time to read the letter again in silence.
Cooler  Jumbled words! • Tell pupils to pair up, close their books and tell each
other what they remember about the cat.
• Give out copies of the worksheet (see photocopiable • Tell each pair to relay all the information to another pair.
materials, page 154). • Ask all the pairs to report back to the class.
• Pupils have to put the letters in order to write the • Pupils try to reconstruct the text in the letter together.
actions correctly.
Answers: watching TV; working; talking; surfing the net; sleeping;
reading Pen Pal
Activity Book, page 98, Activities 1–3 Ask pupils to find these words in the letter: ‘Hi, there!’
and ‘Write soon’. Ask pupils which one is used to
open a letter and which one to close it. Refer to the
Lesson 6 text in the ‘Pen Pal’ section. Read it aloud and clarify
Warmer Tic-Tac-Toe doubts. Ask pupils to take two coloured pencils and
to underline the beginning and the end of the letter.
• Divide the class into two teams.
• Draw a ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ grid on the board. Write an ‘-ing’ 2
word in each square. • Direct pupils’ attention to the table in Activity 2.
• Call a pupil from team A. He/She chooses a box and • Discuss the different headings in the table and elicit
makes up a sentence with the word in the box. If the examples to write in each box.
sentence is correct, he/she marks the box with a cross • Ask pupils to make a drawing of their pets in their
or a circle. notebooks.
• Follow the same procedure with a pupil from team B. • Ask them to copy the table into their notebooks and to
• The pupil who is unable to make up a correct sentence complete it with details about their pets.
misses the turn. • Monitor, help and praise them. Provide some ideas on
• The first team to mark three crosses or circles in a the board for the ‘interesting fact’ part.
diagonal or straight line says, ‘Tic-Tac-Toe’ and wins the
game. 3
• Have pupils show the drawing of their pets and talk
about them. This is another ‘stand up and talk’ task.
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 104. Write ‘104’ • Give them time to practise the talk on their own.
on the board. Go around and help them get started.
• Tell them to look at the letter and the two photos next • Encourage pupils to come to the front to talk about their
to it. pets.
• Ask pupils to describe what they see in the photos
(a grey cat and a white cat).
Draw their attention to
the letter.


Cooler  People and their pets! 3

• Draw pupils’ attention to the picture in Activity 2 again.
• Bring magazines and poster paper to the classroom.
• Explain the task: pupils need to find some people in the
• Divide the class into groups. Each group has to find a
boy/man and a girl/woman, and a pet for them.
• Do the first one together.
• They stick their pictures on a poster and the present
• Ask pupils to compare their findings with a partner.
their work to the class.
• Check the answers together.
• If the people they find are well-known, the can use
• Pupils assess their work by colouring the spots in
their real names. If they are not well-known, pupils give
‘My progress’.
these people names. Suggested language: ‘This is…
He/She has got a pet. It is a/an (animal). His/Her name Answers: 1 7; 2 8; 3 9; 4 10
is… He/She is… (description). He/She… (interesting Cooler  Jigsaw sentences
fact). In the photo, he/she is… (action the pet is doing).
• Give out copies of the worksheet (see photocopiable
Activity Book, page 99, Activities 1 & 2 and Unit 11 takes shape!
materials, page 154).
• Divide pupils into groups.
Making progress • Explain the task: groups have to make sentences with
the words given in the box. They can use more than
Warmer  What number is missing? one in a sentence and they can repeat all the words
• Divide the class into groups. they need. They can make affirmative and negative
• Give each group a couple of slips of paper. Each slip sentences or questions.
must present a sequence of numbers in which some are • Read all the words in the box aloud and provide a few
missing. examples.
• They complete the sequence and come to the front to • Set a time limit. Monitor their work all the time. Help
read the whole sequence aloud. the groups in trouble.
• Encourage groups to read their sentences aloud.
1 • The group with the most correct sentences is the
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 105. Write ‘105’ winner.
on the board. Activity Book, page 99, Activities 1–3
• Ask pupils to look at the calculations in Activity 1.
