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Public Works Authority

State of Qatar


(Combined Pack)
Version 1.0
April 2017
State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Validation and Verification Plan


File Name: ITS_V and V_Ver_1_0

Contract Name/Project ID: Contract 5 – ITS Consultancy Services / IA 10-11/D/027/G

File Location:

Deliverable Name: ITS Validation and Verification Plan

Version Date Status Author Reviewer Approver

1.0 April 2017 First Issue F. George M. Rodriguez P. Rowley

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Validation and Verification Plan

Document Introduction
These documents define the high-level validation and verification requirements applicable to
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) devices and related technology that shall be deployed within
the State of Qatar. The current pack of ITS validation and verification documents (plans and checklists)
are listed in the following table.

Version Number and

Document Title
Date of Issue
















Validation and verification plans and checklist documents

The validation and verification documents should be read in conjunction with Ashghal ITS Deployment
Guidelines, Ashghal Civil and Structural Standards for ITS, Ashghal ITS Specifications and related

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Public Works Authority
State of Qatar



Version 1.0
April 2017
State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Validation and Verification Plan - Overview


File Name: Overview V_V Plan Ver_1_0

Contract Name/Project ID: Contract 5 – ITS Consultancy Services / IA 10-11/D/027/G

File Location:

Deliverable Name: Validation and Verification Plan Overview

Version Date Status Author Reviewer Approver

Internal D. Verma & M.

0.1 December 2016 D. Milnes
Draft D. Newton Rodriguez
following M.
0.2 March 2017 D. Milnes P. Rowley
RMD/ISD Rodriguez
Draft Final
0.3 March 2017 for D. Milnes P. Rowley
1.0 April 2017 First Issue D. Milnes P. Rowley

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Validation and Verification Plan - Overview

Table of Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Document Purpose ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Supporting Resources and References ............................................................................... 6
1.4 Quality Systems ................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Overview of Test Stages ...................................................................................................... 7
1.6 Testing Roles and Responsibilities ...................................................................................... 9
1.7 Contractor Test Plans and Test Record Sheets ................................................................. 10
1.8 Definition of Test Pass and Failure.................................................................................... 10
1.9 Current ITS Device Specific Validation and Verification Plans .......................................... 11
2 ITS Scheme Validation and Verification Testing.......................................................................... 12
2.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.1 Contractor Testing Activities ..................................................................................... 12
2.2 General Test Requirements .............................................................................................. 15
2.2.1 Test Tools .................................................................................................................. 16
2.2.2 Test Plans .................................................................................................................. 16
2.2.3 Test Record Sheet ..................................................................................................... 17
2.2.4 Work Flow of Activities ............................................................................................. 18
2.3 Factory Acceptance Testing .............................................................................................. 19
2.4 Material Acceptance Testing ............................................................................................ 20
2.5 Proof of Performance 1 (Equipment Level) ...................................................................... 21
2.6 Proof of Performance 2 (Site Level) .................................................................................. 21
2.7 Proof of Performance 3 (Scheme)..................................................................................... 22
2.8 Proof of Performance 4 (Integration) ............................................................................... 23
Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet ....................................................................................... 24

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Validation and Verification Plan - Overview

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Term Definition

BS British Standard

BS EN British Standard European Norm

BS ISO British Standard International Standards Organization

CCTV Closed Circuit Television

DMS Dynamic Message Sign

EMAS Enterprise Asset Management System

FAT Factory Acceptance Test

GME Ground Mounted Enclosure

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems

LAN Local Area Network

LCS Lane Control Signs

MAT Material Acceptance Test

NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol

OVDS Over-height Detection System

PAT Production Acceptance Test

POP Proof-of-Performance Test (divided into three parts: POP1, POP2 and POP3)
QCS Qatar Construction Standards

QHDM Qatar Highway Design Manual

QTCM Qatar Traffic Control Manual

SCT Scheme Commissioning Testing

TMC Traffic Management Center

WAN Wide Area Network

WIM Weight In-Motion

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Validation and Verification Plan - Overview

1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This document defines the high level validation and verification requirements applicable to Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS) devices and related technology that shall be deployed within the State
of Qatar. Linked with this document are individual ITS devices and related technology validation and
verification guidance, Figure 1-1 shows these documents and describes the relationship between the
validation and verification plans and other test documentation.

Figure 1-1: Relationships between the validation and verification plans and test documents

This document and any other validation and verification documents should be read in conjunction
with Ashghal ITS Deployment Guidelines, Ashghal Civil and Structural Standards for ITS, Ashghal ITS
Specifications and related documents as per section 1.3 Supporting Resources and References of this

The ITS validation and verification tests concentrate on ITS technology testing, they do not test the
state of the mounting infrastructure or non-active components, these items shall be tested as part of
any normal project however are out of scope of the ITS Validation and Verification documents.

1.2 Intended Audience

These documents are directed at individuals and organizations involved in the design and deployment
of ITS devices. Expected users of these documents are: designers, systems integrators, contractors,
supervision consultants and equipment vendors.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Validation and Verification Plan - Overview

1.3 Supporting Resources and References

Reference to latest and

approved version
The intent of these documents is to standardize the design of
Ashghal Civil and Structural
infrastructure elements that support ITS. This series of references
Standards for Intelligent
should be referred to by Ashghal and their consultants for all ITS
Transportation Systems

The ITS Specifications should be referred to by Ashghal and their

Ashghal’s ITS Specifications
consultants for all ITS projects.

The NTCIP Guide is a document created to assist in

understanding, specifying, and using a consistent set of defined
and standardized communications protocols and methods for ITS
devices, (The NTCIP Guide is supported with freely available and
open protocol based data definitions for all types of ITS devices).
The National Transportation
The NTCIP collection of data and protocol definitions should be
Communications for ITS
used to assure that devices and systems, both at the roadside and
Protocol (NTCIP) Guide
between control centres, use open protocols and can easily
communicate with each other. Failure to comply with NTCIP
protocol use in devices will be seen as a critical failure during
testing and devices which are non-conformant will not be allowed
to be used on schemes in the State of Qatar.

The Qatar Construction Specifications are intended for use with

the General Conditions of Contract. Contractors shall comply
with every requirement of the Qatar Construction Specification
that is relevant to the type of work forming any part of the
Qatar Construction
Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or
Specifications (QCS)
alternative that is best suited to the needs of the construction
work being undertaken. Where there is a conflict between this
document and the Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS) then
QCS shall apply.

This manual provides guidance on the basic principles of traffic

Qatar Traffic Control Manual
signage and road markings. Contractors are expected to deliver
schemes in line with this manual.

Qatar Highway Design Manual This manual provides the guidelines for the design of roadways
(QHDM) and intersections in Qatar.

Table 1-1: Documentation resources

It is expected that the designers’ reference material will be the most current version of the
applicable relevant standard or specifications which includes any interim amendments or inclusions.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Validation and Verification Plan - Overview

In addition to these references, additional resources and references may be required or identified
during the design and installation process and become part of the validation and verification process.

It is the designers’ responsibility to ensure that equipment provided either complies or conforms to
the most up-to-date standards and specifications at the time of the design, with reference to Ashghal
approved employer requirements and current international practice in the industry. In the case of
equipment varying from standards but supplying a superior performance it is the expectation of
Ashghal that in such cases contractors shall apply for such equipment to be reviewed as a specific
exception case on a case by case basis. The undertaking of any such review does not imply either
explicitly or implicitly that such devices or equipment may or will be accepted.

1.4 Quality Systems

The contractor and the contractor’s supply chain shall have a quality system that complies with ISO
9001, certified as appropriate for the activities of production and testing of the ITS equipment under
the scope of this Validation and Verification Plan document. This quality system/s shall have been
certified by a certification body accredited to ISO/IEC 17021 unless otherwise agreed by Ashghal.

1.5 Overview of Test Stages

Stages of testing on ITS devices include, but may not be limited to the following:

 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)1 – Factory tests primarily conducted on new to the State of
Qatar or bespoke products – refer to section 2.3;
 Materials Acceptance Testing (MAT) – First inspection, tagging, labelling and inspection of
product – refer to section 2.4;
 Proof of Performance 1 (POP1) – Post installation testing (power up) – refer to section 2.5;
 Proof of Performance 2 (POP2) – Local site acceptance testing – refer to section 2.6;
 Proof of Performance 3 (POP3) – Roadway Scheme based acceptance testing – refer to section

Test requirements within the ITS suite of validation and verification plans are for the ITS device and
do not cover structures or supporting infrastructure. The testing of structure and other elements of a
project should be completed based on the Contract/Project Brief requirements, with the testing
approach non-objected to by Ashghal.

The ITS equipment provider/contractor is reminded of their obligations regarding health and safety.
Local regulations and guidelines regarding health and safety are defined in QCS. Any individual
conducting test shall have verified that it is safe and that the appropriate documentation (for example:

FAT is not required for ITS equipment that is already widely in use in the State of Qatar as it is assumed that
suppliers have been pre-qualified. New technologies or products from suppliers that are not pre-qualified would
need to undergo such testing as required by Ashghal before they can be implemented.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Validation and Verification Plan - Overview

method statement, risk assessments and permits) have been completed and approved before
beginning on any test activities.

The level of testing to be conducted at each stage is shown within Table 1-2. Please note the use of
sampling is not acceptable at any level below POP3 on the basis of the limited numbers of ITS
equipment being installed on a scheme by scheme basis.

Test Stage Level of Testing

Factory Acceptance Minimum of the first instance of the product created at the factory
Testing or as required by the Engineer/Contract.

Every instance of the product as it arrives at the contractor’s/project

Materials Acceptance facility. No product shall be dispatched from the contractor’s
Testing warehouse to the construction site without completing MAT

Proof of Performance 1 Every installation instance.

Every installation instance, however where there is high volume low

Proof of Performance 2 cost items Ashghal may agree to sample testing.

Sample of equipment across the scheme as described within the Test

Proof of Performance 3 Plan and non-objected to by Ashghal.
Table 1-2: Level of testing per validation and verification stage

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1.6 Testing Roles and Responsibilities

Test Stage & Responsibilities

Write Test Plan and Test
Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor
Record Sheets
Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s
Non-object to Test Plan
representative representative representative representative representative
Supply Test Equipment Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor

Supply Test Data* Contractor/Ashghal Contractor/Ashghal Contractor/Ashghal Contractor/Ashghal Contractor/Ashghal

Conduct Testing Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor

Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s
Witness Testing
representative representative representative representative representative
Record Results in Test
Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor
Record Sheets
Write Test Report (where
Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor Contractor
defect is reported)
Review and Non-object
Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s Ashghal / Ashghal’s
to Test Record Sheet and
representative representative representative representative representative
Table 1-3: Roles and responsibilities for activities that will be performed during each stage of Validation and Verification Plan
* Depending on the type of test data required, the Contractor shall seek agreement from Ashghal regarding who will provide the test data.
** Only after Ashghal has approved the test report shall the Contractor proceed onto the subsequent stage of testing .

Note where required Ashghal reserve the right to delegate review of documentation, test witnessing and non-objection to results to a trusted and skilled
representative, for Ashghal Expressways Department projects the roles and responsibility for testing is defined in the RACI expressway matrix.

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1.7 Contractor Test Plans and Test Record Sheets

The Contractor is responsible for the creation of all Project and ITS equipment type specific Test Plans
for a Projects ITS devices and supporting element of technology under this document scope. Test
Plans shall describe what (including risk and mitigations), when, where, who and how (including
supporting test equipment) tests shall be conducted. The aim of the Test Plan is to make it clear to
any individual involved as to the procedure, inputs & outputs and roles & responsibilities concerning
conduct of ITS tests (refer to section 2.2.2 for more details).

The Test Record Sheets shall as a minimum be based on the checklists detailed in the individual
validation and verification ITS device type (e.g. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), Dynamic Message Sign
(DMS), etc.) plans and checklist documents and the relevant ITS Specification clauses. Test Record
Sheets shall aim to detail/reference test that enable the Contractor to clearly demonstrate equipment
compliance/conformance with all relevant Project and applicable standards & specifications
requirements (refer to section 2.2.3 for more details). To provide consistency and reduce Contractor
effort an Example Template Test Record Sheet is provided in Appendix A.

1.8 Definition of Test Pass and Failure

There shall be four definitions to define the outcome from a test, these are as follows:

A. Pass (P) – Occurs where the validation and verification requirements are met or exceeded;
B. Pass with Condition (PC) – Occurs when a defect or fault is noticed but:
o does not impact on health and safety;
o consequences arising from the fault are minor and commented issue can and is to be
corrected in a future iteration of the validation and verification checks.
C. Pass with Unexpected Observation (PUO) – Occurs when the performed check is a pass but
additional, non-negative performance is observed.
D. Fail with Comment (FC) – Occurs when a check requirement was not successfully
demonstrated, all failed checks shall have a comment provided so it is clear what corrective
action is required to successfully pass a future iteration of the check.

Note the Contractor is expected to ascertain that all third party issues which could impact on test
results have been resolved before testing begins. Where a third party issue does impact on the ability
to obtain test results (e.g. power cut), the test sequence shall be terminated and restarted from the
beginning (e.g. start from the beginning of the POP1 sequence/stage for that device) at a later date
following resolution to the third party issue, this is unless a non-objection can be obtained from
Ashghal. Such third party issue/force majeure events do not remove obligations from Contractors for
supplying working and correctly specified equipment and in the instance of equipment being found to
not function as expected following such a release from Ashghal the contractor will be obliged at their
cost to remedy the situation and will be required to undertake further tests at the discretion of

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1.9 Current ITS Device Specific Validation and Verification Plans

As of December 2016 the following ITS Device Specific Validation and Verification Plans and checklists
have been created:

 Closed Circuit Television;

 Dynamic Message Sign;
 Lane Control Sign (LCS);
 Over-height Vehicle Detection System (OVDS);
 Traffic Detector:
o Magnetometer;
o Induction Loop;
o Radar;
o Camera (image processing);
o License Plate Reader.
 Weight In-Motion (WIM).

The contractor is responsible for confirming that they have the all relevant (plans and checklists may
have already been created for other type of ITS devices and supporting technology) and latest versions
of the ITS Device Specific Validation and Verification Plans and checklists, before they create their
equipment type specific Test Plans and Test Record Sheets. Where a device to be tested does not
have a supporting Validation and Verification Plan and or checklists, the contractor shall follow the
requirements of the project contract and also gain non-objection from Ashghal on the appropriate
tests to be conducted.

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2 ITS Scheme Validation and Verification Testing

2.1 Overview
This section describes the stages of testing that the Contractor shall perform to ensure that the ITS
system/device/elements meet: Ashghal, Project/Contract and all applicable standards & specification

The objective of a test, is to demonstrate/verify that a predefined requirement has been met through
the conduct of a controlled examination and the review of objective records obtained from that

Several levels of testing are necessary to verify the successful implementation of an ITS device ready
for operation. A “building block” approach to testing allows verification of compliance to Ashghal,
Contract and Project requirements at the lowest level, building up to the next higher level and finally
full compliance with minimal re-testing of lower level requirements once the higher level testing is
performed. After components are tested and accepted at a lower level, they are combined and
integrated with other items at the next higher level, where interface compatibility (and any added
performance and operational functionality at that level) are verified.

At a high level, this testing strategy aims to provide confidence and assurance that any new or changed
piece of ITS equipment:

 Carries out all of the functions required to meet or exceed an expected level of performance;
 Does not perform any unintended functions/action/behavior;
 Is produced to a high level of quality, so enabling reliability and consistency against required
 Is installed in strict accordance with the agreed specification and that the standard of
workmanship is high;
 Does not adversely impact other ITS devices/systems following any loss of functionality or
performance due to failure.

Acceptance of the system and related integration shall be achieved through satisfactory completion
of all stages of testing shown in Figure 2-1 and formal acceptance of all related Test Record Sheets.

Ashghal shall retain the right to witness and/or assign an approved representative to witness any or
all of the tests described in the validation and verification plans.

2.1.1 Contractor Testing Activities

The quality of the ITS system/device/elements depends on the design, build, test and installation
phases of work which, depending on the Contract, may or may not fall within the Contractor’s scope
of work. Ashghal requires visibility of the activities that take place within these phases and requires
that Contractor/s have followed the necessary test procedures and plans during acceptance testing.
These procedures include, but are not limited to:

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 Design Reviews;
 Module Tests;
 Simulation;
 ITS Device Testing (Unit Testing);
 System Testing;
 Integration Testing;
 Interface Testing.

Contractors shall conform to BS EN ISO 9001 and 9002 to help ensure that equipment is installed,
validated and verified to acceptable standards. Ashghal reserves the right to carry out a
comprehensive quality audit of the Contractor to ensure that testing procedures and plans are suitable
and are being followed in accordance with the Contract and this document.

Figure 2-1 shows the ITS Scheme Testing process which forms a subset of the complete end-to-end
validation and verification testing, handover and commissioning process.

Note: Scheme Commissioning Testing (SCT) is part of Wide Area Network (WAN) Testing and is shown
in Figure 2-1 to represent the interface between ITS device/system and WAN Testing.

The Contractor shall conduct the tests contained within the ITS Scheme Testing process (see Figure
2-1) in the order indicated, from MAT (previous FAT if required) through to POP3 testing. The
Contractor shall not begin any stage of testing until earlier stage(s) of testing have been successfully
completed and approved by Ashghal. All work done for the validation and verification shall adhere to
applicable standards.

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Scheme Commissioning Testing (SCT)

Figure 2-1: The ITS Roadway Scheme Validation and Verification Testing Process

Separate Validation and Verification Test Plans for each of the five stages of ITS device testing shown
in Figure 2-1 and Test Record Sheets for each type of equipment shall be created by the Contractor to
test specific clauses defined within the relevant device specifications. Test Plans and Test Record
Sheets (without results but with detailed test descriptions) shall be submitted to Ashghal for approval
prior to any testing taking place.

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Note, a FAT may be required if an ITS device has not previously been installed in the State of Qatar, is
bespoke and/or does not have type approval by Ashghal. If a FAT is deemed necessary by Ashghal,
then the Contractor shall be required to develop a suitable Test Record Sheets for approval by Ashghal.

For information, Figure 2-1 also shows the relationship of the ITS Roadway Scheme Validation and
Verification Testing Process, with that of an overall national ITS solution that includes WAN and Traffic
Management Centre (TMC) Operator Software. The figure also shows how the V&V test stages relate
to the tests described within the National ITS Specifications (i.e. hashed borders). The POP4 tests
shown on as part of the TMC Operator Software and WAN activities is the integration testing between
all three elements (i.e. ITS Roadway Schemes, WAN and TMC Operator Software).

2.2 General Test Requirements

Specific requirements to the type of testing for different types of ITS device and supporting technology
are provided in the dedicated equipment type validation and verifications (e.g. CCTV, DMS, etc. refer
to checklists within documents listed in section 1.9). The following list defines the general test
requirements that shall be followed by the Contractor. Note unless otherwise specified by Ashghal or
the contract timescale testing shall be as defined in this documents.

 Provide and submit a Test Record Sheet/s (pre-results and for each relevant equipment type)
and Test Plan for approval by Ashghal. Any testing performed before approval of the
submitted Test Plan(s) and Test Record Sheet(s) shall not be considered by Ashghal.
 Resubmit all test documentation that does not receive non-objection by Ashghal after
relevant corrective measures are completed.
 Schedule testing and notify Ashghal of the testing dates. Notification of test dates shall be
provided at least 12 working days prior to testing to allow sufficient time to make
arrangements to witness the testing.
 Ensure that the tests are well prepared and rehearsed.
 As a minimum, perform tests on supplied equipment and systems in accordance with
approved test documentation. Note, the Contractor shall provide all required portable
computers, applicable test device(s) and tools, applicable test software packages,
consumables, utilities and qualified personnel necessary to perform the testing. The
Contractor shall provide the name of the manufacturer, model number and calibration date
of each piece of test equipment calibrated to industry standards. Calibration shall be certified
within two months prior to the actual time of use by a recognized testing facility (where
possible this shall be an Ashghal test facility).
 Record and submit to Ashghal within two weeks after each test all pertinent quantitative and
qualitative Test Record Sheets for each piece of equipment tested
 Analyze and categorize all defects establishing whether they are limited to the specific unit
being tested or could be potential problems in all such units. The Contractor shall then
propose corrective action/s to the defect/s and officially report findings to Ashghal for non-

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If any of the test results reveal a non-conformance to the requirements and/or ITS Specifications, the
equipment, subsystem or system that failed the test shall be considered a defective item and could
be subject to rejection by Ashghal (refer to the project’s Contract). Rejected equipment, subsystems,
or systems may be offered again for a re-test, provided all the defects have been rectified by the
Contractor and the required documentation is submitted to Ashghal. The Contractor shall be expected
to repeat the tests until consistent positive test results are recorded. If the Contractor is able to explain
or show how the testing has not resulted in a sensible outcome but has either failed to examine the
equipment correctly or has not been conducted correctly, then the Contractor at their cost shall be
obliged to repeat the tests with a new test plan and test outcomes which have been approved by

Note Ashghal can at their discretion, ban equipment that has failed to pass tests and require
alternatives to be installed.

