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CAMBRIDGE eri? DGE ENGLISH ina tee oT earn Cena Cambridge English . 05 4 ical POTS Pe dl ec ‘Cambridge University Press vew.cambridge.orgelt Cambridge English Language Assessment wvn.cambridgoongish og Information on ti tie: ‘© Cambridge University Pross and UCLES 2015 “This ubfeaton isn copyright. Subject to statutory exception _and tothe provisons of relevant calective ieensing agreements, fo reproduction of any part may take place wtnout te writen permission ofthe publishers. Fist pubished 2015 Printed in Italy by Rotolito Lombardo $.p.A {A catalogue record or this publication 1s avaliable trom the British Library ISBN 978-0-52'-18096-8 Student's Book ISBN 878-1-107-44089.0 Student's Book and Online Workbook ISBN 878-1-107-49800-6 Students Book and Online Workbook with Testoank ISBN 978-0-521-18096-9 Teacher's Book with OVD and Teacher's Resources Onine ISBN 978-0-521-18042-9 Class Audio CDs SBN 976-1-107-49796-6 Presontation Plus OVO-ROM Downloadable audio fr this publication at www. cambridge.or/PrepareAucio “The publishers have no responsibly fr the persistence or accuracy of URLS for external or thid-party internet websites refered to In tis pubtication and ‘donot guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate fr appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other fact Information given inthis work is cocret atthe time o fst printing but the jpubishers do not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter Car aanen 10 " 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 Creative minds Addicted to fashion All in the mind Take a deep breath Past times Strong emotions Telling stories A great place to live Being positive Surprise! The family unit Making a difference Leading the way Getting there The bigger picture New and improved! Making headlines Start up Points of view Speak up 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 58 60 64 68 72 76 80 5 CEE EE Creative minds VOCABULARY Online, films, music, media 3 Find the odd word out. 1 Complete the crossword, using the clues below. 1 consles: Gog Srector cite 2 soundtrack compose form post 3 lyrics series charts. adior 4 classic bestseller cast. version 5 soundtrack voice version lyrics 6 charts character cast —_ scene READING EXAM Tips Reading and Use of English Part 7 ‘Always read the questions fist and undertine the main ideas in thom, + ead all the texts quickly for goneral meaning. *+ Sean the texts for information that matches the koa you have underlined in 1-10. + you indit easier, concentrate on one text at atime and answer the questions that relate oi Across 2 awebpage where people regulary record their activites and thoughis| 7 give your opinion in a report about a book, film, etc. 8 a group of books or TY programms about the 1 You are going to read five reviews of fantasy novels. Before you read, underline the main idea in each question, cones Which book 10 write a piece of music is probably too frightening for young 12 a work of art that has been popular fora tong time readers? On and is considered high quality is about regaining something that 18 begin a band or other organisation poanre ¥ has been lost? 14 the musi oa im or TY programme Oa Down containg an element of humour? Cs) 1 apart a fim or book in which events happen in invovos a journo int tho past? om one place 2 the words ofa song features a character who may be 4 person natin, pay or story hiding something? CE 5 all the actors in a film, play or show is boing turned into a film? CTs) 6 a popular book which a lot of people buy 9 the sounds we make when we speak ar sing eeeatrstiaraciaredic teres - 11 put something on a website, eg. a comment vary sociabe Cm Is one of a series of novels? 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ° Cs takos some ideas trom another work? [5] critics director editor novelist TV presentor includes a character interested in magic and games? 1 | thought it was a great film, but I read the reviews and the i ke it 2A writes books about imaginary 2 @ For questions 1-10, choose from the people and events. reviews (A-E). The reviews may be chosen 3 When the had finished work on more than once. the book, itwas shorter and beter, 4 The company are looking for a young 3 Read the reviews again and underline the parts to host thelr new tak show. of the text which give you each answer 5 Stephen Spielberg is a famous. Who has made a lot of great fms. 4 0 Unit oO a n F ae = A Stitch in Time by Penelope Lively Maria is always lost in her own little world in which she prefers to chat with rather than other human beings. But while on holiday she begins to hear things that ‘others can't, and she's not sure what is real any more. Then she finds a ninetoenth «century sew picture and she feels a strange connection with Harriet, the gir who sewed it. ‘As Maria becomes more involved in Harriet world, she begins to fear that something sad has happened. This book is a gentle, funny and mysterious read from aan author who started her career writing film scripts ‘The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There by Catherynne M. Valente this is the second breathtaking adves for September, the strange gisl who returns to Fairyland to find that the fairy creatures ie in wouble. For a while now they have been losing their shadows and, with their se thar a fo dw sh Fatyanilow, «dark aon etre mo tan tering a ies place tat September Kaos sam et the shadows Sue cmen | aii imc tiorgarsmonmatienen | pyanguchat ase vine Panini nasa | ngs iat aways fascinating Readers UNS fand old will have great fun with this one the Sea Wolf ‘years onto is favourite pirate ship, planning to steal some English gol, Within minutes he meets the new shipmate, Dick, who Sam suspects Ante’s Inferno by Griselda Heppel isis eS esas aria eee eee penn ees Skiloene rs se ae rome fo enced year all I ne ne Une i ta cark and nara a ort he oe ieee oe Te ae oe ey beaitmich pelea Seer return fi ed out arse ee i akan where the prates are Shadow Spell by Caro King. ‘When Nina is ser the task 10 stop the evil Mr Strood from {alling che dying land of Drift, she has to find Simeon Dark, the last surviving king and his mansion, for he isthe only one who can moke sure sheis successful Brtwith Dark’slove of tricks, strange creatures and monsters ~ good and ‘bad ~in the way: Nina has hard ‘mission before her Readers waich the ero survive a series of theiling adventures, and fal in love along the way. the book s writen for the ‘teen market, butthere isnothing ‘unsuitable for younger readers in here. Infact, the movie rightshave ‘already beer sol toa family- {riendly Hollywood production ‘company, and itis due for release next yea isnot al he claims to be. The other pirates all lke him, ‘but sams not so sure and sets a trap that Dick falls into, ut the others refuse to believe it, going chead sith their piracy plans involving Dick. Sam and his close fiend Challe have to find a way to stop Dick’s pln. ‘Thisis a fast moving tale, which brings to mind the ‘ld fashioned adventure stories of such cassie writers a Stevenson and Defoe, ‘Choose the correct answer. 1 Marios a great singer and songwriter, not... a very generous man. a tomention —b quite © even 2 Unfortunately, the fim wasn't... as good as the critics said it was. a ony b halt © tomention 8 be there in.a minute ~ I'm not ... ready yet a halt b only © quite 4 This novel is not ... exciting, but also very educational a halt b ony © quite 5 Fascinating? | don’ think so, The book isnt... interesting! a quite b half © even Creative minds GRAMMAR Simple, continuous or perfect 1 Choose the correct verbs, 1A: How many flims aid you see / have you seen since the festival started? B: Thiee. | saw ve seen the best one yesterday. 2 A: We go / te going on holiday to Spain every year. never went/ ‘ve never been to Spain 3A: HiTim. What do you do / are you doing at the moment? B: | do /’m doing my English homework. ‘A: Oh. did /'ve done mine yesterday, Did you enjoy / Were you enjoying the concert last night? 1: No, we were 100 late. When we arrived, the show fhished had fished. Nobody was / has been there! 5 A: What did you do / were you doing when | called you last night? read / was reading my favourite writer's new novel. | read / m reading it now too. ‘A: On, do you enjoy / are you enjoying it? B: Yes, | Jove / ann loving het work 4 2 Complete the email with the correct form of the verb in brackets. HiEmily V (write) this email from a café in Edinburgh, The sun? (shine), and it's beautiful day, Every year we! (come) to the arts festival here, ies (be) an annual treat for us since 2010, when we : (move) to Scotland. We usually {stay} for a week, and go to see as many shows as we can. Last year we (see) twelve. One evening last year when we ® (walk) back to our hotel, a group of people dressed as monkeys (run) into the road and (start) dancing. twas very funny sight, but strange things like that often"! (happen) during the festival Another unusual thing (happen) last night when we (sit) in the hotel restaurant. We " (just /pay) the bill and we (ev) ready to leave when a journalist with a film crew (come) in and” (start) interviewing people. My brother made us all leave quickly because he". (not want) to be on TV! Anyway, my friends. {just /come) into the café, and they" (want) me to go and see a film with ther. ‘White sont Donna 3 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or put 2 VOCABULARY Spelling tick (V) by any you think are correct. 1 Thad taken so long to write to you because | have been busy All except two of these words are misspelled. Correct the mistakes, 2 Did you had a good time on your holiday? pean 3 She has been my best iriond since last summer. eucpael 3 beleive 4 By the time | arrived, he has disappeared, Soe 5 Surfing is my hobby since 2010. Pe aces 6 We're having a great time here in London. ; a au " 8 necessary “unit + WRITING An essay (1) See Prepare to write box, Student's Book page 13. 1 Your teacher has asked you to write an essay on the following subject. Make some notes below about points 1 to 3 Young people today want to be rich and famous as. a result of watching reality TV and talent shows, but they should have mare realistic ambitions. Do you agree? Notes Write about T your opinion of realty TW and talent sho 2 their negative effects on young people (your own idea) 2 Here are the first two paragraphs of the essay. Do they contain any of your ideas? Read them land check, Ignore the gaps.) Reality TV and talent shows are nob exactly educational, but that Urey are rot intended. to be; they are just for entertainment. | do not believe they are very entertaining either. they are extremely popular, especially among young pecple The question is, are they really such a bad influence? Some people say they are. mary teachers have noted that their students have Urrealistic ideas about their future They just want to be rich and, famous. 4 + some young pecple do rok care about thelr schoolwork because trey belleve you don’t need ‘qualifications to be. a. pop star Ale. 3 Complete the text with the expressions in the box. Forinstance Furthermore However most people EXAM Tips y Writing Part 1 (an essay) + Mako a plan for your essay botore you wre it. + Givo each paragraph a clear function, for example. {an introduction with your opinion, ideas forthe slatoment in the question, ideas against the slatomont, and a conclusion, + Use linking words 0 join your las, 4 Complete the plan with notes from the box below. For 2, use the text in exercise 2. 1 Introduction ink. educational, er. entertaining, 2 Paragraph 2 ~ the negative effects of the shows. 3 Paragraph 3 ~ another angle 4 Conclusion ~ sum up the points another idea of your own nobedventonetorentertining stop caring about schoolwork summary of the points made Unrealistic ideas about the future very popular very relaxing viewing your conclusion 5 @® Now complete the essay, using the plan ‘and your notes from exercise 4. Try to use the following linkers in your paragraphs: to sum up, in contrast. Write about 70-80 words, a aa ee Pe CaCO RET tela) VOCABULARY Adjective + preposition 1 Complete the table with the correct adjectives. addicted adventurous aware bothered cautious critical decisive hopeless impressed jealous loyal mean [about at Tey of to [with bothered, 2 Choose the correct answer 1 Tim... playing computer games, a. addicted b loyal © adventurous 2 Millorganise the show, because Tara is... at making arrangements. @ impressed §—& decisive. © hopeless 38 Dan thought he had writen a good essay, but the teacher was very... of it a aware b critical © jealous 4 She wears expensive clothes, but Im not... by that @ impressed == b_ mean © adventurous § Dont be... about your brother's new haircut - he's embarrassed enough! jealous b mean © yal 6 Ara you... ofthe risks involved in this plan? a aware b jealous © cntical 7 Tmvery..... out spending a lot of money on the latest fashions. a addicted b adventurous © cautious 8 He's very .. to. particular brand of clothes — he never wears anything else. a ciiical b loyal © adventurous 3 Read about these young people's attitudes to READING fashion. Complete the sentence about each one with a phrase trom the box. 1 Look at the picture itustrating the text on page 9, Why do you think sunglasses are always in fashion? ada adventurous with bothered about sect eat mea 22 Read the text quickly. Choose the best tite. The item that's never out of fashion Gecisive about jealous of 1 Meralabvays buys new pat of shoes when she Why celebites woar sunglasses has ay spare money = she cant stop buying Howto make money i the fashion business ee susina sh 3 Read the text again and choose the correct answers frais ng shoes . : 2 nica soos cave whats in ashi 4 Sunglasses became popularin the fst /swentoth/ Andrea ist tashion _ arte ‘3 Max is happy to try every new fashion idea that The public didn't buy many sunglasses at first comes sing. because they were too expensive /poony designed / Maxis ini not very effective 3 The writer thinks fim stars wore sunglasses in order to show they were lamous / protect their eyes from lights | hide their eyes. 4 The weiter thinks that celebrities wear sunglasses foo much get paid to wear sunglasses encourage the public to wear sunglasses. 5 Sunglasses remain popular because they provide protection / look good / are cheap. 4 Anna really doesnt ike it when her bestfriend buys all the new fashions, Anna is her best fiend, 5 When he's shopping for clothes, Peter always makes his mind up very quickly. Peter is clothes. a ® ‘an you think of an item which has never been ( ‘out of fashion, ever since the time it came on the market? You might think denim jeans are a likely candidace. But, while they have always been popular, thare have also been times when they were considered to be Lnfashionable by expert fashion watchers’. No, the only fashion item that has always been cool to wear since the start of the twentieth cencury is... a pair of sunglasses, or ‘shades. So where did these remarkable things come from? Back ln 60 ce the Roman emperor Nero was reported to enjoy watching fighting in the Colosseum through clear green stones to reduce strong light from the sun. Such luxuries were not for everyone, of course. fe wasn't until nearly two thousand years later that coloured glasses became cheap and available to the general public. ‘One of the things that led them to become such desirable fashion items was thelr populariy with American film stars Inthe early 1900s. Ic s commonly bollaved that this was to avold being recognised by fans. Howevar, an alternative ‘explanation is that fm actors often had red eyes in those days, because of the high-powered lamps that were used in film studios. Whatever the reason, when businessman Sam Foster began selling inexpensive, mass-produced sunglasses in 1929, he found a ready market. Nowadays they are big business, with hundreds (of different brands to choose from. Infact, the industry generates 34 billion dollas per year in sales. Celebrities continue to be unpaid promoters of the 4 Find words inthe text which mean the following 1 naving a tof knowledge and skit (paragragh 1) 2 make loss (paragraph 2) 3 expensivo things that give pase (paragraph 2) 4 wanted by most people (paragraph 3 5 prevent (paragraph 3) 6 ‘xeaios (paragraph 4) 7 pleasant, relaxed condton with no pain (paragraph 5) 8 feelings (paragraph 5) products. Singer Elton John for example is thought to have 1 sunglasses collection of over 1,000 pairs. Sunglasses have even played minor roles inflms In the 1999 scifi thriller The Matrix, starring Keanu Reeves,all the good characters wore round shades, and the bad guys all wore rectangular ‘But what isthe real reason for their continuing popularity? Is it simply the fact that the general public have a strong, desire to copy the rich and famous? The truth of the matter is, people wear them for various reasons: comfort and clear vision in bright sunlight, protection against the. dangerous rays from the sun, to avoid eye contact with thers, or even to hide their emotions All of these are reasonable excuses for putting on the dark shades. Buti is generally recognised that che main reason is much simpler: they look cool! ‘Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word in brackets. (0 When she spoke about fashion, she said some: interesting things. (points) She made some. interesting. poonts...when she spoke about fashion. 1 Inalimited way the medicine helped me fee! better, but didnt cure me. (up) ‘The medicine helped me feel beter » but didnt eure me. 2 i's useless trying to persuade him fo stop buying new clothes. (no) There trying to persuade him to stop buying new clathes. 3. You dirt understand the main idea of this article, (rrissec) You ofthis article 4 Please hurry up and say what you want to say (got) Please hurry up end point, 5 I'd love to come to the fashion show but, Unfortunately, 'm at work that day. (the) Fd love to come to the fashion show but, I'm at work thal day. ‘Addicted to fashion ~ 9) GRAMMAR Present perfect (continuous) 1 Choose the correct verb forms. 1 time you changed your shir. Youve worn / bean weerng ifr tree days! 2 Ie lost boon losing my new sunglasses, 3 Her skin is red because she's sunbathed / been sunbathing without sunsereen 4 Hour ong nave you stu / bean staying fashion? 5 We've sold / boon slag six ofthese cesses today. 6 ve read/ been reading his atest book, bu I not enoying i 7 You haverit eaten been eating much of your lunch today. 8 They've dunk / been crinking cote since they got up this morning. 2 Complete the postcard wit the verbs in brackets in the present perfect of present perfect continuous. eT ge san Vow ave yal 1 Ope sarees wt ge Winn «9 ST at ogee Gain Be Beach lL wring, wale as 1” (atready/naxe) a. few ee 2PM ing costume designs for meat term's fashion al (mead oe interesting tare se inthe same hotel as people wo ae Staging Oe re for a couple oF weeks already ‘ Te (de esearch fr 6 ee ae ‘re in fashion too, just like ws. In Sth ce Ys Br fr I a eo jthout any ack, but Hey ‘thank that presenting & i a. good idea! eign rash ihe. Weak «od eal nurutes, 30 I'd. better see “slat she wants to go for ure = | sat she: wants! | ‘rat eat) anything since break ast: wee ’ Tye for new, Sally 3 © Correct the mistakes in these ‘VOCABULARY Verb + preposition sentences or put a tick (v) by any you think are correct, 11 The football team has been playing badly ‘Complete the email with the prepositions in the box. last year. 2 Ihave boon doing gymnastics for more ra than ten years. im writing @quicknote to apologise 3 Agustnaismy best fiend since we mot | igughings vouhatierinderee in school when we were three years old School The truths it was a really nice hat compared » mine. | suppose | was jealous of you! 4 am playing classical guar fr three Sometimes just cant cope? fiche years. having nicer things than me. I's very childish, know. 5 Yestorday | have been hiking for fve I need to get a summer job, because | hate depending hours. % my parents to give me money to buy 6 Ihave known Marion for ten years now. things, and I really can't do® some new clothes at least once a month! I'm going shopping now. Have you heard Coco's? sanew clothes shop in town. Do you want to come with me? Dani st fall ast. USTENING 1 Do you like shopping for clothes? Write down one ‘r two good things and bad things about it. 2 ©2 You wilt hear tour short extracts in which teenagers are talking about shopping for clothes. Which speakers like shopping? Write v or x. Speaker 3 Will 4 Hannah 3 ©2 Listen again. who says these things? 1 enjoy making independent decisions Lam diferent rom my tends, | want 0 get ajo in fashion, Toten buy nothing when | go shopping 5 enjoy meeting with tiends. Ltry tbe as stysh as possible. 7 Ihave very litle mney. 4 ©2 Listen again and complete these phrases from the extracts. Which one expresses a negative attitude? 1 I dor't particularly 2 Im really fashion. 3 We abvays. to 4 Ws quite a for me. 5 What's not 2 5 Read the questions about shopping and write your answers. Use phrases from exercise 4 if you can. + Do you enjoy going shopping for lethes? 2 What dofdont you enjoy about i? '3 Who do you go shopping with? 4 When do you go shopping? 5 What kind of things do you usually buy? All VOCABULARY Abstract nouns 2 Match the nouns you have writen in exercise 1 to these definitions. 1 Write the abstract nouns that are related to these adjectives. e © botiove belief a 1 concentrate : 2 cweative 3 dotermined “ 4 lucky ‘ weoomanl 7 jevelop 8 7 agree 8 fortunate A 9 natural 40 10 intelligent 3 Complete the sentences with the correct abs! 1 this my that one day we will Education should encourage lars recent novel was a big We finally reached an about | cant work with the radio on —it disturbs my twas pure The schoo! is spending a lot of time on the |'ve always been impressed by my teacher's READING 1. Look at the photo in the article. What are the animals doing, and why are they doing it? 2 Now read the article quickly. What kinds of animals are mentioned as showing similar ‘emotions to humans? EXAM Tips oading and Use of English Part 6 + lad the text quickly frits general meaning ‘+ Read the sentences A-G careuly and underline important words. + Also undertine pronouns and other possible links between the sentences and the txt + Look fr links inthe sentences before and a ‘pi the text. | the abilty to learn, understand, and think the abiliy to produce new and imaginative things something that you think is true the abilty fo focus your mind on something ‘when people have the same opinion or make the same decision \when someone continues trying to do something dificult when you achieve what you want to achieve all the plants, creatures, substances, and forces that exis in the universe the process of changing into something new the good (and bad) things that happen {0 you (two words) tract nouns. discover ife on other planets. as well as give students knowledge. millions of copies were sol, i how we were going to complete the task, that | met Simon in town — we hadnt arranged to meet, ‘of a new homework marking system, — she's the cleverest person | know, 3 Six sentences below have been removed from the article. There is one extra sentence. Underline the pronouns and other linking words in each of the sentences. A It seemed to be wiling to go hungry rather than ‘see a fellow animal suter B Empathy plays a role in that as it allows us to ‘understand our fellow humans better. © This fear of strangers will, we believe, protect us from personal danger. D Other research has shown animals displaying empathy towards other animals and towards humans. E The usual effect ofthis kind of behaviour is that itstops crying, shouting and other signs of being upset F We assume that people are able to think themselves into the position of another person, ‘even though they may not have personally experienced that person's circumstances. G They communicate this requirement by crying for tention and to show pain, he he Empathy ~the ality to imagine whac it must be like in someone else’ situation was traditionally thought ta be a quality only possessed by human beings. eis an essential part of what i¢ means to be human, to the extent that we are suspicious of anyone who does not show empathy in their behaviour Empathy should not be confused with sympathy ~ caring about another persons problems ~ which does not necessarily mean that we understand how we would foe inthe same situation To feel empathy is more involved than sinply fesing sorry for someone elte’s troubles,| [1] This is not restricted to rea life - we read novels, watch television and go tothe theatre, and part of our enjoyment comes from understanding the Gilemnma faced by the characters because we knew how we would feel fe were in ce same stuation. Empathy is essential to the smooth runing of society We create rules, without which society could not work, and we bey them because we can empathise with our fellow chiens Howevent seems that infact empathy may not be 2 quay unique to humans. One study involving childrens reactions to adults pretending to be upset “or example, erying or expressing pain ~ observed thac family pets seemed to be reacting as well [2] Creatures from across the animal lngéom such as bees and whales, 38 well as domestic pes, display behaviour that suggests they cooperace with and protect exch other. In another study psychiatrist Jules Masserman and his tearm conducted an experiment with monkeys In which the monkeys pulled one of two chains that released 00d. One chain simply released the food, wile another gave an electric shock to a second monkey.The first monkey stopped pulling. the chain that delivered the shocie| [2 |This empathetic behaviour was observed ina number of monkeys. ‘The origin of empathy i probably the need for ‘the young ofall animal species 0 be cared for [_ [a] Both human and non-human young were more likely to survive iftheir parents People and animals alike are social beings and are more likely ‘to survive if they ‘work together, 4 @ Choose from the sentences A-G the one ‘which fits each gap (1-6). There Is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. 