Bachelor of Science in Accountancy: Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna

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John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Production of Penne Cake

A Project Feasibility Study

Presented to

The Faculty of College of Accountancy

Calamba City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of




St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


Title Page

Approval Sheet


Executive Summary

Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

List of Schedules

List of Appendices



Background of the Study

Statement of the Problems

Significance of the Study

Objectives of the Study

Scope and Limitation of the Study

Research Methodology

Research Design

Conceptual Framework

Theoretical Framework

Review of Related Literature-Foreign

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Review of Related Literature-Local

Related Studies-Foreign

Related Studies-Local

Definition of Terms


Marketing Aspects

Demand Situation

Result of the Survey and the Acceptability Test

Projected Demand

Supply Situation

Demand and Supply Analysis

Unsatisfied Demand

Market Analysis

Market Segmentation

Target Market Share

Market Share

Selling Capacity

Nature of the Industry

Competitive Position

SWOT Analysis

Factors Affecting Target Market

Marketing Mix Strategy

Pricing Strategies

Product Strategy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Place or Distribution Strategy

Promotion Strategy

People Strategy

Process Strategy


Product Description

Physical Property of the Product

Chemical Property of the Product

Production Process

Production Site

Vicinity Map

Floor Plan

Raw Materials Requirement

Kitchen Tools, Materials and Equipment





Form Business Organization

Advantages of Partnership

Pre-Operating Period

Procedure for Organizing a Partnership

Job Description and Specification

Internal Control Management

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Management Policies

Benefits and Incentives of the Employees

Business Permits and Licenses

Operation, Schedule in the Firm

Labor Requirements

Gantt Chart


Total Projected Cost

Source of Investment

Cost of Investment

Financial Statements

Income Statements

Balance Sheet

Statement of Cash Flows

Statement of Changes in Partner’s Equity

Financial and Other Assumptions


Contribution to Income





Community and Environment

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Impact to other Related Studies








Survey Questionnaire

Notes to Financial Statement

Supporting Schedule
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Chapter I


Baking a cake is a fun and simple process that can be done by practically anyone. For

us to live we need food to eat. We spend much money just to eat whatever we want.

Filipinos are creative when it comes to food that’s why we choose penne as our main

ingredient because it serves as excellent sources of vitamins, fibers and selenium, a mineral

that activates antioxidant enzymes tasked with protecting your cells for molecular damage.

The proponents came up with the idea of merchandising Penne Cake because it’s

been scientifically proven that eating cake while someone else is also eating cake can build

friendship bonds and symbolizes togetherness. The proponents also make use of their talent

in cooking new dishes and doing experiments on some foods. As their love for desserts were

extraordinary, they make use of it to make a dessert that will fulfil the desire of everyone.

Penne Cake consists of affordable ingredients that are available in the market. The

proponents use variety of ingredients that can also add different flavors to enhance the

product’s quality. Thus, will give them one kind of product with different flavors and with

different prices.

Most Filipino prefer to buy products in lower amount but have good quality. The

proponents decided to produce a product that is cheaper but also contains a lot of nutrients

that is surely more than what you pay for. The proponents choose a product that will meet a

demand of health conscious customers and still enjoy it for diet.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Background of the Study

Boxed pasta can be a saving grace at dinnertime, but you don’t have to settle on

topping with an ordinary tomato sauce. Proper nutrition must be observed all the time

because it is vital in maintaining optimal health. Our bodies need it in order to function

properly, so we need to make sure that the nutrients we get from the food we eat will help us

maintain a healthy body and help us sustain a long life.

Cakes are made from various combinations of refined flour, some form of

shortening, sweetening, eggs, milk, leavening agent, and flavoring. There are literally

thousands of cakes recipes (some are bread-like and some rich and elaborate) and many are

centuries old. Cake making is no longer a complicated procedure. Baking utensils and

directions have been so perfected and simplified that even the amateur cook may easily

become and expert baker. There are five basic types of cake, depending on the substance

used for leavening.

The most primitive peoples in the world began making cakes shortly after they

discovered flour. In medieval England, the cakes that were described in writings were not

cakes in the conventional sense. They were described as flour-based sweet foods as opposed

to the description of breads, which were just flour-based foods without sweetening.

Bread and cake were somewhat interchangeable words with the term “cake” being

used for smaller breads. The earliest examples were found among the remains of Neolithic

villages where archaeologists discovered simple cakes made from crushed grains, moistened,
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
compacted and probably cooked on a hot stone. Today’s version of this early cake would be

oatcakes, though now we think of them more as a biscuit or cookie.

Cakes were called “plakous” by the Greeks, from the word for “flat.” These cakes

were usually combinations of nuts and honey. They also had a cake called “satura,” which

was a flat heavy cake.

During the Roman period, the name for cake (derived from the Greek term) became

“placenta.” They were also called “libum” by the Romans, and were primarily used as an

offering to their gods. Placenta was more like a cheesecake, baked on a pastry base, or

sometimes inside a pastry case.

The terms “bread” and “cake” became interchangeable as years went by. The words

themselves are of Anglo Saxon origin, and it’s probable that the term cake was used for the

smaller breads. Cakes were usually baked for special occasions because they were made with

the finest and most expensive ingredients available to the cook. The wealthier you were, the

more likely you might consume cake on a more frequent basis.

By the middle of the 18th century, yeast had fallen into disuse as a raising agent for

cakes in favor of beaten eggs. Once as much air as possible had been beaten in, the mixture

would be poured into molds, often very elaborate creations, but sometimes as simple as two

tin hoops, set on parchment paper on a cookie sheet. It is from these cake hoops that our

modern cake pans developed.

Cakes were considered a symbol of well-being by early American cooks on the east

coast, with each region of the country having their own favorites.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Statement of the Problem

I. Marketing Aspect

1. Is the proposed product already established in the area of Palo Alto Calamba, City?

2. Does the project have sufficient demand within the area and the nearby towns?

3. Are there any competitors of the same industry in Barangay Palo Alto Calamba, City?

4. What factors need to be considered in a marketing campaign?

5. Who will be the target market of the proposed project?

6. How the proponents will market their product?

7. How the proponents based the selling price of the product?

II. Technical Aspect

1. What are the resources needed to conduct the business?

2. How the proponents will gather the raw materials needed? Is the raw materials are

easily available in the market?

3. How the proponents will get alternative materials if some of it has not in the market?

4. What are the technology needs for the proposed business?

5. How will the proposed product be produced?

6. How much does the equipment needed in the business?

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

III. Management Aspect

1. What type of business organization will be suitable to the firm?

2. Which would be preferable, leasing/renting facility or constructing a building?

3. What will be the organizational structure of the entity?

4. What will be the management policies of the business operation?

5. What are the key staff positions needed, qualification and duties of the employees?

6. How the proponents operate and manage the business?

IV. Financial Aspect

1. How will the proponents acquire their capital and how much it should be?

2. Who will be the sources of capital?

3. How much is the estimated amount of capital needed for the study?

V. Socio – economic Aspect

1. What are the benefits of the product to the customers?

2. What are the effects of the project to economy and society?

3. What will be the impact of the proposed business to the environment?

Significance of the Study

The study gives the consumer a product which is affordable but with the same

product quality with those sold at an expensive price.