The acceptance at each stage (e.g. POP1, POP2, POP3) of testing does not imply that defects found at
a later date do not require the Contractor to return to the relevant earlier stage of testing. Retesting
shall be required to the level necessary to isolate any defect and establish a course of action to remedy
the situation. Retesting, if performed, may be at the cost of the Contractor (refer to the project’s

2.2.1 Test Tools

The Contractor shall identify and provide all equipment, materials and other apparatus necessary to
perform the tests (e.g., digital multi-meter, protocol analyzer, laptop with test software, ground tester
etc.) as required to perform and support the approved Test Record Sheet. The required test
equipment and related procedures shall be detailed in the Test Plan and shall meet the following
general requirements:

 Test procedures and plans should refer to specific test hardware and software, if and where
applicable and should include the necessary steps to set-up, load, initialize and operate the
test equipment and/or software.
 All test equipment should have current certifications or calibrations and be approved for the
specific intended application before use during any witnessed testing.
 All test personnel should be fully qualified and/or certified to operate the specific test
equipment and software.
 To ensure the repeatability of the test conditions, the test equipment and/or software and
operational data including specific "scripts" to be used during verification testing should be
under configuration management control before testing starts.

2.2.2 Test Plans

All Test Plans shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to Ashghal for review and approval
prior to commencing testing. The Test Plans shall describe what (including risk and mitigations), when,
where, who and how (including supporting test equipment) tests shall be conducted (refer to section

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Specifically, for POP2 and POP3 testing, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to develop the detailed
test procedures, plan and test (where tests are detailed or reference in the Test Description box of the
Test Record Sheet) based on all of Ashghal’s requirements.

The Contractor shall design the test procedures and plans to confirm that the ITS devices, system
elements and related systems meet all of Ashghal’s requirements, Ashghal ITS Specifications and
project Contract.

As a minimum, the Test Plans developed by the Contractor shall include the following:

 Test title, requirements to be tested, goals and objectives and procedure description;
 Proposed test dates, individuals to conduct test and on which device/systems;
 Purpose of the tests and required outcomes;
 Test procedures, method statement and risk assessments;
 Details of equipment to be tested (e.g. model, make, version numbers);
 Cross reference device type or systems to be tested against the relevant and prepared Test
Record Sheets (note the record sheet shall detail the individual test to be conducted);
 Validation and verification (testing) equipment to be used, identified by manufacturer, model
number, calibration status and date;
 Details of test prerequisites and/or limitations;
 Details of test responsibilities e.g. who performs testing and witnesses/observes the testing.

MAT or if previously conducted FAT, Test Plans shall also include confirmation of Ashghal Material
Approvals. Where Ashghal Material Approvals have not been conducted on a product (like on any
product completing a FAT), the contractor shall include within the Test Plan a conformance matrix that
cross reference all relevant clauses from the ITS Specification with that of the product’s specifications.

2.2.3 Test Record Sheet

Test Record Sheets shall aim to detail/reference test that enable the Contractor to clearly demonstrate
equipment compliance with all relevant Project and applicable standards & specifications
requirements. The Contractor shall submit Test Record Sheets (with results) and Report (where a
defect is identified) to the relevant Ashghal project team, within 2 weeks following a completed stage
of testing. The number of documents required will be advised by the Ashghal Project Manager,
relevant to that scheme. Acceptance by Ashghal of tests and resolution of any defect shall be based
on these documents and the any observation made by Ashghal during the test.

As a minimum, the Contractor shall provide Test Record Sheets that meet the following requirements:

 All details concerning the test as shown in the example Test Record Sheets in Appendix 1;
 Reference to or detailed description of, each test and expected result to be conducted on a
specific device/system type (refer to applicable standards and specification and individual
equipment type Validation and Verification checklists)
 Detail from the previous tests conducted at this stage where the device failed;

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 Confirmation it was safe to conduct the test (refer to individual equipment type Validation
and Verification checklists);
 Clearly document and record all test results including number of tests passed and failed.
 Description of any exception, failures or anomalies (non-compliances) noted during the test
(course of action taken to correct, if applicable shall be detailed in a supporting report);
 All required data, photograph evidence and reference drawing explanations to permit
evaluation of test reports without the need to obtain this information from other sources.

An example test results sheet is provided in Appendix 1 of this document which the Contractor may
wish to use in its current format or modify accordingly. Any changes will require approval from

The Contractor shall prepare and submit a report to Ashghal for approval if a unit has failed or been
modified as a result of a system test failure. The report shall describe the nature of the failure and the
proposed corrective actions. If a failure pattern develops, Ashghal may direct that design and
construction modifications be made to all similar units.

2.2.4 Work Flow of Activities

Figure 2-2 provide an overview of the key activities relating to each stage of validation and verification

Figure 2-2: ITS Roadway Scheme Validation and Verification Work Flow Overview

Parties responsible for carrying out these activities are summarized in section 1.6.

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2.3 Factory Acceptance Testing

FAT is the first stage of testing and is used to verify that the ITS device/system meets the requirements
defined and documented in the relevant ITS specifications.

Note: A FAT is generally only required to be carried out where the particular ITS device/system has not
been previously installed in the State of Qatar. In the case where the same or an ITS device/system of
similar specification has been previously FAT tested and approved, then a FAT may not be required.
The final decision of whether an ITS device/system is required to undergo a FAT lies with Ashghal.

The main objective of FAT is to provide auditable evidence that the ITS device/system is ready to be
taken to site or imported into the State of Qatar for further stages of acceptance testing. A FAT shall
also cover:

 measuring the quality of equipment assembly (including in-house test processes and
adherence to ISO 9000 standards);
 supply chain & logistics;
 risk assessment of spare parts management and ability of supplier to service a product.

Where a FAT is deemed a requirement by Ashghal then the Contractor shall produce and submit a FAT
Test Plan and supporting Test Record Sheet that details all of the tests that need to be carried out on
the ITS devices/systems undergoing testing.

Where a FAT is required and prior to delivery to site, the Contractor shall conduct the test and certify
that the equipment meets the requirements of the approved FAT Test Plan and Record Sheet. The
Contractor shall then include the following documents in the operations manuals pack prior to the
delivery of the device to site:

 Applicable project specifications (e.g. ITS Specification) compliance matrix (where the product
has not previously completed Ashghal Material Acceptance);
 Completed FAT Test Record Sheet (including empirical test results) conducted by the
contractor to demonstrate compliance to Ashghal’s requirements and those of the contract;
 A statement confirming the warranty provisions associated with the tested device and
associated equipment.

FAT will usually take place at the ITS equipment supplier’s factory/designated test facility or at a
specific location stipulated by Ashghal.

FAT shall be carried out in an environmentally controlled facility with sufficient space for the
equipment undergoing testing, apparatus to perform the testing as well as test personnel and

The test environment and conditions shall be reported to and confirmed with Ashghal prior to
commencement of testing.

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Finally, it is important to note that a FAT can be applied retrospectively to suppliers whom may have
supplied equipment in the past but not been subjected to an FAT. This retrospective testing shall
specifically apply to equipment future orders.

2.4 Material Acceptance Testing

All ITS devices, systems and equipment are required to undergo MAT.

The main objective of MAT is to:

 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation;

 Complete a short work bench power up test that verifies all equipment has its expected basic
operational capability and is in good operating condition before further deployment activity
is conducted (this is not an operation test);
 Asset tagged and logged all received project equipment in line with Ashghal assess
management requirements. Note asset tagging activity also includes cross referencing
received equipment against Ashghal’s database of previously banned/rejected equipment.

In order to meet the above objectives, Ashghal also requires all equipment that fails the work bench
power up test has its serial number, make and model details recorded within the Ashghal asset
database, along with all MAC addresses of any communication technology within the equipment.

The Contractor shall conduct the test (based on previously non-objected to Test Plans and Test Record
Sheet) and certify that the equipment meets the requirements of the approved MAT Test Plan and
Record Sheet. The Contractor shall then include the following documents in the operations manuals
pack prior to the delivery of the device to site:

 Applicable project specifications (e.g. ITS Specification) compliance matrix (where the product
has not previously completed Ashghal Material Acceptance);
 Completed MAT Test Record Sheet (including empirical test results) conducted by the
contractor to demonstrate compliance to Ashghal’s requirements and those of the contract;
 Where not previously provided a statement confirming the warranty provisions associated
with the tested device and associated equipment;
 Asset tagging details (within operation manual pack, Ashghal Enterprise Asset Management
System (EAMS) database and physical tag on devices).

Test equipment and supporting infrastructure shall be provided to properly set-up and conduct the
tests prior to field installation as approved by Ashghal.

All equipment and components to be installed should be inspected to ensure that no damage has
occurred during shipment to the ITS project location.

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2.5 Proof of Performance 1 (Equipment Level)

POP 1 is conducted to test that post installation, the equipment still functions correctly and has not
been damaged during the installation process, therefore all items of equipment should undergo a
POP1 Test. The test does not cover connectivity from enclosures to the equipment but is a direct set
of tests conducted with the equipment in situ.

The Contractor shall conduct the test (based on previously non-objected to Test Plans and Test Record
Sheet) and certify that the equipment meets the requirements of the approved POP1 Test Plan and
Record Sheet. The Contractor shall then include the following documents in the operations manuals
pack prior to the delivery of the device to site:

 Completed POP1 Test Record Sheet (including empirical test results) conducted by the
Contractor to demonstrate compliance to Ashghal’s requirements and those of the Contract.

All equipment and components installed should be on-site, integrated stand-alone tested according
to the approved test procedures and plans to demonstrate that it has been properly installed, set-up
and calibrated for a particular field location; configured and functionally works as specified in the ITS
specifications prior to its integration into the scheme’s communications network and TMC Operator

Prior to connecting or applying power to a newly installed ITS device and/or equipment, the
characteristics and configuration of the power feed (i.e., supply voltage and grounding) and circuit
breakers (i.e., ground fault interrupters and proper amperage ratings) should be re-checked (these
should have already been tested and accepted when they were installed). It should be noted that
improper or incorrect installation may void the warranty and could be hazardous.

Once POP1 has been successfully completed, the ITS equipment inventory and asset and configuration
management control records should be updated, as needed, to show that the ITS device (type,
manufacturer, model and serial number) was installed at the required field location on this date. Any
network switch/router settings, channel assignments, ITS device IP network addressing, cabling,
calibration, etc. unique to the specific location and equipment should be noted for future reference.

2.6 Proof of Performance 2 (Site Level)

POP2 main objective is to confirm that all ITS devices connected to a particular single enclosure
(defined as a site) meet the requirements defined in the relevant ITS specifications. POP2 shall verifies
that devices, components, modules and/or subsystems, operate properly in their intended application
to the extent possible prior to connection to other subsystems or to the LAN communications network.

As different types of ITS device and equipment suppliers may be involved, POP2 requires coordination
and planning by the Contractor between all relevant parties to minimize delay during the testing

POP2 examines actual functions of equipment usually using a test laptop and software connected
directly to a switch in the related enclosure – i.e. uses a laptop as an In-station connected to the local

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switch in the enclosure to test the equipment. The tests may require vendor software to be loaded
onto the laptop in addition to standard software used for generic testing.

The contractor shall conduct the test (based on previously non-objected to Test Plans and Test Record
Sheet) and certify that the equipment meets the requirements of the approved POP2 Test Plan and
Test Record Sheet. The contractor shall then include the following documents in the operations
manuals pack prior to the delivery of the device to site:

 Completed POP2 Test Record Sheet (including empirical test results) conducted by the
contractor to demonstrate compliance to Ashghal’s requirements and those of the contract.

Sample testing may be acceptable for high volume low cost items (e.g. Magnetometers) but individual
testing is required for all high value items (e.g. DMS), the Contractor is required to gain Ashghal non-
objection to sample testing before this approach is conducted.

At this stage Ashghal also reserves the right to conduct additional ad-hoc test as required to confirm
performance, these shall be noted in the Test Record Sheet as they are conducted.

2.7 Proof of Performance 3 (Scheme)

POP3 main objective is to confirm equipment works and communicates correctly across a scheme. It
confirms the equipment does what it is intended to do when operated from a remote location and
meets the functional requirements outlined in the applicable specifications. POP 3 shall test that
equipment located throughout a scheme works from switches at edge of the Limit of Works and where
external links to the Scheme are expected to connect in future. LAN testing is only considered part of
the POP3 ITS equipment tests when it is the LAN specific components being tested, as part of a
dedicated validation and verification LAN specific technology plan.

As with POP2, POP3 examines actual functions of equipment usually using a test laptop and software
connected directly to a switch. Therefore, the tests may require vendor software to be loaded onto
the laptop in addition to standard software used for generic testing. Also as different types of ITS
device and equipment suppliers may be involved, POP3 requires coordination and planning by the
Contractor between all relevant parties to minimize delay during the testing process.

The contractor shall conduct the test (based on previously non-objected to Test Plans and Test Record
Sheet) and certify that the equipment meets the requirements of the approved POP3 Test Plan and
Test Record Sheet. The contractor shall then include the following documents in the operations
manuals pack prior to the delivery of the device to site:

 Completed POP3 Test Record Sheet (including empirical test results) conducted by the
contractor to demonstrate compliance to Ashghal’s requirements and those of the contract.

POP3 shall be conducted after the related communication means is installed and terminated, but
before the related communication circuit is integrated with the existing systems at the TMC/WAN.
The field elements and related communication circuit shall be tested as complete assemblies. Where

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practical or unless otherwise specified, the software used for testing shall be an instance of that which
is intended for use once the equipment becomes operational.

POP3 tests may use a sample of the total ITS equipment installed across a scheme, as long as that
sample is representative of all functions and their distributed connectivity within the scheme.

At this stage Ashghal also reserves the right to conduct additional ad-hoc test as required to confirm
performance, these shall be noted in the Test Record Sheet as they are conducted.

2.8 Proof of Performance 4 (Integration)

POP4 or Scheme Commissioning Testing (SCT) whilst part of the WAN testing specification has an
interface with this specification and shall need to be undertaken following POP3 as each scheme is
integrated into the WAN.

POP4/SCT also has links to TMC Operator software testing and therefore will require coordination
between the ITS, WAN and TMC Operator software contractors (refer to Figure 2-1: The ITS Roadway
Scheme Validation and Verification Testing Process).

The objective of POP4/SCT is to validate the integration and control of the schemes into the national
ITS network.

The Control Room software will be responsible for implementing set plans against ITS Devices, such
as LCS, DMS etc… utilizing open protocol connectivity, this testing should form part of the test plan
of the system integrator once the software solution has been procured.

The dedicated V&V Plans for the individual ITS equipment should ensure open protocol connectivity
to the back office solution, once this is confirmed, then the testing can be implemented from the
control room software solution.

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Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet

ITS Test Record Sheet

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:
1 of

Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Principal Contractor’s Name(s): Company: Contact No: Signed:

ITS Equipment Supplier Company: Contact No: Signed:


Ashghal/Ashghal’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test Result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

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Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:


Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

Note: The Contractor may wish to modify this results sheet to suit their specific requirements. In such
cases the Contractor shall seek approval of the revised sheet from Ashghal.

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Version 1.0
April 2017
State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) CCTV Validation and Verification Plan


File Name: V_V Plan CCTV Ver_1_0

Contract Name/Project ID: Contract 5 – ITS Consultancy Services / IA 10-11/D/027/G

File Location:

Deliverable Name: CCTV Validation and Verification Plan

Version Date Status Author Reviewer Approver

Internal M.
0.1 December 2016 D. Verma D. Milnes
Draft Rodriguez
Draft Final
0.2 March 2017 for D. Milnes P. Rowley
1.0 April 2017 First Issue D. Milnes P. Rowley

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) CCTV Validation and Verification Plan

Table of Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Document Purpose ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Supporting Resources and References ............................................................................... 5
1.4 Quality Systems ................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Validation and Verification Overview ................................................................................. 7
1.5.1 Stages of Testing ......................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 CCTV Test Plans and Test Record Sheets .................................................................... 7
1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions ......................................................................... 8
2 High-Level Performance Requirement .......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Generalized High-Level Performance Requirements .......................................................... 9
Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet ....................................................................................... 10
Appendix 2 – Test Checklist .................................................................................................................. 12

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) CCTV Validation and Verification Plan

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Term Definition

BS British Standard
BS EN British Standard European Norm
BS ISO British Standard International Standards Organization
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
LAN Local Area Network
MAT Material Acceptance Test
NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
PAT Production Acceptance Test
PTZ Pan Tilt Zoom
POP Proof-of-Performance Test (divided into three parts: POP1, POP2 and POP3)
QCS Qatar Construction Standards
QHDM Qatar Highway Design Manual
QTCM Qatar Traffic Control Manual
TMC Traffic Management Center
WAN Wide Area Network

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) CCTV Validation and Verification Plan

1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This document defines the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
validation and verification requirements for the State of Qatar. Figure 1-1 shows these document and
describes its relationship with the Validation and Verification Overview and other test documentation.

Figure 1-1: Relationships between the validation and verification plans and test documents

This document and any other validation and verification documents should be read in conjunction
with Ashghal ITS Deployment Guidelines, Ashghal Civil and Structural Standards for ITS, Ashghal ITS
Specifications and related documents as per section 1.3 Supporting Resources and References of this

1.2 Intended Audience

These documents are directed at individuals and organizations involved in the design and deployment
of ITS devices. Expected users of these documents are: designers, systems integrators, contractors,
supervision consultants and equipment vendors.

1.3 Supporting Resources and References

Reference Description

The intent of these documents is to standardize the design of

Ashghal Civil and Structural
infrastructure elements that support ITS. This series of references
Standards for Intelligent
should be referred to by Ashghal and their consultants for all ITS
Transportation Systems

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) CCTV Validation and Verification Plan

Reference Description

The ITS Specifications should be referred to by Ashghal and their

Ashghal’s ITS Specifications
consultants for all ITS projects.

The NTCIP Guide is a document created to assist in

understanding, specifying, and using a consistent set of defined
and standardized communications protocols and methods for ITS
devices, (The NTCIP Guide is supported with freely available and
open protocol based data definitions for all types of ITS devices).
The National Transportation
The NTCIP collection of data and protocol definitions should be
Communications for ITS
used to assure that devices and systems, both at the roadside and
Protocol (NTCIP) Guide
between control centres, use open protocols and can easily
communicate with each other. Failure to comply with NTCIP
protocol use in devices will be seen as a critical failure during
testing and devices which are non-conformant will not be allowed
to be used on schemes in the State of Qatar.

The Qatar Construction Specifications are intended for use with

the General Conditions of Contract. Contractors shall comply
with every requirement of the Qatar Construction Specification
that is relevant to the type of work forming any part of the
Qatar Construction
Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or
Specifications (QCS)
alternative that is best suited to the needs of the construction
work being undertaken. Where there is a conflict between this
document and the Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS) then
QCS shall apply.

This manual provides guidance on the basic principles of traffic

Qatar Traffic Control Manual
signage and road markings. Contractors are expected to deliver
schemes in line with this manual.

Qatar Highway Design Manual This manual provides the guidelines for the design of roadways
(QHDM) and intersections in Qatar.

Table 1-1: Documentation resources

1.4 Quality Systems

The contractor and the contractor’s supply chain shall have a quality system that complies with ISO
9001, certified as appropriate for the activities of production and testing of the ITS equipment under
the scope of this document. This quality system/s shall have been certified by a certification body
accredited to ISO/IEC 17021 unless otherwise agreed by Ashghal.

