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“I talk about my son José Carlos”


Nelly Carolina Acosta Báez 16-1845


Melvin Paulino


English III

ING203- GV 70

Santiago, Dominican Republic

Junio, 2018
I talk about my son José Carlos

The topic that I chose for the development of this work was to describe a

person, and the person who describes in this work of English is a José

Carlos, he is the youngest of the brothers. In this work we talk about their

physical aspects, their tastes in food and clothing, as well as their

preferences. We also talk about the things he likes to do, his

Development of the topic
I am going to talk about the youngest of my children, his name is José Carlos
Díaz, he is 8 years old, he is very intelligent and curious, José Carlos studies in
the school "Padre Luís Variara" in the elementary school room. He does not like
going to school or getting up early, but he likes to go to bed late. José is dark,
fat, with black hair, short and curly, he is tall for his age, he likes to eat
everything, the food he likes the most is cooked beans, and vegetables, pork,
bread, fish , the spaghetti. He also likes chocolate, cookies, coffee, juices, fruits
such as apples, grapes, bananas, pineapple and mangoes. He loves to eat almost

José Carlos prefers to wear jeans, t-shirts and tennis, because it is comfortable
and cool clothing, he does not like to wear shirts or shoes. His favorite color is
blue. José Carlos is an ingenious child, his expressions are not typical of his age,
he reads very well, he does not like to play sports, he likes to play video games,
he also likes to chat on the cell phone. In addition to José Carlos loves animals,
especially dogs, cats and hamsters, in the house we have a dog and he despairs
of so much love that gives. Jose Carlos enjoys playing with his ten-year-old
brother Carlos Miguel, he has many friends, he is very close to his brother.

Link del video :


We have developed this work by applying the knowledge

learned in the subject of English three, the theme we chose was

to describe the child José Carlos, he is the youngest of my

children, we talk about his tastes regarding clothes, food, what

he likes to do and how he is physically, where he studies, some

aspects of the relationship with his brother Carlos Miguel.


Díaz Acosta ., J. C. (2017). I Talk About My Son José Carlos.

Author Nelly C. Acosta B.

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