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CE 331: Environmental Engineering I

Water Treatment Processes

Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Associate Professor
Dept. of Civil Engineering, BUET
Engineered systems for Water Purification
Public water supplies, though only a fraction of the water use, require the
largest amount of effort expended by environmental engineers in the water
treatment field

Processes : theory and applications

 Aeration (Gas Transfer)
 Solids Separation
 Settling Operations
 Coagulation
 Softening
 Filtration
 Disinfection
 Advanced treatment options
(Ion exchange, Reverse Osmosis, Electrodialysis, Adsorption)

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Aeration (Gas Transfer)
A physical phenomenon in which gas molecules are exchanged
between a liquid and a gas at a gas-liquid interface.
Examples Water treatment objectives
O2, Cl2 Oxidation of Fe2+, Mn2+, S2-
O3 Disinfection, color removal, oxidation of organics

ClO2 Disinfection
CO2 pH control
SO2 Dechlorination
NH3 Chloramine formation for disinfection
CO2, O2 Corrosion control

H2S Odor control
NH3 Nutrient removal
VOC Taste and odor control, removal of carcinogens

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Principles of Gas Transfer: Two-film theory
The interface is composed of two distinct films that serve as a barrier
between the bulk phases

Concentration gradient (Cs – Ct) is the driving force

Mass transfer can be enhanced by reducing the thickness of the film
(either gas or liquid)
CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Effect of Solubility and Hydrodynamic Conditions

Rate limiting step: the step which offers the most resistance to

It is possible that one of the films exhibits relatively high resistance

and therefore dominates the overall resistance to transfer.

So the solubility of the gas and the hydrodynamic conditions which

establish the film thickness or renewal rate (in either phase)
determine if a film controls.

Henry’s Law dictates the extent to which gas is soluble in water:

P (mol/mol of air) = c (mol/mol of water)× H (Henry’s Constant)

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Solubility and Mass Transfer
If the gas is highly soluble (e.g. NH3):
Passage of gas molecules across the gas film is the controlling factor.
Moving or stirring the gas will enhance transfer

If the gas is weakly soluble (e.g. O2, N2 and CO2):

Passage of gas molecules across the liquid film is the controlling
factor. Moving or stirring the liquid will enhance transfer

Gases of intermediate solubility (e.g. H2S):

Effect of both films are important.

Solubility of gas depends on:

a) Its partial pressure in the atmosphere in contact with water
b) Water temperature
c) Presence of impurities

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Quantifying and Optimizing Gas Transfer

Rate of mass transfer per unit volume per unit time

Integrating over time: interfacial area

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Example Problems
Problem: Dechlorinated secondary effluent is placed in a storage basin until
needed for reuse. The initial DO is 1.5 mg/L, estimate the time required for
the DO to reach 8.5 mg/L due to surface reaeration, assuming the water in
the storage basin is circulated and not stagnant. Assume KL = 0.03 m/h, CS =
9.09 mg/L. The surface area of the storage basin is 400 m2 and depth is 3m

Problem: A falling raindrop initially has no DO. Saturation conc of oxygen in

water is 9.2 mg/L. After falling for 2 seconds, the droplet has a DO conc. of
3.2 mg/L. How long must the droplet fall to achieve a concentration of 8.2

Problem: Water contains 6.84×10-8 moles Trichloroethylene (TCE,

MW=131.4) gas per mole of water. What is the concentration of TCE in
water? If Henry’s constant, H = 560 atm at 20⁰C, what will be the conc. In
water in the presence of 0.01 mole air?

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Liquid-Gas contact systems
Designed to drive the water-gas mixture towards equilibrium as quickly as
possible for degasification or oxidation purposes

Accomplished by
- dispersing the water into the air
- dispersing the air into the water

Four types of aerators:

1. Gravity aerators Used for water treatment
2. Spray aerators
3. Diffusers
Used for wastewater treatment
4. Mechanical aerators

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Basic Principles of Liquid-Gas contact systems
-To maximize the area of contact between the water and air (increase
of interfacial area through forming water droplets)

- to increase the exposure time of contact (projecting water very high

or dropping water from an elevated place)

- to produce motion of one fluid relative to other so that exchange can

be enhanced by maximizing the concentration gradient (renewal of
interface by agitation)

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Gravity aerators

Cascades Inclined

Tower with
flow of air Perforated

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Packed Columns (gravity aerator)

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Spray aerators

Nozzled aerator Aerator nozzles

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Sedimentation theory
For a discrete spherical particle, settling velocity/terminal velocity is
obtained when

Gravitational force (F) = Frictional Drag force (FD)

( ρ S − ρW ) gV = C D AC ρW vS2 / 2 FD Water density, ρW

2 gV (ρ S − ρW )
vS =
vS d
4 g (ρ S − ρW )d
vS =
3C D ρW
Density, ρS
V = volume of particle = πd3/6
AC = X-sectional area of particle = πd2/4
vS = settling velocity
CD = drag coefficient

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Determination of Drag coefficient, CD

