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Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web

I. Corporate Background ……………………………………………… 3

II. New Employee Orientation ………………………..……………… 4
III. HR handover process ………….………………………………… 5
IV. Training Functions………………………………………………… 6
a. Higher Levels of Satisfaction ……………………………… 6
b. Create Uniform Policy ……………………………………… 7
c. Develop Customer Service Procedures ………………… 7
V. Time Required to Prepare Training ……...……………………… 8
VI. Proposed Training Costs ………….………………………………… 9
VII. Learning Objectives ………………………………………………… 10
VIII. Training Lesson Plan for Objective #2 ………………………… 12
IX. Training Methods and Materials ………………………………… 13
a. Lecture & Demonstration ………………………….……… 13
b. Games & Role Play …………………………………..……… 14
X. Evaluation of Training ……………………………………………… 15
a. Reaction ……………………………………………….……… 16
b. Learning ……………………………………….……………… 16
c. Job Behavior ……………………………..…………………… 17
d. Organizational Results ……………………………………… 17

Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
I. Corporate Background
Orinoco Call Centre (OCC) is the largest call center operation in
Botswana. With 75 seats and 3 shifts that operates 24/7. With over 11
years of experience and annual turnover of over 11 million Pula. The
total staff compliment is 150 employee including managers and
Customer Service Representatives (CSRs).

II. New Employee Orientation

Critical part of training is to “on-board
new employees into the system. Typically
the NEO program is a joint effort by the HR
team and the training team.

HR Functions during NEO:

1. Collected outstanding
credential documents
2. Deploy agents for CID finger
3. Introduce to HR policies such
a. Leave
b. Probation
c. Termination
d. Maternity
e. IJP or Lateral movement
Training functions during NEO:

1. Introduction to process &

2. Handout training material
3. Visit Shop floor
4. Disseminate schedule
III. Training Functions
The training function exists to ensure that every employee in the
system is aware of the business processes in play, and their roles
towards the revenue generation system of the company. Training in
liaison with HR is to ensure that only best and capable employee are
allowed to continue in the system right from the inception process.
Essentially, when NEO agent perform poorly during the OJT (On job

Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
Training) period or the post training
evaluation, they skills & abilities
need to be reassessed and HR will
need to intervene to take a decision
to continue or terminate the

 Generation of Training need

o TNA & hiring is essential in
determining the trainer
workload. TNA can emanate
from 3 sources:
 Quality Analysis team
 Training
 Bench mark with quality
analysis team & operations to
identify and deploy training based
call quality score card
 Identify learning issues among
agents to see if it presents an
obstacle to performance.
 Obtain and work on trainer
effectiveness feedback from
operations and HR – trainee
feedback reports
 Identify and bridge module
effectiveness gap with inputs from
client and operations
 Frequent training calibration
sessions with the client to ensure
integrity of knowledge transfer

Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
IV. Training Goals
Goal #1: Achieve Higher Levels of Customer Satisfaction

OCC has always placed onus on the improvement of service delivery

systems to create a higher level of service satisfaction for our customers both
internally (BHC) and their customers (Tenants & Stake-holders). This
programs to help kick-start this has been to identify best service calls via
quality team and also via customer satisfaction survey results. We have also
proposed implementing an awards and recognition program for exceptional
customer service (via use of customer feedback)

Goal #2: Create a Uniform Customer Service Policy

While CSR candidates receive a briefing on BHC’s Corporate Customer

Service Philosophy during employee orientation the entire service delivery
policy is available to CSR via the service handbook on the intra-net and as a
hard copy.

Goal #3: Develop Customer Service Procedural Guidance

We provide training that equips CSRs with the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes that will increase product knowledge, maximize problem-solving
resources, and provide exceptional customer service to Orinoco Call Centre.
We will develop a ready reference customer service procedural guide, posted
on each workstation that will provide immediate direction to CSRs to
effectively identify a customer’s concern and the process to most efficiently
resolve it.