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1.5 Validation and Verification Overview

For a full overview of the validation and verification please refer to the Validation and Verification
Overview. The overview document details:

 V&V Test Stages;

 Roles and Responsibilities;
 Test Plans and Test Record Sheets;
 Test Pass and Fail Definitions;
 Current ITS Devices Validation and Verification Plans (to which this is one).

The following is an extract from the Validation and Verification Overview and the parties involved in
testing are expected to have read and understood the Validation and Verification Overview before
conducting any ITS testing activities.

1.5.1 Stages of Testing

Minimum stages of testing CCTV Validation and Verification are as follows:

 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)1 – Factory tests primarily conducted on new to the State of
Qatar or bespoke products;
 Materials Acceptance Testing (MAT) – First inspection, tagging, labelling and inspection of
 Proof of Performance 1 (POP1) – Post installation testing (power up);
 Proof of Performance 2 (POP2) – Local site acceptance testing;
 Proof of Performance 3 (POP3) – Roadway Scheme based acceptance testing.

1.5.2 CCTV Test Plans and Test Record Sheets

The Contractor is responsible for the creation of the CCTV Test Plans, see Validation and Verification
Overview document section 1.6 Testing Roles and responsibilities for reference. This Plans shall
describe what (including risk and mitigations), when, where, who and how (including supporting test
equipment) tests shall be conducted. The aim of the Test Plan is to make it clear to any individual
involved as to the procedure, inputs & outputs and roles & responsibilities concerning conduct of ITS

FAT is not required for ITS equipment that is already widely in use in the State of Qatar as it is assumed that
suppliers have been pre-qualified. New technologies or products from suppliers that are not pre-qualified would
need to undergo such testing as required by Ashghal before they can be implemented.

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The CCTV Test Record Sheets shall as a minimum be based on the checklists detailed in Appendix B of
this document, the relevant ITS Specification clauses and align with the testing requirement of the
Validation and Verification Overview.

CCTV Test Record Sheets shall aim to detail/reference test that enable the Contractor to clearly
demonstrate equipment compliance/conformance with all relevant Project and applicable standards
& specifications requirements. The results shown on the CCTV Test Record Sheets shall demonstrate
the high level performance requirements detailed in Section 2 of this report. To provide consistency
and reduce Contractor effort an Example Template Test Record Sheet is provided in Appendix A.

1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions

There shall be four definitions to define the outcome from a test, these are as follows:

A. Pass (P) – Occurs where the validation and verification requirements are met or exceeded;
B. Pass with Condition (PC) – Occurs when a defect or fault is noticed but:
o does not impact on health and safety;
o consequences arising from the fault are minor and commented issue can and is to be
corrected in a future iteration of the validation and verification checks.
C. Pass with Unexpected Observation (PUO) – Occurs when the performed check is a pass but
additional, non-negative performance is observed.
D. Fail with Comment (FC) – Occurs when a check requirement was not successfully
demonstrated, all failed checks shall have a comment provided so it is clear what corrective
action is required to successfully pass a future iteration of the check.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) CCTV Validation and Verification Plan

2 High-Level Performance Requirement

2.1 Overview
Described within section 2.2 is a generalized high-level performance requirement for ITS CCTV
implementations. A detailed list of the test required and specification clause references are provided
in Appendix 2 Test Checklist. Note specific CCTV implementations may have additional and/or
alternative requirement which should be highlighted within the Test Plan and Test Record Sheet.

2.2 Generalized High-Level Performance Requirements

The following CCTV high-level performance requirement/s may be used as a measurement element
(e.g. as described by a project brief) in assessing the performance of a contractor’s implementation: A standard CCTV camera installation shall provide a clear and undistorted image (resolution,
shape and color) of a standard Qatar number plate, in normal daylight conditions, anywhere
on the required roadway area/s (as per design and/or project brief), as assessed by a
contractor independent experienced traffic operator. Image viewing and camera control (including camera triggered alerts where required) shall
be based on industry standardized, open protocol/s, demonstrated on a third party software
platform/s. Unless covered by other local vicinity cameras, a CCTV camera located at:

 a traffic light intersection,

 tunnel,
 designated equipment maintenance area, and/or
 location of safety concern (as defined within the project brief),

shall have 100% coverage (this can Pan Tilt Zoom (PTZ) coverage where specified by the
design) of that area without obstructions capable of hiding a small car tyre (depth = 195mm,
diameter = 410mm) from view. For all other areas covered by the camera, no blind spot (e.g.
bend in road, structure, etc.) shall exceed 5% of the roadway in that camera’s area of

Note, it is recognized that image quality is usually a subjective quantity that covers light entering a
lens through digital processing to presentation on an operator screen, therefore the above
performance requirements are based on an experience, client/Ashghal identified individual’s
assessment. Objective measurements may not cover the full spectrum of issues created by, for
example, low quality materials within a camera lens or poor software algorithm manipulation of data.

Where a document in the above text is reference and has been superseded by a new version, the
relevant section of the newest version of the document shall be used. If it is not clear which section
or document is to be used, the contractor is responsible for ensure they have confirmed with Ashghal
the relevant high level performance requirements.

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Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet

ITS Test Record Sheet

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:
1 of

Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested
(make, model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Principal Contractor’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


ITS Equipment Supplier Company: Contact No: Signed:


Ashghal/Ashghal’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test Result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

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Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:


Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested
(make, model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

Note: The Contractor may wish to modify this results sheet to suit their specific requirements. In such
cases the Contractor shall seek approval of the revised sheet from Ashghal.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) CCTV Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 2 – Test Checklist

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Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: CCTV
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the necessary software and ready to conduct tests
1.06 General N/A with? E.g. WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP, X X X X X
DMS large and small
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place
1.07 General N/A X X X
and available for testing
1.08 General N/A X
Are all measuring tools for viewing distance checks for CCTV available
2.01 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site breifing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X
Section 4.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 4.7 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work

2/4/2017 CCTV 1 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: CCTV
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Qatar Highway Design Is the CCTV pole or structure located beyond clear zone or protected by
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 suitable safety barrier
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.01 Equipment Does the physical configuration of the camera meet the requirements of X X
Section 4.2.2 and 4.4
the specification and project (i.e. Camera type, lens, etc.)

ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the camera arrangement meet the requirements of environmental
3.02 Equipment protection such as water ingress and dust ingress protection, temperature X
Section 4.3.3
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.03 Equipment X
Section 2.5.3 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the Camera viewing angle as per the specification or project specific
3.04 Equipment X X
Section 4.4.3/4.4.4 requirements
Operation of all automatic and / or remotely controlled camera functions
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.05 Equipment (e.g. pan, tilt, zoom, focus, electronic iris, wiper when installed) is X X X
Section 4.4.3/4.4.4
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.06 Equipment X X X
Section Camera auto return to home position works
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Camera rotational speed meets requirements for tracking objects or to
3.07 Equipment X X
Section arrive at a preset shot.
3.08 Equipment N/A All Camera indicator lamps (if provided) are working. X X X
Operation of electronic irises and focus is satisfactory under the range of
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.09 Equipment intended light levels (night conditions may be simulated X X
Section 4.4.1 and 4.4.2
through use of suitable neutral density filters)
Check all interfaces to alarms trigger the correct camera, preset and
3.10 Equipment Project specific X X X
recording modes as applicable
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.11 Equipment X X X
Section 4.2.1 Check all presets operate to design specification
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.12 Equipment X X
Section Camera Image of Test Card is clear
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Image stream is steady and clear - no flickers no intermittant missing
3.13 Equipment X X X
Section 4.4.1 frames in both day and night condition
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.14 Equipment X X
Section 4.4.4 Camera supports setting of rotation, pan and / or tilt limits
Camera rotation, pan and / or tilt limits cover the area to be viewed in
3.15 Equipment Project specific X
accordance with project design specifications

2/4/2017 CCTV 2 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: CCTV
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.16 Equipment X X
Section 4.3 Camera supports setting privacy masking zones
Check privacy masking zones are set up as agreed / where appropriate, and
3.17 Equipment Project specific X
in accordance with the design specification
Check correct operation of functional cameras (e.g. PTZ, wash/wipe, zoom,
3.18 Equipment N/A X
focus) for free movement with no obstructions
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.19 Equipment X
Section 4.3 Is the adjacent DMS sign face visible from the enclosure location
Power N/A X X X
4.01 Camera Powers Up Correctly and Is Able to Operate
Power N/A X X X
4.02 Camera does not lose settings when switched on and off
Power N/A X X X
4.03 Camera left switched on for 24 hours and test 4.02 repeated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power Manufacturer's X
4.04 Recommendation All wiring is correctly terminated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power Manufacturer's X
4.05 Recommendation Check the supply voltage is correct to all parts of the system

Power N/A Check the system continues to operate correctly when the mains supply is X
4.06 disconnected (if stand-by power supply is specified/used).
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X X
5.01 Section 4 Camera is TCP/IP address pingable
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X
5.02 Section 4 Is another device connectiable across the network.
Communications N/A X X
5.03 File transfer speed for a standard 1MB, 10MB, 100mb file acepted
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
Functions N/A X X X
6.02 Camera can be driven by using a mouse and keyboard
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Camera can be configured to provide information on status and faults as
Functions X X
6.03 Section 4.2.1 defined in specifications

2/4/2017 CCTV 3 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: CCTV
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Camera field(s) of view seen through the appropriate monitor(s), is correct
Functions N/A X
6.04 and free from obstruction within the specified viewing area
Functions N/A X X
6.05 Camera can be remotely configured & operated
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.

Note asset tagging activity also includes

Enterprise Asset
Maintenance X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
Maintenance X
7.03 Section 4.3 and 4.2.1 Camera is easily accessible

Civil and Structural Standards

Maintenance Camera mounting hardware is correct and installed in the correct manner X X
for ITS, Version 3.0, Module 5
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Section 4.5.2 and
Maintenance Cables to Camera are correct for function and operations X
7.05 recommendation
Maintenance N/A Are all connectors and connections correctly attached and in place X
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
Warning labels are in place in respect of possible sudden movement of
Maintenance camera positioning equipment and in respect of any devices that could X
7.08 cause injury, including damage to the eye
The designated user(s) have received a demonstration and instruction on
Maintenance N/A X
the correct operation of the system including any adjustable features.
The correct documentation has been provided to enable the system to be
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.10 operated correctly.
Any security code numbers, keys and software license details have been
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.11 issued and explained to the user.
Maintenance Camera Lenses are easily removed and replaced X
7.12 recommendation

2/4/2017 CCTV 4 of 4
Public Works Authority
State of Qatar



Version 1.0
April 2017
State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan


File Name: V_V Plan DMS Ver_1_0

Contract Name/Project ID: Contract 5 – ITS Consultancy Services / IA 10-11/D/027/G

File Location:

Deliverable Name: DMS Validation and Verification Plan

Version Date Status Author Reviewer Approver

Internal M.
0.1 December 2016 D. Verma D. Milnes
Draft Rodriguez
Draft Final
0.2 March 2017 for D. Milnes P. Rowley
1.0 April 2017 First Issue D. Milnes P. Rowley

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

Table of Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Document Purpose ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Supporting Resources and References ............................................................................... 5
1.4 Quality Systems ................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Validation and Verification Overview ................................................................................. 6
1.5.1 Stages of Testing ......................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 DMS Test Plans and Test Record Sheets ..................................................................... 7
1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions ......................................................................... 8
2 High-Level Performance Requirement .......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Generalized High-Level Performance Requirements .......................................................... 9
Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet ....................................................................................... 10
Appendix 2 – Test Checklist .................................................................................................................. 12

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Term Definition

BS British Standard
BS EN British Standard European Norm
BS ISO British Standard International Standards Organization
DMS Dynamic Message Sign
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
LAN Local Area Network
MAT Material Acceptance Test
NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
PAT Production Acceptance Test
POP Proof-of-Performance Test (divided into three parts: POP1, POP2 and POP3)
QCS Qatar Construction Standards
QHDM Qatar Highway Design Manual
QTCM Qatar Traffic Control Manual
TMC Traffic Management Center
WAN Wide Area Network

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This document defines the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Dynamic Message Sign (DMS)
validation and verification requirements for the State of Qatar. Figure 1-1 shows these document
and describes its relationship with the Validation and Verification Overview and other test

Figure 1-1: Relationships between the validation and verification plans and test documents

This document and any other validation and verification documents should be read in conjunction
with Ashghal ITS Deployment Guidelines, Ashghal Civil and Structural Standards for ITS, Ashghal ITS
Specifications and related documents as per section 1.3 of this document.

1.2 Intended Audience

These documents are directed at individuals and organizations involved in the design and deployment
of ITS devices. Expected users of these documents are: designers, systems integrators, contractors,
supervision consultants and equipment vendors.

1.3 Supporting Resources and References

Reference Description

The intent of these documents is to standardize the design of

Ashghal Civil and Structural
infrastructure elements that support ITS. This series of
Standards for Intelligent
references should be referred to by Ashghal and their
Transportation Systems
consultants for all ITS projects.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

Reference Description

The ITS Specifications should be referred to by Ashghal and their

Ashghal’s ITS Specifications
consultants for all ITS projects.

The NTCIP Guide is a document created to assist in

understanding, specifying, and using a consistent set of defined
and standardized communications protocols and methods for
ITS devices, (The NTCIP Guide is supported with freely available
and open protocol based data definitions for all types of ITS
The National Transportation
devices). The NTCIP collection of data and protocol definitions
Communications for ITS
should be used to assure that devices and systems, both at the
Protocol (NTCIP) Guide
roadside and between control centres, use open protocols and
can easily communicate with each other. Failure to comply with
NTCIP protocol use in devices will be seen as a critical failure
during testing and devices which are non-conformant will not be
allowed to be used on schemes in the State of Qatar.

The Qatar Construction Specifications are intended for use with

the General Conditions of Contract. Contractors shall comply
with every requirement of the Qatar Construction Specification
that is relevant to the type of work forming any part of the
Qatar Construction
Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or
Specifications (QCS)
alternative that is best suited to the needs of the construction
work being undertaken. Where there is a conflict between this
document and the Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS) then
QCS shall apply.

This manual provides guidance on the basic principles of traffic

Qatar Traffic Control Manual
signage and road markings. Contractors are expected to deliver
schemes in line with this manual.

Qatar Highway Design Manual This manual provides the guidelines for the design of roadways
(QHDM) and intersections in Qatar.

Table 1-1: Documentation resources

1.4 Quality Systems

The contractor and the contractor’s supply chain shall have a quality system that complies with ISO
9001, certified as appropriate for the activities of production and testing of the ITS equipment under
the scope of this document. This quality system/s shall have been certified by a certification body
accredited to ISO/IEC 17021 unless otherwise agreed by Ashghal.

1.5 Validation and Verification Overview

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

For a full overview of the validation and verification please refer to the Validation and Verification
Overview. The overview document details:

 V&V Test Stages;

 Roles and Responsibilities;
 Test Plans and Test Record Sheets;
 Test Pass and Fail Definitions;
 Current ITS Devices Validation and Verification Plans (to which this is one).

The following is an extract from the Validation and Verification Overview and the parties involved in
testing are expected to have read and understood the Validation and Verification Overview before
conducting any ITS testing activities.

1.5.1 Stages of Testing

Minimum stages of testing DMS Validation and Verification are as follows:

 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)1 – Factory tests primarily conducted on new to the State of
Qatar or bespoke products;
 Materials Acceptance Testing (MAT) – First inspection, tagging, labelling and inspection of
 Proof of Performance 1 (POP1) – Post installation testing (power up);
 Proof of Performance 2 (POP2) – Local site acceptance testing;
 Proof of Performance 3 (POP3) – Roadway Scheme based acceptance testing.

1.5.2 DMS Test Plans and Test Record Sheets

The Contractor is responsible for the creation of the DMS Test Plans, see Validation and Verification
Overview document section 1.6 Testing Roles and responsibilities for reference. This Plans shall
describe what (including risk and mitigations), when, where, who and how (including supporting test
equipment) tests shall be conducted. The aim of the Test Plan is to make it clear to any individual
involved as to the procedure, inputs & outputs and roles & responsibilities concerning conduct of ITS

The DMS Test Record Sheets shall as a minimum be based on the checklists detailed in Appendix B of
this document, the relevant ITS Specification clauses and align with the testing requirement of the
Validation and Verification Overview.

FAT is not required for ITS equipment that is already widely in use in the State of Qatar as it is assumed that
suppliers have been pre-qualified. New technologies or products from suppliers that are not pre-qualified
would need to undergo such testing as required by Ashghal before they can be implemented.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

DMS Test Record Sheets shall aim to detail/reference test that enable the Contractor to clearly
demonstrate equipment compliance/conformance with all relevant Project and applicable standards
& specifications requirements. The results shown on the DMS Test Record Sheets shall demonstrate
the high level performance requirements detailed in Section 2 of this report. To provide consistency
and reduce Contractor effort an Example Template Test Record Sheet is provided in Appendix A.

1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions

There shall be four definitions to define the outcome from a test, these are as follows:

A. Pass (P) – Occurs where the validation and verification requirements are met or exceeded;
B. Pass with Condition (PC) – Occurs when a defect or fault is noticed but:
o does not impact on health and safety;
o consequences arising from the fault are minor and commented issue can and is to be
corrected in a future iteration of the validation and verification checks.
C. Pass with Unexpected Observation (PUO) – Occurs when the performed check is a pass but
additional, non-negative performance is observed.
D. Fail with Comment (FC) – Occurs when a check requirement was not successfully
demonstrated, all failed checks shall have a comment provided so it is clear what corrective
action is required to successfully pass a future iteration of the check.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

2 High-Level Performance Requirement

2.1 Overview
Described within section 2.2 is a generalized high-level performance requirement for ITS DMS
implementations. A detailed list of the test required and specification clause references are provided
in Appendix 2 Test Checklist. Note specific DMS implementations may have additional and/or
alternative requirement which should be highlighted within the Test Plan and Test Record Sheet.

2.2 Generalized High-Level Performance Requirements

The following DMS high-level performance requirement/s may (e.g. as described by a project brief) be
used as a measurement element in assessing the performance of a contractor’s implementation: The DMS installation/s shall:

 provide traveller information, within a viewing distance sufficient to enable drivers react
based on the message received in a timely and safely manner;
 along with all signs, not overload the driver with information, by complying with QTCM,
QHDM and Ashghal’s signage department requirements on sign design and
 shall demonstrate reliable and timely interoperability using NTCIP and an open interface
to a third party software. The DMS technology used in the implementation shall have demonstrated in State of Qatar
environmental conditions the display performance requirements defined within section 8.4.2
and 8.4.3 of Ashghal’s ITS Specifications (dated 2017).

