De Moivre's Formula

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de Moivre's formula
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In mathematics, de Moivre's formula, named after Abraham de Moivre, states that for any complex number (and, in particular, for any real
number) x and integer n it holds that

The formula is important because it connects complex numbers (i stands for the imaginary unit) and trigonometry. The expression cos x + i
sin x is sometimes abbreviated to cis x.

By expanding the left hand side and then comparing the real and imaginary parts under the assumption that x is real, it is possible to derive
useful expressions for cos (nx) and sin (nx) in terms of cos x and sin x. Furthermore, one can use a generalization of this formula to find
explicit expressions for the nth roots of unity, that is, complex numbers z such that zn = 1.

1 Derivation
2 Failure for non-integer powers
3 Proof by induction (for integer n)
4 Formulas for cosine and sine individually
5 Generalization
6 Applications
7 See also
8 References
9 External links

Although historically proven earlier, de Moivre's formula can easily be derived from Euler's formula

and the exponential law for integer powers

Then, by Euler's formula,

Failure for non-integer powers

De Moivre's formula does not in general hold for non-integer powers. Non-integer powers of a complex number can have many different
values, see failure of power and logarithm identities. However there is a generalization that the right hand side expression is one possible
value of the power.

The derivation of de Moivre's formula above involves a complex number to the power n. When the power is not an integer, the result is
multiple-valued, for example, when n = ½ then:

For x = 0 the formula gives 1½ = 1

For x = 2π the formula gives 1½ = −1

Since the angles 0 and 2π are the same this would give two different values for the same expression. The values 1 and −1 are however both
square roots of 1 as the generalization asserts.

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No such problem occurs with Euler's formula since there is no identification of different values of its exponent. Euler's formula involves a
complex power of a positive real number and this always has a preferred value. The corresponding expressions are:

ei0 = 1

eiπ = − 1

Proof by induction (for integer n)

The truth of de Moivre's theorem can be established by mathematical induction for natural numbers, and extended to all integers from there.
Consider S(n):

For n > 0, we proceed by mathematical induction. S(1) is clearly true. For our hypothesis, we assume S(k) is true for some natural k. That is,
we assume

Now, considering S(k+1):

We deduce that S(k) implies S(k+1). By the principle of mathematical induction it follows that the result is true for all natural numbers.
Now, S(0) is clearly true since cos (0x) + i sin(0x) = 1 +i 0 = 1. Finally, for the negative integer cases, we consider an exponent of -n for
natural n.

The equation (*) is a result of the identity , for z = cos nx + i sin nx. Hence, S(n) holds for all integers n.

Formulas for cosine and sine individually

Being an equality of complex numbers, one necessarily has equality both of the real parts and of the imaginary parts of both members of the
equation. If x, and therefore also cos x and sin x, are real numbers, then the identity of these parts can be written (interchanging sides) as

These equations are in fact even valid for complex values of x, because both sides are entire (that is, holomorphic on the whole complex
plane) functions of x, and two such functions that coincide on the real axis necessarily coincide everywhere. Here are the concrete
instances of these equations for n = 2 and n = 3:

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The right hand side of the formula for cos(nx) is in fact the value Tn(cos x) of the Chebyshev polynomial Tn at cos x.

The formula is actually true in a more general setting than stated above: if z and w are complex numbers, then

is a multi-valued function while

is not. Therefore one can state that

This formula can be used to find the nth roots of a complex number. This application does not strictly use de Moivre's formula as the power
isn't an integer. However considering the right hand side to the power of n will in each case give the same value left hand side.

If z is a complex number, written in polar form as


where k is an integer. To get the n different roots of z one only needs to consider values of k from 0 to n − 1.

See also
Root of unity

Abramowitz, Milton & Stegun, Irene A. (1964), Handbook of Mathematical Functions, New York: Dover Publications, p. 74,
ISBN 0486612724.

External links
De Moivre's Theorem for Trig Identities ( by Michael
Croucher, Wolfram Demonstrations Project.
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Categories: Complex analysis | Mathematical theorems | Articles containing proofs

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