Typical Reynolds number for particles

C D = 24 / R R ≤1 in water treatment
C D = 24 / R + 3 / R + 0.34 1 < R < 10 4
Problem: Find the terminal settling
C D = 0.4 10 4 < R < 105
velocity of a spherical particle with
g (ρ S − ρW )d 2 diameter 0.5 mm and sp. Gravity 2.65
vS = settling through water at 20⁰C
(Answer: 0.11 m/s)
Stoke’s Equation
CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Settling Column to Determine vs
Application of Stokes Equation is
seldom possible in water treatment

Camp devised an indirect method to

determine settling velocity using a
settling column

vs = distance/time = Z0/t0

vp = distance/time = Zp/t0

Z p / Z 0 = v p / v0
The same principle can be applied to
determine settleability of a given

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Settling of Particles in a Clarifier
Type I: Horizontal, discrete, or free settling. Particle size, shape and sp.
Gravity do not change with time. Ex: plain settling in water treatment
plants and grit settling in wastewater treatment plants.

Type II: Settling of flocculent particles in a dilute suspension.

Particles aggregate, coalesce with other particles
Ex: settling of flocs after coagulation and flocculation in water and
wastewater treatment plants

Type III: Zone settling or hindered settling. This occurs in the secondary
clarifiers at wastewater treatment plants.

Type IV: Compression settling where the particles are too close that
settling can occur by compaction. This occurs in secondary clarifiers in
wastewater treatment plants when the solids at the bottom are thickened.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Different settling types

Type I: discrete settling

Type II: Flocculent settling
Type III: Zone settling (hindered and compression settling)

Discrete settling Flocculent settling Hindered settling



Compression settling

Time Time Time

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Ideal Sedimentation Basin: assumptions
Inlet Zone Outlet Zone

v hO

Particles and velocity vectors are uniformly distributed

across the tank cross-section
Liquid moves as an ideal slug down the length of the tank
Any particle hitting the bottom are removed

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Ideal Sedimentation Basin
Inlet Zone Outlet Zone

v hO

h vS v

Overflow rate: v0 = h0 / t0 = h0Q / V = Q / A

Overflow rate is the design factor for settling basins and it

identifies the smallest settling velocity attributable to the class of
particles which experience complete removal

For vS < v0 , the removal percentage will be 100(vS /vO) because

h / h0 = vS / v0
CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Removal efficiency from settling velocity characteristics


having < stated velocity

Fraction of particles

vx vO
Settling velocity

Total particle fraction that will be removed:

1 xO
(1 − xO ) +
vO ∫0
v x dx Applicable only for ideal settling

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Problem: Calculating Removal Efficiency from
settling column experiments

A settling analysis is run on a Type-I suspension. The

column is 1.8 m deep and the data is shown below:
Time (min) Suspended Solids (mg/l)
0 300
60 189
80 180
100 168
1.8 m 130 156
200 111
240 78
420 27
Compute the removal efficiency of the settling basin
when the loading rate is 25 m/d.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Flocculent settling (Type II settling)
A general formula for determining settling velocities cannot be derived
Settling column with multiple ports used to take samples at different
depths for different times. Contour of iso-removal lines constructed.
For a predetermined detention time, overall %removal can be obtained

Slope of iso-removal line gets

steeper with depth

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Problem: Flocculent settling

Suspended Solids at different time and depths are shown in the table. The
initial SS concentration is 250 mg/L.

Time (min) 30 60 90 120 150 180

Depth (m)
0.5 133 83 50 38 30 23
1 180 125 93 65 55 43
1.5 203 150 118 93 70 58
2 213 168 135 110 90 70
2.5 220 180 145 125 103 80
3 225 188 155 133 113 95

What will be the overall removal efficiency of a settling basin which is 3m

deep with a detention time of 1hr 45 min

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Estimating removal efficiency for flocculent settling

∆r × Z i
Total particle fraction that will be removed: R = r0 + ∑

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Rectangular and Circular sedimentation tanks

Rectangular tank
L:W = 2:1 to 4:1
W = 12 m (max)
L = 48 m (max)
Depth = 2.5 – 3m (discrete)
Sludge zone
= 3 – 4m (flocculent)

Circular tank
-Sludge removal and
maintenance easier
- excess wier overflow rate is
Sludge zone not a problem

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Design Criteria
Number of units: Good practice to have multiple units (at least 2)
Overflow rates: 1 – 2.5 m/h (discrete), 0.6 -1 m/h (flocculent)
Detention time: 2 – 4 hr(discrete), 4 – 6 hr (flocculent)
Horizontal velocity: should not exceed 9 m/h (light flocculent suspensions) and
36 m/h (heavier discrete particle suspensions)
Wier overflow rate: should not exceed 6 m3/hr per m of wier (light flocculent
suspensions) and 14 m3/hr per m of wier (heavier discrete particle suspensions)


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Design Problem: Sedimentation Tank
A city must treat 15000 m3/d of water. Flocculating particles are produced and a
column analysis indicates that an overflow rate of 20 m/d will produce
satisfactory removal at a depth of 3.5 m. Determine the size of the required
settling tank

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

What is coagulation?
Colloidal impurities are responsible for color and turbidity

Colloidal particles do not settle by gravity and pass through filters.

