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Kia ora e te Kiingi,

In response to your public criticism of me at the Iwi Chairs dinner at Hopuhopu last week I have
taken the opportunity to write this email to you.

You leave me no choice but to defend myself publicly because that is where you have aired your

I can handle your character assassination of me but what makes me deeply sad and disappointed
is the way Rangi has manipulated you and the Kiingitanga.

Our people see you as a ‘puppet’ King. Rangi pulls the strings and you dance to his tune.
It’s despairing because it’s destroying the credibility of Kiingitanga. As I travel around the Motu
the support for Kiingitanga is in decline. The legacy of nationwide support that your mother
created over a forty year long reign is fast eroding.

The recent media coverage of the Serious Fraud Office investigation into Rangi Whakaruru is
another hammer blow to the credibility of Waikato and Kiingitanga. The fact that Sir Wira Gardiner
confirmed in the recent Whakakitenga AGM hui that Rangi Whakaruru is the sole person under
investigation for serious allegations is embarrassing.

You only have to look around and see the damage Rangi has caused. Off all of the Tribal entities
the King’s office has had the largest number of directors dismissed since Ururangi Trust was set
up in 2008. The largest staff turnover in the tribe has been in the Kings office. The person
responsible for getting rid of Directors and staff was Rangi Whakaruru. He even sacked highly
respected business leader, Sir John Goulter who said to the Charities Commission that Ururangi
Trust was tainted by ‘BROS EMPLOYING BROS’.

So why was Sir John Goulter and Traci Houpapa sacked. It wasn’t because they performed
poorly as Directors. Sir John singlehandedly saved Ururangi Trust from being compulsorily de-
registered and cleaned up the publicly embarrassing Financials. $129,000 spent on perfume,
beauty treatments and clothes. There was also $90,000 in cash withdrawals. As for the NINE
staff members on the payroll, we will soon know who they are when the Serious Fraud Office
undertakes their investigation. All of the spending was under Rangi Whakaruru’s Management.
As reported in the media we will also find out who received a $43,000 tummy-tuck operation at a
Private Hospital in Auckland once the SFO investigation is completed.

Donna Flavell, Tribal CEO is in charge of 60 staff and Rangi has 5. Rangi has no tertiary
qualifications and Donna has a University law degree and yet Rangi is paid a higher Salary than
Donna. That is disgusting and wrong.

I feel betrayed and manipulated because If I had known how the funds were being spent, I would
never have argued to maintain the level of funding when I was your Kahui Ariki Rep. While it’s
easy for you to abuse and humiliate me and others, just remember who pushed to maintain
Funding levels to your office while it was being spent on Cars, loans, perfume, beauty treatments
and clothes.

When you are criticizing others, look in your own backyard because the facts don’t lie. How can a
$83,000 loan be given to Rangi Whakaruru when tribal members have no homes and kai to put
on their table. How can Rangi justify his $250,000 salary, his $100,000 leased SUV and his ability
to have all his expenses reimbursed by the office including Business Class travel, Hotels and
incidentals when some tribal members don’t even have kai to give their children to take to school.
Outside the very doors of your office in Ngaruawahia, the HUK Gang is providing lunches for our
When you were first selected as King I was proud and like many others I believed you deserved a
chance to grow into the role. There was a time when I prayed that you were going to be a good
King, a generous King, someone who cared about his people.

I was taught that Kiingitanga belongs to the people and it’s the people that put you in your
position. There was a time when I gave you my complete support but now that is but a fading
memory. I will always be a supporter of the Kaupapa of Kiingitanga because that is the way I was
taught by our Kaumatua and Kuia.

I mistakenly thought that you could unite and lead the Maori Nation across this country but with
Rangi Whakaruru at your side you are doomed to fail.

Some of the public and often ‘off the cuff’ speeches you made were embarrassing because you
are a poor communicator.

As your Chief Advisor, I cringed each time you stood to speak. There were occasions when you
publicly abused people by swearing at them. Speech making is not your strength to stop
embarrassing yourself in the future you should say nothing and allow others who are better skilled
to speak for you.

I remember vividly in the early part of your reign, we had a huge argument in Greg Millers office
over a separate payment for Atawhai. At that time Greg Miller was your Kahui Ariki

How you, Greg Miller and Rangi Whakaruru ambushed me in Greg Millers Toll office in Auckland
and it was all about money. I reminded you that day that your father HAD NOT taken one dollar
during your mothers reign. I refused to give in to your demands and all I got from you was a
torrent of abuse ending with you telling me to ‘stick the tribes money up my arse’. I would not
change my mind because the Tribal funds set aside for the Office of Kiingitanga was exclusively
for you as King, not anyone else. I even offered you my immediate resignation as Chairman of Te
Kaumarua during our disagreement but you weren’t interested. When I returned to Waikato I told
uncle John Haunui what had happened and his reply was ’Kia Kaha e Tama, keep going’.

You say you sacked me. I have a resignation letter that I sent to Rangi and Te Arataura. I’ve got
proof that I resigned well before the September General elections and the Tribal elections and I
intend to show that publicly.

Your reign as King is tainted with allegations after allegations followed by a series of
investigations. Your mate Rangi is under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office and facing
serious allegations. The Serious Fraud Office has wider powers than the Police. They can even
demand Banking Records that cover the last seven years. If there is evidence of wrongdoing the
SFO will find it and those who are responsible.

I still remember when we went to New York to accompany the former Prime Minister Helen Clarke
to the United Nations. Helen Clarke did not want Rangi to attend the event because of the fear
that his presence would create a media sideshow. The day before the ceremony in New York we
received the damning media reports from New Zealand of Rangi Whakaruru’s historic abuse.

Raiha Mahuta called a special meeting with you in our Hotel and insisted Rangi did not attend
Helen Clarkes Powhiri in the UN. Rangi had no option and stayed in the Hotel.

Rangi and I left New York early because he claimed he had organized a meeting with the Sheik of
Dubai, Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum and the President in charge of Emirates Airlines.
The 3 extra days that Rangi and I stayed in Dubai was a total waste of time and money. We left
empty handed and unsuccessful at getting any meetings with the Sheik or the President of

It’s not so long ago that I warned Rangi that If he ever brought disrepute to the Office of the King,
Kiingitanga and Waikato he should go.

My only advice to you now is to SACK Rangi Whakaruru as your Chief of Staff/ Adviser before it is
too late. The people who have the skills to protect you and your Kingship are deserting you
because of their mistrust of Rangi.

I was one of your strongest and most loyal supporters but I will not return while Rangi is at your

Just remember who provided support for your son Korotangi when he was charged with theft and
then appeared in the Auckland District Court. I did, I sat with Korotangi in the Court. I supported
him when the media went after him.

Some of our people may fear you. I don’t and I never have.

It’s easy for you to criticize me at the Iwi leaders Forum or even at Koroneihana when I’m not
there. A true leader would do it ‘Face to Face’.

So lets do it in front of our people. Make sure you have Rangi Whakaruru at your side. Our people
and the Motu Leaders will want to know what we have to say to each other at the Waahi Poukai.

Waahi Marae is a great place for you to criticize me and then I can take the opportunity to have
my say and tell the people what it was really like working with you and Rangi.

In conclusion, I’m responsible for my own views and actions. What I do and the decisions I make
have nothing to do with my whanau and children. Leave them alone and just deal with me.

Ma te Atua koe e tiaki e manaaki

Tukoroirangi Morgan

Ngati Makirangi
Ngati Mahuta

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