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Canossa College

School of Nursing

Theoretical Foundations in Nursing

Prelim Exam
Name:______________________________ Rate:_________________

Instruction: Write the letter of the correct answer on the separate sheet.

Part 1: Florence Nightingale

1. Nurse Jeff is trying to make his patient hopeful to be healed from her disease when he told
not to worry because everything will be okay. This is an example of:
A. A therapeutic communication
B. Chattering false hopes
C. Giving importance beyond the individual to the social environment where she lives
D. A positive assurance

2. The patient of nurseAlbert is having difficulty swallowing her food. What is the best thing
that Nurse Albert should do?
A. Offer food in small servings
B. Advise that no visitors should talk the patient while she is eating
C. Prepare a glass of water and put it on the patient’s bedside.
D. All of the above

3. Considering the Environmental theory, a patient’s bed should be located on what part of the
A. Near the door
B. On the center
C. Facing the television
D. Near the window

4. Nightingale believed that the person who repeatedly breathed his or her own air would
become sick or remain sick.
A. True
B. False

5. Another term for foul odor from the excrement is called:

A. Noxious air
B. Effluvia
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above

6. Which of the following statements is related to Florence Nightingale?

A. Nursing is therapeutic interpersonal process
B. The role of nursing is to facilitate reparative process
C. Nursing is a science that expands adaptive abilities

D. Nursing becomes necessary when client is unable to fulfill his own needs

7. Nurse Margarita assess the room of her patient for dampness and dust, because she wants
to keep the room free from it. This pertains to what canons of Nightingale?
A. Personal cleanliness
B. Cleanliness of rooms and walls
C. Health of houses
D. Petty management

8. Nightingale considered disease to be:

A. Reparative process
B. Symptom of moral decline
C. Problem to be solved
D. Unnatural state of the body

9. Which of the following is the best summary of Nightingales opinion of nurses in relation to
A. Nurses should be mindful of their subservient relationship with physicians
B. Nurses should work independently without the involvement of physicians
C. In some instances, nurses know more about client care and treatment than
D. Nurses have the responsibility to provide physicians with accurate information about

10. Nightingales philosophy may be created for formulating early ideas about which of the
following concepts?
A. Selflessness
B. Holism
C. Dualism
D. Cultural competence

11. According to Nightingles philosophy, what role does nature play in illness?
A. Nature causes a person to become ill as a reaction to other factors
B. Nature causes a person to become ill as a punishment for immoral behavior
C. Nature plays a role thing
D. Both A and C

12. According to Nightingale’s philosophy , a nurse should consider which of the following
factors when caring for a person who is ill?
A. The persons emotional state
B. The environment in which the person lives
C. The persons social network
D. All of the above

Part 2: Virginia Henderson

1. Henderson’s philosophy would be useful for a nurse in which of the following situations?
A. Assisting a nurse in selecting specific interventions that would assist a patient in
meeting a goal
B. Aiding a nurse in describing or explaining everyday activities that a patient is
C. Determining which medication would be the right choice to bring down a high fever
D. None of the above

2. Based on the overview of Henderson’s philosophy presented in the chapter, it would be

most accurate to consider her theory as a:
A. Needs theory
B. Outcome theory
C. Practice theory
D. Middle range theory

3. Virginia Henderson still fondly referred to as the :

A. Lady with the Lamp
B. First Lady of Nursing
C. Nursing Pioneer
D. Girl next door

4. When Virginia Henderson said, “ Nursing is doing things for the patients that they would
do for themselves, if they could”. In general this means all EXCEPT:
A. Nursing helps the patient becomes healthy or die
B. Nursing helps people work toward independence
C. Because of nursing, patients recover quickly as possible
D. Patients fully recover their strength, will and knowledge

5. Henderson personally credited what former experience as influencing her views of nursing?
A. Her tme as an undergraduate nursing student
B. Her childhood observations of Native American reservations
C. Her work in Henry Street Settlement
D. Her trip to Rome in 1991