Colloidal particles can only be removed by promoting aggregation
(and subsequent increase in size) by adding chemical agents.

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
What is coagulation?


CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Reasons for Stability of colloidal particles
Large surface/volume ratio because of their extremely small size

Surface phenomena (e.g. accumulation of charges) predominate

• Molecular arrangement within the crystals

• loss of atoms due to abrasion
• Isomorphic replacement etc

In natural waters, most colloidal substances are negatively charged

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Surface Charge on a Particle in Water

Net charge strongest at the

stern layer and decreases
exponentially with distance
from the colloid

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Destabilization of colloidal particles
1. Reduction of surface potential by double layer compression
2. By adsorption and charge neutralization
3. Destabilization of colloids by enmeshment in a precipitate
4. Destabilization by Adsorption and charge neutralization
1. Double-layer compression:
Electrolytes added

Ion concentration, n
Increased charge density in n+
diffuse layer

n- n+
Less volume of charge required
to neutralize surface charge
Distance from surface
CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Destabilization of colloidal particles (DLVO model)
Double layer
repulsion Intermediate High electrolyte
electrolyte concentration
Energy barrier concentration


Van der Waals


(Derjaguin and Landau 1941; Verway and Overbeek 1948)

Effective method but the ionic strength is

much greater than what would be
acceptable for potable water

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Effect of Charge on Double layer and Residual Turbidity

According to DLVO model:

Coagulation concentration
for counter-ions with charge
numbers 1, 2 and should be
in the ratio of
1/16:1/26:1/36 or
1000:16:1.3 to achieve a
given residual turbidity

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Destabilization of colloidal particles
2. Adsorption and charge neutralization:
Difference with double-layer
(a) Stoichiometric relationship
with the concentration of
(b) Charge reversal possible
with overdose
(c) Sorbable species capable of
destabilizing colloids at
lower dosages

3. Enmeshment in a precipitate (Sweep floc coagulation):

• Sufficient amount of coagulants (Al2(SO4), FeCl3, MgCO3 and Ca(OH)2)
can generate rapid precipitates (Al(OH)3, Fe(OH)3, Mg(OH)2 and CaCO3)
• Nucleation of precipitate on particle surface, growth of an amorphous
precipitate, entrapment of particle

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Destabilization of colloidal particles
4. Adsorption and interparticle bridging:
Some molecules having large molecular size are useful coagulating
agents (starch, cellulose, polysaccharide gums, proteineous materials,
synthetic polymeric compounds)

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Destabilization of colloidal particles
4. Adsorption and interparticle bridging:

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Destabilization of colloidal particles



and sweep

Adsorption with

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Coagulant dosage and colloid concentration

Adsorption and
charge neutralization Charge reversal
 Inverse relationship between C and S for sweep floc coagulation
 Stoichiometric relationship associated with adsorption and
charge neutralization
CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Alkalinity – Coagulation relationship
If sufficient alkalinity is present, pH is not drastically reduced:
Al2 (SO4 )3 ⋅14 H 2O + 6 HCO3− ⇔ 2 Al (OH )3 ⋅ 3H 2O( s ) + 6CO2 + 8 H 2O + 3SO42−

FeCl3 + 3HCO3− + 3H 2O ⇔ Fe(OH )3 ⋅ 3H 2O( s ) + 3CO2 + 3Cl −

If sufficient alkalinity is not present:

Al2 (SO4 )3 ⋅14 H 2O ⇔ 2 Al (OH )3 ⋅ 3H 2O( s ) + 2 H 2O + 3H 2 SO4

FeCl3 + 3H 2O ⇔ Fe(OH )3 ⋅ 3H 2O( s ) + 3HCl

If natural alkilinity is not enough, it may be Lowers the pH

necessary to add alkalinity to buffer the pH (by drastically
adding Ca(OH)2 or Na2CO3)

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

pH and Dose: Alum Coagulation

• Alum Most effective between pH 5 and 7.5

• Iron salts have a wider range of effectiveness, less expensive than alum
but can cause color problems if not completely removed.
CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Jar Test to Determine the Optimum Dose

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Problem 1: Find the theoretical amount of alkalinity that would be
consumed at the optimal dose from the data given:
optimum pH = 6.0

Problem 2: Estimate the pH that results from addition of 100 mg/L of alum
to a water with no alkalinity and estimate the amount of NaOH to bring the
pH to 7.0

Reactions: Al2 (SO4 )3 ⋅14 H 2O = 2 Al (OH )3 ⋅ 3H 2O( s ) + 2 H 2O + 3H 2 SO4

H 2 SO4 + 2 NaOH = Na2 SO4 + 2 H 2O

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Guidelines for selecting a coagulant

• Alum dose varies between 5 –

50 mg/L

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Velocity Gradient and Mixing Time
RMS of Velocity P = power input (W)
gradient: G = P /( µV ) V = volume of basin(cu. m)
µ = fluid viscosity (Pa.s)

Coagulation requires very high velocity gradients. G values in the

range of 3,000 to 5,000 s -1 and detention times on the order of 0.5 s
are recommended for adsorption/destabilization reactions. For
sweep coagulation, detention times of 1 to 10 s and G values in the
range of 600 to 1,000 s-1 are recommended

Flocculation requires a velocity gradient high enough to cause

particle contact and to keep the flocs from settling but low enough to
prevent the flocs from tearing apart.

