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Computers and Chemical Engineering. Vol. 1. pp. 49-56. Pergamon Press, 1977.

Printed in Great Britain




Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla,Rolla, MO 65401

(Reuisedreceiued 8 June 1976)

Abstract-Multicomponent distillation programs in general use are seldom capable of describing systems whose flow
patterns differ from the conventional counter-current. However, these programs may be extended to include
pumparounds or interphase mass transfer by algorithms which require neither additional internal iteration steps nor
repetitive solutions. For a pumparound, a recursive procedure is developed to use the conventional Thomas
Algorithm modified by an additional multiplier in the second step. To describe interphase mass transfer, the solution
to the set of material balance equations requires a recursive technique in which the definitions for the algorithm
alternate for successive stages. The use of recursional procedures is demonstrated on a multicomponent distillation
column simulation.

Scope-Multi-stage operations are widely used in the chemical and petroleum process industries to carry out
separations and achieve produce purity. Distillation is the most common of these but extraction and absorption
often are called upon when the components do not volatilize readily. These processes are designed for the most part
to operate with a counter-current flow pattern between the stages. The programs used to describe multi-stage
operations seldom provide for variations from counter-current flow either between the stages or within them.
However, the flow pattern is often varied by the use of pumparounds and it is often desirable to include explicitly the
intrastage cross flow in the computations. There is, therefore, a definite requirement for algorithms which may be
used to adapt multi-component programs to describe systems with non-conventional flow patterns.
The crux of the iterative computations which describe multi-stage operations lies in the solution of the set of
component-material balances. There is an effective algorithm for counter-current flow profiles and equilibrium
stages [6] since these cases may be described by a set of tridiagonal equations. A number of multi-stage descriptions
do not conform to the tri-diagonal configuration. Procedures are developed which may be used when off diagonal
elements are not adjacent to the conventional elements as well as procedures which are useful when additional
elements appear next to existing elements. The former case is illustrated by a pumparound in distillation, the latter by
interphase mass transfer computations for distillation or extraction stages.
The use of the existing Thomas Algorithm[6]for tri-diagonal configurations has been described by Friday & Smith
[5] for multi-stage operations. An improved modification has been suggested by Boston & Sullivan[2] and its
applicability in time-varying computations has been described by Waggoner & Holland[l3]. In this algorithm the
initial, interim, and solution elements are kept in vectors. No iteration is required to obtain a solution. An alternative
procedure involving matrix manipulation could become cumbersome, time consuming, or could consume excessive
core space for large multi-stage systems such as those encountered with super-fractionators.
The algorithms developed for non-conventional material balance configurations meet the criteria of vector
elements and direct solution. Their applicability is demonstrated as they are programmed to operate within the
structure of an on-line interactive multi-component distillation program.

MATEICES In many distillation and extraction operations a stream
For each component, the component-material balance is withdrawn from one stage of the column and then
equations must be solved simultaneously. When these returned to a different stage without a change in its
balances are written each around a single stage, the composition. In distillation heat is often added or with-
elements of the coefficient matrix take a tri-diagonal form drawn from this stream. The term most often used to
for standard configurations in distillation. This matrix describe the stream is “Pumparound”. The flow pattern
form is not changed if deviation from equilibrium is for a typical pumparound is illustrated by Fig. 2.
described in factor form[7, Chap. 141.When additions are
made to the standard flow profile or if deviation from Component material balance
equilibrium is described by interphase mass transfer, the If a liquid pumparound is withdrawn from stage s and
matrix format is altered. If a pumparound is used in returned to non-adjacent stage r without a change in
distillation, an element is added to the matrix in a location composition, the material balance for component i on
far removed from the diagonal. When interphase mass stage r may be written
transfer is included in multi-stage computations, addi-
tional elements are generated which appear adjacent to (L,-, - wr-1)x,-,.i - LJX, - KY, - VrYti+ v,+,Y,+,,i
the &i-diagonal elements.
Algorithms may be developed so that these non- + G,xsi+ F,,xfti= 0 (0
conventional cases may be solved as readily as the
conventional. The procedure for the off-diagonal element For equilibrium stages and for non-equilibrium stages
differs from that applicable to adjacent elements. A described by a component efficiency factor, the vapor
pumparound is used to illustrate the former and interph- phase composition is related to the liquid phase composi-
ase mass transfer the latter. tion by a multiplier.
CACE Vol. 1. No. I-D 49
50 R. C. WAGGONER and G. D. LOUD

