Flatland Lets Think About It

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               NAME:                              DATE:                          

                        let’s  think  about  it  


Discussion  Question:  Last week, I asked you to think about if you lived in “flatland” (a world that
exists in only two dimensions, so it’s like a piece of paper extending forever in all directions). I asked
what a cube coming through your world would look like to you. We decided it would look like a line
because, really, that’s the only part you can see! You can’t see any of its height. Now, I’m curious to
know: if you live in line land (a world that exists only along one line), and a square comes into your
world, what would you see? _________________________________________________________

If  you  live  in  “Pointland”  (a  world  that  exists  only  in  one  teeny  tiny  point),  what  are  you  able  to  see?  

Vocabulary  Review:  

Heresy: any theory or opinion that goes strongly against the established system of
beliefs, especially religious beliefs  

Isosceles  Triangle:  a  triangle  with  exactly  two  equal  sides  

Equilateral  Triangle:  a  triangle  with  all  sides  equal    

Regular  Polygon:  a  polygon  with  all  equal  sides  and  all  equal  angles  

DURING  THE  MOVIE:  Use  this  space  to  write  down  any  notes,  ideas  or  thoughts  that  come  to  your  mind  
while  you  are  watching  the  movie.  Write  down  anything  you  find  interesting,  questions  you  have,  things  you  
find  funny  or  just  anything  you  don’t  want  to  forget!  



POST-­‐MOVIE:  Before  you  begin  answer  my  questions:  what  are  three  things  you  found  
interesting  /cool  ideas  from  watching  Flatland?  

1) ___________________________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________________________________

What  questions  do  you  have  after  watching  the  movie?  (Write  down  at  least  three!)  

1) ___________________________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________________________

3) ___________________________________________________________________

FACTUAL  QUESTIONS:  You  must  answer  at  least  seven  out  of  nine  of  the  following  

1) How  many  dimensions  are  in  one  point?  __________  

2) How  many  dimensions  are  in  one  line?    ___________  
3) How  many  dimensions  are  in  one  square?  _________  
4) How  many  dimensions  are  in  one  cube?    __________  
5) In  flatland  society,  can  you  move  up  in  society  by  working  hard?  Why  or  why  not?  

6) What  did  hex  mean  by  a  “super  square”?  ______________________________________  

7) What  determines  your  place  in  society  in  Flatland?  _________________________  


8) What  do  Arthur  and  Hex  say  about  how  shape  affect  your  place  in  society?  _____  

9) In  flatland,  why  are  the  circles  the  priests?  Why  are  they  considered  the  most  
powerful?  __________________________________________________________  

THINKING  QUESTIONS:  You  must  answer  at  least  four  out  of  the  five  following  

1) Why  did  the  point  land  character  only  sing  “ME  ME  ME  MEEE  MEE  MEE  ME  
MEEEEEE  MEEEE”?  __________________________________________________  

2) Why  is  it  that  Hex  has  six  sides  and  her  grandparents  have  four  sides?  

3) Why  is  it  that  the  circles  (the  people  in  positions  of  power)  don’t  want  people  to  
know  about  the  3rd  dimension?    ________________________________________  

4)  What  do  the  circle  priests  mean  by  “A  still  tongue  makes  a  happy  life”?  Why  would  
they  want  people  to  believe  that?  ____________________________________________  

5)  When  Arthur  Square  is  being  tried  in  court,  he  says  to  everyone,  “Friends,  do  not  fear  what  
you  cannot  see.  Mathematics,  reason  and  imagination  will  help  reveal  the  truth.”  What  do  you  
think  Arthur  Square  is  saying?    ____________________________________________________  

FINAL  REFLECTION  (you  must  answer):  

Would  you  recommend  this  movie  to  others?  Explain  why  or  why  not:    ___________________  

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