Both G and the product of the velocity gradient and detention time
(Gt), serve as criteria for the design of mixing systems.
CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Mixing Practice
Mixing equipment may be divided into two broad categories:

1) Equipment that is applicable to dispersion of the coagulant into

the raw water (flash mixing/ rapid mixing) and
Diffusion mixing by pressured water jets Adsorption/
In-line mechanical mixing charge
In-line static mixing
Mechanical mixing in stirred tanks
Diffusion by pipe grid Sweep-floc
Hydraulic mixing

1) Equipment that used to flocculate the coagulated water

Paddle Flocculator
Vertical Turbine mixing

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Rapid mixing: In-line Blender and static mixing
Blender: G values in the range of 3,000 to 5,000 s -1 and detention times on
the order of 0.5 s

Static-mixer advantages: (1) no moving parts

and (2) no external energy
source is required.
disadvantage : the degree of
mixing and mixing time is a
function of flow rate.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Rapid Mixing: CMFR/CSTR
Used when predominant coagulation mechanism is sweep-floc

Detention times of 1 to 7 s and G values 600 to 1,000 s-1 are recommended

Horizontally baffled, at least two to three compartments
Axial flow preferred for rapid mixing

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Slow mixing basin (Flocculator)
Enough mixing must be provided to bring the floc into contact and to keep
the floc from settling in the flocculation basin.
Heavier floc and higher suspended solids concentrations require more
mixing to keep the floc in suspension.
At least three compartments with tapered G should be provided.
The velocity of flow from the flocculation basin to the settling basin should
be low enough to prevent shear and breakup of the floc but high enough to
keep the floc in suspension.

Type G (s-1) Gt0

Low turbidity, color removal 20 – 70 60,000 – 200,000
High turbidity, solids removal 50 - 150 90,000 – 180,000
Softening, 10% solids 130 - 200 200,000 – 250,000
Softening, 39% solids 150 - 300 390,000 – 400,000
CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Slow Mixer Arrangements

Baffled Chamber

Vertical Turbine

Paddled Flocculator

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Source of Hardness in Natural Water

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Objectives of Lime-Soda Softening
• Reduce soap consumption (acceptability issue)

• Removal of heavy metals, NOM, turbidity, and pathogens as well

as improving the water quality that reduces costs for
distribution system corrosion, boiler and cooling water feed, and
home water heater systems.

• The concurrent removal of arsenic, chromium, iron, lead,

manganese, and mercury provides an additional benefit to the
removal of hardness

Softening is done by
- Chemical precipitation
- Ion Exchange

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Chemical Reactions


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Effect of pH in the solubility of Ca2+

To Precipitate CaCO3, the pH of the water must be raised to about 10.3.

To precipitate Mg, the pH needs to be raised to a range of about 11 to 11.3

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Empirical Considerations in Softening Process
Practical Solubility limits:
Minimum Ca-hardness that can be practically achieved = 30 mg/L as CaCO3
Minimum Mg-hardness that can be practically achieved = 10 mg/L as CaCO3

Practical consideration for Magnesium:

Bacause Mg-removal is expensive, normally only the Mg that is > 40 mg/L as
CaCO3 is removed

Excess Lime:
For a reasonable removal of hardness, an extra amount of lime in excess of the
stoichometric equivalent is provided
For Ca-removal: excess lime = 20 mg/L as CaCO3
For Mg-removal 20-40 mg/L as CaCO3 excess lime = 20 mg/L as CaCO3
For Mg-removal > 40 mg/L as CaCO3 excess lime = 40 mg/L as CaCO3

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Empirical Considerations in Softening Process
CO2 Removal:
When concentration exceeds 10 mg/L as CO2 (22.7 mg/L as CaCO3),
removal by air stripping is more economical compared to lime addition)

Excess lime adds hardness in the form of Ca2+. It is removed in the subsequent
process step called recarbonation.

Lime addition:
Lime is always added upto the stoichiometric equivalent of the bicarbonate
present regardless of the concentration of Ca2+. Otherwise the pH objective
of 10.3 required to precipitate CaCO3 will not be achieved.

Final hardness limit of treated water is chosen based on regulatory


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Summary of Chemical Additions

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Problems: Lime-Soda Softening
1. Determine the chemical dosage required for selective calcium removal.
Estimate the dosage of quicklime that needs to be added if the purity of lime is

2. Determine the chemical dosage to soften the water to the practical solubility
limits. Assume that the lime is 100% pure.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Split Treatment
Advantages: (1) Water can be tailored to achieve a desired Mg- hardness. (2)
reduction in capital cost of tankage, as entire flow need not be treated, (3)
minimizes operational cost of chemicals, (4) uses natural alkalinity of water to
lower the pH of product water and assist in stabilization.

