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Clin. Lab.

2004; 50; 11-24



Determination of Cortisol in Saliva and Serum by a

Luminescence-Enhanced Enzyme Immunoassay
Immuno-Biological Laboratories GmbH, Hamburg,Germany


A new luminescence-enhanced enzyme immunoassay (LEIA) has been developed and validated for the direct mea-
surement of cortisol in saliva and serum. It has been demonstrated that this LEIA has a very good analytical and
functional sensitivity. There was a good correlation to a commercial RIA. The assessment of diurnal cortisol pro-
files of healthy persons are discussed. Cortisol monitoring is indicated in diseases with abnormal glucocorticoid
production such as Cushing`s syndrome and Addison’s disease. Because of the diurnal fluctuation of cortisol levels
it is necessary to take several samples for an individual cortisol profile or during dynamic tests like the dexa-
methasone-suppression or ACTH stimulation. Salivary sample collection is an alternative method without the
stress of repeated venipuncture. The measurement of cortisol in saliva is advisable in patients with abnormal
cortisol-binding-globulin (CBG) levels such as pregnancy, hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome or marked adi-
positas and during the administration of certain drugs, especially oral contraceptives.

KEY WORDS released from the salivary glands (1). The normal sali-
vary cortisol concentration in the evening is about 1.5
Cortisol, saliva, luminescence, immunoassay, diurnal nmol/l (13). It is therefore necessary to develop an assay
profile, free hormones which enables observers to determine such small levels
of cortisol in saliva accurately. In using non-radioiso-
INTRODUCTION topic immunoasssays it is best to use a chemilumines
cent or a time resolved fluorescence labelled immuno-
Only the non protein bound fraction of the lipophilic assay because of the superior analytical sensitivity (14 -
steroid hormones passes quantitatively from the circula- 16).
tion into the saliva (1). This enables scientists to directly In saliva there is a diurnal fluctuation of the cortisol
assess the biologically active fraction of these hor- concentration in adult humans, reaching a peak around
mones. In addition, using saliva makes it possible to con- 30 to 60 minutes after awakening and falling to lower
veniently obtain several samples for assessing hormone levels in the afternoon which remains trough the next
profiles. As a result, using saliva as a sample signifi- morning (13, 17 - 20). The circadian pacemaker is re-
cantly extends the application of hormone testing in sponsible for this cortisol variation, which also influ-
such scientific fields as psychology, occupational medi- ences the diurnal melatonin profile, is located in the su-
cine, sport medicine and pediatrics. (2 - 12). prachiasmic nuclei of the hypothalamus (13, 21). New-
About 90 % of the cortisol in the circulation is bound to borns do not exhibit a diurnal cortisol profile. It devel-
the corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG, transcortin), ops during the first 20 weeks after birth (22 – 25). Even
about 7 % is bound loosely to albumin, and only 1 – 3 % in adults large inter- individual differences in the di-
is unbound. Only cortisol from the two latter fractions is urnal cortisol pattern exists (26). It is advantageous to
take saliva samples in connection with the individual
Manuscript accepted May 8, 2003 waking time, rather than blood samples at fixed inter-
vals for the accurate assessment of daily variation.

Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004 11


MATERIALS AND METHODS were collected over a normal working day. Shift wor-
kers were not included in the study. The test persons
Chemicals were not on drugs which might have affected the corti-
All fine chemicals were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich sol level.
(Deisenkirchen, Germany) or Merck (Darmstadt, Ger-
many). Cortisol and compounds used for cross-reacti- Adult Females Adult Males Children
vity studies were obtained from Steraloids, Inc. (New- Number 61 39 4 (3f,1m) 10 (4f,6m)
port, Rhode Island USA). Age
28.8 ± 11.1 32.6 ± 13.0 8.8 ± 5.1 67.5 ± 4.1
(mean ± SD)
17 - 60 17 – 59 3 – 13 62 – 77
Reagents (min-max)
All reagents used in the LEIA kit were provided by the
manufacturer (IBL Hamburg GmbH; Hamburg, Ger-
Microtiter Strips: ready for use; white microtiter plate Samples for saliva - serum correlation.
wells (Maxisorp, Nunc; Roskilde, Denmark) coated Paired saliva and serum samples were obtained from 84
with goat anti-rabbit IgG and anti-cortisol antibody clinically healthy volunteers within 10 minutes of each
(Scantibody Laboratory Inc., Santee, CA, USA and other.
Prof. Vescei Heidelberg, Germany), and blocked with
BSA (Sigma) and Karion (Merck).
Enzyme Conjugate: ready for use; Cortisol-3-carboxy- Samples for GC/MS correlation of serum samples
methyloxim was first coupled to horseradish peroxidase As reference method comparison, 20 quality assessment
with the mixed anhydride method and then dialyzed serum samples from the DGKC (Deutsche Gesellschaft
against phosphate-buffered saline. The peroxidase con- für klinische Chemie, Bonn, Germany) were used for
jugate was diluted in Stabilzyme® buffer (Sur Modics hormone measurement were used. These samples were
Inc., Eden Prairie, MN, USA). predetermined by the reference laboratory of the DGKC
Saliva Control 1 and 2: ready for use; Saliva was en- (Referenzinstitut für Bioanalytik, Bonn, Germany) us-
riched with different amounts of cortisol with 0.01 % ing a GC/MS reference method for determination of
thimerosal as a preservative. Cortisol.
Standard A - G: ready for use; contained cortisol in 0.1
mol/l phosphate buffer with 9 g/l NaCl, 0.1 %(w/v) Quality control samples
BSA and 0.01%(w/v) thimerosal. The standard concen- Control samples were prepared by adding different
trations are 0 nmol/l (Standard A, zero standard), 0.83 stock solutions with known cortisol concentrations to
nmol/l (Standard B), 1.7 nmol/l (Standard C), 5.5 nmol/l individual saliva and serum samples from normal
(Standard D), 17 nmol/l (Standard E), 41 nmol/l (Stan- volunteers. The controls were aliquoted and stored at -
dard F), 110 nmol/l (Standard G). 80 °C.
Wash Buffer: concentrate; phosphate buffer (0.1 mol/l,
pH 7.3) containing of 9g/l NaCl, 0.1 % (w/v) Tween 80
and 0.01%(w/v) thimerosal. This was diluted 1 to 10 LEIA kit
with distilled water prior to use. Handling of samples: Saliva samples were collected by
Substrate Reagents: Reagent 1 and reagent 2 were ob- either using Salivettes® (Sarstedt) without additives or
tained from Perbio Science, (Bonn, Germany). Reagent by transferring saliva with a straw into a glass or poly-
1 contained luminol and an enhancer. Reagent 2 con- propylene tube (IBL, Hamburg, Germany), after saliva
sisted of a peroxide solution with stabilizers. Reagents 1 flow has been stimulated by chewing on a piece of Para-
and 2 were mixed in equal amounts prior to use. filmTM (American National Can, Chicago, IL,USA).
Adhesive Foil: transparent plastic foils. Samples with a slightly reddish color, suspected of be-
All kit reagents were stable for at least 9 months when ing contaminated with blood, were discarded.
stored at 2 - 8 °C. The diluted wash buffer was stable It is highly recommended to freeze the samples once at
for up to 4 weeks at 2 - 8 °C and the mixed substrate –20°C prior to the test run in order to precipitate inter-
reagent is stable for 8 hours at room temperature. fering mucoproteins. After thawing and before assay,
the samples were centrifuged at 2000 - 3000 x g to re-
Samples for the diurnal profiles move solids. Repeated freeze-thaw cycles should be
Saliva was collected with Salivettes® (Sarstedt, Nüm- avoided. The saliva samples may be stored for up to 5
brecht, Germany) or with a straw into Polypropylene days at room temperature or up to 10 days at 2 - 8°C.
tubes (IBL, Hamburg, Germany) every 30 minutes for 4 For longer periods the saliva should be stored in ali-
hours after awakening. Then every hour for 15 hours a quots at –20°C.
sample was taken. The persons included in this study
were clinically healthy on a normal diet. The samples

12 Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004


Table 1: Specificity of the anti-cortisol antibody used in the described LEIA

Compound Cross-reactivity [%]