This section will provide a brief description on the various significances of the study given.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
To the customers

The proponents believed that the customers will benefit because the study was made

for them and the proponents had priced the product at affordable price.


The proposed project will help the proponents to know more in building a business.

To the future researchers

The result of the study will be beneficial to future researchers who may be interested

in exploring the present study.


The result of the proposed study will be an eye-opener to readers to start a good



The result of the proposed study will serve as reference for their studies.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to determine the feasibility, profitability, and the

validity of the establishing the business of Penne Cake. Specifically it aims to;

1. To provide nutritious product for the consumers.

2. To produce product that could be profitable at a minimum cost.

3. To determine the market and degree of market acceptability of the product.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
4. To find the most efficient ways to produce the product.

5. Ascertain the financial requirement needed for its operation.

6. To identify the market needs for the proposed product.

7. To determine the most suitable management pattern for the proposed business.

8. To determine what will be the contribution of the business to the economy.

9. To establish business to the best suit location.

10. To determine the efficient process in the business.

11. To know the capital needed to rise to build the business.

12. To determine sources of capital.

13. To know the effects of proposed project to the society and economy.

Scope and limitations of the study

The proposed business will prioritized on producing and selling Penne Cake with

health benefits. In order to assess the consumer’s attitude towards the proposed product,

surveys, and a number of interviews will be given. The proposed business is not just for

children but also for everyone.

The selections of respondents are initially limited to town entrepreneurs specifically

selling in Palo-Alto, Calamba City. The type of business is partnership where the business

will engage in manufacturing and distributing the products.

Research Methodology

This feasibility study is conducted to recommend new approaches in a more realistic

manner. This type of study needs of thorough and careful selection of data for the

accomplishment of a proposed study.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Research Design

The research method used by the proponents is the descriptive method. It provides a

clear understanding of what the business is its nature, characteristics, component aspects and

phenomena. It includes library research, survey, documentary and field research.

Research Locale

The research was conducted in Calamba City, the respondents were from the

students and other residents of the said location. The respondents self-administered these

questionnaires to achieve 100% retrieval rate. The results were tabulated to come up with the

necessary information needed in the study. Information on the population where the

samples were taken was City Hall of Calamba.

Population and Sampling Method

In line with the selection of the respondents for the study, the proponents selected a

total of 99 respondents to answer the questionnaire to get the needed information necessary

for the study. The selected 99 respondents were those who the proponents have found

willing and cooperative the completion of the said study.

Research Instrument

The survey technique was used in collecting primary data. The proponents

conducted personal and administered questionnaires to their proponents.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Data Gathering Procedure

To gather information needed in this research study the researchers conducted

surveys, and they went to the Barangay Palo-Alto, Calamba City for the addition information

in line with this project.

Analytical tools

The researchers conducted a survey at Palo Alto, Calamba City using the slovin’s

formula illustrated below; the researchers got a sample size of 99 with an error of 10%. Since

no data about any stratification were given to the researchers, they have decided to use

purposive sampling in picking respondents area. The researchers have picked 99 in the

respondent’s area to fill up the questionnaire.

1+𝑁𝑒 2

Validation of the Instruments

For the questionnaire and surveys to be valid the proponents was consulted in their

adviser and other feasibility study writers and defenders. They gave the proponents

additional information and technical knowledge.

Sampling Design

The researchers used proportionate sampling in distributing the questionnaires to the

respondents. The number of respondents was determined using the Slovin’s Formula.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
The proponents decided to use the Slovin’s formula to satisfy the need of the

proposed study. The sample size is computed as follows:

Slovin’s Formula:

1+𝑁𝑒 2


n= total number of respondents

N= total population

e= margin of error (10%)

To compute for the sample size using the number of households in Barangay

Palo Alto Calamba, City at 90% accuracy:

𝑁𝑒 2

n = ,

n = 99 respondents
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Conceptual Framework

In order to better understand the various processes involved in producing banana

wine, the framework below is provided:

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework PROCESS

For the Penne Spaghetti
1. Boil water with cooking oil and salt, let
it simmer and then put the penne. Let it
cook for 5 to 10minutes.

For the sauce

2. Put cooking oil, garlic and onion in the
3. Put a teaspoon of fish sauce. Let it
Raw materials
4. Pour the tomato sauce let it boil and
1. Penne(pasta) then put the spaghetti sauce. Then add
2. Tomato Sauce the all-purpose cream and grated
3. Spaghetti sauce cheese.
4. Cheese 5. Set the penne beneath the cake pan. Put
5. All-purpose Cream the sauce all over the top.
6. Eggs
For the Cake
7. Brown Sugar 6. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
8. Cake Flour 7. Grease the cake pan. Cream the butter
9. Cocoa Powder and sugar. Add the eggs, a vanilla and
10. Butter cake flour, cocoa and baking powder.
11. Baking powder and soda 8. Pour the batter into the pan. Bake the
cake for an hour and 15 minutes.

For the Penne Cake

9. Get the penne spaghetti, cake and
10. Put the cake above the penne spaghetti
and the icing gently and back in the
Freezer for 2 hours.


St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Review of Related Literature

This review consists of books, articles, documents that focus on the same subject

matter or other concepts of the study.

The information gathered by the proponents focuses on some marketing strategies

and online business. Security measurement information in terms of payment and customer’s

privacy to be considered in developing an online system are also obtained.

Foreign Literature

Automation can affect all phase of inventory management, including counting and

monitoring of inventory items; recording and retrieval of item storage locations; recording

changes to inventory; anticipating inventory needs, including inventory handling

requirements. Effective Inventory analysis get data related to effective inventory analysis.

For many distributors, inventory is the largest and perhaps the most important asset.

Inventory ties up more money than buildings or equipment, and is often less “liquid”. It is

crucial, then, that distributors develop and use a comprehensive set of tools that allows close

monitoring of the performance of the inventory investments. Read more about simple

measurements that can help you maximize your investment in inventory

According to the study of Edwin Bello and his fellow researchers of Computerized

Monitoring and Inventory of Stock with Warning Level dated March 2005, many firms have

thousands of items of inventory which requires some form of control. The usage of
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
calculations and record keeping chores would soon become overwhelming were it not for

the computer and its unique information storage and retrieval capabilities.

According to the proponents the study of Edwin Bello and his fellow researcher

have significance in the study specifically when it talks about the measurement of inventory.

It is really helpful to have a computerized system of measuring the inventory since it will

lessen the work of the proponents in the sense of doing paper works.

Local Literature

According to the study of Anna Marie Beltran Distort of Proposed Sales Monitoring

System issued 1995, the accelerated work structure of the company proper monitoring is

essential in order to keep track of the company’s sales activities. Her system aims to come up

with an efficient, and accurate mechanized system of preparing invoices that will keep tracks

of the daily transaction and generate reports. Important information will be provided by this

study in order to prove that the computerization of the company’s operation and achieve a

more reliable and efficient means of monitoring day to day activities. Her system focuses on

the analysis and design of the sales monitoring system which will monitor the stacks

inventory of the sales department.