Note, where a document in the above text is reference and has been superseded by a new version,
the relevant section of the newest version of the document shall be used. If it is not clear which
section or document is to be used, the contractor is responsible for ensure they have confirmed with
Ashghal the relevant high level performance requirements.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet

ITS Test Record Sheet

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:
1 of

Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested
(make, model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Principal Contractor’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


ITS Equipment Supplier Company: Contact No: Signed:


Ashghal/Ashghal’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test Result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:


Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested
(make, model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

Note: The Contractor may wish to modify this results sheet to suit their specific requirements. In such
cases the Contractor shall seek approval of the revised sheet from Ashghal.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) DMS Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 2 – Test Checklist

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Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: DMS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the necessary software and ready to conduct tests
1.06 General N/A with? E.g. WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP, X X X X
DMS large and small
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place
1.07 General N/A X X X
and available for testing
1.08 General N/A X
Are all measuring tools for viewing distance checks for DMS available
2.01 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site breifing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X
Section 8.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 8.7 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work

2/4/2017 DMS 1 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: DMS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Qatar Highway Design Is the gantry structure located beyond clear zone or protected by suitable
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 safety barrier
Qatar Highway Design Is there adequate vertical clearance for the sign and the structure as per
2.11 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 3 QHDM or site specific requirements
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the DMS meet the requirements of optical performance (colour,
3.01 Equipment X
Section 8.4.2 and 8.4.3 Beam width, Uniformity etc.)
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the DMS meet the requirements of environmental protection such as
3.02 Equipment X
Section 8.3.1 water ingress and dust ingress protection, temperature durability
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.03 Equipment Does the physical configuration of the sign meet the requirements of the X X
Section 8.4.3
specification and project (i.e. Size, border etc.)
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.04 Equipment X
Section 8.2.1 Is the DMS of LED technology as per the specification
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.05 Equipment X
Section 8.4.2 Does the sign matrix capabilities meet the requirement of specification.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.06 Equipment X X
Section 8.4.6 Does the ventilation system for the DMS work
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the message display capabilities meet the requirement of
3.07 Equipment X X
Section 8.4.3 specification. E.g. Number of lines of text, character size etc.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the DMS roadside controller meet the requirements of the ITS
3.08 Equipment X
Section 8.4.4 specifications
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.09 Equipment X
Section 8.3.9 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.10 Equipment X
Section 8.2 Is the sign face visible from the enclosure location
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.11 Equipment X
Section 8.2 Does the DMS have glare/visibility issues from rising/setting sun.
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the DMS viewing angle as per the specification or project specific
3.12 Equipment X
Section 8.4.2 requirements
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.13 Equipment X X
Section 8.4.4 Can the DMS sign be blanked out from the controller
Power N/A X X X
4.01 DMS Powers Up Correctly and Is Able to Operate
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Power X X X
4.02 Section 8.4.4 DMS controller does not lose settings when switched on and off

2/4/2017 DMS 2 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: DMS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Is the power to the enclosure of the appropriate type (dual with UPS
Power Contract documents X
4.03 /single) as per project requirements.
Can the DMS power supply voltage readings be ascertained from the
Power N/A X X
4.04 controller
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X X
5.01 Section 8.4.4 TCPIP address pingable
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X
5.02 Section 8.4.4 Is the DMS controller connectible across the LAN from an enabled laptop
Communications N/A X X
5.03 Is another device connectible across the Network
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.02 Section 8.4.3 Can sample messages and signs as defined in QTCM and ASCII be displayed
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.03 Section 8.4.4 Can messages be displayed, created, edited or deleted from the controller
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the character on the DMS legible from distance as specified in the
Functions X X
6.04 Section 8.3.1 specification
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the DMS adjust its brightness automatically based on the ambient
Functions X X
6.05 Section light conditions
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.06 Section Can the DMS brightness be manually controlled from the controller
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.07 Section 8.4.4 Can the message on the DMS be scheduled from the controller
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the DMS roadside controller configured to provide information on status
Functions X X
6.08 Section 8.4.4 and faults as defined in specifications
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.09 Section 8.4.4 DMS controller can be remotely configured & operated
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.10 Section 8.4.4 Can the DMS controller monitor and report optical and electrical status.
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.
Note asset tagging activity also includes
Enterprise Asset cross referencing received equipment
Maintenance X
Management System Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.

2/4/2017 DMS 3 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: DMS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Maintenance X X
7.03 Section 8.5 DMS access doors are easily accessible

Civil and Structural Standards

Maintenance DMS mounting hardware is correct and installed in the correct manner X X
for ITS, Version 3.0, Module 6
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Section 8.5 and
Maintenance Cables to DMS are correct for function and operations X
7.05 recommendation

Maintenance N/A Are all connectors and connections correctly attached and in place X
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Maintenance Can the DMS modules be easily removed without the need of special tools X X
7.08 Section 8.4.2

2/4/2017 DMS 4 of 4
Public Works Authority
State of Qatar



Version 1.0
April 2017
State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan


File Name: V_V Plan LCS Ver_1_0

Contract Name/Project ID: Contract 5 – ITS Consultancy Services / IA 10-11/D/027/G

File Location:

Deliverable Name: LCS Validation and Verification Plan

Version Date Status Author Reviewer Approver

Internal M.
0.1 December 2016 D. Verma D. Milnes
Draft Rodriguez
Draft Final
0.2 March 2017 for D. Milnes P. Rowley
1.0 April 2017 First Issue D. Milnes P. Rowley

Hard Copies of this document are uncontrolled Page 2

State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

Table of Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Document Purpose ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Supporting Resources and References ............................................................................... 5
1.4 Quality Systems ................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Validation and Verification Overview ................................................................................. 7
1.5.1 Stages of Testing ......................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 LCS Test Plans and Test Record Sheets ....................................................................... 7
1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions ......................................................................... 8
2 High-Level Performance Requirement .......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Generalize High-Level Performance Requirements ............................................................ 9
Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet ....................................................................................... 10
Appendix 2 – Test Checklist .................................................................................................................. 12

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Term Definition

BS British Standard
BS EN British Standard European Norm
BS ISO British Standard International Standards Organization
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
LAN Local Area Network
LCS Lane Control Sign
MAT Material Acceptance Test
NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
PAT Production Acceptance Test
POP Proof-of-Performance Test (divided into three parts: POP1, POP2 and POP3)
QCS Qatar Construction Standards
QHDM Qatar Highway Design Manual
QTCM Qatar Traffic Control Manual
TMC Traffic Management Center
WAN Wide Area Network

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This document defines the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Lane Control Sign (LCS) validation
and verification requirements for the State of Qatar. Figure 1-1 shows these document and describes
its relationship with the Validation and Verification Overview and other test documentation.

Figure 1-1: Relationships between the validation and verification plans and test documents

This document and any other validation and verification documents should be read in conjunction
with Ashghal ITS Deployment Guidelines, Ashghal Civil and Structural Standards for ITS, Ashghal ITS
Specifications and related documents as per section 1.3 of this document.

1.2 Intended Audience

These documents are directed at individuals and organizations involved in the design and deployment
of ITS devices. Expected users of these documents are: designers, systems integrators, contractors,
supervision consultants and equipment vendors.

1.3 Supporting Resources and References

Reference Description

The intent of these documents is to standardize the design of

Ashghal Civil and Structural
infrastructure elements that support ITS. This series of references
Standards for Intelligent
should be referred to by Ashghal and their consultants for all ITS
Transportation Systems

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

Reference Description

The ITS Specifications should be referred to by Ashghal and their

Ashghal’s ITS Specifications
consultants for all ITS projects.

The NTCIP Guide is a document created to assist in

understanding, specifying, and using a consistent set of defined
and standardized communications protocols and methods for ITS
devices, (The NTCIP Guide is supported with freely available and
open protocol based data definitions for all types of ITS devices).
The National Transportation
The NTCIP collection of data and protocol definitions should be
Communications for ITS
used to assure that devices and systems, both at the roadside and
Protocol (NTCIP) Guide
between control centres, use open protocols and can easily
communicate with each other. Failure to comply with NTCIP
protocol use in devices will be seen as a critical failure during
testing and devices which are non-conformant will not be allowed
to be used on schemes in the State of Qatar.

The Qatar Construction Specifications are intended for use with

the General Conditions of Contract. Contractors shall comply
with every requirement of the Qatar Construction Specification
that is relevant to the type of work forming any part of the
Qatar Construction
Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or
Specifications (QCS)
alternative that is best suited to the needs of the construction
work being undertaken. Where there is a conflict between this
document and the Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS) then
QCS shall apply.

This manual provides guidance on the basic principles of traffic

Qatar Traffic Control Manual
signage and road markings. Contractors are expected to deliver
schemes in line with this manual.

Qatar Highway Design Manual This manual provides the guidelines for the design of roadways
(QHDM) and intersections in Qatar.

Table 1-1: Documentation resources

1.4 Quality Systems

The contractor and the contractor’s supply chain shall have a quality system that complies with ISO
9001, certified as appropriate for the activities of production and testing of the ITS equipment under
the scope of this document. This quality system/s shall have been certified by a certification body
accredited to ISO/IEC 17021 unless otherwise agreed by Ashghal.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

1.5 Validation and Verification Overview

For a full overview of the validation and verification please refer to the Validation and Verification
Overview. The overview document details:

 V&V Test Stages;

 Roles and Responsibilities;
 Test Plans and Test Record Sheets;
 Test Pass and Fail Definitions;
 Current ITS Devices Validation and Verification Plans (to which this is one).

The following is an extract from the Validation and Verification Overview and the parties involved in
testing are expected to have read and understood the Validation and Verification Overview before
conducting any ITS testing activities.

1.5.1 Stages of Testing

Minimum stages of testing LCS Validation and Verification are as follows:

 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)1 – Factory tests primarily conducted on new to the State of
Qatar or bespoke products;
 Materials Acceptance Testing (MAT) – First inspection, tagging, labelling and inspection of
 Proof of Performance 1 (POP1) – Post installation testing (power up);
 Proof of Performance 2 (POP2) – Local site acceptance testing;
 Proof of Performance 3 (POP3) – Roadway Scheme based acceptance testing.

1.5.2 LCS Test Plans and Test Record Sheets

The Contractor is responsible for the creation of the LCS Test Plans. This Plans shall describe what
(including risk and mitigations), when, where, who and how (including supporting test equipment)
tests shall be conducted. The aim of the Test Plan is to make it clear to any individual involved as to
the procedure, inputs & outputs and roles & responsibilities concerning conduct of ITS tests.

The LCS Test Record Sheets shall as a minimum be based on the checklists detailed in Appendix B of
this document, the relevant ITS Specification clauses and align with the testing requirement of the
Validation and Verification Overview.

FAT is not required for ITS equipment that is already widely in use in the State of Qatar as it is assumed that
suppliers have been pre-qualified. New technologies or products from suppliers that are not pre-qualified would
need to undergo such testing as required by Ashghal before they can be implemented.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

LCS Test Record Sheets shall aim to detail/reference test that enable the Contractor to clearly
demonstrate equipment compliance/conformance with all relevant Project and applicable standards
& specifications requirements. The results shown on the LCS Test Record Sheets shall demonstrate
the high level performance requirements detailed in Section 2 of this report. To provide consistency
and reduce Contractor effort an Example Template Test Record Sheet is provided in Appendix A.

1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions

There shall be four definitions to define the outcome from a test, these are as follows:

A. Pass (P) – Occurs where the test requirements are met or exceeded;
B. Pass with Condition (PC) – Occurs when a defect or fault exist but:
o does not impact on health & safety;
o is minor it consequence and commented issue has to be corrected in a future tests.
C. Pass with Unexpected Observation (PUO) – Occurs when the test is a pass but additional,
non-negative performance is observed.
D. Fail with Comment (FC) – Occurs when a test requirement was no successfully demonstrated,
all failed test shall have a comment provided so it is clear what corrective action is required
to successfully pass a future iteration of the text.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

2 High-Level Performance Requirement

2.1 Overview
Described within section 2.2 is a generalized high-level performance requirement for ITS LCS
implementations. A detailed list of the test required and specification clause references are provided
in Appendix 2 Test Checklist. Note specific LCS implementations may have additional and/or
alternative requirement which should be highlighted within the Test Plan and Test Record Sheet.

2.2 Generalize High-Level Performance Requirements

The following LCS high-level performance requirement/s may (e.g. as described by a project brief) be
used as a measurement element in assessing the performance of a contractor’s implementation: The LCS installation/s shall:

 deliver motorists information on lane open/close/change, variable traffic restrictions

and variable speed limits;
 along with all signs, not overload the driver with information, by complying with QTCM,
QHDM and Ashghal’s signage department requirements on sign design and
 shall demonstrate reliable and timely interoperability using NTCIP and an open interface
to a third party software. The LCS technology used in the implementation shall have demonstrated in State of Qatar
environmental conditions the display performance requirements defined within section
10.4.1 and 10.4.2 of Ashghal’s ITS Specifications (dated 2017).

Note, where a document in the above text is reference and has been superseded by a new version,
the relevant section of the newest version of the document shall be used. If it is not clear which
section or document is to be used, the contractor is responsible for ensure they have confirmed with
Ashghal the relevant high level performance requirements.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet

ITS Test Record Sheet

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:
1 of

Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Principal Contractor’s Name(s): Company: Contact No: Signed:

ITS Equipment Supplier Company: Contact No: Signed:


Ashghal/Ashghal’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test Result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:


Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

Note: The Contractor may wish to modify this results sheet to suit their specific requirements. In such
cases the Contractor shall seek approval of the revised sheet from Ashghal.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LCS Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 2 – Test Checklist

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Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: LCS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the necessary software and ready to conduct tests
1.06 General N/A with? E.g. WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP, X X X X
DMS large and small
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place
1.07 General N/A X X X
and available for testing
2.01 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site briefing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X
Section 9.2 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 9.2 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work
Qatar Highway Design Is the gantry structure located beyond clear zone or protected by suitable
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 safety barrier

2/4/2017 LCS 1 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: LCS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Qatar Highway Design Is there adequate vertical clearance for the sign and the structure as per
2.11 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 3 QHDM or site specific requirements
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the LCS meet the requirements of optical performance (colour, Beam
3.01 Equipment X
Section width, Uniformity etc.)
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the LCS meet the requirements of environmental protection such as
3.02 Equipment X
Section water ingress and dust ingress protection, temperature durability
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.03 Equipment Does the physical configuration of the sign meet the requirements of the X X
Section 10.4.2
specification and project (i.e. Size, border etc.)
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.04 Equipment X
Section 10.2.1 is the LCS of LED technology as per the specification .
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.05 Equipment X
Section 10.4.1 and 10.4.2
Does the sign matrix capabilities meet the requirement of specification.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.06 Equipment X X
Section 10.6.2 Does the ventilation system for the LCS work
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the message display capabilities meet the requirement of
3.07 Equipment X X
Section 10.4.2 specification. E.g. Number of lines of text, character size etc.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the LCS roadside controller meet the requirements of the ITS
3.08 Equipment X
Section 10.4.3 specifications
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.09 Equipment X
Section 10.6.3 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.10 Equipment X
Section 9.2 Is the sign face visible from the enclosure location
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.11 Equipment X
Section 9.2 Does the LCS have glare/visibility issues from rising/setting sun.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.12 Equipment X X
Section 10.4.3 Can the LCS sign be blanked out from the controller
Power N/A X X X
4.01 LCS Powers Up Correctly and Is Able to Operate
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Power X X X
4.02 Section 10.4.2 LCS controller does not lose settings when switched on and off
Is the power to the enclosure of the appropriate type (dual with UPS
Power Contract documents X
4.03 /single) as per project requirements.
Can the LCS power supply voltage readings be ascertained from the
Power N/A X X
4.04 controller

2/4/2017 LCS 2 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: LCS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X X
5.01 Section 10.4.2 TCPIP address pingable
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X
5.02 Section 10.4.2 Is the LCS controller connectable across the LAN from an enabled laptop
Communications N/A X X
5.03 Is another device connectible across the Network
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.02 Section 10.4.2 Can sample messages and signs as defined in QTCM and ASCII be displayed
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.03 Section 10.4.3 Can messages be displayed, created, edited or deleted from the controller
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the character on the LCS legible from distance as specified in the
Functions X X
6.04 Section 9.3 specification
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the LCS adjust its brightness automatically based on the ambient light
Functions X X
6.05 Section 10.4.3 conditions
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.06 Section 10.4.3 Can the LCS brightness be manually controlled from the controller
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.07 Section 10.4.3 Can the message on the LCS be scheduled from the controller
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the LCS roadside controller configured to provide information on status
Functions X X
6.08 Section 10.4.3 and faults as defined in specifications
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.09 Section 10.4.3 Can the LCS controller can be remotely configured & operated
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Can the LCS display blank fail safe message in the event of power failure or
Functions X X
6.10 Section 10.4.3 communication failure
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.11 Section 10.4.3 Can the LCS controller monitor and report optical and electrical status.
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.

Note asset tagging activity also includes

Enterprise Asset
Maintenance X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.

2/4/2017 LCS 3 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: LCS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Maintenance X X
7.03 Section 10.6.2 LCS access doors are easily accessible

Civil and Structural Standards

Maintenance LCS mounting hardware is correct and installed in the correct manner X X
for ITS, Version 3.0, Module 6
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Section 10.5 and
Maintenance Cables to LCS are correct for function and operations X
7.05 recommendation

Maintenance N/A Are all connectors and connections correctly attached and in place X
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Maintenance Can the LCS modules be easily removed without the need of special tools X X
7.08 Section 10.6.2

2/4/2017 LCS 4 of 4
Public Works Authority
State of Qatar



Version 1.0
April 2017
State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan


File Name: V_V Plan OVDS Ver01

Contract Name/Project ID: Contract 5 – ITS Consultancy Services / IA 10-11/D/027/G

File Location:

Deliverable Name: OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

Version Date Status Author Reviewer Approver

Internal M.
0.1 December 2016 D. Verma D. Milnes
Draft Rodriguez
Draft Final
0.2 March 2017 for D. Milnes P. Rowley
1.0 April 2017 First Issue D. Milnes P. Rowley

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

Table of Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Document Purpose ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Supporting Resources and References ............................................................................... 6
1.4 Quality Systems ................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Validation and Verification Overview ................................................................................. 7
1.5.1 Stages of Testing ......................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 OVDS Test Plans and Test Record Sheets ................................................................... 7
1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions ......................................................................... 8
2 High-Level Performance Requirement .......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Generalize High-Level Performance Requirements ............................................................ 9
Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet ....................................................................................... 10
Appendix 2 – Test Checklist .................................................................................................................. 12

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Term Definition

BS British Standard
BS EN British Standard European Norm
BS ISO British Standard International Standards Organization
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
LAN Local Area Network
MAT Material Acceptance Test
NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
PAT Production Acceptance Test
POP Proof-of-Performance Test (divided into three parts: POP1, POP2 and POP3)
QCS Qatar Construction Standards
QHDM Qatar Highway Design Manual
QTCM Qatar Traffic Control Manual
OVDS Over-height Vehicle Detection System
TMC Traffic Management Center
WAN Wide Area Network

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This document defines the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Over-height Vehicle Detection
System (OVDS) validation and verification requirements for the State of Qatar. Figure 1-1 shows these
document and describes its relationship with the Validation and Verification Overview and other test

Figure 1-1: Relationships between the validation and verification plans and test documents

This document and any other validation and verification documents should be read in conjunction
with Ashghal ITS Deployment Guidelines, Ashghal Civil and Structural Standards for ITS, Ashghal ITS
Specifications and related documents as per section 1.3 of this document.

1.2 Intended Audience

These documents are directed at individuals and organizations involved in the design and deployment
of ITS devices. Expected users of these documents are: designers, systems integrators, contractors,
supervision consultants and equipment vendors.

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

1.3 Supporting Resources and References

Reference Description

The intent of these documents is to standardize the design of

Ashghal Civil and Structural
infrastructure elements that support ITS. This series of references
Standards for Intelligent
should be referred to by Ashghal and their consultants for all ITS
Transportation Systems

The ITS Specifications should be referred to by Ashghal and their

Ashghal’s ITS Specifications
consultants for all ITS projects.

The NTCIP Guide is a document created to assist in

understanding, specifying, and using a consistent set of defined
and standardized communications protocols and methods for ITS
devices, (The NTCIP Guide is supported with freely available and
open protocol based data definitions for all types of ITS devices).
The National Transportation
The NTCIP collection of data and protocol definitions should be
Communications for ITS
used to assure that devices and systems, both at the roadside and
Protocol (NTCIP) Guide
between control centres, use open protocols and can easily
communicate with each other. Failure to comply with NTCIP
protocol use in devices will be seen as a critical failure during
testing and devices which are non-conformant will not be allowed
to be used on schemes in the State of Qatar.

The Qatar Construction Specifications are intended for use with

the General Conditions of Contract. Contractors shall comply
with every requirement of the Qatar Construction Specification
that is relevant to the type of work forming any part of the
Qatar Construction
Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or
Specifications (QCS)
alternative that is best suited to the needs of the construction
work being undertaken. Where there is a conflict between this
document and the Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS) then
QCS shall apply.

This manual provides guidance on the basic principles of traffic

Qatar Traffic Control Manual
signage and road markings. Contractors are expected to deliver
schemes in line with this manual.

Qatar Highway Design Manual This manual provides the guidelines for the design of roadways
(QHDM) and intersections in Qatar.

Table 1-1: Documentation resources

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

1.4 Quality Systems

The contractor and the contractor’s supply chain shall have a quality system that complies with ISO
9001, certified as appropriate for the activities of production and testing of the ITS equipment under
the scope of this document. This quality system/s shall have been certified by a certification body
accredited to ISO/IEC 17021 unless otherwise agreed by Ashghal.

