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Emerging industry trends

OPINION Pharmacogenetics itself is not a new discipline
— it has been around for about 50 years (REF. 2)
(BOX 1). What is new is that advances in
Pharmacogenetics and geographical genomics, particularly in methodology, have
allowed us to merge pharmacogenetics with
ancestry: implications for drug pharmacogenomics, improving our ability to
identify the genetic causes of diseases and
development and global health search for new drug targets. Today, several
major pharmaceutical companies have teams
that focus their research on the intersection
Abdallah S. Daar and Peter A. Singer between genetics, genomics and drug develop-
ment, and some are already beginning to take
Abstract | Understanding and harnessing the human genome was accompanied by a genomic variation into account in their drug-
genomic variation will contribute significantly commentary in Nature in which the future of development pipelines. Although the idea of
to improving the health of people in genomics was compared to a house1. The focusing clinical trials on subgroups of individ-
developing countries. We need to explore question we ask here is: who will live in that uals is not new — stratification by disease sub-
the nexus between pharmacogenetics, house? Is it only the 700 million or so people type has always been a goal of medical research
genotyping projects in developing countries, in the United States and Western Europe, or — the use of genetics in this context is new3.
and the evolution of the pharmaceutical will the rest of the 6 billion people, who live Pharmacogenetics has so far had little
industry in both the developed and mainly in the developing world, also be able impact on healthcare in general, or on the
developing worlds. Here, we argue that, for to find room there? pharmaceutical industry in particular. This is
the foreseeable future, we should focus not In this article, we make two related argu- partly because pharmacogenetics has been
on boutique ‘personalized’ medicine, but on ments: first, that pharmacogenetics has signif- thought of mainly as having boutique-style
carefully defined differences between icant relevance to the health of people in ‘personal’ applications that are unlikely to
populations and ethical ways of using developing countries; and second, that for be relevant to the majority of people, partic-
emerging genomics knowledge to develop this benefit to be realized, we need to take into ularly those in developing countries. We
drugs and improve health. account not just differences between the believe that this is about to change both
genotypes of individuals, important as they with the adoption of pharmacogenetics per
On 30 September 2004, Merck announced the are, but the differences in genotypes between se, and because genetic differences between
worldwide withdrawal of Vioxx (rofecoxib), a different population groups. population groups — in addition to differ-
multi-billion-dollar blockbuster analgesic We begin by identifying examples of how ences between individuals — will be taken
drug, because of cardiovascular complications emerging knowledge about genetic and/or into account. The stimulus for the adoption
in those who took it for more than 18 months. genomic variation is beginning to affect the of these complementary emerging trends in
It was the biggest ever withdrawal of a pre- pharmaceutical industry, and how pharma- the developed world, and particularly in the
scription medicine in the United States and cogenetic strategies can be used to increase United States, will come from regulatory
wiped 26.8 billion US$ off Merck’s market efficiency, cut costs, reduce adverse effects changes, litigation, and patient demand
value that day. Was the worldwide withdrawal and increase the efficacy of drug-develop- based on accumulating scientific evidence
necessary? Or could Vioxx be resuscitated for ment pipelines. We document the trend of the validity of the pharmacogenetics
selected populations? towards using population-group genotypes in approach (see the BiDil example below). In
Suppose that Merck had data to show that drug development and regulation, and dis- addition, there will always be market-based
it was only individuals of north European cuss the implications of genetic differences incentives if entrepreneurs identify an
ancestry who were affected by the adverse that underlie variation in drug responses and opportunity4.