• Explain the task. The aim is to write the numbers in
words and then solve the calculations and write the
results as numbers.
• Do the first calculation as an example.
• Give pupils time to complete the task individually.
• Have them check their answers with a partner.
• Check the answers together. Encourage pupils to come
to the front to write the answers.
• Pupils assess their work by colouring the spots in
‘My progress’.
Answers: 1 15; 2 41; 3 28; 4 36; 5 53

• Ask pupils to look at the picture in Activity 2.
• Have them describe some of the things they see.
Elicit some sentences from them.
• Draw their attention to sentences 1–6.
• Read sentence 1 aloud and elicit answers.
• Elicit from pupils what the other characters are doing.
• Check the answers orally.
• Pupils assess their work by colouring the spots in
‘My progress’.
Answers: 1 writing; 2 talking/having coffee; 3 working in the
garden/planting flowers; 4 playing (with balls); 5 reading;
6 cleaning the floor

UNIT 12 Our Holidays!
Aims: Extension
In this unit, pupils will: • Ask each group to think of a word for each category
• learn the name of objects related to the beach. which has not been included in the box.
• identify plants and animals that live in the ocean. • Give five slips of paper to each group. They write each
• describe actions happening at the moment of word on a different slip.
speaking. • Groups exchange their slips and sort out the words into
• ask and answer questions about actions people are categories.
doing at the moment of speaking. • Each group shows their work to the group who wrote
• listen for specific information. the words on the slips. This group corrects the work.
• talk about a family holiday.
• learn and improve the \ø\ sound. 1 2.46
• read and understand a postcard. • Ask pupils to open their books at page 106. Write ‘106’
• talk about holidays. on the board.
• write a simple postcard. • Ask them to look at the picture and to describe what
• use exclamation marks. they see. Help them with any language they may need.
• Ask pupils to predict what is happening on the beach.
• Pupils give their ideas.
Present continuous – questions and answers about • Play track 2.46 right through. Hold up your book and
actions happening at the moment of speaking: ‘What are point to the objects mentioned in the dialogue.
the children doing?’ ‘They are climbing.’ ‘Where’s Megan?’ • Confirm their predictions.
‘Is she packing the car?’ ‘Yes, she is.’ ‘No, she isn’t.’
Negative sentences about actions happening at the
Dad 1: Phew! It’s very hot! Put on your sunhat.
moment of speaking: ‘The dogs aren’t playing in the sea.’ Boy 1: OK, Dad.
Vocabulary: Girl: Mum, I’m cold. Where’s my towel?
Beach objects and features Mum 1: Here you are.
Girl: Thank you.
Holiday activities
The weather Boy 2: Dad, Dad. Look at my beautiful shells. There are lots of shells
in the sand. Look – blue, yellow and orange. Ouch!
Extra materials: Lesson 1 – copies of the ‘Sort Dad 2: The orange shell is a crab!
into categories!’ worksheet on page 154, blank slips of Boy 2: Yikes!
paper, beach-related flashcards on page 155; Lesson 2 – Dad 3: What are you doing, Chase?
magazines, copies of the ‘Jumbled sentences!’ worksheet Chase: I’m making a sandcastle. Hey!
on page 156; Lesson 3 – copies of the ‘Odd one out’ Dad 3: Oh no. Let’s make a new sandcastle.
worksheet on page 157, some poster paper; Lesson 4 – Mum 2: What are you doing, Tim? Don’t play on the rocks! It’s
copies of the ‘Find someone who...’ worksheet on page dangerous.
156 and the ‘Matching task’ worksheet on page 157, a Tim: I’m looking for a starfish. Come and look too, Mum!
ball; Lesson 5 – copies of the ‘Snake wordsearch 1 & 2’
worksheet on page 157; Lesson 6 – copies of the
memotest cards on page 158 and the ‘My postcard’ • Use the beach-related flashcards (see photocopiable
worksheet on page 159, newspaper pages materials, page 155) to present the new vocabulary.
