Vampire Age

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Old: Same: Vampire: Childe: Ghoul:

Gen. Disc. Age BP BP/t BP BP/t BP BP/t Disc.

- 2 0 5 1 - - - - -
15 3 1 6 1 5 1 - - -
2 7 1 6 1 - - -
14 4 3 8 1 7 1 - - -
4 9 1 8 1 - - -
13 5 5 10 2 9 1 10 1 1
12 10 11 2 9 1
11 20 12 2 10 2
10 30 13 2 11 2
9 40 14 2 12 2
8 50 15 3 13 2 11
60 16 3 14 2
70 17 3 15 3
80 18 3 16 3
90 19 3 17 3
7 6 100 20 4 18 3 12 1 2
150 21 4 18 3
200 22 4 19 3
250 23 4 20 4
300 24 4 21 4
350 25 5 22 4 13
400 26 5 23 4
450 27 5 24 4
500 28 5 25 5
550 29 5 26 5
6 7 600 30 6 27 5 14 1 3
840 31 6 27 5
1080 32 6 28 5
1320 33 6 29 5
1560 34 6 30 6
1800 35 7 31 6 15 2
2040 36 7 32 6
2280 37 7 33 6
2520 38 7 34 6
2760 39 7 35 7
5 8 3000 40 8 36 7 16 2 4
3500 41 8 36 7
4000 42 8 37 7
4500 43 8 38 7
5000 44 8 39 7
5500 45 9 40 8 17
6000 46 9 41 8
6500 47 9 42 8
7000 48 9 43 8
7500 49 9 44 8
4 9 8000 50 10 45 9 18 2 5
Old: Same: Vampire: Childe: Ghoul:
Gen. Disc. Age BP BP/t BP BP/t BP BP/t Disc.
4 9 8000 50 10 45 9 18 2 5
8500 51 10 45 9
9000 52 10 46 9
9500 53 10 47 9
10000 54 10 48 9
10500 55 11 49 9 19
11000 56 11 50 10
11500 57 11 51 10
12000 58 11 52 10
12500 59 11 53 10
3 10 13000 60 12 54 10 20 3 6
13500 61 12 54 10
14000 62 12 55 11
14500 63 12 56 11
15000 64 12 57 11
15500 65 13 58 11 21
16000 66 13 59 11
16500 67 13 60 12
17000 68 13 61 12
17500 69 13 62 12
2 11 18000 70 14 63 12 22 3 7
18500 71 14 63 12
19000 72 14 64 12
19500 73 14 65 13
20000 74 14 66 13
20500 75 15 67 13 23
21000 76 15 68 13
21500 77 15 69 13
22000 78 15 70 14
22500 79 15 71 14
1 12 23000 80 16 72 14 24 3 8
23500 81 16 72 14
24000 82 16 73 14
24500 83 16 74 14
25000 84 16 75 15
25500 85 17 76 15 25 4
26000 86 17 77 15
26500 87 17 78 15
27000 88 17 79 15
27500 89 17 80 16
0 ?? 28000 90 18 81 16 26 4 9
28500 91 18 81 16
29000 92 18 82 16
29500 93 18 83 16
30000 94 18 84 16
30500 95 19 85 17 27
Disc. = Maximum Discipline level a Vampire can have. At 5+ this includes normal traits as well. Gen =
Old style generation. BP = Blood Points. BP/t = Blood Points per turn. Age is the minimum age in years a
Vampire need to be to get the stats in that row. This is only the time he/she is a Vampire. Human age does
not add to this.

Age step per BP:

BP: Years: BP: Years: Changing the year values here will automatically change the
5-10 1 51-60 500 table.
11-20 10 61-70 500 Suggestions:
21-30 50 71-80 500 2, 20, 100, 200, 300, 400, etc.
31-40 240 81-90 500 1, 10, 50, 250, 500, 500, 500, etc.
41-50 500 91+ 500
I rigged the table so that creating a Vampire with less than 5 BP is not possible. Note that Thin Blooded
are not linked to the rest, this is done because otherwise you'll get weird numbers all through the the
table ;)

The part of power that a childe will get from it's sire is: 0.9 default = 0,9
You can change the above number to a lower or higher setting. This will automatically change the table.
The table is created to work with any number from 0,25 to 1. At lower numbers some of the most
powerful Vampires create childes that are 2 steps lower in max Discipline!

A childe will keep it's starting powerlevels until it's old enough to advance it. For instance: A childe of a
100 year old Vampire will keep 16 BP and 3 Bp/turn until it reaches 35 years (again, this is Vampire years
only!). Then it will advance to 17 BP and 3 BP/turn. He/She will then continue advancing normally as the
table dictates.

When diablerizing a Vampire of a lower age nothing happens. When diablerizing a Vampire of a higher
age the result is the following: Add both ages together and devide that by two. No rounding up or down,
there are half years too, y'know… ;) Now in the table find the closest age that is below the resulting age.
That determins BP and BP/turn.

Example: A 43 year old Vampire manages to diablerize a 158 year old. The result is: (43+158)/2= 100,5
years. So he is lucky, because he just passed the 100 year point, which will grant him a BP of 22 and 4
BP/turn. And he may also learn trais upto level 6. The 'resulting Vampire' may then advance naturally as if
he is 100,5 years old. This may obviously lead to confusion because real age and 'experience age' are
different now.

Thaumaturgic Blood concentration:

Level 3 of the Blood Path lets you be a higher generation for a short while. But since generation is no
longer a part of the game, another method needs to be used. For every generation you normally would
lower you now gain 5BP and 1BP/turn.

At the moment I linked the capability of creating ghouls to the BP of the Vampire. The ghoul part of the
table does not change.

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