effects. Theoretically, Merck could still market disease susceptibility between population The role of regulation in driving pharma-
Vioxx, with adequate warning labels to alert groups. We highlight emerging genotyping cogenetics is best demonstrated by the recent
those people who were likely to be affected. studies that are being undertaken in various actions of the United States Food and Drug
Imagine that Vioxx was not just another regions of the developing world, and, if the Administration (FDA). The FDA has become
analgesic but, for example, a powerful anti- vision materializes fully, the possible role of a proactive advocate of pharmacogenetics and
retroviral or another life-saving drug that was haplotype mapping in simplifying and pharmacogenomics5. A few years ago it app-
needed by, but unaffordable to, people in reducing the cost of genotyping populations, roved alosetron hydrochloride (Lotronex,
developing countries. Even if the drug was potentially helping developing countries to GlaxoSmithKline) for irritable bowel syn-
safe only for Indians and Han Chinese, that benefit from knowledge of genetic diversity drome, but the drug was quickly withdrawn
would constitute a market of over 2 billion between populations. Finally, we explore how voluntarily by GlaxoSmithKline because of
people. Merck could license Indian and developing countries specifically will benefit adverse reactions. However, because of its
Chinese companies to manufacture such a from these new trends. We argue that phar- efficacy, patients and physicians fought for
drug for their own local markets. Merck’s loss maceutical companies in developing coun- Lotronex’s return, and it was re-approved by
would be mitigated and pharmaceutical com- tries will be able to harness pharmacogenetic the FDA in 2002 under restricted market
panies and patients in the developing world principles and the knowledge of local geno- terms. Now GlaxoSmithKline is studying the
would benefit. type patterns to stimulate their industries, relationship between adverse events and
The completion of a good quality draft of cut costs and generally improve the health of genetic profiles as part of FDA-imposed
the sequence of the euchromatic portion of their populations. post-marketing commitments6.


© 2005 Nature Publishing Group

In January 2003, the FDA called for greater A number of pharmaceutical, biotechnol- that Homo sapiens has major branches that
scrutiny of data from subpopulations, asking ogy and genomics companies are now turning correspond to the five main groups. Second,
drug testers to use the racial catagories that to pharmacogenetics in their ‘personalized’ clusters that have recently been inferred from
have been specified by the Census Bureau, to medicine programmes, which are most rele- multi-locus genetic data and other studies
ensure consistency when evaluating potential vant for the wealthy in the developed world. coincide closely with groups that are defined by
differences in responses to drugs7. This is Some companies are prospectively collecting self-identified race or continental ancestry15,16.
illustrated by a compelling example: a few and analysing samples from clinical trials to Third, low-frequency alleles are more likely to
years ago, the FDA rejected a fixed-dose identify predictive SNPs. However, they are be race specific. Race-specific variants are
combination of isosorbide dinitrate and having difficulty in obtaining phenotypic data particularly common among Africans, who
hydralazine (now known as BiDil, NitroMed) (for example, that relates to adverse effects) to have greater genetic variability than other
because its efficacy in treating heart failure link to information from DNA samples, and racial groups but more low-frequency alle-
could not be demonstrated statistically in a some companies are now working with the les14. For observed phenotypic differences,
clinical trial in the general population8. When FDA to develop appropriate data-mining self-identified race and continental ancestry
it was tested exclusively in 1,050 self-identified tools for clinical trial data. In the long term, it often have relatively high predictive power
African-American patients who had experi- is perhaps more relevant to people in develop- compared to self-identified ethnicity. It is
enced heart failure9, the results of this double- ing countries that pharmaceutical companies therefore likely that racial or ethnic categories
blind, randomized clinical trial were so are on the lookout for genetic subgroups that will continue to be useful as long as such cat-
impressive that in July 2004 the trial (which could identify new targets for therapeutic egorization ‘explains’ variation that is left
was endorsed by the Association of Black drugs. Pfizer, for example, is particularly unexplained by other factors15.