5 List the words you underlined in exercise 3 and what they refer to. (The numbers refer to those in the text) 1 we human, beings AME. none. person, 2 3 4 5 6 6 Find words or phrases in the text with the following meanings. 1a part of someone's character (paragraph 1) 2 someone who lives ina particular town or city (paragraph 2) 3 unusual and special (paragraph 8) 4 belonging or relating tothe house, home or country (paragraph 3) 5 a group of plants or animals that share similar characteristics (paragraph §) 6 think of someone or something in particular way (paragraph 7) ‘Match the examples of smart to the definitions below. | got a new smart phone for Christmas, You look very smart in your new suit. ‘This car has a smart navigation system. Dolphins are very smart animals. ‘You have to be smart fo gat an A in maths. clever stylish 1 a = 4 § Thats asmant shirt, 6 b using computer technology {Tite help others, we are also helping ourselves aiid 30 empathy is sensible and praca We do not atways display empathy, however ust as animals react aggressively to unknown creatures from thelr own or other species, so humans tend eo regard people they don't know with suspicion | [6] Our "unvilingness vo trust anyone unfamiar i as natural 0 sas our empatty towards those we know and love, GRAMMAR The grammar of phrasal verbs 1 Complete the table with the phrasal verbs. VOCABULARY Verb + foinfinitive EXAM Tips 2 Choose the correct answer. 1 Don! pay any attention to Tom. He's just showing off! showing him off 2. i's an important task ~ you mustn't put off put offi any longer. 3. I'm sorry o let down you / let you down again 4 Our car broke down / broke it down again last week 5 Who's going to care for the cat / care the cat for while you are on holiday? 6 | don't get my brother on with J gat on with my brother very well 7 The exam is tomorrow and there is nothing you can do to get it out of/ get out of it 8 | realy don't have time to deal with this problem / deal this problem with at the moment, 3 Write the words in the correct order. 1 let/down / me / He's / again 2 your work / Please / with /on f gat 3 you /down / the TV /Can turn? 4 the mess / up /l/in the kitchen / clear 5 Our auntisrit wel. is Mum /her / for / caring 4 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or puta tick (v) by any you think are correct. 1 Itwill show of how healthy the students are. 2 I guess it will be up to your expectations. 3 Sho look after me since my childhood. 4 The youngest people sometimes make show In front of thei riends. 55 'm looking forward to heating from you in the rear future break down care‘or dealwith get on with Reading and Use of English Part 4 getouto! letdown putot show off + Read each tt sentence caatly nd think about ts meaning + Tink how the key words commonly used in @ phrase without an object cr sonioneo. + Rea your completed sesand sortance to check that your . “answer makes Sense and has accurate grammat. ‘separable + Make sure you have ony used a maximum of ve words inseparabie| ] | | © Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the inseparable three-part word given. You must use between two and five ‘words, including the word given. (0 She would not obey her boss's orders. REFUSED ‘She......nedused..te.da. wi, told her. ‘Please, please help me with my project her boss id John co wth his Children from poor families generally perform badly at school. TEND ‘Children from poor familes nen nan Ola SCHOOL. ‘My teacher made me do extra maths lessons. FORCED My teacher maths lessons. ‘Shall | prepare something for you to eat this evening? WANT 6 sty ‘you to eat this evening? ‘Dont forget that you must hand in your essay, Elie} said, REMINDED. 1 : inher essay, Making you angry was not my intention. INTEND 1 you angry. ext co. Something for WRITING | An informal letter or email ‘See Prepare to write box, Student's Book page 23 1 Join the two halves of the informal expressions ‘and write them below. (0 Thanks somuch soon, + Wete bis, 2 The thing © reckon 3 Butdont 4 forget that 4 Tosiart © care 5 Its ovoly t with. 6 Astar 4 for your ema 7 Koop hin touch 8 Tobe honest, 1 happy to 9 Imvery | to hear from you. 10 Take a8 10H. 0.9 Than. 9. mich for. yor, email, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 2 Read the following exam task. How many ‘questions should you answer in your email? ‘You have received this ema from your English friend, Andy. im doing a project about people's attudes to pets around the world. Here in Britain, more than 50% ‘of households have a pet, with dogs being the ‘most popular, followed by cats, What do you think ‘about this? Are pets popular in your country? If 80, which kind? I'd really value your opinion. Andy nite your email. ‘3 Look at these sentences from an email in response to Andy. Which two sentences should not be in the response? Put a cross (x) by them. 11 People tend not to keep pets in my country, because most peopie lve in flats. 2 People in Britain obviously really love animals! 3 think is crue! to keep animals in zoos. 4 If people keep a pet, i's usually a small animal or ird, like a budgie. 5 | don't agree that 50% of British households have a pet. 6 Its interesting that dogs are the most popular; they need a lot of atention. 4 Which questions in Andy's email do the correct sentences from exercise 3 answer? 5 Make notes to answer the following questions. 1 Do you think 50% isa lot of households to have pets? 2 What does that say about British people? 3 Do you have a pet? What do you have? 4 Do you know anyone with a diferent pot? What? 5 What do you think are the advantages of having a pet? {6 What are the disadvantages of having a pet? EXAM Tips Wirting Part 2 (an Informal lotor or email) + Answer ll the questions or pains in the task ‘When you have witen your text, check thal you have answered everything. + Check that you have written between 140 and 190 werd. + Romembe to use informal language throughout 6 © Write this reply to Andy's email. Use your “answers to exercise 5 and some informal expressions from exercise 1. Dear Andy Thanks so much for your email. I's lovely to heat from you: Inmy country, Tobe honest, Take care! VOCABULARY Stress 1 Complete the puzzle, using the clues to help you. + D j id | 1 Its had to concenttate when youto going over and ver someting in your 2 Tol Lizy tie down ~ she looks ike she's going tan! {need to sit down. izzy. No lunch for me, thanks. Ive lost my | lways tina. the day before atest. | must have eaten something bad, because Ihave gotan . stomach now The teacher wi. hr temper i we ate ate again 8 | doit ke people who ae... and start shouting at the slightest thing Word down (4): 2 Complete the sentences with some of the phrases from exercise 1. 1 coulda sloop lastnight because | was our argument 2 Jenny had a spicy curry for dinner last night and now she's got 4: Ay bioihen hapa changingsine TV propiardiia ahd ‘Mum and shouted at him. 4 Youtl ifyou run round in circles fixe that! 5 I couldnt find my house key this afternoon and | started to 6 Miss Harrison had to stop the class today because ‘one af the students and a doctor came. 7 Dad's back is realy bad at the moment and he's + S0 he feels tired all the time, 8 | usually when | have a cold because | cant taste anything 3 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1 The last time I lost my temper was when 2 ‘ves me an upset stomach, 3 Sometimes | get in a panic when 4 lost my appetite when 5 When Ihave aificuty sleeping, | 6 makes me feel dizzy, READING 1 Look at the picture of an anechoic chamber on page 17, What do you think itis for? Do you think it sa pleasant or a stressful place to be? 2 Read the text quickly. Did the writer enjoy his experience in the anecholc chamber? ‘3 Now read the text again and answer the questions. 1. What did the anechoie chamber remind the writer of? 2 Whyis the absence of sound upsetting for most people? ‘3. Why does the chamber have to be completely dark? 4. Why did the writer fee! that the chamber wasnt silent at all? 5 What was the main reason for the writer leaving the chamber? 4 Read the sentences. Write A if the information is ‘correct, B if itis incorrect or C ifthe information isn't given. 1. The witer was unhappy because his family annoyed him. 2 Orfield Laboratories’ anechoic chamber is tho quietest place in the wort 3 The violinist entered the chamber as part of a training programme. 4 The writer felt confident before he entered the chamber. 5 People were surprised thatthe writer stayed in the chamber for so long 6 The wilter regulary returns to the chamber at Orfield Laboratories. The sound of silence But | was determined to try it, so collected all my savings and booked a 45-minute session ~ even though no one ‘mariaged to stay in for that long before. I fet anxious oF Wo reas uid | go crazy and tear off my cloth (Or would | just be disappointed that itwasn't as diferen as I hoy When the heavy door elosed behind me, | was surrouncled seconds, being in such a quiet pl really coo. I tied hard to hear something and hears Then, after @ minute or two, | began to hear the sound of ry breathing ~ so | hed my breath. Then my heartbeat ‘semed to become realy loud, As the minutes pas 1m, made up of layers _I started to heer the blood rushing in my veins. ve outside noise, much like and heard the skin rove over my head, which was very a standard 5 ding studio in many ways. But strange. Then | started to feel abit cisappointed his case, even the floor is suspended to stop any sound —_ place wasnt silent at al footsteps. Accorcing tothe Guinness Book of Fi ‘ter | while | stopped concentrating on the sounds the quietest place on Earth - 99.9% sounch-absorb iy body was making and began to enjoy it. | didn't fest ‘quiet frightened, and came out only because my time was up g. Not being at st | would happily have spent longer in there. Vl made 3. Astronaut a ‘beaten the record! Can you imagine how impresses minutes in the anechoie chamber wes o really that you can hear sounds means that things a ing and important experience for me. It made ing; when sound is ebsent, that signals something appreciate the quiet times | have, but more than that ng, One viol ending somne time in the do me appreciate everycay sounds, My siste er, and banged doar after a few soconds ats on her cellphone, and Grandma stil has th Match the examples of control to the definitions below. 1. She could hardly control hersel! when she heard that she'd won the lottery. | cari turn this mp3 player down because the volume control is broken. Pease control your children when you are in this restaurant. ‘We're trying to control the amount of traffic we allow in the town centre. i'm sorry, | don't have any control over what my brother does in his spare time. stay calm mit the number or amount of something the power to make someone or something do what you want a switch or other device used fo operate a machine 2 3 4 5 ‘a. make someone or something do what you want b a e Take aden breath 17 GRAMMAR Modals (1): Necessity and obligation 1 Read the sentences and choose the correct function of the modal verb. 1. We mustrit forget to do our homework. a prohibition lack of obligation 2 You should try to get more sleep every night. ‘obligation b advice 3 They dont have to wear a uniform, @ lack of obligation ——_b_prohibition 4 Do you really need to play your music so loudly? prohibition b advice 5 You cant stay here! a necessity prohibition 6 | must remember to send Elena a thank-you note. @ obligation b necessity 7 We have to finish this project by Monday morning, obligation b advice 8 Getting ft neednt be hard work a. advice black of obligation 2 Choose the correct modal verb to complete the conversations, 1A: Greg was shouting at me again last night. B: He really needs / must learn how to control his temper. 2 A: | feel so tired every day. B: You ought to / needn't try to go to bed earter. 8 A: You don't have (o / mustn't come to the match i you don't want to, B: Thanks. 'm feeling a bit tired. 4 A; | dont fee! like doing my English homework tonight B: Why? Learning vocabulary needn't / has to be boring, 5 A: Do you want to come to the cinema tonight? look after my sister. 6 A: I's Dans birthday tomorrow, isnt i? B: Oh, yes! | mustn't don't have to forget to buy him acard, 7 A: Im going to England in Apri B: You need / should visit the British Museum, 8 A: must off to the gym, B: Dorit be late. You know we musta’ / have to be up early to catch the tain, 3 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or put a tick (¥) by any you think are correct. 1 Thad t0 decide what to buy. 2 J suppose you wil must have fun in New York, 3 We can't decide whore we should go. 4 Ive been told to give my opinion about whether students only had to study what they enjoy. 5 You only have one life, and you don't have to waste it Morne : Sorry, | don't have fo / can't. | stay in on Tuesdays to © advioo © prohibition © nocessily © necessity © lack of obligation © prohiiton © lack of obligation © prohibition VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs: health Complete the conversation with the correct form of one of the phrasal verbs, Sara: Hi, Stove, How are you? You look a bit rough. Steve: | dort fee! good, Sara. Alone o'clock last night playing computer games, Sara: You play too much! You should try to 2 your computer use, especially before bed, Steve: | know! | nearly when | stood up at the end of the maths lesson this morning, How are you, anyway?” You look great. Sara: Thanks. Actually | have just ‘ a bad case of fu, | was in bed for a week! Poor you. |hato being il. It really 5 5 me ‘Sara: Me too. But you really should sort out your sleep or youl ® something nasty before too long. Steve: | know, | know! ‘oh ur ‘ing USTENING 4 © You wit hear five extracts in which teenagers are talking about {ree-time activities, Listen and match the ‘speakers with the photos. Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 ‘Speaker 5 2 Now ook a the options in exercise 3. Can you make a note of what each speaker liked most about their activity? IF you can’t remember, try to guess. Speaker t Speaker 2 Speaker 3 Speaker 4 Speaker 5 \M Tips Listening Part 3 Read all the options before you listen “Ty fo thin of ther way thatthe doa might be ‘exprested, as the speakers will use diferent wor rom the ones inthe options. + lomemiber that you vil haar the recording twice. 3 Os @ Listen again and for questions 1-5, choose ‘rom the list (A-H) what each speaker likes best about ‘their activity, Uso the letters only once, There are three ‘extra letters which you do not need to use. ‘A meeting new people B geting tt Speaker (13) C learning new things ‘Speaker 2 [_[2] earning money Speakers [_[s] E socialising with people Speakers [_[4] F relaxing forthe evening ahead Speaker § [_[5] G expetioncing a sense of achievement H dealing with dally problems Take a deop breath 19 Ce et VOCABULARY History 1 Put the letters in the correct order to make words. © CATILIVISNIO civilisation, KONGDIM TRENYCU THYM BRITE DACDEE ZITNECI THANBANITI ROTANECS CHULAN 2 Match the words in exercise 1 to the definitions, 1 period of 100 years bb person who has the right to live ina country © group of people living together, usually far from cties country ruled by a king or queen € relative who lived a long time ago {person who lives in a particular place g very old story which is probably not true fh period of ten yes i the culture and way of life of a society at a particular time | make a new product or service available 3 Complete the sentences with words trom exercises 1 and 2 in the correct form. 1. Great Britain is a (or queen isthe head of state 2 Hercules is a character from @ number of Greek land Roman 3 The 1990s was the 1is9 ofthe internet. 4 Weare living in the twenty-first 5 Egyptology is the study of the ancient Egyptian because @ king which saw the 6 She is applying to become a of the USA. 7 My 8 The 2uluisa with around 11 milion people. 9 My favourte writer is going to 1 book about ancient history next month 10 The ofthe fishing village cooperated happily with the film-makers. ‘came trom North Africa In South Attica, 200) Unit s READING FMaM Tip. EXAM Tip: Feading nd Use of English Part 2 | + sad ne toto in ot wnat to toni about + Road the whol ext frst beer you dee on your + Look at each gap ane doce what ype of or is needed an aril, a proposition, a pronoun, a modal verb or something else? 4 11 What part of speech is gapped in each of these sentences? Choose from the list below. 1 Accircus.... bull in Ancient Rome. b 2 I came....wih fl $0 | missed the perforn 3 Whats the point... going tothe circus? 4 Come with us. think that you... enjoy it 5 Danny enjoyed the show, but | didnt ike 6 _... Roman Empire fel in the fith century. 7 A.....0f poopie attended circuses in Egypt. 8 They let us in even... we were very ate. a modal ver b vorb bo © pronoun d phrasal verb conjunction f article 9 quantifier hi preposition 2 Now write the correct word in the gaps in exercise 1 3 Read the text about the circus on page 21. Do not try to fill the gaps this time. How many Ns are mentioned in the text? 4 © For questions 1-8, read the text on age 21 and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0) 5 The eight words you needed to complete the text are among the words in the box below. Make sure your answers are there! another any as at be do it lke no ef other over used to up rr MCT iad The idea (0)... OF... travelling performers has ts origins far back in history. (1)...8 believed that the Ancient Egyptians had groups of travelling acrobats, and people may have been entertaining each (2)... in similar ways even further backin time. The word circus comes from the Ancient Greek and Roman word for‘! because acts @) performed in round arenas. The Ancient Greeks (4)... have chariot races, horse shows staged battles, trained animals, jugglers and acrobats in these places. n the ancient city of Rome there was a fixed bullding where the shows used (5).......take place, The frst one to be built was called the Circus Maximus. This stone building could seat (6)... many as 200,000 people, When the Roman Empire fll these large circus buildings fell out of use. Instead, performers travelled between towns in Europe performing (7)... local fairs. Groups of entertainers ‘and acrobats have done this for hundreds of years ~ and they will probably (8)... for 6 Read the text about the Colosseum and choose ‘time of Vespasian. Itis located just east of the Palatine 8 far the most famous Roman circus building was the Colosseum in Rome, bult during the time ofthe 4. Work on the Colosseum was started by the Roman Emperor Vespasian / Noro / Palatine 2 The Colosseum was bull or the benefit of the The water was removed from the artifical lake that was the cental feature ofthat palace, and the Colosseum was bullt there ~a decision that was Roman pedpie / Emparor (anvironment. made for largely political reasons, Vespasian, whose '3 The roo of the Colosseum was operated by path to powerhad relatively poor beginnings lector! spectators /saocs Chose to replace the unpopular Neco private lke with a public amphitheatre that could hold tens of thousends of Romans. ‘The structure was officially opened in 80 ce by Titus in the text which mean the following, a ceremony that included 100 days of games. Later, dieRociuelioersecaank ing, Damian competed the work ang 2 ovo bulking (paragraph 6) were natal dug nt convenient ise for extra 3 vory seriously (paragraph 6) support, the Colosseum isan independent structure 4 very important (paragraph 8) af stone and concrete, measuring 189 by 156 metres overal 4. Most of the damage to the Colosseum was caused by natural disasters / war ( people. | | 7 vivo | The amphitheatre seated around 50,000 spectators, | ‘Choose the correct answer. who were protected from the sun by a massive cloth 1 lun gt sorting we a Se ere @ opportunity b granted account = ar . closed this roof! The Colosseum was the scene of 2 Im going to stay at home and take it... today, ‘thousands of hand-to-hand fights between gladiators a granted b easy © account ‘of contests between men and animals, and of many 3 You need to take into... how much sleep you get larger battles ‘every night The Colosseum was damaged by lightning and aria boats fe Seok. earthquakes in recs ies and ven more severely, by theft and criminal damage. All the seats nee. and decorative materials disappeared, as the site = arenes Hy CURRY oe Se ‘was treated with very little respect for more than 1/000 years. Work to preserve the Colosseum began properly in the nineteenth century, ancia project to restore it was started in the 1990s. Ithas long been ‘one of Rome's major tourist attractions. There are ‘many changing exhibitions relating to the culture of Ancient Rome, GRAMMAR Present and past habits 1 Choose the correct answer. 1 When | was younger | would used to love sleeping unt 1.00 in the morning. 2 He eats (is eating alot of meat and fish at the ‘moment because he's training for a match 3. My sisters constantly ooking / constantly fooks for new shoes. 4 When we were at primaty school, we would go / were going to bed betore rine during the week 5 | always fel / am feating hungry when | wake up in the morning, 6 Dario! used to / would be betterooking than he 's now. Compiete the sentences using the words in brackets. © Stacey ative late too often, and it annoys you. (always) Stacey is. always arriving, lake. 11 When you were a child you rode a tricycle every day. (woul) When Iwas a child 2-The sofa is your temporary bed wile your room is being decorated. (sleeping) 1 ‘while my room 's being decorated 8 Susan hated shopping for clothes when she was a chil. (used) When she was a child, Susan 4 Going for a run is something you do every morning. (90) 1 every morning. 5 You get annoyed at yourself necause you frequently forget your key. (am) ' my key! 6 Your grandfather always used total silly jokes when you were younger. (constantly) IMy granatather silly jokes when | was younger. © Choose the correct sentence in each par. 1 8 luse to ride horses when | was young bb J used to ride horses when | was young, 2 a Ihave listened to music since | was five years ol. 'b Tused to listen to music since | was five years old, 3a We wete going to the same school and every ‘morning she used to come to take me from my house. b We were going to the same school and every ‘morning she was coming to take me from my house, 4 a We will remember the good times from the past ‘and have a lovely time, as we used to b We will remember the good times from the past and have a lovely time, as we use to. unit 5 VOCABULARY Expressing frequency 1 Find a word or expression in the box below with 8 similar meaning to these adverbs. 1 rarely 2 constantly 3 occasionally 4 most days 5 sometimes 2 Put the adverbs and expressions in brackets in the correct position. 0 My dad.....constantly at school 1 Wego 21 3. My bestfriend and | achat al 51 6! (rarely) 7 My farity asks me how I'm doing - (constantly) toa circus «(every once in a while) go to bed atter micinight (seldom) meet for (most weeks) read a newspaper (every day) visit an art gallery - (from time to time) listen to music feats in a restaurant {almost never) | drink atleast three glasses of water, (most days) 3 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 3 so that they. are true for you. 0. My.daad. seldom, asks. me. How. doing Ab. sche, 1 2 WRITING An article (1) ‘See Prepare to write box, Student's Book page 36. 4 Look at the exam task below and think about how you would organise your article. Write these {questions and the note into the plan on the right ‘according to where you think the answers fit best. ‘a summary sentence or two Who Is the person? What would you ask them? Why ate they famous? ‘Why would you lke to meet them? What do you admire about them? ‘You see this announcement in an international English language magazine. My hero from history Which person from history do you most admire? ‘What things would you ask him or her if you wore able to travel back in time? ‘Write us an article answering these questions. We will publish the best articles in the next issue. | we your article 2 The article on the right contains the four paragraphs in exercise 1. Number them in the correct order. 