V. Time Required To Prepare Training

To adequately provide quality training that maximizes CSR potential for

improved performance and retention, 7 days will be required to prepare a
completed training program. The table below provides a breakdown of the
factors used to determine the time required to prepare training. L=Low,
M=Medium, and H=High refer to the levels of effort required to design
proposed training and subsequently correlate with the estimated number of
Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
days taken to develop one day of instructor-led training. Our training plan
duration is based on the following:

The following variables call for a Low level of effort:

 The designer’s knowledge and skills related to instructional design

 The designer’s knowledge of the training and subject matter
 The designer’s and the client’s track record for sticking to plans
 Data Collection

The following variables call for a Medium level of effort:

 The size and complexity of the target training group

 The designer’s interaction with the client
 The client’s level of involvement

The following variables call for a High level of effort:

 The elements included in the training materials

 The client’s or organization’s expectations regarding packaging
 What is considered final product
 The program’s degree of interactivity

VI. Proposed Training Costs for Customer Service Training

Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
The following itemizes the proposed costs associated with the
development of Customer Service Training for 15 CSRs over a five (5) day
training period.

Developmental Costs

Indirect Costs

Participant Compensation

Evaluation Costs

Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
VII. Learning Objectives

Using the data collected from the Training Needs Analysis, we have
determined 5 learning objectives to concentrate training to select staff
members for BHC. These objectives are developed based on specific
operational conditions, desired behaviors, and standard criteria used to judge
the minimal adequacy of desired behavior.

Key: C = Condition

B = Behavior

S = Standard

L.O. #1: The trainee will conduct a customer service interviews

without the use of the procedural manual and will identify
core customer concerns according to the standards
established within the policy and procedural manual.

C - Conduct CS interviews w/o the use of procedural manual

B – The Customer Service Rep (CSR) will identify core customer


S – According to the standard of policy and procedural manual

L.O. #2: The trainee will utilize the telephone customer service
checklist to forward customers to appropriate departments
according to the standards established by the customer
service procedural guidance.

C – Utilizing telephone customer service checklist

B – Forward customer to appropriate department

Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
S – Customer service procedural guidance

L.O. #3: The trainee will use specialized customer service (cs)
software to document/update customer concerns into
database upon completion of immediate interview with

C-Using specialized CS software

B-update/document customer concerns into database/file

S-upon completion of immediate interview with customer

L.O. #4: Using standardized assessments, the trainee will

demonstrate basic customer service philosophy and

procedure according to standard in customer service policy

C- Using standardized assessments/testing

B-CSR will demonstrate basic customer service philosophy and


S-according to standard in CS policy manual

L.O. #5: Using customer service and simulation exercises, the CSR
will demonstrate proper CS techniques in accordance with
established CS satisfaction protocols (i.e. etiquette,
timelines, empathetic listening)

C-Using customer service and simulation exercises

B-CSR will demonstrate proper CS techniques

Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
S-in accordance with established CS satisfaction protocols (i.e.
etiquette, timelines, empathetic listening)

Lesson for Training Objective #2

Objective: Successfully complete a customer service call according to the

standards set for in the customer service policy.

Event Media Prescription

1. Informing the Live instruction and State the objective

learner of the overhead media is to properly
objective. (PowerPoint) handle a CS call,
one in which the
customers needs
are met and the
customer is happy
when they hang

2. Stimulating recall of Overhead projector and Have the learners

requisites discussion recall procedure
from their
previous training.

3. Presenting the Same Restate the

stimulus material problem in general
terms and then
add specific
details, such as
amount due,
service plan, etc.

Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
4. Providing learning Same The student will
guidance need to properly
handle the
customer call and
enter their
information into
the system.

5. Eliciting

6. Providing Feedback Oral reviews and critique by Providing feedback

Instructor and fellow trainees via an oral review.

7. Assessing Instructor Assessing

Performance performance by
providing another
CS call with

8. Enhancing retention Pre-Post Training Worksheets Enhance retention

and transfer and Questionnaires by providing a
series of simulated
calls with different
types of

VIII. Training Methods and Materials

To ensure the maximum possibility of knowledge retention we will

incorporate two primary methods of training: Lecture/Demonstration and
Games/Role Play. On-the-Job training will be provided as needed by first-line
Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
supervisors who will also attend training. Each session should last
approximately 50 minutes and allow for 10 minute break.

Lecture and Demonstration

We will begin the training sessions with a combination of straight lecture

and lecturettes on the fundamentals of quality customer service to ensure that
each trainee has a general understanding of customer expectations. We
concluded that most CSRs possessed an experiential knowledge of how to
perform their tasks but lacked the fundamental principles that ensured
consistently competent performance. Because CSRs possess some knowledge
of their tasks we will combine the lectures with discussion (especially
interactive discussions with other attending CSRs due to similar attitudes and
experiences). The lecture format is not designed to re-teach what they’ve
already learned, but to provide a springboard from which to add knowledge.
In accordance with our learning objectives, the use of audio/visual and multi-
media is instrumental in providing CSRs a visual representation of the
fundamental customer service principles the lectures emphasize. We will
introduce video clips that demonstrate the successful customer service call as
well as the unsuccessful. We will draw particular attention to the techniques
and attitudes used by CSRs in video scenarios and will discuss similarities and
differences between video characters and CSR trainees. Allowing CSR trainees
to critique video scenarios will also cause them to begin to think critically of
their own attitude and performance when handling customer calls.

