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Software Verification and Validation – Semester Project

Course Title: SVV Class: BSEM-6A/6B/6C/6D Semester: 6th

Department: CS & IT
Total Marks: 20 Course Instructor: Amaar Hassan
Name: ___________________
(1) Answer all questions.
Roll No: _________________ (2) Submit Audio/Video along with the questionnaire
(3) Soft and Hard copies both should be submitted
Date: ____________________
(4) You can draw diagrams or take help of other visual tools to express the
answer in better and simple way
(5) No submissions after the deadline (all material should be submitted by
the due date)

Last Date of Submission: Friday - 21st July

Software Verification and Validation

Name of Organization:__________________________________________________________

Product Line(s): _______________________________________________________________

Technologies: _________________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________

Contact: ______________________ Email: ___________________________________

No. of people in organization: _______ Separate Quality Unit: _____ (Y/N)

Q 1. Which software methodology is usually followed for making the projects and what are its
Q 2. What is the most important Phase of software according to the company and why?
Q 3. How much does the quality of products and processes mean to the company?
Q 4. How do you motivate the software company to focus on the quality?

Q 5. Which software work products (e.g. SSRS, SDD, Design, Code, Prototype, Test Plan, Test
Cases etc. ) are usually developed in the project?
a. Which of the Software Work Products are reviewed / inspected?
Q 6. Please describe the methodology (step-wise-way) for quality assurance for each software
work product mentioned above.
Q 7. Does the organization perform inspection meetings (static) or use tools to dynamically
check for issues (dynamic testing). Write answer for each:
 SRS (Software Requirement specification)
 SDS (Software Design specification)
 Design
 Code
 Prototypes
 Test Plan
 Test Cases
 SQA Plan

Q 8. What is your way of conducting review meetings for various software work products (SRS,
SDS, Source Code, Modules, Design, Interfaces, Prototypes etc.) and what advantages does
it have?

Q 9. How do you test and validate the requirement specifications? What are the criteria of a
good acceptable software requirement specifications?
Q 10. How do you test and validate software architecture and design? What are the criteria of a
good acceptable software architecture and design (e.g. class diagrams)?
Q 11. How do you test and validate program code? What are the criteria of a good acceptable
source code (e.g. modularity)?
Q 12. How often do you need code review meeting and at what stages / time to optimize or find
issues in the code?
Q 13. How often do you use tools to optimize or find issues in the code and at what stages / time
during software development?
Q 14. What types of testing are performed on Code and how are they performed?
a. Unit testing
b. Integration testing
c. System testing
d. Acceptance testing
e. Alpha testing
f. Beta testing
g. Stress
h. Load testing
i. Regression testing
j. Any other types of testing performed
Q 15. What tools are used to assist in these testing techniques? (learn about the tools)

Q 16. How do you perform usability testing on each of the software products like websites,
mobile apps, ERP etc.? What are the tools you use for testing each of the software product’s
Q 17. How do you perform performance testing on the software products e.g. websites, mobile
apps, ERP etc.? to ensure that the software meets in performance criteria. What are the
tools you use for testing each of the software product’s usability?
Q 18. How do you perform security testing on the software products like websites, mobile apps,
ERP etc.? What are the tools you use for testing each of the software product’s usability?
Q 19. What type of issues / bugs are usually faced according to the peculiarity of the software
product? e.g. common issues/bugs in game development, mobile app development, web
app development etc.

Q 20. Ask about at least 1 project where there were validation issues from customer side i.e. The
noted specs were not what the user expected. What damage did it cost?
Q 21. Which source code management tool is used by the organization to be at the same page

 Any tips from the organization.

Thank you for your time
Important Notes for Students
As a part of the semester project, it is your responsibility to explain the terms to the
software organization that you have selected. Each organization uses its own terminologies, they
might be doing the same thing but they may not be familiar with your terminologies. So it lies on
your shoulder to explain what do you mean when you say words like inspection meeting, code
verification etc. This will be judged on the audio interview provided.
Students who just rely on the understanding of the organization and won’t explain the meanings
of the terminologies in the software context as discussed in the class won’t get good marks.

Another important factor that would decide the marks earned is learning about the tools
and techniques used in the organization and then presenting in the class. For example, if the
organization tells you that they use a tool for testing the code, or debugging the code or running
test cases automatically, it is your responsibility to request them to show you the working and use
of the tool. It will add a good amount of marks in your totals. Even if they don’t tell you anything
about it, you have to learn by yourself before presentation about the working and usage of the tools
mentioned by the organization.
Before presenting tools/techniques in the class, it is expected of you to learn about those tools and
their working and demonstrate it in a useful manner about why, when and how those tools are to
be used.

 Learning about the overall process of testing all the software products (better presented in
diagrams during presentation). i.e. what is the testing process for SRS, SDS, code, design
 Learning about the tools and learning about the use of those tools, as used by the respective
organization to test those software products. (i.e. testing tools, source code management
tools etc.)
 Explaining rightfully to them, the meanings of the terms in the questionnaire. E.g. unit
testing, integration testing, inspection meeting, code review etc.

Overall, Q 9, 10, 11, 14 carry most weightage.

You are required to submit the Audio/Video recording with the team for complete questions
or else those questions will not be marked. You are also required to submit selfies.

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