According to the proponents the said study of Anna Marie Beltran Distort of

Proposed Sales Monitoring System issued 1995, have significance in the study specifically to

their monitoring system of sales. Just like any other business the proponents aims to have an

efficient and mechanized system of preparing their financial statements to clearly sees if the

said business generate an increase in net worth.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Definition of Terms

The following definitions of terms were used in the study. Terms were defined

according to its use in the study and necessary information needed in the operation.

Penne. A type of pasta with cylinder-shaped pieces. Penne is the plural form of the Italian

penna, deriving from Latin penna, and is a cognate of the English word pen.

Plakous. By the Greeks, from the word for “flat.” These cakes were usually combinations

of nuts and honey.

Satura. Which was a flat heavy cake.

Buyers. Is who selects and buys stock to be consumed.

Consumer. One who uses patronizing a thing made by another.

Manufacturing. Is something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery.

Profitable. Is obtaining financial gain or other benefit.

Dessert. Is a confectionery course that concludes a main meal.

Partnership. Is an arrangement in which two or more individuals share the profits and

liabilities of a business venture.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Chapter II
Marketing Aspects

In broad sense, marketing is the process of communication the value of a product or

service to customers, for the purpose of selling that product or service. Marketing is also

defined as the science of selecting target markets through market analysis and market

segmentation, as well as understanding consumer behavior and providing better customer

value. The researchers need to first determine the demand and supply of the product they

are going to offer to the buyers and the preferred taste and preferences of this buyers must

also considered.

Marketing has such a huge impact on the success of a business. It also includes

strategies in attracting the customer’s attention in order for them to buy a certain product.

The way of promoting the product will have big effect to it, and it must able to convince the

buyers on how healthy or unique the product is.

With the increase of fierce competition, marketing is an important tool to run every

business successfully. Marketing can effect on production, increase customer’s attention and

it’s very important for the growth of the proposed business. By means of marketing, it is

easy to generate income. Most importantly, it helps to promote the proposed business in

every aspect of development.

Furthermore, the market study should be given the first consideration. The question

of demand is the most basic issue. It requires that the partnership should be consumer-
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Oriented, has a coordinated marketing program and goal-oriented. That is why marketing is

an art of effort, imagination, research and persistence when you have a great product or

service to offer.

General Market Information

Figure 2.1: General Market Information

Market refers to the group of consumers or organizations interested in the product,

has the resources to purchase the product, and is permitted by law and other regulations to

acquire the product.

Market Description

The proposed business will be located in Hacienda Hills Palo-Alto, Calamba City

which has a huge proportion of people who shops and stroll. The proponents think that

there is no age limit since most of the people are fond of eating cake. Consequently, both

children and teenagers are the most likely to purchase the product. The proponents are
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
expecting much of the children and teenagers to be regular customers of our proposed


The proposed business possible competitors are bakeshops and Rodellas Yema

Cake. Competitors exist in every ways; there is always competition, no matter what the

business is. However, competition may also lead to wasted effort and to increased costs in

some circumstances.

Vicinity Map

Figure 2.2
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Marketing Strategies

Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its

limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable,

competitive advantage. Marketing strategy includes all basic and long-term activities in the

field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the strategic situation of a company and the

formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies and therefore contribute

to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives.

Marketing strategies may differ depending on the unique situation of the individual

business or product. However, there are a number of ways to categorize some generic


Advertisement and Promotion

Promotion is one of the key components of the marketing and deals with any one or

two-way communication that takes place with the consumer.

The main objective of advertising and promoting our product is to attract the

attention of customers and afterward convince them to purchase the product. It is a way of

communicating the benefits of our product to our target customer. Like other area of

business, advertising involves setting clear goals and objectives.

Since we are now living in this generation and people mostly rely on the internet, the

researchers will use the internet to advertise the product or other social networking site to

attract customers.

Pricing Strategy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
A money value of the product or service expressed in terms of peso or centavos

(Stanton and Farrell’s Fundamentals of Marketing, 1987). The pricing strategy to be used will

be market-oriented pricing is a setting a price based upon analysis and research compiled

from the target market. This means that researchers will set prices depending on the results

from the research.

A market-based pricing strategy is also known as a competition-based strategy. In

this pricing strategy, the researchers will evaluate the prices of similar products that are on

the market. It is important to only consider those products that are similar to the product

being offered. Depending on if the product has more or less features than the competition,

the company sets the price higher or lower than the competitor pricing.

Place and Distribution

Promotion Plan

With a distribution strategy performed, we must develop a promotion plan. The

promotion strategy in its most basic form is controlled contribution of communication

design to sell our product or service. In order to accomplish this, the promotion very market

tool utilized in the communication effort. This includes Advertising, Packaging, Public

relation, Personal Sales and Sales Promotion which help the proponents to produce the

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Demand Situation

Demand implies the amount of a particular economic goods and services that a buy

or consumer will purchase at a given price. The study of demand of Penne Cake focused on

the different establishment and their population within the area of Canlubang, Calamba City.

In order to determine the demand, the researchers conducted surveys, interviews and several

observations in the said area.

Table 2.1: Projected Population in Barangay Palo Alto Calamba, City

Year Population
2013 11,609
2014 11,955
2015 15,208
2016 15,662
2017 16,130

Table 2.2

Age No. of Respondents Percentage

15-19 19 19.20%
20-24 38 38.38%
25-29 11 11.11%
30-34 11 11.11%
35-39 7 7.07%
40-44 7 7.07%
45-49 6 6.06%
TOTAL 99 100%
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Table 2.3

Gender No. Of Respondents Percentage

Male 41 41.41%
Female 58 58.59%
TOTAL 99 100%

Question No. 1 Do you eat pasta?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 97 97.98%
No 2 2.02%
TOTAL 99 100%
Table 2.4

Question No.2 Do you eat cake?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 97 97.98%

No 2 2.02%

TOTAL 99 100%
Table 2.5

Question No. 3 Would you be interested if penne pasta and cake are combined?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 93 93.94%

No 6 6.06%

TOTAL 99 100%

Table 2.6
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Question No. 4 What flavor would you prefer?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Chocolate 67 69.08%

Vanilla 26 26.80%

Others 4 4.12%

TOTAL 97 100%
Table 2.7

Question No. 5 What price would you prefer to buy penne cake?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Table 2.8

Question No. 6 If the company offer cake with penne at ₱ each, are you willing to buy?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Table 2.9
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Question No. 7 If yes, how frequent and many piece of cake with penne will you buy?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Daily 25 26.60%

Weekly 31 32.98%

Monthly 38 40.42%

TOTAL 94 100%
Table 2.10

Question No. 8 What characteristics would make you patronize the penne cake?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Taste 12 12.90%

Uniqueness 13 13.98%

Quality 2 2.15%

Price 3 3.23%

All 63 67.74%

TOTAL 93 100%
Table 2.11

Question No. 9 Would you avail made to order Penne Cake?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 91 91.92%

No 8 8.08%

TOTAL 99 100%
Table 2.12
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Question No. 10 What desserts/pasalubong do you prefer to buy?