3 Is the order in the article the same as your plan in exercise 1? Which paragraphs address which parts of the question? Paragraph 1 .. introduces. the. person. and, says, inky, he's. er. Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 4 Read the article again. Is the style formal or informal? Underline the sentences which indicate this. EXAM Tips Wg Part 2(an article) Dive your atic into paragraphs. {Cover each point fom the task in a separate para + Include atte 1 suggest wat the atic i about. {Use an informal syle throughout the arte, 5 @® Which famous person from history would ‘you like to meet? Use the model in exercise 1 fo make notes, then write your own article. Write 140-190 words My hero from history Paragraph V introduction Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 conclusion Ai im at, | thine the world would. be a better place if tree were more people ike Gandhi. alive. His ronviolence and his ablidy to bing different pesple together for a common purpose would help the word ecome a happier and. more peaceful lace. Who doesn't want Boat? Believe me, there are so many questions | would like to ask Gandhi: if | could meet him! The main thing | would lke to know is what would he do to stop all the wars and. Fighting in the world. today. Does he have a. solution? Tne person from history | would most like to meet ig Mahatma. Gard, He was an indian politician who died in 1948, and, | believe he was 4. really exceptional man, Nob only that ~ he helped India become an independent vation | admire him becouse of his bravery and because of his use of ron-vilent techniques to achieve Wis aims He believed. in the power of truth. One of the most amazing things he did, was unite people of different religions in India. in order to gain independence. ee ‘ 6 VOCABULARY Expressing emotions 3 Choose the correct answers. Sometimes two are correct. 1 Match the words and phrases to the definitions, 1 Our new teacher is really good fun. She's always below bright / depressed / choerfu 1 gotintste 2 Mum was angry when | got home late lastnight, 2 pein but | know that it was because she was down / Sgr tienen: ‘concemed / anxious about me. fate 3. Jude was a bitirtated /releved / content because S igcatesl Host her favourite scat 6 ted up 4 When my brother wasnt allowed to go on the J etovee ‘school trip he got really content fever the moon = ereaeat ’bad:tempered with our parents. 8 content '5 Our cousins have got a huge dog and my litle ' happy that something unpleasant has not sister was scared / fed up/ peinted of it when happened they visited us. » vary pleased about something 6 was really down / bright / depressed when | talled e very angry my maths exam, ‘ ume a without hope for the future 4 Find the ode word ou ahiays believing that bad things are likely to 1 down depressed cheerful pessimistic happen 2 initated concerned furious _bad-lempered {9 annoyed or bored by something that you havo 3 fod.up relieved optimistic over tho moon experienced for too long 4 content cheerful concemed relieved hy always believing that good things wil happen 5 furious petifed scared anxious {pleased with your situation and not hoping for change or improvement READING 2 Complete the sentences wth words trom 1 Look at the picture. What is the teenager doing? exercise 1 Lalways got when | watch horror films, 2 Iwas when | found out my bike had been stolen 3 Iwas about winning frst prize in the essay competition. 4 Iimreally with my brother for borrowing my laptop without asking me. 5 Hos feeling about passing his ‘exams tomorrow because he didnt revise much. 6 Im eating ‘about passing my ‘exams because I've done lols of revision 7 Iwas when our lost eat turned up safe and well this morning 8 | sometimes get by all the bad ‘news I see on TY. 2 What does the word daydream mean? Try to guess 9 She's a very happy person who is. with her tie. before you look it up in a dictionary. 3 Read the text quickly. How many ‘brain states’ does the article talk about? What are they called? 24) units “Hove you ever complained about being bored? Most of us | fave, whoo realising how lucky we orel Many people think af becedom 0s something to be avoided, but being bored can acually lee to great things. Jan experiment for you tory. Just do nothing for roment. Observe your thoughts. Your broin isn't doing pathing, is W's lstoing ond wolching, processing Scientist Alber Einstein oid, "The monotony of « quiet lie stimulates the creative mind.’ As a young man, he hed & dill job os clerk in on ofice. Just imagine him siting there with nothing to-do, twideling hs humbs ond daydreoming, Do you think young Albert would have had the flashes of ingptrofion which led fo his Famous theories if he'd had o tmobile phone or compuler with games on it back in 19032 {Or would he hove been too busy trying to reach the next ® “everything around you, and it may seem quite busy. Your “brain is in Beta tnode. In this state, we act and get things stage in his favourite game? “done, Bato brcinwaves increase when we are leaning, You did't know daydreaming was a valuable activiy Walp or etcied, ond help uso foes and moot goals. They aid you Many lage companes, ike Google and Par cn alo increase siress or make it harder to fall asleep. ‘Animation, see creativity 03 © major business odvanioge ‘ry being truly bored. Just sit here and relax; clear your ‘ond they reward their mos! creative daydreamers for coming Foie amayroncetha yorrtianits become UP "th ovina ideas, They even hove special oor for fi Sieh ile youtmey becca wor othe le emeutenng deyteaming, compete wih ‘comfortable sofas & Beery tal nay tecin toh tings yeu verkthere you re ancoueged lox on sere eclnever ose your mind before. Or you might info space sometimes, because tho companies can ee what hinkarol {great ideas come out of hase daydreaming sessions. Fee sae axl oben Apto tear betord efnd tne obs bored. f you oro lucky ere ccatlee — coth hovel tinea dna, pelie jobs to b ee rele viz geen troeline 0, e/ ove moments of borden. You might how op Bey Stier aio pratin vile you ote pecog fobstons of cone Wb oh on the next biliant idea for o story while you're watching the 9 and slay asleep more easly. They migh! also get less ss vse @ special slacronic device to measure brain yond they can tol whether the brain isi Alpha Brainwave activity changes all the tne, ing on what we are doing or feeling. crealve thinker Steve Jobs, who cofounded Apple ‘ond directed the development of Pade and other nology, said, ‘Boredom allows us o experience ‘ond out of curiosity comes everything.’ He spent productive hours being bored, and ended up having prety amazing ideas, rain run down the window. And that's not boring at all, is if YO 4. are the following statements true or false, or is there no information given in the text? 1 The brain is more active in the Beta state 2. Somme people ate always in the same brain stato. True False Not given 3. Steve Jods Was less cteative when he was in Alpha state. |4 Abert Einstein had some very good ideas when he was a clerk, vess 5 Google and Pixar encourage their employees to sleep at work. 6 People should always try to avotd being bored. 5 Find the words or phrases in the text which mean the following, fe 41 give concentrated attention (paragraph 2) 2. thought about something fora shart ime (paragraph 3) 33 be likely to do something (paragraph 4) 44 the fealing of wanting to know about something (paragraph 6) 55 thinking of an idea (paragraph 8) Strong emotions 25 GRAMMAR be/get used to 1 Complete the conversations with the correct form of (not) belget used to. 0. A: Hows your now job in the cafe? B: Its okay. cnt ke tat first, But 1. 'm. getting. used. to. it som. 1A: Why has the cat disappeared”? B: There are too many children in the house, and the cat It (not) 2A! geting up so cary in the moming (not) B: Dorit worry, you it 3A: What do you think of your new teacher, Mes Smith? B: She's nice, but we hhaving so much homework to do! (not) 4A: Our kitchen is being redecorated, 80 We have to eat in a restaurant every night. ' it (no) B: | wouldtt tke that. 1 ‘eating good home cooking. 2 Read the situations and complete the sentences using be used to or get used to. 1 We moved house trom the city fo the country. twas really quiet at night, whieh was strange for me, |.wwas..48¢¢. £0. hearing the noise of the city ‘when I Jay in bed at night. It took me a long time to the silence, 2 When | started training with the school swimming team, itwas hard work. | ‘80 much exercise! My coach told me | would it quite quickly, but it wasnit true. I've been training for two months and 1 ityet! 3 Susan became a vegetarian last year. Her mother ‘was imitated because she cooking the same meal for the whole family. She didn't want 10 cook a special meal just for Susan. But, she soon it Ittook Susan a fong time to living without meat, though! 3 Choose the correct words. 1 When | was a litle gt, | used f0/ was used to have a red skateboat 2 We dort think well ever be used 10 / get used to this cold weather 3. When | was a child, we got usad to / used to visit ‘my aunt in the country every spring 4 I didnt tke these new jeans at fist, but | am being / am getting used to them now. ‘They used f0 / are used 10 live in the United States, 6 My granddad doesn't use to isn't used to having 60 ‘many people in the house. 4 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or Puta tick (v) by any you think are correct. 1 In Sofia there are subways and trains but people are not used to travel on them. 2. I'm atraid 1 have to bring lots of clothes as ''m not used to living in such a cold place. 3 can cook very well too, because | use to do doing it when my mother is not at home, 4 | got used to deal with people and | love cooking diferent kinds of dishes VOCABULARY Adverbs: type and position 1 Complete the table with the words from the box. 2 Are the adverbs in bold in the right position? Putatck (by any you thnk are ight an conrect th others. © etna wi help you wih your homework ‘Bar 1 had been the cama betore the ageotts 2. Sho eos rom tine to tine gong the beach 3 Probably it wortt take you long to get used to it. 4 James raany von ha sah pe immediately. 5 We gested quel and went outside 6 That's a good computer. I's a bit however opens ‘3 Write the words in order to make sentences. © night we /to a / rock concert /last// went We, cancer. last. night, 4 often / dink 1/ coflee / don 2. probably this film / wort the kids / enjoy 3 plays / beautiful / she /the plano 4 finish / next week // my project USTENING EXAM Tips 4 Reod the five questions in exercise 2and match each one stoning Part to wnat its focusing on. Road the questions caret botre you sien 1 speaker's opinion edn ‘and underline the main ideas in them, Rcereubatweanspediam question + Identity any functions the questions may - a be focusing on, for example the speaker's ie Pap enka purpose ‘gona purpose, agreement between th he speakers. d situation question + Listen to the whole extract belore you choose ‘@ a.spectc piece of information question ‘your answer. 2 You will hear people talking in five different situations. Read the questions, ‘and underline the main ideas that might help you get the correct answers. 1 Youhear a teenager leaving a voicemail message. 4 You overhear two fiends in a shop talking about ‘hy is she calling? ‘some trainers. Te friends agree that the trainers are [A to apologise for missing an appointment A to0 expensive. B to eporton an event B anice colour. © toarrange a meeting © very comfortable. 2. You hear a boy talking 0 friend about something 5 You overhoar two friends talking about comedy. that happened to him. What was he doing at the time? How id the boy fist find out about the new DVD? A crossing the steect [A.A friend mentioned it to him B riding a bike B. {twas featured in a magazine. © arving a car © He saw an extract online 8 You hear two people talking about a school sports day. What did the woman think of i? [A There weren't enough volunteers. 'B_ She thought nobody enjoyed i. © tachived ts intended goa. 30: rn tothe five situations. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer (A, B or C). 4 ©4 Listen again and check your answers. jplete the sentences with the phrases below. ‘agoodihing asingle thing among other things no such thing the main thing the thing isthe whole thing FEBS ao “onssnane YOu remembered to charge your phone betore you left the house! 2 think it's time for you to forget about ‘and get on with the rest of your life. 19 I'dlike to come out this evening, but ve got a big exam tomorrow. | 4 Well the children enjoyed themselves, and that’s '§ D0 you know what? I can't remember: a ‘about last year's holiday! It must have been really boring! ‘6 Theres plenty to do on the campsite ~ swimming, tennis and @ ‘games room .. eis 7 Itried to tell her there was... _as monsters, but she was stil scared F of entering the old house. ‘Strong emotions "27. Mat: Bala (sty VOCABULARY Verbs of movement; sounds [wl n| a HEIs 1 Find 11 verbs of movement and § more verbs vu tlw c BiH describing sounds people make in the word a iit ele|P square (4 44 2).Then match 12 of ther with [217{k[alale kiula the definitions. jelwlo| n|R|K 1. move the top part of your body in it | Hu] x| Aisle a partuiar direction reality] ziite 2 knock or touch something genty [| | [7] 3 hurry or move quickly somnewnore sisle, k[ Fla 4 go down into a positon where it 1£.F witie niwfolu bath knee are onthe round [wlatul 5 hitsomeone wth the tt, inside rue Llelpis part of your hand nlelol nletFla 6 move smoothly backwards and 1" ={ towards elvis] ca) 7 walk slowly in a olaxed way fslelatrfxlilelatalalale] 8 speck too quiety and not clearly | EI enough for someone to READING understand you 8 make a sound by brething air EXAM Tips cut trough a smal hole made aan th you ips | Reasing and Use of English Part + ead the questions and texts quickly to get the general 10 breathe out slowly and noisily, pict often because you are annoyed + Be careful when you find the same words from a or unhappy {question used in a text— think about the meaning and 11 speak extremely quietly so that whether I matches the question, . It you cant decide between two texts, undetine the other people cannot hear % 12 abnitveny lak relevant words in both and return tothe question lator. 2 Choose the correct words. 1 @ You are going to road an article about four young novelists. For questions 1-10, choose ‘from the writers A-D. The writers may be chosen more than ones | as siting at my desk in Cana er a et gee hich wt. Noy! cant hear anything! | ste in got help from a school employee’? Cia reseed age bk tae eines oe Ben ah mtg va cr con ene oa was geting louder Suddenly the Gasroom dr intends to produce a diferent type of novel next? Cm ‘asked for feedback from others during the wing process” Cra ped open and a ran with a pot of pal this the dring hal? he asked, obviously in a hurry panna ~ was good at something other than wring? [—[] si focke Kateri halt ti hed \Was working on several stories when her age eaomnet Cone tebe! airs first novel was finshed? Cis} — e Wore a costume to advertise her book? —[~[7] Se neg enrages produced a novelin order to test hersott?. [ [a] felt a lot of pressure to succeed? Ts} (Tre) was surprised by her success? 2a! unit? Currently aged 18, Christine Paul was brought up in Australia, Maths was her strongest ‘school subject from an early age, which is why her mother was surprised when, at the age of 12, Cstine announced that she wanted to be a novel" knew | could doit ‘she says. ‘I never doubted myself.’ Her first novel, a historica! fantasy called £fimvaad, ‘was finished when she was just 15, and was published that year by her parents’ B publishing company. ‘My family were a great help, ‘but didn't interfere with my writing, ‘she says. To promote the novel, Christine toured over a hundred schools and ibraies ‘talking about her work, all the time dressed in the clothes of her Yeading character. She {ot valuable feedack about her customers from these events and has published three ‘more navels for the same age group sinoe then. However, she now plans to have ago at science fiction. ‘We'll wait and see how that turns out,’ she says. : ‘Amelia Benson wrote her frst navel atthe age of 13. At that time she said she had over ‘a dozen tales at various stages of completion. Her big break came when her English teacher found out about her work, and contacted a iterary agent on her beh, The ‘novel was published on her fourteenth birthday and, it turns out, wes the fist na long series." didn't know at the time whether the first novel would lead on to anything cise, but that’s now it worked out, luckily’ she says. Now living in London, Amelia isnt planning to give up onthe sees any time soon, even though she has turned her hand to costume dramas for TV. ‘tera few years of staring stories that never got finshed, Flavia Bujor decided it ‘was time she completed something, So, at th age of 12, she decided to write a vel. ‘Writing has been a passion of mine since I was very young, says Flavia. To be published was lke @ dream come tre for her, somathing she hadnt thought possible ‘She wrote the novel, The Prophecy of te Stones, primarily to see if she ee . ‘would write a chapter and pass it onto family and schoo! fiends to see it they iked it She's already at work on her second novel, and hopes to improve fer sivein that. The first ona was just a beginning, she says. [eS] =] Tey S =p aye a e in many ways | was a victim of my own early sucess, says Sara, whose fist rovel, The Outriders, was published when she was just 16, much to the amazement 3 af her teachers and friends. When people praise you as "The Voie of Youth it can bea oifiout thing to ive upto,’ The Outriders was one ofthe most advertised and ' bestseling navels ofthe year, but inspite of having a tree-book contract with her we pubiisher, Saira didnt rite another word for he next four years. Eventually, wth the ‘encouragement of friends at collage, she started again ‘ve nearly finished a follaw-up {0 The Outriders; she says. ''d be surprised if it does as well, but I'm determined to get Saira Hilton jt finisned. I Yea | owe it to myst 2 Read the questions again. Underline the parts of the article which gave you the answers. 3 Find words in the texts which mean the following. 1. try to get involved in something, in an annoying way (A) 2. person whose job itis to deal with business for another person (B) 3 strong love or atraction (C) 44 be as goad as people hope or expect (0) ‘Complete the sentences with the most appropriate form of patiencelpatient. 1 Ploase try not 10 Be ss. with your younger brother and sister. ‘They're trying their hardest. We waited calmly and for thirly minutes outside the theatre, then we asked for our money back. ‘The singer thanked us for our ‘when the band finally came on the stage. ‘You have to be very {10 be a primary school teacher. Dinner will be ready in a minute. Stop tapping the table so : ‘id been trying to get through to the shop on the phone all morning, and my Sf was growing. 1. Maten the beginnings and ends of the sentences. 1 She was walking through the woods By tho time we goto the stadium, His hai was wet because Hook of my coat ‘The burglar was abl to get in easly because Wie had been traveling for hours ‘As soon as she had spoken, By the time we arrived atthe party, the match had already stated. when she heard a sora. she rgrottd we hadnt locked the back door ‘most of eur iends had already lok and sat down on the soa, before we decked to stop and rest. he had been swimming fn the river. 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 2 Write tho verbs in brackets in the past simple, past Perfect simple or past perfect continuous. 1 By the time our meal arived we (wail) for an hour anda hal 2 My parents. ‘me when | old ther | {pass) overy one of my exams, She (put on) her raincoat, {pick up) her umbrella, and {leave) the house. They (rain) all morning in the gym, which is why they (be) exhausted I {oly sit) down fora couple of minutes when my brother come) in and {ask) me to htp him tx (not believe) his bike. 6 We (run) for Just over an nour when the thunderstorm (begin) Everyone eating by the time we (get) home, Even though we (never meet), (recognise) him from his Facebook page. Luisa (write) short stories since she (b8) a chil, and then her favourite magazine (otter) 10 publish one of them. 10 Betore! (have) the opportunity 10 ‘book tickets for the concert, they (all sell) out. {already start) 3 Write one sentence from the notes, using the correct tenses. 0 when / we / arive at cinema / 72.40 ffm / start When swe. arrived... ie, cinema, a. 7.40 the. film. nad. started. 1 the teacher / tak / fire alarm fring 2 Karen / learn Spanish / two years / goto live in Argentina 3 eave home / run for the bus / and arrive at ‘school /on time 4 wo got home / Mum finish preparing dinner 4 © Choose the correct sentence in each pair. 1a | received your leter this morning. bb | had received your letter this moming 2 a He saw a woman he never met betore. b He saw a woman he had never met before. a | enjoyed ita lot and would doit again, b [had enjoyed ita lot and would do it again. a twas the first time | went to the cinema. 1b Itwas the first time | had been to the cinema, VOCABULARY Time phrases 1 Make five time phrases then match them with their definitions. 1 for some no time 2 belore Jong 3 the week oneng 4 for wooks before tast 5 in time ‘a quite soon b very quickly ¢ twoweoks ago d for several weeks @ fora long period Choose the correct words. 1 Tim had no trouble setting into his new school — hhe got used to it for some time / in no time. 2. I wont to bed at 11 o'clock and before long /for days ‘on end was fast asleep. She had wanted to meet her pen friend for some time / in no time and was pleased to get the chance. ‘They finished all their exams the week before last or weeks on end. \We waited for the weather to improve before long / {or days on end butt never did. WRITING A story 00 Prepare to write box, Students Book page 45. 4 Look at the exam task and make notes below for a possible story. ‘You have seen this notice on an English-language abst, ‘We are looking for stories for our new English-language magazine for young peoole. Your story must bogin with this sentence: When schoo! finished, | checked my phone and saw the text ‘Your story must include: ‘an arrangement agit Wits your story. ‘What ci the message say? Who hal writen i? What append next? Howe did you feel? 2. Read the story, ignoring the gaps. sit similar {0 your notes? Does it contain all the parts of the question? (when school finished, | checked. my phone and. san the text: It said ‘Please mect me outside the lary at four. Don't be late!” The text was from Jim, a classmate from my dl. school. We | never be) very close friends. In fact, | didn't really Uke him. Once, | ose) «tenis racket ab scweol, ard. | olmays theught iat slim Wad. taken it Sa why did he wank to ee me nou? We (not speak) to each other for three years! | was curious, $0 re get) my cont and : 4 (leave) home. The san « (shine) and | needed to do seme shepping anyway. When | go to the Ubrary, im (wait) for me. He was the fist to speak. ‘I want to aplagise to hab for! U asked." acide (take) your ternis racket ab yur last scree, But | never gave i back ard then you left the school. Arynay, here's 0 new one. ~ | hope you Uke. le was a much better racket than my ld one. | tharked. him and went home, surprised. ard. happy. What 0. strange afterncen! EXAM Tips Writing Part2(a story) Read the first sentence and think about the situation before you start wnting ‘Plan the events in your sor, making sure theres a ink to te fist sontonce, + Be carelul to use the correct pronouns and tenses. + Check your story has @ begining, a middle and an end. 3 Rewrite your notes from exercise 1 so they are about the story. ‘What did the message say? (paragraph 1) meek, brary. a. Four, Who had writen it? (paragraph 2) ‘What happened next? (paragraph 3) How dia you feel? (paragraph 4) 4 Now write the verbs in brackets in the story in the correct form. 5 Undertine linkers and expressions of time. 6 @ Write your own story. Use the headings in exercises 1 and 3 to plan your story. ‘Think about the pronouns and tenses you will need to use. Use linkers to connect the events in your story. ‘Write 140-190 words, Tolling stories, VOCABULARY community 11 Complete the crossword below, using these clues. Across 1 inthe central part ofa city 3 friendly 0 visitors 5 ofanarea with only houses and flats, not offices or factories 6 faraway from anywhere 7 seeing or communicating with each other a lat 8 belonging to or relating to a city Down 1 connected with industry and factories 2. comfortable and informal, not tense 4 containing people from many diferent cultures 6 connected with the countryside 2 2 Find the odd word out. 1 inner ety rural urban 2 Industrial close welcoming 3 diverse urban. inner city 4 residential remote industrial ‘3 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1. 1 You wont find many offices or factories here. This isa area. 2 wouldnt lke to lve in a really place: | ke having cafés and shops nearby. 