Mgf = Final Mg Concentration = usually 40 mg/L as CaCO3

Mgi = Concentration from the first stage = usually 10 mg/L as CaCO3
Mgr = Raw water Mg Concentration

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Split Treatment
If total hardness after blending > desired final hardness, then further softening
in the second stage is required. In this case, no further Mg removal is needed,
only Ca removal is required.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Problem: Split Treatment
Determine the chemical dosages to soften the water to meet the following
finished water criteria:
Maximum Mg-hardness = 40 mg/L as CaCO3
Total hardness = 80 – 120 mg/L as CaCO3

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Conventional Softening Basins
Similar to the ones used in coagulation and flocculation (paddle mixers or
vertical turbines)

Practice: a portion of the precipitate is recycled to the head end of the process to
accelerate the precipitation

Flash mixing:
radial flow impellers used, G should be in the range 300 to 700 s-1, minimum
mixing time 10 to 30 s

Flocculation mixing:
axial flow impellers or paddle wheels used, G should be in the range 130 to 300 s-
1, minimum mixing time 30 to 45 minutes, Gt = 200,000 to 400,000, velocity

through the floc. Basin = 0.15 to 0.36 m/s

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Upflow Solids Contact Basin

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Water Stabilization and Recarbonation
Water in the distribution system should be neither scale-forming nor corrosive.
Recarbonation is done to stop the precipitation reaction by lowering the pH. CO2
addition is the preferred choice to lower the pH.

Recarbonation after selective calcium removal:

Recarbonation after excess lime treatment to remove Ca and Mg:

pH is lowered to 8.4 to 8.6

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Recarbonation Practice
CO2 added under pressure. Gas transfer principle applies.

Typically two chambers: one for mixing (3 – 5 min detention) , one for reaction
Total detention ~ 20 min

Source of CO2

-Exhaust from combustion of

natural gas
- liquified CO2
- recalcification of CaCO3 sludge
(necessitates substantial

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Ion Exchange Practice
A wide variety of Dissolved solids can be removed (applications: softening,
Reaction takes place at the solids interface, but solid material does not
directly enter into the reaction
Usually conducted in enclosed structures containing the medium
Water is forced through the material under pressure

Materials used:
•Synthetic resins (more effective, easily regenerated, greater number of
exchange sites)
•naturally occurring zeolite (sodium alumino-silicate) also known as

•Single stage (when flow can be interrupted, e.g. household softeners)

•Multiple units or moving beds (when continous flow is required)

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages over lime-soda softening
-Avoid generation of large quantities of sludge
- physical-mechanical apparatus is much smaller and simpler to

- Water must be absolutely free from turbidity, organic content
- Iron/Mn precipitates can foul the surface

For Groundwater, IE must be conducted before aeration

For surface water, IE must be conducted after all necessary
treatment but before chlorination

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Reactions: Softening process

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Breakthrough in the IE process

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Reactions: Regeneration process

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Ion Exchange for Demineralization
In IE softening, there is no net decrease in TDS

In IE demineralization, the exchanged ions must not contribute to

TDS. This is accomplished by exchanging hydrogen for the dissolved
cations and hydroxide for the dissolved anions. The two then combine
to form H2O, leaving no residual and not affecting the pH.

IE process carried out in two steps. Cations removed first followed

by anions.

Completely demineralized water is undesirable. Therefore a

portion of the water is bypassed and blended with the process

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Ion Exchange for Demineralization

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

1. A home water softener has 0.1m3 of ion exchange resin with exchange
capacity of 57 kg/m3. The occupants use 2000L of water per day. If the
water contains 280 mg/L of hardness as CaCO3 and it is desired to soften
it to 85 mg/L as CaCO3 how much should be bypassed? What is the time
between regeneration cycles?

1. An ion exchange softener with exchange capacity of 90 kg/m3 is to be

used to treat water having hardness of 250 mg/L. Water is treated at a
flow rate of 0.4 m3/min.m2. The regeneration capacity is 150 kg NaCL per
m3 of resin with 10% solution. Determine
(a) The volume of medium required and the physical arrangement for
continuous operation in fixed beds.
(b) Determine the chemical requirement and the regeneration cycle time.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Why filtration?

 Sedimentation with or without coagulation or sedimentation with

softening will not ordinarily give clear sparkling and bacteriologically safe

 Filter media are very efficient in retaining fine and colloidal particles of
clay and silt.

 Aids in removing color, odor, iron and manganese

 Under certain conditions, filtration may serve as a primary turbidity

removal process (i.e direct filtration of raw water)

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Types of filters

 Granular materials (sand, anthracite, coal, magnetite) 0.1 – 10 mm

Slow Sand Filter (SSF)

Rapid Sand Filter (RSF)

Roughing filters (RF)

 Diatomaceous earth(7 – 50 μm), a deposit formed form siliceous

fossil remains of diatoms

 Membrane Filtration (0.45 – 0.2 μm), capable of removing bacteria

and in some cases molecular separation

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Typical Granular Medium Filter Components

Filter Box

(to prevent loss of filter

material in the underdrain


CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Variations in the Underdrain System

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Mechanism for particle removal
In filtraiton process, particulate materials either accumulate on the
surface or collected through the filter bed

(A) Physicochemical process

Mechanical Non-straining
A well-designed and
straining mechanism
operated filter should
remove virtually all solids
(Impaction, Interception,
diffusion, electrostatic down to the submicron
attraction etc.) size
(B) Biological process
Formation of a thin layer of
microbial film around the sand
grains (‘Schmutzdecke’)

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Mechanical straining
Principle mechanism of particle removal in filters where thin media
are used (i.e. screens or membranes).