Response No. of Respondents Percentage

Penne Cake 80 80.81%

Yema Cake 19 19.19%

TOTAL 99 100%
Table 2.13

Demand Analysis

Projected Demand per

Year Projected Demand per box
2018 888,995 222,249
2019 915,665 228,916
2020 943,135 235,783
2021 971,429 242,856
2022 1,000,572 250,142

Table 2.14 shows the projected demand of penne cake for the next five years. The

proponents used 3% increase annually based on the projected population provided by

Philippine Statistical Authority.

Note: The projected demand per person is simply computed by dividing the projected demand per box by the

number of persons capable of eating a box of penne cake which is 4. (1 box of penne cake=4 person).
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Supply Analysis

Supply represents the various quantities of goods and services that sellers are willing

to sell at a given price, time, and place. Along with it is the demand which is one of the key

factors or determinants of the price. It is the quantity or volume the producers are willing to

sell at a certain price or amount. Supply of producers depends on the scope of population

and demand of every business. It is the willingness and ability of potential sellers to offer

various specific amounts for goods and services for sale of each of variety at alternative

prices during a particular period of time.

The supply of the product should sustain the needs of the customers depending on

its quantity. As the following supply analysis shows, there is an insufficient supply of the

products and supplying the unsatisfied demand for the products is one of the objectives of

Penne Cake.

Factors Affecting Supply

A. Price of the product

The price of the products affects the quantity supplied because it is directly related to

the supply. If the price of the proposed product is higher, the demand would be lower

causing the supply to increase. Normally customers could not be lessened and since the

supply is continuous, the supply would then be higher.

B. Profitability of alternative product

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
The profitability affects the supply of the product. The proponents anticipated that

the product would be dependent on the survey conducted. The profitability of the business

provides greater supply of the product.

C. Price and availability of inputs

The cost of the raw materials, labor, and overhead would affect the supply of the

product because the higher the cost of the inputs, the lower the units of the outputs

produced. Another issue in relation to the inputs is the availability of the raw materials to be

used in the production process. If the supply of the raw materials is continuous there would

no delay in the production, thus supply would tend to increase.

…..table of computation of supply…..

Table again…

Demand and supply analysis

The demand and supply analysis includes the comparison between the demand and

supply trend and determination of the unsatisfied demand. Demand is the quality of goods

or services that the people are willing or able to buy. Determining the target market will

identify demand for the proposed project. Studying and analyzing the demand and supply is

a prime factor that should be considered in putting up a business. This is because if the data

would present an unsatisfied demand that would be a basis that the product has a chance to

enter the market. In this particular study, the proponents have desired to see how much

percentage is taken from unsatisfied demand.

………….table of summary and projected demand….

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Unsatisfied demand

Unsatisfied demand is the proof that demands exceeds supply. An unsatisfied

demand denotes that there is a chance for the business to enter into the market.

Formula: Projected demand -Projected supply= Unsatisfied demand

….table of unsatisfied demand….

Target Market Share

A target market is a group of customers towards which a business has decided to aim

its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise. A well-defined target market is the first

element to a marketing strategy.

In establishing a business or company, management should guarantee the firm’s

effectiveness and efficiency against its competitors in the same field or sector. Market share

will indicate the portion of sales of the products or services operated by the company within

the vicinity of the target market.

Market share

It is expressed as a company’s sales revenue (from the market) divided by the total

sales revenue available in that market. It can also be express as a company’s unit sales

volume (in a market) divided by the total volume of units sold in that market. It is generally

necessary to commission market research (generally desk/ secondary, although sometimes

primary research) to estimate the total market size and a company’s markets share.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒆 = 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒕𝒚/𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑫𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒅 ∗ 𝟏𝟎𝟎%

The attainable capacity and projected demand will increase at 3% annually.

Attainable Projected Demand

Year Market Share
Capacity per person
2018 28896 222,249 13.0016%
2019 29762.88 228,916 13.0017%
2020 30655.7664 235,783 13.0059%
2021 31575.4394 242,856 13.0017%
2022 32522.7026 250,142 13.0017%
Computation of Penne Cake Produced Annually
…….Table( nasa excel)

Selling Capacity
Selling Capacity is the percentage of the amount of the product that indicates the

ability of the company to produce and manufacture. The company’s selling capacity is (ilang

pennecake perday, per week, per month, and per year.

Industry Analysis


… box per year

… Box per day
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

… box per … box per week


Competitive position

To determine the competitiveness of the business, it is important to make sure that

the product and services are competitive enough in terms of cost and quality. An analysis of

strength, weakness, opportunities and threats that are expected in the operation should be



 Uniqueness of the product

 Maintains a high quality of food and services

 Higher responsiveness to customer demands

 Selling products directly to the customers

 Low cost of rental for business

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

 Our product is perishable item hence need to be sold as soon as possible to

gain maximum benefit. The customers will also prefer fresh products.

 Having limited space to expand the shop if the need arise

 Lack of experience: Our shop is a start-up and the odds laced against it.

 It is new in the market.


 Expansion of the product line in the future.

 Loyal customers

 Growing market: Baking industry is growing at a fast speed and demand for

quality items is never ending.

 Potential to become a premier sweets provider in town


 Competitor opening shop nearby

 Competitors have launched a new advertising campaign

 Price wars

 Experience of competitors in the market and best advertisement strategies.

 Economic Downturn.

Marketing Demand
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
The demand of the product will also configure into the pricing of the product even

with a market-based pricing strategy. With a higher demand, the company can offer the

product at a higher price. When the demand falls, incentives and other discounts can be

offered to keep customer interest. This is common with releases of sought-after products,

particularly in the electronics industry. The price is high in the beginning and people are

lined up for it, proving the company can charge higher prices as the customers care more

about the prestige of owning the item than the attached price. As it becomes more common,

people are willing to pay less for the same product.

A. Product

The first of the Four Ps of marketing is product. A product can be either a

tangible good or an intangible service that fulfills a need or want of consumers.

Whether you sell custom pallets and wood products or provide luxury

accommodations, it’s imperative that you have a clear grasp of exactly what your

product is and what makes it unique before you can successfully market it.

B. Price

Once a concrete understanding of the product offering is established we can

start making some pricing decisions. Price determinations will impact profit margins,

supply, demand and marketing strategy. Similar (in concept) products and brands

may need to be positioned differently based on varying price points, while price

elasticity considerations may influence our next two Ps.

C. Promotion
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Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
We’ve got a product and a price now it’s time to promote it. Promotion

looks at the many ways marketing agencies disseminate relevant product information

to consumers and differentiate a particular product or service. Promotion includes

elements like: advertising, public relations, social media marketing, email marketing,

search engine marketing, video marketing and more. Each touch point must be

supported by a well-positioned brand to truly maximize return on investment.


