TFN Midterm

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Canossa College

San Pablo City

First Semester

Theoretical Foundations in Nursing

Midterm Exam

Name: _________________________________ Date: ____________

INSTRUCTION: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED.

Test I. Multiple Choice.

1. Rehabilitation has the following goal except:

A. Depending on others
B. Maximizing present capabilities
C. Modifying behaviours
D. Independence

2. Maintenance of system equilibrium is a goal of:

A. Imogene King
B. Betty Neuman’s
C. Joyce Travelbee
D. Dorothea Orem

3. Monica Atienza is a barangay nurse. Every Monday she has a blood pressure screening. She is providing
what level of prevention?
A. Tertiary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Primary prevention
D. Quaternary prevention

4. Identified 14 basic needs and says that the unique functions of the nurse is to assist clients, sick or well
in the peaceful death.
A. Virginia Henderson C. Dorothea Orem
B. Imogene King D. Faye Glen Abdellah

5. The four concepts common to nursing conceptual models:

A. Person, nursing, environment, medicine
B. Person, health, nursing, support system
C. Person, environment, health, nursing
D. Person, environment, psychology, nursing

6. A patient in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) who is coma for 4 days is being bathed by a kind nurse. This
reflects which level of nurse-patient relationship according to V. Henderson?
A. Nurse as a substitute
B. Nurse as a helper
C. Nurse as a partner
D. Nurse as a believer

7. Teaching a client with hypertension on preparing low-sodium, low-fat, and low-cholesterol diet is what
type of Level of Prevention?

A. Primary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention
D. Quaternary prevention

8. Prevention is better than cure. Immunization falls under what level of prevention?
A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Specialized

9. Mrs. Lozada is a 25 year old, pale looking cafeteria manager who often retires very late at night. She
went to the hospital complaining of dizziness, fatigue and body malaise. The diagnosis of the physician
is anemia (below normal level of red blood cells and haemoglobin). The nurse instructed the patient
about the food that she must take. This action is:
A. Nurse as a substitute
B. Nurse as a helper
C. Nurse as a partner
D. Nurse as a believer

10. Secondary prevention would be best described as:

A. Health teaching immunization
B. Early diagnosis and treatment
C. Recovery from physical limitation and psychological regression
D. Preventing disability and maximum use of remaining capacity

11. The nurse in Brgy. Del Remedio is regularly giving tetanus toxoid for pregnant women. What level of
prevention the nurse is initiating?
A. Tertiary prevention C. Secondary prevention
B. Primary prevention D. None of these

12. Sputum exam falls under what level of prevention?

A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Specialized

13. The NICU nurse does the vital signs to the newborn girl when she noticed that there isno anal opening,
she reported it to the paediatrician immediately.
A. Nurse as a substitute
B. Nurse as a helper
C. Nurse as a partner
D. Nurse as a believer

14. A man who has had quadriplegia from a fall accident is being cared by the nurse thru the performance
of ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living) for him. The nurse acts as a?
A. Substitute
B. Helper
C. Partner
D. Believer

15. Who is this nurse theorist that has been called the “First Truly International Nurse”?
A. Faye Abdellah C. Imogene King
B. Virginia Henderson D. Dorothy Johnson
16. The nurse is interviewing the newly admitted client in the geriatric ward. The nurse is including the
client in making a health plan. Which of the following this action is included?

A. Substitute
B. Helper
C. Partner
D. Believer

17. She defined health as “Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the
whole of the client.” Who among the following theorist defined this?
A. Imogene King C. Dorothy Johnson
B. Betty Neuman D. Dorothea Orem

18. Virginia Henderson believed that the nurses needed to be more that caregivers, they needed to be
both educators and advocates. A nurse must keep an individual fulfill which fundamental need?
A. Dependence on health care providers.
B. Seeking help from health care providers.
C. Refraining from expressing their emotions.
D. Working in such a way that one feels a sense of accomplishment.