Cortisol, hydrocortisone (4-Pregnen-11β,17α,21-triol-3,20-dion) 100
Prednisolone (1,4-Pregnadien-11β,17α,21-triol-3,20-dion) 57
11-Deoxycortisol (4-Pregnen-17α,21-diol-3,20-dion 12
Corticosterone (4-Pregnen-11β,21-diol-3,20-dion) 2.5
Cortisone (4-Pregnen-17α,21-diol-3,11,20-trion) 2
Prednisone (1,4-Pregnadien-17α,21-diol-3,11,20-trion) 1
17α –Hydroxyprogesterone (4-Pregnen-17αol-3,20-dion) 0.5
Deoxycorticosterone (4-Pregnen-21-ol-3,20-dion) 0.3
6α-Methyl-17α-Hydroxyprogesterone (6α-Methyl-4-pregnen-17α-ol-3,20-dion) 0.1
Progesterone (4-Pregnen-3,20-dion) <0.05
Dexamethasone (9α-Fluor-16α-methyl-prednisolone) <0.05
17α–Hydroxypregnolene (5-Pregnen-3β,17α-diol-20-on) <0.01
Dehydroisoandrosterone (5-Androsten-3β-ol-17-on) <0.01
Androstenedione (4-Androstene-3,17-dion) <0.01
Oestriol (1,3,5(10)-Estratrien-3,16α,17β-triol) <0.01
6α-Methyl-17α-Hydroxyprogesteroneacetate (6α-Methyl-4-pregnen-3,17-acetate) <0.01
Pregnenolone (5-Pregnen-3β-ol-20-on) <0.01
Oestrone (1,3,5(10)-Estratrien-3-ol-17-on) <0.01
Testosterone (4-Androstene-17β-ol-3-on) <0.01
17α-Hydroxyprogesterone-17 sulphate (4-Pregnen-17α-ol-3,20-dion sulphate) <0.01
Androsterone sulphate (5α-Androstene-3α-ol-17-on sulphate) <0.01
Testosterone sulphate (4-Androstene-17β-ol-3-on sulphate) <0.01
Cholesteryl sulphate (5-Cholesten-3β-ol sulphate) <0.01
17β-Oestradiol-17 sulphate (1,3,5(10)-Estratrien-3,17β-diol 17-sulphate) <0.01
DHEA-S (5-Androstene-3β-ol-17-on sulphate) <0.01

All blood samples were obtained without an anticoagu- minescence units (RLU) are inversely proportional to
lant, stored at room temperature for 30 minutes until the cortisol concentration.
coagulation was complete, and then centrifuged for
10 min at 2000 x g. Serum was separated and stored at
-20 °C. LEIA test procedure: 20 µl of each standard, control,
and sample (saliva undiluted, serum diluted 1:50 in
Zero Standard) were pipetted in duplicate into the wells
LEIA test principle: The assay procedure of this corti- of the white microtiter strips and 100 µl of cortisol-
sol LEIA kit follows the basic principles of a competi- horseradish peroxidase conjugate added. After covering
tive immunoassay. The wells of a microtiter plate were with adhesive foil the plate was incubated for
first coated with goat anti-rabbit antibodies followed by 3 hours at room temperature (18 - 24°C). All wells
rabbit anti-cortisol antibodies. An unknown amount of were then washed four times with 250 µl wash buffer.
cortisol present in the sample and a fixed amount of per- Luminescence was read 10 minutes after addition of
oxidase-labelled cortisol compete for the binding sites 50 µl substrate solution. An MPL2 luminometer from
of the antigen-specific coated antibodies. After an incu- Berthold Detection Systems (Pforzheim,Germany) was
bation time the wells were washed to stop the competi- used for measurement. For calculation of the standard
tion reaction. The added luminescence substrate solu- curves with four-parameter logistics, the Microwin 2000
tion was converted to a light emitting component by the software was used (Mikrotek Laborsysteme GmbH,
bound peroxidase conjugate. The measured relative lu- Overath, Germany).

Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004 13


RLU/RLUmax [%]
0 1 10 100 1000
Cortisol [nmol/l]

Figure 1: Typical standard curve of the cortisol LEIA

Comparison methods Specificity of the antibodies

The radioimmunoassay from Diagnostic Systems Labo- The specificity of the anti-cortisol antibody used in our
ratories (DSL, Webster, Texas, USA) was used for LEIA was evaluated for cross-reactivity to various com-
comparison. The RIA was modified according to the pounds (Table 1) that may potentially interfere with the
method described by M. Gröschl et al (27). Regression assay.
analysis was performed according to Bablock et al. (28). A 57% cross-reactivity for prednisolone (difference
from cortisol is one double bond in position 1) was
seen. 11-deoxycortisol showed cross reactivity of 12%,
Shelf-life evaluation while all other compounds showed cross-reactivity less
Both accelerated and real-time stability testing of the than 2.5%.
reagents, standards and controls was performed to deter-
mine the expiration date (29).
LEIA standard curve and sensitivity
A typical standard curve is shown in Figure 1. A cali-
Statistical methods bration curve was established by using cortisol stan-
Statistical calculations were performed according to the dards from 0.83 to 110 nmol/l. The measuring range of
recommendations of Krouwer and Rabinowitz (30). The the LEIA covers the range of normal and elevated cor-
software used for calculation of statistical data was tisol concentrations in human saliva and in 1:50 diluted
Winstat (Kalmia Co. Inc.) and SigmaPlot 2001 (SPSS serum.
Inc.). The slope of the calibration curves was calculated The analytical sensitivity, calculated from the mean mi-
according to Rodbard (31). nus 3 standard deviations (SD) of 15 replicates of the
zero standard is 0.38 nmol/l. Functional sensitivity was
determined from the between-lot (n=6) assay variation
RESULTS coefficient of very low saliva samples. The lowest corti-
sol concentration which could be measured with a co-
The analytical performance of the newly developed efficient of variation below 20% is 0.52 nmol/l.
LEIA kit was determined by evaluating analytical speci-
ficity and sensitivity, precision, accuracy (recovery,
linearity) and comparison with other established im- Precision
munoassay kits. The intra-assay variation, the inter-assay variation and
the between-lot variation for saliva samples were deter-

14 Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004


Table 2: Precision of the cortisol LEIA for saliva samples

A. Determination of intra-assay variation of 6 different saliva samples

Saliva 1 Saliva 2 Saliva 3 Saliva 4 Saliva 5 Saliva 6

20 each in one run
[nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l]

Mean value 2.65 4.33 5.96 10.82 24.01 71.46

SD 0.19 0.33 0.36 0.30 1.08 5.88
CV [%] 7.3 7.6 6.0 2.8 4.5 8.2

B. Determination of interassay variation of 6 different saliva samples

Duplicates in 20 runs Saliva 1 Saliva 2 Saliva 3 Saliva 4 Saliva 5 Saliva 6

[nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l]

Mean value 2.07 3.67 5.71 9.52 18.82 66.54

SD 0.25 0.28 0.44 0.61 1.16 6.51
CV [%] 12.0 7.5 7.7 6.4 6.2 9.8

C. Determination of interlot variation of 6 different saliva samples

Saliva 1 Saliva 2 Saliva 3 Saliva 4 Saliva 5 Saliva 6

Duplicates in 7 different Kit Lots
[nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l]

Mean value 1.96 3.48 5.93 9.69 19.13 64.34

SD 0.17 0.30 0.44 0.94 1.74 6.79
CV [%] 8.5 8.7 7.4 9.7 9.1 10.6

Cortisol Saliva IBL LEIA [nmol/l]





y = 1,38x - 0,88
R = 0,96

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

RIA [nmol/l]

Figure 2: Comparison of cortisol measured by immunoassays RIA (x) and IBL LEIA (y)

Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004 15


Table 3: Analytical recovery for saliva samples

Added Expected Found Recovery

[nmol/l] [nmol/l] [nmol/l] [%]