No unambiguous criteria has

been established yet to
determine when mechanical
straining becomes important.

Undesirable for granular media

filters as head loss will increase
rapidly due to the formation of
surface mats.

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Non straining mechanisms
(A) Impaction: due to inertia of

(B) Hydrodynamic forces: non-

uniform shear distribution
within pore spaces

(C) Interception: particles along

the streamlines which pass
within a distance < radius of
the particle.

(D) Diffusion: Particles influenced by

Brownian motion.

(E) Attraction forces: Van der Waals forces of attraction,

electrostatic attraction
CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Non straining mechanisms
(F) Sedimentation: Particles with density > water will tend to
deviate from the fluid streamlines. Pores act as small settling basins


Attachement mechanisms:
(A) Coagulation
(B) Adhesion
(C) Adsorption

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Filter Hydraulics
The headloss through a clean stratified-sand filter with uniform porosity
described by Rose (1945) :

The headloss is directly proportional to the square of the filtration or

loading rate, so small increases in loading rate are amplified.
Headloss is inversely proportional to the diameter of the sand grains.
The porosity, which is assumed constant through the bed, plays a very
strong inverse role in the headloss.

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Filter Backwash
A filter run is terminated and back washing is initiated when
sufficient solids have accumulated to
(1) Use up the available driving force
(2) Cause the filtering velocity to drop below a predetermined level
(3) Exhaust the storage capacity of the bed so that solids begin to
“break through” into the effluent

Backwashing: reversing the flow and forcing clean water upward

through the media. The filter bed is expanded so that the granules are
no longer contact with each other, exposing all the surfaces to
cleaning (by hydrodynamic shear)

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Filter Operation and Backwash
Regular operation: A, B open, rest closed

Backwash: C, D open, rest closed

Filter development: A, E open until effluent

is of desirable quality

Water from backwash can be reused.

(running through sed./coag.). Since
SS is stabilized, removal will be easy


CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Roughing filtration: layout and design

water with
Three types

gravel size

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Roughing filtration: cleaning and efficiency
Either hydraulically (shock drainage) or manually

Up-flow filters Excavation of filter

possess a bed, washing and
favorable layout refilling

 SS removal upto 95% and turbidity removal of 50-90% have
been reported
 Color removal 20-50% and faecal coliform reduction 0.65 – 2.5
log units
 50% removal of iron and manganese has also been achieved

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Roughing filtration: advantages and disadvantages

 Allows deep penetration of filter materials
 Have large silt storage capacity
 Often used before SSF because of their effectiveness in removing
 More effective as a pretreatment than pre-sedimentation for raw
water to the physical standards required by SSF

 Limited to average turbidity of 20-150 NTU to prevent frequent

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Slow Sand Filtration (SSF)
 Reduce the number of microorganisms in water
 Retain fine organic and inorganic solid matters
 Oxidize organic compounds dissolved in water

~1m depth, with Fine sand

~0.1m overboard (upgraded), free
from impurities

Suitable for the development of surface water-based water supply

systems in developing countries
CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Difference between particle removal mechanism of RSF
and SSF

SSF: Removal by biological layer

RSF: Removal by Al-Floc layer

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

SSF Characteristics
 Very low rate of filtration

Limitations of
 High removal of turbidity (80-85%) and color (95-99.9%)
 No pretreatment generally required for water <30NTU
 Not very effective in removing colloidal matters, treating

water >30NTU or with excessive algal growth
 Low cost operation and maintenance
 2-4 weeks ripening period required after installation,
however it can regain full biological activities (formation of
‘Schmutzdeke’) after a few hours of cleaning thereafter.
 Cleaning done by removing scraping and removal of the
top 1.5-2 cm of sand
 Perform best under continuous operation and constant
flow conditions

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Rapid Sand Filtration (RSF)
Higher filtration rate is achievable because of the coarse sand (d10 = 0.4-
1.2 mm) and relatively uniform-sized particles that are used as the filter

Graded gravel, 0.5 m thick Coarse sand layer, 1 m thick

Can be both gravity type and pressure type, can be

fixed or variable-head

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Characteristics of RSF
 High filtration rates 5-15 m3 per m2 per hour
 High removal of turbidity (80-85%) and color (85-95%)
 Pretreatment such as coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation
are required
 Suitable for all types of turbid and colored water
 Relatively high cost of operation and maintenance.
 Cleaning of filter bed by backwashing

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Effect of Gradation on Filtration in RSF
 Natural gradation of particles after backwash will be such that the
smallest particles are at the top.
 Water with large strong flocs will cause rapid binding at fine
grained surface, rapid build up of head loss, necessitating frequent
 This situation could be alleviated if the gradation of the filter
could be reversed.
 Such arrangement will allow
- The use of entire depth of filter medium
- Larger volumes of SS could be retained between backwashes
- Longer filter runs, less head loss, greater filtering rates

This is possible by carefully selecting medium with regard to size

and density.