Cardiologists) had to be stopped for ethical interested in hypertension-related genes in We must, however, be cautious as to how
reasons; there was a significantly higher mor- African Americans, and in diabetes-related the results of such studies are interpreted and
tality rate in the placebo group than in the genes that could account for the high rates of used17. We need a detailed understanding of
group given BiDil10. BiDil is now expected to the disease in both Asian Indians and Native each of the racial groups that are chosen for
be approved by the FDA in early 2005, as the Americans. AstraZeneca is also looking for study, because the races that comprise the
first ever ‘race-specific’ therapy11. population differences in drug response in human species are far more heterogeneous
The role that litigation might play in dri- its clinical trials. If a drug were found to have than was previously thought. For example,
ving the adoption of pharmacogenetics is illus- a ‘profound effect’ on a particular subpopu- individuals living in sub-Saharan rural Africa
trated by the Cassidy versus SmithKline lation, AstraZeneca would label and pro- have close to 100% of what are called
Beecham case. This Pennsylvania class action mote it accordingly; and “if a population African alleles, whereas African Americans
suite alleged that SmithKline Beecham failed to doesn’t benefit, that could end up on the living in the United States show about 26%
warn doctors and the public that its vaccine label too”13. Caucasian admixture18. Some groups (for
against Lyme disease could trigger immune example, African-American, Caribbean and
arthritis — an untreatable degenerative disease Ancestry and phenotypic differences Panamanian populations) are likely to show
— in people who carry the HLA DR4+ Studies in population genetics have revealed a a large degree of allelic diversity, whereas
marker, nearly a third of the United States pop- great deal of genetic variation within racial or other groups (for example, sub-Saharan
ulation. Although both pre-marketing and ethnic subpopulations, but also substantial Africans, Inuits and Finns) are less genetically
post-marketing analyses by federal agencies variation between the five main racial groups, diverse. Old Amish individuals share more
have failed to confirm any increased risk from which are based on continental ancestry. alleles than do individuals in other popula-
the vaccine, it was removed from the market in This variation has been demonstrated in tions because they marry within their own
February 2002 as a result of plummeting sales three ways14: first, ancestral tree diagrams community and as a result have a higher-
that probably resulted from the controversy carried out using population genetic data than-average incidence of inborn errors of
that surrounded the lawsuits12. from indigenous groups consistently show metabolism19, as do some Arab consan-
guineous communities. Because of founder
effects and enforced segregation, Ashkenazi
Box 1 | Drug response variation among individuals and populations Jews also share a large number of alleles.
During the past 50 years of pharmacogenetic research42, we have learnt that variation A recent meta-analysis by Ioannidis et al.
between individuals that is influenced by genes and other factors is relevant to the efficacy of showed that genetic variants that are associ-
all drugs. We now know that metabolic enzymes are affected not only by SNPs (of which the ated with disease predisposition might often
human genome contains more than 10 million), but also by other genomic variation, such as have similar effects across racial groups20.
gene duplications and deletions, mutations in regulatory genes, and probably by recently- However, in an accompanying commentary,
described large-scale copy number variations43,44. Increasing numbers of relevant Goldstein and Hirschhorn21 point out that
polymorphisms are being discovered. Most relevant to our discussion, we also know that the meta-analytic studies of this type are plagued
frequencies and distributions of harmful and protective polymorphisms vary greatly by methodological concerns, and that the
between human populations22,34,45. results presented by Ioannidis et al. do not
Given all of the above, it is valid to study traits that are predominantly expressed in specific mean that people from different parts of the
populations46. Such studies might provide a molecular basis for population differences in world will, on average, have the same genetic
drug-metabolizing enzymes (for example, cytochrome P450 (REFS 47,48), sulfotransferases49,50 predispositions to disease and will respond to
and methyltransferases51), transporters (such as ABC1 (REFS 34,52)), receptors (such as adrenergic medicines in the same way. It is well-known
receptors3,47) and other factors that are involved in differential drug responses and disease
that allele frequencies of functional variants
susceptibility. Many of the population-group differences that are documented are likely to have
often differ substantially among groups that
important medical and public-health implications10,53–55.
have different geographic ancestries. For

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example, of 38 polymorphisms that have help to simplify and reduce the cost of geno- Through its value in drug development
been associated in at least two studies with typing. When the International HapMap pro- and its identification of populations that will
a given drug response22, two-thirds have ject is completed, it might be possible to use respond favourably to a particular drug, phar-
significant allele-frequency differences just 300,000–600,000 tag SNPs to define the macogenetics will probably have an impact
between African Americans and Europeans, most significant genetic variation. Genotyping on global health, especially on neglected
and many of the differences are substantial just a handful of these carefully chosen SNPs infectious diseases such as malaria, tuberculo-
(see also BOX 1). in a chromosomal region may be enough to sis and HIV/AIDS26. In the section below, we
predict the remainder of the nearby common focus on specific ways in which drug develop-
Genotyping in developing countries SNPs24. ment in, and for, developing countries will
Altough it is true that many developing coun- benefit from the recent trends discussed
tries are beset by poverty, a lack of clean water, above.