Tarpaulin 5 400 2000

Flyers 200 5 1000

D. Place

Often you will hear marketers saying that marketing is about putting the right

product, at the right price, at the right place, at the right time. It’s critical then, to

evaluate what the ideal locations are to convert potential clients into actual clients.

Today, even in situations where the actual transaction doesn’t happen on the web,

the initial place potential clients are engaged and converted is online.

Promotion and Advertisement

This means how the product/business will be promoted to the customer. The

proposed products include the distribution of promotional materials such as leaflets and

posters free taste promos. The business will be using banners and tarpaulins in strategic

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Chapter III

Technical Aspects

This study discusses about the processes of production and activities of the

company. It includes the machinery and equipment used in production and other aspects

such as bringing the raw materials into a finished product ready for trade. Plant layout, size

and production schedule are all presented for the purpose of identifying the business

operation. Also, product specifications, the product processes using flowchart, the list of

machinery, tools, and equipment are enumerated with their corresponding costs, the raw

materials and fund sources also cited.

The technical aspect is the discussion of the basic operation flow of the process. It is

one of the essentials of this study because these factors respond to the technicalities and

basic structure of the proposed study. This includes the list of equipment, materials and

structure plan. Business plans, utilities, facilities, layouts design and location are also included

in this chapter. It also provides a comprehensive approach in detailing the efficiency and

productivity of the operations that the proposed project plans will carry out. This aspect also

presents the technical requirements in the implementation of the proposed project.

Product Description

It is a structured format of presenting information about a projected product. It is

usually created by the project manager and approved by the project board, including its

benefits, form, presentation, price and purpose that help to sell products.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Physical Property of the Product

The physical property of the product refers to the internal features of the

product itself, the way it was prepared and cooked if needed and presentation of the

other content of the product. The packaging, its safety and sanitation procedures that

maybe observe of the consumers.

Chemical Property of the Product

The chemical property of the product refers to the internal package or the chemical

composition of the product that basically represents the nutrients the product can offer to

the consumers. Other products present the chemical information through the nutrition facts

indicated at the back of the packaging.

Product Process

Production is a process of combining various materials inputs and in material inputs

such as plans and no-how in order to make something for consumption, the output. It is the

act of creating output, a good service which has value and contributes to the utility to the


The production process is an essential feature of technical aspects of any feasibility

study. Through this process, raw materials are systematically converted in to finished

product with the use of machineries, equipment, supplies and other tools. In addition, the

direct labour requirements are established as well as schedule of the operations to prevent

delays and inefficiencies in said production.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

For the Penne Spaghetti

1. Boil water with cooking oil and salt, let it simmer and then put the penne. Let it cook for 5

to 10minutes.

For the sauce

2. Put cooking oil, garlic and onion in the pan.

3. Put a teaspoon of fish sauce. Let it simmer.

4. Pour the tomato sauce let it boil and then put the spaghetti sauce. Then add the all-

purpose cream and grated cheese.

5. Set the penne beneath the cake pan. Put the sauce all over the top.

For the Cake

6. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.

7. Grease the cake pan. Cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs, a vanilla and cocoa


8. Pour the batter into the pan. Bake the cake for an hour and 15 minutes.

For the Penne Cake

9. Get the penne spaghetti, cake and icing.

10. Put the cake above the penne spaghetti and the icing gently and back in the Freezer for 2

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Figure 3.1 Process Flow in the Production of Penne Cake

Raw Materials

Preparing Packaging


Packaging, Labeling and Logo

The proponents created a simple yet attractive packaging design to catch more

attention of the consumers. Mostly, the packaging uses a paper bag and box for the


The label of the proposed product will be placed outside the packaging of Penne



St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Figure 3.2 Product Logo

The logo is the design used by the partnership on its letterhead, advertising material,

signs as a symbol by which can easily recognized. The proponents simply put their business

name on the logo.

Figure 3.3 Company Logo

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Tools and Equipment

A kitchen utensil is a small hand held tool used for food preparation. Common

kitchen tasks include cutting food items to size, heating food on an open fire or on a stove,

baking, grinding, mixing, blending, and measuring; different utensils are made for each task.

A general purpose utensil such as a chef's knife may be used for a variety of foods; other

kitchen utensils are highly specialized and may be used only in connection with preparation

of a particular type of food, such as an egg separator or an apple corer. Some specialized

utensils are used when an operation is to be repeated many times, or when the cook has

limited dexterity or mobility. The number of utensils in a household kitchen varies with time

and the style of cooking.

A cooking utensil is a utensil for cooking. Utensils may be categorized by use with

terms derived from the word "ware": kitchenware, wares for the kitchen; ovenware and bake

ware, kitchen utensils that are for use inside ovens and for baking; cookware, merchandise

used for cooking; and so forth.

Hand-held mixer is used for stirring, whisking

or beating.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Pot is used for storage or cooking.

Baking pan is used for baking cakes in an oven.

Oven is used for heating, baking or drying of a


Mixing bowl is for mixing ingredients together in.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Chopping Board is a kitchen tool used as a surface f

or food being cut by knives.

Kitchen knife used to slice and cut ingredients.

Refrigerator is an appliance that is artificially kept

cool and used to store food and drink.

Pastry Refrigerator
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Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Cooking Spoon is used for serving sauce.

Strainer is a kitchen device that is most used to

strain liquids away from larger ingredients.

Measuring Tools used primarily to measure

the volume of liquid or bulk

solid cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar,

especially for volumes.

Cheese grater is used for grating food products.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Kitchen Stove is a kitchen appliance designed for

the purpose of cooking food. Kitchen stoves rely on

the application of direct heat for the cooking process

and may also contain an oven, used for baking.

Range hood-It removes airborne grease,

combustion products, fumes, smoke, odors, heat,

and steam from the air by evacuation of the air and


Icing Bag used for semi-solid foods by pressing

them through a narrow opening at one end for

many purposes including cake decoration.

LPG Tank used to cook the food.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Cake server is used to place pieces of cut cake and

pie on plates to be served.

Raw Materials

Raw materials are materials or substances used in the primary production or

manufacturing of goods. Raw materials are often referred to as commodities, which are

bought and sold on commodities exchanges around the world. Raw materials are sold in

what is called the factor market, because raw materials are factors of production along with

labor and capital.

Penne is a type of pasta with cylinder-shaped


Spaghetti sauce is usually to serve as part of a dish

and perhaps best known as sauces for pasta dishes.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Tomato paste is a thick paste to reduce the base to

a thick, rich concentrate.

Quickmelt Cheese

Cheddar Cheese

Smoothtextured cheese, made usually from the whol

e milk ofcows and varying in color from white to

deep yellow.

All-purpose cream can be whipped to create swirls,

dollops, and soft peaks to add excitement to your

creamy delicious creations.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Condensed Milk - is cow's milk from

which water has been removed. It is most often

found in the form of sweetened condensed milk,

with sugar added.

Ketchup is a thick, cold sauce, usually made

from tomatoes, that is sold in bottles.