Saliva without added cortisol: 6.7

1.3 8.0 7.8 98
2.6 9.2 8.5 92
Saliva 1 5.2 11.9 11.0 92
10.4 17.0 16.9 99
20.7 27.4 26.6 97
41.4 48.1 50.8 106
Saliva without added cortisol: 10.7
1.3 12.0 11.2 93
2.6 13.3 11.8 89
Saliva 2 5.2 15.9 14.1 89
10.4 21.1 20.3 96
20.7 31.4 32.9 105
41.4 52.1 55.2 106
Saliva without added cortisol: 11.9
1.3 13.2 13.2 100
2.6 14.5 13.1 90
Saliva 3 5.2 17.1 15.7 92
10.4 22.3 21.8 98
20.7 32.7 35.3 108
41.4 53.4 60.8 114


Saliva [nmol/l]



0 200 400 600 800
Serum [nmol/l]

Figure 3: Cortisol values of simultaneously taken saliva and serum samples, measured with the cortisol LEIA.

16 Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004


Table 4: Serial dilution of saliva samples in the cortisol LEIA

Measured Expected Recovery

Saliva Dilution
conc.[nmol/L] conc.[nmol/L] [%]

neat 86.08 - 100

1:2 41.05 43.04 95
1:4 19.64 21.52 91
1:8 9.57 10.76 89
1:16 4.52 5.38 84
1:32 2.51 2.69 93

neat 63.18 - 100

1:2 36.23 31.59 115

1:4 16.75 15.80 106
1:8 7.50 7.90 95
1:16 3.75 3.95 95

1:32 1.99 1.97 101

neat 60.45 - 100

1:2 30.49 30.22 101
1:4 15.15 15.11 100
1:8 7.09 7.56 94
1:16 3.39 3.78 90
1:32 1.93 1.89 102

mined by repeated measurements of control samples. To demonstrate the assay accuracy by another method,
The results for the saliva samples are shown in Tables linearity studies were performed. Saliva samples with
2. A, B and C. For saliva (range 2 - 70 nmol/l) the mean high basal cortisol concentrations were serially diluted
intra-assay variation CV% was 6.13 %, the mean inter- with cortisol-free medium (standard A), and the cortisol
assay variation CV% was 8.13 % and the mean CV% concentration was assayed by the LEIA. The results are
for the between-lot variation of seven different lots was presented in Table 4. To cover the whole standard range
8.93 %. 5 dilutions were made of each sample. The ratio be-
For serum (range 50-2000 nmol/l), the mean intra-assay tween concentration and dilution of sera did not signifi-
variation CV% was 7.70 %, the mean inter-assay varia- cantly deviate from linearity across the concentration
tion CV% was 8.83 % and the mean CV% for the be- range studied (mean recovery 97%, range 84-115%).
tween-lot variation of four different lots was 8.14 %. In a dilution study of two serum samples we found a
mean recovery of 94% (range 83- 99%).

We estimated the analytical recovery of cortisol in the Method comparison
LEIA at six different concentrations added to three Sali- The LEIA was compared with a radioimmunoassay. 384
va samples (Table 3). Increasing amounts of cortisol saliva and 106 serum samples were assayed for cortisol
were added to saliva samples with various initial corti- concentrations, both by the comparison methods (x-
sol concentrations. Cortisol concentrations were mea- axis) and by the LEIA (y-axis). The results of linear re-
sured, and the percentage of recovery was calculated. gression analysis of saliva samples showed excellent
The mean recovery of cortisol from all three saliva sam- correlation, with a correlation coefficient r = 0.98. The
ples was 98% (range 89 - 114%). slope of the regression lines was 1.38 and the intercept
In a spike experiment with serum we found a mean re- was 0.88 nmol/l. Figure 2 demonstrates the results of
covery of 97% (range 90 -107%). the method comparison for saliva samples.
The method comparison data for serum samples are:
IBL LEIA = 0.94*RIA + 0.171 ; r = 0.95; n = 106

Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004 17


Table 5: Interferences of blood in saliva (bold samples show increased cortisol levels)

Final blood Measured conc. Recovery

concentration [%] v/v [nmol/l] [%]
0.000 23.73 100
0.060 24.56 103
0.125 23.45 99
0.250 22.62 95
0.500 26.49 112
0.625 45.52 192
1.250 68.98 291
2.500 114.50 483
0.000 61.25 100
0.060 69.53 114
0.125 77.53 127
0.250 62.63 102
0.500 61.80 101
0.625 87.46 143
1.250 113.39 185
2.500 126.09 206