diseases that are difficult to control, illiteracy “…pharmacogenetics will
and poor governance, it can be argued that Opportunities for developing countries
they are the ones most in need of emerging sci- probably have an impact on Only 16 of the 1,393 new drugs that were
entific and technological knowledge that might global health, especially on marketed between 1975 and 1999 were regis-
ameliorate their situations, by reducing costs tered for diseases that predominantly affect
and the adverse effects of drugs. At present, neglected infectious diseases people in developing countries, and three of
drugs that are tested on general populations in such as malaria, tuberculosis those were for tuberculosis, which is not
Europe and North America, and that are restricted to developing countries27. In the
sometimes licensed on the basis of efficacy in and HIV/AIDS.” future, pharmaceutical companies in the
only 30% of the subjects, are sold in developing developed world will have to pay more atten-
countries without any idea of how effective or tion to developing countries. There are at least
safe they are, and certainly without any regard The HapMap itself does not define the two trends that will drive this change.
for the local frequencies of genomic markers. genetic diversity of subgroups, but provides a First, there is the need to gain deeper
Therefore, it is not surprising that several useful framework to facilitate this. It will pro- insight into the genetic basis for variable
developing countries are starting their own vide a resource, but not all of the answers. A drug responses. As demand for drugs that
genotyping projects. For example, India and cutting-edge example of the use of haplotype are tailored to specific genotypes increases,
Thailand are both embarking on SNP-geno- mapping to understand an association pharmaceutical companies will increasingly
typing studies. Hosted by the Genome Institute between complex disease and genetics is the depend on selling their products to seg-
of Singapore, an important regional initiative work of the International Multiple Sclerosis mented markets. Therefore, a deeper know-
has recently brought scientists from China, Genetic Consortium (IMSGC). This exam- ledge and cultivation of a wider and more
India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, ple is relevant to our discussion of the value extensive market outside North America and
Nepal, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand of genotyping for understanding diseases of Europe will eventually be very important to
and Taiwan to establish the Human Genome subpopulations that have geographical them. If done correctly, this will in turn bene-
Organization (HUGO) Pacific Pan-Asian ancestry in developing countries. Recognizing fit people in developing countries. For phar-
SNP Initiative, which is expected to begin in that multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex maceutical companies worldwide, developing
the middle of 2005. The goal of this initiative genetic disorder, the IMSGC is setting out to countries are not only potentially huge
is to uncover the breadth of genetic diversity define the most significant genetic variation markets for drug therapeutics but are also
and the extent of genetic similarity within that is associated with MS. By making use of depositories of important human genetic
Asian populations. This information will the economic advantages that are provided by diversity. Understanding this diversity is valu-
form the basis for future studies in genomic the emerging HapMap, as well as the falling able because it better defines those population
medicine focused on Asian populations. Data costs of genotyping, the IMSGC expects to be subgroups that will benefit more from a par-
from the Pan-Asian study will provide a plat- able to cover the entire genome at high reso- ticular drug than others, and allows the detec-
form for researchers in Asia to study why lution25. The consortium is also taking advan- tion of side-effects that might not be seen in
some populations seem predisposed to cer- tage of the observation that some groups are populations that are mainly Caucasian. It
tain diseases, or do not respond to certain more prone to MS than others. It has long can also help to ascertain disease predisposi-
drugs. Cost reductions and new technologies been known that African Americans have tion. It will therefore be increasingly impor-
are opening up the study to all researchers, half the risk of developing classical MS com- tant to include non-Caucasian populations
including those with less well-developed pared with European Caucasians, and that in clinical trials. The interest by Pfizer and
research infrastructures. sub-Saharan Africans rarely suffer from this AstraZeneca in the genetics of African-
Asia is not alone in such initiatives. Mexico condition. Providing that environmental American and Asian-Indian subgroups liv-
has a newly-created, well-funded, federally- influence is discounted, this indicates that it ing in the United States to help to identify
mandated Institute of Genomic Medicine, is the genetic contribution of Caucasians in drug targets will probably not be adequate
headed by Gerardo Jimenez-Sanchez23. Geno- African Americans that is responsible for the to satisfy the need for harnessing global
typing the diverse Mexican populations is one higher risk of MS in African Americans than genetic diversity. Genotyping studies of various
of its top priorities. in sub-Saharan Africans. By studying African populations from around the world will there-
Americans that have MS and identifying the fore become valuable.