• Say one aloud and point to the flashcard. Have pupils
repeat after you.
Lesson 1 • Put up the flashcards on the board.
Warmer  Sort into categories! • Number the flashcards and say one number aloud.
• Pupils say the word.
• Give out copies of the worksheet (see photocopiable
materials, page 154). 2 2.47
• Divide the class into groups. Have pupils discuss for a • Play track 2.47 right through again.
couple of minutes and then they sort the words out and • Play the track again and stop after each word. Pupils
place them in the different categories. repeat the word.
• Check the answers orally. Audioscript
Answers: Numbers: twenty, fifty-four, eleven, nineteen; Food: sunhat, sand, shells, crab, towel, sandcastle, starfish, rocks
spaghetti, pizza; Feelings: tired, sad, happy, OK; Jobs: police officer,
teacher, firefighter, doctor; Actions: sleeping, playing, resting,
surfing the net, working


Let’s have fun! 1 2.49

Unfinished drawings
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 108. Write ‘108’
Call one pupil to the front. Whisper a word (from on the board.
Activity 1) to him/her. He/She draws part of the • Ask pupils to look at the pictures and to describe what
object/animal. The class has to guess. The pupil they see.
continues so as to finish his/her drawing. • Encourage them to predict what is happening on the
3 2.48 • Play track 2.49 right through.
• Ask pupils to look at the photos in Activity 3. • Confirm pupils’ predictions.
• Read the questions next to the photos. Let pupils • Play the track again. Stop after frame 1. Focus on the
discuss the questions in groups. questions. Have pupils repeat the questions and answers.
• Encourage pupils to provide an answer. • Follow the same procedure with frame 2.
• Play track 2.48 right through. • Play the track again. Stop after frame 3. Draw pupils’
• Have pupils check their answers. attention to the phrases ‘Be careful!’, ‘Don’t worry.’ and
• Play the track again – only sentence 1. Ask pupils which ‘This is fun!’
photo is being described. • Play the track again. Stop after frame 4. Focus on the
• Follow the same procedure with sentences 2 and 3. questions. Pupils repeat the questions and answers.
• Clarify any vocabulary doubts.
1 Seaweed is a plant that grows in the ocean. It’s also a delicious • Play track 2.49 again. Have pupils follow in their books.
food! • Play the track again. Stop after each frame and
2 A cactus grows on land in deserts. It can live in very hot weather. encourage pupils to repeat.
3 Coral lives in the ocean. It looks like a plant but it isn’t! It’s a • Divide the class into groups. Each plays a role. Give
small animal. them time to rehearse.
Extension • Monitor, help and encourage them.
• Encourage pupils to act out the dialogue. Praise their
• Ask pupils to read the sentence at the bottom of the effort and hard work.
page. Have them name two plants and two animals that
live in the ocean. 3
• Divide the class into groups. Give them time to do some • Read the Shapers’ dialogue aloud.
research (in the school library or their netbooks). • Write the following questions on the board: ‘What are
• Have groups report back to the class. You can prepare the grandparents doing?’ ‘What are the children doing?’
two lists on the board, under the headings ‘Sea animals’ ‘What are the dogs doing?’
and ‘Sea plants’. • Elicit the corresponding answers.
Possible answers: Plants that live in the ocean: kelp, sea • Draw pupils’ attention to the use of ‘They are…’
grass, plankton, algae, sponges; Animals that live in the ocean: • Give pupils time to practise the questions and the
seahorses, dolphins, swordfish, sea lions, turtles, etc answers on the board.
Cooler  Home or beach?
Shape your
• Present a list of words on the board, eg: ‘bed’, ‘crab’, grammar!
‘towel’, ‘sand’, ‘TV’, ‘starfish’, ‘fridge’, ‘shells’,
• In groups, pupils decide whether the words belong to a Draw pupils’ attention to the ‘Shape your grammar!’
home scene or a beach scene. Some may belong to both, box. Read the question and answers aloud.
eg: towel.
