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Simulation – Thermal assignment

The Week 10 assignment focuses on creating a thermal simulation in Autodesk Fusion 360. The objective
of the assignment is to create a thermal simulation for a bicycle brake rotor. You create three
simulations using different materials for each simulation.

Provided Items
To start the assignment, you are provided with a Fusion 360 design of a bike rotor named
Thermal_BrakeRotor.f3d. Using the provided file, you create a detailed report of the thermal

Final Deliverable
1. Submit an Autodesk Fusion 360 file (f3d) with a completed simulation based on the settings
listed below.
2. Use the following naming convention or the standards set by your instructor:
 Surname_Firstname_ThermalAnalysisAssignment.f3d
3. Submit the report generated from the simulation study. Create a single report for the three
4. Use the following naming convention or the standards set by your instructor:
 Surname_Firstname_ThermalStudyAssignment.html

Grading for this assignment is based on the following:
 90% - Correctly completing the thermal simulation.
 10% - Submitting a report in HTML format.

Simulation settings
1. The material for the first simulation is Steel.
2. Consider the mechanism and then add fixed constraint(s) to the rotor
3. Apply an Applied Temperature load to the front and back faces of the rotor as shown. The faces
were split in the model workspace to replicate the area that will be at the highest temperature.
The temperature value is 60 C.

4. Apply a Convection thermal load to the other faces of the rotor.

a. Convection Value is 10.
b. Ambient Temperature is 20 C.
5. Solve the simulation then create a report.
6. Clone the first study and create two more studies.

7. For the two studies, change the material then solve the studies and create reports. Materials
used by rotor manufacturers can be found using an internet search.

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