1.5 Validation and Verification Overview

For a full overview of the validation and verification please refer to the Validation and Verification
Overview. The overview document details:

 V&V Test Stages;

 Roles and Responsibilities;
 Test Plans and Test Record Sheets;
 Test Pass and Fail Definitions;
 Current ITS Devices Validation and Verification Plans (to which this is one).

The following is an extract from the Validation and Verification Overview and the parties involved in
testing are expected to have read and understood the Validation and Verification Overview before
conducting any ITS testing activities.

1.5.1 Stages of Testing

Minimum stages of testing OVDS Validation and Verification are as follows:

 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)1 – Factory tests primarily conducted on new to the State of
Qatar or bespoke products;
 Materials Acceptance Testing (MAT) – First inspection, tagging, labelling and inspection of
 Proof of Performance 1 (POP1) – Post installation testing (power up);
 Proof of Performance 2 (POP2) – Local site acceptance testing;
 Proof of Performance 3 (POP3) – Roadway Scheme based acceptance testing.

1.5.2 OVDS Test Plans and Test Record Sheets

The Contractor is responsible for the creation of the OVDS Test Plans. This Plans shall describe what
(including risk and mitigations), when, where, who and how (including supporting test equipment)

FAT is not required for ITS equipment that is already widely in use in the State of Qatar as it is assumed that
suppliers have been pre-qualified. New technologies or products from suppliers that are not pre-qualified would
need to undergo such testing as required by Ashghal before they can be implemented.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

tests shall be conducted. The aim of the Test Plan is to make it clear to any individual involved as to
the procedure, inputs & outputs and roles & responsibilities concerning conduct of ITS tests.

The OVDS Test Record Sheets shall as a minimum be based on the checklists detailed in Appendix B of
this document, the relevant ITS Specification clauses and align with the testing requirement of the
Validation and Verification Overview.

OVDS Test Record Sheets shall aim to detail/reference test that enable the Contractor to clearly
demonstrate equipment compliance/conformance with all relevant Project and applicable standards
& specifications requirements. The results shown on the OVDS Test Record Sheets shall demonstrate
the high level performance requirements detailed in Section 2 of this report. To provide consistency
and reduce Contractor effort an Example Template Test Record Sheet is provided in Appendix A.

1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions

There shall be four definitions to define the outcome from a test, these are as follows:

A. Pass (P) – Occurs where the test requirements are met or exceeded;
B. Pass with Condition (PC) – Occurs when a defect or fault exist but:
o does not impact on health & safety;
o is minor it consequence and commented issue has to be corrected in a future tests.
C. Pass with Unexpected Observation (PUO) – Occurs when the test is a pass but additional,
non-negative performance is observed.
D. Fail with Comment (FC) – Occurs when a test requirement was no successfully demonstrated,
all failed test shall have a comment provided so it is clear what corrective action is required
to successfully pass a future iteration of the text.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

2 High-Level Performance Requirement

2.1 Overview
Described within section 2.2 is a generalized high-level performance requirement for ITS OVDS
implementations. A detailed list of the test required and specification clause references are provided
in Appendix 2 Test Checklist. Note specific OVDS implementations may have additional and/or
alternative requirement which should be highlighted within the Test Plan and Test Record Sheet.

2.2 Generalize High-Level Performance Requirements

The following OVDS high-level performance requirement/s may (e.g. as described by a project brief)
be used as a measurement element in assessing the performance of a contractor’s implementation: The OVDS installation/s are located as specified in the project brief and on the approach to
structures that are below the QHDM specifications for minimum structure height and with
sufficient distance to enable overheight vehicles to be warned and diverted away from the
structure at risk. The OVDS installation/s shall:

 integrate with DMS and audible alarms equipment to enable driver to safely divert way
from roadway crossing structures.
 shall demonstrate timely detection alarm/ alert interoperability using NTCIP and an open
interface to a third party software.
 Where power or communications is not available, basic physical detection overheight
warning structures shall be deployed (i.e. bells/collision pipes hung across the roadway at
the height of the structure, these ring when hit by a vehicle that would have otherwise
collided with the structure). The OVDS technology used in the implementation shall have demonstrated in State of Qatar
environmental conditions the functional performance requirements defined within section
6.4.1 of Ashghal’s ITS Specifications (dated 2017).

Note the above performance requirements are based on Ashghal’s 2014 Road Weather Information
System, Weight in Motion and Overheight Vehicle Detection Deployment Strategy.

Where a document in the above text is reference and has been superseded by a new version, the
relevant section of the newest version of the document shall be used. If it is not clear which section
or document is to be used, the contractor is responsible for ensure they have confirmed with Ashghal
the relevant high level performance requirements.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet

ITS Test Record Sheet

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:
1 of

Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Principal Contractor’s Name(s): Company: Contact No: Signed:

ITS Equipment Supplier Company: Contact No: Signed:


Ashghal/Ashghal’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test Result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:


Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

Note: The Contractor may wish to modify this results sheet to suit their specific requirements. In such
cases the Contractor shall seek approval of the revised sheet from Ashghal.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) OVDS Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 2 – Test Checklist

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Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: OVDS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the following software present and ready to
1.06 General N/A conduct tests with? OVDS Test Software from OVDS Vendor? NTCIP test X X X X
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place
1.07 General N/A X X X
and available for testing
2.01 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site briefing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X
Section 4.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 4.7 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work
Qatar Highway Design Are structures ( Poles and Gantries for related signage) located beyond
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 clear zone or protected by suitable safety barrier

2/4/2017 OVDS 1 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: OVDS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Qatar Highway Design
2.11 Safety Is there adequate vertical clearance for any structures overhanging the X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23
roadway as per QHDM or site specific requirements
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Does the OVDS meet the requirements for cross road beam accuracy and
3.01 Equipment X
Clause calibration
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Does the OVDS meet the requirements of environmental protection such
3.02 Equipment X
Section 6.2.2 as water ingress and dust ingress protection, temperature durability

ITS Specifications Ver 3.0

3.03 Equipment Does the physical configuration of any related OVDS signage meet the X X
Section 6.3.5
requirements of the specification and project (i.e. Size, border etc.)

ITS Specifications Ver 3.0

3.04 Equipment X
Section 8.4.2
is the DMS of LED technology as per the specification .
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0
3.05 Equipment X
Section 8.4.3 Does the sign matrix capabilities meet the requirement of specification.
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0
3.06 Equipment X X
Section 8.4.6 Does the ventilation system for the DMS work
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Does the message display capabilities meet the requirement of
3.07 Equipment X X
Section 8.4.3 specification. E.g. Number of lines of text, character size etc.
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Does the DMS roadside controller meet the requirements of the ITS
3.08 Equipment X
Section 8.4.4 specifications
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.09 Equipment X
Section 2.5.3 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
ITS Deployment Guidelines
3.10 Equipment Is the sign placed at sufficient distance upstream of the decision point so X
Section 7
that there is enough time for a driver to be notified to pull over
ITS Deployment Guidelines
3.11 Equipment X
Section 8.3 Does the OVDS signage have glare/visibility issues from rising/setting sun.
Is the OVDS signage viewing angle as per the specification or project
3.12 Equipment Deployment Guidelines ? X
specific requirements
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0
3.13 Equipment X X
Section 8.4.4 Can the OVDS signage be blanked out from the controller
OVDS system (including signage) Powers Up Correctly and Is Able to
Power N/A X X X
4.01 Operate

2/4/2017 OVDS 2 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: OVDS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Power N/A X X X
4.02 OVDS controller does not lose settings when switched on and off
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Is the power to the enclosure of the appropriate type (dual with UPS
Power X
4.03 Section 6.5.1 /single) as per project requirements.
Can the OVDS power supply voltage reading be ascertained from the
Power N/A X X
4.04 controller
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X X
5.01 Section 6.5.2 and clause Is the TCPIP address pingable
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the OVDS controller connectable across the scheme LAN from an
Communications X X
5.02 Section enabled laptop
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X
5.03 Section 6.4.1 Is another device such as the Signage connectible across the Network
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Are warning systems, sirens, lights and signs activated when the OVDS
Functions X X
6.02 Clause detects an overheight vehicle?
When the OVDS detects an overheight vehicle does the system send a
Functions N/A X X
6.03 message to control software on the test laptop
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Is the delay between the activation of the OVDS detection and the
Functions X
6.04 Clause warnings to the drivers within the limits
Does the OVDS beam break system operate when being sprayed with
Functions N/A X X
6.05 water?
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0
Functions X X
6.06 Clause and Does the OVDS system report unplugged or faulty detection units
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Can the message on the Signage be scheduled from the controller? I.e
Functions X X
6.07 Section 8.4.4 timed?
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Is the OVDS roadside controller configured to provide information on
Functions X X
6.08 Clause and status and faults as defined in specifications
Functions N/A X X
6.09 OVDS controller can be remotely configured & operated
Functions N/A X X
6.10 Can the OVDS controller monitor and report optical and electrical status.
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.

2/4/2017 OVDS 3 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: OVDS
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Note asset tagging activity also includes
Enterprise Asset
Maintenance X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.
Civil and Structural Standards OVDS detection systems mounting hardware is correct and installed in the
Maintenance X X
for ITS, Version 3.0, Module 7 correct manner
Maintenance N/A Cables are correct for function and operations X
Maintenance N/A Are all connectors and connections correctly attached and in place X
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X

2/4/2017 OVDS 4 of 4
Public Works Authority
State of Qatar



Version 1.0
April 2017
State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan


File Name: V_V Plan Traffic Detector Ver_1_0

Contract Name/Project ID: Contract 5 – ITS Consultancy Services / IA 10-11/D/027/G

File Location:

Deliverable Name: Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

Version Date Status Author Reviewer Approver

Internal M.
0.1 December 2016 D. Verma D. Milnes
Draft Rodriguez
Draft Final
0.2 March 2017 for D. Milnes P. Rowley
1.0 April 2017 First Issue D. Milnes P. Rowley

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

Table of Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Document Purpose ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Supporting Resources and References ............................................................................... 6
1.4 Quality Systems ................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Validation and Verification Overview ................................................................................. 7
1.5.1 Stages of Testing ......................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 Traffic Detector Test Plans and Test Record Sheets ................................................... 7
1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions ......................................................................... 8
2 High-Level Performance Requirement .......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Generalize High-Level Performance Requirements ............................................................ 9
Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet ....................................................................................... 10
Appendix 2 – Test Checklist .................................................................................................................. 12

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Term Definition

BS British Standard
BS EN British Standard European Norm
BS ISO British Standard International Standards Organization
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
LAN Local Area Network
MAT Material Acceptance Test
NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
PAT Production Acceptance Test
POP Proof-of-Performance Test (divided into three parts: POP1, POP2 and POP3)
QCS Qatar Construction Standards
QHDM Qatar Highway Design Manual
QTCM Qatar Traffic Control Manual
TMC Traffic Management Center
WAN Wide Area Network

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This document defines the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Traffic Detector validation and
verification requirements for the State of Qatar. Figure 1-1 shows these document and describes its
relationship with the Validation and Verification Overview and other test documentation.

Figure 1-1: Relationships between the validation and verification plans and test documents

This document and any other validation and verification documents should be read in conjunction
with Ashghal ITS Deployment Guidelines, Ashghal Civil and Structural Standards for ITS, Ashghal ITS
Specifications and related documents as per section 1.3 of this document.

1.2 Intended Audience

These documents are directed at individuals and organizations involved in the design and deployment
of ITS devices. Expected users of these documents are: designers, systems integrators, contractors,
supervision consultants and equipment vendors.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

1.3 Supporting Resources and References

Reference Description

The intent of these documents is to standardize the design of

Ashghal Civil and Structural
infrastructure elements that support ITS. This series of references
Standards for Intelligent
should be referred to by Ashghal and their consultants for all ITS
Transportation Systems

The ITS Specifications should be referred to by Ashghal and their

Ashghal’s ITS Specifications
consultants for all ITS projects.

The NTCIP Guide is a document created to assist in

understanding, specifying, and using a consistent set of defined
and standardized communications protocols and methods for ITS
devices, (The NTCIP Guide is supported with freely available and
open protocol based data definitions for all types of ITS devices).
The National Transportation
The NTCIP collection of data and protocol definitions should be
Communications for ITS
used to assure that devices and systems, both at the roadside and
Protocol (NTCIP) Guide
between control centres, use open protocols and can easily
communicate with each other. Failure to comply with NTCIP
protocol use in devices will be seen as a critical failure during
testing and devices which are non-conformant will not be allowed
to be used on schemes in the State of Qatar.

The Qatar Construction Specifications are intended for use with

the General Conditions of Contract. Contractors shall comply
with every requirement of the Qatar Construction Specification
that is relevant to the type of work forming any part of the
Qatar Construction
Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or
Specifications (QCS)
alternative that is best suited to the needs of the construction
work being undertaken. Where there is a conflict between this
document and the Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS) then
QCS shall apply.

This manual provides guidance on the basic principles of traffic

Qatar Traffic Control Manual
signage and road markings. Contractors are expected to deliver
schemes in line with this manual.

Qatar Highway Design Manual This manual provides the guidelines for the design of roadways
(QHDM) and intersections in Qatar.

Table 1-1: Documentation resources

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

1.4 Quality Systems

The contractor and the contractor’s supply chain shall have a quality system that complies with ISO
9001, certified as appropriate for the activities of production and testing of the ITS equipment. This
quality system/s shall have been certified by a certification body accredited to ISO/IEC 17021 unless
otherwise agreed by Ashghal.

1.5 Validation and Verification Overview

For a full overview of the validation and verification please refer to the Validation and Verification
Overview. The overview document details:

 V&V Test Stages;

 Roles and Responsibilities;
 Test Plans and Test Record Sheets;
 Test Pass and Fail Definitions;
 Current ITS Devices Validation and Verification Plans (to which this is one).

The following is an extract from the Validation and Verification Overview and the parties involved in
testing are expected to have read and understood the Validation and Verification Overview before
conducting any ITS testing activities.

1.5.1 Stages of Testing

Minimum stages of testing Traffic Detector Validation and Verification are as follows:

 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)1 – Factory tests primarily conducted on new to the State of
Qatar or bespoke products;
 Materials Acceptance Testing (MAT) – First inspection, tagging, labelling and inspection of
 Proof of Performance 1 (POP1) – Post installation testing (power up);
 Proof of Performance 2 (POP2) – Local site acceptance testing;
 Proof of Performance 3 (POP3) – Roadway Scheme based acceptance testing.

1.5.2 Traffic Detector Test Plans and Test Record Sheets

The Contractor is responsible for the creation of the Traffic Detector Test Plans. This Plans shall
describe what (including risk and mitigations), when, where, who and how (including supporting test

FAT is not required for ITS equipment that is already widely in use in the State of Qatar as it is assumed that
suppliers have been pre-qualified. New technologies or products from suppliers that are not pre-qualified would
need to undergo such testing as required by Ashghal before they can be implemented.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

equipment) tests shall be conducted. The aim of the Test Plan is to make it clear to any individual
involved as to the procedure, inputs & outputs and roles & responsibilities concerning conduct of ITS

The Traffic Detector Test Record Sheets shall as a minimum be based on the checklists detailed in
Appendix B of this document, the relevant ITS Specification clauses and align with the testing
requirement of the Validation and Verification Overview.

Traffic Detector Test Record Sheets shall aim to detail/reference test that enable the Contractor to
clearly demonstrate equipment compliance/conformance with all relevant Project and applicable
standards & specifications requirements. The results shown on the Traffic Detector Test Record
Sheets shall demonstrate the high level performance requirements detailed in Section 2 of this report.
To provide consistency and reduce Contractor effort an Example Template Test Record Sheet is
provided in Appendix A.

1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions

There shall be four definitions to define the outcome from a test, these are as follows:

A. Pass (P) – Occurs where the test requirements are met or exceeded;
B. Pass with Condition (PC) – Occurs when a defect or fault exist but:
o does not impact on health & safety;
o is minor it consequence and commented issue has to be corrected in a future tests.
C. Pass with Unexpected Observation (PUO) – Occurs when the test is a pass but additional,
non-negative performance is observed.
D. Fail with Comment (FC) – Occurs when a test requirement was no successfully demonstrated,
all failed test shall have a comment provided so it is clear what corrective action is required
to successfully pass a future iteration of the text.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

2 High-Level Performance Requirement

2.1 Overview
Described within section 2.2 is a generalized high-level performance requirement for ITS Traffic
Detector implementations. A detailed list of the test required and specification clause references are
provided in Appendix 2 Test Checklist. Note specific Traffic Detector implementations may have
additional and/or alternative requirement which should be highlighted within the Test Plan and Test
Record Sheet.

2.2 Generalize High-Level Performance Requirements

The following Traffic Detector high-level performance requirement/s may (e.g. as described by a
project brief) be used as a measurement element in assessing the performance of a contractor’s
implementation: The Traffic Detector installation/s are located as specified in the project brief to meet the
roadway’s performance service grade requirements. Each Traffic Detector installation/s shall:

 detect the presence of vehicles and their characteristics with an accuracy as defined within
one of the following Ashghal’s ITS Specifications (dated 2017) sections:
o 3.4.3 Microwave Vehicle Detection Systems;
o 3.4.4 Inductive Loop Detection system;
o 3.4.6 Magnetometer Detection Systems;
o 3.4.8 Video Imaging Vehicle Detection Systems;
o 3.4.9 Automatic Incident Detection system;
 demonstrate (at source or through provided back-office subsystem) timely detection
interoperability using NTCIP and an open interface to a third party software. To reduce maintenance requirements and unless either defined in the project brief or specific
local conditions dictate otherwise, the installations across a roadway scheme use the same

Note, where a document in the above text is reference and has been superseded by a new version,
the relevant section of the newest version of the document shall be used. If it is not clear which
section or document is to be used, the contractor is responsible for ensure they have confirmed with
Ashghal the relevant high level performance requirements.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet

ITS Test Record Sheet

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:
1 of

Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Principal Contractor’s Name(s): Company: Contact No: Signed:

ITS Equipment Supplier Company: Contact No: Signed:


Ashghal/Ashghal’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test Result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:


Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

Note: The Contractor may wish to modify this results sheet to suit their specific requirements. In such
cases the Contractor shall seek approval of the revised sheet from Ashghal.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Traffic Detector Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 2 – Test Checklist

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Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Video Detection Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the necessary software and ready to conduct tests
1.06 General N/A with? E.g. WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP, X X X X X
DMS large and small
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place
1.07 General N/A X X X
and available for testing
Is all relevant equipment including vehicles (such as two different cars and
1.08 General N/A X X X
heavy weight vehicles) available for testing
1.09 General N/A X X
Are all measuring tools for camera viewing distance checks available
2.01 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site breifing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X
Section 4.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle

2/4/2017 VIDEO DZ 1 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Video Detection Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 4.7 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work
Qatar Highway Design Is the Video Detection Camera pole or structure located beyond clear zone
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 or protected by suitable safety barrier

Qatar Highway Design

2.11 Safety Is there adequate vertical clearance for any structures overhanging the X
roadway as per QHDM or site specific requirements.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.01 Equipment X
Section 2.5.3 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
Does the Video Detection Camera meet the requirements of
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.02 Equipment environmental protection such as water ingress and dust ingress X
Section 4.3.6
protection, temperature durability
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.03 Equipment X
Section 4.3.4 is the Video Detection Camera technology as per the specification .
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.04 Equipment Does the physical configuration of the camera meet the requirements of X X
Section 4.2.2 and 4.4
the specification and project (i.e. Camera type, lens, etc.)
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Are field of view and image quality in accordance with project design
3.05 Equipment X X
Section 3.8.3 specifications?
Operation of all automatic and / or remotely controlled camera functions is
3.06 Equipment N/A X X
3.07 Equipment N/A All Camera indicator lamps are working. X X
Operation of electronic irises and focus is satisfactory under the range of
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.08 Equipment intended light levels (night conditions may be simulated X X X
Clause and
through use of suitable neutral density filters)
Camera configuration to provide information on status and faults is
3.09 Equipment N/A complete and correct in accordance with project requirements and X X
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.10 Equipment Image stream is steady and clear - no flickers no intermittant missing X X
Clause and
frames in day and night conditions
Does the physical configuration of the Detection Zone site meet the
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.11 Equipment requirements of the specification and project (i.e. placement in road, X X
Section 3.8.3
location relevance, signage etc.)