Activity Book, page 101, Activities 1 & 2
Extension 1
• Call two or three pupils to the front.
Lesson 2 • Have them mime an action. Ask the class, ‘What are
they doing?’ The rest of the class has to guess.
Warmer  A day on the beach!
• Divide the class into groups of four or five. Extension 2  What are they doing?
• Ask them to present a family scene on the beach. • Divide the class into groups.
• When they are ready, they introduce themselves and they • Distribute magazines to the groups. They must find
say what the different members of the family are doing. pictures of several people doing things. The aim is to
practise the plural form.
• When they are ready, groups present their work to the


Cooler  Jumbled sentences! • Give pupils time to do the rest of the sentences by
• Give out copies of the worksheet (see photocopiable
Answers: 1 Yes; 2 No; 3 Yes; 4 No
materials, page 156).
• For ‘Part 1’, have pupils work individually. They order Extension
the words to get a logical sentence.
• Ask pupils to look at the picture in Activity 2 again for
• Give them time to check their work with a partner.
two minutes.
• Check the answers together.
• Ask them to close their books and to say what they
Answers: 1 What are the children doing? 2 What is the dog eating? remember about the picture.
3 The mother is reading a book. 4 What are the grandparents doing?
• For ‘Part 2’, have pupils work in pairs. 3 2.51
• Tell pairs that they have to replace the words in bold in • Play track 2.51 right through. Check the answers to
each sentence with another word. Activity 2 together.
• Encourage pupils to read their versions aloud. • Play the track again. Stop at the end of the first verse.
• Ask pupils how the family is feeling (unhappy).
Handy Tip • Ask pupils why they think the family is unhappy. Pupils
This type of task boosts pupils’ creativity and helps predict reasons for their unhappiness.
them see how powerful some words are. • Play the second verse.
• Ask pupils who the verse is about. Ask what Mum is
Activity Book, page 102, Activities 1 & 2 and My Language Bank doing and why. Ask how Mum is feeling.
• Play the third verse.
• Ask pupils who the verse is about. Ask what Dad is
Lesson 3 doing and why. Ask how Dad is feeling.
Warmer  Odd one out • Follow the same procedure with the fourth verse. Ask
how Eva is feeling.
• Give out copies of the worksheet (see photocopiable • Follow the same procedure with the last verse.
materials, page 157). • Play the track again right through.
• Pupils do the task individually (they identify the odd one • Divide the song into parts. Encourage pupils to repeat
out) and then they check with a partner. the lines.
• Check the answers together. Have pupils give reasons • Play the track again and help them say the lines.
to justify their answers.
Answers: a classroom; b pencil; c living room; d school bag; e spider Extension 1
• Write the following adjectives on the board: ‘dirty’,
1 2.50
‘sad’, ‘boring’, ‘cold’, ‘OK’.
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 109. Write ‘109’ • Ask pupils to try and remember how these words are
on the board. used in the song.
• Have pupils look at the pictures in Activity 1. Tell them
that the pictures refer to the weather. Extension 2
• Present the new words. • Write the following ‘-ing’ words on the board: ‘cooking’,
• Play track 2.50 right through. ‘cleaning’, ‘reading’, ‘looking for’.
• Play the track again. • Pupils try to remember who is doing what in the picture.
• Have pupils repeat. Correct pronunciation if necessary. • Elicit complete sentences with the words given.
Audioscript • Have pupils go back to the book to see if the sentences
1 It’s sunny. are right.
2 It’s rainy.
3 It’s cloudy. 4 2.51
4 It’s windy.
5 It’s snowy. • Play track 2.51 again right through.
6 It’s stormy. • Invite pupils to listen and sing the song.
• If you wish, divide the class into groups and hold a
2 singing competition.
• Ask pupils to look at the picture in Activity 2. • Have the class vote for the best group.
• Ask them how many people they see and how they are
feeling. Also, ask them what the weather is like. Cooler  A perfect holiday!