START would reflect the pumparound rate, (I - Gs)X+ If a

pumparound is returned to a stage adjacent to the with-
I drawal stage, the coefficient values of the affected stages
are changed but no additional elements are generated so
I that the Thomas algorithm may be used without revision.
The format of the coefficient matrix for a pumparound
withdrawn from stage 8 and returned to stage 4 in a twelve
stage column is shown in Fig. 3. For each additional
COMPOSITION pumparound an additional element would appear. If the
receiving stage is above the withdrawal stage the element
will appear above the tri-diagonal elements. For down-
ward pumparounds the column may be numbered in
reverse order and the algorithm developed for upward
pumparounds may be applied directly.
The recursive algorithm for pumparounds was de-
veloped by Waggoner & Holland[l21. Matrix operations
are performed to obtain a coefficient matrix which takes
the format shown in Fig. 4. For each additional pum-
paround an additional column of elements, pk, would be
obtained. The standard elements, f, and the elements of
the constant vector, gk,are not changed from those of the
Thomas algorithm. For the general description of a pum-
paround withdrawn from stage s and returned to stage r,
the following elements are defined in terms of the ele-
ments of the initial matrix shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 1. Sequence of computations for an iterative distillation

pr=b, -:,fr_,


Fig. 3. Format of the component material balance coe5cient

matrix for a distillation column with a pumparound.

Fig. 2. Distillationcolunin with a pumparound.

Thus the component-material balances may be expressed

in terms of the Xji’sor the yii’s alone. Unless there are
pumparounds present, the coefficients of the set of com-
ponent material balances take a tri-diagonal form. For
each pumparound an additional element appears in the
row which represents the balance for the receiving stage
(r) and in the column for the composition on the with-
drawal stage (s). The balance for the withdrawal stage (s) Fii. 4. Coefficient matrix for the recursional algorithm applicable
is unaffected. The first term of the balance for stage s + 1 to distillation columns with pumparounds.
Solution of material balance equations 51

2. The array added by the pumparound must be gener-

“= bt -a&__, ated to serve as coefficients for xsi in the component
material balance computations (Eqs. 6 and 7).
The reverse recursional procedure normally used for the 3. The reverse step of the recursional procedure must
second step must be revised to include an additional also be modified to include the terms for xsi (Eq. 5).
column of elements for each pumparound. 4. In the computation to correct the bulk flow profiles,
the energy balance for stage r and the bulk material
Zk = g!i -fA+, -Pr& r 5 k 5 s-‘, (3 balance for the boilup rate from stage r t 1 must be
revised to show the effect of the pumparound (Eqs. 9 and
where z represents the selected composition variable. If 10).
Eq. (1) is used to express Eq. (2) in terms of vapor Since the pumparound stream is returned to the column,
compositions (yii) and if the equilibrium case is consi- no modification is required if a Theta convergence proce-
dered (ET, = 1.0 for all j and i), the definitions of the p dure [7, Chap. 41 is used. The additional Theta multiplier
column elements may be written in terms of process used with sidestreams is not required. ,If an array is
variables. available for withdrawal rates, the pumparound rate may
be entered as its sth element. Care should be taken not to
G/K,, trigger a special convergence procedure required if the
stream is not returned to the column.
p'=-(~+K)+(~)f,_,.i @)
The use of the algorithm developed for pumparounds is
demonstrated for multi-component distillation. An itera-
tive program, DISTIL, used as a basis for programming,
follows the procedure previously described. It is written
in modular form so that separate procedures within the
Withdrawals from stages above s have been omitted to program can be modified while the structure of the
simplify the expression but may be subtracted from the program and the remaining computational sections remain
L,_, terms if required. unchanged. An example for a multi-component separation
in a conventional distillation column is described in Table
Energy balance 1. The computed temperature profiles, bulk flow profile,
With the exception of a few cases of unusual sets of and product compositions are shown in Table 2.
column specifications, the bulk flow profiles for a column
may be computed sequentially stage-to-stage, i.e. the THESTRUCTUREOF ITFRATIVE PROGRAMS
liquid overflow from stage 1 is computed by energy FOR MULTlCOMPONJ%‘IT
balance, the vapor rising from stage 2 is computed by In order to describe the operation of a multi-component
bulk-flow balance, and the sequence is continued to the distillation column, it is necessary to obtain the correct
bottom of the column. This sequence is not revised for an temperature profile for the conditions specified for the
upward flowing pumparound. Values for the rate, com- separation. When this profile is obtained the composition
position, and thermal condition of the pumparound are of each component on each stage may be computed for
estimated by previous computations so that energy bal- both the liquid overflow and the vapor boilup as they
ance modifications are limited to the stage which receives leave the stage. The corresponding bulk flow rates may be
the pumparound stream. The energy balance for a single computed from the compositions and the temperatures.
stage may be modified to indicate the return of a For the correct temperature profile, the compositions and
pumparound stream. the bulk flow rates satisfy the complete set of component-
material balances, the set of energy balances, and the set
a~,_&, - Lihi - &Hi + t G,Hs = 0.
vj+lHi+, (8) of bulk flow balances which may be written to describe
the operation of a distillation column.
This expression, which omits possible feeds and withdraw- The temperature profile is not available from a single
als, may be solved for the liquid overflow rate by use of the solution of the column energy and material balances. The
constant composition method of Holland[7, Chap. 51. component material balances contain equilibrium func-