2/4/2017 VIDEO DZ 2 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Video Detection Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
3.12 Equipment Project specific Camera field(s) of view seen through the appropriate monitor(s), is correct X
and free from obstruction within the specified viewing area
Check correct operation of functional cameras (e.g. PTZ, wash/wipe, zoom,
3.13 Equipment N/A X
focus) for free movement with no obstructions
Setting of all detection masking zones is complete and correct in
3.14 Equipment Project specific X X
accordance with project design specifications
Check privacy masking zones are set up as agreed / where appropriate, and
3.15 Equipment Project specific X
in accordance with the design specification
Power N/A X X X
4.01 Video Detection Camera Powers Up Correctly and Is Able to Operate
Power N/A X X X
4.02 Video Detection Camera does not lose settings when switched on and off
Video Detection Camera left switched on for 24 hours and test 4.02
Power N/A X X X
4.03 repeated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.04 Manufacturer's All wiring to the Video Detection Camera is correctly terminated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.05 Manufacturer's Check the supply voltage is correct to all parts of the system.

Power N/A Check the system continues to operate correctly when the mains supply is X
4.06 disconnected (if stand-by power supply is specified/used).
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X X
5.01 Section 3.4.1 Video Detection Camera TCP/IP address pingable
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the Video Detection Camera reachable across the telecommunication
Communications X X
5.02 Section 3.4.1 network from an enabled laptop.
Communications N/A X X
5.03 Is another device connectiable across the network.
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the Detection system meet the requirements of vehicle counts,
Functions X X
6.02 Clause and classification, detection as expected
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Video Detection Camera can be configured to provide information on
Functions X X
6.03 Section 3.8.3 status and faults as defined in specifications
Functions N/A X X
6.04 Video Detection Camera detector can be remotely configured & operated

2/4/2017 VIDEO DZ 3 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Video Detection Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.

Note asset tagging activity also includes

Enterprise Asset
Maintenance X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
Maintenance X
7.03 Section 4.3 and 4.2.1 Video Detection Camera is easily accessible
Civil and Structural Standards Video Detection Camera mounting hardware is correct and installed in the
Maintenance X X
7.04 for ITS, Version 3.0, Module 5 correct manner
Maintenance Cables to Video Detection Camera are correct for function and operations X
7.05 recommendation
Are all connectors and connections to Video Detection Camera correctly
Maintenance N/A X
7.06 attached and in place
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
The designated user(s) have received a demonstration and instruction on
Maintenance N/A X
the correct operation of the system including any adjustable features.
The correct documentation has been provided to enable the system to be
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.09 operated correctly.
Any security code numbers, keys and software license details have been
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.10 issued and explained to the user.

2/4/2017 VIDEO DZ 4 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: LPR Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the necessary software and ready to conduct tests
1.06 General N/A with? E.g. WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP, X X X X X
DMS large and small
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place
1.07 General N/A X X X
and available for testing
Is all relevant equipment including vehicles (such as two different cars and
1.08 General N/A X X X
heavy weight vehicles) available for testing
1.09 General N/A X X
Are all measuring tools for LPR camera viewing distance checks available
2.01 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site breifing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X X X
Section 4.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle

2/4/2017 LPR 1 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: LPR Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the LPR Camera enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel
2.09 Safety X
Section 4.7 including maintainer pad and any necessary civil work
Qatar Highway Design Is the LPR Camera pole or structure located beyond clear zone or protected
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 by suitable safety barrier

Qatar Highway Design

2.11 Safety Is there adequate vertical clearance for any structures overhanging the X
roadway as per QHDM or site specific requirements.
Does the LPR Camera hardware meet the requirements of environmental
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.01 Equipment protection such as water ingress and dust ingress protection, temperature X
Section 4.3.3
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.02 Equipment X
Section 2.5.3 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.03 Equipment X
Section 4.4.7 is the LPR Camera technology as per the specification .
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the physical configuration of the camera meet the requirements of
3.04 Equipment X X
Section 4.2.2 and 4.4 the specification and project
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Are field of view and image quality in accordance with project design
3.05 Equipment X X
Section 3.8.6 specifications?
Operation of all automatic and / or remotely controlled camera functions is
3.06 Equipment N/A X X
3.07 Equipment N/A All Camera indicator lamps (if provided) are working. X X
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.08 Equipment Operation is satisfactory under the range of intended light levels (night X X X
conditions may be simulated through use of suitable neutral density filters)
LPR camera configuration to provide information on status and faults is
3.09 Equipment N/A complete and correct in accordance with project requirements and X X
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.10 Equipment Camera field(s) of view seen through the appropriate monitor(s), is correct X
Section 3.8.6
and free from obstruction within the specified viewing area
Does the physical configuration of the LPR Camera site meet the
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.11 Equipment requirements of the specification and project (i.e. placement in road, X X
Section 3.8.6
location relevance, signage etc.)
Setting of all detection masking zones is complete and correct in
3.12 Equipment Project specific X X
accordance with project design specifications

2/4/2017 LPR 2 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: LPR Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Check privacy masking zones are set up as agreed / where appropriate, and
3.13 Equipment Project specific X
in accordance with the design specification
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.14 Equipment Image stream is steady and clear - no flickers no intermittant missing X X
Clause and
frames in both day and night conditions
Interfaces with alarms (e.g. WIM, OVDS) are satisfactory and triggering of
3.15 Equipment N/A X
alarms is correct
Power N/A X X X
4.01 LPR Camera Powers Up Correctly and Is Able to Operate
Power N/A X X X
4.02 LPR Camera does not lose settings when switched on and off
Power N/A X X X
4.03 LPR Camera left switched on for 24 hours and test 4.02 repeated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.04 Manufacturer's All wiring to the LPR Camera detector is correctly terminated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.05 Manufacturer's Check the supply voltage is correct to all parts of the system.

Power N/A Check the system continues to operate correctly when the mains supply is X
4.06 disconnected (if stand-by power supply is specified/used).
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X X
5.01 Section 3.4.1 LPR Camera TCP/IP address pingable
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the LPR Camera reachable across the telecommunication network from
Communications X X
5.02 Section 3.4.1 an enabled laptop.
Communications N/A X X
5.03 Is another device connectiable across the network.
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Does the Detection system meet the requirements of vehicle counts,
Functions X X
6.02 Section 4.4.7 classification, detection as expected
LPR Camera can be configured to provide information on status and faults
Functions N/A X X
6.03 as defined in specifications
Functions N/A X X
6.04 LPR Camera detector can be remotely configured & operated
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.

2/4/2017 LPR 3 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: LPR Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Note asset tagging activity also includes
Enterprise Asset
Maintenance X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
Maintenance X
7.03 Section 3.8.6 LPR Camera is easily accessible

Civil and Structural Standards LPR Camera mounting hardware is correct and installed in the correct
Maintenance X X
for ITS, Version 3.0, Module 4 manner
Maintenance Cables to LPR Camera are correct for function and operations X
7.05 recommendation
Are all connectors and connections to LPR Camera correctly attached and
Maintenance N/A X
7.06 in place
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
The designated user(s) have received a demonstration and instruction on
Maintenance N/A X
the correct operation of the system including any adjustable features.
The correct documentation has been provided to enable the system to be
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.09 operated correctly.
Any security code numbers, keys and software license details have been
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.10 issued and explained to the user.

2/4/2017 LPR 4 of 4
Date: March 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Magnetometer detection zone
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the necessary software and ready to conduct tests
1.06 General N/A with? E.g. WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP, X X X X X
DMS large and small
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place
1.07 General N/A X X X
and available for testing
Is all relevant equipment including vehicles (such as two different cars and
1.08 General N/A X X X
heavy weight vehicles) available for testing
2.01 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site breifing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X
Section 4.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 4.7 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work

2/4/2017 MAGS DZ 1 of 3
Date: March 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Magnetometer detection zone
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Qatar Highway Design Is the Access Point/Repeater pole or structure located beyond clear zone
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 or protected by suitable safety barrier
Do the hardwares (Access point/ repeater/ magnetometer) meet the
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.01 Equipment requirements of environmental protection such as water ingress and dust X
Section 3.4.6
ingress protection, temperature durability
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the hardware technology as per the specification [including
3.02 Equipment X
Section 3.4.7 Magnetometer detector(s), Access Point(s) and Repeater(s)].
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.03 Equipment X
Section 2.5.3 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
Does the physical configuration of the Detectors meet the requirements of
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.04 Equipment the specification and project (i.e. placement in road, location relevance, X X
Section 3.4.6
signage etc.)
Power N/A X X X
4.01 All electronic hardwares Power Up Correctly and Is Able to Operate
Power N/A X X X
4.02 Detector does not lose settings when switched on and off
Power N/A X X X
4.03 Detectors left switched on for 24 hours and test 4.02 repeated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.04 Manufacturer's All wiring to the Access point is correctly terminated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.05 Manufacturer's Check the supply voltage is correct to all parts of the system.

Power N/A Check the system continues to operate correctly when the mains supply is X
4.06 disconnected (if stand-by power supply is specified/used).
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X X
5.01 Section 3.4.1 Detection Zone hardware TCP/IP address pingable
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the Detection Zone hardware reachable across the telecommunication
Communications X X
5.02 Section 3.4.1 network from an enabled laptop.
Communications N/A X X
5.03 Is another device connectiable across the network.
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the Detection system meet the requirements of vehicle counts,
Functions X X
6.02 Section 3.4.6 classification, detection as expected

2/4/2017 MAGS DZ 2 of 3
Date: March 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Magnetometer detection zone
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Can the Detection system be configured to provide information on status
Functions X X
6.03 Section 3.4.6 and faults as defined in specifications
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Functions X X
6.04 Section 3.4.1 Detection Zone hardware can be remotely configured & operated
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.

Note asset tagging activity also includes

Enterprise Asset
Maintenance X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
Maintenance X
7.03 Section 3.8.4 Detection hardwares are easily accessible
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Access Point/ Repeater unit mounting hardware is correct and installed in
Maintenance X X
7.04 Section 3.8.5 the correct manner
Maintenance Manufacturer's recommendationCables to access point is correct for function and operations X
Are all connectors and connections to Detectors correctly attached and in
Maintenance N/A X
7.06 place
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
The designated user(s) have received a demonstration and instruction on
Maintenance N/A X
the correct operation of the system including any adjustable features.
The correct documentation has been provided to enable the system to be
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.09 operated correctly.
Any security code numbers, keys and software license details have been
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.10 issued and explained to the user.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Maintenance Access Point, Repeater and Magnetometers are compatible X X
7.11 Section 3.4.6
Maintenance N/A Access Point and Repeater can be easily removed and replaced X

2/4/2017 MAGS DZ 3 of 3
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Radar traffic detection
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the necessary software and ready to conduct tests
1.06 General N/A with? E.g. WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP, X X X X X
DMS large and small
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place
1.07 General N/A X X X
and available for testing
Is all relevant equipment including vehicles (such as two different cars and
1.08 General N/A X X X
heavy weight vehicles) available for testing
2.01 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site breifing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X X X
Section 4.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 4.7 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work

2/4/2017 RADAR DZ 1 of 3
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Radar traffic detection
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Qatar Highway Design Is the Radar pole or structure located beyond clear zone or protected by
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 suitable safety barrier

Qatar Highway Design

2.11 Safety Is there adequate vertical clearance for any structures overhanging the X
roadway as per QHDM or site specific requirements?
Does the Radar meet the requirements of environmental protection such
3.01 Equipment N/A as water ingress and dust ingress protection (IP 65 as minimum) , X
temperature durability
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.02 Equipment X
Section 3.4.3 is the Radar detector technology as per the specification .
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.03 Equipment X
Section 2.5.3 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
Does the physical configuration of the Detection Zone site meet the
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.04 Equipment requirements of the specification and project (i.e. placement in road, X X
Section 3.4.3
location relevance, signage etc.)
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Radar detector orientation to detection zone is correct and the specified
3.05 Equipment X
Section 3.8.2 detection zone area is free from obstruction.
Power N/A X X X
4.01 Radar Powers Up Correctly and Is Able to Operate
Power N/A X X X
4.02 Radar does not lose settings when switched on and off
Power N/A X X X
4.03 Radar left switched on for 24 hours and test 4.02 repeated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.04 Manufacturer's All wiring to the Detection Zone hardware is correctly terminated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.05 Manufacturer's Check the supply voltage is correct to all parts of the system.

Power N/A Check the system continues to operate correctly when the mains supply is X
4.06 disconnected (if stand-by power supply is specified/used).
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X X
5.01 Section 3.4.1 Detection Zone hardware TCP/IP address pingable
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the Detection Zone hardware reachable across the telecommunication
Communications X X
5.02 Section 3.4.1 network from an enabled laptop.
Communications N/A X X
5.03 Is another device connectiable across the network.

2/4/2017 RADAR DZ 2 of 3
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Radar traffic detection
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the Detection system meet the requirements of vehicle counts,
Functions X X
6.02 Section 3.4.3 classification, detection as expected
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Detection Zone hardware can be configured to provide information on
Functions X X
6.03 Section 3.4.4 status and faults as defined in specifications
Functions N/A X X
6.04 Detection Zone hardware can be remotely configured & operated
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.

Note asset tagging activity also includes

Enterprise Asset
Maintenance X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
Maintenance X
7.03 Section 3.8.2 Radar is easily accessible
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
Maintenance Radar mounting hardware is correct and installed in the correct manner X X
7.04 Section 3.8.3
Maintenance N/A Cables to Radar are correct for function and operations X
Are all connectors and connections to Radars correctly attached and in
Maintenance N/A X
7.06 place
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
The designated user(s) have received a demonstration and instruction on
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
the correct operation of the system including any adjustable features.
The correct documentation has been provided to enable the system to be
Maintenance Contract Document X
7.09 operated correctly.
Any security code numbers, keys and software license details have been
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.10 issued and explained to the user.

2/4/2017 RADAR DZ 3 of 3
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Video Detection Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the necessary software and ready to conduct tests
1.06 General N/A with? E.g. WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP, X X X X X
DMS large and small
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place
1.07 General N/A X X X
and available for testing
Is all relevant equipment including vehicles (such as two different cars and
1.08 General N/A X X X
heavy weight vehicles) available for testing
1.09 General N/A X X
Are all measuring tools for camera viewing distance checks available
2.01 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site breifing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X
Section 4.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle

2/4/2017 VIDEO DZ 1 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Video Detection Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 4.7 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work
Qatar Highway Design Is the Video Detection Camera pole or structure located beyond clear zone
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 or protected by suitable safety barrier

Qatar Highway Design

2.11 Safety Is there adequate vertical clearance for any structures overhanging the X
roadway as per QHDM or site specific requirements.
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.01 Equipment X
Section 2.5.3 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
Does the Video Detection Camera meet the requirements of
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.02 Equipment environmental protection such as water ingress and dust ingress X
Section 4.3.6
protection, temperature durability
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.03 Equipment X
Section 4.3.4 is the Video Detection Camera technology as per the specification .
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.04 Equipment Does the physical configuration of the camera meet the requirements of X X
Section 4.2.2 and 4.4
the specification and project (i.e. Camera type, lens, etc.)
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Are field of view and image quality in accordance with project design
3.05 Equipment X X
Section 3.8.3 specifications?
Operation of all automatic and / or remotely controlled camera functions is
3.06 Equipment N/A X X
3.07 Equipment N/A All Camera indicator lamps are working. X X
Operation of electronic irises and focus is satisfactory under the range of
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.08 Equipment intended light levels (night conditions may be simulated X X X
Clause and
through use of suitable neutral density filters)
Camera configuration to provide information on status and faults is
3.09 Equipment N/A complete and correct in accordance with project requirements and X X
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.10 Equipment Image stream is steady and clear - no flickers no intermittant missing X X
Clause and
frames in day and night conditions
Does the physical configuration of the Detection Zone site meet the
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
3.11 Equipment requirements of the specification and project (i.e. placement in road, X X
Section 3.8.3
location relevance, signage etc.)

2/4/2017 VIDEO DZ 2 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Video Detection Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
3.12 Equipment Project specific Camera field(s) of view seen through the appropriate monitor(s), is correct X
and free from obstruction within the specified viewing area
Check correct operation of functional cameras (e.g. PTZ, wash/wipe, zoom,
3.13 Equipment N/A X
focus) for free movement with no obstructions
Setting of all detection masking zones is complete and correct in
3.14 Equipment Project specific X X
accordance with project design specifications
Check privacy masking zones are set up as agreed / where appropriate, and
3.15 Equipment Project specific X
in accordance with the design specification
Power N/A X X X
4.01 Video Detection Camera Powers Up Correctly and Is Able to Operate
Power N/A X X X
4.02 Video Detection Camera does not lose settings when switched on and off
Video Detection Camera left switched on for 24 hours and test 4.02
Power N/A X X X
4.03 repeated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.04 Manufacturer's All wiring to the Video Detection Camera is correctly terminated
QCS 2014, Section21 &
Power X
4.05 Manufacturer's Check the supply voltage is correct to all parts of the system.

Power N/A Check the system continues to operate correctly when the mains supply is X
4.06 disconnected (if stand-by power supply is specified/used).
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
Communications X X X
5.01 Section 3.4.1 Video Detection Camera TCP/IP address pingable
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Is the Video Detection Camera reachable across the telecommunication
Communications X X
5.02 Section 3.4.1 network from an enabled laptop.
Communications N/A X X
5.03 Is another device connectiable across the network.
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
ITS Specifications Version 3.0, Does the Detection system meet the requirements of vehicle counts,
Functions X X
6.02 Clause and classification, detection as expected
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Video Detection Camera can be configured to provide information on
Functions X X
6.03 Section 3.8.3 status and faults as defined in specifications
Functions N/A X X
6.04 Video Detection Camera detector can be remotely configured & operated

2/4/2017 VIDEO DZ 3 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: Video Detection Camera
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.

Note asset tagging activity also includes

Enterprise Asset
Maintenance X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
Maintenance X
7.03 Section 4.3 and 4.2.1 Video Detection Camera is easily accessible
Civil and Structural Standards Video Detection Camera mounting hardware is correct and installed in the
Maintenance X X
7.04 for ITS, Version 3.0, Module 5 correct manner
Maintenance Cables to Video Detection Camera are correct for function and operations X
7.05 recommendation
Are all connectors and connections to Video Detection Camera correctly
Maintenance N/A X
7.06 attached and in place
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
The designated user(s) have received a demonstration and instruction on
Maintenance N/A X
the correct operation of the system including any adjustable features.
The correct documentation has been provided to enable the system to be
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.09 operated correctly.
Any security code numbers, keys and software license details have been
Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
7.10 issued and explained to the user.

2/4/2017 VIDEO DZ 4 of 4
Public Works Authority
State of Qatar



Version 1.0
April 2017
State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan


File Name: V_V Plan WIM Ver_1_0

Contract Name/Project ID: Contract 5 – ITS Consultancy Services / IA 10-11/D/027/G

File Location:

Deliverable Name: WIM Validation and Verification Plan

Version Date Status Author Reviewer Approver

Internal M.
0.1 December 2016 D. Verma D. Milnes
Draft Rodriguez
Draft Final
0.2 March 2017 for D. Milnes P. Rowley
1.0 April 2017 First Issue D. Milnes P. Rowley

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

Table of Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Document Purpose ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Supporting Resources and References ............................................................................... 6
1.4 Quality Systems ................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Validation and Verification Overview ................................................................................. 7
1.5.1 Stages of Testing ......................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 WIM Test Plans and Test Record Sheets ..................................................................... 7
1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions ......................................................................... 8
2 High-Level Performance Requirement .......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Generalize High-Level Performance Requirements ............................................................ 9
Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet ....................................................................................... 10
Appendix 2 – Test Checklist .................................................................................................................. 12

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Term Definition

BS British Standard
BS EN British Standard European Norm
BS ISO British Standard International Standards Organization
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
LAN Local Area Network
MAT Material Acceptance Test
NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
PAT Production Acceptance Test
POP Proof-of-Performance Test (divided into three parts: POP1, POP2 and POP3)
QCS Qatar Construction Standards
QHDM Qatar Highway Design Manual
QTCM Qatar Traffic Control Manual
TMC Traffic Management Center
WAN Wide Area Network
WIM Weight In-Motion

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This document defines the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Weight In-Motion (WIM) validation
and verification requirements for the State of Qatar. Figure 1-1 shows these document and describes
its relationship with the Validation and Verification Overview and other test documentation.