• Read sentence 1 aloud. Ask pupils which answer they • Divide the class into groups of four or five.
should circle – ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. • Give each group some poster paper where they must
• Check the answer together. draw or stick pictures of a family on holiday. They decide
what each member is doing and how they are feeling.

• They present their work to the class and talk about Extension 1
the family, their holiday, their feelings and what each
member is doing. • To give pupils further practice, go to the picture in
Activity 2, Lesson 3.
Activity Book, page 103, Activities 1–3
• Pupils pair up. Ask them to have short exchanges similar
to the ones presented in Activity 2.
Lesson 4 • Encourage pairs to present some exchanges in front of
the class.
Warmer  Find someone who… • Correct only when necessary.
• Give out copies of the worksheet (see photocopiable Extension 2
materials, page 156).
• Pupils have to read the sentences below the picture and • Give out copies of the ‘Matching task’ (see
find the people in the beach scene. They number the photocopiable materials, page 157).
people accordingly. • Have pupils read the questions and the options on the
right. Then they circle the correct answer in each case.
1 • Read the questions aloud. Then encourage pupils to
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 110. Write ‘110’ read the corresponding answers aloud.
on the board.
• Tell pupils to look at the pictures and ask them who  
these people are (a family: Mum, Dad, a boy and a girl). Helping at home
• Introduce new language: ‘taking out the rubbish’, • Read the message in the ‘Values’ box aloud. Clarify
‘walking the dog’, ‘packing the car’. Mime the actions or any vocabulary queries. Ask pupils what they think
make simple drawings on the board. about this message.
• Pupils repeat the new language after you. • Have pupils say what they do at home to help and
• Ask pupils to read the short dialogue by themselves. describe what their parents do at home. Help them
• Read the phrases next to the pictures aloud. with any language they may need. Accept ideas in L1.
• Ask pupils to write the name of the people doing those
actions. Ask pupils to make complete sentences. Then
have them answer the question in the rubric.
Cooler  Ball game
• Draw pupils’ attention to the questions ‘Where’s • Toss a ball to a pupil and ask a question starting with
Megan?’ and ‘Is she taking out the rubbish?’ either ‘Is he/she…?’ or ‘Is it…?’ The pupil catches the
• Present the short form ‘No, she isn’t.’ ball and gives a short answer.
• Follow the same procedure with Ben and Lois. • Draw pupils’ attention to the correct use of the
• Read the dialogue aloud. pronouns.
• Encourage pupils to repeat the lines after you. Activity Book, page 104, Activities 1 & 2
• Give pupils time to practise reading the dialogue in pairs.
• Encourage them to read the dialogue aloud.
Answers: 1 Ben is walking the dog. 2 Lois is cleaning the garden. Lesson 5
3 Megan is packing the car.
Mum is drinking tea/coffee./Mum is looking through the window. Warmer  Jump to the right or the left!
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 111. Write ‘111’
on the board.
• Read the Shapers’ dialogue aloud. • Ask questions about the people in the picture.
• Ask pupils to pair up. • If the answer is ‘Yes’, pupils jump to the right and say,
• Have them practise the same mini-dialogue about the ‘Yes, he/she/it is.’ If the answer is ‘No’, pupils jump to
other characters in the dialogue. the left and say, ‘No, he/she/it isn’t.’
• The pace should be agile and remind pupils to use ‘he/
Shape your she/it’ appropriately.
• Ask pupils to look at the picture in Activity 1 again.
Draw pupils’ attention to the ‘Shape your grammar!’ • Ask them to describe how many boys/girls they see
box. Read the question and the Yes/No answers (three boys and three girls, and a man talking on a
aloud. mobile phone).
• Read the questions aloud. Clarify any language queries.
• Read the options aloud.

• Ask pupils to pair up. Invite them to match the questions • For ‘Part 2’, have pupils work in groups to complete the
with an appropriate answer. body by inserting a string of ‘-ing’ words.