3 London is a very city, where people from all over the world live and work. 4 Evoryone we met seemed really pleased to see us ‘San Francisco is such @ place, 5 The trouble with ving in an READING 1 Look at the photos. Where do you think this city is? Look through the article quickly and check your answer to exercise 1. Read the article carefully. The first and last paragraphs are in the correct place, but the ot correct order, using the undi you. 1 4 Answer the questions about the article, 1 ‘area is thatthe factories can be quite nolsy and polluting 1d preter to live somewhere with a ‘atmosphere, rather than a busy city area, They are a very family tnat do ‘overything together. My aunt and uncle decided to leave life an the city behind, and they found a lovely village in a area, surrounded by forests and mountains. thers are all in the wrong order. Put them in the lined links to help A 2 3 6 oF What do the designers of Masdar hope to achieve? What is most energy used for in Abu Dhabi? Where did the designers get inspiration from ‘when thinking of ways to coo! the city? ‘Why wore some ideas dropped? What are the two main forms of transport InMasdar? Imagine that, instead of fighting traffic behind a steering wheel or JA Bria squashed with strangers in ahot bus, your morning joumey towork or school started in a sent el ding electric ca powered by thesun, moving through underground tunnels at a comfortable 20 kph. ‘Your petrol cost? Zero, Bus fare? Zero Journey stress? None tall. n tur current oi- dependent world, this might seem impossible, but remote partof the Arabian Desert itt becoming areal Jp Eneray.use in neighbouring Abu Dhabi extremely high, primarily to sali the ai-cooling demands created bya growing city located inaroasting desert Over a period of sx years ‘Abu Dhabis energy bils increased by more than 400%! That not something which the designers of Masdar wish to copy. Inthe heart ofthe oirich United Arab Emirates, just 30 kilometres east ofthe capital city of Abu Dhabi architec and government fils are constructing acrbon-neutal ty withthe hope that the design vil hep lead the word towards a greener future. By 2025 Ris tstimated that Masdar willbe a busy ty of 9,000 with everyone Fring of renewable energy while producing almost no waste or pollvon But how can ty nthe mde of adesert operate carbon Fee Even with established clean energy sources such as solar and vnind power to run the eco-cty, the citys architects needed tofind a vray tolimit energy use na place where eather conditions can be severe. From May oly theres italy novain,andaverage high temperatures in ulvand August are about 42 degrees Jr Some ambitious destonsthaarose tf the esearch nto the DD sass tke pianstobuid thecty ona seven-metiehighbaseto incre alow through the cy tees, were dropped due to nancial ieues but others remained, One ofthe mos interesting ofthese i Nowa Ciy's'wind tower a neatly 45-metre-high version ofan alent dak Easter design that pulls cool breezes fom higher areas down thetover and trows ther ouinto the cy strets. Narrow streets and role buldngs were used to increase shade ad reduce temperatures from drect sun inal he architects estimated they could make Madar fed degies cove. sulting in lowes use of ai-condtoning ‘o.ayoid Abu Dhabi’ troubles, Masdar City’s architects sought cut a surprising source of inspiration: he past, The architects studied ancient cilsaions to come up witha solution tothe cooling problem, because if they can solve the cooling problem, they area fang way towards solving the whole energy problem. Inaddltion toenergy reducing construction, transportation in and around Masdr is designed to reduce the use of petrol. Cty strets ae completely ca ree ~al vehicles must be leftina garage utside ofthe cys massive wall. Instead a fleet of electric carsis used, slangside an electric railystem. The cys not yet perfect, but ifthe government and cy planners can ton out solutions to transportation Sd energy production inthe face ofeconomicinsecurity, and Masdar ‘Gy continues to buldon its curent successes, ths desert oasis could cofera glimpse into an entirely green future 5 Find words in the text which mean the following, 1 building (C) 2 guossed (C) 3 control the amount of something (C) 4 looked for) 5 very lage (F) ‘Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of make and the word in brackets, 0 couldn't understand what his essay meant, {00} His essay ..made. ne..sense. to me. “The situation would improve if you gave me ‘some money, (aiference) itwould it you gave me some money. |We should enjoy this good weather while it lasts, (most) We should this good weather. ‘Were those discount vouchers useful fo ‘you? (use) Did you those discount vouchers? They went to the beach soon after they, artvad. (way) They. tothe beach soon after they arrived. It's a good idea to take the bus fo the shopping centre. (sense) it to take the bus to the shopping centre. A great place to live GRAMMAR _ Future (1): Review 1 Choose the correct answers. Sometimes two are possible. 1. The taxis here, We... leave for the airport. a Yoaboutto will © may 2 think you... enjoy ving in tis city. a are b will © are going to 3 Aftor I... to drive, my dad's going to buy me a car @Wlearn b ‘mleaming eve learnt 4 Have you decided what you... study at university yet? all b ‘Tegoingto ——¢_areabout to. 5 hungry when they arrive — I dorit know if they've eaten, ail might © re going to 6 'm not trad yet ~ I think... watch a DVD betore | go to bed. 7 What time... the tran leave for London? ais b will © does 8 I'm not gure, but... $e Rachel in tow this afternoon, a might b will © 'mgoing to Complete the sentences. Use the best future form of the verbs. ‘answer depart finish get’ jump snow start 0 Thoy. are. about. to, start, atl b could © ‘maboutto 2 | | running, | i 3. iimeet you when | 4 He this. off the cif. 5 She 6 The plane to Rio taxi, orshe attain. at 730, unit 8 3 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or put a tick (v) by any you think are correct. 1 We will pick you up from the aitport when youll arrive, 2. Lam sure you find lois of interesting ‘things to do during your vi. 3 I hope my suggestion will be useful to you, 4 Its very nice that you will came to London. 5 We will discuss it when you will ‘come home. 6 I'm going to travel by plane, ‘50 book the tickets soon, VOCABULARY as if/ as though White sentences to complete the conversations. Use the prompts in brackets and as though ! asi 0A: Oh no! Look at that dog! B: (look /atack us!) It. leoks. as, though. i's. going, to attack, us! 1A: Tonys behaving strangely, isnt he? B: (yes /act/win the lottery) 2 A: Why are you phoning a taxi? B: (look / the bus / late) 8 A: You dont look very wel, B: (feel /not sleep for days) 4A: How did Jane sound when she pphoned you last night? B: (sound / not happy about something) 5 A: How was your frst day back at college? B: ((oo! /never be away) 6 A: Do you know that gil over there? B: (no / but/ act / know us) ” Listening Port 2 oad the notes frst and decide what typeof information is needed in each gap — usualy @ noun or noun phrase. «You il ear the actual words you need to waite inthe recording. {Chock your answers when you listen the second time. Be caret to spell ‘everything correct Look at each gap in the notes below. Guess what kind of information from the tet below is needed to fill the gap. (Two items from thelist re used twice.) apts) a game or sport ‘a geographical feature, place atask anabiity ‘aqualifcation type of media ‘food itom asibject opie 2 Read the notes below quickly. What is Sara's talk about? 8 © © You wit near a tak by agit called Sara Richardson who was ‘a volunteer on a conservation project. For questions 1-10, complete the ‘sentences with a word or short phrase, Conservation project twas Sara's interest in (1) ‘which made her ‘want 10 work on the conservation project. ‘Sara says that the project gave her useful information which helped with her (2) Sara slept in the camp that was near (3) Sara did not enjoy (4) when she was on ‘camp uty. Sara missed eating her (5) which wasnt avaliable, gara learnt the skill ot (6) ‘i which is useful to her in her work at the moment ‘Sara's camera took particularly good photographs of (7) : During quiet periods, the volunteers would play ® and chess. Sara mentions a (8) where ‘people are allowed to feed the animals. Sara has produced a (10) ‘about her time on the conservation project. Being positive VOCABULARY Collocations 1. Match the two halves of the collocations. 1 achieve a the best of 2 go bb bright 3 have ¢ every opportunity, 4 have d the best in 5 look e the worst in 6 make § your goals 7 make 9g wrong 8 make hago 9 put I the most of 10 see {strengths and weaknesses | 11 see k aditerence 12 take I anend to 1 2 3 4 | 5 6 7 8 8 10 " 2 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the collocations from exercise 1 1 Sally is an optimist. She always thinks the future 2 You will onty your | = 3 Why do you to criticise my work? Its very discouraging 4 The project was a disaster. Everything 5 Although the weather was terible, and the hotel was noisy, we. abad situation, and had ‘a good holiday. 6 We scored a goal in the last minute, but it didnt to the final result ~ we stil lost the match 7 Thad never tried skiing before, but | when | visiled fiends in Austria, and was quite good at it 8 He always ties to people, which is why he is often disappointed when they let him down, 9 Asa chess player, Mark hes {good at attacking, but not so good at defending, 10 Lots ty to ourlast two days off before school starts again. 11. She broke her leg last year, which hor tennis career. 12 | think someone has hurt Sarah badly ~ she alvays people 36) Unit 9 READING 1 Read the article quickly. Would you describe the writer Read ‘3 @ For questions 3 to 6, choose the answer ‘as an optimist or a pessimist? EXAM Ties Use of English Part 8 Fad the text quicky to got an idea of what its about + Read through the questions and ABCD options carefully ‘+ Answer eat one in erdor— remember that they folow the order of information in the txt find the answer + Underine the parts of the text were you 2 The answers to questions 1 and 2 are underlined. Read the questions and choose the answer (A, B, C or ) which you think fits best according to the text. 1 According tothe first paragraph, how di the writer fel ‘when he received his mother's texts? ‘A They made him very concerned about her. B He thought her suggestions were interesting. © They convinced him to come home Immediately. Ho realised that she wanted the best for hi. 2 Tho wniter finally decided to retuen to Britain because AA he had to leave the flat he was living in B he liked the idea of soling mobile phones, © he thought it was ime to leave Belgium. D_he wanted to be close to his family. (A,B,C or D) which you think fits best according tothe text, 3. How did the writer fee! about his training? ‘A surprised that it was s0 briet B annoyed by the attitude ofthe instructor © worried by the amount of reading involved D pleased that it was so successful 4 The vite told the taxi driver to just keep driving’ because A he had forgotten his parents’ address. B_ he wanted to practise his sales technique, © he thought the taxi river was lost D he needed time to think about his future. ‘5 What does the wniter mean by ‘it was paying ‘dividends in paragraph 6? A. providing financial reward B creating opportunities to meet people © helping others with their lives bringing good luck 6 Whatis the writer’ atitude to his work? ‘A. He regards it as necessary to make money, B_He doesnt think hell be doing itn a few years. © He finds ithard to keep up withthe tectinology, D_He sees itas an important part of his ie, er Mihara ‘Ayear ago I'd left school, Iwas 18, and | was living in Brussels. My mother was texting me almost every day about the ewful jobs market in Britain, trying to persuade tne to come home and start a university course to give me better job opportunities. However, her ideas were all really dulltrain as an accountant, study law, become a teacher. Twas living with @ group of friencls in a flatin the contre of town, having fun. Lknew Mums suggestions were well: iniertioned and the result of nights spent worrying about. me. However, they didn’t exactly grab my attention, Thenyet another text appeared: how about sling mobile phones. Surely this was a bit desperate! But, thinking about fl ftad no deste to spend the rest of my if in Belgium, fun abit was, s0| informed my landlord and flatmates that 'd be Jeeving n two weeks and arranged an interview with a new company called Mobiles--Us, based in central Birmingham, not far rom where my parents ved. ‘Their shop was located in @ shopping mall ight in the middle ofthe city, and | found it easily. The interview went wrelland | got the job. | had expacted to be given some Iensive training for this sales role, but the only guidance Jrecaived followed immediately ater the interview, lasting allo ve minutes. Afterwards, the manager opened fis drawer and took out a dazen yeariong contracts anda sales script, Holding them out to me, he sai, ‘Read the script and learn it, then come back tomorrow, stand outside the shop, end start seling those phones. Astonished that | was expected to start work already, muttered something about finding customers. He took me fo the entrance of the shop and we watched the crowds of people walking past fora while. ‘Customers, he sai. Eager to get home and learn the script, and determined tostart earning my living as soon as possible, | stopped ‘taxi outsice the shopping mall. | told the driver the fame of the suburto where my parents lived and started reading the script to myself. When we got close, he ‘asked for the actual adress, but as | was only halfway through the script, I said ‘Just keep driving for now, and began to tead it aloud, 'Have you seen the amazing new mobile phone contract from Mobiles-rUs? | asked, Alter practising my script for ten more minutes, | said to “Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences. 41 Hold oni That's not fair— | 2 Yes, I ask John to help us = 3 He's great at ewimming underwater 4 Im not sure if Mark’s at home; 5 Tyo get hold of their latest CD — {6 He was winning forthe first 200 metres 7 Doyou know who holds the world record the driver, ‘So, are you ready to upgrade your phone and change to Mobiles--Us for a year, with a free month's trial?” That sounds lke 2 good deal, said the taxi driver and he signed on the dotted line. It's hard to express the feeling | experienced at that moment | imagine a footballer has sinvlar emotions when he stores the winning goal in an important match. All| can say is thet I felt that | had arrved. That {had found the thing | was good at and that doing it better and better was what | wanted to do from then on. | did't know the average salesman sells only 15 mobile phone contracts a month, and | soon broke all the records by selling several times that, to everyone from lavyyers to cleaners. | was making a small fortune in bonuses! had always been good at getting people to do what | wanted, ever since | was a boy, and at last it was paying dividends, Soon I was able to move out of my parents’ home, and into my own fat rm stil selling mobile phones a year later. Wil | still be doing it in ten years time? I honestly car't say Its quite possible that | will get tired of selling mobile phones ~ even though the technology is moving so fast and features change every few months. Its essential to keep moving if you want to get (on. But there is one thing | am sure of never get tired of the thrill get when | make a successful sale. That feeling wil stay with me until the day | finaly etre - why would | ever stop doing somathing | love doing? because he can hold his breath for ages. i's fantastic. but he couldirt hold on to the lead hold on, I'l phone him and see. that's not what | said! if can get hold of him. for the 100 m sprint? eteaege Being positive 37. | GRAMMAR Future (2): Continuous and perfect 1 Choose the correct future form. VOCABULARY Adjective and noun suffixes 1 Make these words into nouns or adjectives, and write them in the correct column below. Be careful 1 Ifyou keep spending like that, youll be spending / {youl have spent all of your money before we go. 2 Prease dont phone me bofore 700 because /'/ have Slept / 1! be sleeping at that time. By the end ofthis year, he twins will be going / wil ‘have been going to this schoo! for three years, 4 Mbe tee at 5.00 because 11! be finishing / 1 have finished all my homework by then, ‘5 We cant call on Pippa yet; shell be working / shell have been working on her music project 6 My grandtather willbe living / will have been living Inthe same house for fity years in December. 7 When we finally arrive at our destination, weil have to make any spelling changes necessary. “ment travelled / weil have been taveling 2,456 km! 8 Ifyou want to tak to Simon, hel be studying / het! ah =——-—_—__~+ have stuaied in the library ater lunch, Complete the sentences with one of the verbs -tion below in the future pertect simple or continuous. arve be bulld cook finish read wait write 1 By Friday afternoon, | this essay for four days! | 2 Don't come round at five oclock on Thursday — = | \ (nat) footbat practice by then. 3 Theyre having an anniversary party nex Weck. Complete the sentences with a noun or adjective | They. married for from exorcise 1. five years 11 Faways fel very when | waten 4 Do you ink you romantic fms, this book by the end of he month? 2 Danny wil do wel, but he needs alot of 8 By next summer, they this bridge for five years ~ and its stl not finished! 6 Ihope Dad sinner for us when we get home. Im starving! 7 Fm going home in five minutes. 1 3 because he isnt very confident, ‘Who won first prize in the fancy dress 2 My bicycle was stolen but tm not too sad because it ‘wasnt very Sremte ane ir mecty etry en 5 She denied all for the mistakes 8 By this time 0 that were made. atthe holiday reso 6 The of students aro in favour of © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or ut a tick (7) by any you think are correct. 1 | have finished my examinations in a couple (of days and then I'm going to @ small island, 2 When the concert will have finished you ean interview the conductor of the orchestra, 3 willbe continuing forfour days and finish on ‘Saturday. 4 When | arrive, Ibe wearing jeans and a green Tshirt 10 having longer summer holidays, ‘We tried to fix the hole with some newspaper, but it wasnit ata Itspoils my. ‘of a fim when there are noisy people in the cinema. ‘We had such a big argument that it threatened our at one point, but we soon forgave ‘each other and are now closer than ever, My ifesiyle is quite 5 I swim twice ‘week, and | usually ride my bike to school. | WRITING An article (2) B In this article the topic sentences have been removed, the first sentence of each paragraph, which introduces the ‘See Prepare to write box, Student's Book page 35. topic. What might each one say’? EXAM Tips A. \t.might. describe, the. type. of: location. Writing Part 2 (an article) iB ‘Make notes in answer to each point or question: S in the task. o + Sammie tons pan ow. | rhage het sentnes tom he ate Mh hen tertence to the paragraphs. 1 ttwould aso have incredible sports facies 4 Look at the questions in the exam task. 2 My perfect university would be located ia he Make notes of your answers. middle of cool ty. 3 There would be luxury accommodation for those students who dont ive nearby. 4. Every classroom would be equipped with the most awesome computer technology. 5 Look at the structure of the essay. Which paragraph deals - ) with these topics? You have seen this announcement on an Setopl English-language website for students. 4 living 3 location 2 lelsure 4 learning ‘My portect schoo! Ifyou could choose any schoo! or university to go to, where would it be located? What kind of things would you be able to do there? What faciltios would ithhave? The best articies will be published here on our website. 6 Articles often use informal language, and address the reader directly. Read the article (and the topic sentences) again. 1 Find four informal adjectives (one in each paragraph 1~4): 2 Underline two sentences where the readers addressed directly, Wite your article Wie youraricle. ______)_ 17 @® Use your notes from exercise 2 and the paragraph headings in Exercise 5 to organise your aticle.Then write t using 140-190 words. 2 read the article belo, ignoring the gaps. Has the writer answered all the questions? Are any ofthe answers similar to yours? My perfect university cr Rome. lb would be wear shops, cinemas, 1a ice ib to be somenhere like News York oF Ret ! ; ‘ ‘museums and Uneatres. Bub ib would. be such a Wg Universiti, that it would have shops i ne of ae enn, 90 yo wouldnt have to Lean it very often to use when they wank, of course, There 2. They should, all be free for the students f Ms see ei ee adn ees ara ak, where saderis can we lt in peaceful otsesphere, Wouldn't that be great? = vest Shout rave fee wie for shaders who want to Wing in tle om © enh mn better, class sizes would be ‘small, with fifteen students at most, 50 the teacher can give full attention to each individual Every student woul. have 4 large bedrcom aad ae coveity reatauvart would be really Fartasticy Ya definitely go there! Would you? 4 study, And, on top of al Bray and serve the most delicious food! Being positive © i # 40 VOCABULARY Phrases with in, out of at, by 1 Complete the sentences with in, out of at or by 1 Idicrit mean to delete the ernail~ | did it accident 2 Wemet secret fo plan Marta's surprise party 3 Itvas completely ‘character for David to lose his temper lke that 4 Please let me know ‘advance It you can't come to dinner, 5 Sixteen people all turned up to wateh our frst performance, 6 answer any questions you have class tomorrow, 7. She found out completely moved house, 8 The car driver admited he was {aut for the accident 8 Dont give your details on social media websites — theyre Fisk of being misused, 10 The boy on the skateboard appeared detail during the hanes that her trend had nowhere and ran straight into met 2 Match the phrases with the definitions. 1 intouch no longer a popular style 2 at yourbest b having shared characteristics 3 outa fashion © being in op concition 4 byheart «having contact with 5 in common © so that you remember all of something 6 inpublic fina place where everyone can see 1 2 a 4 5 6 3 Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as. the one above. Include a phrase from exercises 1 or 2. 1 All my tionds use text messaging to stay in contact Al my friends keep 2 This message has suddenly appeared on my screen, ‘This message has appeared 3 Ihave a great group of frends. We all ike doing the ‘same things, | have a great group of friends, We have 4 Titel you all about my problem tomorrow. tell you about my problem 5 Rachel and | hadnt seen each other for years but We met at the gym without planning it Rachel and | hadrt seen gach other for years but we met Unit 10 woe 4 Answer the questions about you, 1 What was the last thing you did in secret? 2 Have you ever done anything out of character? What? 3 How far in advance do you make arrangements for the weekend? 4 How many cousins do you have inall? When was the last time you dle something by accident” 6 Have you ever been blamed for something when you werent at fault? READING 1 Look at the definition of coincidence. Have you ever experienced a coincidence? What happened? coincidence (n): when two very similar things happen at the same time but there is no reason for it 2 The sections A-F in the article on age 41 are in the wrong order. Read the article and put them in the correct order. 12 2 3 4 5 6 3 Choose the best tite for the article. 8 Coincidences — magie or maths? Great coincidences in history © No such thing as coincidences tetramer yee ‘having dinner in a restaurant in the city of Monza. | Hewat surprised todscoverthatte restaurant | einer | ceracsinnernmuninaimane, | hing ‘revealed that they were born in Turin on the same ant thathappened at ‘were born fn Turin on the sa in an unexpected location, an ever called Margherita the name of the queen whom aoe ct day_ there are many vases of coincidence But Umberto had married on thesameday—and that | Te the ei ve chance events, with no special meaning? Of do Shing therestaurantwas openedonthedayofthe Kings | are they jst meaning? Her are a couple of examples OF Coronation. Sadly, the restaurant onnerwasshot | theytaves de dead the next morning, Then, later that same day, | reo a een err King Umberto | was also shot dead. omeasucanciaieel © ss rrencrespteuere ‘the mostastonishingly incredible coin complete absence ofall coincidence! Wha all? Ever? That would be a sui | “or mnpermni ithe i When seven billion people all dreary Ge ‘So whatare we to make of these extraordinary events? One | Ream eee explanations known as the Law of Large Numbers. This ays Bee ee aris ome my See thatwithalarge enough sample, many strange oinciencesare |) « itty happen. The woublels, we humans finditveryificutto |) himvherself and fling babies are key to land on Seeman. fy] ‘the same person - very very rarely. ; eee a a ener || | | - 4 The information in all these sentences except one is 5. Find words in the article which mean the | Lad incorrect. Tick (v) the true sentence and correct the others. following. 