L = L,-dh,-, - Hb,l,+, + V,W[y,l,+, - HI + Gs@s - Gbslr+J

r (9)
h, -Z-WI,+,

No modification is required to account for the pump- tions and the energy balances contain enthalpy functions
around withdrawal but the bulk-material balance used to both of which are generally non-linear functions of temp-
calculate vapor boilup from the stage r + 1 may require erature (and may be non-linear in composition as well).
revision. The non-linearity of these functions requires that an
iterative procedure be used to determine the correct
V,,, = V, +L, - 15-1 -G,. (10) temperature profile. Many of the iterative programs for
multicomponent distillation follow the sequence illus-
Implementation trated in Fig. 1.
To include a pumparound withdrawn from stage s and 1. Initialize. Before the search for the column profiles is
returned to stage r, the following modifications to a begun, the data required is assembled and placed in
multicomponent distillation program are required. locations where it may be accessed during the iterative
1. From stage r to stage s - 1 the initial overflow profile computations. This information includes a description of
should be increased by the amount G moles. the feed to the column, the column operating specifica-
and G. D. LOUD

Table 1.Statementof distillationcolumnoperations Chap. 41 is often selected for convergence. The Sum-
Rates method[5] has been found effective for absorbers.
Specifications The Theta multiplier[7] is often used to indicate con-
Thermodynamicdata 300psia vergence even when other correctors are applied to the
A total condenser temperature profile.
Distillaterate 328molh-’
4. Temperature profile. An improved temperature
Refluxrate 400molh-’
Number of stages-20 profile may be obtained from compositions determined in
step 2 or from step 3. Approximate dew point or bubble
Feeddescription point computations [7, Chap. IS] are often used to elimi-
Flow Bubble Dew nate the need for the internal iterative loop required to
rate point point obtain an exact temperature. The Sum-Rates method[5]
Stage Condition (mol h-‘) (“F) (“F) uses energy balance corrections to obtain improved
10 Bubble point 500 168 215 5. Bz&-flow profiles. When the composition profile is
used to obtain corrected temperatures they in turn may be
Component feed rates (mol h-‘) used to compute revised enthalpy values. These enthal-
C3H8 I-C4 N-C4 N-C5 pies are used in energy balances which, together with bulk
325 50 50 15 flow balances, may be oversensitive to small temperature
changes. The constant composition method [7, Chap. 51
avoids this problem. Steps 2-5 are repeated until the
Table 2. Distillation column operation described with equilibrium criterion for convergence has been met.
stages and without a pumparound To describe an operation which includes a pumparound,
the component material balance subroutine (MATBAL)
Temperature Liquid flow and the bulk flow profile subroutine (ENBAL) are re-
Stage (“PI (mol h-‘) placed with modified subroutines. The structure of
1 137.0 400.0
neither is changed. In MATBAL, an additional array is
2 138.7 394.8 defined to contain the elements generated by the pump-
3 140.6 389.3 around expressions (Eqs. 6 and 7). These equations are
4 142.8 383.6 programmed and placed within the loop which generates
5 145.1 377.8 the elements of the F and G vectors in the standard
6 147.5 371.7 subroutine. The programmed equation in the reverse loop
I 150.0 364.5 is revised to pick up the non-zero pumparound elements.
8 153.0 353.6 In ENBAL additional statements are added so that the
9 157.3 334.1 equations for the liquid overflow and vapor boilup are
IO 165.0 829.7
11 167.3 825.0
modified to include the effect of a returned pumparound,
12 171.1 819.0 (Eqs. 8 and 9). Logic is required so that these terms are
13 176.8 812.8 added only to the returning stage for liquid overflow and
14 184.7 808.5 to the stage below for vapor boilup. The effects of a pum-
15 194.5 808.5 paround on the separation described in Tables 1 and 2 are
16 205.5 812.4 shown for two pumparound rates in Table 3.
17 216.8 815.8
18 228.8 811.8 DEVIATION
19 243.2 796.8 In the design and operation of multi-stage mass transfer
20 262.3 172.0
units such as distillation towers and extractors, deviation
Product compositlons from equilibrium on the individual stages has a significant
Stage C3H8 I-C4 N-C4 N-C5 effect. This deviation is often large enough to reduce the
1 0.9764 0.0207 0.0027 0.0000 effectiveness of the unit to 5&70% of its theoretical
20 0.0275 0.2510 0.2853 0.4360 operation[lO]. Deviation from equilibrium should there-
fore be included in the simulations used to describe these
units. The factor procedure to describe deviation from the
tions, and the physical property data which are usually equilibrium is often used in distillation. It is exemplified
expressed as coefficients for the enthalpy and equilibrium by the Murphree Efficiency factor [9] and the vaporization
functions, This section generates an initial estimate for efficiency[7, Chap. 141.In extraction, deviation is often
the temperature and bulk-flow profiles. described by interphase mass transfer[l-4, 81. The two
2. Composition profiles. The composition of each com- procedures may be used to obtain equivalent results. An
ponent on each component on each stage is computed expression for the interphase mass transfer coefficient is
from the latest available temperature and bulk-flow obtained from the simultaneous solution of the vapor
profiles. Computations for each component are per- phase material balance and the definition of the Murphree
formed independently from those for all other compo- efficiency factor [9].
nents. Procedures such as the Thomas algorithm[6] are
often applied so that the elements used may be retained in
vector form. (11)
3.. Convergence. Although the compositions obtained in
step 2 may be used to improve the temperature profile, If values for mass transfer coefficients are obtained in this
procedures may be applied to correct it further to meet a way, they contain the approximation that the bulk vapor
process specification and/or to reduce the required rate does not change within the liquid and/or froth held on
number of iterations. The Theta method of Holland[7, the stage.
Solution of material balance equations 53