Games and Role Play

Through use of games and role play we will prepare scenarios similar to
those observed during the audio/visual lectures and simulate actual customer
service calls. CSR trainees will be selected to act as customers while other
trainees will act as CSRs. Trainers will effectively facilitate this portion of
training to ensure the previously learned principles and performance
expectations are learned. For example, trainee #1 (customer) will be
separated from his/her classmates and isolated in a different room. He/she
will be given a scenario card that identifies the concern he/she is to present to
the CSR. Trainee #1 will also be directed to display diverse temperaments
(i.e. anger, sarcasm, etc) consistent with the unsatisfied or frustrated
customer. Trainee #1 will have access to a telephone that is programmed to a
different phone in the general classroom (complete with external speakers to
ensure classmates can hear and observe communications). Trainee #2 (CSR)
will remain with the class and has no knowledge of what type of customer
he/she will encounter. The goal of the exercise is to follow learned
performance expectations, pinpoint and clarify specific customer concern,
make attempt to resolve customer concern, and update the electronic
Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
customer file. (all without allowing the customer’s concern or temperament to
effect the quality of service the CSR provides). This method will also include
classroom discussion and each participant receives immediate and
constructive feedback from classmates as well as trainer.

The following is a list of materials required to effectively conduct training

according to plan:

1. Audio/Visual Projection Screen (for PowerPoint lecture and video

2. Dry Erase Board and markers
3. Dedicated Telephone Line
4. Notebooks (One per trainee)
5. Pencils/Pen/Highlighter (One per trainee)
6. Training Manuals (One for each trainee)
7. Moveable tables (5ft x 3 ft) and Chairs (one extra table should be
dedicated for refreshments)
Note: Classroom should be arranged in “Theater Style” with two chairs
(trainees) per table. Trainee should have room at front of classroom to pace
and interact with trainees. The primary entrance into the classroom should be
as close to the rear as possible to allow trainees to exit when necessary
without distracting learning process.

IX. Evaluation
Several tools will be used to evaluate training and knowledge retention
throughout the week. They include:


Most training companies use this form of evaluation at the conclusion of

training. We believe it is best to present one questionnaire on the first day of
training and another on the last day. By providing one during the first day of
training we’re able to determine how trainees view training (i.e. do the
welcome training; is the attitude positive/negative, etc) and they have the
opportunity to communicate their goals for training. The second questionnaire
will evaluate their overall satisfaction of training content and its relevance to
their everyday working environment. This will also assist us in determining
how well ‘tailored’ our training program met your specific organizational


Our TNA confirmed that CSRs possess an experiential knowledge of

their day-to-day tasks, but lack specific training in customer service principles
and procedures. We will provide pre-testing at the beginning of training to
Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web
determine depth of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of CSRs. A comprehensive
written assessment is conducted on the final morning of training to determine
how much knowledge was retained, particularly from the lectures where
fundamental principles are taught.

Job Behavior

Trainees will be given immediate constructive feedback following games

and role play exercises. This feedback is designed to provide immediate
evaluation of CSR performance in accordance with taught principles and
organizational philosophy. Further, trainees will be evaluated during their day-
to-day operations. A formal checklist will be used to measure learning
objectives transferred to the worksite.

Organizational Results

We will incorporate software into the telephone system that gives

customers an opportunity to complete a customer satisfaction survey at the
end of each call. Customers will be informed of the voluntary survey prior to
connecting with a CSR and reminded by the CSR when concern(s) have been
resolved. Note: If customer concern is forwarded to other BHC personnel for
resolution, he/she will remind customer of survey before terminating call.
Results of the voluntary customer survey will be recorded and used to
determine overall level of satisfaction and likelihood of future business.

Orinoco Call Centre|| Plot 113 Unit 31 Kgale Mews, International Finance Park, Gaborone, Botswana||Tel +267 3186016 ||Fax +267 3186482||Email ||Web

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