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Trevor Bryant

Mrs. Crandall
Honors American Literature
4 August, 2018

A Break with Charity Scrapbook

Chapter 1-2:
I peered through the naked trees and bushes, toward the house. The girls had gone inside now,
and, as always, I was standing alone in the bone-numbing dusk. Candles were lighted and
shining in the windows. The girls would all be warm and safe, sitting around the fire, I thought.
Listening to Tituba's stories. And I was out here, alone and friendless, in the bleakness of the
early December landscape. And the colder for the knowledge that they did not want me than I
was from the bite of the wind. (1.3)

"Of course, some of the girls are no longer children. Yet they are not allowed to be women. They
are not married. There is no place for them in this way of life here. Except to do hard work or
study scriptures. Their hopes and desires die on the vine. This turns them inward. They are
seeking ways out of themselves. So, they come to Tituba." (2.58)

Minnesota – Lil Yatchy

It is freezing cold here, and I’m with my friend Sarah. Today some girls went into Reverend
Parris’s parsonage. They only enter whenever he isn’t there. These girls are obviously rule
breakers. I have a theory, the Reverend Parris bought a slave, and her name is Tituba. I want to
join this cool group, because I want to be included, and I’d know the future.
In these chapters, we are introduced to our narrator, and her friend Sarah. We learn about a
clique of girls who go to a parsonage, when the Reverend is not there. Also, we learn the
narrator’s name, which is Susanna English.
Chapter 3-4:
She accepted my gifts in wonderment. The lines on her face softened. And the wrinkles wreathed
a smile.
I got back into the cart and guided Molasses down the rest of English Street. The cart was much
lighter now, for it was empty.
As for my heart, it was lighter, too. But it was also very full of good feeling. I don't care if Mama
does scold, I told myself. Giving all those things to Sarah Good was worth it. (3.57, 60-61)

"Where have you been?" Mary whispered. "Here I've been sewing all afternoon, and you've been
out sporting. You sly fox."
I heaped my plate with wild venison stew, corn bread, and boiled clams, then filled a small bowl
with sallet herbs. "Stitching your dowry again, no doubt," I teased. "I know you love to dream
your way through the afternoon, sister. Is Thomas coming to call?" (4.5-6)


It’s time for me to go home, but I haven’t delivered all the goods to the poor! Mom is not going
to be happy with me. I will hide everything until tomorrow, so that they don’t find out. Today I
bumped into a pig, I gave him some dried corn. Next, I bumped into John Dorich, Sarah Good,
and Dorcas Good.
In this section, Susanna meets some new people. She also has to hide something she has done
from her parents. Susanna gives all her extra goods to Sarah, because it is the right thing to do.
Chapter 5-6:
Father got up from his chair and began to pace. "I have always been of the mind that people's
affairs are their own," he said. "But that is an Anglican belief. The Puritan community sees
people's private affairs as belonging to the community. You will want to find your daughter
before the authorities do." (6.18)

And the thought came to me, like the sun through the window.
Little Betty was tormented with fear of her father discovering their doings. Perhaps he had
already discovered what they were about. And to throw a mantle of protection over themselves,
the other girls were mimicking Betty's condition. (7.40-41)

God’s Plan - Drake

I am back at Tituba’s and I told her all about the mean girls. First, I told her that Betty is sick
with a fever. Next, I told her that the clique is getting even bigger. Last, I told her that Ann is the
leader of the pack. Betty started acting like she was possessed too, which was really weird.
Deliverance’s daughter ran away, which is very sad.
This section is about Susanna talking to Tituba. It also goes over what happened with Papa
English and the pirates. We also here news about Abigail, Ann, and William Hobbs.
Chapter 7-8:
"But also, we couldn't abandon Abigail and Betty. They didn't have the sense to carry this matter
through and not be discovered. They needed our advice. So, we met with them and told them that
they must outwit the elders or we would all be terribly punished. We swore fidelity to one
"And will keep that fidelity?"
"There is no going back now. The die is cast. We are bound together, and we will stay together
and give succor to each other until the end." (8.42-44)

"Is there trouble, Joseph?" Mama was never one to shillyshally about things.
"I feel the hysteria connected with this witch business will get worse before it abates. It is fed on
distrust in our community, on old quarrels between neighbors."
"Then it is well fed before it starts," Mama said. (9.10-12)
Bewitched – Blood on the Dance Floor