Salivary Cortisol [nmol/l]





4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Time of day [h]

Figure 4: Typical diurnal profiles of persons waking up at different times

18 Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004


Table 6: Data of the diurnal profile study

Cortisol peak maximum Delay (decimal) Peak time (decimal) Wake up time (decimal) Age
[nmol/l] [h] [h] [h] [years]
Senior Citizens n=10
MEAN 11.56 1.13 7.98 6.72 67.5
MEDIAN 11.32 1.00 8.25 6.67 67.0
SD 4.08 0.62 0.87 0.67 4.14
MIN 5.08 0.00 6.00 5.50 62
MAX 19.46 2.00 9.00 7.83 77
Children n=4
MEAN 7.17 1.21 8.83 7.63 8.75
MEDIAN 7.38 1.13 8.88 7.50 9.50
SD 4.14 1.10 1.06 0.25 5.06
MIN 2.61 0.00 7.50 7.50 3
MAX 11.29 2.58 10.08 8.00 13
Females n=61
MEAN 28.1 0.83 7.81 6.98 28.8
MEDIAN 28.1 0.75 7.50 6.75 24.0
SD 13.3 0.55 1.60 1.60 11.1
MIN 6.8 0.00 4.50 4.00 17
MAX 78.4 2.50 12.75 12.25 61
Males n=39
MEAN 26.2 0.82 8.39 7.57 32.6
MEDIAN 24.3 0.50 8.00 7.00 27.5
SD 10.2 0.64 1.90 2.06 13.0
MIN 10.3 0.00 4.75 3.75 17
MAX 62.0 3.00 12.33 12.30 59
All n=110 (without children)
MEAN 27.6 0.85 8.06 7.17 33.8
MEDIAN 26.6 0.75 7.83 6.92 26.0
SD 12.1 0.59 1.71 1.74 15.8
MIN 6.8 0.00 4.50 3.75 17
MAX 78.5 3.00 12.75 12.30 77

Comparison of saliva and serum samples in the LEIA. Figure 7 shows excellent correlation to the
Figure 3 shows the correlation in simultaneously taken GC/MS reference method values and underlining the
saliva and serum samples from 84 healthy volunteers. sensitivity of the assay.
Both samples were measured with the LEIA. A non- The method comparison data for GC/MS predetermined
linear correlation between saliva and serum cortisol was serum samples are:
observed, with correlation coefficient r=0.951, because IBL LEIA=0.958*GC/MS+57.8; r = 0.987; n = 20
of the saturation of the binding proteins with high cor-
tisol levels in serum. The linear correlation coefficient
was r = 0.823. Stability of the kit
The stability of the developed cortisol LEIA kit was in-
vestigated by real-time stability studies. The kit was
Comparison to serum samples from the DGKC found to be stable for at least 9 months when stored at 2
For comparison the 20 serum samples from the DGKC to 8 °C (data not shown).
were diluted 1:100 in zero standard and then measured

Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004 19



Peak maximum [%]



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Time after awakening [h]

Figure 5: Mean diurnal cortisol in saliva profile of 110 persons.

The black squares indicate the mean and the bars the ± 2SD range.





0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0

peak delay [hours]

Figure 6: Time intervals of maximum cortisol peak of 110 persons after waking up.

20 Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004


Table 7: Normal Ranges

Hours after awakening [hours] Salivary Cortisol Ranges [nmol/l]

decimal 5% Percentile Median 95% Percentile
0 - 1.5 5.1 18.9 40.2
1.5 - 3.0 3.6 11.8 28.4
3.0 - 6.0 2.1 6.7 15.7
6.0 - 9.0 1.8 5.5 12.1
9.0 - 15.0 0.9 3.3 9.2


IBL Cortisol LEIA [nmol/l]




y = 0,958x + 57,798
200 R = 0,987; n=20

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
GC/MS reference value [nmol/l]

Figure 7: LEIA comparison to GC/MS reference values of 20 serum samples

Interferences of blood in saliva Salivary cortisol determinations in healthy persons