Figure 1-1: Relationships between the validation and verification plans and test documents

This document and any other validation and verification documents should be read in conjunction
with Ashghal ITS Deployment Guidelines, Ashghal Civil and Structural Standards for ITS, Ashghal ITS
Specifications and related documents as per section 1.3 of this document.

1.2 Intended Audience

These documents are directed at individuals and organizations involved in the design and deployment
of ITS devices. Expected users of these documents are: designers, systems integrators, contractors,
supervision consultants and equipment vendors.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

1.3 Supporting Resources and References

Reference Description

The intent of these documents is to standardize the design of

Ashghal Civil and Structural
infrastructure elements that support ITS. This series of references
Standards for Intelligent
should be referred to by Ashghal and their consultants for all ITS
Transportation Systems

The ITS Specifications should be referred to by Ashghal and their

Ashghal’s ITS Specifications
consultants for all ITS projects.

The NTCIP Guide is a document created to assist in

understanding, specifying, and using a consistent set of defined
and standardized communications protocols and methods for ITS
devices, (The NTCIP Guide is supported with freely available and
open protocol based data definitions for all types of ITS devices).
The National Transportation
The NTCIP collection of data and protocol definitions should be
Communications for ITS
used to assure that devices and systems, both at the roadside and
Protocol (NTCIP) Guide
between control centres, use open protocols and can easily
communicate with each other. Failure to comply with NTCIP
protocol use in devices will be seen as a critical failure during
testing and devices which are non-conformant will not be allowed
to be used on schemes in the State of Qatar.

The Qatar Construction Specifications are intended for use with

the General Conditions of Contract. Contractors shall comply
with every requirement of the Qatar Construction Specification
that is relevant to the type of work forming any part of the
Qatar Construction
Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or
Specifications (QCS)
alternative that is best suited to the needs of the construction
work being undertaken. Where there is a conflict between this
document and the Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS) then
QCS shall apply.

This manual provides guidance on the basic principles of traffic

Qatar Traffic Control Manual
signage and road markings. Contractors are expected to deliver
schemes in line with this manual.

Qatar Highway Design Manual This manual provides the guidelines for the design of roadways
(QHDM) and intersections in Qatar.

Table 1-1: Documentation resources

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

1.4 Quality Systems

The contractor and the contractor’s supply chain shall have a quality system that complies with ISO
9001, certified as appropriate for the activities of production and testing of the ITS equipment. This
quality system/s shall have been certified by a certification body accredited to ISO/IEC 17021 unless
otherwise agreed by Ashghal.

1.5 Validation and Verification Overview

For a full overview of the validation and verification please refer to the Validation and Verification
Overview. The overview document details:

 V&V Test Stages;

 Roles and Responsibilities;
 Test Plans and Test Record Sheets;
 Test Pass and Fail Definitions;
 Current ITS Devices Validation and Verification Plans (to which this is one).

The following is an extract from the Validation and Verification Overview and the parties involved in
testing are expected to have read and understood the Validation and Verification Overview before
conducting any ITS testing activities.

1.5.1 Stages of Testing

Minimum stages of testing WIM Validation and Verification are as follows:

 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)1 – Factory tests primarily conducted on new to the State of
Qatar or bespoke products;
 Materials Acceptance Testing (MAT) – First inspection, tagging, labelling and inspection of
 Proof of Performance 1 (POP1) – Post installation testing (power up);
 Proof of Performance 2 (POP2) – Local site acceptance testing;
 Proof of Performance 3 (POP3) – Roadway Scheme based acceptance testing.

1.5.2 WIM Test Plans and Test Record Sheets

The Contractor is responsible for the creation of the WIM Test Plans. This Plans shall describe what
(including risk and mitigations), when, where, who and how (including supporting test equipment)

FAT is not required for ITS equipment that is already widely in use in the State of Qatar as it is assumed that
suppliers have been pre-qualified. New technologies or products from suppliers that are not pre-qualified would
need to undergo such testing as required by Ashghal before they can be implemented.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

tests shall be conducted. The aim of the Test Plan is to make it clear to any individual involved as to
the procedure, inputs & outputs and roles & responsibilities concerning conduct of ITS tests.

The WIM Test Record Sheets shall as a minimum be based on the checklists detailed in Appendix B of
this document, the relevant ITS Specification clauses and align with the testing requirement of the
Validation and Verification Overview.

WIM Test Record Sheets shall aim to detail/reference test that enable the Contractor to clearly
demonstrate equipment compliance/conformance with all relevant Project and applicable standards
& specifications requirements. The results shown on the WIM Test Record Sheets shall demonstrate
the high level performance requirements detailed in Section 2 of this report. To provide consistency
and reduce Contractor effort an Example Template Test Record Sheet is provided in Appendix A.

1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions

There shall be four definitions to define the outcome from a test, these are as follows:

A. Pass (P) – Occurs where the test requirements are met or exceeded;
B. Pass with Condition (PC) – Occurs when a defect or fault exist but:
o does not impact on health & safety;
o is minor it consequence and commented issue has to be corrected in a future tests.
C. Pass with Unexpected Observation (PUO) – Occurs when the test is a pass but additional,
non-negative performance is observed.
D. Fail with Comment (FC) – Occurs when a test requirement was no successfully demonstrated,
all failed test shall have a comment provided so it is clear what corrective action is required
to successfully pass a future iteration of the text.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

2 High-Level Performance Requirement

2.1 Overview
Described within section 2.2 is a generalize high-level performance requirement for a ITS WIM
implementations. A detailed list of the test required and specification clause references are provided
in Appendix 2 Test Checklist. Note, specific WIM may have additional and/or alternative requirement
which should be highlighted within the Test Plan and Test Record Sheet.

2.2 Generalize High-Level Performance Requirements

The following WIM high-level performance requirement/s may (e.g. as described by a project brief)
be used as a measurement element in assessing the performance of a contractor’s implementation: The WIM installation/s are located as specified in the project brief and to protect structures
that are not designed to support vehicles operating at standard weight limits (e.g. temporary
bridges), they should be positioned to enable the identified truck to be safely diverted away
from the structure at risk. The WIM installation/s shall:

 integrate with DMS and audible alarms equipment to enable driver to safely divert way
from roadway crossing structures.
 shall demonstrate timely detection alarm/ alert interoperability using NTCIP and an open
interface to a third party software. The WIM technology used in the implementation shall have demonstrated in State of Qatar
environmental conditions the functional performance requirements defined within section
7.4.1 of Ashghal’s ITS Specifications (dated 2017).

Note, the above performance requirements are based on Ashghal’s 2014 Road Weather Information
System, Weight in Motion and Overheight Vehicle Detection Deployment Strategy. Also Ashghal often
located WIM along designated truck routes within the State of Qatar.

Where a document in the above text is reference and has been superseded by a new version, the
relevant section of the newest version of the document shall be used. If it is not clear which section
or document is to be used, the contractor is responsible for ensure they have confirmed with Ashghal
the relevant high level performance requirements.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet

ITS Test Record Sheet

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:
1 of

Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Principal Contractor’s Name(s): Company: Contact No: Signed:

ITS Equipment Supplier Company: Contact No: Signed:


Ashghal/Ashghal’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test Result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:


Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested (make,
model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

Note: The Contractor may wish to modify this results sheet to suit their specific requirements. In such
cases the Contractor shall seek approval of the revised sheet from Ashghal.

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) WIM Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 2 – Test Checklist

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Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: WIM
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment
1.01 General N/A X
been completed
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme
1.03 General N/A X
been completed
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?

Is a laptop loaded with the necessary software and ready to conduct tests
1.06 General N/A X X X X
with? E.g. WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP,
DMS large and small, WIM operational software supplied by vendor
Is all relevant equipment including at least two different multi axel trucks
1.07 General N/A X X X
available for testing
2.01 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site breifing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
officer present
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
operation prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X
Section 4.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the WIM enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 4.7 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work

2/4/2017 WIM 1 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: WIM
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Qatar Highway Design
2.10 Safety Is the WIM control enclosure located beyond clear zone or protected by X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23
suitable safety barrier

ITS Specifications Ver 3.0

3.01 Equipment Does the WIM installation consist of detection elements that will meet the X
Section 7.4
requirements of axel counts, classification, weight detection expected
Does the WIM hardware meet the requirements of environmental
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0
3.02 Equipment protection such as water ingress and dust ingress protection, temperature X
Section 7.3.3
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0
3.03 Equipment X
Section 7.4.1 Is the WIM detector technology as per the specification.

ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Does the WIM operational capability meet the requirement of
3.04 Equipment specifications. I.e can it detect the full range of types of truck or axel X
Section 7.4.2
loadings as per specifications

ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Does the WIM system require any specific or special cabling or other
3.05 Equipment X X
Clause ancillary equipment that is not directly related to the WIM in order for it to
operate and have they passed the tests?

ITS Specifications Ver 3.0

3.06 Equipment Does the LPR system activate correctly and detect license plates for X X
Section 4.4.7
violation of all classification of vehicles?
ITS Specifications Ver 3.0 Does the roadside controller meet the requirements of the ITS
3.07 Equipment X
Section 7 specifications
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
3.08 Equipment X
Section 2.5.3 Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of specifications.
ITS Specifications, Clause
3.09 Equipment X Does the LPR have glare/visibility issues from rising/setting sun.
ITS Deployment Guidelines
3.10 Equipment Is the LPR system able to capture plate photographs as well as delivering X X
Section 3.8.6
OCR data. Is the data presented as hashed (encrypted) ASCII text?
Power N/A X X X
4.01 WIM & LPR Powers Up Correctly and Is Able to Operate
Power N/A X X X
4.02 WIM controller does not lose settings when switched on and off

2/4/2017 WIM 2 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: WIM
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Is the power to the enclosure of the appropriate type (dual with UPS
Power Contract Document X
4.03 /single) as per project requirements.
Can the WIM / LPR power supply voltage readings be ascertained from the
Power N/A X X
4.04 controller
Communications N/A X X X
5.01 WIM controller and LPR TCP/IP address pingable?
Are both the WIM and LPR connectable across the LAN from an enabled
Communications N/A X X
5.02 laptop
Communications N/A X X
5.03 Is another device at the site i.e CCTV connectable across the Network
Functions Contract Document X X X X
6.01 Project specific high level performance requirements met by the system
ITS Specifications, Section
Functions X X
6.02 7.4.2 Is classification information correctly captured and displayed
ITS Specifications, Clause Are complete records kept by the WIM system of the readings on axles
Functions X X
6.03 combined with OCR of plates

ITS Specifications, Clause Does the WIM system capture 6 x different successive vehicle runs in real
Functions time by the same vehicle and is the result captured of each run of the same X
6.04 vehicle consistent
ITS Specifications, Clause Can the WIM sensitivity be controlled or managed from the in-station /
Functions X
6.05 controller?
ITS Specifications, Clause
Functions X
6.06 7.4.2 Can the LPR system be adjusted from the controller
ITS Specifications, Clause Are controllers configured to provide information on status and faults as
Functions X
6.07 defined in specifications
ITS Specifications, Clause
Functions X X
6.08 and serction 7.5.1 Can the WIM/LPR controller be remotely configured & operated
Does the WIM /LPR revert to specific settings in the event of power failure
Functions N/A X X
6.09 or communication failure

ITS Specifications, Clause Is the LPR system able to capture plate information in total darkness or is
Functions the LPR system able to operate under varying light conditions / does X X
6.10 ancillary lighting work correctly
Maintenance N/A X
7.01 Confirm consistency on supply against packing list/supply documentation.

2/4/2017 WIM 3 of 4
Date: April 2017; Version 1.0
Technology Type Checklist: WIM
Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this
checklist (as per applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
No. Category Specification and Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract
Note asset tagging activity also includes
Enterprise Asset
Maintenance X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets against Ashghal’s database of previously
7.02 management requirements. rejected products.
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
Maintenance X
Section 4.3 and 4.2.1
7.03 LPR cameras are easily accessible
Civil and Structural Standards
Maintenance LPR mounting hardware is correct and installed in the correct manner X X
for ITS, Version 3.0, Module 7
Cables to all WIM components including LPR are correct for function and
Maintenance N/A X X
7.05 operations

Maintenance N/A Are all connectors and connections correctly attached and in place X
Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
Can the WIM controller and LPR camera be serviced without the need of
Maintenance N/A X X
7.08 special tools

2/4/2017 WIM 4 of 4
Public Works Authority
State of Qatar



Version 1.0
April 2017
State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan


File Name: V_V Plan LAN Ver_1_0

Contract Name/Project ID: Contract 5 – ITS Consultancy Services / IA 10-11/D/027/G

File Location:

Deliverable Name: LAN Validation and Verification Plan

Version Date Status Author Reviewer Approver

Internal A. Pliego M.
0.1 January 2017 D. Milnes
Draft M. Noman Rodriguez
Draft Final
0.2 March 2017 for Client D. Milnes P. Rowley
1.0 April 2017 First Issue D. Milnes P. Rowley

Hard Copies of this document are uncontrolled Page 2

State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

Table of Contents
Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Document Purpose ............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Intended Audience .............................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Supporting Resources and References ............................................................................... 5
1.4 Quality Systems ................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Validation and Verification Overview ................................................................................. 7
1.5.1 Stages of Testing ......................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 LAN Test Plans and Test Record Sheets ...................................................................... 8
1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions ......................................................................... 8
2 High-Level Performance Requirement .......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 9
2.2 Generalized High-Level Performance Requirements .......................................................... 9
Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet ....................................................................................... 10
Appendix 2 – Test Checklist .................................................................................................................. 12

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

Glossary of Abbreviations and Acronyms

Term Definition

BS British Standard
BS EN British Standard European Norm
BS ISO British Standard International Standards Organization
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ITS Intelligent Transportation System
LAN Local Area Network
MAT Material Acceptance Test
NTCIP National Transportation Communications for ITS Protocol
PAT Production Acceptance Test
PTZ Pan Tilt Zoom
POP Proof-of-Performance Test (divided into three parts: POP1, POP2 and POP3)
QCS Qatar Construction Standards
QHDM Qatar Highway Design Manual
QTCM Qatar Traffic Control Manual
TMC Traffic Management Center
WAN Wide Area Network

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This document defines the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Local Area Network (LAN) validation
and verification requirements for the State of Qatar. Figure 1-1 shows this document and describes
its relationship with the Validation and Verification Overview and other test documentation.

Figure 1-1: Relationships between the validation and verification plans and test documents

This document and any other validation and verification documents should be read in conjunction
with Ashghal ITS Deployment Guidelines, Ashghal Civil and Structural Standards for ITS, Ashghal ITS
Specifications and related documents as per section 1.3 Supporting Resources and References of this

1.2 Intended Audience

These documents are directed at individuals and organizations involved in the design and deployment
of ITS devices. Expected users of these documents are: designers, systems integrators, contractors,
supervision consultants and equipment vendors.

1.3 Supporting Resources and References

Reference latest and

approved version
The intent of these documents is to standardize the design of
Ashghal Civil and Structural
infrastructure elements that support ITS. This series of references
Standards for Intelligent
should be referred to by Ashghal and their consultants for all ITS
Transportation Systems

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Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

Reference latest and

approved version
The ITS Specifications should be referred to by Ashghal and their
Ashghal’s ITS Specifications
consultants for all ITS projects.

The NTCIP Guide is a document created to assist in

understanding, specifying, and using a consistent set of defined
and standardized communications protocols and methods for ITS
devices, (The NTCIP Guide is supported with freely available and
open protocol based data definitions for all types of ITS devices).
The National Transportation
The NTCIP collection of data and protocol definitions should be
Communications for ITS
used to assure that devices and systems, both at the roadside and
Protocol (NTCIP) Guide
between control centres, use open protocols and can easily
communicate with each other. Failure to comply with NTCIP
protocol use in devices will be seen as a critical failure during
testing and devices which are non-conformant will not be allowed
to be used on schemes in the State of Qatar.

The Qatar Construction Specifications are intended for use with

the General Conditions of Contract. Contractors shall comply
with every requirement of the Qatar Construction Specification
that is relevant to the type of work forming any part of the
Qatar Construction
Contract and shall adopt whichever permissible option or
Specifications (QCS)
alternative that is best suited to the needs of the construction
work being undertaken. Where there is a conflict between this
document and the Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS) then
QCS shall apply.

This manual provides guidance on the basic principles of traffic

Qatar Traffic Control Manual
signage and road markings. Contractors are expected to deliver
schemes in line with this manual.

Qatar Highway Design Manual This manual provides the guidelines for the design of roadways
(QHDM) and intersections in Qatar.

Table 1-1: Documentation resources

1.4 Quality Systems

The contractor and the contractor’s supply chain shall have a quality system that complies with ISO
9001, certified as appropriate for the activities of production and testing of the ITS equipment under
the scope of this document. This quality system/s shall have been certified by a certification body
accredited to ISO/IEC 17021 unless otherwise agreed by Ashghal.

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

1.5 Validation and Verification Overview

For a full overview of the validation and verification please refer to the Validation and Verification
Overview. The overview document details:

 V&V Test Stages;

 Roles and Responsibilities;
 Test Plans and Test Record Sheets;
 Test Pass and Fail Definitions;
 Current ITS Devices Validation and Verification Plans (to which this is one).

The following is an extract from the Validation and Verification Overview and the parties involved in
testing are expected to have read and understood the Validation and Verification Overview before
conducting any ITS testing activities.

1.5.1 Stages of Testing

Minimum stages of testing LAN Validation and Verification are as follows:

 Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) 1– Factory tests primarily conducted on new to the State of
Qatar or bespoke products;
 Materials Acceptance Testing (MAT) – First inspection, tagging, labelling and inspection of
 Proof of Performance 1 (POP1) – Post installation testing (power up);
 Proof of Performance 2 (POP2) – Local site acceptance testing;
 Proof of Performance 3 (POP3) – Roadway Scheme based acceptance testing.

Noted the LAN is critical to the operation of various ITS devices, and consists of active and passive
infrastructure. The stages of testing mentioned above shall be applicable where defined within the
LAN Validation and Verification checklists to.

Passive infrastructure:

 Fiber optic cable;

 Auxiliary equipment (e.g. Fiber Optic Breakout Boxes, patch panels, pig tails, patch cords,
fiber connectors, etc…).
Active infrastructure:
 Switches;
 Routers;
 Etc.

FAT is not required for ITS/Network equipment that is already widely in use in the State of Qatar as it is assumed
that suppliers have been pre-qualified. New technologies or products from suppliers that are not pre-qualified
would need to undergo such testing as required by Ashghal before they can be implemented.

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

1.5.2 LAN Test Plans and Test Record Sheets

The Contractor is responsible for the creation of the LAN Test Plans, see Validation and Verification
Overview document section 1.6 Testing Roles and responsibilities for reference.

As mentioned earlier, the Contractor has to conduct individualised test plans for active and passive
infrastructure. The Contractor is responsible as well for devising integration tests between both types
of infrastructure to ensure that the whole set performs seamlessly and as per the specifications.

These Plans shall describe what (including risk and mitigations), when, where, who and how (including
supporting test equipment) tests shall be conducted. The aim of the Test Plan is to make it clear to
any individual involved as to the procedure, inputs & outputs and roles & responsibilities concerning
conduct of ITS tests.

Test Record Sheets for the LAN passive and active infrastructure shall as a minimum be based on the
checklists detailed in Appendix B of this document, the relevant ITS Specification clauses and align
with the testing requirement of the Validation and Verification Overview.

Test Record Sheets shall aim to detail/reference test that enable the Contractor to clearly demonstrate
equipment compliance/conformance with all relevant Project and applicable standards &
specifications requirements. The results shown on the LAN Test Record Sheets shall demonstrate the
high level performance requirements detailed in Section 2 of this report. To provide consistency and
reduce Contractor effort an Example Template Test Record Sheet is provided in Appendix A.