It is winter, and it is absolutely freezing. For some reason Betty and Abigail don’t have to do
chores anymore. I find this very suspicious. Apparently, there is talk of witchcraft, but Elizabeth
wants nothing to do with it. Mama English agrees with them too. Now these girls are ready to
cause mayhem, by calling innocent people witches. That is not cool.
In this section, winter starts. It is freezing, and Susanna finds out bad news. The girls are calling
innocent people witches, and Susanna can’t do anything, because Ann threatened her.
Chapter 9-10:
“And, oh, the anger flowed through me like a river then. I wanted to run into the room and
scream out to all of them that she was lying and what she had told me. I made a move in the
kitchen doorway, a gesture of helplessness. And Ann Putnam saw me. She turned slightly and
looked across heads to me, just long enough to smile, then she turned away.
But in that smile was all the evil that could exist in God's good sunlight. I felt the energy of it
directed at me. And I fell back in silence and in fear.” (10.51-52)

"Oh, dear God!" I murmured. Then an idea came to me. "Tituba, tomorrow you can tell the truth
to the magistrates."
"Tituba want no more beatings."
"They won't beat you."
"Tituba's master will, if Tituba tell truth. He doesn’t want it known his little daughter and niece
are lying."
"Does he know they are lying?"
"He never thinks this. He knows only that Tituba make disaster. He wants to believe Tituba is to
blame. Others need to think so, also. So, Tituba will give them what they need to know." (11.16-
Magic - Coldplay

I am so scared of Ann. She threatened me, and I am so afraid of her! Tituba is being called a
witch, and Reverend Paris beat her. Elizabeth think that hullabaloo will go on trial, Magistrate
Hathorne would be the Judge. If you didn’t know, that’s my man.
In this section, Susanna hears about some trials. Tituba is also beaten by the Reverend. Susanna
gets upset because Tituba is suspected to be a witch.
Chapter 11-12:
"Johnathan has come to our way of thinking. You may speak in front of him."
Mama raised her eyes. "What convinced you to have a change of heart, young man?"
"I was in court the day they examined Rebecca Nurse. My father and I have been arguing ever
since. I think he is ready to disown me as a son," Johnathan said miserably. (12.66-68)

"I fear the other girls in the circle will make a mockery of me when I testify," Mary confided.
She sat in the chair and broke into weeping.
I went to put my arm around her. She gripped my hand. "They are evil," she said. They can make
evil happen. And the magistrates choose to believe them over innocent people. I want to tell the
truth, oh, I do! But they have sworn no one will break free of the circle, that if anyone tries she
will suffer for it. I am so afraid." (13.25-26)

Beaten to A Pulp – Venom

I visited Tituba today. She is in horrible shape, because the reverend beat her. I am so upset, I
told her that I could tell him the truth. She told me that she already told him she is a witch
though. It is March, and I’m finally getting over my illness.
In this section, Susanna finds that Tituba was beaten by the reverend. She wants to fix it, but she
cannot. March arrives, and Susanna overcomes her illness.
Chapter 13-14:
As I sat at our table, Tituba's dour words receded in my mind. I felt only happiness while in the
bosom of my family. Father was full of news from Boston, having just visited his shipyard there.
Mary was happily awaiting Thomas Hitchbourne. She had confided to me earlier that he was
going to ask our father for her hand this evening.
Apparently, she had already told Mama, also, for there were special cakes set out in the company
room with the claret for Thomas's arrival. […]
When Thomas and Father emerged from the library, Father's face was wreathed in smiles.
"Mary, we have a new member of the family," he said. "Or soon will have." (14.14-16)

After a few moments, Mama raised her head. "One of the things you will someday learn,
daughters," she said to me, "is that parents are never sure if certain decisions we make
concerning our children are right." (15.76)