6. Eugenia is a nurse who is caring for Andie, a cancer patient. Which of the following
statements provides the best example of Hendersons Philosophy in respect to Eugenia’s
care for Andie?
A. Although Andie says she is comfortable, Nurse Eugenia places an extra blanket
over her patient because she knows patients undergoing chemotherapy tend to get
cold easily
B. Knowing the Andie is Hispanic like herself, Eugenia considers she might
incorporate shared cultural beliefs about illness and disease into Andie’s care
C. Eugenia learns of a new drug trial that focuses on reducing the side effects of
chemotherapy and wonders of Andie might be a candidate
D. Eugenia observes that Andie is fatigue as a result of her chemotherapy and
attempts t make her more comfortable so she may rest

7. Virginia Henderson believed that the nurses needed to be more that caregivers, they
needed to be both educators and advocates. A nurse must keep an individual fulfill which
fundamental need?
A. Dependence on health care providers.
B. Seeking help from health care providers.
C. Refraining from expressing their emotions.
D. Working in such a way that one feels a sense of accomplishment.

8. The nurse who is assigned in emergency room (ER) admitted a poor patient who is
experiencing bleeding due to accidentally stepped on the broken glass and needed to be
cleaned and sutured. The nurse referred the patient in social worker department. What
action does the nurse do according to Virginia Henderson?
A. Nurse as a substitute
B. Nurse as a helper
C. Nurse as a partner
D. Nurse as a believer

9. The comatose patient admitted in the (ICU) for 2 days. The nurse must perform the
activities of daily living to avoid further complications. The nurse action is as:
A. Substitute
B. Helper
C. Partner
D. Believer

10. Virginia Henderson stated that there are three levels compromising the nurse-patient
relationship”. Which of the following is not included?
A. Substitute
B. Helper
C. Partner
D. Believer

11. The NICU nurse does the vital signs to the newborn girl when she noticed that there is no
anal opening, she reported it to the paediatrician immediately.
A. Nurse as a substitute
B. Nurse as a helper
C. Nurse as a partner
D. Nurse as a believer

12. The nurse explains to the patient the possible consequences/risks if she refuses blood
A. Nurse as a substitute
B. Nurse as a helper
C. Nurse as a partner
D. Nurse as a believe

13. A man who has had quadriplegia from a fall accident is being cared by the nurse thru the
performance of ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living) for him. The nurse acts as a?
A. Substitute
B. Helper
C. Partner
D. Believer
Part 3: Faye Glenn Abdellah

1. Abdellah developed a list of nursing problems. How many problems did she develop?
A. 12
B. 23
C. 21
D. 25
2. To maintain good hygiene falls to what category of patients need?
A. Sustenal
B. Basic
C. Remedial
D. Restorative

3. According to Abdellah, when patients are bathed every morning after waking up and in the
government hospital, charity ward, as assisted by nurses, it means:
A. Promoting safety
B. Maintaining physical comfort
C. Maintaining elimination
D. Promoting optimal activity
4. Applying Abdellah’s theory, one of the activities in promoting safety to patients is:
A. Keep a clam environment
B. Encourage exercise
C. Isolate patients who have communicable diseases
D. Turn the patients from side to side
5. Patient Jean informed Nurse Maria that she’s having difficulty of breathing. Right away,
she grab the nasal cannula and place it to jeans nose. This is to obtain:
A. Facilitation of nutrition to all body cells
B. Facilitate supply of oxygen to all body cells
C. Promote safety and prevention of spread of infection
D. Maintain good body mechanics

6. To facilitate maintenance of nutrition to all body cells, Nurse Albert must include all
A. Supervise feeding patient to prevent choking
B. Divide large pieces of food into small pieces for patients who eats fast
C. Insert Nasogatric Tube as prescribed by the Doctor for patients to chew and
D. Have the patient kept on nothing per mouth or orem (NPO)

7. The reason why Nurse Shayna turned her patient side to side every 2 hours is to :
A. Apply good body mechanics
B. Prevent bed sore
C. To correct deformity
D. Promote exercise