• Give them time to complete the task. • Once the task is ready, groups exchange their work
• Check the answers orally. Clear up any doubts. so that each group has to solve the task designed by
Answers: 1 d; 2 e; 3 a; 4 f; 5 b; 6 c another group.
2 Ryan; 3 Gina; 4 Tom; 5 Dad; 6 Mia • Check the answers together.
Activity Book, page 105, Activities 1 & 2
2 2.52
• Draw pupils’ attention to the words in Activity 2.
• Tell the class that the same letter is missing in all words. Lesson 6
• Give them time to discuss the answer with a partner.
• Elicit which letter fits all the blanks. Warmer Memotest
• Read the words aloud. • Give out copies of the memotest cards (see
• Play track 2.52 right through. photocopiable materials, page 158).
• Play the track again. Stop after each word. Have pupils • Have pupils pair up to play memotest with the
repeat each word individually. vocabulary about the beach.
• Correct pronunciation if necessary.
Answers: mum, fun, rubbish, uncle, lunch
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 112. Write ‘112’
Extension on the board.
• Write the words from Activity 2 on the board. • Ask pupils to look at the photos and to describe what
• Ask pupils to repeat the words. they see. Help them with any language they may need.
• Ask them to close their eyes and erase some letters in • Ask pupils to look at the postcard. Ask, ‘Who is writing
each word. it?’
• Ask pupils to open their eyes and to check the words • Ask them to predict what information may appear in the
again. postcard.
• In pairs, they discuss which letters are missing in each • Read the postcard aloud. Clarify any language queries.
word. Each pair reports back to the class. • Read question 1 aloud. Elicit an appropriate answer.
• Encourage pupils to come to the front to complete the • Read questions 2 and 3 aloud. Give pupils time to find
words. the information in the text.
• Check the answers together. Ask pupils to show you
3 2.53 where the correct answers appear in the postcard.
• Draw pupils’ attention to the sentences in Activity 3. Answers: 1 You can see whales, seals, dolphins and many other
• Read the sentences aloud. ocean animals. 2 They are playing with the dolphins. 3 Yes, it is.
• In pairs, have pupils discuss which words are suitable
for each blank. Remind them that they must use the
words from Activity 2. • Write the following information on the board and
• They report their answers to the class. Ask pupils to encourage pupils to use it to give details about the trip
come to the board and to write the words. Also, ask described in the postcard in Activity 1: ‘12.00 pm’,
them to spell each word. ‘3.30 pm’, ‘dolphins’.
• Once the blanks have been completed, read the • Help pupils get their message across.
sentences aloud.
• Play track 2.53 right through.
• Encourage pupils to read the sentences aloud imitating Pen Pal
the speaker as much as they can. Draw pupils’ attention to the postcard. Draw exclamation
• Correct pronunciation as well as intonation. marks on the board. Ask pupils to find exclamation
Answers: Mum; lunch; Uncle; fun marks in the postcard. Ask pupils if they remember why
and when these are used. If they remember, help them
Cooler  Snake wordsearch 1 & 2 explain. If they do not remember, direct them to the
‘Pen Pal’ section. Read the information aloud and check
• Give out copies of the worksheet (see photocopiable
comprehension. Ask pupils to provide further examples.
materials, page 157).
In order to guide them, you can tell them that sentences
• For ‘Part 1’, have pupils circle the words in the snake
associated with feelings are likely to take an exclamation
wordsearch, showing where they start and finish.
mark. Make a point of the different use of exclamation
• Invite them to spell out each word they discover.
marks in English and in Spanish. In Spanish, exclamation
Answers: reading, working, watching TV, surfing the net, resting, marks are used at the beginning of a sentence and at
sleeping, playing
the end, whereas in English exclamation marks are only
used at the end of a sentence.

2 from the group are doing at the beach (they need to
• Direct pupils’ attention to the box in Activity 2. remember what they have just said).
• Have them draw a picture of their holidays. They then • You can have the same task (visualization + memory)
describe what they are doing in the picture. with other sentences, eg: ‘Imagine it is a cloudy day.