1 King Umberto was surprised to find the restaurant owner had 1 did not die (A) been married tothe same woman as him. 2 (ot surprising ntormaion) told oF given (8) 2 The restaurant ouner ded ater King Umberto. 3 tothink about (0) 4 lackot €) 3 Joseph Figlock was injured twice by the same baby. 4 The Law of Large Numbers says that coincidences are expected to happen. 5 John Alen Pauios is very surprised that coincidences happen. Hy GRAMMAR Modals (2): Modals in the past 3. Complete the conversations. Use a modal verb + have and the verbs in brackets. 1A: You (ask) Tom before you borrowed his bike. He thought it had 1 Choose the correct answer. 1. No wonder Jane is angry with you. You shouldn't / wouldn't / needn't have forgotten hor birthday! oat eolen, 2 Itwas an amazing show. You would have / should B: But maybe fe. en have I didn't need to bought a ticket when you had ime borrow it~ and | really needed to get othe the chance. rary below it dosed! 3 We needn't have taken / shouldn't have taken / A thdocortt mation did't need to take any food to the party becauee (tka) He was wo knew there would be lots there. really worried. 4 Imsony. | would should J wouldn't have tld you B: Welle wory):t that | wasnt coming out onight. brought straight back when I irished! '5 She thought she was going to fail, but she Dat (ont that shew et wouldnt / should / needat have worried. She vosterday’s pizza | fel n now passed easily! B: You (tell) me you: 6 | should / would / needn't have been so wersturant Aisappoinied if we had missed your concert last (es0R) senetiig toryou night. : | thought that I (ask) 7 We needn't should / wouldn't have run all the way ‘you to cook anything because there was a sie to the station. The train was an hour late! of pizza on the table! 8 You shouldn't have / didn't need to / wouldn't have (kd you gob Ystoa ache nthe story comee? been so rude to that man! Pa gaya ra Use should have or shouldn't have and one of the (be) able to go verbs below. ‘anyway as | was away last wook, twas interesting. | buy eat lock play remember study (attend) it either as Id passed the course too, but m glad i did. 4 As Thank you for the lovely present. You really (spend) so much money on me. You cart afford it B: I know, but you deserve it. | | 2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. already done enough to pass the course. | (92) the summer job in the restaurant without you. © Sho ..shoild. have... 4 He ‘A: That's not true, You locked. her bike 80 (ask) me for help. They much cake. (employ) You anyway. You were pertect forthe job! 4 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or put a tick (/) by any you think are correct. 1 Ithad been better to stay in bed. 2 I wondered how it would be without you. 2 He 3 She is umbrella, so 3 fs OK ithe really wanted to understand. ‘many things. 4 I shouldnt had done this, because | falled the test. '5 According to the advertisement, the show should have started at 19,30, 6 We had mountain bikes, so we thought that it could be a great idea to visit the forest. 4 She more, computer games unill 3.00 a.m, 8 could VOCABULARY Extended meanings of words 4 Match the words with their‘extended meanings: + poling stood very sit 2 flooded badly affected 3 froze € questioned thoroughly or aggressively 4 bright very warm, 5 giled unclear 6 foggy 1 happy and hopeful 7 ht 4 awived in large numbers or amounts 8 angel fh avery good person 1 2 3a 4 5 6 7 8 2 Complete the sentences with a word from exercise 1. 4. OF course Mil babysit for your lite boy — he's an 2 My understanding ofthis isa bit . because the teacher didnt explain it wry clearly 3 The head teacher the student {or half an hour before letting him go. 4 You donit need your coat today —its outside! 5 The crows the doors opened at 7001 {6 The loss of his student grant him very hard, 7 have a new job and a new flat, so the future is looking for me at the moment. 8 She in fear when she saw the large dog running towards her. into the theatre when USTENING 1 You will hear a man called Rob Mitchell, who works as a party planner, talking about his work. What do you think are the most important things about planning a good party? EXAM Tips Listening Part 4 Remember that you have one minute for this part before the recording stars to prepare yourselt «+ Read the questions and options caretul to get an idea ‘wat th speakers wl aking about. «+ Undorine the important words and Istn forthe ens they exes | 2 6 Look at question 1 and the underlined key ‘words. Then listen tothe first part ofthe interview land choose the correct answer. 41 What does Fob say about the job of party planning? ‘A its enjoyable but quite stresstul Bt makes going to gartias more fun, © its nota good jb fr shy people 3 Look at this paragraph from the interview and underline the parts which gave you the answer, Well, | certainly like doing it— but that’s not to say its one big party. I's a business, obviously, and you have to please the client. Just because you're throwing a party doesn’t mean i's party time for you. There's a lot of work and alot of worry involved, and you really Can't relax until the last guest has left, and the venue is cleaned up. But if you don’t mind working long hours, then yes~ it's a funjob, land even beter if you enjoy the social aspects. © @ Read questions 2-6. Listen to the interview and for questions 2-6 choose the best answer (A, B or C). 2 How oid Rob gel started in prt planning? ‘A He was encouraged by his parents. BB Achance meeting led to employment Anevents company was looking for ana. 43 What does Rob say about cole cents? A. They try to pay less money for their parties. 8 They are rather ifcul to work wih © They ate less demanaing han oer wealthy peorle. 4 What was te problem with monkeys being involved with one party? {A They cost 00 much money. They were a danger to uosts. © They caused alot of mess. 5. In Rob’ opinion, tho essontial ingredient fora sucoesstl pay i A. the imagination of the planner. B the size of the party space. © the poople who attend, 6 Wha does Rob enjoy most about his job? {A having the opportunity t0 moot colebres Being in an unprediciabe stuation easing a considerable amount ‘Complete the sentences with the correct form of expect or words formed from it. 4 The main thing about any surprise is that itis Mitisnt, itisnt a surprise! 2 Dont worry. You're not tobe ‘successful the frst time you try. 3 That film didnt realy live up to my a fm afraid at ‘bumped into Tony when | was Inthe library yesterday. 5 Shes you to buy her a very ‘expensive birthday present this year! 6 Tom's always late. Hell be here soon, 1 surprise! 43 VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs: relationships 1 Complete the crossword, using the clues on Across the right. 4 It someone looks ... on you, they think they are better than you. 5 When you go... someone, you dont like them any more 8 A reliable porson will nt... you down. 9 To’...itoff means that you get on well with somebody straight away. 10 you... ater somebody in your family, it means you have | inherited some of their characteristis. Down 1 To’... up to'someone means to admice them. 2 When you... wth someone, you end the relationship. 3 Ifyou can ... on someone, that means you can rely on 6 To". out with means that you have an argument 7 People who ... together always support each other 2 Use a verb from Box A with a word from Box B to make phrasal verbs. Complete the text with the correct form of the phrasal verb. BoxA: count fall go hit Box B: after down downon off off look stick take ‘on out together upto [My name's Maria, and I come from a very close family — we alvays My mother Is my role modol —| really” her. think ‘my mother as she's quite shy and has only two really close friends. m quite shy and don't make friends easily ether, but when | do become friends with someone, I'm very loyal. You can always * ime to stand by you in your tne of need. | will never § you 1 | dont ke people who others and think theyire better. I you do that, we will probably with each other, We might get on with each other at frst; maybe we it straight away because Wwe both like the same music oF something. But I wil © you very {quickly if hear you talking about somebody else in an unpleasant way! Please leave a message below if you want to chat. Maria READING 1 Complete the table with the different forms of the words. oun z [adjective _ adverb | (|e 5] | 000 confident 44° Unita save them '2 Decide whether a noun, verb, adjective or 3 Write the opposite of these words by adding un-, sche wl tn each gop In thse sontences. teste Then complte te sontonces wih wor rom i ite 5 hos oarciee 1 This invention is of no. value. 2 likely 6 possible | 2 We had to ask for incomplating | tepee 2 age 1 happy 3 Tey Secor dug wie fay mre Sig eee a coro 8 indertand 4 Tho pace werent 2 athe pascone ying egal 5 Faded and managed ve cxrjone fo he re T asing an us ot English Pot 6 Itis extremely that they wall be |) © Read the whole ton first, to got an idee of what tis about, 7 eara rere foopmk ate a tt wo yom me oso nie | «Some pent anvting boy fevers ee — read in the newspapers. For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Most people think of snakes as soltary, (0). aggressive...creatures.The AGGRESSION idea that they have a caring, famiy-loving side might seem (1) . LIKELY | but thats exactly what a new study of ratlesnakes in the USA has revealed @ have discovered that female rattlesnakes choose to build SCIENCE their nasts close to those of their sisters, even if the animals werent raised together. These (3) recently published in the journal Biology FIND Lorors, suggest that itis (4) for the snakes to stay together in BENEFIT family groups. However, this tendency to group together aiso has some disadvantages, for ‘example, there is more (5) for food. Also, predators can rotun — COMPETE again and again to attack group members. On the other hand, being in a group improves the snakes (6) to dotend themselves. ABLE ‘Although other reptiles have long been known to show sociable a this isthe first time that the BEHAVE @ has been made about snakes, OBSERVE ‘With new research being done all the time, the sriake's reputation may eventually be proved wrong. ‘Choose the correct answer, a, b, orc. 4 You don't have to start all... just because you made one mistake: a inall b overagain of a sudden 2 lid like to travel all... before | start university a along b inal © over the place 3 All... that was a very successful trp a along b inal © over again 4 We were very surprised when it started to rain all. a ofasudden b along © inal '5 I knew all... that this course was going to be dificult, a inall b overagain along {6 About 700 students... signed the petition to get Mr Banks his job back. ain b along © over GRAMMAR Relative clauses 1 Cross out the pronouns that can be left out. (0 The book thet | read last week is going to be made int a fim, Is that the man who found your laptop? The steak that | ale lastnight wasrit vary good ‘Ace those the children whose teacher Is from Brazil? We didit enjoy the film that we watched last night. This car, which we bought last summer, is very slow. ‘My bestfriend, who Ive known since we were at primary school, is moving to France. Complete the sentences with who or which. 1 the pronoun can be left out, put itn brackets. 1 My uncle, lives in America, 2 We'e looking for a house bedrooms. 3 Tell me about the last football match you played in. 4 My grandmother doesrit trust people cant cook, 5 Did you over mest that pentriend you were writing to? 6 My bike, ‘money, has been stolen writes horror novels, has four | bought with my birthday Match 1-6 to af then join them with when, where, which, who or whose to make sentences with defining relative clauses. Make any other changes necessary. ‘A redhead is @ person Moscow isthe city I newer forgot that time ‘This is the house There arerit many taxi drivers There's that boy {ts famous for the Kremin. \We went tothe seaside in the rain His father teaches at my college. My grandtather was born here. ‘Their hair is red. ‘They have never had an accident. &. A.redhead. is... person. whose. Mair.(6. 4 © Correct the mistakes in these sontences or put a tick (v) by any you think are correct. 1. You are lucky because I've got the information who Yyou need about the new art class, 2 You will goto Protagona 7 who has a litle supermarket, 3. One morning we went to the beach wich was about 30 minutes from our campsite. 4 Tina had dreamed of winning a ballet contest since she was five years old, that was when she started her lessons, 5 twas a book by Shakespeare, so itis, ‘Shakespeare to blame, not me! VOCABULARY Compound adjectives 1 Complete the text with the words below. My best ffiencl's mothers quite strict when it ‘comes to parenting. When the children were young, they were always punished when they were | badly and rewarded when they were good. Their ives were very well with stict fimes for {going to bed and getting up in the momings No computers or? high- ‘equipment were cllowed in their rooms. Their mother was ciso catelul fo provide them both with o # wal. diet. seems to hove worked, because now that my fiend and his sister are * cup, they are very mature and ® self ‘young adulls 2 Combine one word from each column and match them to the definitions. smiddle- distance well aged last- term long: paid short- built woll- minute 1 having a large, strong body 2 traveling or communicating between two places that are a ong way apart 8. done at the latest possible ‘opportunity 4 inthe middle of your lite before you are old 5 earning a lot of money 6 lasting a short time, or relating to a short period of ime WRITING An essay (2) ‘See Prepare to write box, Student's Book page 57 4. Complete the table with the linking words and phrases in bold, according to their function. + enjoy computer games, whereas my brother cant stand them. 2 In my view, the conditions for economic growth are alin place. 3 Chiren today have a ot of treedom compared tolwith children forty years ago. 4 On balance, | think itis better to study fora career rather than study for pleasure. '5 The new stadium will force a ot of people to move. Furthermore, the city cannot afford it. 6 This s a badly writen essay. Moreover, ithas been copied from the internet 7 Most people hate the rin, In contrast, | ove going ‘out when it's realy pouring down! 8 On the one hand, | think global warming is causing alot of damage. On the other hand, Im enjoying the weather 9 To sum up, its a very bad idea to allow children under the age of 12 to work 10 People in hotter countries spend loss on heating Inaddition, the sun can used for heating water 2 Your English teacher has asked you to write an ‘essay. Read the title and add some information for ‘each note. » { Write an essay using all the notes and give the reasons for your point of view. itis better to be part of a big family than a small farily. White about: T home life ~ space, freedom 2 money 3 (your own idea) EXAM Tips Wirting Part 1 (an essay) eutral language inthe essay (not informa). {Make sure your essay is quite impersonal - dort use the ‘pronoun | to olen, theugh you can give your opinion. + Leain to.use a range of tinker. ‘3 Read the essay. Fillin the gaps with linking words ‘and phrases from exercise 1. ‘Many people in small fais of one orto children imagine that it would be rice to have a bigger amy, ‘many people in large familes might like to be part of a smaller family group! Is one realy better than the other? t itis often said that large families with four or more childcen are great fan Children from large families tend to be more socially confident. > «hen the lildren grow up, they appreciate te ife-long fiendship and support oftheir brothers and sisters, its tue that smaller families have a lot more money to spend on themselves! They can goon better holidays, and they can all ft one cur. Its very expensive for 2 family of, say, nine people to go anyuhere people in smaller faniis often hhaxe more space and more privacy at home ‘ there are advantages cand disadvantages about both ses of family z ~ think a mediumesized family auth two or three children is best. 4 Answer the questions about the essay. 4 Does the writer cover everything in the task? 2 What subjects other than home life and money does the writer mention? 3 Does the writer mention any of your ideas trom onercise 2? 5 Read the essay title below and add some Information for each note. Living at home with your parents is the best time of your life, Do you agree? Notes Write about + home ite 2. responsibilities 3 {your own idea) 6 @ Write your answer to the question in 140-190 words. Use your notes and give reasons for your point of view. ‘The family unit VOCABULARY Communication and effect 1 Match the verbs with the definitions. cheer up congratulate express inspire persuade, promote stimulate encourage to grow or become active make someane feel or react in particular way ‘make someone feel happier ‘make someone smile or laugh show thoughts or feelings with words or actions advertise tell someone that you are pleased that they have ‘done something good hh make someone agree to do something erence 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of lone of the verbs from exercise 1. 1 Most ofthe audience laughed at his joke, but wasnt atall 2 We are putting up posters to our band’ first ever performance. 3 Tonia looks sad, Let's do something to her 4 What is the government doing to the economy? 5 | spent ages trying to Jenny to ‘come with us, but she refused. 6 He finds it dificut to himsel in words, but he's an amazing painter. 7 Take to you on winning fist prize in the essay competition, 8 This fim ‘more optimistic viow of ite. 3 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1 I'motien amused when 2 always cheers me up. 3. The last time | was congratulated was when 4 My favourite way to express myself is 5 I'm inspired by 6 Nobody will ever persuade me to Unit 12 ‘lot cf people to have a READING 1 Juan Mann, the inventor of the ‘Free Hugs’ ‘movement, is about to appear on national TV. Read the introduction. How do you think he feels about Read the interview and put the questions in the ‘correct place. One question is not needed. ‘Do you get recognised even when you're not doing your free hugs? b Is that why you go by the false name Juan Mann? © How aig this al start, Juan? How do you feel when you give someone a hug? © What do you do when youre not giving out ‘ree hugs? So are you worried about how this fame is going to affect your lite? Read the interview again and answer the questions. 1 What word best describes how Juan felt when he ‘came back from London: lonely or pessimistic? 2. How did Juan foo! when he frst tried giving free hugs in the shopping malt? Was he afraid he ‘would be misunderstood or nervous but optimistic? 3 Does he like giving ree hugs to strangers because itis @ relaxing thing to do or because it gives him a senso of achievernent? 4 What are his feelings about becoming famous? ‘Does he hope it will make him rich or does he think nothing will change? 5 Does he use a falso name to kegp his activity secret from his family and frends or to put the focus on his actions? 6 What word best describes Juan's personality? Is he warm or ambitious? ° ink ret hs “Today GladMage is talking to Juan Mann, the inventor "of the Free Hugs phenomenon. He is set to be interviewed on national TV tomorrow night, and he's "feeling pretty nervous. GladMags Juan Mann: | came back from London in January 2008 nd my family and frends were spread across the world, Jas the only person | knew and | was all alone. My parents had divorced, | had broken up with my fiancée nd my grandmother was sick and | needed to feel happy. [went out to a party one night and completely ranciom person came up to me and gave me a hug. | felt hike & Fina! Sic months lator | decided to give away free hugs. It Was kind of strange walking up to a stranger without any form of introduction, and | didn’t want to bother anyone, sothat's why | held up my ‘Free Hugs’ sign. My frst hug ‘vas om a litle old lady. '¢l been standing with my sign for15 minutes and!| was terfiod, But 'd bean hoping that maybe one person out there would take me up on the offer, and the old lady ch GM: JM: Oh, | ust have a litle jal around the corner from myhouse ~ nothing spoctacular. | walk avzay rom work tnd ts all just gone. I don’t want to say where because ?m tying to keep work oxt of this whole thing —thoy're wally excitable! I's very quiet around here; nothing much goes on and that’s the way | ike it Giving free hugs is one thing that I've gone back to week after woek without fil because | know 'm doing something, it doesn't matter that the money not there and that i's not a career path, what matters is that it makes a difference to somebody's life just for a moment om: LIM: It's going to be interesting, but the important thing forme is being able to stay true to myself and keeping mmyjab. People wall notice me and Il be a bit famous for ‘ile but it will fade in the end. It's exciting but my life is, just going to carry on as it always has and as it always wil Il became a rich and famous ‘hugging celebrity’ | would sill be doing the same thing | do every week GM: IM: | keep my real name to myself because the whole thing about a diferent name is that its not about me, its fabout how it makes people feel and think. | used to say ‘Choose the correct phrase. prizes for my essays. {dori really care. head teacher about this. lite sister is concerned. '3 You can go home when you like, as a result of this /as far as Im concemed. 4 fm not sure, but as a matter of fact /as far as ! know, nobody has informed the '5 Tho Wanted are the best band in the world, as far as / as a matter of fact my tomy friends, ‘'m just one man! What can | do?! | did feo! that | was looking for something that was a litte bit more than what's out there, | had to do something cc JM: | cut my hair about a year ago because | was {getting stopped and hugged at petrol stations whi T'was buying milk. | felt a bit lke Superman and Clark Kent! This has grown beyond anything | ever thought, was possible. What started out asa way for me to get 2 smile out of strangers has turned into this social theory of peace and humanity. I want to go on TV to say thank you to everybody. 4 Giobat temperatures have risen as 2 result of /as far as | know industrial activity 2 think | write quite well As far as know / As a matter of fact, ve won several GRAMMAR The Passive (1): Review 1 Rewrite the sentences in the passive. Use by it itis important to add who or what does something, 0 We may record your call ‘Your. catl.may. be..recorded. 11 You use flour to make bread, 2 They dont allow people under 15 to watch this fm. ‘3 Sunlight provides the power in this house. 4 People in Brazil speak Portuguese, ‘The neighbours cat bit me on the leg. 6 My brother will arcange everything. 7 Somebody wil give you instructions on arrival 8 People are spending more on smartphones than ever betore 2 Five of the eight underlined clauses in the text can bbe made passive. Choose which five and rewrite ‘them in the passive. Last year experienced teal kindness trom a gil who. has since become my best friend. I had to change schoo! last summer because eariler in the year Dad's ‘sompany had moved him to an offce ina diferent. ‘awn, and the rest ofthe family joined him. That was dlticult for me — not only leaving my friends but the thought of having to make new friends. People have. ‘often described me as shy and is true, | find it very dificult to be relaxed with new people. Anyway, on my fist day at the new school, someone was showing me. Ino the building when this giri came bouncing up to Us and said, Hi, I'm Kate, your schoo! buddy. They've given me the jab of making you tee! welcome here Kate stayed with me all day ~ she sat with me in the. lessons, she explained how everything worked, she took me to lunch and introduced me to all her friends, Her kindness really impressed me that day. 1 3 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or put attick (7) by any you think are correct. 1 ike to wear clothes which are from cotton, 2 My bicycle has been stolen on 1th Sepiomber. 9 Ihave a ot of ends, bt my best tend cals Maria. 4 They eat special cakes which make fr the wedding, 5 ke the festival vory much and think t shoul be held again next year. 6 The frst restaurant is specialised in seafood, Causative 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have oF get and one of the verbs below. build clean cut delver look paint take take out 1 Tm thinking of my bioycie pink. What do you think? 2 It your computer isnt working, why don't you ‘Simon atit? He's good at that sort of thing. 3 Youll have to your photo 't youre applying for a passport. 4 || couldnt afford to go tothe hairdressers, so| iy friend, my hal 5 lrealy need to ‘my school coat tts thy! 6 She. a toon yesterday. 7 Mum couldnt be bothered to cook, so we apizza toour house, 8 My friend's parents a swimming pool in their back garden, 5 Imagine you are very rich. Write five things tht you would haveiget done for you every day. \ld have. my. meas. cooked. every. dy by. professional chet ue ing you VOCABULARY both, either, neither 1 Join the sentences with both, either or neither. 