Dual and mixed-media filters can approximately achieve this

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Dual and Multi-media Filters

Mixed-Media Filters

Dual Media Filters

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Operational difficulties in RSF

(A) Negative head and air binding (B) Formation of mud balls

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Operational difficulties in RSF

(C) Cracking of filter bed (D) Jetting and sand boils

(E) Sand Leakage

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Characteristic Differences among SSF, RSF and RF

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Physical Characteristics of Particles and Filtration
o Initial number and mass concentration
o Average size characterizing the distribution

Process Avg SS
size (mg/L)
Gravity >100 >50
Screening ~30 <50
Filtration using <30 <50
granular media
Coagulation <30 >50
prior to filtration

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Disinfection is used in water treatment to reduce pathogens to an
acceptable level (not the same as sterilization).

Drinking water does not need to be sterile to be safe to drink.

Three categories of human enteric pathogens are of concern in

drinking water: bacteria, viruses, and amebic cysts. Disinfection must
be capable of destroying all three.

Some water treatment processes assist in removing pathogens

(coag./filtr/softening/settling), but to provide protection against re-
growth, additional disinfection must be practiced.

Five agents have found common use in disinfecting drinking water:

(1) free chlorine, (2) combined chlorine, (3) ozone, (4) chlorine
dioxide, and (5) ultraviolet irradiation.
CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Ideal Disinfectant Properties
1. They must destroy the kinds and numbers of pathogens that may be
introduced into water within a practicable period of time over an expected
range in water temperature.

2. They must meet possible fluctuations in composition, concentration, and

condition of the water to be treated.

3. They must be neither toxic to humans and domestic animals nor

unpalatable or otherwise objectionable in the concentrations required for

4. Their strength or concentration in the treated water must be determined

easily, quickly, and, preferably, automatically.

5. Their cost must be reasonable.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Disinfection Chemistry: Chlorination

Chlorine existing in the form of

HOCl and/or OCl is defined as
free available chlorine or free

At low concentrations chlorine kills microorganisms by penetrating the cell

and reacting with enzymes and protoplasm. At higher concentrations,
oxidation of the cell wall will destroy the organism

To optimize disinfecting action, the design pH is in the a range 6.5 to 7.5.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Disinfection By-Products (DBPs)
Chlorine reacts with NOM to form a number of carcinogenic
byproducts. Trihalomethanes (THMs), haloacetic acids (HAAs), haloacetonitriles, haloketones,
haloaldehydes, chloropicrin, cyanogen chloride, and chlorophenols.

Chloramines react with NOM to form byproducts but at lower


Chlorine dioxide and ozone can oxidize a number of organic

constituents without producing THMs or HAAs. However, chlorine
dioxide itself and the chlorite ion are toxic. In addition, if bromide is
present, ozonation will form the hypobromite ion which, in turn, forms,
hypobromous acid that will react with NOM to form brominated

No known DBPs result from UV radiation.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Disinfection Kinetics: Chick’s Law
Dr. Harriet Chick demonstrated that disinfection could be modeled as a
pseudo-first order reaction with respect to the concentration of organisms:

Recognizing the effect of disinfectant concentration, Watson (1908) proposed

an alternative expression to describe a given level of inactivation

The Chick-Watson law in integrated form

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Problem: Disinfection Kinetics
The data for HOCl disinfection of poliovirus at a concentration of 1.8 mg/L is
shown below. The temperature was 20°C , the pH was 6.0. Determine the rate
constant of inactivation assuming the Chick-Watson model applies with an n
value of 1.0.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Factors Affecting Disinfection
1. Form of Chlorine (Hypochlorous acid is more effective than the
hypochlorite ion)
2. pH (free chlorine species is related to pH)
3. Concentration
4. Contact Time Governed by Chick-Watson Law
5. Type of Organism (Viruses, cysts and ova are more resistant than bacteria)
6. Temperature

Plotting combinations of
disinfectant concentration and
time to a fixed % inactivation for a
given temperature yields curves
that follow the form of Cnt =

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Factors Affecting Disinfection (ctd)
Cnt = constant. The constant is a function of the organism, temperature, and pH.

Time to achieve 99.6 to 100

percent kill at water temperature
of 0C to 5C.

Time to achieve 99.6 to 100

percent kill at water temperature
of 20C to 24C.

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Chemical Oxidant Demand (Breakpoint Chlorination)

Chlorine + organics (organic acids e.g. humic, fulvic) = chlorinated HC (carcinogenic)

Chlorine + phenolic compounds = odor

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Chemical Oxidant Demand
Mn+2, H2S

Reactions with organics can be

prevented by adding ammonia
since chloramine do not react
with organics and phenols

Combined chlorine are less effective as disinfectant (requires larger conc and contact periods),
but are persistent and provide continuous protection against regrowth in dist system
CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Advanced Treatment Technologies:

•Reverse Osmosis

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

What is “Reverse” Osmosis?
A membrane process for desalination by the application of hydrostatic
pressure to drive the feedwater through a semipermeable membrane
while major portion of its impurities are left behind

Product (near atm.