Haplotype mapping genetic components that they have inherited Second, pharmaceutical companies in
The relatively recent discovery of the haplo- from their European ancestors, the IMSGC developing countries are themselves poised
type structure of the human genome, and the hopes to identify regions of the genome that to make significant gains on the global
effect that this has on SNP inheritance, could carry MS-susceptibility genes. market28. Big pharmaceutical companies can


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choose to view them as rivals to be thwarted new drugs that are withdrawn for safety the Grand Challenges in Global Health pro-
or, alternatively, as companies with which to reasons (and, by extension, for their lack of gram32. The Institute for OneWorld Health, a
form mutually-beneficial partnerships. For efficacy) in Phase IIA clinical trials by com- US-based organization, aims to do something
pharmaceutical companies in developing mercially-driven pharmaceutical companies similar by identifying promising drug and
countries, pharmacogenetics might present will probably not be used for other segments vaccine candidates, developing them into safe,
an opportunity, especially if they learn to of the population, because they would no effective and affordable medicines, and then
harness our increasing knowledge of the link longer be protected by patents. This might be forming partnerships with companies and
between population genomic variation and the case for big pharmaceutical companies in organizations in the developing world to
health. It is true that internal economics limit the developed world, but it does represent an manufacture and distribute them. The Drugs
the ability of many developing countries to opportunity for pharmaceutical companies for Neglected Diseases Initiative is working
capitalize on their genetic configurations. in developing countries to license these com- along similar lines. Their models have not
However, it could well be argued that, with pounds and develop them, both for their specifically taken into account genetic diver-
annual per capita healthcare expenditures as local populations and for other people in the sity, but with increasing knowledge, this might
low as 10–15 US$, developing countries are the developing world who are either not geneti- become a factor to consider in their surveys of
ones that have the greatest need of more cost- cally predisposed to the adverse effects or for drugs that are unlikely to be made commercial
effective healthcare strategies. This will enable whom efficacy can be demonstrated to a by big pharmaceutical companies.
these countries to not waste drugs on people greater extent. This idea of ‘resuscitation’ of
who will not respond or who will be harmed, useful drugs for different populations is also, Unexpected benefits
and to understand the genetic basis of disease of course, applicable to post-marketing drug The compounds discovered in the research
predisposition, particularly of those diseases withdrawals, as we proposed above for Vioxx. and development laboratories of developing
such as HIV/AIDS, which disproportionately Indeed, it may now be time for incentives to countries may be of greater interest to big
affect people in developing countries and be developed for just such drug resuscitations, pharmaceutical companies if they can be
impose enormous burdens on their societies. perhaps in the form of public–private partner- tested in selected minority subpopulations in
ships. Examples of drugs that have not been developed countries. For example, com-
developed commercially in developed coun- pounds that are found to be effective in Asian
tries but that are useful in developing countries Indians in India might be of interest to United
“…with annual per capita include ivermectin, which has been given as a States pharmaceutical companies to market
healthcare expenditures gift by Merck to patients in the developing to the significant population of Asian Indians
world who are suffering from onchocerciasis in the United States. Conversely, drugs devel-
as low as 10–15 US$, (see online link The Story of Mectizan). oped by smaller companies in the developed
developing countries are Another example is fosmidomycin, which is a world for their minority populations could
the ones that have the natural antibiotic that was originally developed become useful for people in developing coun-
in the 1970s for bacterial infections but that tries: NitroMed, which developed BiDil for
greatest need of more was not commercially developed by its African-American patients, might want to
cost-effective healthcare Japanese owners, the Fujisawa Pharmaceutical partner pharmaceutical companies in devel-
Company. In the late 1990s, a potential target oping countries to test and market the drug in
strategies.” for fosmidomycin was identified in the partial sub-Saharan Africa.
