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Department of Curriculum Management

Educational Assessment Unit
Annual Examinations for Secondary Schools 2016


Name: _____________________________________ Class: _____________

Instructions to candidates

Answer all questions in the space provided. Write your answers neatly and in good English.
Credit will be given for relevant illustrations. The marks for individual questions are shown
in brackets e.g. (4). There are 9 questions in all. The total mark for this paper is 90. The use
of blank paper, pieces of string, magnifying glass and calculators is allowed.

For examiner’s use only.

Question Written Fieldwork

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
No. Exam Report
12 8 12 10 10 10 10 9 9 90 10 100

Question 1 – Map reading




77 78 79 80 81 82 83

Figure 1

Geography (Option) – Form 3 Secondary – 2016 Page 1 of 12

a. The area shown by the map in Figure 1 is a popular tourist resort.
i. Name two physical attractions that draw tourists to this place. Give the 6 figure grid
reference for each.

Physical Attraction 6 figure grid reference

ii. Name two other attractions built on purpose to make the place more attractive to
tourists. Give the 6 figure grid reference for each.

Human Attraction 6 figure grid reference


b. What coastal landform is found at each of the following location? Choose from:

island headland stack sandy beach

Pentire Point East



The Goose

Question 2 – Location and Places

a. Name the seas marked 1 to 4 on the given map of the world, Figure 2, on page 3.

Sea 1

Sea 2

Sea 3

Sea 4

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Figure 2

b. Name the countries marked by the letters A to D.

Country A

Country B

Country C

Country D


Geography (Option) – Form 3 Secondary – 2016 Page 3 of 12

Question 3 – Weather and Climate

The following table shows the mean monthly temperatures in degrees Celsius (oC).

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

19 19 22 25 29 34 36 36 32 29 24 20

a. Calculate the mean annual temperature.

____________________________________________________________________ (2)

b. Calculate the mean annual range of temperature.

____________________________________________________________________ (2)

c. The temperature graph below is incomplete. Continue the graph by plotting the
temperatures for the months of September, October, November and December.

20 Degrees Celsius
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


d. Name and explain two factors which can affect the temperature of a place.




____________________________________________________________________ (4)

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Question 4 - Landforms and Processes

a. Weathering of rocks can be physical, chemical or biological. Say what type of

weathering is taking place in each of these sentences.

Animals and plants can wear away rocks. ________________________

The changes in temperature cause freezing and thawing. ________________________

Minerals in rocks may react with the rainwater, causing the rock to be weathered.



b. Explain the process of exfoliation by referring to Figure 3.

Figure 3






____________________________________________________________________ (5)

Geography (Option) – Form 3 Secondary – 2016 Page 5 of 12

c. Tick () two places where exfoliation is more common.


Sahara Desert


The Alps


Question 5 – Landforms and Processes

Figure 4 shows a wave cut platform.

Figure 4

a. Use arrows to mark the following features on Figure 4.

wave cut platform cliff recession

b. Explain three ways by which waves can attack and erode the cliff face.






____________________________________________________________________ (6)

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c. Explain how the wave cut platform is formed.



____________________________________________________________________ (2)

Question 6 - Socio-Economic Human Systems

Read carefully the following extract from BBC News on migration. Then answer the
questions below.

There has been an increase in the

numbers of migrants crossing the
Mediterranean. While some 60,000
reached European shores in 2013, so
far more than 130,000 have arrived
in 2014.

The majority of migrants head for

Italy, prompting a crisis that the
country's navy, coast guard and
immigration facilities are all
struggling to handle.

Last October, 366 people died off the

Italian island of Lampedusa when the fishing boat they were travelling in from Libya capsized.

Nearly all the victims were Eritrean. Migrants crossing in the central Mediterranean - from Libya
and Tunisia - have until recently come mostly from Eritrea and Somalia, although increasing numbers
of Syrians fleeing the country's civil war are also making the journey.

a. Name two receiving countries from the Mediterranean Region.

_____________________________________________________________________ (2)

b. Why are the migrants leaving their country of origin?


_____________________________________________________________________ (2)

c. What is attracting the migrants to Europe?


_____________________________________________________________________ (2)

Geography (Option) – Form 3 Secondary – 2016 Page 7 of 12

d. Name two economic impacts of migration on the receiving countries?


_____________________________________________________________________ (2)

e. What is the difference between voluntary and forced migration?


_____________________________________________________________________ (2)

Question 7 – Socio-Economic Human Systems

Examine Figure 5 showing the population density in Brazil. Then answer the questions.

Figure 5

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a. Indicate whether the following regions of Brazil have high or low density of population.

The Coastal region _________________________

The Interior _________________________


b. Give two reasons for the high density of population in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and
São Paulo.


____________________________________________________________________ (4)

c. Give two reasons why the density of population is much lower in the centre of Brazil?



____________________________________________________________________ (4)

Geography (Option) – Form 3 Secondary – 2016 Page 9 of 12

Question 8 – Environmental Concerns
Imagine that as a junior reporter you attended the COP21 meeting in Paris on Climate

Explain to your young audience the following points:

a. What has caused the problem of global warming which is leading to climate change?


____________________________________________________________________ (2)

b. Name three effects of global warming.



____________________________________________________________________ (3)

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c. How can world leaders lessen the effects of global warming?


____________________________________________________________________ (2)

d. How can young citizens also help to lessen the problem of global warming?


____________________________________________________________________ (2)

Question 9 – Environmental Concerns

When the hydro-electric power station of Itaipú and Aswan High Dam were built, not all the
local people were in favour of these projects.

HEP station Itaipú Aswan High Dam

a. Choose either the Itaipú HEP station or the Aswan High Dam and in the table below
list two disadvantages and two advantages related to this HEP project.

Name of HEP Project _____________________

Disadvantages Advantages


Geography (Option) – Form 3 Secondary – 2016 Page 11 of 12

b. Are you in favour or against the building of a huge Hydro-Electric Power Station such
as that of Itaipú or the Aswan High Dam? Explain why.


____________________________________________________________________ (1)

End of Paper

Space for writing points:




















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