19. The nurse who is assigned in emergency room (ER) admitted a poor patient who is experiencing
bleeding due to accidentally stepped on the broken glass and needed to be cleaned and sutured. The
nurse referred the patient in social worker department. What action does the nurse do according to
Virginia Henderson?
A. Nurse as a substitute
B. Nurse as a helper
C. Nurse as a partner
D. Nurse as a believer

20. Mrs. Muhlach asks about supplemental vitamins and iron which needs to take during her pregnancy.
Which of the following level of prevention is this?
A. Health promotion C. Tertiary prevention
B. Primary prevention D. Secondary prevention

21. Reactions are the outcomes or produced results of certain stressor and actions of the lines resistance. It
can be either positive or negative. These reactions are:
1) Negentropy
2) Egentropy
3) Normal Line of Defense
4) Line of Resistance
5) Flexible Line of Defense

A. 1, 2 B. 1, 2, 3 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

22. A nurse theorist views “human being” as having two major systems; biological system and behavioral
system. Who is this nurse theorist?
A. Faye Abdellah C. Imogene King
B. Virginia Henderson D. Dorothy Johnson

23. According to Neuman, there are five client variable, these are:
A. Physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, developmental and spiritual.
B. Physiological, safety and security, love and belongingness, self-esteem and self-actualization

C. Normal Line of defense, line of resistance, flexible line of defense, stressors and reactions
D. None of the above

24. Which of the following is not Primary Prevention?

A. Wear hazard helmet when driving a motor cycle.
B. Exercise regularly.
C. Eat well-balanced diet.
D. Yearly physical check up

25. Which of the following is an example of intrapersonal factors according to Betty Neuman, except?
A. Behaviour B. BP = 120/80 mmHg C. Adolescence D. Marriage

26. “The nurse is teaching a post – stroke client on checking the temperature of water for bathing. Which
of the following level of prevention the nurse is applying?

A. Primary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention
D. Quaternary prevention

27. A 35 year old married woman is regularly performing Breast Self Examination (BSE). This is included to
what level of prevention?
A. Specialized Prevention C. Tertiary prevention
B. Primary prevention D. Secondary prevention

28. Who conceptualized the seven behavioral subsystems?

A. Dorothea Orem C. Imogene King
B. Dorothy Johnson D. Faye Abdellah

29. The patient who is experiencing loss of appetite due to break-up with her girlfriend. This is included in
what behavioural subsystems:
A. Ingestive C. Eliminative
B. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

30. The community health nurse assigned in Brgy. Sto Cristo. Encountered an environmental problem that
was reported by concerned citizen of the said barangay, that group of people thrown more than 100
drums of hazardous chemicals in their river. This behaviour shown by the citizen is:
A. Ingestive C. Eliminative
B. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

31. A male patient is admitted in the hospital due to heart problem related to obesity. What behavioural
subsystem this belong?
A. Ingestive C. Eliminative
B. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

32. Measures designed to promote general optimum health or the establishment of barriers against the
agents in the environment are referred to as:
A. Specialized Prevention C. Tertiary prevention
B. Primary prevention D. Secondary prevention

33. Dennis and Aira are newly married couple and are interested to know about family planning. What
behaviour is this?
A. Ingestive C. Sexual

B. Attachment of Affiliative D. Achievement

34. Which of the following falls under the secondary level of prevention:
A. Preparing balance diet for the family
B. Giving oresol to a child with diarrhea
C. Proper disposal of garbage
D. Cottage industry for physically disabled

35. The incidence of breast cancer among women is increasing, that is why women 20 years old and above
should perform monthly breast self-examination. Which of the following level of prevention is this?

A. Primary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention
D. Quaternary prevention

36. A Baby boy Zobel, 36 weeks gestational age, was admitted at the nursery. His birth weight is 3, 400
grams and birth length is 49 centimeters. It’s almost 3 day and still didn’t pass stool. This problem is
about the?
A. Ingestive C. Eliminative
B. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

37. The nurse must maintain a good harmonious relationship with his co-workers, supervisors, chief nurse
and physicians. This is under:
A. Personal B. Interpersonal C. Social D. All of these

38. Tertiary prevention would be described as:

A. Health teaching immunization
B. Early diagnosis and treatment
C. Recovery from physical limitation and psychological regression
D. Preventing disability and maximum use of remaining capacity

39. Mr. Flavier, an Executive Officer of a big company, is complaining of pain in the anus and rectal itching.
He is admitted in the hospital with a diagnosis of haemorrhoids. The nurse must understand that this is
belong to what behavioural subsystem:

A. Ingestive C. Eliminative
B. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

40. A client is being seen in the clinic for the final follow-up appointment after an extensive course of
rehabilitation. According to Neuman’s model, which level of intervention does this describe?
A. Primary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Resistant prevention
D. Tertiary prevention