8. Abdellah ‘s nursing problem model is focused on:

A. The concerns of nursing
B. The concerns of the patient
C. The relationship among the phenomena
D. All of the above

9. Critique of Abdellahs theory appears to be:

A. Focus on restorative needs to the detriment of the sustenal and remedial needs
B. Nursing focused rather than patient focused
C. Primarily psychological in content
D. Too holistic in nature

10. Abdellah’s nursing problems evolved through research focused on an effort to:
A. Create a list of nursing problems so appropriate procedures could be developed
B. Differentite overt nd covert problems
C. Free nurses from medical supervision
D. Move focus of care from the disease to the patient

11. In applying Abdellahs theory in the intial assessment phase f the nursing process,
information should be sough about:
A. Communities and societies
B. Overt and covert problems
C. Unique and independent functions of the nurse
D. Felt needs

Part 4: Dorothea Orem

1. An ambulatory patient with type 2 diabetes who lives with her husband would require which
of the type of nursing system?
A. Wholly compensatory
B. Partially compensatory
C. On demand
D. Supportive educative

2. The step of production and management of nursing systems within Orem’s nursing
process corresponds to which steps of the more widely used nursing process?
A. Diagnosing and planning
B. Collecting and data
C. Assessing
D. Implementing
3. The central focus of representing Orem’s Self Care Model would be:
A. The nurse patient relationship
B. Self care
C. Nursing systems
D. Self care, self care deficit and nursing systems
4. Honey Licca is working full time during the day while attending nursing school at night.
Which of the following terms from Orem’s theory best applies to her situation?
A. Self care agency
B. Self care deficit
C. Therapeutic self care demand
D. Partially compensatory system

5. The wholly compensatory nursing system would be most appropriate in which of the
following situations?
A. A 55 year old male just diagnosed with a myocardial infarction (commonly known as
heart attack in where blood flow stops on a part of the heart causing damage to
heart muscle)
B. a 70 year old female who is 2 weeks post CVA (cerebrovascular accident or stroke)
with left side body weakness
C. a 10 year old male with his right arm in a cast due to injury in a baseball game 3
days ago
D. a family whose child died 4 hours ago

Part 5: General Terms

1. What word may be used to describe a concept?

A. Fact B. Idea C. Truth D. Science

2. The best definition of a conceptual model is a(n):
A. pattern or abstract outline of something.
B. abstract idea that provides a representation of reality.
C. set of statements that generates knowledge in a field.
D. set of statements that expresses the relationships between ideas about reality.

3. “A supposition or system of ideas that is proposed to explain a given phenomenon” best

A. A theory B. A concept C. A paradigm D. A conceptual framework

4. “A set of shared understandings and assumptions about reality and the world” is a definition
A. A concept B. A paradigm C. A practice discipline D. A conceptual framework

5. How is a theory different from a conceptual framework?

A. A theory may contain constructs.
B. A theory is made up of concepts and propositions.
C. A theory includes testable propositions.
D. A theory is more abstract and less specific than a conceptual model.

6. “A group of related ideas or statements” is a definition for:

A. A theory B. A paradigm C. A philosophy D. A conceptual framework

7. Nursing theories should include descriptions of the four metaparadigm concepts. Those
concepts are:
A. person, society, wellness, and illness.
B. nursing, environment, health, and illness.
C. nursing, environment, person, and society.
D. person, environment, health/illness, and nursing.

8. A ________ is an abstract image or idea of reality, usually represented by a word, which

brings forth mental
pictures of the properties and meanings of things.
A. Model B. Theory C. Concept D. Proposition

9. ___________ is relational statement that link concepts together.

A. Model B. Theory C. Concept D. Proposition

10. There are four concepts common to nursing theories. Which concept is the most important?
A.Person B. Health C. Nursing D. Environment

Canossa College
School of Nursing

Theoretical Foundations in Nursing

Prelim Exam

Answer Sheet
Name:______________________________ Rate:_________________

Nightingale Henderson Abdellah Orem Terms

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