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European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113

Radiology of bacterial pneumonia

José Vilar∗ , Maria Luisa Domingo, Cristina Soto, Jonathan Cogollos
Radiology Department, Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Valencia, Spain

Received 23 February 2004; received in revised form 26 February 2004; accepted 1 March 2004


Bacterial pneumonia is commonly encountered in clinical practice. Radiology plays a prominent role in the evaluation of pneumonia. Chest
radiography is the most commonly used imaging tool in pneumonias due to its availability and excellent cost benefit ratio. CT should be
used in unresolved cases or when complications of pneumonia are suspected. The main applications of radiology in pneumonia are oriented
to detection, characterisation and follow-up, especially regarding complications. The classical classification of pneumonias into lobar and
bronchial pneumonia has been abandoned for a more clinical classification. Thus, bacterial pneumonias are typified into three main groups:
Community acquired pneumonia (CAD), Aspiration pneumonia and Nosocomial pneumonia (NP).The usual pattern of CAD is that of the
previously called lobar pneumonia; an air-space consolidation limited to one lobe or segment. Nevertheless, the radiographic patterns of CAD
may be variable and are often related to the causative agent. Aspiration pneumonia generally involves the lower lobes with bilateral multicentric
opacities. Nosocomial Pneumonia (NP) occurs in hospitalised patients. The importance of NP is related to its high mortality and, thus, the need
to obtain a prompt diagnosis. The role of imaging in NP is limited but decisive. The most valuable information is when the chest radiographs are
negative and rule out pneumonia. The radiographic patterns of NP are very variable, most commonly showing diffuse multifocal involvement
and pleural effusion. Imaging plays also an important role in the detection and evaluation of complications of bacterial pneumonias. In many
of these cases, especially in hospitalised patients, chest CT must be obtained in order to better depict these associate findings.
© 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pneumonia; Bacterial pneumonia; Pulmonary CT; Nosocomial pneumonia

1. Introduction terns of this disease [2]. This is why most authors prefer
to classify pneumonias from the perspective of the mecha-
Bacterial pneumonias account for a large percentage of nism of origin. Thus, we will refer to three main groups of
all pneumonias. They have been classified into three main pneumonias: community acquired pneumonia (CAP), noso-
groups: lobar pneumonia, bronchopneumonia and acute in- comial pneumonia (NP) and aspiration pneumonia.
terstitial pneumonia [1]. Lobar pneumonias are characterised Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common cause of
by confluent areas of focal airspace disease, usually limited CAP while Gram-negative bacteria and Staphylococcus au-
to one lobe or segment. Bronchopneumonia has a multi- reus are more often responsible for hospital acquired pneu-
focal distribution with nodules that tend to join producing monia [2]. Aspiration pneumonias are usually produced by
air-space consolidations affecting one or more lobes. Acute micro-organisms that colonize the oropharynx which include
interstitial pneumonias are produced by involvement of the Gram-positive cocci, Gram-negative rods, and rarely, anaer-
bronchial and bronchiolar wall, and of the pulmonary inter- obic bacteria.
stitium, and are most commonly caused by viral organisms This article will review the most common and some un-
and Mycoplasma pneumoniae. usual radiographic presentations of bacterial pneumonia in
This classic morphologic classification is of limited use- inmunocompetent patients.
fulness because the radiographic pattern often cannot be
used to predict the causative organism. The appearance of
new infective organisms, the increasing age of the popula- 2. Imaging pneumonia
tion and the wide use of antibiotics have changed the pat-
In patients with suspected pneumonia, imaging plays a
∗Corresponding author. major role in the detection, characterisation and follow-up
E-mail address: vilar (J. Vilar). of the disease.