You are at home and… Oh no! It is raining now!’ Ask
Handy Tip pupils what they are doing at home. All pupils say their
lines. Then ask them how much they remember from
A good idea for further oral practice is to ask pupils
their friends’ answers.
to sit in a circle. After each of the pupils describes
his/her picture of his/her holiday, encourage the 1
rest to relay part of the information given by their • Ask pupils to open their books at page 113. Write ‘113’
friends. You can ask pupils to work in groups: there on the board.
are more minds to resort to. In this way, pupils • Ask them to look at the picture in Activity 1 in detail.
who remember very little feel less pressure. • Encourage them to describe what they see.
• Draw pupils’ attention to the list of words.
Extension  My postcard • Explain the task: pupils must find these elements in
the picture, circle them and write the corresponding
• Give out copies of the sample postcard (see
number next to them.
photocopiable materials, page 159).
• Check the answers orally.
• Read what is written on it. Brainstorm words, phrases
• Pupils assess their work by colouring the spots in
that can be used in the body of the postcard.
‘My progress’.
• Give pupils time to complete the task.
• Move around the classroom. Monitor and help them. 2
Guide and provide language where necessary. • Draw a table on the board with the headings ‘In the
• Read some versions aloud. ocean’ and ‘On land’ for pupils to complete with the
Cooler  Balls galore names of the animals in Activity 1.
• Provide an example for each list, eg: fish (in the ocean),
• Think of a couple of sentences connected with holidays, dog (on land).
eg: ‘The children are climbing rocks.’ ‘My family is at • Give pupils time to discuss the work in groups.
the beach.’ ‘My sister is making a sandcastle.’ ‘My • Monitor and help them where necessary. Help them
brother is looking for crabs.’ with any language they may need.
• Bring newspaper pages to the class. On each page, write • Have groups read their lists aloud.
the words of one of the sentences above spread out on the • Pupils assess their work by colouring the spots in
page. One word may be horizontal, another vertical, etc. On ‘My progress’.
the top left corner, write the number of words pupils need
Answers: In the ocean: crab, fish, seagull; On land: dog, crab
to find on the page. To guide them, use capital letters for
the initial of the first word of the sentence. 3
• Make a paper ball with each page. Divide the class into
• Ask pupils to look at the picture in Activity 1 again.
groups. Toss all the paper balls at the same time. Each
• Read the sentences aloud. Clarify any vocabulary doubts.
group must catch one, straighten out the page and look
• Give pupils time to complete the task by themselves.
for the number of words shown on the top left corner.
• When they are ready, give them time to compare their
Once they have found all the words, they try to find a
work with a partner.
logical order for the words to make up a sentence.
• Check the answers together.
• Once the groups are ready, they read their sentences
• Pupils assess their work by colouring the spots in
‘My progress’.
Activity Book, page 106, Activities 1 & 2 and Unit 12 takes shape!
Answers: 1 Yes; 2 No; 3 Yes; 4 No

Making progress
• For the sentences to which the answer is ‘No’, ask
Warmer  Visualization + Memory pupils to provide a correct sentence.
• Ask pupils to stand up, to close their eyes and to Cooler Hangman
imagine they are on holiday at the beach. Tell them to
visualize what they are doing. • Have pupils play this game to have fun, to recycle
• Pupils stand in a circle and they describe what they are vocabulary recently seen and to focus on spelling.
doing at the beach. Suggested words: ‘seaweed’, ‘shells’, ‘rubbish’, ‘towel’,
• Once all pupils have said their line, ask volunteers to ‘starfish’, ‘sandcastle’.
raise their hands and to describe what three people Activity Book, page 107, Activities 1 & 2

REVISION 6 All about Travelling
Warmer  Vocabulary races • Prepare slips of paper with the numbers ‘1’, ‘2’ and ‘3’
written on them. Put these on your desk and shuffle them.
