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SCHOOL YEAR 2012-2013

Review week planningt:

Objective: Ss will be able to review and consolidate knowledge acquired in the 4th bim.
Monday April 15th 2013 Unit 3 study guide Subject Vocabulary and spelling
1. Spelling review Practice : 7:30- 8:20 10:35 11:20
Monday : compound words
1. waterproof 5. barefoot 9. scrapbook
2. teaspoon 6. courthouse 10. countryside
3. grasshopper 7. earthquake
4. homesick 8. rowboat

Ss will practice in pairs and spell the words, copy them in their notebooks and peer dictate. After that SS will participate in a dictation.
2. VOCABULARY 8:20 -9:05 11: 50 12:40

4-Fold Vocabulary
Fold their papers into rows of 4 sections each. The number of row can relate to the number of words to be studied. In the first section,
the student writes the word. In the 2nd section, the student writes a definition of the word in their own words. In the 3rd section, the
student draws a picture or symbol to represent the word. In the 4th section, the student writes a sentence with the word based on their
definition. After completing the page, the students cut apart the sections and put them in an envelope. The words are review by having
student reassemble the word rows. Students can trade rows/envelopes with others
Instead of a picture you can write a synonym. There are 28 words in the study guide and bimestrial program
Word Definition Picture Sentence

Oven kitchen appliance We baked

used for baking or cookies in the

Language Skills: 9:05 -9:50 12 :40 - 1:20

Students will work in the IT profiles in class .They will read 2 stories per day and the assessment.
Monday Leonardo´s horse lesson:

Reading earthquake shakes: class reading, check fluency 140 wcpm.

Read aloud identify the main ideas of the text.
Identify topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentences.

9:50 – 10:35 5A sports 5B venn Diagram de 1:20 a 2:10

Ss will make a Venn diagram in their notebooks comparing the following items:
Their 2 favorite programs
Their 2 favorite friends.
Their 2 favorite subjects.

Homework: study vocabulary and spelling words. Seen today

Tuesday April 16th 2013 unit 3 spelling and vocabulary

1. Tuesday: j/, /ks/, /sk/, and /s/ Spelling review Practice :

1. fascinate 6. smudge
2. ginger 7. schooner
3. scholar 8. extraordinary
4. scent 9. reminisce
5. dodge 10. acknowledge

Ss will practice in pairs and spell the words, copy them in their notebooks and peer dictate. After that SS will participate in a dictation.
Tuesday: Choose the words that are difficult for you to remember, copy them in the notebook in a chart write a
synonym , antonym and a sentence with it. In the notebook

Language Skills:
Students will work in the IT profiles in class .They will read 2 stories per day and the assessment.
Tuesday dinosaurs of the waterhouse lesson:

From the study guide from the reading Crater On the Moon sts will identify the main idea and the details, sts will infer
information from the reading.

Creative writing parts of the verbs: from study guide 4 pages explanation and exercises.

Homework: study Monday and Tuesday vocabulary for a quick quiz

Wednesday ;

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