0720-048X/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113 103

2.1. Detection often regarded as the reference standard for the diagnosis
of community-acquired pneumonia, its reliability is lim-
The basic and most diffused imaging tool to diagnose ited by significant interobserver variability in radiographic
pneumonia remains the chest radiograph. Indeed pulmonary interpretation [3].
infections are the most common reason for obtaining an Other techniques like computed tomography (CT) can be
emergency chest film. Pneumonia may present with a useful, showing some infiltrates not visualised in the chest
wide spectrum of symptoms and often the initial clinical radiographs (Fig. 1) and can assure the existence of cavita-
manifestations are clear. Although the chest radiograph is tion or other complications, [4] but the use of CT is only

Fig. 1. Additional value of CT: CAP (a) chest radiograph: there is a paratracheal opacity in the right upper lobe. (b) CT of the same patient shows
clearly the opacity due an air-space consolidation.
104 J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113

recommended in cases uncertain to the chest film, complica-

tions of pneumonia or suspicion of an underlying additional
lesion such as bronchogenic carcinoma.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can demonstrate pul-
monary consolidations. It can be used as an alternative to CT
in patients who should not be exposed to ionising radiation.

2.2. Characterisation

Is imaging reliable for distinguishing the infective or-

ganism? Tew et al. [5] reviewed 31 patients with bacte-
rial and non-bacterial pneumonias. The diagnostic accuracy
was 67% for bacterial pneumonia and 65% for non-bacterial
pneumonia. The authors concluded that radiology alone was
unable to distinguish bacterial from non-bacterial pneumo-
nias. In a review of 114 cases of pneumonia, Reittner et al.
concluded that CT is also unable to differentiate the aeti-
ology of various types of pneumonia except Pneumocystis
carinii [6]. The characterisation of some NP may be quite
difficult, especially in patients with assisted ventilation when
other pulmonary conditions may coincide [7]. Despite these
limitations, imaging may be of great help in detecting the as-
sociated findings. A study by Albaum et al. [3] showed that
the chest radiograph reliability for detecting pleural fluid and
multiple infiltrates was good. This is important since both
findings are related to a worse prognosis.

2.3. Follow-up

Most pnemonias will resolve in 1 or 2 weeks. Slow reso-

lution can occur when there are certain associated conditions
such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, alcoholism,
diabetes and immune-deficiency. Otherwise, if the pneumo-
nia does not resolve, an underlying pathology should be sus-
pected, especially bronchogenic carcinoma. In these cases,
as mentioned previously, CT is recommended [8,9].

3. Community acquired pneumonia (CAP)

The aetiology of CAP varies widely according to the

different reviews published. It is highly influenced by the
geographic area, the population studied and the diagnos-
tic methods used [10]. The most common bacterial agents
responsible for CAP are S. pneumoniae, M. pneumoniae,
Chlamydia pneumoniae and Legionella pneumophila. S.
aureus may complicate a viral pneumonia. CAP may be
caused by Gram-negative organisms in elderly patients,
alcoholics, patients with cardiopulmonary disease and due
to the widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics [1]. Fig. 2. Community acquired pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae) (a)
The incidence of these organisms varies according to the and (b): PA and lateral chest films show consolidation in the lateral
different authors. Thus, in a study by Lim et al. [11], the segment of the middle lobe, abutting the major and minor fissures.
most common agent producing CAP was S. pneumoniae
(48%) followed by virus (19%), C. pneumoniae (13%),
Haemophilus influenzae (20%) and M. pneumoniae (3%),
while another publication [2] reported S. pneumoniae
J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113 105

Fig. 3. PA chest radiograph shows an alveolar consolidation involving the right and left lower lobes in a patient infected by Streptococcus pneumoniae.