41. A student is caring for a client who contracted an infection following surgery. The client is afebrile
during the student’s shift but still receiving IV antibiotics. This is an example of which level of
prevention, according to Neuman’s model?
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Critical
42. Mr. Romnick Sarmienta has recovered from heart problem and was referred to Cardiac Rehabilitation
Center. In the rehabilitation, he will be supervised closely while doing physical conditioning. What level
of prevention is this?
A. Primary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention
D. Quaternary prevention

43. According to Roy, the goal of nursing is:

A. Promoting adaptation of the physiological mode and regulatory mechanism
B. Maintaining a clean environment
C. To re-establish equilibrium through reduction of stress
D. To regain wealth in culturally meaningful ways

44. Which of the following nursing theorists introduced Transcultural Nursing model?
A. Sister Callista Roy
B. Jean Watson
C. Ernestine Wiedenbach
D. Madeleine Leininger

45. Who among the following theorist formulated the "Conservation Model"?
A. Jean Watson
B. Margaret Newman
C. Myra Levine
D. Sister Callista Roy

46. Who is this nurse theorist that introduced "The Nursing Process Theory"?
A. Lydia Hall
B. Ida Jean Orlando
C. Sister Kuan
D. Patricia Benner

47. This theory is about the person in adaptive system which uses coping skills to deal with stressors.
A. "Humanistic Nursing"
B. "Adaptation Theory"
C. "Theory of Human Becoming"
D. "PREPARE ME" Interventions & the Quality of Life of Advance Progressive Cancer Patients

48. The part of nursing that is concerned with intimate bodily care (e.g, toileting, positioning, moving,
dressing, undressing and maintaining a healthful environment) belongs exclusively to nursing. Nursing
is required when people are not able to undertake these activities for themselves. Which of the
following component is being described?
A. Care
B. Core
C. Cure
D. All of the above

49. The nursing practice goal of this theory is to promote adaptation and maintain wholeness using
principles of conservation. What theory is this?
A. "Rhythm Model"
B. "Conservation Theory"
C. "Novice to Expert"
D. "Humanistic Theory"

50. In Lydia Hall's theory, which of the following is included in core?
A. Therapeutic use of self
B. Focuses on nursing related to physician's orders
C. Nurturance and factors that are exclusive to nursing
D. None of the above

51. The nurse is providing a conducive room to promote adequate rest and sleep for patient with
tuberculosis. Which of the following principles of Conservation Theory is this?
A. Conservation of Energy
B. Conservation of Structural Integrity
C. Conservation of Personal Integrity
D. Conservation of Social Integrity

52. The nurse is giving health teachings to a 7 year old patient with bronchial asthma on how to perform
proper brushing of teeth. What conservational principle this nursing intervention included?
A. Conservation of Energy
B. Conservation of Structural Integrity
C. Conservation of Personal Integrity
D. Conservation of Social Integrity

53. The patient is blaming herself from the death of her 6-month-old child. She is punishing herself by not
eating, taking medications, refusing to perform self care and doesn't want to talk to anyone. The nurse
is applying the therapeutic use of self and intellectual approach to help the patient to cope and adapt
with the situation. Which of the following conservation principles this nursing intervention applied?
A. Conservation of Energy
B. Conservation of Structural Integrity
C. Conservation of Personal Integrity
D. Conservation of Social Integrity

54. It refers to assistive, supporting professional notions that help people retain relevant values so they can
maintain well being.
A. Cultural care repatterning
B. Cultural care preservation
C. Cultural care accommodation
D. Cultural care restructuring
55. It is the nurturing component on nursing according to Lydia Hall.
A. Care
B. Core
C. Cure
D. all of the above
Part II
Matching Type. Match Column B to Column A
1. Florence Nightingale A. Care , Core, Cure Model
2. Virginia Henderson B. Behavioural System Model
3. Faye Glenn Abdellah C. Transcultural Theory
4. Dorothea Orem D. Environmental Theory
5. Myra Estrine Levine E.RAM
6. Sr. Callista Roy F. Self Care Theory
7. Lydia Hall G. Deliberative Nursing Process
8. Betty Neuman H. 4 Conservation Principles in Nursing
9. Madeline Leininger I. 21 Nursing Problems
10. Dorothy Johnson J. 14 components of Needs
11. Ida Jean Orlando K. Systems Model

Canossa College
San Pablo City

First Semester

Theoretical Framework of Nursing

Midterm Exam

Name: _________________________________ Date: ____________

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each
item by marking the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY

Test I. Multiple Choice.