0 He speaks French, He speaks Spanish, He. speaks. bath. French. and. Spanish. 1 You can have a cake. Butt you have a cake, you carit have a bisout. 2 I dont ike cals. | dont lke dogs. 3 The fm was funny. The fm was also tightening, 4 Maria doesnit have any time, Donna doesnt have any time, 5 Maybe Greg is ying, Or maybe Dave is Wing. 6 He doesnt speak French. He doesrit speak Spanish. 2 Make five sentences about you and one other person. Use both .. and or nether nor Both. my, brother. ard. |, hate, otal, USTENING 4 Read the questions. What is each one asking you to listen for? Choose from this list. Question main topic speaker's purpose speakers feeling speakers opinion 1a dolall in the situation {reason for something EXAM Tips ing Part t ramber tht each recording is repeated batore the next question comes. «+ Underine key words in the options and precet what you might haar + Uist fo the whole extract botore choosing your answes, | as a question may locus on its goneral idea or purpose, «+ Check your ansiners when you listen the second time, 2 You will hear people talking in eight different situations, Read the questions, and underline the ‘main ideas that might help you get the correct answers. 1. You hear a gir talking about her summer job. How did she feel about it? A enthusiastic B uninterested © confused 2 You hear a radio announcement about @ youth circus. What are isteners being invited to? ‘A apertormanoe B apary ¢ atak 3 You hear a gir talking about a race she's just won ‘What doas she say about it? A. She was disappointed by it. She didnt have a chance to celebrate it. She was too exhausted to enjoy it. 4 You hear a TY producer talking about his favourite ‘TV show, Why does he lke the show? & tis romantic. B tis funy. © Itissad, 5 You hear a journalist talking about his early career Why is he telling the siony? {Ato point out that formal training is necessary these days B to say that its important to get on well with the editor © toshow that he was already a talented journalist {6 You near two friends taking about a schoo! event. What isthe boy doing? A expressing aworry B defending a decision © ‘refusing an invitation 7. You hear a young woman talking about rock- climbing, Why does she doit? [A Ihives her a sense of achievement. B It satisfies her need to be alone. Itlets her escape her daily outing, 8 You hear a git telling a friend about a problem she has with ner phone. What does the gil dacide to do? ‘A. suggest her parents buy her a new phone B buy anew phone herself © ack the shop to sort out the problem 3 ©7 @ tisten. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A,B or C). Making a difference | | | VOCABULARY Leadership and achievement 4 Answer the questions about you. 1. Complete the table with the words below. Some. words can go in two columns. ‘adventurous appreciation _caullous cticism doubt fairly influence motivated standout strict sympathetic target 2 Match the words from exercise 1 to the definitions, 1 wiling to try new and ficult things 2 something that you try to achieve 3 ina right and reasonable way 4 the power to affect a persoris behaviour taking cate to avoid danger 66 when you say that someone/something is bad 7 fee! uncertain about something 8 bo better than other similar things 9 making sure rules are not broken 10 keen to succeed 11 understanding and aring 12 when you understand how good something is 3 Complete the sentences with words from exercises Yand2, 1 Doyou ever your ability 1 succeed” 2 Sara realy wants to be the best student in school ~ she's the most pporson | know, 3 Dont be so You have to take risks sometimes! 4 Have you set yourself a bofore the end of the year? 5 He's talented writer, but he doesnt accept to achieve is wrong! 6 This essay is boring ~ you should try to be more inyour thinking, 7. The audience showed their by standing up and applauding for over a minute 8 | also have trouble sleeping at night, s0 | am very about your problem, 52° Units 11 Who isthe most adventurous person you know? 2 What keeps you motivated to work hard ai school? 3 Which person has the biggest influence on your ie? 4 Who in your class stands ou! rom the crow? 5 Inwhat situations are you happy in your own company? READING EXAM Tips [Penang ana use ot english Parts | +" Read ne text uch tte general meaning ad ead the sentences A-G, underinng tho im * Look atthe sentences the text below and ater he on posebi leks ath he sererces ‘+ Read through the whole text with your answers in place to check it makes sense 1 Read the article and underline pronouns and Phrases which could be connected to something in the missing sentences in exercise 2. Look at the Sentences before and after the gap. The first one has been done for you. 2 @ Choose from the sentences A-G the one, which fits each gap 1-8. There is one extra ‘sentence which you do not need to use. ‘A What the leader says must be followed, failure must be punished and postive results celebrated, B Tobe seen as a good leader, the main thing is. {0 mee! the expectations of your followers, © They are more interested in personal success or fame than in working hard as part of a team to achieve something great, D Individuals who are well-trained and know What they are doing are more than eapable of managing themselves and are very motivated, E This means litle more than having encouraging Chats about their pertormanee, and giving elear (goals for them to wark towards, F tis important, of course, but not always as otucial as people might think G There is nothing more frustrating than a bad leader who cart make decisions or upsets people, Hoya rte ae cng ard teacher ast and dpe ont Do youn tht once pest yan ies eeeahpeleve goo outs The welt othe ie sunons equ det ade tft se pn leo’ de Sper a Pte ats Aveson hve been esearcung aos od endeship for anew book o” “Weber yout a student rgnisinga school projec the manager of» pot cla or the President ofthe United States import | But why do such situations occur, and what exactly. far “dove ean bythe treacle In fc shoving a enero: Dlg oealvays the best solo "ama isd realoxbns Pot Spice|_[ Jota oe example for some people offing totake the aon» Sel projet rata sports ever st an easy ayo avo doing the boring a physcaly demanding tsk thatarecften “pes “Vie researching the book sixleader types were ientifed. Inerestinly, they are otal postive. Three ofthe sb are quite egthe the Tobot,the-buland the commander Someone wha 3 commander might have the right personality to “Jantheritary,for example [9 |B this attitude does'tnspte people who donot share the view that this the “pestay to get tings done Tete postive leadership types are know a the'sar the garden andthe’ end: These leaders allmake sure that everyones happy nthe le and fees part ofthe group faye has thor ov eas about the best wey toleed others but te mostimportant facoristha the leader and their {olowers sare the des of good leadership. You ned te have diferent tyes of eaershipfo diferent situations | 4] fr example, there so point in beng 2 renn station which quires a commander: “Geng o00d leader then essetaly bout responding tothe situation and adeeessing the needs ofthe roup-| [8] “My then, do we atten admire people who are perhapsgreat or fous leaders? it seems that or Kens about the prtnce of adersip are unreal and some people like to show they can lea ust to be popular than actual help people solve problems creer canes, Mobos aren ap ant elder heya Ree eueercns Tel Petes Slr ns cd er Myles afb everient Se eeronciee-ininisnoe te ste, more elt Itisachivable : cc 3 Find words or phrases in the text which mean the following. + having knowedge orexperience of something (paragraph 2) 5 2 make someone tee! that j ‘ney want todo sometting Match the meaning of fead in these sentences to the correct definition. andican doit (paragrePn4) 4 ye need someone to lead ths team, or we wil never win anything Athatfsime, Brazil were leading by three goals. 5 one ofthe tings that hs 8 | 3 One of the worlds leading climate scientists Is ving a talk here tonight affect ona situation, decision, |g ut want to ead a quict if in the country § Ener ot. (sae 6) My clever idea led to the company making ots of money. ‘The footpath leads directly to the river. be in control of best ahead cause something to happen ‘900s in the direction of lve in a particular way 4 alain fo the most important characteristics or ideas of something (paragraph 6) Leading the way 83 1 @ Complete the second sentence so that it “has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five ‘words, including the word given. 0 You must give everyone enough time to finish GIVEN Everyone .... must. Be. given... enough time tofinish. 1. They/re always making me do the boring jobs. BEING Teo, ‘he boring jobs. 2 Tobe given the chance ofa leading role ina Hollywood fim is Amy's dream. OFFERED ‘Amy dreams ones leading role mn a Holywood fm. 8 You must submit your projects by Friday. HANDED Your projects. ‘ 4 Most people think thatthe new proposals are an. improvement. GENERALLY ‘The new proposals an improveent. ‘5. The judges told David about the prize before they told anyone else. FIRST DAVE nn rae the prize. 6 The camp leaders might stop under-18s from ‘90Ing on the climbing tip. ALLOWED. Undor-18s ‘on the efimbing trip. 2 Complete the paragraph with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. l'verecently started ata new school where students in their final year can | (reward) for years of good behaviour by (ive} more responsibilty. This involves mainly helping younger students with problems, but its aso possible for other students 2 (punish) by the'student officers! ifthey notice any discipline issues, Now m sure ‘most students appreciate (help) sometimes, but no one really wants : (tell) what to do, or punished, by another student: It depends on the student to a great extent, though ~ you can see that some of them positively enjoy (handy the opportunity to act as teachers in some ways! io ‘Unit 13 fold about Reading and Use of English Part 4 FRead each fst sentence careluly and think about ts meaning, ‘+ Road your completed socond santance to check that Our anewer means tho Same asthe fst sentence. + Make sure you have not changed the word that e gen, 3 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or ut a tick (¥) by any you think are correct. 1 It will save a lot of electricity as solar energy is used. 2 As could be seen, bikes are really very good: ‘cheap, fast and healthy 3 I believe that this question can be looked at from ‘several points of view. 4 ttl be prepare by our schoo! cook VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs with up 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs below in the correct form. 1. The company was upin 2012, 2 Siow down! I cant Up with you. 3 For homework this week we have to upastoy. 4 Astrange woman ‘up tome and started talking. 5 That fim just about up to my expectations, 6 Up cant hear you. 7 How many people upto the party last night? 2 Rewrite the underlined parts of the sentences using phrasal verbs from exercise 1. 0 Jo's starting a publishing company on the internet. o's, setting. up... publishing. company. 1 I believed his story butt tums out he invented the. whole thing! 2 What a wonderful show! It met all my expectations, ‘3. He speaks so quickly that itis heed to follow him, 4 ‘The policeman approached me and asked me for my name and address. '5 Youll have to talk more loudly because the ‘microphone isnt working properly. 6 I thought they werent coming, but they eventually arrived an hour late, WRITING An informal letter {Gee Prepare to write box, Student's Book page 28. 4. Read the exam task below. How many questions does Bobbi ask? ‘You have received this loter from your English ‘speaking friend Bobbi, (What are you doing over the summer holidays? [im thinking of appiying for a job here as a leader ‘tan inteational camp for children. | need some ‘advice from you on what | should include in my application! What qualities do you think the camp ‘would be looking for in a leader? Do you think my English is good enough to work in an international ‘camp? What else should | say? Hope to heat from you soon. Bobbi 2 Read the letter, ignoring gaps 1-10 for the moment. Has the writer answered all of Bobbi's questions? Hi Bei What a great ideal It would be fun to work in an untermational, camp, lm sure pu make an excolert Leader #5 you are so! 4o do your best in everything. Besides Unab, you wouldn'’ behave too # with the children, but let them enjey themselves within the camp rules. You veedn't worry abeut your Level oF English ~ its fine and, wt’ more, you rave @ very * accent, $0 everyone will understand whab you say I wish | could. speak a foreign language as + as you do | thine the * ring to stress on your application is your rowledge of locking after kids. For instance, you've dare aiysiting en @ ‘basis for a while row, hhavertt you? You could, also exciain why vos think yo would ake agro. sade. Tn sure the job wil require long heurs, 0 describe yourself 8" ~ but alnays cheerful! Last bat wot least, ypu could also talk * ‘about your Love OF set and music, a both are. very to this Kind. of work Why not offer to bring your own guitar? ‘Good, tuck ~ | ope you get Bre jo! Love, Max Wilting Part 2(an informal letter) Read the Part 2 question carefully, including the extract from te ent leer + Spend afew minutes making notes about what to wit about ojoctves + Organise your lotr cleat in paragraphs. + Use informal language and include sutab and adverbs. 3 Complete the letter with the adjectives and adverbs below. essential hardworking relevant strictly ‘lear enthusiastically ftuently regular extremely motivated 4 Read the letter again. What is covered in each paragraph? ‘a Bobbi ability in English paragraph bb Bobi tree-time interests paragraph © encouragement for Bobb paragraph Bobbi’ skills and experience paragraph Find linking phrases in the letter that mean the ‘same as 1-4 below. There is one in each paragraph. + finaly 2 for example 3 apart trom 4 another thing 6 © Now answer the letor task in exercise 1 | in your own words, Follow the advice in the Exam tip and remember to include a range of adjectives and adverbs. Write 140-190 word 56 VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs 1 Complete the crossword, using the clues below. ‘Across 4 Weld better stop and lat the engine ... down; its geting to0 hot. 6, you should... off when the traf light turns green 8 This tran is going to pul... ofthe station in two minutes, 8 I don't know where to go so we must... up with Louis in the car in front. 11 Ono! | think ve just... over some glass. Down 1... down! The speed limit is only 50 here 2 There's a football match on today ~ that could... us up. 3 Somathing’s wrong with the car. | think were going to down, 5 This fog is awful. can hardly... out the car i font 7 The train pulled... the station ten minutes late. 8 Did that car just pull... and the driver empty his rubbish bin? 10 Can you .. up here for a minute while | get some cash? 2 Match the phrasal verbs in exercise 1 to these definitions. 1 stop for a short time 2 stop working (ot an engine) 3 become less hot 4 hit something with a moving vehicle 5 be able to see only with diffculty 6 travel atthe same speed as 7 stop briefly atthe side of something, eg the road 8 artiveat (ofa trainfcar) 9 start to move {ina car) 10 leave (ofa tain/car) 11 reduce speed 12 delay Unit 14 3 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs, 1 Can you here Please, driver. This is where | want to get out 2 Thetrain was because of a crash on the train line 3 twas too foggy 10 the road signs, You'e driving too fast, 5 Adriver ne tome and asked me for directions 6 Ourcat was When it wes running across the road. 7 Keane with you because you run to fast 8 The bus driver petrol station to fil up. 9 We were annoyed when the bus just as we turned the corner 10 'm too hot Let's just sit in the shade and fora write, 11. Do you know what to do if your car 12 We've missed the train — its ofthe station now. READING 1 Read the detinition of ecotourism in the first Paragraph of the text. Choose the ‘ecotourist’ holiday below. 4 a holiday organised by a large company in which large group travels around, staying and eating in international hotels 'b aholiday in which a few people explore a ‘natural area with a local guide, staying in local accommodation © a holiday to a resort that is stated by people fom all over the world and where you spend 14 days on the beach 2 Match the aspects of ecotourism 1-7 to the paragraphs A-G. 1 It provides direc financial benefits for conservation. 2 Itbuilds environmental awareness 3 It provides financial benefits for local peopl. 4 ‘thas very litle negative impact. 5 It respects local culture. 6 invoNes travel to natural destinations. 7 Wtsupports human rights and democratic movements, + tin al CeOTOURISM —« etirion Take only photographs leave only footprints: That was the golden rule forthe responsible traveler in Depa Butrowadays ecotourism s big business ane The Internationa Ecotours Soiety (IS) has “dene as esponsible ave to natural areas that encourages conservation af the environment and rows the welfare of local people! Trips to exotic places ae very popular with young people, who tend ery environmentally avre. So what are the things tolook for ina tour operator fyou want your fobe truly green? According to TES, there are several aspects to genuine ecotourism: i “These places are often remote areas, whether & Inhabited or uninhabited and ace usualy Under some kind of environmental protection scheme Tourism causes damage. Ecotourism tris to ‘reduce the negative effects of hotels. tras, and ‘ther things by using ether recycled materials ‘otlocal building materials, renewable sources cfenergy, tecycling and safe disposal of waste, and environmentally sensitive architecture. Ecotourism means education, for both tourists and residents of nearby communities. Before departure tour operators should supply ttavelers with reading material abour the country, environment and local people, as well asrules for both the traveller and the industry self This information helps prepare the ‘tourist to earn about the places visited. ich Ecotourism helps ralse money for ‘9 ‘eavironmental protection research and ‘education in a variety of ways, including park entrance fees, taxes on tour companies. hotels, ailines and aiports, and voluntary donations. 3 Answer the questions about the article. 1 According tothe article, what does ecotourism ry to reduce? 2 What two groups of people does ecotourism seek to educate? 3 What two things beneft financially from ecotourism? “4. What makes it ificult 10 be ‘culturally sensitive? [National Parks and other conservation areas will only survive if there ae happy people’ around their borders. The local community must be involved with and receive income. and other benefts (clean water, roads, health clnis, et) from the conservation area and its tourist facilites. Ecotourism is not only ‘greene but aso tres to be culturally sensitive and have arminimal effect on both the patural environment and the human population of host ‘country. Tiss not easy, especially since ecotourism often Involves travel to remote areas where small and isolated ‘communities have had litle experience of interacting with foreigners. ‘Although toutism i often seen asa tool for building international understanding and world peace, this does not happen automatically. Frequently, infact, tourism helps the ‘economies of undemocraticstates. Mass tourism pays very Tee attention to the politial system ofthe host country oF ‘struggles within. Ecotourism is much more aware ofthe political situation. [Most tour operators who can truly be called ecotourism providers are trying to meet as many of these etriaas | possible. Thisis vey difficult for anyone operating eco- ‘ours, and itis highly doubtful that any one project or ‘operator can claim to meet them all. However it does glve a base of ideas to work from when looking into whether somethings or isnt ecotourism. 4, Find words in the text which mean the following, 1 health and happiness (introduction) 2 far away (A) ‘unwanted things (B) 4. money or goods given tonelp a person or ‘organisation (D) 55 How easy ist 10 find an ecotourism provider which covers all 5 talking or doing things ‘of the aspects fisted here? with other people (F) Getting ther 87 AMMAR Reported speech 1 Compiete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 1 We cant help you. They told us they help us, 2 This is the first time I've tried prawns. “Tom says that this the fst time he prawns. 3 They'e going to the new club next weekend. He told me they tothe new club the next weekend, 4 The soup is much nicer when it's served hot ‘Sarah says the soup much nicer when it hot 5 The original idea was not a practical one. Mark admitted that the original idea ‘practical one, 2 Complete the reported speech statements. 1 | won't be going on holiday this year ‘Sam says 2 She wanted to come to Kenya with us. He said she 3. I've always supported the idea of responsible tourism, ‘She says 4m organising a trip to Tibet. She sai. 5 | can arrange the whole thing for you He told us. 6 Fity million tourists will be visiting Attica this year. She claims. 3 © Choose the correct sentence in each pair. 1. Heli him that you will arrive next week, but! dont think he understood, 1b told him that you would arrive next week, but | dont think he understood. The officer said that wo had to be quiet 'b'The officer told that we had to be quiet. a twas about three o'clock and | asking the other people if they had seen my sister b twas about three o'clock and | asked the other people if they had seen my sister. 4 a The officer said that David had forgatten to turn his camera of bb The officer told that David had forgotten to turn his camera of. | ‘4 Write the ex: VOCABULARY Reporting verbs 1 Match the verbs to the def t words that these people said. 1 Ted says that air travel is going to get much more, expensive, 2 She said she had enjoyed her holiday in Nepal very ‘much, 3 Jade said she had been trying 1o reduce her earbon footprint 4 The agent says that the best holidays arent always, the most expensive. 5 Polly said she would never forgot the week she had spent in inca, 6 Our teacher told us we'd never have a better ‘opportunity to study abroad. tions below. 5 insist 6 persuade criticise 7 point out enquire 8 rocommend 1 agree confess 2 3 4 {say that something or someone is bad bb admit to doing something bad © say firmly that something is rue make someone believe that something is true € tell someone a piece of information advise that something should be done 9 ask or information fh say that you wil do something you have been asked todo Choose the correct reporting verb. 1 My fends persuaded ! recommended me to go 10 ‘South America with tham, 2 We pointed out ortcised thatthe hotel pool had been closed for most of the week. 3 James insisted / confessed to leaving the towels on the beach the day before 4 The driver agrood / enquired to take us to the mountai for twenty dolar 5 Sandra persuaded / insisted thal she had packed the ‘sun cream, but we couldn find it anywhere. 6 Did you point out / enquire if under-18s were allowed to attend the quiz evening? ‘shed pto ad been ‘onthe ountains ‘edthe lowed to 1 Have you ever stayed in a holiday resort? Make a list of the kinds of job the people who work there do. 2 ©s vou wilt hear tive short extracts in which teenagers are talking about summer jobs in a holiday resort. Which speaker ‘enjoys their job the most? 3 Os Listen carefully to Speaker 1 again and choose from [AcH what the speaker says about their job at the holiday resort. [A I need to be prepares for the unexpected, B itcan be boring at times. € Imfinging it easier than Ici at fist D Ihave wo be sociable mostottne Speaker? [TH] time Speaker? [2] E 1's. good practice for my intended Spoakers [_[3] career. Speaker 4 [[a] F Its more enjoyable than my Speakers [TS] previous jobs. G | enjoy certain tasks more than my colleagues. H The fixed routine isthe best thing about it 4. Now look at what Speaker 1 says. Underline the words that gave you the answer. help with the entertainment in the resort, which covers the nightly stage shows, dally talks and exhibstions, and talent contests, Basically, m the person who has to make sure that everything runs smoothly, whether this means finding extra ‘bottles of water for the bands or helping a guest to choose a costume for the talent show. I's impossible to have e daily routine because every day is different - I never get bored! And I seldom get @ moment to myself, A major part of my job is to mix with the guests, and everyone knows me by the end of the week, If1'm not actually making announcements on stage, fm chatting or dancing in the audience, It's all part of what Ido, Listening Part 3 | + Usten tothe each spesier infu betore trying to answer the question. + Note your answer in penct i yu arent sue ater you listen the fst time + Listen tothe other speakers before you decide ~ ths ofan makes it eearer when vou listen agai, © © Now listen to Speakers 2-8 and choose from the list in exercise $ what each speaker says ‘about their job at the holiday resort. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use. Note any answers you aren't sure of. 6 ©b Listen to all the speakers again. Did you change your mind for any of the answers? ‘Choose the correct words to ‘complete the sentences. 1. She broke the biscuit in two / off and ‘gave one piece to her dog. 1'm taining hard to break the ice / the record | set last summet. ‘You can trust her. She has never broken a record / an agreement He isin rouble with the police for breaking the /aw / the ce. {broke my heart / promise when | heard the tragic news, Lot's play a game to break off/the ice. | hope we dont have to break in two / ‘ff our holiday early again this year! Gotting there 58 oer er ry VOCABULARY Global issues: nouns and verbs 1 Complete the words in the table, then add the 2 Match the verbs in the table to the de ‘missing words, 1 say that something o ainsa someone is bad Teen 2 ask people 1 give money a Be cl ‘or something 5 3. choose by voting i 4 forbid fF a 5 work together ‘ 6 actively agree with a person alee crew or idea, 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of a word from exercise 1, 4g 3 Speaking Spanish inthis classroom — English only! canta 4 We have an annua 5 Thoyllbe mae succesi they 6 She doesn ako tr poset wit eachobet, vary wl ofthe Students’ Unon Xi READING EXAN TIPS ening and Use of El Pat 1 Read the text ‘(Do we care about politics? ‘ignoring Always read the whole text first to understand its meaning. the gps.Whieh sentence bost summaries temsin | + (uur couulysienest toe eae es pai ofthe text? Doar pone aco the aver? *+ Ifyou dort know the ansiner ty to decide which options ‘donot ithe gap and choose a siferent one. oad the whole text through again ta check t makes sense, ‘Young people use social media more these days. 'b Young people don't agree on many things these days. Young people are less involved in politics these days, 2@ Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. ‘There is an example at the beginning (0). 0A 00k B caught © made D held 1A bag B thing © case happening 2A credit B success © win D gain 3A way B ovent © condition D situation 4A dedtine B refusal © descent D dve 5 A animated B busy G energetic D_motivated 6 A classic B standard © traditional —--D_acoeptable 7 A lean B suing © favour D tend 8 A shoot B throw © launch D sot 60) Unit 15 ons. ‘ening ® ‘DO WE CARE ABOUT POLITICS? Gone are the day's when students and young people ‘in general (0) A. an active interest in politics, “Fevwer young people vote in elections than used to ‘pethe (1)... and, while some young people still get involved, it would be considered a huge (2) ow ifeven 500 young people met to discuss a paltical issue, There is no shortage of cases for ‘concer, so what is different about the (3) today? Sanal Batra leads the Students’ Union at an Asian university, He gives several reasons for this (4) ‘nmumber and importance: nowadays, students appear to be (5)...with their own lives, and social media such as Facebook and Twitter have made it easy for them to express their thoughts. ‘bo, he says, young people dont fel part of the (6)... establishment —they have no voice on the fayer stage, $0 (7)... to Focuss more on stall insies that affect tem directly el this is not necessarily a bad thing, Sanal says. Many students have used social media networks to lear about problems and even (8) campaigns against issues that may have an impact specific on society DO WE CARE ABOUT CHARITIES? According to one stxdy, octal media can also have ‘an unfortunate effect on both politic and charities, The study shows that Facebook: and Twitter users are happy to show their support for causes with a ‘Like’ or a re-Tweet ~ but then contribute nothing financially. This could be involvement because they are using social media as a means: to show others how generous and fashionable they are without having to put their hands in their pockets Report author Kirk Kiistofferson said, ‘Our research shows that ifpeople are able to declare social media it support fora charity publicly i ‘ean actually make them less likely to donate to the cause later on’ Tt appears that social media campaigns do raise awareness but that could be ata cost to how inuch is raised from collecting, ‘money inthe high street. Mr Kristofferson argued, ‘the goal isto generate real support, social media ‘campaigns aay’ be a mistake 3 Now read the rest of the text, and complete the summary sentences below (about both texts). 1. Yong people are lass Ikely tobe polically motivated these days because 2 However, they do got more involved with 3 Equally. they support charities in a oiferent way as 4 So, using social media to promote charities may be mistake because 4, Find words or phrases in the ‘charities’ text which mean the following. 1 Influence something in a negative way (paragraph 1) 2 give something, especialy money, in order to provide or achieve something with other people (paragraph 1) 3 announce something publicly or officially (paragraph 2} 4 cause something 1 exist (paragraph 2) ‘Match the sentences to the meanings of the word key. 1 [keyed in my username and password. 2 Ifyou dorit know the answer, check the key. 2. The key ingredient for a successiul party is inviting the right people. 4 The key to success is hard work. '5 'm locked out and the neighbour doesnt have a spare key. 6 Thris on ky on my kyboard which is brokn. 1 piece of metal used for opening or closing a lock bb list of answers to questions ‘© way to achieve something d part of a keyboard very important in influencing or achieving something {put information into a computer using a keyboard GRAMMAR Modals (3): Deduction 1 Complete the sentences with must or can’t and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Daniel came tit in the marathon! He (train) reaty hare this summer, 2 Our new head teacher looks very young. She (be) more than 30 years old 3 Dont make plans to do anything outside on Sunday asit (snow) that day. 4 Oh, hello. You ve) Ally’s brother. Nice fo meet you, 5 Pele trappod his tinger in the car door. That (nue! 6 Wel, | arived at 8.05 and they werent there, They (wait) for very tong, 7 You (be) delighted When you heard that you'd been offered the job, 8 You (se0) Molly ‘when you were in town, because she's an holiday in America it be) someone who looks lke her. Rewrite the sentences with the verbs in brackets, 0m sure he's at work today. (must) He must. be. at. work, today, 11 Maybe John didnt know about the party. (might) John 2 Perhaps Janet forgot to toll you about it. (could) Janet 3 I's not possible that this is your bag. (ear) This. 4 Perhaps they met when they were on holiday? (may) They '5 I'm certain that I've seen ths film before. (must) t 6 Ifs possible thatthe children missed the early train. (might) The children 7 There's no way that was the first time he's played tennis. (cant) That 8 I's possible that Alexis stil in class. (might) Alox Unie 1s 3 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or ut a tick (v) by any you think are correct. 1 It must be very interesting. 2 Itcan go wrong, but it can go right 10, and itt does it was worth the effort 3 We wouldnt be able to do 80 km on Saturday because in the mountains itis very dificult and we can get lost. 4 My supposed friend turned around and said, | dont know you sir, you might have contused me with ‘someone else’ 5 Obviously, i's wonderful to go to a 200 and see the ‘animals from different countries all together. but i ‘musint be very nice to be disturbed all day and to have no freedom, 6 There are great views throughout he ride, there's an astonishing castle and also a butterfly farm that can turn out to be very interesting, VOCABULARY Phrases with in 1 Complete the word puzzle. ‘| 5 1 - | ° CLT ETT 1 in. = considering the whole of something 2 in. = happening or being done now 3 hon Whole ater edge 4 in. sone ater anater 6 fa a0 at ameunt © =e avnane consent hr Complete the sentences with the phrases from exercise 1, 1 I don't want ta tak about our business What if someone hears us? 2 We haveri finished decorating yet, Work is stil 3 The head teacher called each of the boys to her office 4/ My head huts, 'm tied, 'm hungry — | Im feeling prety bad. 5 We collected £265 {or the charity 6 They held the meeting . because they dict want anyone to know about it WRITING A review (1) See Prepare to write box, Student's Book page 79. 4. Read the exam task and answer the questions. 1 What do you have to write a review about? A in general, I'd thoroughly recommend this unusual e 2 Where wil it appear? ¢ film to anyone with a sense 3 Who will ead i? fof humour. I you like comedy, you'll love this ot classic ‘4, What information should you include in your review? Thidea forthe Mrndhénel aes exciting to you, but believe me, its a very funny ° (You see the folowing advert on a website called t comedy that will make you Se spade laugh so hard ithurts. The script is fost paced and amusing 1 the lead actors are Film reviews wanted i brilliant, and the music - mix of indie pop and = |We're looking for reviews of fms for our readers rap-— really fis the fim. . all over the world! Have you seen something A film | saw recently was Just Vote! It’s set ina recently that you could review for us? Tell us high school in the United States and it’s about what the fm was about, and describe its good the elocion campaigns of two students who both and be pons, Would you recommend it 0 out stant be pester of the student’ urion Th readers? The best reviews willbe published on Met esate vary siforene They ere oath ine woesii. keen ( ) to win the election, and thei attempts to increase their popularity become sili | asthe fim goes on. The only wesk part ofthe fi agra | don't want to spoil it for yu by saying exacly a anever ail the pons or questions nth task what happens, butt wil say that it was abit too Wate about both he postive and negative aspects of “Hollywood! for me. Why must they always have an wal you are reviewng emotional ending? Give your own opinion athe end, and a recommendation propia Remember tha you can vent afm (book, et) for your revew you want to 2 Read the film review quickly. Without putting the paragraphs in the correct order, can you tell fit i positive or negative? 3 Putthe paragraphs in the correct order according to these general topics. inzoducing the fin ‘The negative parts “The postive parts ‘The conclusion 4 id the writer of the review answer all the questions in the task? 5 Mako the text more interesting by replacing the words in bold with these more descriptive ‘ expressions. (Write them in the brackets.) ‘absolutely determined _ighly original quite wity really hilarious totally crazy att fr 6 © Now write your own review in 140-190 words. Use the structure in exercise 3 10 ees cy oe VOCABULARY Advertising: nouns and verbs 1 Match the words and phrases to the definitions. 1 commercial break 2 sample 3 onofer 4 consumer 5 launch 6 sponsor 7 logo 8 aimed at ‘2 person who buys something for thelr own use 'b the time on TV or radio used for advertising © support a persorvorganisation financially as a way of advertising a small amount of something that shows you what its ke @ on sale ata cheaper price than usual f intended to influence or affect a particular person or ‘group {g or symbol used by a company to advertise its products 1h make available forthe fist time: 2 Choose the correct answer. 1 Alocal company has just decided to sponsor / Jaunch our band, 2 That car manufacturer apparentty spent $1 milion on their new consumer / ogo. 3 reluse to buy anything that is really om offer) aimed at children, 4 The best thing about some TV programmes is the logos / commercial breaks. 5 Thore were people in the shopping centre giving out logos / samples of a new breaktast cereal 6 The new edition of Minecralt was launched / sponsored yesterday. 3 Complete the sentences with words and phrases from exercise 1 1 We need to design a new clothing company. 2 Did you receive a producti the post this week? 3 I dont usually buy biscuits, but they were atthe supermarket tody. 4 These food price increases wil affect all for our of our new 5 I'mtrying to find a new ‘hildren's football team, 6 The company is at the end of the month. its. teenage market, forthe its new product the 64) Unit 16 4 Label each section in the article with the correct 4 Answer the questions about yourselt. 11 Whats your favourite brand of clothing? 2 What do you do during commercial breaks? 3. Who sponsors your fevourt football team? 4 When dis you last buy something that was on offer? 5 What was i? 6 What is your favourite logo? READING 1 Have you ever thought about a career in advertising? Write five words describing what you think it would be 2 Can you think of any myths about advertising? What are they? smyth (o): an idea that is not true but is believed by many people 3 Read the article on page 65. Does it mention any ‘myths you thought of? Does the author have 4 positive or negative view of the advertising industry? heading. You! make a fortune! Advertsing is the same as marketing, © Its a really exciting career. d Advertsing is morally wrong, © Anyone can learn to sel ou No isn't Theyre connected but diferent. Moria [eabout finding out what customers wont and using {hat information fo design ond create products jhat mest their needs. Advertising is about trying to persuade people to buy your products once you've ‘beated them. Advertisers don’t make products, they fel them, So, working in advertising requires diferent skis from working in marketing ‘Absolutely nat It's cortainly true that training will nelp ‘anyone to perform better in their work, but seting Is ‘aclent thatt you elther hove or you don't have. t's par of your petsonaiiy I's probably more accurate fo'ay that someone who can sail, con sell anything the sl is the same whatever the product Training wwillmake o good salesperson great, but it won't turn intheir soul 3: than be. yes - it youte part of ie tec that creates 0 really successtul advertisement. it tean/be lot of fun and yout {get the senso of achievement that always results from doing something well Just clon’ think itl be lke that ail the fime - people in advertising work hard they work long hours and they may not work at alif the product theyre advertising doesn't sell Hs ‘afough industry to work in, there's lot of competition and there's ‘@lways someone who wants your job! 5 Answer the questions about the article, marketing? learn to sell? Why / why not”? 3. Wny is advertising a tough industry to work in? 4 Wat are the key features that might make you ‘wealthy if you work in advertising? 5 Why are advertisers generally hon re someone info a salesperson who doesn't have seling 1. What is the main diference between advertising and 2. Does the writer think that its possible for anyone to these days? OTT vertisinea Well, you might, but ifs never a good idea 0.go into a job thinking that i's an easy way fo make money quickly Think of the thousands of peaple working in advertising = some o! them will become wealthy but most vil not. as inany profession. You will need fo be willing to work for o modest income while you‘ learning the job, pethaps fo ‘number of yoars. With falent and perhaps a litle tuck, you may eventually eam a high salary There's nothing immoral or dishonest about advertising. The idea that geling is ishonast probably comes from the past. when sellers did not always fell the fruth ‘about the products tney were seling. Today, advertising agencies must folow rules and thee ore severe ‘penalties for any who do not. Advertising messages are offen extremely sophisticated and may sugges! that ¢ product is better than it actually is, but itis illegal fo moke statements that are inconect ‘Complete the beginnings of the sentences with the words below and match them with the endings. good need wonder 1 There's no for you to help me 2 Wtsno trying to send a text from here - 3. No how hard I tried, 4 itso youre so fit 2. couldnt come up with any ideas for the campaign. bb lean do it mysel © youre always at the gym. there's no mobile phone signal New and improved! 6s. GRAMMAR Conditionals (1): Review 1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets In the correct tense. 1H (hear) @ noise in the night, | always get out of bed and check. 2 Heel tres it (atch) too much tolevision 3 You (save) a lot of money tomorrow if you only buy things that are on ofer. 4 Would you sponsor us if we (orm) volleyball eam? 5 Ice-cream (melt if you leave it out of the treezer. 6 itl (win) lot of money, ta buy a new house, 7 You have) an accident if you dont stop driving so fast. 8 Ia have slept better if (not piay) till late on the Xbox. 9 ‘Ifthe government (ban) advertising, they'd lose a lot of money, 10 If you had told me you were hungry, f (make) you a sandwich, 2 Rewrite the sentences using the third conditional. 0. We dirt know Dan was in hospital, so we dit vist him it tve'd. knowin. .Ban wai, hoseital, we'd, ae, visited, him, 1 loved the campaign, so I bought tho product it 2 The skirt wasnt on offer so she didi buy it " 3 | watched the film because I'd read a great review, I wouldnt 4 You didrit ask me to sponsor you, s0 | didnt. would 5. She got the job because she asked all the right questions, i 6 They didn't sell their products because they didnt advertise, They would 7 Ineeded to go shopping, s0 | didn't go to the library. tt {8 We didrit moot you atthe cinema because we didnt know you were going We would 3 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences ot Puta tick (¥) by any you think are correct. 1. You can go to the beach if the weather wil be good. 2 Now | have a chance to prove myself, t you employ me. 3 | would be very pleased if you came and visit me, 4 Probably, i nothing would have happened, | would have lost anyway. VOCABULARY Adverb + adjective collocations 1 Complete the sentences with these adverbs. 4 The hotel is ‘ocated within walking distance of the beach, 2 Fist, lake thie ‘chopped garlic and fry itgenty in olive ol, 3 Iwas wolcomed by my friend's, parents when | stayed with them last weekend. 4 Tinais usualy dressed — 50 why does she look so untidy today? 5 Imnota talented singer, Im afraia, 6 The weekend has a -balanced programme of activities, 7 Ausemame willbe ‘generated ‘when you filin al your details, 8 My mothers, involved in a ‘campaign to ban advertising to children, 2 Complete the second sentence using the correct, form of the bold words. 1 Scientists have proven that this method works. This method has been 2 There is an automatic update for this computer program This computer program is 3 AS an artist, he is recognised all over the globe. Hesa aris. 4 We use only materials which are considered to be ‘sound from an ecological point of vow. ‘We use only materials, 5 Id love to be independent as far as my finances ‘are concerned, Td love to be 6 I's incredible how economical these electric cars They are 7 This information needs constant updating to be useful It needs to be ir Ike and ist pbe terials coars obe USTENING 4 You will hear an interview with a young woman talking about her job in advertising, Make notes fon these questions. What do you think she enjoys about the job? What are the most imp: advertising? qualities for a career in 2. Read questions 1-7 on the right. Underline the main idea of each question. The first one has been done. EXAM Tips Listening Part 4 Underline the main idea in each question and the key words in each option. +The questions are inthe order you will hear them, and are usually intioduced by a question from the 3 © Listen to the first part of the Interview and choose the correct answer to question 1 4 Now read part of the interview and undertine the words which gave you the answer. By chance, really, Um, Id just graduated with a degree Inpsychology. As you can imagine, there aren't that ‘many opportunities available in that field. And to be honest, I had a low opinion of the advertising industry at that time ~ you know: i's the business of Iying to people to persuade them to buy things they dor't need. But a frend of mine told me about a job available at the agency he was working at. | needed the money, so | applied ~ and soon grew to love it ‘5 What parts of the extract above might lead you to the wrong answer? 6 Oo @ Listen to the rest of the interview and choose the best answer (A, B or C). 1 Tina didnt wan! to go into advertising at fst because {A she thought it was a dishonest business. B she wanted to be a psychologist she knew it was dificult to tind a job, 2. What does Tina enjoy most about her work? 'A the opportunity to use her imagination B the petsonaiiies of her colleagues C the satisfaction of helping people 3 Tina does not enjoy her job when AA she has to work on her own, B clients dont have a clear idea of ther requirements. © thore is a lot of pressure to complete @ project on time, 4 How does she use @ computer in her work? {A to put together some initia ideas B topresent a campaign to her bosses: C to;put the finishing touches to a campaign 5 Tina gets her ideas trom {A surfing the internet B looking closely at a clients needs having meetings with her colleagues. {6 What does she look for in a new employee? ‘A the ability to. get on with others. B a degree-lovel quaiiication © awide variety of interests 7. When talking about her spare-time activity, Tina reveals A a desire to be.a professional musician. B that she is very focused on her career. © a lack of concern for her personal finances. VOCABULARY The media 1 Match the two halves of the phrases, 1 keep about 2 keep b performances 3 celebrate © Upto date with 4 gossip oncurrent events 5 review the need for 6 make f out 7 comment 9 you amused 8 highlight h funot 9 chil achievements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 2 Complete the advert with the phrases, or parts of the phrases, from exercise 1 hill Qutis« new internet magazine by students, for students. You'lfind plenty to keep you | hore ~ from ofthe laiest music on current evens on campus. Every week there's a new profile of a wellknown exstident where we! their achievements since they le school. Our sports section will keep you up to = with the latest resus, and our ‘Public Eye’ page will give you al the downloads, 10 bout locol celebrities. There are cartoons 0”. fun of public Figures ‘ond, more seriously, a campaigns section where we ® the need for chonge in university life. Visi us ot van chillout 3 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. 1 kop up to date with the news by 2 The best bit of celebrity gossip | know is 3 ATV show that makes fun of polticians in my country is called 4 If want to read a review of afm, Look at 8 When I want to chill out, | BE Unie 17 3 Read the texts again and underline the Parts of the READING 1 What makes a good journalist? Write one important Point, then read the article quickly to see if your point is included. EXAM Tips Re ing and Use of English Part 7 ‘Alay road the questions frst ard undertine the main ideas in ther, + Read al the texts qucky for general meaning, * yeu dont understand & word or pase in text, ty to ‘work out its meaning trom the rest ofthe sentence * Choose an answer for every question, ven if you have to guess, 2 @ You are going to read an article in whieh Young journalists give tips to other young People looking for a job in journalism. For questions 1-10, choose from the journalists (A-€). The journalists may be chosen more than once. Which journalist recommends making stories as short as possible? Suggests writing about a varity of subjects before specialising? ‘mentions that joining the best team for you is crucial? 