(9–20%), M. pneumoniae (13–37%) and C. pneumoniae 3.1. Pneumococcal pneumonia

(17%) as most common agents.
The usual imaging finding in CAP coincides with the clas- S. pneumoniae is the most frequent micro-organism caus-
sic presentation of lobar pneumonia: an airspace consolida- ing CAP [2,11]. The usual presentation is a lobar pneumo-
tion in one segment or lobe, limited by the pleural surfaces nia involving one segment or lobe. Nowadays, the use of
(Fig. 2). CT may additionally show ground glass attenua- antibiotics has changed the appearance of Pneumoccoccal
tion, centrilobular nodules, bronchial wall thickening and pneumonia, and it may appear as patchy confluent areas that
centrilobular branching structures [4] (Fig. 1b). may be multilobar or bilateral (Fig. 3). Kantor [12] found

Fig. 4. Mycoplasma pneumonia: chest radiograph. There is a diffuse peripheral and bilateral interstitial involvement.
106 J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113

Fig. 5. (a) Legionella pneumonia: chest radiograph of a patient with fever, dyspnea and myalgias. There is a smooth bilateral perihilar consolidation. (b)
Chest radiograph obtained 48 h later, notice the rapid extension of the consolidation. (c) and (d) On CT, the consolidations are multiple and bilateral.
J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113 107

Fig. 5. (Continued ).
108 J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113

that the patterns of lobar pneumonia and bronchopneumo-

nia were equally frequent in Pneumococcal pneumonia. An-
other common finding in Pneumococcal pneumonia is the
presence of small pleural effusions that are usually reactive.

3.2. Mycoplasma pneumonia

The incidence of Mycoplasma infection is variable ac-

cording to different series and may be influenced by epi-
demics. Every 4–8 years, the incidence may reach up to
50%. This is a pneumonia of children, adolescents and
adults below 40 years of age [13]. Mycoplasma pneumo-
nia has variable radiographic appearances. In 1975, Putnan
et al. [14] identified two main clinical and radiographic
groups: one group had unilateral or bilateral air-space dis-
ease with a lobar or segmental distribution, while the other Fig. 6. Round pneumonia: a consolidation is seen in the right lower lobe
with a longer duration of symptoms, had a diffuse bilateral lung of this adult patient. Streptococcus pneumoniae was obtained in the
reticulo-nodular pattern (Fig. 4). A review of 31 cases of M. sputum cultures.
pneumoniae in outpatients revealed no predominant radio-
graphic pattern (interstitial or alveolar) with more frequent
involvement of the lung bases [15]. 3.5.2. Bilateral or multilobar pneumonia
CAP can be diffuse and bilateral in patients with underly-
3.3. Chlamydia pneumonia ing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease due to the distor-
tion and destruction of the pulmonary parenchyma (Fig. 7).
The radiographic appearance of C. pneumoniae is similar Some of these cases will present as a linear pattern that could
to that of M. pneumoniae, most commonly as a localised be confused with other aetiologies.
area of consolidation which may be patchy or homogeneous.
Chlamydia and Mycoplasma often coexist [1].
4. Aspiration pneumonia
3.4. Legionella pneumonia
Aspiration is the inhalation of orofaringeal or gastric con-
Legionnella pneumophila is responsible for Legionnella tents into the larynx and lower respiratory tract. If the in-
pneumonia or Legionnaires’ disease. These infections are halation is of regurgitated sterile gastric contents, aspiration
acquired by breathing droplets of contaminated water. The pneumonitis is caused; and if it is of colonised oropharingeal
disease may be sporadic or may occur in outbreaks, most material, aspiration pneumonia occurs [20].
frequently in places where the population is exposed to air Factors that predispose to aspiration pneumonitis are
conditioning towers, water distribution systems and humid- those that produce disturbance of consciousness such as
ifiers colonised by the germ [16]. The clinical features of drug abuse, seizures, massive cerebrovascular accident, or
Legionella pneumonia are typical, consisting in diarrhoea, the use of anaesthesia. Aspiration pneumonia is conditioned
headache, myalgias, dyspnea and cough. The radiographic by neurologic disphagia, anatomic abnormalities of the up-
findings are often those of segmental peripheral consolida- per aerodigestive tract, gastroesophageal reflux in elderly
tions that spread rapidly producing opacification of one or persons, or poor oral care.
more lobes (Fig. 5). They become bilateral in half of the The radiographic appearance of aspiration pneumonia and
cases [17]. pneumonitis is variable [21] but the most common pattern
is that of bilateral and multicentric opacities, particularly
3.5. Unusual patterns of CAP in the right lung, with a perihilar and basal distribution
(Fig. 8).
3.5.1. Round pneumonia (Fig. 6)
It was described in children but occasionally it may hap-
pen in adults. In the presence of a pulmonary nodule, round 5. Nosocomial pneumonias
pneumonia should be suspected especially if no previous
films are available, a rapid growth is observed or there are Nosocomial pneumonia or hospital acquired pneumonia
signs of infection [18]. A variant of this could be the cases is defined as a pneumonia occurring 48 h after hospital ad-
described in screening for lung cancer where some small mission, excluding any infection that is incubating at the
pulmonary nodules detected will disappear after the antibi- time of hospital admission, and also a pneumonia which
otic treatment [19]. occurs within 48 h after discharge from the hospital [22].
J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113 109