Unsalted butter is a product used for controlling

the amount of salt you add to your cakes, cookies

and Fig and Almond Breakfast Cake

Brown Sugar used very similarly to granulated

white sugar but it provides a touch of extra flavor.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Cocoa Powder used to give a chocolate flavor to


Baking Soda kind of salt that is used to make

cake light and fluffy.

Baking Powder white powder that is used to

make cake light and fluffy.

Cake Flour gives a very fine texture and a very

light color of cake.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Vanilla is a solution containing the flavor

compound vanillin as the primary ingredient.

Dark Chocolate includes vanilla and an

emulsifier, to keep the chocolate as smooth as


Eggs have significant amounts of protein and

choline are widely used in cooking due to their

protein content.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Raw Materials Used in the Production

Table 3.1 shows the total raw materials for the use of producing Penne Cake

Description Quantity Unit de Choice Amount
Mercado de
Penne 500 grams ₱ 56.50 ₱ 49.00 ₱ 49.00
500 grams 40.00 52.50 Sm Calamba 40.00
150 grams 24.00 24.50 Sm Calamba 24.00
320 grams 18.00 20.00 Sm Calamba 18.00
Nestle All
Purpose 250 Ml 41.00 46.00 Sm Calamba 41.00
Condensed Mercado de
218 grams 37.50 28.50 28.50
Milk Calamba
Cheddar Mercado de
180 grams 47.00 42.75 42.75
Cheese Calamba
185 grams 66.00 69.75 Sm Calamba 66.00
Brown Mercado de
500 grams 60.50 55.00 55.00
Sugar Calamba
250 grams 21.50 22 Sm Calamba 21.50
Baking Mercado de
50 grams 12.00 10.00 10.00
powder Calamba
Mercado de
Cake flour 400 grams 56.50 52.75 52.75
Mercado de
Vanilla 20 Ml 24.00 20.00 20.00
Cocoa Mercado de
70 Grams 34.95 30.00 30.00
powder Calamba
Mercado de
Eggs 1 Dozen 76.00 72.00 72.00
Unsalted Mercado de
225 Grams 45.00 43.00 43.00
Butter Calamba
TOTAL ₱ 660.45 ₱ 637.75 ₱ 613.50
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Kitchen Supplies and Equipment

Table 3.2 illustrates the cost of kitchen supplies, materials and equipment that

will be used in the production.

Description SM Calamba Choice Amount
849.75 855.00 SM 849.75
Electric mixer
775.00 575.00 Trade center 368.00
690.00 489.75 Trade center 150.00
Baking pan
2999.75 2395.00 Check point 2395.00
100.00 98.79 Trade center 90.00
Mixing bowl
59.75 69.59 SM 59.75
Chopping board
79.75 75.59 Trade center 35.00
4999.75 16990.00 SM 4999.75
258.75 150.25 Trade center 106.00
149.75 150.75 SM 149.75
69.75 45.75 Check point 45.75
Measuring cups
2599.75 1690.00 Trade center 1150.00
Measuring 45.75 39.75 Trade center 35.00
100.00 75.00 Trade center 50.00
Pot holder
150.75 120.00 Trade center 85.00
Kitchen/dish 60.00 50.75 Trade center 35.00
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

200.00 155.00 Trade center 150.00
269.75 195.85 Trade center 168.75
Extension cord
1550.00 1150.00 Check point 1150.00
LPG tank
1500.00 965.00 Trade center 550.00
Cake server
14999.00 13995.00 Trade center 10599.75
Air conditioner
350.75 280.00 Trade center 135.00
Wall clock
Rice cooker 2899.75 2580.00 Trade center 625.00
with steamer
259.75 195.75 Trade center 100.00
Icing bag

TOTAL 36065.25

Office Equipment

Table 3.3 shows the office equipment and its cost that will be used in

communicating customers.

SM Check point Trade

Description Choice Amount
Calamba mall center
31950.00 2550.99 1890.00 Trade 1890.00
9975.00 5859.75 6890.00 Check 5859.75
point mall
Cellular 10990.00 5250.99 1350.00 Trade 1350.00
phone center
Wi-Fi 3575.00 2850.00 2590.75 Trade 2590.75
modem center
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Cleaning/Safety Supplies

Table 3.4 illustrates the manufacturing/ cleaning supplies and its cost for one


Description SM Calamba Mercado de Choice Amount

Trash bin 120 65 Mercado de
Gloves 59.75 35 Mercado de
Broom 215 150 Mercado de
Trash bag 250.00 180.00 Mercado de
Dust pan 150.75 65.00 Mercado de
Rags 260.00 150.00 Mercado de
Wiping cloth 100.00 50.00 Mercado
Pail 175.00 65.00 Mercado de
Dishwashing 65.00 35.50 Mercado de
Detergent 123.75 120.00 Mercado de
powder Calamba
Fire 5200.00 2300.00 Mercado de
extinguisher Calamba
First aid kit 2575.00 580.00 Mercado de
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Office Supplies

Table 3.5 demonstrates the office supplies and its cost for one year.

Description Quantity Unit
Maya Calamba-
Bookstore National
Pilot Sign
Pencil boxes 68.00 84.75
Short bond
reams 179.00
Short folder Pc 4
Long folder Pc 5
Long bond
reams 212.00
Pcs 6.00 5.50
pcs 7.00
Fastener boxes 5.00
Ruler pcs 5.00
Scotch tape pcs 40.00 26.00
Scotch tape
Pcs 25.00 235.00
Reams 112.00

Stapler Pieces 53.00

Staple wire Boxes 25.00 45.00

Puncher Pcs 50.00
Pcs 30.00 33.50
Pcs 350.00
Scissors Pcs 21.00
Ink pcs 769.00
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Marker 61.00
Petty Cash
Time Card 100 Pcs 89.75

Furniture and Fixtures

Table 3.6 illustrates the furniture and fixtures and its cost.

Sm Mercado de
Calamba Calamba
Office table 1300.00
Office chair 3000.00 3310.00
Ceiling fan 750.00
Electric fan
File cabinet 1350.00
Exhaust fan 765.00
Wall clock 150.00

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Total Costs of Kitchen Supplies and Equipment, Office Equipment,

Cleaning/ Safety Supplies, Office Supplies and Furniture and Fixture

Table 3.7 shows the total cost of kitchen supplies and equipment

Kitchen Supplies and Equipment

Office Equipment

Cleaning/ Safety Supplies

Office Supplies

Furniture and Fixtures


Table 3.8

Year Monthly Annually

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Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Pre-Operating Expenses


Electrical Materials

Table 3.9 illustrates the total cost of electrical materials.

Description Quantity Unit Unit Cost Amount

Light Bulb pieces

Switch pieces



Renovation Materials

Table 3.10 shows the renovation materials total cost.