'Say8 never to tum down any job offer? Says you should always aamit it when {you do not know something? ‘emphasises the importance of teling the truth? doe BY Suggests puting a lot of effort into Preparing for your fist job? ‘says good writing can sometimes make the reader fee| upset? Stresses the importance of factual accuracy? Tecommends keeping up to date with Current atfais? BEEBE G text which gave you each answer. Smaion “The most important thing I'm doing for my career Be informed read news, watch news, and don't is connecting with suitable people. Nothing in Ife just mit yourself tothe media you agree with. You isentively about the individual, and if you don’t will produce better work more quid, ask more find the right group to work with youl never be relevant questions and have beter ideas if you are happy. | work with great people and even on teribie more aware. There's nothing more embarrassing days, Im better off than | would be if| had decided than a journalist who hasn't bothered to get the to compromise, To me, great journalism answers facts together and doesn’t know what they/e talking important questions people didh't even know they ‘about. The most important thing | did for my career ‘was to get relevant work experience atthe stat. It tanted answers to, It translates the emotions Of situation so accurately and deeply thatthe reader has no choice but to fee! them as though hie or she was there. It leaves the reader in @ better or worse place than he or she started, but never inthe same place. ‘doesr't matter what you de when you begin ~ on your CV it shows you were interested and determined enough to get yourself there. I'm confident it was my unpaid job at the local newspaper that helped me {get my fist proper job in journalism and, as they say, the journey begins with that very fist step, HH you want a career in journalism, say ‘yes’ to everything. Every job, however dul, gives you the Chance to meet people. Don't worry too much about | didn't only focus on one area at fist | started yout fist job-— you need experience and itis important swtting short news stories about people in sport fo remain open-minded as in the future, an employer but also covered technology, and then moved vill look less at the subject matter and more at your to write about business too. Tying different Cormitment 10 the task and your achievements. This. things lets you find out what you're good at, anc iva hard industry to get into and you need to take discover how diferent topics are covered. Always, ‘ny opportunity that arises. Good journalism is remember the five W's (who, what, where about knowing the full details. The more you research your subject and find new ways, to capture events and news, then the better your journalism will be. Triple check sources and tips, and make sure youre always 100% sure befere you hit the ‘submit’ button, when, wy). Its basic, but how you order formation is essential to bettor waiting ‘Aso, don't be aftaid to say you don't — Understand, Journalists spend their time talking to specialists. Better to ask a question atthe time than foe! foolish in print later on, =] we Cesmmeea The number one thing | stress with new writers is that every single word in'a sentence should be meaningful. Don't write complicated Sentences aroundl the facts when you can just come right out and sey what you mean. Using fewer words is often more powerlu, especially on the web. Klentify the story End push it as far as it can go. Readers can sense when you're half-hearted or bored, and they! forget about you if you don't write every story with passion. Good journalism all about honesty, eye 5 te ‘Complete the sentences with the ‘words and phrases below. ja) back from outof upto even ft means being honest about being wrong, 0 1 This information dates 50 years. Find words in the text which mean the following. 2 I'm sorry, but your documents are te > 1 agree to something which isnot ate ‘exactly what you want (A) 3. have copies ofthis magazine 2 time and energy you are willing to dating 1999 to the ave t0.ajob 6) present day. 3 significant, containing meaning (C) 4 its important to keep your software 4 eiatod to what is useful or being date it you want to taked about (0) 5 stupid (E) avoid problems, Making headlines 69 1 Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences. 1-If hadnt bought that new laptop, 2 The performance would have been a disaster 3 | would have knowin what her problem was 4 If Thad brought my swimming costume, 5 If spent more time studying, 6 You wouldnt have crashed the car 7 You would be living in the United States now 8 I hadnt eaten those prawns, a if you Were a more confident driver b if} was a doctor I would be able to afford a holiday now. [wouldnt be feeling so il now. € ityou werent such a good actor. 1 I might have done better in my exams. Q your father had taken thal job with Microsoft. fh I would be lying by the poo! right now. 2 Write mixed conditional sentences from the original sentences. Use could or might if you can. © | saw the firm last week, so | know how it ends, WL Nadn't. seen, the. film. last. week,. L.wnuldn't. know how. ie ends 1 He didnt bring his mobile phone, That's why he cant call for help, 2 I dont have a degree, s0 I wasn't abe to apply for the teaching job, ' 8. Sandra doesn't enjoy horror fms so she didnt ‘come to the cinema with us, Sandra 4 We lost the match, That's why we're unhappy now. 1 '5 John never met the right person, That's probably why he isnt married now, John 6 I'm not good at cooking, s0 | didn’t become a chet io 7 They've got a new baby, so they didrit go.on holiday in the summer. They 8 You broke the living room window. You haven't got any pocket money le You unit 17 3 © Correct the mistakes in these sentences or ut a tick (7) by any you think are correct. 1 | thought i | nad filed, | wouldnt show my face to sy family 2 think that our way of life would be very diferent, the telephone was not invented. 3 They told me that | could go on the schoo! tip itt had asked my parents first, 4 Fe have really liked to know what would hhave happened it you hadn't been ther. 5 Ifthe marin could speak, it would have told the old ‘man the same thing VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs 1 Match the phrasal verbs to the definitions. 1 get across 2 Tallow up 3 bring up 4 Wook into 5 catch up on 6 leave out 7 back up 8 clear up introduce a particular subject b deal with a problem (© make a person understand something investigate © support take further action 9 become up to date about something not include Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs from exercise 1. 1 We have a great politics teacher who is very good at ideas tous, 2 Did you ever manage ta those Problems you were having with the mobile phone company? 3 The journalist his review of the book with an interview withthe author. 4 Twas fortunate that my family me when | decided to change my college course, 5 I'm writing an article fr the school magazine which the question of whether exams are geting easier every year. 6 I dont want tobe ‘why am I not on the list? 7 I dont read the news when I'm on holiday, but of this meeting — always try ‘then we get home, 8 Youhave ome interesting points. Let's discuss them later sat WRITING | An essay (3) See Prepare to write box, Students Book pages 13, 57 and 89, 4 Read the four paragraphs below quickly and put them in the correct order. 1 2 3 4 as » some. jourmalists want te find. sensational stories to sell, Theyre Ire interested in celeites’ pale ves ian in real vews. They have been known te pursue someone and. make their life a tnisery, for ro reason other than famous People are considered rot to have. dhe ripe te privacy, Then, © they write the story and. public inberest. dies they move on to their next victim. B So, 5 . that | have presente. the tno sides of the argent lear that Journalism must find «balance Between informing the pubic and. respecting the privacy of individuals. We should. consider, though, who buys the, nevospapers and. supprts these journalists. © Joumalists do an essential job. They ese inprtart strs, lading scandals, and. also ensure that we both sides of an issue. tm they do only that; everything works well D This is an important topic, especialy 2 the way some journalists crave, chasing celebrities arcune. and Using all sorts of urpleasant methods to get. their photo or their story. Bub what is more rion, the wiacy of fanaus Feope or the jouralists’ ree in keeping the pubic informed? - EXAM Tips Writing Part 1 (an essay) + Use a fourparagraph structure forthe essay. ‘+ Organise your ideas for and against the too 2. Read the essay again and fill the gaps with these linking words. ‘considering However now once 3 Choose the best ttle for the essay. ‘8 Journalists should respect individuals’ privacy. Do you agree? bb Coletrities should be protected from curious journalists. Do you agree? + Try to wile in sentences of mare than ene clause and use a varity of inking words Provided 4. Think about what each paragraph in the essay does, Match the functions in the box below to the paragraphs. Paragraph 1 reacts to the idea inthe tte introduces the topic ves details of arguments against gives details of arguments for presents the other side of the argument refers back to the tile ‘summarises the two sides, possibly with ‘a personal opinion 5 Your English teacher has asked you to write an ceesay, Read the title and think of three points Lnder each topie to include in your essay. ‘Write an essay using all the notes and give the reasons for your point of view. tis better to keep up to date by reading newspapers, rather than blogs and websites. Do you agree? Notes Write about T professional journalism years of taining / quality 2 specialist news, free access on intemet ! not ail contributors are experts 3 (your own idea) 6 @ Add one or two points to express your own Idea, then write your answer to the question In 140-190 words. Use your notes and give reasons for your point of view. Making headlines 74 VOCABULARY The world of work 1 Add vowels to complete the phrases about work 1B. NG YOR OWN BSS 20R TV 3 FL...X...BL RKONG HRS 4MON. OL WORK 5 PPORTON TS Fuk FOR. GN TROVE 6PORS NOLLY ROW. RONG TPROFSS.N OL JB BT OK TM. PE 9W.LLP..D OW. RK. NG SH. FTS 2 Complete the sentences with the phrases from exercise 1 1 Id rather get a jab in an ofice than do 2 When | leave schoo! | don't want to work for anybody ~ |'m more interested in 3 dont want a strict nine-tosive job — tm looking for something with 4 My job isnt very 801 can afford any expensive holidays. § I dont get much money for my work, but love it because its 20 6 I want to see the world, so rm fooking fora job with 7 My father's used to - ‘one week he does 6.00 to 2.00, and the next week 2.00 ‘0 10000, 8 Laura wants to doa when she leaves school, ike being a doctor or lawyer. 9 Not many jobs allow you to when you want, because they like you to be there! 10 im not that interested in money but Id love to have a job, where I can use my artistic skis Pe unit 8 3 Choose a phrase to describe either the person (oF the type of work they are looking for. 1. Suraya dossnt particularly want to earn a lot ‘of money but she wants a job that she finds satistying 2 Umitis very independent and he finds working for other people very dificut 3 Anna would like a job that she can ft around looking after her children, 4 Steve has studied foreign languages and held like to-use them in his work 8 Jack kes to use his hands, 6 Carla has a good imagination and she kes {designing things, READING 1 Do students in your country work in the ‘summer? What kind of jobs do they do? 2 Read the web page quickly. Does a or b best describe its purpose? 4. lo show the experiences of students who work dung the summer to-advise students what kind of summer work Would be suitable for them 3 Match the titles with the paragraphs, 1. Manual work 4 Oifice work 2 Youth camps 5 Work experience 3 Shop work 6 Festivals a Rk, _— ing a ny ork awk SUMMER JOBS FOR SIUDENIS A Tis feel should be the top-zated job forthe summer. Notonlyis i fun ~ you get to work indoors and outdoors, you get to play with ids you get to make new fiends, sleep in atent, and best ofall you're getting paid for having a laugh What else could you ask or? great experience and itlooks good on your (CV The best partis, youre almost guaranteed place the next yearf they feel you were {ood Also, some ofthem take place every holiday -not just summer. B ‘Who doesn’ love these2! Would tbe the best ob ifyou worked at one? Imagine free ‘music, you get to see the celebrities, enjoy the music, have fun, get paid and soon. IF this sounds lke your kind of thing, why don't you ook into it? Look online on the popular student jobs ste Just Jobs 4 Students, Another idea would be to apply to event staff agencies that send theirstafto these events Justbe | ‘careful youre not tempted to spendall your | eatnings before you go home! c Itmight not be your cup of tea but some people ike the security of anine-to-fve jb. Ifthisisfor you, the best bet forthe summer | ‘would bea temporary deskjob (theres always | the possibily of itbeing a permanent one \when youleave schoo! f you lke it enough, do your jab well and the company want t0 keep you) The easiest and best way to get such work n the summer isto go through an agency. That doesn't mean you can't find jobs by yourself by looking online or through your local newspaper, but it just takes the stress ‘auttas the agency do itallfor you and find a job that best suits your needs, 4 According to the web page, which kind of job 1 doesnot pay at ai? 2 oflers opportunities to work at other times ofthe year? 3 isbestio let someone else ind toryou 4: might tempt you to spend your money before you go horse? 5 fers the opportu 1 workin notes county? 6 is more diticul then you might wink? Some people might want to work with theirhands if they liven the countryside ~or just forthe sake of doing it Ifyou know you dont ike this kindof physical work, don't doit. you want to dot, ask around locally, check online, in newspapers on university career websites, etc remember lst year seeing an advert for strawberry picking in France you get to travel, camp, earn money and pick strawberries! That would have been fun. There's no limit to what you can do. E ‘Most people go down ths route. Working n the High Street does seer attractive and simple but tcan be quite hard, and sometimes rot worth the money The best advice for retal obs would be to apply teatly.You should start seeing adverts for your favourite stores from late Apri/ealy May ime, but some take on staff earlier so they can train them, As s00n as you see signs and keep your eyes open for them start applying! The earlier you get your CV in and bother them, the more ofa chance youhave, F This would mainly be for university students who ate looking for experience in ther chosen field or ‘course. Fist, intemships ~ unpaid jobs done just for the experience - are hard to obtain and competitive. ‘You have to apply as soon as you discover the opening because there are loads of students and non students ooking for an advantage and an internship isthe best ‘way forward for ther. Most internships tend to be ‘unpaid but they are valuable. So make sure you apply a soon as you can, ‘Match the sentences to the correct definition of balance below. ‘The gymnast lost her balanee and crashed to the ground. My account balance is a bit low at the ‘moment, s0 | need to find a job. Gan you balance on your head? ‘We need to have a balance between our working life and our leisure, (On balanee, | think fd prefer to work in an office, rather than do a manual job. ‘when the weight is spread to avoid fling over \when the correct amount of importance is given to two or more things the amount of money that you have in your bank account to be in @ position where you will not fall to either side ‘after considering all the facts about something Startup 73 1 Correct the spelling of the -ing form where necessary. 1. Lam wing to apply fora job in your company. 2 keep torgeting to send you that Photo from our holiday, 3. Do you admit useing the answer oy when you do your homework? 4 Running is very good exercise 5 He spends aot of time stualing in Ris bedroom, 6 What are you planing to do when you leave school? 7 Which TV documentary are you refering to? 8 My uncle, beeing a keen sportsman, is very fi. 2 Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the: verbs below. arrive do foe! move watch work apply Play try walt Stolla’s been ‘café for most of the summer. 2 for summer jobs is not my idea ‘of fun, but have to doit 8 a waitress inthis 9 Dan spends alot of time on tig Xbox when he should be studying, 4 Our football coach, toget us to train harder, offered to buy us all burgers and chips it wo won the match 5 Why do you alvays insist on ‘en minutes eatly for every class? 6 I dont really enjoy reality TV ‘shows, but everyone at schoo! talks about them. 7 Jodie's mather is thinking of to Canada to work as a translator. 8 I havent been very weil recently, 's0| haven't done any work on the project. 9 for the bus in the freezing cokd, -Jack decided it was time fo get himself a new bike 10 | dortt ming exercise in the gym, ‘but Id rather go out for along walk by the river. 3 Complete the sentences about you. Use the -ing form of a verb, 1 Sometimes | dream about 2 ant lve without 3 I'm looking forward 10 4 I dont enjoy 5 lve been for years. 6 makes me fee il 4° Correct the mistakes in these sentences or uta tick (v) by any you think are correct. 1 Lite this letter to say thank you for your hospital, 2 Everyone panicked and started running towards the exit, 3 dont mind to work hard and I feel good when | use my time etficiontly. 4 | would preter working with animals instead of helping in an office. VOCABULARY Word pairs 1 Make eight word pair phrases. more less round over more and later sooner or two now then one more up round over down 2 Choose word pairs from exercise 1 to replace the bold words. You may have to add a word. 1 enjoy going out for a meal occasionally. 2 There are approximately 100 employees at this ‘company, 3 Its geting increasingly dificult to find a job these days, 4 The temperature has been rising and falling all summer —| never know what to weart 5 Keep trying~Im sure youll find what you want eventually, 6 We have a few problems with the new system, but it's okay on the whole, 7 We tried repeatedly to call you, but you never answered, 8 I cycled continuously in circles in the park this afternoon so now I'm exhausted! os ut USTENING 1 Read the sentences below quickly. What is Tonya’s talk about? Tonya studied (1) and Spanish at university. ‘After university, Tonya worked as a @ in Portugal Tonya was informed by her (3) about the job at Happy Planet Tonya became the director's assistant after working at the company for « months. Tonya’s boss writes about (5) every week in a newspaper, Iwas the quality of the (6) which she wrote that led to her current job. Tonya recently enjoyed attending a a in New York Tonya often has to deal with ® who ask for financial help. Inthe future, Tonya hopes to bea % of online vid Tonya advises that (10) is essential you want to become a travel writer er EXAM Tips Listening Part 2 1+ Road the sentences fit to gat the main idea ofthe Istering. “+ Make sure the words you putin the gaps fk the sentence grammatically 1 ‘exact words + Answer every question, even i you are not sure of he | 2 Look at each gap in the notes above. Guess what kind of information from the list below is needed to fill the gap. (Two items from the list are used twice.) Gapis) an event ajod atopic kind of text a subject of study a personal quality ‘a person/organisation a number 3. Look at each gap in the notes again. Work out what kind of word is needed to fill each gap. Gap(s) number singular noun plural noun Luncountable noun 4 © 10 @ You will hear a woman called Tonya, who works for a travel website, talking to ‘some students about her job. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. Startup 75 VOCABULARY Opinions and beliefs 1. Match the words and phrases with the definitions. 1 firmly believe ina approve or support a plan 2 thereisnodoubt or idea 3 hard to deny 'b be confident that something 4 beconvinced by ——_is.good 5 asfarasXis © be persuaded ‘concerned remember or consider 6 boar in mind something 7 goalongwith ein my opinion B beinfavourof itis certain 9 tomy mind 4 in Xs opinion 10 be totally against think that something is 11 suspect probably true 12 your view on I disagree entirely with {your opinion of difficult to cisprover disagree with 1 agree with 1 2 3 4 5 Ti Bo Be WD Ms 12 2 Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1 1 He wasnt by my arguments. 2 That, is not a practical suggestion 3. Ihope his age: him in the election, 4 Doyouhave a totally the government's youth policy? 5 We don't often agree, but I'd you there! 6 Thee that Simon has worked very hard on this project. 7 ‘concerned, you can do what you want. 8 Are you ‘of compulsory voting in elections? ep Word profile mind ‘Complete the sentences with the words below. bear crossed have put to two READING EXAM Tips Reading and Use of English Part 5 Flea the whole text quichy to get an idea of what it 1 Ifyou are in minds about something, you are having difficulty making a choice. 2 Ike yout in mind that you ‘only have one chance to do this. 3 ityou your mind to it, you wil almost certainly succeed. al ‘an open mind about most things. 5 thas never even my mind that |1do not drink enough water. 6 You should, ‘my mind, have been able to persuade Marco to come with us is about oad through the quostions and ABCD options carota, Undetine tha pars of he text where you find the correct answer. ‘Be careful about choosing an option that has the same words as the text~ this wont abays lead you tothe correct answer. @ You are going to read an article about two systems of thought. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. 4. What does the author say about our ability to predict people's behaviour? ‘A We should have more confidence init B It gets more accurate with age. We are quite bad at it It depends on our mood. 2 According to the author, modern advertising succeeds by ‘A accessing our prehistoric mind. B appealing to our selfish nature. taking advantage of cur fears, D causing us to react in a safe way 3. What does the author say system 2 is good for? ‘A coming up with creative ideas B concentrating for long periods performing ificult mental tasks D dealing with several problems at the samme: time 4, The author compares systom 2 to an actor because A it pretends to be something itis not, 8 It lacks an understanding ot its role. C thas litle connection with realty. D its purpose isto hide the truth. 5 What does ‘this’ refer to in line 38? A a surprisingly good decision B an unexpected sports win © a complex calculation D aciever plan 66 How does the author fee! about the future of neuroscience? ‘A confident that it will never answer all questions 'B annoyed that it is trying to learn too much © hopeful that it will help improve our lives worried that it wil become too powerful How good are wo at predicting what people will do? What magazine ‘wil ty Buy, what music wall they download or what shoes wil they Ghoose for a party? Probably not nearly as good as we think, When it ‘Comes to human behaviour, the brain is shown to have two different approaches to thinking. So it doesn't matter how old you are oF How Confident you're feeling, it all about what mood the brains in! ‘Acommon thought process is the automatic and fast approach ‘ich helps us to react quickly in dangerous situations. This is Jown as system 1 and dates back tothe times of our prehistoric ancestors, who lived with a natural avazeness of the dangers around therm ~ bad woather, falling rocks and trees, and threatening animals. Nowadays, we sill have the ability to xeact go rapidly and naturally to situations that it can feel like you're not thinking at all. Have you ever found yourself giving into temptation and unable to say no’ to buying that new jacket in the window? ‘this is because system / 1s in control—a human characteristic ‘which the world of advertising likes to make the most of) system 2s the opposite. I's a slow thought process that requizes te to pay attention and concentrate ~ for example, when doing a Complex mathematical sum.This way of thinking helps us to make sensible long-term decisions like choosing which university to sudy at, or what type of ear to buy-The problem is that system 2 often starts to feel boring and go system I takes over. How often fave you put down your homework or put off doing important jobs to go on Facebook or watcha TV soap? Wie like to think that we go through life mainly using system 2. {As individal, we are in control, always taking sensible and logical decisions. System I type thoughts are reserved for special “oncasions when we can afford o relax a litle ~on holiday perhaps. Hoover, this frst system actually plays more of asecondary role {n our lives, with the lator takeing the main stage. System @ behaves like a supporting actor ina fi, who believes himself to be the tending character, but actually has lilo idea of what's going on! Sometimes ifs systom I that makes the right decision but system | tumtgenioong forename tension sore ner» Totofetfort into a game plan bat offen if the unconscious human fash o do something diflorenty that lads oa spectactlar (Joal‘This ean also lea to the common mistaken ies that your Sracocatel decisions demonstrate your sil and talent, when in fact they were jut luck 2 Find words in the text which mean the following. +. a way of doing something (paragraph 2) 4 2. a feeling that you want to do or have something, although you know you shouldnt (paragraph 2) 5 3 a typical or noticeable quality of someone or something (paragraph 2) Behaps one day stots wl be abe to preaet wha decisions people wil make by measuring bran activity fn one 04, lustre vere monitored wth brain Teanng equipment They wore ake to prs titer aft ora ight buton whenever thy ranted The yeearhors found ey could ‘redit which bution the volinteers would Pra upto oven sccondsbotor i happened Pour bran soemato know what Wil do bore you dot Some sir say out ain tre jut machinos and we ae not eal in onto ot what's going on Let's hope theyre song! tone thing tobe abet tell which af obo a person wl pss but dont ke te iden that science condone day el mow decision wl make ny ie Dele \ Tre aven had tho chance oak ther | ‘person, especially when considered separately {and not as part of a group (paragraph 4) the second of two people, things or groups previously mentioned (paragraph 4)

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