56. Rehabilitation has the following goal except:

E. Depending on others
F. Maximizing present capabilities
G. Modifying behaviours
H. Independence

57. Maintenance of system equilibrium is a goal of:

E. Imogene King
F. Betty Neuman’s
G. Joyce Travelbee
H. Dorothea Orem

58. Monica Atienza is a barangay nurse. Every Monday she has a blood pressure screening. She is providing
what level of prevention?
E. Tertiary prevention
F. Secondary prevention
G. Primary prevention
H. Quaternary prevention

59. Identified 14 basic needs and says that the unique functions of the nurse is to assist clients, sick or well
in the peaceful death.
C. Virginia Henderson C. Dorothea Orem
D. Imogene King D. Faye Glen Abdellah

60. The four concepts common to nursing conceptual models:

E. Person, nursing, environment, medicine
F. Person, health, nursing, support system
G. Person, environment, health, nursing
H. Person, environment, psychology, nursing

61. A patient in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) who is coma for 4 days is being bathed by a kind nurse. This
reflects which level of nurse-patient relationship according to V. Henderson?
E. Nurse as a substitute
F. Nurse as a helper
G. Nurse as a partner
H. Nurse as a believer

62. Teaching a client with hypertension on preparing low-sodium, low-fat, and low-cholesterol diet is what
type of Level of Prevention?

E. Primary prevention
F. Secondary prevention
G. Tertiary prevention
H. Quaternary prevention

63. Prevention is better than cure. Immunization falls under what level of prevention?
B. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Specialized

64. Mrs. Lozada is a 25 year old, pale looking cafeteria manager who often retires very late at night. She
went to the hospital complaining of dizziness, fatigue and body malaise. The diagnosis of the physician
is anemia (below normal level of red blood cells and haemoglobin). The nurse instructed the patient
about the food that she must take. This action is:
A. Nurse as a substitute
B. Nurse as a helper
C. Nurse as a partner
D. Nurse as a believer

65. Secondary prevention would be best described as:

E. Health teaching immunization
F. Early diagnosis and treatment
G. Recovery from physical limitation and psychological regression
H. Preventing disability and maximum use of remaining capacity

66. The nurse in Brgy. Del Remedio is regularly giving tetanus toxoid for pregnant women. What level of
prevention the nurse is initiating?
C. Tertiary prevention C. Secondary prevention
D. Primary prevention D. None of these

67. Sputum exam falls under what level of prevention?

B. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Specialized

68. The NICU nurse does the vital signs to the newborn girl when she noticed that there isno anal opening,
she reported it to the paediatrician immediately.
E. Nurse as a substitute
F. Nurse as a helper
G. Nurse as a partner
H. Nurse as a believer

69. A man who has had quadriplegia from a fall accident is being cared by the nurse thru the performance
of ADL’s (Activities of Daily Living) for him. The nurse acts as a?
A. Substitute
B. Helper
C. Partner
D. Believer

70. Who is this nurse theorist that has been called the “First Truly International Nurse”?
C. Faye Abdellah C. Imogene King
D. Virginia Henderson D. Dorothy Johnson

71. The nurse is interviewing the newly admitted client in the geriatric ward. The nurse is including the
client in making a health plan. Which of the following this action is included?

A. Substitute
B. Helper
C. Partner
D. Believer

72. She defined health as “Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the
whole of the client.” Who among the following theorist defined this?
C. Imogene King C. Dorothy Johnson
D. Betty Neuman D. Dorothea Orem

73. Virginia Henderson believed that the nurses needed to be more that caregivers, they needed to be
both educators and advocates. A nurse must keep an individual fulfill which fundamental need?
E. Dependence on health care providers.
F. Seeking help from health care providers.
G. Refraining from expressing their emotions.
H. Working in such a way that one feels a sense of accomplishment.