Description Quantity Unit Unit cost Amount


Paint Gallons 380.00


Faucet Pcs 80.00

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Bags 200.00
Door knob Pcs 100.00
Pcs 1300.00
Glass window Pcs 2000.00

Toilet bowl Pcs 2600.00




Renovation Labor

Table 3.11 shows the renovation labor cost

Position Quantity Duration Rate per day Amount

Labor 1 3 250.00 750.00

Painter 1 2 300.00 600.00

Electrician 1 1 350.00 350.00

Carpenter 1 3 350.00 1050.00

Plumber 1 1 300.00 300.00

TOTAL 5 10 1550.00 3050.00

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


Cost of Electricity Consumption

The electricity will be provided by Meralco. The computation of the Kilowatts

used every day and in a year is as follows:

Annual Electricity Consumption

Table 3.12 illustrates the total daily electricity consumption.

Description Quantity Watt KW Usage TOTAL

Refrigerator 1
Exhaust fan
Light Bulb
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy


Cost of Water Consumption


Weekly Rest Days Schedule


worker 1
Worker 2

Legend: …. Duty …. Rest Day

Schedule of the Working Hours


General Manager

Service Crew

Production worker 1

Production Worker 2
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Chapter IV


Management is a distinct process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and

controlling performance to determine and accomplish stated objectives by the use of human

being and other business resources (Management for Filipinos – Principles and Application

by Conrado E. Iñigo Jr., Ph.D.).

The management aspect discusses the appropriate form of business ownership,

management during pre-operation, specific job description, qualification of the employees,

policies, employee’s benefits, salaries and wages, it show the organizational structure and

function of each member of the proposed business. It also involves application of legal

requirements, corporate goals and management policies that will secure the external and

internal control of the proposed business.

Basic Consideration

For the business to be efficient and effective, the management must have precise and

clear identification and duties and responsibilities, as well as the flow of authority to the

employees and management are necessary to achieve productive and competitive operation.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Choice of Location

The main factor considered in planning and selecting the site for the establishment

of Penne Cake is the cost of constructing the establishment. Instead of looking for a vacant

lot to put up a new building, the proponents decided to rent a free space that can be

renovated according to the layout design. In this way, the capital outlay of putting up the

business would be lesser.

Proximity to the downtown area was also put into consideration in choosing the site.

The location is near to the schools and there is so many subdivisions there. The site is very

accessible since there are several jeepney routes passing by Hacienda Hills Subdivision. To

reach the site, students and young professionals can take a short ride and also can take a walk

from their respective schools and offices.

Form of Business Organization

Proponents decided to operate under the law of partnership. By the contract of

partnerships, two or more persons bind themselves to contribute money, property or

industry to a common fund with the intention of dividing profits among themselves.

Advantages of Partnership

 Partnerships are relatively easy to form. However, considerable thought

should be put into developing a partnership agreement at the point of


 Partnership may be subject to fewer regulations than cooperation.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

 There is a stronger potential of access to greater amounts of capital compared

to a sole proprietorship.

 Synergy. There is a clear potential for the enhancement of value resulting

from or more individuals combining strengths.

Disadvantages of Partnership

 Unlimited Liability. General partners are individually responsible for the

obligations of the business, creating personal risk.

 Limited Life. A partnership may end upon the withdrawal or death of a


 There is a real possibility of disputes or conflicts between partners which

could lead to dissolving the partnership. This scenario enforces the need of

partnership agreement.

 Double taxation.

Management during Pre-Operating Period

Before the normal operation takes place, the proposed business must secure the

following requirements:

A. Research and Planning

The firm must identify first the objectives of the business; determine the product to

be distributed and the target market place where the business will be put up.

B. Function of the business

The firm must the business through establishing the business goals and objectives.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
C. Capital build-up

The manager and accountant must know the total projected cost needed in the


D. Business site and improvement and lay out

After the business location is identified, its improvement and lay out follows for the

good ambiance to customers.

E. Securing Government

The manufacturing company must be registered with the city government where it

was established, with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and with the

Department of Trade and Industry.

Management Plan

A. Business Name

In view of the fact that the proponents are considered as production business, their trade

name was PHACK LTD. Partnership’s name came from the names of the proponents: “P”

from Phoebe, “H” from Hannah, “A” from Analiza, “C” from Christmae and “K” from



Capital is one of the factors that must be considered in starting up a business. The

proponents decided to contribute equal amount of money for the four capitalist industrial
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
partners that will contribute their service for the proposed business. Likewise, profits and

losses are also equally shared.

The Procedures of Organizing Partnership

 Register the business with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).

 Have the partnership agreement about the articles of Partnership to be

notarized and register with the SEC.

 Obtain a Tax Identification Number (TIN) for the partnership from the

Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR).

 Obtain the municipal Licenses from the local government and pay taxes and


 Register the book of accounts (Journals and General Ledger) and business

 Forms to be used (Official Receipts).

Government Requirements

A. Municipal Requirements

 Application of Registration

 Barangay Business Clearances

 Articles of Partnership

 Certificate of Registration with Securities and Exchange Commission.

 Community Tax Certificate

 Proof of Ownership

a. Lease of Contract
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
b. Affidavit or Authorization from the real owner of the building/space


 Picture of business establishment

 Fire Department Permit

 Bureau of Food and Drugs

 Sanitary Permit

B. Bureau of Internal Revenue

 Registration of Business Name

a. Tax Identification Number

b. Community Tax Certificate

 Security Tax Account Number of Business Permit

 Mayor’s Permit or Application for Mayor’s Permit

C. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) Requirements

 Name of Verification

 Articles of Partnership

 SEC Registration Certificate

Benefits of Employees

Thirteenth month pay

All employees are entitled to a thirteenth month pay which will be given

every first week of December.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Management Policies

Time Keeping

Service Crew and Baker should arrive early before the opening and required to time

in on the DTR provided and time out after working hours.

Break Period

The Service Crew and Baker will have short break period.


An employee who plans to be absent from work must present a written application

for absences.

Emergency Condition

In case of fortuitous event like weather disturbance (typhoon, flood, and other bad

weather condition) management will issue a memorandum to this effect.

Suspension and Termination

Violation of any rules and regulation or abuse of authority will be liable for proper

disciplinary actions such as termination, suspension, and others.

Composition of Organizational Structure

Organizational structure embodies relationship within an organizational of how the

proposed business is managed. It is formed to ensure effective and efficient communication

and to accomplish a specific goal.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
The following are the composition of the organizational structure of the proposed


 Industrial Capitalist Partner I (General Manager)

 Industrial Capitalist Partner II (Accountant)

 Industrial Capitalist Partner III & IV (Service Crew) (2)

 Baker (2)

Job Description and Specification

A. Selling and Administrative Position

Job Title: General Manager

Accountability: Report to the Partners Committee

Job Description:

 Supervise and direct the operations and activities of the firm and perform the top

management function.

 Approve the hiring and termination of personnel(s) and employee(s) in accordance

with the policies of the company.

 Delegate to subordinates the responsibilities and authority to perform.

 Can impose disciplinary actions or recognition to those under his/her authority.

 Disclose accurate information about overall operation and status of the business to

the partners committee and cooperate with by giving suggestions that may contribute

to the overall improvement and goal attainment of the firm.