Pressure, low salt

Waste (high pressure,

high salt content)

Operating pressure: 300 – 400 psi (desalting brackish water)

800 – 1000 psi (seawater desalination)

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Principles of Reverse Osmosis


CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Typical Applications of Reverse Osmosis
i. Desalination of brackish water (TDS < 10000 mg/L) to provide
potable water
ii. Pretreatment of normal municipal water (TDS 500 – 1000
mg/L) preceding ion exchange deionization to make ultrapure
water for applications such as boiler feed
iii. Recovery of valuable or reusable materials from a waste via the
RO reject stream
iv. Reduction in the volume of waste, if required
v. Water conservation or recovery such as the cooling tower

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Membrane configurations
o Spiral wound membrane
o Tubular membrane
o Hollow fine fibre module
o Plate and frame membrane


CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Large-scale setup

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Type of membranes
o Thin, imperfection-free
Ideal o Water can pass through with little hindrance
Membrane o Impermeable to ions
properties o Capable of withstanding pressure

Two types
Cellulose Acetate (CA) Polyamide membranes
o Cheaper, can tolerate Cl2 o Subject to degradation by Cl2
o Subject to biological attack or other oxidants
o not susceptible to biological
o Do not hydrolize. Best within
pH 4-11
o Longer life (3-5 years)

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Electric energy is used to transfer ionized salts from feedwater
through selective membranes, leaving behind purified product


CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed


- Cation and anion-selective

membranes placed
alternatively to form a
membrane stack.

- Concentrated and
dilute/pure solutions
collected from the spaces
between alternating

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Advanced Treatment Technologies:

CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

What is adsorption?
The physical and/or chemical process in which a substance is
accumulated at the interface between the phases which may be solid-
liquid, liquid-liquid, gas-liquid or gas-solid.
Silica Gel

Activated carbon

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Adsorbate, Adsorbent and Absorption
Adsorbate: the substance being removed from the liquid phase

Adsorbent: the solid phase onto which the accumulation takes place.
Activated carbon is used exclusively in full scale water treatment.

Adsorbent Adsorbate Adsorbent

(porous structure) (‘flat’ surface)

Absorption means uniform distribution of the substance throughout

the bulk
Adsorption essentially happens at the surface of the substance.
CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Kinetics of adsorption
Diffusion into the pores and adsorption

Transport across
boundary layer to
the surface

Bulk transport
from boundary
layer to adsorbent

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Mechanisms of adsorption
Adsorbate has less free energy on the surface of adsorbent than in solution

Physical adsorption: dipole-dipole interaction, hydrogen bonding,

Van der Waal’s force, Hydrophobic bonding (non-polar adsorbate)

Typical for water treatment (e.g.

adsorption of fatty acids on carbon)
Can form multilayers, free to move on the surface, always reversible

Chemisorption: Electrostatic chemical bonding between adsorbate

and adsorbent
ROH(aq) + SOH = SOR + H2O (aq)

R is metal ion adorbate and S is metal oxide adsorbent

Forms monolayers, specific to a certain site, can be irreversible
CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Mechanisms of adsorption

Adsorption of Electrolytes: Adsorption of ionic species to

surfaces by electrostatic attraction.

Highly dependent on pH and ionic strength.

pH governs the stability of acids

and bases in polar water

 Covalent or electrostatic chemical bonding Increasing

 Dispersion interactions (Van der Waals bond
force) and hydrogen bonding energy
 Dipole-dipole interaction

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Physical Properties of Activated Carbon
Activated carbon is produced by roasting carbonaceous material (in
the absence of air to form char) and then oxidized at higher temp. to
create a very porous structure (“Activation”)

Crushed into granules from 0.1 to 2 mm (Granular Activated Carbon)

or pulverized into powder (Powdered Activated Carbon).
500-1500 m2/g surface area can be achieved.

PAC : (filterability and bulk density)

Product water contamination Removal capacity of the adsorbate

GAC: (hardness and particle size)

Losses by attrition in Affects bulk transport (availability of

filter runs and macropores) and headloss across the
backwashing beds

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

Application Techniques of GAC and PAC
Consists of a bed of materials in cylindrical tank and water is
passed through the bed. Can be fixed or moving bed

Carbon is cleaned/regenerated in a furnace in a similar manner as the original

Bed can get plugged by SS. Provision of backwash provided or the bed may be
operated in a fluidized state
CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed
Application Techniques of GAC and PAC
PAC: cannot be operated in a fixed bed arrangement due to the
small size of particles (high head loss)

PAC is contacted with water in open vessels where it remains in

suspension for specific contact period

Removed from water by conventional solid separation techniques

Regeneration of PAC is much more difficult than GAC (mixture of

steam and other hot gases hold the carbon in suspension while
the regeneration occurs)

CE331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed


CE 331: Environmental Engineering I Dr. Tanvir Ahmed

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