• Divide the class into groups of four. • Ask pupils to close their books and to come to the
• Write a letter on the board. front. They choose a slip, read the number on it and
• Ask pupils to jot down as many words as possible that try to remember what the child in the photo with that
begin with that letter. number is doing, eg: ‘2: There is a girl in photo 2. She is
• Set a time limit. Then ask pupils to read aloud their lists. cleaning her room.’
• Count all the words which are correct.
• The winner is the group with the highest number of words. 3
• Repeat the task with another letter. • Ask pupils what they can see in Activity 3 (three photos
and three postcards).
1 • Ask pupils to describe what they see in the photos.
• Ask pupils to open their books at page 114. Write ‘114’ • Direct their attention to the names at the bottom of
on the board. each postcard.
• Have them look at the table in Activity 1. Draw their • Give pupils time to read the postcards in silence.
attention to the three columns in the table. • Explain the task. Pupils discuss their ideas with a partner.
• Copy the table onto the board. • Check the answers orally. Ask pupils to show where the
• Direct pupils’ attention to the list of actions on the left. information to complete the task is.
Encourage them to read the list aloud.
Answers: 1 c; 2 a; 3 b
• Explain the task: pupils must sort out the actions on the list
and place them in the corresponding category in the table. Extension  True or False?
• Give pupils time to discuss their work in pairs.
• Prepare slips of paper with true/false sentences about
• Check the answers orally. Have pupils come to the front
Activity 3 and stick them onto the board. Suggested
and complete the table on the board.
sentences: ‘Ellie’s family is at a hotel.’ ‘Ellie is playing
• Tell pupils to work in groups of four. Ask them to add
games with a cousin.’ ‘Her parents are climbing the
three more actions – if possible one for each category.
rocks.’ ‘Anna goes skiing every day.’ ‘Her sister loves
• Encourage groups to share their ideas with the class.
cold weather.’ ‘Max is at the beach.’ ‘He is looking for
Possible answers: work: clean my room; rest: read a book, watch shells.’ ‘His mum is sunbathing.’
TV, have a nap; play: look for crabs, swim, make a sandcastle.
• Divide the class into groups and have them decide if the
Extension  Class survey sentences are true or false.
• Use the table in Activity 1 to prepare a quick class 4
survey. Choose actions from each category and ask the • Tell pupils they are going to do a project about holidays.
class how many of them do those actions. • Have them follow the steps to prepare their postcards.
• For instance, ask, ‘How many of you make a sandcastle • Draw their attention to the mini-exchanges in the green
when you are on holiday?’ Count the number of pupils boxes on the right.
and write the number next to the phrase in the table. • Read them aloud and elicit any other questions you
• Follow the same procedure with all the other actions. may ask a friend about their holidays, eg: ‘What is
• Count the number of pupils and write the general results the weather like?’ ‘Who is the man/woman in the
on the board. postcard?’ ‘What is he/she doing?’ etc.
• Encourage pupils to read the results aloud, eg: ‘Ten • Give pupils time for them to ask and answer questions
pupils make sandcastles when they are on holiday.’ etc. about their holidays and to exchange their postcards
with their friends.
• Encourage pupils to perform their mini-exchanges in
• Ask pupils to look at the photos in Activity 2 and to front of the class.
describe what they see in each.
• Encourage pupils to tell a partner what the children are Cooler  Who is he/she?
doing in each photo.
• Remind pupils of the people in the three postcards in
• Check the answers orally.
Activity 3. Write their names on the board.
• Ask pupils to come to the front and write the answers
• Give them time to refresh what each is doing.
on the board.
• Call a pupil to the front and whisper into his/her ear an
Answers: 1 He’s looking for crabs. 2 She’s cleaning her room. action performed by one of these people for him/her to
3 She’s resting/having a nap. mime, eg: ‘Ellie’s brother/playing with Ellie.’
Extension Memory • The rest of the class has to guess who and what the
pupil is doing the mimicry of.
• Ask pupils to look at the three photos in Activity 2 and
Activity Book, pages 108–110, Activities 1–9
to try and memorize what each child is doing. Activity Book, page 111, Going for Starters!


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