Final Assignment Lesson Plan

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StonyBrookUniversity MAT 517

Alaa Abd-El-Hafez Technology for Teachers

Brittany Ward Sumer 2018
Final Assignment
Lesson Plan
Subject: Geometric Applications Period: 3 and 7
Proving a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram with Coordinate Geometry using GeoGebra
Learning Objective(s):
• Demonstrates how to prove a quadrilateral is a parallelogram using coordinate ge-
ometry with GeoGebra.
• Demonstrates how to apply the appropriate property.
• Students will be able to prove parallelograms using coordinate geometry with Geoge-
• Students will be able to find apply the appropriate formula to prove a parallelogram.
New York State Learning Standard:
HSGCO.C.11 prove theorems about parallelograms. theorems include: opposite sides are
congruent, opposite angles are congruent, the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other,
and conversely, rectangles are parallelograms with congruent diagonals.
• Smart board
• Worksheets: ”Proving a Quadrilateral is a Parallelogram with Coordinate Proofs”
• Graphing Calculator
• Math Notebooks
• Pens/pencils
• Chromebooks with GeoGebra
Warm Up:
Have students list the 6 properties of a parallelogram. Then, have students write the ap-
propriate formula next to the property, if applicable. For example: Property: Both pairs of
opposite sides are parallel. (Slope formula)
Use of Technology
• 1. Students will complete the Warm Up.
• 2. After completing the “Warm Up” and writing the appropriate formula next to the
property, if applicable, Explain what GeoGebra is.
• 3. Then explain to students how GeoGebra will provide a visual aspect of proving
quadrilaterals are parallelograms and identifying the properties using GeoGebra.
• 4. Each student is given a chromebook with GeoGebra installed and a worksheet to
fill in to use to prove the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
• 5.On the worksheet and in GeoGebra, students write their plan: the formula they are
going to use and their calculations to show that the quadrilateral is a parallelogram.
(Students will write their plan with the TextBox option)

• 6. Students are given the worksheet to prove quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram.

The vertices are A(-1,0), B(0,-3), C(2,1), D(1,4). Using GeoGebra, use the polygon
tool to create a quadrilateral with those 4 vertices.
• 7. Tell students to look at their input window and ask students what they notice
about the lengths of a, b, c and d. (Students should see a= 3.16, b= 4.47, c=
3.16 and d= 4.47.) Ask: What formula would you use to calculate the sides of the
quadrilateral? Which property does this align with?
• 8. Using the line tool, (3rd button), drop down the arrow and select “Segment”. This
will allow students to create diagonals from A to C and B to D. (Each line segment
will be automatically labeled.)
• 9. Next, tell students to arrow over to the point tool, drop the arrow down and
click on “Midpoint or Center” option. (Explain how this feature will allow students
to create a midpoint between two points.) To find the midpoint of A to C, simply
click on the ”Midpoint or Center” option, then click on point A, then Point C and
a midpoint will be created with with the appropriate coordinates. Use the same
concept to create the midpoint between B and D. What do you notice about the two
midpoints that were created between line segment AC and line segment BD?
• 10. Have students identify their conclusion about why their quadrilateral is a paral-
lelogram. Example: (ABCD is a parallelogram because both pairs of opposite sides
are congruent and the diagonals bisect each other sharing the same midpoint.)
Closure: Ask the students to answer the aim: “ How can we prove Parallelograms with
coordinate Geometry?” “Using GeoGebra, what tool do you use to create a quadrilateral?”
“What is the procedure in finding the midpoint between two points? (Using GeoGebra tools)
Exit Ticket: Provide students with a “Try it” problem. Students will be given the
following vertices: A(1,5), B(-1,2), C(1,-1) and D(3,2). Ask students to prove this quadrilat-
eral is a parallelogram by using the midpoint tool. This “Try it” problem follows the same
concept as the first problem. While students are working, the teacher circulates the room to
check for understanding.
Homework Assignment: Students will be given a worksheet that asks stu-
dents to prove the quadrilaterals are parallelograms. Students will use GeoGebra to create
their quadrilaterals. To submit their homework, students will save files from the program
and upload their work to Google Classroom in the folder called “Coordinate Proofs- Paral-
lelograms with Technology”. (Every student has access to this folder with their login).

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