genome sequence of the malaria parasite30. The increasing numbers of drugs that will
Tests on mouse malaria confirmed the high need to be tested clinically on segmented pop-
Although medical exploration in devel- level of efficacy of this drug, and fosmidomycin ulations will put further pressure on the
oping countries can expand the genetic was rapidly tested in humans in Gabon. It has already grossly over-burdened capacity to
diversity of subjects who take part in clinical since been developed at very low cost, and is perform clinical trials, particularly in the
trials that lead to drug development, phar- now part of the limited anti-malarial arma- United States. The large number of clinical
maceutical companies that attempt to har- mentarium that is at our disposal31. A very trials being carried out in the United States at
ness this valuable genomic resource will not relevant example that is based on pharmaco- any one time is already increasing pressure to
succeed unless they work closely with the genetics and geographical ancestry is BiDil. test these drugs in developing countries33.
authorities in developing countries, they act BiDil could have been discarded because it did This will drive the trend to partner with
ethically, they are willing to share benefits, not have demonstrable efficacy when tested on pharmaceutical companies and organizations
and they form partnerships with local a mixed population of United States patients. that carry out contract research in developing
researchers and pharmaceutical companies. However, having been tested specifically on countries. A beneficial outcome of such part-
Developing countries will not cooperate if African Americans, it has been resuscitated for nerships will be that the drugs being tested
they feel that the benefits will go to others that population, and is obviously now of inter- might be marketed locally in developing
and that they are being used merely as est to Africans who share their geographical countries, in addition to the minority popula-
instruments for that end. Clearly, the popu- ancestry with African Americans. tion of interest in the developed country.
lations studied will also need to consent. The increasing numbers of public–private Furthermore, the results of clinical trials of
partnerships that are dedicated to finding drugs developed in the developed world and
Drug resuscitation treatments for major diseases of the poor, then tested on patients in developing coun-
In a recent review, Allen Roses described the such as the Medicines for Malaria Venture, tries will be more meaningful for those popu-
potential useful applications of prospective may contribute to this trend, as will the lations in developing countries in whom they
efficacy and risk pharmacogenetics for drug investment of 275 million US$ that the Bill were tested. Conversely, the results of clinical
development pipelines29. He observed that and Melinda Gates Foundation has put into trials carried out specifically in minority pop-

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ulations, such as the trial for BiDil tested on CCR5 protects the monkeys against SIV factory term for population groups at present
African Americans in the United States, will (simian immunodeficiency virus) infection36. is emerging as ‘geographical ancestry’; but as
also be more meaningful for patients in those Large-scale genotyping studies will give us data accumulate, we may discover other terms-
developing countries from which the minori- greater insight into the distribution and fre- for communities of common ancestry that are
ties originated. quency of genetic variation that has important more scientifically accurate and that avoid
The cost efficiency associated with the drug public health implications. social constructions completely, making it pos-
development strategy of prospective efficacy sible to move forward with less likelihood of
pharmacogenetics29 will result in less-expensive Conclusion controversy. We need to change the paradigm
drugs for patients in developing countries. Our increasing understanding of human from ‘race’ to human genome variation40.
When drugs are prescribed to groups who are genomic variation, and specifically its applica- If we are to help reduce global heath
unlikely to enjoy any benefit (and may also suf- tion in pharmacogenetics, might shift our
fer adverse effects), the national cost of health- focus away from interindividual differences
care is significantly higher than it need be towards interpopulation differences. In this “Our increasing
otherwise. In Mexico, the doses of many drugs article, we have made three main points. First,
have to be altered significantly because they are that pharmacogenetics can be made relevant to understanding of human
either ineffective or too toxic at the levels rec- developing countries, where it might reduce genomic variation … might
ommended for the ‘general’ North American national healthcare bills. Essential drug lists in
population. For example, L-asparaginase, an the future might have to take into account shift our focus away from
anti-cancer drug is given at lower doses in possible genomic variations between popula- interindividual differences
Mexico than in the United States to minimize tions in developing countries. As often hap-
toxicity (pancreatitis and/or hyperglycemia). pens, for example with biotechnology37, it is
towards interpopulation
By contrast, doses of the anti-cancer drug the people in developing countries, (who differences.”