Fig. 7. (a) Chest radiograph of a patient with bullous emphysema. (b) The same patient with pneumonia in the left upper lobe. An air–fluid level (arrows)
within the bullae mimics cavitation. (c) CT of this area showing the fluid filled bulla.

According to the literature, the incidence of NP is vari-

able, probably because the groups of patients studied differ
and the diagnostic criteria vary. These variations depend
greatly on the type of hospitalisation and wards (surgical or
Risk factors involved in NP are the previous condition of
the patient, age, severity of the underlying disease, the length
of hospitalisation and the instrumentation used in invasive
techniques. The most common micro-organisms responsible
for NP are aerobic Gram-negative bacilli (Enterobacteriae,
E. coli, Pseudomona aeruginosa), and some Gram-positive
cocci such as S. aureus and S. pneumoniae. Anaerobic or-
ganisms are less common. Quite often, multiple different
germs are found [23].
In patients hospitalised in Intensive Care Units, these
pneumonias are more frequent, and the mortality is very
Fig. 8. Aspiration pneumonia: chest radiograph of a patient in a comatose high (10–50%). Mechanical ventilation constitutes a great
condition due to drug abuse. Bilateral lower lobe consolidations. risk factor for NP since it can facilitate the growth and
110 J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113

Fig. 9. Ventilator assisted pneumonia: chest radiograph of a patient obtained after 5 days of mechanical ventilation. There is a right perihilar consolidation.
Acinetobacter was obtained from bronchoaspirate cultures.

dissemination of germs and the cough mechanism is re- than that of NP in non-ventilated patients, and they also
duced. This has been denominated as ventilator associated differ in their treatment. Micro-organisms responsible for
pneumonia (VAP). Nevertheless, NP in the Intensive Care VAP vary according to the duration of mechanical venti-
Units may also occur in non-ventilated patients. Thus NP lation: VAP occurring in the first 5 days of ventilation is
has been classified in two groups: ventilator associated usually due to S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae or Moxarella
pneumonia and pneumonia in non-ventilated patients [24]. catarrhalis and uncommonly by anaerobes, while VAP oc-
The incidence and mortality of the former is much higher curring after 5 days (Fig. 9) of ventilation is most commonly

Fig. 10. Nosocomial pneumonia: chest radiograph shows patchy and peripheral areas of consolidation in a hospitalised non-ventilated patient under a
long-term treatment with steroids. The responsible organism was Pseudomona aeruginosa.
J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113 111

produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acitenobacter or readers in this pathology is very low, and other factors such
Enterobacter spp., or methicillin-resistant S. aureus [25]. as the technique used to obtain the chest radiograph and the
The radiographic pattern of NP may be quite variable ventilator settings may influence the results [30].
These pneumonias are most commonly bilateral with diffuse In summary, the role of radiology in NP is limited but
or multiple foci of consolidation not limited to one lobe [7]. decisive. Delay in treating pneumonia may be fatal and
They may frequently associate pleural effusion (Fig. 10). treating with antibiotics other entities (pulmonary infarction,
The role of portable chest films in cases of suspected NP oedema) may also have negative results. In hospitalized pa-
is limited, since the presence of focal alveolar consolida- tients, the chest radiographs are most helpful when they are
tions is quite frequent in these patients, and often caused normal and rule out pneumonia [7]. CT may be of great help
by atelectasis, pulmonary infarction, oedema or acute res- in some cases when the chest films are inconclusive espe-
piratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The radiographic signs cially in patients with ARDS.
of NP are non-specific. A study by Wunderink et al. found
that the only reliable sign of pneumonia was the pres-
ence of air bronchograms, except in patients with ARDS 6. Complications
[26]. Atelectasis may solve rapidly, especially after vigor-
ous physiotherapy. In patients with ARDS, the diagnosis All pneumonias, CAP and nosocomial may complicate.
of pneumonia becomes very difficult [27,28]. Generally, Complications are more common in inmunodepressed pa-
ARDS is bilateral, symmetric and more evident in depen- tients and in nosocomial pneumonias.
dent areas [29].The presence of focal areas of consolidation
favours the diagnosis of pneumonia but asymmetry may also
occur in ARDS [29]. Additionally, the agreement between

Fig. 12. (a) Chest radiograph of a 12 months old child, with a consolidation
Fig. 11. Hospital acquired pneumonia: pulmonary gangrene produced by in left lower lobe. (b) Chest radiograph obtained 4 weeks later. A cystic
Klebsiella pneumoniae in a hospitalised patient. Notice sloughed lung space has developed in the area of previous pneumonia, corresponding to
tissue due to extensive necrosis in a large cavity with an air–fluid level. a pneumatocele (arrows).
112 J. Vilar et al. / European Journal of Radiology 51 (2004) 102–113

Cavitation suggests bacterial disease rather than viral or Pneumatocele [1] is an air cystic space that may develop as
Mycoplasma infection. S. aureus, Gram-negative, anaerobic a complication of acute staphylococcal infection in children
bacteria are the most common agents. (Fig. 12).
Pulmonary gangrene is a rare but interesting form of Care needs to be taken to avoid misdiagnosing cavitation
cavitation that produces sloughed lung within a large cav- and pneumatocele formation when the focal lucencies within
ity secondary to thrombosis of the pulmonary vessels the consolidation are due to underlying emphysema (Fig. 7).
[17]. S. pneumoniae and Klebsiella are the most com-
mon agents responsible for cavitation in inmunocompetent 6.1. Pleural effusion and empyema
patients and Aspergillus in the inmunocompromised host
(Fig. 11). Parapneumonic effusions complicate the course of
20–60% of patients hospitalised with bacterial pneumo-
nia. Pleural effusion in CAP is less frequent and usually
reactive. Most of these effusions follow an uncomplicated
course and resolve with antibiotic therapy of the underlying
pneumonia. In 5–10% cases, they become complicated and
progress to empyema [31].

6.2. Lobar enlargement

This sign was well described by Felson et al. in 1949 and

initially attributed to Klebsiella pneumonia (Friedlander’s
pneumonia) [32]. Swellling of a lobe occurs when there is
an extensive exudative process. Other infectious processes
such as tuberculosis and pneumococci can also demonstrate
lobar enlargement (Fig. 13).

7. Conclusions

Pneumonias can be classified in three main groups: com-

munity acquired pneumonia, nosocomial pneumonia and
aspiration pneumonia. The role of the radiologist is to be
decisive in their diagnosis and follow-up. The chest radio-
graph remains a basic tool for this purpose. CT is used as a
complement to plain films and especially in the evaluation
of complications or unfavourable resolution of a pulmonary
infiltrate. The role of radiology in the intensive care unit
patient is more limited since there is a great overlap of
pathologies that can have similar radiographic signs. Close
follow-up of these patients and adequate clinical correla-
tion is mandatory. CT in these cases can add significant
information when portable films are inconclusive.


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