Trial Time – The Last Mr. Bigg

I wanted to know the full story. I asked Mary, and she explained that she is in love with her
master, John Proctor. Mary is obviously nervous to testify. It is okay though, because Johnathan
and I are comforting her. The three accused Witches are Abigail Hobbs, Bridget Bishop, and
Giles Corey.
In this section, Susanna’s mom is arrested. Susanna delivered dinner to an older man who lives
on his own, and she saw the ship in the sky. Susanna is very happy, because her sister also got
Chapter 15-16:
Joseph sobered. "I don't think for one God-given moment that Gedney believed the charges. But
the others did, and he gave in to them. Alden was taken away, calling the girls liars. He posted
bail and is in his own home under guard."
"He is a brave man," said Elizabeth. "But bravery does naught in that court." (16.44-45)

"Sometimes I think," Elizabeth said, "that those named as witches are always just a bit different
from others."
Joseph nodded. "It would seem as such. It's as if the afflicted girls are being given instructions on
whom to name to cleanse this society of dissenters." (17.39-40)

"What do you want from us?" Johnathan asked.

"Susanna knows," she said softly. Then she turned and pointed to the lifeless figure on the end of
the rope, etched against the blue June sky. See how she swings in the breeze. Hear the creaking
of the tree branch. How many others will swing on it, hey?" (18.41-42)

First Day Out – Tee Grizzley

Mama E told her kids that she’s been eavesdropping the judges’ conversations. I also got great
news, the email from my brother has arrived. Also, Mama English will be kept in a tavern,
instead of jail. Apparently, there is a new charter, and a new governor named William Phips.
This charter has one major change, Salem does not have to elect a Puritan to be the
representative of the General Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Susanna rushes home after her chat with Ann when Johnathan catches up with her. Back home,
her Dad has good news. Her brother William has sent a letter, and Mama English is going to be
kept in a room at a tavern instead of jail.
Chapter 17-18:
"You knew I was working with people like Reverend Wise of Ipswich and Reverend Hale of
Beverly. And Reverend Dane of Andover. You knew of John Proctor's petition begging for his
life and the lives of others. You knew of John Alden, who comes from one of New England's
foremost families, imprisoned in his own home. And you said nothing."
"I was afraid, Joseph," I said tremulously.
"Do you fancy we are not? Do you think John Proctor is not afraid? Yet he stands up to them.
Did you not think Rebecca Nurse was afraid when she went to the gallows? Yet she acted with
dignity and faith, even when they put the noose around her neck. She refused to confess to
witchcraft, though those who confess are not hanged and those who do confess are not hanged
and those who do not confess are." (19.75-77)

Oh, I did not know, I did not know! I knew nothing anymore, it seemed. All reason had fled. But
through my confusion, one thought pushed its way, like a haunted galleon, through a wall of fog.
I could not tell the truth about the girls in the circle until William safely returned. I must let the
witch trials continue. Mary Bradbury must go to trial. Certainly, she would be condemned. I
could not take the chance and let her live. Or William might be destroyed. (20.128-129)

Without Me - Eminem

Dad visited tonight. When Mary and I were alone with Dad, we talked about what’s to come,
Dad said everything will work out. Mary and I went to the marshes, and it was so creepy at night.
When my whole family came together, we hugged and said goodbye. I went back home with
Joseph, and everyone else went to Boston.
In this section, Susanna says goodbye to her family. June arrives, and its time for court. Many
people are tried, and some are hanged. On July 19, all five “witches” are hanged.
Chapter 19-20:
"I wish I could run from this place, Johnathan," I said. "And never have to do with this witch
madness again."
"We can't. We who know better must take a stand for what is right. And bring our community
together again." (21.66-67)
She took my hand. "D'ye think I was indeed the witch on the windlass of Sam Endicott's ship?
Child, let me tell ye, 'twas always my secret fancy to go to sea. I wished myself on every ship
that left Salem Harbor. How I longed to be a man and visit such far-off places as they spoke of!
But I tell ye now, were I a witch, I wouldn't plant myself on some old windlass. I'd be up there in
the crow's nest seeing the world from that lofty height!" (22.28)
Dirty Little Secret – All American Rejects

I decided to tell everything to Joseph. I gave him all the details, so he knows everything. Joseph
asked me why I didn’t tell him earlier, so I explained that Ann threatened my family. He still
seemed very angry at me. Mary led pirates into my brother’s shop, which terrified me.
In this section, we find out that Susanna told joseph everything. He is glad to know, but upset
that she didn’t tell him sooner. Susanna is also freaking out about the pirates, and Susanna blacks

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