Table 3. The effect of pumparounds on the operation of a distillation column

rate (mol h-‘) 80 450 80 450
Column profiles Temperature Temperature Liquid flow Liquid flow
Stage (“PI (“F) (mol b-‘) (mol hh’)

1 138.1 139.2 400.0 400.0

2 141.2 143.5 390.7 386.8
3 144.7 148.6 380.5 371.7
4 148.7 154.7 367.7 351.6
5 153.9 162.9 444.1 799.5
6 154.4 162.8 442.5 799.7
1 155.1 162.7 439.9 799.6
8 156.2 162.6 434.1 798.7
9 158.4 162.8 420.0 792.8
10 163.8 164.8 918.0 1292.2
11 164.4 164.9 916.4 1292.0
12 165.6 165.0 913.6 1291.4
13 167.6 165.5 909.0 1289.7
14 171.3 166.7 902.2 1285.6
15 177.5 169.8 893.8 1276.3
16 187.1 177.4 806.6 814.5
17 199.7 188.7 801.3 801.9
18 214.9 204.5 794.0 787.5
19 233.7 225.7 780.5 770.2
20 257.4 252.9 172.0 172.0

Product compositions (80 mol h- pumparound rate)

Stage C3H8 I-C4 N-C4 N-C5
1 0.9590 0.0330 0.0078 0.0000
20 0.0606 0.2276 0.2757 0.4359

Product compositions (450 mol h-l pumparound rate)

Stage C3H8 I-C4 N-C4 N-C5
1 0.9430 0.9428 0.0138 0.0002
20 0.0912 0.2089 ’ 0.2643 0.4355

Interphase mass transfer

If deviation from equilibrium is described by inter-
phase mass transfer, an algorithm may be developed to
include this effect in the component-material balances
written for a multi-stage operation. Mass transfer on a
two-phase contact stage may be described by two material
balances, one written for the L phase and one for the V
phase. For an individual component in the L phase the
balance is stated.

