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Bronchiectasis. Tramline shadows are visible through the heart shadow.

Bronchiectasis. Multiple ring shadows, many containing air-fluid

levels, are present throughout the lower zones of this patient with cystic
bronkiekasi sambaran cincin mul

A.There is dextrocardia and wide spread bronciecasis,most obvious at the left base
(B) A lateral viewdemonstrates an air-fluid level (arrows) within a dilated bronchus.

Differential diagnosis
_ Bronchiectasis may be difficult to appreciate on plain films and even
sometimes on CT.
_ The main differential on plain films and CT lies with the honeycombing
seen in advanced pulmonary fibrosis.
_ On CT, bullous emphysema can mimic cystic bronchiectasis.
However, expiratory films confirm air trapping in emphysema and a
degree of airway collapse in bronchiectasis.

A-Z chest radiology

Allergic Bronchpulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA)

In both the upper radiograph and lower close-up of the right upper lobe, there are sveral dense,
tube-like soft tissues that extand from the hilum of the right lung outward in a "glove-in-finger"
appearnce consistent with ABPA (white arrows)

Radiologi imaging
Emfisema bula perbercakan kedua paru dari proses spesifik dengan bayangan bula di kedua paru atas

Fibrosis kistik

Fig. 6.14 Bronchiectasis with air trapping. CT image at end expiration

demonstrates areas of relatively higher and lower attenuation. The lower
attenuation areas indicate air trapping.

Sutton hal 175

Bronkiektasis sulit untuk terlihat pada gambaran foto thorax maupun pada ct scan

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