 Insure the proper utilization of the capital invested by the partners

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

 Analyze the financial reports to determine firms’ condition and performance and

check if it is in accordance with company’s goals and plans.

 Insures the quality of the finished products as well as the quality of the raw materials



 Must be one of the partners

Job Title: Accountant

Accountability: In charge of bookkeeping and financial statements

Job Description:

 Prepares financial aspects and analyzing account information

 Documents financial transactions by entering account information

 Recommends financial actions by analyzing accounting options

 Substantiates financial transactions by auditing documents

 Maintain accounting controls by preparing and recommending policies and


 Reconcile financial discrepancies by collecting and analyzing account information

 Prepares by verifying documentation, and requesting disbursement

 Prepares financial reports by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing account

information and trends

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

 Must be one of the partners

B. Production Workers Position

Job Title: Service Crew (2)

Accountability: In charge of selling/ order taking (in the first two years of

operations, the service crew will be the partners).

Job Description:

 In the third year, the company will hired two new service crew

 Female

 In charge of the store area of the business

 In charge of selling and taking orders from customers

 Responsible in maintaining products and products display

Job Title: Baker (2)


 Male or female

 Physically fit

 With baking skills

 Can work efficiently and effectively

 Flexible and willing to work on a full time basis

Organizational Procedures and Policies

Internal Control Management

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
The management will have an internal in order to:

 Assure to achieve the objectives of the proposed business for operational

effectiveness and efficiency of all the workers.

 Makes service crew accommodate and serve the customers quickly acting

simultaneously cashier.

 Make an accountant responsible in making financial statements

 Direct the General Manager to administrate the day to day operation of the


Quality Control

 Baker must assure the cleanliness of the product during its preparations process

 To avoid contamination, all equipment as well as utensils must be well-sanitized and

cleansed from the bacteria and dirt

 Service crew secure the sanitation within the food cart and free from insects

 Bakers and service crew must maintain proper hygiene

 Service crew must applied the FIFO method

Total number of days

in a year
New year’s holiday
Araw ng kagitingan
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Labor day
Independence day
National heroes day
Ninoy Aquino day
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

All saints day

Bonifacio day
Christmas day
Rizal day
Total working day
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Organizational Chart

Committee (2)

General Accountant (1)

Manager (1)

Service Service
Crew Crew
Person A Person B

Penne Cake

Baker (2)
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Gantt chart

Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Conduct Business

Partnership Formation

Capital Procurement

Business Site
Improvement & Layout

Acquisition of Facilities
and Equipment

Securing Government

Hiring Employees

Buying of Raw Materials

Normal Production &

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Chapter V

Financial Aspects

This chapter will show the capitalization required to finance the project and the

sources of investment. This involves the projection of revenues, costs, and expenses for five

periods through the projected financial statements that is based on realistic financial

assumptions. The word financial is the life-blood of the business. This is the most important

things to be considered by the company. The proponents must have the sufficient

knowledge regarding financial management to protect its sources.

Sources of investment

The proposed business will need to start-up-cost Php .......... (AMOUNT) for the sources of

the investment of the project cost will be equally divided among the partners.

Table 5.0 Sources of Investment


Atienza, Phoebe Kate T.
Cantalejo, Christmae Jussel M.
Feliciano, Hannah P.
Manaig, Analiza A.
Padilla, Kathlyn S.
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Chapter VI

Socio-Economic Aspect

The goal of every business is to earn or gain profit. A good business organization

focuses not only on its benefits but also its external environment specifically the society and

the economy. This aspect discusses how the project will give little help to the society,

especially to the barangay.

The proposed business will be a great assistance socially and economically in terms

of the following entity:


The proposed business will keep the customer satisfied with the product that is being

offered. It will also provide the convenience and efficiency to the prospective buyers.

Employment Opportunities

Penne Cake would provide jobs to some individuals and help them to earn money

for their living. At the same time the proposed business would lessen the unemployment rate

in the country.

In putting up the business, there would be five (5) employees to be employed – one

(1) store manager, two (2) kitchen crews/bakers, one (1) front crew/cashier, and one (1)

shop cleaner. An outsourced accountant will be employed for the business’ financial
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
reporting needs. The employment of such persons means that additional jobs will be offered

to those who are suited and competent enough for the aforementioned positions.

Such job opportunities will give these people a stable source of income since they

will be receiving periodic salaries/wages including employee benefits like SSS, PhilHeath and

Pag-IBIG. In the future, when the business has grown and expanded, employee

salaries/wages will correspondingly increase. This means a higher income will be given to the



Once the business will be established and employees will be hired, the government

can collect business income tax and personal income tax. This would mean additional

income for the government which it will use to conduct its operations.

In case of business expansion, the taxes that will be collected from the establishment

will increase since it will be earning more than its usual income. Moreover, additional taxes

will also be collected from the employees because of salary increase and the increase of

number of employees. In short, when the business and employees earns more, the

government also earns more.

Through taxes, the business will be able to help in the projects, activities and

programs implemented by the government for the development of our country. Through

taxes, the business will be able to contribute to the government fund used by the

government to support the needs of its people.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
The government will benefit through the collection of income taxes from the

employees and employer of the proposed business. It will also get revenue from taxes and

licenses paid by the business.


The proposed business is expected to contribute economically in the development of

the community. The establishment of the business will signify a good impression of the

productivity of the business image.

PHACK’s employment of community members will contribute to the overall

employment growth in Palo Alto, even though such employees will only comprise a very

small fraction of the city’s whole population. The opening of the business will still help the

community in achieving its goal to lower the number of unemployed individuals. In this way,

it will also help in reducing poverty. The newly-hired employees, having enough income, will

be able to afford and sustain the needs of their respective families

The establishment will also uphold productivity and competitiveness in the business

industry where it belongs. On the other hand, it will also help its various suppliers of raw

materials and other basic items, particularly the baking ingredients and penne suppliers in

Calamba City, to increase the demand of their products and/or services and the profit that

they will earn.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Chapter VII

Environmental Aspect

This chapter deals with how the business will affect the environment and how will

the company dispose its waste materials properly. During and after the operations waste is

unavoidable. Those are waste materials, plastics, paper materials, bottles, leftover food and

much more. These materials if disposed improperly will pollute the air, water resources and

give an unpleasant view to the surroundings. In addition, poor housekeeping promotes a

shelter for cockroaches, flies and rodents which are carriers of diseases.

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Chapter VIII

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation

The proponents in this study focused on the feasibility of production of Penne

cake in Barangay Palo Alto, Calamba City, Laguna for 2018, and present the findings as


Marketing Aspects

The proposed project focused on the area of Barangay Palo Alto, Calamba City

as the emphasis of the market. The proponents found that the barangay of Palo Alto in

Calamba city is being more industrialized annually which would bring in more demand also

in the necessity for a Penne Cake store. That is why the proponents take the opportunity of

studying the feasibility of the said project.

Technical Aspects

The project would be located at

St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
St. John Colleges
Chipeco Avenue, Calamba City, Laguna
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

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