Li_,xi_,,i -L&i -&,,lJj0$ -yji)+FL,xFj, =o,


where yT 2 Kixj. For the V phase there is a corresponding

component material balance

Since feed may enter either phase, provision for it is

required in both expressions.
These balances take into consideration the non-
equilibrium effect and the fact that the driving force for Fig.5. Interphasemasstransferin a multistageoperation.
mass transfer decreases as equilibrium is approached. The
flow pattern which they describe is illustrated in Fig. 5. In The number of equations in the set of material balances is
distillation operations, the condenser and reboiler are then reduced by 2 to 2N-2. The format of this set is
described as equilibrium stages even though equilibrium is illustrated by Eq. (16). The pattern which emerges is not
not achieved on the trays within the column. consistent with the tri-diagonal form essential for the
Thomas algorithm, but the recursional nature of the
-(L, + V,Kdx,i + Vzy,i = - F,xFI, (14) equations makes them suitable for a similar approach. The
terms in equations 2k and 2k + 1 contain the set of terms
L~,xw(VN +$)Y,, = -FNXFNI. (15) normally found for two consecutive equations in the
and G. D. LOUD

b, 0 4 XI ml
a* b* c2 0
, X2 m2
0 b, 0 4 Y2 m3
:: 0 b., C4 0 X3 m4
0 a5 b5 0 ds Y3 mS

bz-6 C2N-6 0 XN-2 m2N-6

aZN-5 h-5 0 4N-, YN-2 m2N-S
L-4 0 b,,-, cu.-4 0 &-I t&N-4
0 a2N-3 bzN-, c2N-3 YN-I mZN-3
h2N-2 0 b*Nm* YN mNmI

conventional Thomas algorithm. A set of substitutions

may be used to revise these pairs of equations so that their KGf’Ui- K,,_,,ilJ_,Ki-,,i
form becomes tri-diagonal. f2j-2 =
(Vi_, t KG,_,&,)Lj_ fyi-3
The material-balance equations are first restated to - (Lj t KGh~Kii) -
solve for a variable vector, 2, whose elements are alter- K~~~,,,~-lKj-l,~
nately xii and y,. Row operations are performed on rows
k and k + 1 in pairs to re-express them as follows:

For row k
k+, d&k+,
akzk-l + Zk - Zkil
-!!!$dk (26)
c,+,_!!h$dk &+I

The elements for the final two rows are obtained from the
ck+rmk - dkmk+,
= (17) following expressions.
-!!i.$dk ’

For row k + 1
fu-3 = - VN/(VN-I+ KG,-,,UN-I(I + KN-JZN-a))
- -4
+ h-t,&+, + ck+I -%dk)Zk+2 g2N-3=
V,+, f
+ Kc,-l,,U~-~K~-l.ig2~-4
KG,_,,~UN-I(I+ KN-~,if2N-d

h Implementation
= mk+,-2 mk. (18)
When deviation from equilibrium is described by in-
terphase mass transfer, the component-material balance is
The coefficients of these equations have a tri-diagonal the only computation which must be revised to implement
form in the variable zki so that the traditional algorithm (Eqs. 19-29). Values for X and g&are obtained from stage
may be used to obtain a solution. 1 to the bottom of the column. In addition to the variables
Values for f,, f*, g, and g,, are computed in terms of already available for distillation computations, values for
process variables. KG,?and for U must be stored. In many cases they may be
stored as a product in the array normally used for
(L*+Ko&K*i)V2 vaporization efficiency. After values for jk and & are
fl =- (L,(K&,)t V,) t V,W,ia2U2)K~i) (19) obtained for a particular component, the values of the
elements of the 2 vector may be obtained by the standard
F,xdG& - Fz%tiVz second step procedure of the Thomas algorithm. There are
A”= (L,(K,,U,+ V2)+ V,K,&K,i) (20)
two elements for each stage which may then be identified
-&JJ* as the composition variables for both phases.
’ = (Lg + K,&Kzi + Lj,) (21)
Xji= Z2jml,n (30)
FzLx~,, + La Yji= z*j j=l,N. (31)
g2 = (L, + K,$J,Kzi + L, f,’ (22)
The energy balance-bulk flow balance computations for
When these values are available a recursional operation the bulk flow profile need not be changed if the enthalpy
may be used to obtain succeeding values of X and gk. values are computed from the stored compositions.