Quality control samples with known concentrations of For estimating reference ranges, basal cortisol concen-
cortisol were enriched with amounts of blood (all results trations were determined in saliva samples from a total
given in nmol/l). Saliva samples with blood contamina- of 110 normal volunteers (see Material and Methods).
tion greater than 0.2% (V/V) are visually reddish in co- Figure 4 shows typical diurnal profiles of the cortisol
lor and therefore must be excluded. An increased level concentration in saliva. The wake-up time is indicated
of more than 10% was observed due to higher cortisol with an open circle. The overall results and those of the
concentrations in blood. The results are shown in different subgroups are shown in Table 6. We found no
Table 5. correlation between age and peak concentration (r=
0.234) or between peak time and peak concentration

Clin. Lab. 1+2/2004 21


(r=0.229). The maximum cortisol concentration in sali- The precision of the LEIA has demonstrated by
va was reached with a peak mean of 0.85h = 51 minutes the intra- (2.9-7.7%) and inter- (6.2-11.5%) assay coef-
after wake up (see Figure 6). The cortisol concentration ficients of variation. The assay can measure cortisol
maximum in saliva from normal volunteers covered a concentrations accurately in both serum and saliva
broad range of 10.5 – 52.7nmol/l (5-95% percentiles). samples. Our LEIA shows a good agreement between
The mean value for the whole group was 27.6nmol/l the expected and measured concentrations in recovery
(SD = 12.1 nmol/l). Figure 5 shows the diurnal profile tests and good linearity in dilution studies. The results
of all volunteers. To normalize the overall ranges, the are consistent with those obtained with other immuno-
percentage of the peak maximum for all profiles is assay kits (RIA). High aberration in regression slope to
plotted against time after awakening. The bars indicate the RIA (Figure 2, slope=1.38) is due to used diluted
two standard deviations of the mean (black squares). serum standards, while cited literature (27) used self
Table 7 shows normal values depending on awakening made saliva standards. Using the LEIA standards for the
time. RIA leads to a regression equation of:
LEIA=1.14*RIA-2.85, r = 0.974
The excellent correlation using GC/MS reference serum
DISCUSSION samples, measured in a 1:100 dilution demonstrates the
good calibration of the standards.
The aim of this study was the development of a non- In summary, the LEIA kit described here is useful for
radioactive, sensitive and reproducible immunoassay the routine determination of cortisol as well as for basic
which accurately measures cortisol in saliva. The devel- research, where a highly sensitive and reproducible as-
oped LEIA has an analytical sensitivity of 0.38 nmol/l say is required.
cortisol, which is sufficient to detect even decreased
salivary cortisol levels. It is important to mention the
functional sensitivity in order to estimate the reproduci-
bility of cortisol results in saliva samples. The func- References
tional sensitivity of the described LEIA is 0.52 nmol/l.
The assessment of salivary cortisol is a common method 1. Vining R F and McGinley RA. The measurement of hormones
in saliva: possibilities and pitfalls. J. Steroid Biochem. 27:81 -
in various scientific fields. It is well known that the sali- 94, 1987
vary cortisol level is not dependent on the saliva flow
rate (1, 12). Moreover, it has been proven that there is a 2. Baghai TC, Schüle C, Zwanzger P, Minov C, Holme C, Padberg
good correlation between the salivary and the non- F, Bidlingmaier M, Strasburger CJ and Rupprecht R. Evalua-
tion of a salivary based combined dexamethasone/CRH test in
protein bound plasma cortisol concentration (1). When patients with major depression. Psychoneuroendocrinology 27:
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50. Smyth J, Ockenfels MC, Porter L, Kirschbaum C, Hellhammer Correspondence: Jürgen Westermann
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tary basis are associated with salivary cortisol secretion. Psy- Flughafenstraße 52a
choneuroendocrinology 23: 353 – 370, 1998
D-22335 Hamburg
51. Deinzer R, Kirschbaum C, Gresele C and Hellhammer DH. Germany
Adrenocortical responses to repeated parachute jumping and Phone +49 40 532891 36
subsequent j-CRH challenge in inexperienced healthy Subjects. Fax +49 40 532891 11
Physiol Behav 61: 507 – 511, 1997
e-mail: IBL@IBL-Hamburg.com

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