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Virtual Laboratory: An Introduction to Animal Tissues

Joshua Lorenzo M. Adviento | Jeff Nereo G. Pecson

11 – Curie
Cells are the basic building blocks of all living things. These are responsible for
the different properties and functions in our body such as the structure of our being,
exchange of nutrients and many more (USLNM, 2018). Tissues are made up of cells that
are of the same functions and morphology (Kenhub, 2018). This activity aims to
familiarize the students with the four basic types of animal tissues: Epithelial, Connective,
Muscle and Nervous Tissues. This was accomplished by giving the students worksheets
where they drew and wrote their observations of the 18 tissues flashed from the laptop.
After accomplishing everything, the students discussed the results/findings they obtained
by looking back at the objectives.

Objectives box. The plates were used as a canvas

for the digital images of cells that were
 Give the defining characteristics of flashed from the laptop through the
each of the four major tissue types. projector. The description box was
 Describe the differences among the where the students would record their
types of epithelial tissues you will observations from the images flashed.
study and identify them. The images were taken from the
 Describe the differences among the website
types of connective tissues and
identify them. psections/skipframes.html. A total of
 Identify the three types of muscular 18 images were flashed, these were:
tissue and describe the differences Epithelial Tissues, Connective
among them. Tissues, Muscle Tissues and Nervous
 Identify the parts of neurons and Tissues. The images were shown in
supporting cells described in this lab different magnifications: 100X, 200X
and explain their function. and 400X. They were either cross
 State where each of these tissues is section or longitudinal sectional. As the
found and what its functions are images were being flashed the
students drew the images and colored
them, after each drawing they wrote
Methods their observations in the description
box. Last, they made conclusions after
Materials used: their activity.
 Long bond paper Results
 Coloring materials
 Pencil and pen Discussion of Results
 Digital images of different cells Epithelial Tissues are found on
Procedure: external surfaces and internal cavities
of an animal’s body and are laid out in
Students were provided with 3 sheets. These tissues are responsible
pieces of worksheets, each containing for the protection of underlying tissues,
a table with 8 plates and a description absorption, secretion and reception of
[Type here]

sensory stimuli. A simple epithelium is controlled by the autonomic nervous

made up of only one layer of cells on system. Smooth muscle is composed
the basement membrane while a of unbranched cells and the filaments
stratified epithelium has more than one are disorganized so there is no pattern
layer of cells. When viewed in a cross- visible this is also controlled by the
sectional shape an epithelial cell can autonomic nervous system.
be classified into three more.
Nervous Tissues are found in our
Squamous have thin flat cells while
nerves and the nervous system. These
cuboidal contains cells that are of
tissues carry out the functions of
equal dimensions and columnar
neurons and other parts of the nervous
consists of cells that have a height
system and protects the parts and or
greater than their width.
fibers. They contain neurons,
Connective Tissues are found in dendrites, neuroglia and other parts of
ligaments, tendons, bones and other the nervous system. Motor neurons
organs. These tissues give form to and have a number of dendrites and an
anchors the organs of the body. They axon while nerve fibers contain myelin
consist of one or more cell types sheaths and nodes of ranvier.
embedded in a matrix which contains Peripheral Nerves contain neurons
fibers. Loose Connective Tissue have with their myelin sheaths and these
fibers that are arranged in a loose neurons are bound together by
irregular manner while dense connective tissue.
connective tissue consist of large fibers
and are arranged in a horizontal
manner. Adipose tissue consists of
cells where its components are push to
the side because of a vacuole. Hyaline
Cartilage are found in bones and have
many fibers. Bone also consists of
many fibers but it has calcium salts
which make it hard. Blood and lymph
are connective tissues and their matrix
is what we call the plasma and are
contained in different vessels.
Muscle Tissues are found in the
parts of our body that moves voluntarily
or involuntarily. These tissues give
support to our body, locomotion and in
some cases heat production. They
consist of cells that are wrapped by
fibroconnective tissue. Skeletal
muscles are striated due to the
filaments being arranged in a regular
pattern and controlled by the somatic
nervous system, while cardiac muscles
are also striated, consist of branching
cells connected together by discs and

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