= - FL~rr-r.i + K,,_,,u,-,Kk-,,i - 425
, ,If*j_4
-(V,-,i-K,,,,U,-,)-[K,,_,,,U,-,Kj_,,, -#]f*j_d
Gl, I
Solution of material balance equations 55

Illustration Recursional procedures are developed to describe

The multi-component distillation in
system described multi-stage material balances for bulk flow patterns which
Table 1 is used to illustrate the operation of this proce- vary from the standard counter-current profile. Use of
dure. It was solved on DISTIL for a specific modified these recursional techniques avoids any requirement for
Murphree efficiency of 0.8 for all components on all trays. matrix inversion or iteration within the material balance
The reboiler and total condenser are described as equilib- solution. The procedures are specific to the type of
rium stages. A set of values for K+Ur is internally pattern described but may accept variation in location and
computed from the specified efficiencies by Eq. (11) and quantities. Since the modified material balance algorithms
are used with the algorithm for interphase mass transfer. are short when compared to the total distillation program,
The solutions from the two computations were found to only a fraction of that program must be replaced to make
agree within ?2 in the fourth place for both temperature the capability of the entire program available to solve an
and bulk flow profiles. These results are shown in Table 4. expanded variety of problems.
When an additional material-balance element occurs in
ANLISIGNIFICANCE a location well removed from the diagonal, such as
The importance of distillation as a final separation and encountered with a pumparound, an additional multiplier
purification step requires that computer programs which is obtained for use in the second step of the Thomas
describe this operation be generally available throughout recursional procedure (Fig. 4). If the additional elements
the chemical and petroleum industries. These programs are repetitive and are found adjacent to the tridiagonal
are almost always designed for distillation operations elements, as in the case of interphase mass transfer, a
carried out with perfect counter-current interstage flow preliminary set of row operations may be used to obtain a
patterns. Systems with non-conventional material balance tri-diagonal set of elements suitable for use in the conven-
configurations, obtained from a distillation column with a tional algorithm (Eqs. 19-29). When an unusual flow
pumparound or from interphase mass transfer on a stage pattern is encountered in distillation or extraction, one of
of an extractor, may also be described by direct al- these procedures or a combination thereof may be applied
gorithms. Their sequence of operations parallels that of to develop an algorithm which may be used in existing
the Thomas algorithm used for conventional configura- programs for multi-stage operations.
tions and they may be written to be compatible with the
structure of the standard program. Acknowledgement-The development of the material described
under Interphase Mass Transfer was supported in part by the
Table 4.Incomplete mass transfer computations compared to National Science Foundation.
modified Murphree efficiency factor computations. For the sep-
aration described in Table 1 NOMENCLATURE
a,, b,, ck, d,, pk, mk elements in coefficient matrices
(E$‘=0.8,2sj<19) a effective interfacial area
Temperature Liquid flow EM modified Murphree efficiency
(“F) (mol h-‘) k feed rate
G pumparound flow rate
Efficiency Mass Efficiency Mass H vapor enthalpy
Stage factor transfer factor transfer h liquid enthalpy
K equilibrium coefficient
1 137.6 137.6 400.0 400.0 KIT mass transfer coefficient
2 139.4 139.4 394.5 394.5 L bulk flow rate in the L phase
3 141.5 141.5 388.6 388.6 rJ effective area for mass transfer on a stage,
4 143.8 143.8 382.6 382.6 often expressed as (aSz)
5 146.2 146.2 376.5 376.5 V bulk flow rate in the V phase j
6 148.7 148.7 370.0 369.9 W bulk withdrawal rate
7 151.5 151.5 362.5 362.4 *r composition in a liquid feed
8 154.6 154.6 352.7 352.5 Yf composition in a vapor feed
9 158.5 158.6 334.7 334.3 x composition in the L phase
IO 165.7 165.9 830.7 830.5 Y composition in the V phase
11 168.2 168.3 826.8 826.6 & elements of the combined composition
12 171.7 171.9 822.0 821.8 vector
13 176.6 176.8 817.0 816.8
14 183.2 183.4 812.6 812.5 Superscript
* equilibrium composition
15 191.5 191.7 809.9 809.9
16 201.3 201.4 809.3 809.3 L L phase
17 212.2 212.3 809.2 809.3 V V phase
18 224.3 224.4 806.8 806.8
19 283.1 283.2 786.5 786.6 Subscripts
20 259.8 259.8 172.0 172.0 feed
Product compositions stage
Stage C3H8 I-C4 N-C4 N-C5 L phase
Efficiency 1 0.9673 0.0272 0.0053 0.0800 last stage
factor 20 0.0448 0.2386 0.2804 0.4360 pumparound return
procedure pumparound withdrawal
Interphase 1 0.9674 0.0272 0.0053 O.Of@O V phase.
mass 20 0.0446 0.2387 0.2805 0.4360
computations REPWENCES
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3. S.-I. Cheng, International Conference on Solvent Extraction, 9. E. V. Murphree, Ind. Engng Chem. 17, 747 (1925).
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