74. The nurse who is assigned in emergency room (ER) admitted a poor patient who is experiencing
bleeding due to accidentally stepped on the broken glass and needed to be cleaned and sutured. The
nurse referred the patient in social worker department. What action does the nurse do according to
Virginia Henderson?
E. Nurse as a substitute
F. Nurse as a helper
G. Nurse as a partner
H. Nurse as a believer

75. Mrs. Muhlach asks about supplemental vitamins and iron which needs to take during her pregnancy.
Which of the following level of prevention is this?
C. Health promotion C. Tertiary prevention
D. Primary prevention D. Secondary prevention

76. Reactions are the outcomes or produced results of certain stressor and actions of the lines resistance. It
can be either positive or negative. These reactions are:
6) Negentropy
7) Egentropy
8) Normal Line of Defense
9) Line of Resistance
10) Flexible Line of Defense

B. 1, 2 B. 1, 2, 3 C. 1, 2, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

77. A nurse theorist views “human being” as having two major systems; biological system and behavioral
system. Who is this nurse theorist?
C. Faye Abdellah C. Imogene King
D. Virginia Henderson D. Dorothy Johnson

78. According to Neuman, there are five client variable, these are:
E. Physiological, psychological, socio-cultural, developmental and spiritual.
F. Physiological, safety and security, love and belongingness, self-esteem and self-actualization
G. Normal Line of defense, line of resistance, flexible line of defense, stressors and reactions
H. None of the above

79. Which of the following is not Primary Prevention?

E. Wear hazard helmet when driving a motor cycle.
F. Exercise regularly.
G. Eat well-balanced diet.
H. Yearly physical check up

80. Which of the following is an example of intrapersonal factors according to Betty Neuman, except?
B. Behaviour B. BP = 120/80 mmHg C. Adolescence D. Marriage

81. “The nurse is teaching a post – stroke client on checking the temperature of water for bathing. Which
of the following level of prevention the nurse is applying?

E. Primary prevention
F. Secondary prevention
G. Tertiary prevention
H. Quaternary prevention

82. A 35 year old married woman is regularly performing Breast Self Examination (BSE). This is included to
what level of prevention?
C. Specialized Prevention C. Tertiary prevention
D. Primary prevention D. Secondary prevention

83. Who conceptualized the seven behavioral subsystems?

C. Dorothea Orem C. Imogene King
D. Dorothy Johnson D. Faye Abdellah

84. The patient who is experiencing loss of appetite due to break-up with her girlfriend. This is included in
what behavioural subsystems:
C. Ingestive C. Eliminative
D. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

85. The community health nurse assigned in Brgy. Sto Cristo. Encountered an environmental problem that
was reported by concerned citizen of the said barangay, that group of people thrown more than 100
drums of hazardous chemicals in their river. This behaviour shown by the citizen is:
C. Ingestive C. Eliminative
D. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

86. A male patient is admitted in the hospital due to heart problem related to obesity. What behavioural
subsystem this belong?
C. Ingestive C. Eliminative
D. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

87. Measures designed to promote general optimum health or the establishment of barriers against the
agents in the environment are referred to as:
C. Specialized Prevention C. Tertiary prevention
D. Primary prevention D. Secondary prevention

88. Dennis and Aira are newly married couple and are interested to know about family planning. What
behaviour is this?
C. Ingestive C. Sexual
D. Attachment of Affiliative D. Achievement

89. Which of the following falls under the secondary level of prevention:
E. Preparing balance diet for the family
F. Giving oresol to a child with diarrhea
G. Proper disposal of garbage
H. Cottage industry for physically disabled

90. The incidence of breast cancer among women is increasing, that is why women 20 years old and above
should perform monthly breast self-examination. Which of the following level of prevention is this?

E. Primary prevention
F. Secondary prevention
G. Tertiary prevention
H. Quaternary prevention

91. A Baby boy Zobel, 36 weeks gestational age, was admitted at the nursery. His birth weight is 3, 400
grams and birth length is 49 centimeters. It’s almost 3 day and still didn’t pass stool. This problem is
about the?
C. Ingestive C. Eliminative
D. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

92. The nurse must maintain a good harmonious relationship with his co-workers, supervisors, chief nurse
and physicians. This is under:
B. Personal B. Interpersonal C. Social D. All of these

93. Tertiary prevention would be described as:

E. Health teaching immunization
F. Early diagnosis and treatment
G. Recovery from physical limitation and psychological regression
H. Preventing disability and maximum use of remaining capacity

94. Mr. Flavier, an Executive Officer of a big company, is complaining of pain in the anus and rectal itching.
He is admitted in the hospital with a diagnosis of haemorrhoids. The nurse must understand that this is
belong to what behavioural subsystem:

C. Ingestive C. Eliminative
D. Attachment of Affiliative D. Aggressive

95. A client is being seen in the clinic for the final follow-up appointment after an extensive course of
rehabilitation. According to Neuman’s model, which level of intervention does this describe?
E. Primary prevention
F. Secondary prevention
G. Resistant prevention
H. Tertiary prevention

