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Blood Concentration

This is a replacement for the Generation background. It is NOT a background. It a rating

every Vampire has, and works somewhat similar to Darma and Arete. In character this rating
is often called ‘Blood level’.

- Starting characters begin at a rating of 1.
- When Embracing a new Vampire, it’ll get a rating of 1 lower than the sire.
- A Vampire with a rating of 0 cannot Embrace, and is effectively a Thin Blooded
- Dominate only works on Vampires of equal rating or lower.
- Level 3 of the Thaumaturgy path of Blood increases the rating of Blood Concentration
in the same way as it did with Generation.
- Vampires in Golconda are considered to have a rating of 10.
- The levels of the Second Generation and Caine are left open for debate.

- Victim is of equal level of lower level:
o Causes black veins in the Diablerist’s aura for 1 year – 2 months per level
- Victim is of higher level:
o Add the two ratings together and divide by two (round up) to get the new
rating for the Diablerist.
o Causes black veins in the Diablerist’s aura for 1 year per level difference.

Increasing Rating:
A character can increase the rating without diablerie. The Storyteller needs to decide how it is
possible to do this, or if this is possible at all. Age should be a factor in this. Look at the
Darma rating of a Kindred of the East for inspiration.
All the costs for increasing Blood Concentration are the same as a non-clan Discipline:
- 7 Freebies per point.
- 10 XP for level 1.
- 7x rating to increase to the next level.

Level Additional BP Blood pool BP/turn Max trait level Max Disc. Ghoul
0 5 ½* 3 ** -
1 1 6 1 4 ** 1
2 2 8 1 5 1
3 3 11 2 5 2
4 4 15 3 5 2
5 5 20 4 5 3
6 10 30 6 6 3
7 10 40 8 7 4
8 10 50 10 8 4
9 10 60 12 9 5
10 10 70 14 10 5
* In other words: You need two turns to spend one blood point. ** Disciplines only!

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