1.5.3 Overview of Pass and Fail Definitions

There shall be four definitions to define the outcome from a test, these are as follows:

A. Pass (P) – Occurs where the validation and verification requirements are met or exceeded;
B. Pass with Condition (PC) – Occurs when a defect or fault is noticed but:
o does not impact on health and safety;
o consequences arising from the fault are minor and commented issue can and is to be
corrected in a future iteration of the validation and verification checks.
C. Pass with Unexpected Observation (PUO) – Occurs when the performed check is a pass but
additional, non-negative performance is observed.
D. Fail with Comment (FC) – Occurs when a check requirement was not successfully
demonstrated, all failed checks shall have a comment provided so it is clear what corrective
action is required to successfully pass a future iteration of the check.

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

2 High-Level Performance Requirement

2.1 Overview
Described within section 2.2 is a generalized high-level performance requirement for ITS LAN
implementation. A detailed list of the test required and specification clause references are provided
in Appendix 2 Test Checklist. Note specific LAN implementations may have additional and/or
alternative requirement which should be highlighted within the Test Plan and Test Record Sheet.

2.2 Generalized High-Level Performance Requirements

The following LAN high-level performance requirement/s may be used as a measurement element
(e.g. as described by a project brief) in assessing the performance of a contractor’s implementation: The LAN shall provide full connectivity between the Distribution Nodes and all ITS end devices. All connections shall be tested to demonstrate they achieve the bandwidth and do not exceed
the delay and loss of frames requirements of all end devices operating under normal
conditions (In Ethernet terms these are called Throughput, Latency and Frame Loss as per
RFC 2544 “Testing of Ethernet Services in Telecom Networks”). The network equipment shall demonstrate automated data re-routing and ring healing when
subjected to any network equipment faults. The network equipment shall be configured to minimize risk of damage through unpermitted
access, all switches shall have a complex password and be able to restricted access based on
MAC address. The network equipment shall adhere to ISO 27001 standards where applicable, and be
capable of hardening as per Industrial Ethernet Standards and Practices.

Where a document in the above text is reference and has been superseded by a new version, the
relevant section of the newest version of the document shall be used. If it is not clear which section
or document is to be used, the contractor is responsible for ensure they have confirmed with Ashghal
the relevant high level performance requirements.

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 1 – Example ITS Test Record Sheet

ITS Test Record Sheet

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:
1 of

Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested
(make, model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Principal Contractor’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


ITS Equipment Supplier Company: Contact No: Signed:


Ashghal/Ashghal’s Company: Contact No: Signed:


Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test Result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

Project Title: Contract Ref No: Sheet No:


Stage of testing (e.g. FAT):

Type of Equipment being

Equipment being tested
(make, model, version):
ITS Equipment Ref No (serial
number, asset number:
Date: Time: Location:

Description of Test (or refer to relevant Result

No. (P), (PC), Comments on Test result
specification clause/section) (PUO), (F)

Note: The Contractor may wish to modify this results sheet to suit their specific requirements. In such
cases the Contractor shall seek approval of the revised sheet from Ashghal.

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State of Qatar, Public Works Authority

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) LAN Validation and Verification Plan

Appendix 2 – Test Checklist

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Date: April 2017; Version 1.0

Technology Type Checklist: LAN ACTIVE EQUIPMENT (switch/router)

Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per applicable
Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT
1.01 General N/A Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment been completed X

1.02 General N/A Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been completed X

1.03 General N/A Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme been completed X

1.04 General N/A Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site X X X

1.05 General N/A Have Checklists been handed out to test staff? X X X X X
The testing software shown here is just an
1.06 General N/A Is a laptop loaded with the following software present and ready to conduct tests with? WireShark,(Network X X X X X example. Testing can be done with a
Analysis Tool), telnet or SSH enabled variety of products.

1.07 General N/A All bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place and available for testing X X X

1.08 General N/A All measuring tools for testing router/switch should be available X X

2.01 Safety N/A Has a testing briefing been given X X X X X

2.02 Safety N/A Has a site breifing been given X X X

Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety X X X
Management Guide
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing X X X
Management Guide
Work Zone Traffic
2.05 Safety Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing commencing X X X
Management Guide
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety officer present X X X

2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working operation prior to testing commencing X X X
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle X X X
Section 4.7
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including maintainer pad and any necessary civil
2.09 Safety work X
Section 4.7

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Date: April 2017; Version 1.0

Technology Type Checklist: LAN ACTIVE EQUIPMENT (switch/router)

Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per applicable
Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT
Qatar Highway Design
2.10 Safety Is the enclosure located beyond clear zone or protected by suitable safety barrier X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23
3.01 Security ISO 27001 Default admin password changed to complex type ? X

3.02 Security ISO 27001 Approved login banner applied to configuration ? X Refer to Ashghal ISD for details

3.03 Security ISO 27001 Failsafe account created ? X Refer to Ashghal ISD for details

3.04 Security ISO 27001 Are the credentials for accessing switch/router handed over to the client (Ashghal) X

3.05 Security ISO 27001 IP Address allocated to management interface X Refer to Ashghal ISD for details

3.06 Security ISO 27001 Access policy applied to the switch ? X Refer to Ashghal ISD for details

3.07 Security ISO 27001 VLANS created to segment different traffic groups ? X

3.08 Security ISO 27001 Active ports restricted to specific MAC addresses ? X X X Refer to Ashghal ISD for details

3.09 Security ISO 27001 All unused ports set to disabled ? X X X

3.10 Security ISO 27001 Denial of Service enabled ? X Refer to Ashghal ISD for details

3.11 Security ISO 27001 Access control lists created ? X Refer to Ashghal ISD for details

3.12 Security ISO 27001 Access types restricted to agreed protocols. i.e. HTTPS, Telnet, SSH etc… X Refer to Ashghal ISD for details
Does the physical configuration of the switch/router meet the requirements of the specification and project (i.e.
4.01 Equipment Project Contract mounting, rails, rack etc.) X X
ITS Specifications Version 3.0,
4.02 Equipment Does the roadside enclosure meet the requirements of the latest Ashghal specifications. X
Section 2.5.3
ITS Specifications Version 3.0 Does the switch/router meet the requirements mentioned in the latest Ashghal ITS Specifications , section
Section 15
ITS Specifications Version 3.0 Is the equipment compliant with environmental requirements as detailed in the latest Ashghal ITS Specifications Utilise manufacturers specifications to
4.04 Environment general requirements? X X validate this requirement
Section 15

2/4/2017 LAN ACTIVE 2 of 6

Date: April 2017; Version 1.0

Technology Type Checklist: LAN ACTIVE EQUIPMENT (switch/router)

Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per applicable
Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT
ITS Specifications Version 3.0
4.05 Environment Is the switch/router capable of saving configurations X
Section 15
4.06 Equipment Network ready for use Check that the firware version and software version are correct, and relevant modules are licenced X X

4.07 Equipment Network ready for use All required modules are clearly visible X X

4.08 Equipment Network ready for use All attached cables are clearly labelled and tagged X X

4.09 Equipment Network ready for use All power and LAN interface LEDs/Indicators are working X X

4.10 Equipment Network ready for use All installed modules and SFPs are working and show green LED X

4.11 Equipment Network ready for use Are the current configuration settings on the switch/router correct. X X
One off backup to be taken immediately
4.12 Equipment Network ready for use Are the configuration files loaded and backup is done X after final configuration is completed

5.01 Communications Network ready for use Is the switch/router IP address pingable across the network X

5.02 Communications Network ready for use Is the switch/router reachable across the network from an enabled laptop X X

5.03 Communications Network ready for use Is the switch/router able to ping other network devices (ITS devices) attached to it X

Network ready for use. ITS The following end-to-end tests have been conducted (i.e. throughput, latency , frame loss) as per RFC 2544
5.04 Communications Specifications Version 3.0 "Testing of Ethernet Services in Telecom Networks" refer to latest Ashghal ITS Standards for acceptable results X
Section 15 for individual services, i.e. CCTV

6.01 Functions Network ready for use The switch/router can be remotely configured and operated X X X

6.02 Functions Network ready for use The switch/router can ping specific ITS devices with different VLAN's X

6.03 Functions Network ready for use The switch/router POE+ is enabled only if required X X X Only if required on specific project

6.04 Functions Network ready for use The switch/router interfaces are POE+ enabled X X X Only if required on specific project

2/4/2017 LAN ACTIVE 3 of 6

Date: April 2017; Version 1.0

Technology Type Checklist: LAN ACTIVE EQUIPMENT (switch/router)

Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per applicable
Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT
6.05 Functions Network ready for use The switch/router interface LED shall show normal status X X X

6.06 Functions Network ready for use The Up/Down status of the interface should be set to normal. X X

7.01 Configuration general Network ready for use Ensure copying running configuration to start up configuration when changes are made X X X

7.02 Configuration general Network ready for use The switch/router displays information about all VLANs X X
The switch/router GUI displays information about all connected devices on interface including port status, IP
7.03 Configuration general Network ready for use address,VLAN, errors etc. X X

7.04 Configuration general Network ready for use The switch/router display all information about the MAC address table X X
The STP status of the specified port and the root port should be "FORWARDING." The STP status of the backup
7.05 Configuration general Network ready for use root port should be "DISCARDING." X
All the devices are running on the same routing protocol at the same layer of the network, the number of routing
7.06 Configuration general Network ready for use entries shall be almost identical. X

7.07 Configuration general Network ready for use Syslog set to capture all events X

8.01 Power Network ready for use The switch/router powers up correctly and is able to operate X X X X

8.02 Power Network ready for use The switch/router does not lose settings when switched on and off X X X X X

8.03 Power Network ready for use The switch/router has been left switched on for 24 hours and test 8.02 is repeated X X X
QCS 2014, Section21 &
8.04 Power All wiring is correctly terminated X
QCS 2014, Section21 &
8.05 Power Check the supply voltage is correct to all parts of the system X X
8.06 Power Network ready for use Check that the system continues to operate correctly when the mains supply is disconnected X X If stand-by power supply is specified/used

QCS 2014, Section21 & Grounding is significant especially for

8.07 Power Manufacturer's X X outdoor devices because the outdoor
Recommendation The working grounding, protection grounding, and lightning protection grounding are arranged separately devices are possibly struck by Lightning

2/4/2017 LAN ACTIVE 4 of 6

Date: April 2017; Version 1.0

Technology Type Checklist: LAN ACTIVE EQUIPMENT (switch/router)

Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per applicable
Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT
The power cable is correctly and securely connected to the specified position of the switch. The power supply
8.08 Power N/A indicator on the switch should be always on (green). X

8.09 Power N/A The power cables are separated from the service cables. The cables are to be deployed in an orderly way. X

9.01 Maintenance N/A Confirm consistency of supply against packing list/supply documentation, contract and bill of quantities X
Enterprise Asset Note asset tagging activity also includes
9.02 Maintenance Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets management requirements. X cross referencing received equipment
Management System
9.03 Maintenance N/A The switch/router and its modules are easily accessible within the cabinet X

9.04 Maintenance N/A The switch/router mounting hardware is correct and installed in the correct manner X

9.05 Maintenance N/A Cables to switch/router are correct for function and operations X X

9.06 Maintenance N/A Are all connectors and connections correctly attached and in place X

9.07 Maintenance N/A Are any elements loose or not correctly tightened or installed or locked? X
Warning labels are in place in respect of removing cables and modules that could cause effect on network
9.08 Maintenance N/A disconnection or loss in connection X
Is the switch/router placed steadily in a flat position in a ventilated and dry environment. No sundries exist
9.09 Maintenance N/A around the switch. X X
The designated user(s) have received a demonstration and instruction on the correct operation of the system User qualifications, CVs, certificates etc…
9.10 Maintenance Ashghal Handover List including any adjustable features. X should be provided
The correct documentation has been provided to enable the system to be operated correctly, as defined in the
9.11 Maintenance Ashghal Handover List method statements. X
Any security code numbers, passwords, keys and software license details have been issued and explained to the
9.12 Maintenance N/A installation engineer in a secure document X X X X
Any security code numbers, passwords, keys and software license details have been issued and explained during
9.13 Maintenance Ashghal Handover List handover to Ashghal , relevant to the installer, following the approved handover process. X X X X

9.14 Maintenance N/A Modules for switch/router are easily removed and replaced X X

9.15 Maintenance N/A The switch/router is easily removed and replaced X X

2/4/2017 LAN ACTIVE 5 of 6

Date: April 2017; Version 1.0

Technology Type Checklist: LAN ACTIVE EQUIPMENT (switch/router)

Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per applicable
Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT
9.16 Maintenance N/A Record all test results forming Network ready for use documentation (ongoing process) X X X X X Refer to Ashghal ISD for details

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Date: April 2017; Version 1.0


Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per
applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT
Have all the conditions from the previous MAT test for this equipment been
1.01 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from the previous POP1 test for this site been
1.02 General N/A X
Have all the conditions from all the POP1 and POP2 test for this scheme been
1.03 General N/A X
1.04 General N/A X X X
Have all approvals been obtained to conduct testing on site
1.05 General N/A X X X X X
Have Checklists been handed out to test staff?
Is a laptop loaded with the following software present and ready to conduct
1.06 General N/A tests with? WireShark,(Network Analysis Tool), Simple TesterPro For NTCIP, X X X X X
DMS large and small
Are all bucket trucks, HIABs, ladders and other access equipment in place and
1.07 General N/A X X X
available for testing
Are all measuring tools for viewing distance checks for both CCTV and DMS
1.08 General N/A X X
2.01 Safety N/A X X X X X
Has a testing briefing been given
2.02 Safety N/A X X X
Has a site breifing been given
Work Zone Traffic
2.03 Safety X X X
Management Guide Is Temporary Traffic Management in place to assist with site safety
Work Zone Traffic
2.04 Safety X X X
Management Guide Are lane attenuators and cones in place for testing
Work Zone Traffic Are traffic officers and other required officials present prior to testing
2.05 Safety X X X
Management Guide commencing
Are all staff wearing correct PPE and is there an appointed site safety officer
2.06 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
Is a medical kit and fire-extinguisher present and in correct working operation
2.07 Safety QCS, Section01 Part 10 X X X
prior to testing commencing
ITS Deployment Guidelines,
2.08 Safety X X X
Section 4.7 Is there safe parking condition for the maintenance vehicle

2/4/2017 LAN PASSIVE 1 of 4

Date: April 2017; Version 1.0


Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per
applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT
ITS Deployment Guidelines, Is the enclosure located to provide safe access for personnel including
2.09 Safety X
Section 4.7 maintainer pad and any necessary civil work
Qatar Highway Design Is the enclosure located beyond clear zone or protected by suitable safety
2.10 Safety X
Manual, Volume 3, Part 23 barrier

ITS Specifications Version 3.0

3.01 Equipment Has the integrity of the packaging of the of the fiber optic cable drums been X
Section 15
checked when off loaded at the warehouse?

ITS Specifications Version 3.0

3.02 Equipment Does a factory quality assurance certificate accompany the cable drum been X
Section 15
Does the fiber optic cable meet the general specifications and individual
ITS Specifications Version 3.0
3.03 Equipment project requirements? (i.e. visual inspection, length, type of fiber, number of X
Section 15
cores, etc.)
ITS Specifications Version 3.0 Testing of the drum : Have the relevant reflectometry (OTDR) tests been
3.04 Equipment X
Section 15 conducted on the cable?

ITS Specifications Version 3.0

3.05 Equipment Has the integrity of the packaging of the of the fiber optic cable drums been X
Section 15
checked when off loaded at the installation site?
ITS Specifications Version 3.0
3.06 Equipment X
Section 15 Have the relevant chambers been clearly marked and identified?
Is all cable pulling/hauling and other auxiliary equipment ready to be used in
3.07 Equipment N/A X
the proximity of the relevant chamber?
3.08 Equipment N/A Have all ducts between adjacent chambers been checked ? X

ITS Telecommunications
3.09 Equipment Has the cable been pulled in the appropriate duct as specified in the project? X
Strategy Version 1.0
Refer to the latest approved documentation to verify.

ITS Specifications Version 3.0

3.10 Equipment Is the correct type of lubrication utilised for pulling the cable in accordance X
Section 15
with manufacturers specifications ?

2/4/2017 LAN PASSIVE 2 of 4

Date: April 2017; Version 1.0


Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per
applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT

ITS Specifications Version 3.0

3.11 Equipment Has been the slack properly set in the manhole (i.e. laid in '8' shape, length as X
Section 15
specified by the project requirements, normally this is set to 15% of the total
pull with a minimum of 10%

ITS Telecommunications Underground splicing: Have the recommended procedures for fibre splicing
3.12 Equipment X
Strategy Version 1.0 been followed? (e.g, cutting of the sheath, cutting of the fiber, splicing of ends, Underground splicing is no longer part of Ashghal's
protection of the splice, setting in the approppriate tray, sealing of the Telecommunications standards. This test is only relevant to legacy
underground splicing closure, etc) projects committed to prior to the new standards being adopted
ITS Telecommunications
3.13 Equipment Installation of cable at the GME: Have all the individual cables entering the X
Strategy Version 1.0
FOBOT been secured to the strength member fixation point(s)?
ITS Telecommunications
3.14 Equipment Installation of cable at the GME: Have the cables and cores properly tagged X
Strategy Version 1.0
and identified at the FOBOT/patch panel, as per the scheme design ?

ITS Telecommunications Splicing at the GME: Have the recommended procedures for fibre splicing
3.15 Equipment X
Strategy Version 1.0 been followed? (e.g, cutting of the sheath, cutting of the fiber, splicing to the
pigtails, protection of the splice, setting in the approppriate tray, etc)
Do the patch panels/FOBOTS meet the project specifications for the relevant
ITS Specifications Version 3.0
3.16 Equipment GME? (i.e. visual inspection, number of connectors, type of connector, number X
Section 15
of splicing trays, number of pigtails, etc)

ITS Specifications Version 3.0 Cable testing between adjacent Access Nodes: Have the relevant optical power
3.17 Equipment X
Section 15 loss tests been conducted as per the fiber type? (unidirectional test only, 2nd,
3rd, 4th window if required, etc)

ITS Specifications Version 3.0 Cable testing between adjacent Access Nodes: Have the relevant
3.18 Equipment X
Section 15 reflectometry (OTDR) tests been conducted as per the fiber type? (e.g. overall
line losses, splicing losses, insertion losses, return losses, etc)

2/4/2017 LAN PASSIVE 3 of 4

Date: April 2017; Version 1.0


Instruction to Contractor - Contractor to create detailed tests written into the Test Record Sheet based on the following high-level description within this checklist (as per
applicable Test Stage), applicable standards and specification and any addtional project contract requirements.
Standards, Test Stages
Specification and SAT
No. Category Testing Requirements Comments & Guidance
Project Contract FAT MAT
ITS Specifications Version 3.0 Cable testing between Distribution Nodes: Have the relevant optical power
3.19 Equipment X
Section 15 loss tests been conducted as per the fiber type? (unidirectional test only, 2nd,
3rd, 4th window if required, etc)

ITS Specifications Version 3.0 Cable testing between Distribution Nodes : Have the relevant reflectometry
3.19 Equipment X
Section 15 (OTDR) tests been conducted as per the fiber type? (e.g. overall line losses,
splicing losses, insertion losses, return losses, etc)

ITS Specifications Version 3.0

3.20 Equipment X X X X
Section 15 Have all Fiber Optic terminations been confirmed as type SCA and all UTP tests
been performed and certificates obtained ?

ITS Specifications Version 3.0

3.21 Equipment X X X X X
Section 15 Have all Cat6/6a Cables been checked in accordance with the latest version of
the ITS Standards and Specifications, and colour coded accordingly?

Have all the documentation been delivered to the client (e.g. pictures of every
4.01 Maintenance Ashghal Handover List chamber, database with the type and location of the components installed, as X X X
built drawings, test result reports, sheets, charts, etc) Relevant to installer and
approved Ashghal handover process
Has the asset been tagged and logged in line with Ashghal assets management
requirements, and colour coded accordingly where appropriate? Note asset tagging activity also includes cross referencing
4.02 Maintenance Ashghal Handover List X
received equipment against Ashghal’s database of previously
rejected products.
The assets shall be subject to maintenance contracts with the relevant parties
4.03 Maintenance N/A X
and Ashghal.

2/4/2017 LAN PASSIVE 4 of 4

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