6-mercaptopurine that are toxic in the United make up about 85% of the world’s popula-
States population produce less-intense tion) who could benefit the most in the long
adverse effects in Mexican populations. So term from cutting-edge science and technol- inequities we must continue to support
far, this is largely anecdotal, but the study of ogy (vaccines are a good example)38. efforts to define the nature of human varia-
Mexican genomic diversity and its implica- Our second point is that a deeper under- tion across the world, focused primarily on
tions for public health is one of the priorities of standing of the genotypes of local populations medical goals39. We need to formulate clear,
the Mexican Institute of Genomic Medicine23. with little admixture may make it possible, scientifically accurate messages to educate
Pharmacogenetics may also feature in perhaps through the short-cuts and cost-effi- researchers, healthcare professionals and the
post-marketing surveillance. For example, ciencies promised by haplotype mapping, to general public on the connections between
some sub-Saharan African populations have a predict drug responses without the need to race, ethnicity, genetics and health. For
polymorphism in the ABCB1 (ATP-binding test each individual. This application will developing countries not to be left behind, to
cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member require caution and validation, but it could harness useful knowledge for their popula-
1) gene, which encodes the multidrug trans- make an important contribution to improv- tions, and to avoid pitfalls, their researchers
porter P-glycoprotein, such that the carriers ing drug use in economically deprived popu- and policy-makers must participate in this
of this polymorphism might not benefit from lations before the advent of personalized important discourse as early as possible. We
antiretroviral therapy34. This finding might medicine. need an innovative global approach, such as
translate into the closer scrutiny and the early Finally, there are potential opportunities the proposed Global Genomics Initiative41, to
withdrawal of those drugs that are found to for pharmaceutical companies and contract- bring together industry, academia, non-gov-
be ineffective, saving many lives and millions research organizations in developing countries ernmental organizations and international
of dollars. This will also stimulate the search to capitalize on emerging trends in genotyping organizations, such as the World Health
for drugs that can bypass the effects of the and their application to understanding variable Organization, to examine how pharmacoge-
polymorphism. drug responses and disease susceptibility. Such netics and pharmacogenomics can best be
In terms of disease susceptibility, HIV opportunities, if applied properly, will benefit harnessed to improve the health of people in
demonstrates the importance of understand- the health of people in developing countries. developing countries. Pharmaceutical and
ing genomic variation in human patients. A biotechnology companies from both devel-
subpopulation of people with a 32-base pair Future outlook oped and developing countries should plan
deletion in the chemokine (C-C motif) We have some way to go before the vision of for the long term and consider the realities of
receptor 5 (CCR5) gene (the CCR5-∆32 real benefits of pharmacogenetics to devel- the developing world, because that is where
mutant allele) are sero-negative and healthy, oping countries materializes. Substantial there will be the largest population growth,
despite repeated exposure to HIV1 infection, knowledge gaps will need to be addressed by disease burden, drug demand and future
because the mutation prevents expression of well-designed studies in multiple popula- markets. If markets won’t work, public-
the CCR5 receptor on cell surfaces, which tions39. There are also conceptual and technical private partnerships will probably be created
HIV uses to gain entry through mucosal sur- problems that need to be resolved, and the use to address the important needs of developing
faces. Strategies are being pursued to reduce of population groups — at least as currently countries. Academics should begin empirical
susceptibility to HIV infection by blocking conceived in terms of race and other unsatis- case studies of genotyping projects in
the CCR5 receptor35. Recently, United States factory descriptors that conflate with social developing countries and of early applica-
and Swiss researchers reported that coating constructions — is fraught with ethical and tions of pharmacogenetics in both developed
the vaginal surfaces of macaque monkeys social problems that will need to be addressed and developing countries to identify good
with an experimental drug that binds to with interdisciplinary research. The most satis- practices and avoid pitfalls.


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Mark A. Jobling and Peter Gill
Nature Reviews Genetics 5, 739–751 (2004); doi:10.1038/nrg1455

The reference highlight for reference 120 (Hagelberg, E., Gray, I.C. & Jeffreys, A.J. Identification of the skeletal remains of a murder
victim by DNA analysis. Nature 352, 427–429 (1991)) incorrectly read: “The first analysis of bone samples to identify a murder
victim, using mitochondrial DNA analysis.” This should have read: “The first analysis of bone samples to identify a murder victim,
using analysis of STRs.” Jobling and Gill apologize to the authors for this error.
This correction has been made to the online enhanced text and PDF version of this review.

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