96. A student is caring for a client who contracted an infection following surgery. The client is afebrile
during the student’s shift but still receiving IV antibiotics. This is an example of which level of
prevention, according to Neuman’s model?
E. Primary
F. Secondary
G. Tertiary
H. Critical

97. Mr. Romnick Sarmienta has recovered from heart problem and was referred to Cardiac Rehabilitation
Center. In the rehabilitation, he will be supervised closely while doing physical conditioning. What level
of prevention is this?
E. Primary prevention
F. Secondary prevention
G. Tertiary prevention
H. Quaternary prevention

98. According to Roy, the goal of nursing is:

E. Promoting adaptation of the physiological mode and regulatory mechanism
F. Maintaining a clean environment
G. To re-establish equilibrium through reduction of stress
H. To regain wealth in culturally meaningful ways

99. Which of the following nursing theorists introduced Transcultural Nursing model?
E. Sister Callista Roy
F. Jean Watson
G. Ernestine Wiedenbach
H. Madeleine Leininger

100. Who among the following theorist formulated the "Conservation Model"?
E. Jean Watson
F. Margaret Newman
G. Myra Levine
H. Sister Callista Roy

101. Who is this nurse theorist that introduced "The Nursing Process Theory"?
E. Lydia Hall
F. Ida Jean Orlando
G. Sister Kuan
H. Patricia Benner

102. This theory is about the person in adaptive system which uses coping skills to deal with
E. "Humanistic Nursing"
F. "Adaptation Theory"
G. "Theory of Human Becoming"
H. "PREPARE ME" Interventions & the Quality of Life of Advance Progressive Cancer Patients

103. The part of nursing that is concerned with intimate bodily care (e.g, toileting, positioning,
moving, dressing, undressing and maintaining a healthful environment) belongs exclusively to nursing.
Nursing is required when people are not able to undertake these activities for themselves. Which of the
following component is being described?
E. Care
F. Core
G. Cure
H. All of the above

104. The nursing practice goal of this theory is to promote adaptation and maintain wholeness using
principles of conservation. What theory is this?
E. "Rhythm Model"
F. "Conservation Theory"
G. "Novice to Expert"
H. "Humanistic Theory"

105. In Lydia Hall's theory, which of the following is included in core?

E. Therapeutic use of self
F. Focuses on nursing related to physician's orders
G. Nurturance and factors that are exclusive to nursing
H. None of the above

106. The nurse is providing a conducive room to promote adequate rest and sleep for patient with
tuberculosis. Which of the following principles of Conservation Theory is this?
E. Conservation of Energy
F. Conservation of Structural Integrity
G. Conservation of Personal Integrity
H. Conservation of Social Integrity

107. The nurse is giving health teachings to a 7 year old patient with bronchial asthma on how to
perform proper brushing of teeth. What conservational principle this nursing intervention included?
E. Conservation of Energy
F. Conservation of Structural Integrity
G. Conservation of Personal Integrity
H. Conservation of Social Integrity

108. The patient is blaming herself from the death of her 6-month-old child. She is punishing herself
by not eating, taking medications, refusing to perform self care and doesn't want to talk to anyone. The
nurse is applying the therapeutic use of self and intellectual approach to help the patient to cope and
adapt with the situation. Which of the following conservation principles this nursing intervention
E. Conservation of Energy
F. Conservation of Structural Integrity
G. Conservation of Personal Integrity
H. Conservation of Social Integrity

109. It refers to assistive, supporting professional notions that help people retain relevant values so
they can maintain well being.
E. Cultural care repatterning
F. Cultural care preservation
G. Cultural care accommodation
H. Cultural care restructuring
110. It is the nurturing component on nursing according to Lydia Hall.
E. Care
F. Core
G. Cure
H. all of the above
Part II
Matching Type. Match Column B to Column A
12. Florence Nightingale A. Care , Core, Cure Model
13. Virginia Henderson B. Behavioural System Model
14. Faye Glenn Abdellah C. Transcultural Theory
15. Dorothea Orem D. Environmental Theory
16. Myra Estrine Levine E.RAM
17. Sr. Callista Roy F. Self Care Theory
18. Lydia Hall G. Deliberative Nursing Process
19. Betty Neuman H. 4 Conservation Principles in Nursing
20. Madeline Leininger I. 21 Nursing Problems
21. Dorothy Johnson J. 14 components of Needs
22. Ida Jean Orlando K. Systems Model


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