Third Term 3º Eso Way To Enlgi

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. Rewrite the sentences changing for by since or since by for according to the example

They have been married for two years now >> They have been married since 2007

1. It’s twelve o’clock. I’ve been waiting here since ten o’clock

2. We’ve studied at this school for three years


3. Ann and Sue are fifteen. They’ve known each other since they were ten

4. I’ve lived in Logroño since I was born


5. They haven’t seen Samuel since Christmas __________________________________

Today (be) is the second day of my trek around Mount Annapurna. I am exhausted and my legs (shake) are shaking ; I
just hope I am able to complete the trek. My feet (kill, really) are really killing me and my toes (bleed) are bleeding,
but I (want, still) still want to continue.

Nepal is a fascinating country, but I have a great deal to learn. Everything (be) is so different, and I (try) am trying to
adapt to the new way of life here. I (learn) am learning a little bit of the language to make communication easier;
unfortunately, I (learn, not) do not learn foreign languages quickly. Although I (understand, not) do not understand
much yet, I believe that I (improve, gradually) am gradually improving.

I (travel, currently) am currently travelling with Liam, a student from Leeds University in England. He (be) is a nice
guy, but impatient. He (walk, always) always walks ahead of me and (complain) complains that I am too slow. I (do)
am doing my best to keep up with him, but he is younger and stronger than I am. Maybe, I am just feeling sorry for
myself because I am getting old.

Right now, Liam (sit) is sitting with the owner of the inn. They (discuss) are discussing the differences between life in
England and life in Nepal. I (know, not) do not know the real name of the owner, but everybody (call, just) just calls
him Tam. Tam (speak) speaks English very well and he (try) is trying to teach Liam some words in Nepali. Every time
Tam (say) says a new word, Liam (try) tries to repeat it. Unfortunately, Liam (seem, also) also seems to have difficulty
learning foreign languages. I just hope we don't get lost and have to ask for directions.

Last night, while I was doing my homework, Angela (call) called. She said she (call) was calling me on her cell phone
from her biology classroom at UCLA. I asked her if she (wait) was waiting for class, but she said that the professor
was at the front of the hall lecturing while she (talk) was talking to me. I couldn't believe she (make) was making a
phone call during the lecture. I asked what was going on.

She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students (sleep, actually) were actually sleeping in
class. Some of the students (talk) were talking about their plans for the weekend and the student next to her (draw)
was drawing a picture of a horse. When Angela (tell) told me she was not satisfied with the class, I (mention)
mentioned that my biology professor was quite good and (suggest) suggested that she switch to my class.
While we were talking, I (hear) heard her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?" Suddenly, the line
went dead. I (hang) hung up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner. As I (cut) was cutting vegetables for
a salad, the phone rang once again. It (be) was Angela, but this time she wasn't sitting in class.

9. Complete the text using ever/never/just/for/since

Kate: Have you _____________________ been to New York?

Sophie: New York? No, I’ve _________________ been there. Have you?

Kate: Yes. In fact I’ve _____________________ come back from there. I’ve been working for an American company
_________________ two years now, ________________ January 2007.

Sophie: That sounds fabulous! Have you _________________ climbed to the top of the Empire State Building?

Kate: No, I’ve _________________________ climbed up there.

Sophie: And have you ___________________met a famous person?

Kate: Yes. I’ve ___________________ met a famous actor and I think I’m in love with him.

Sophie: You are so lucky! I’ve wanted to know an actor _________________ I was a teenager

1. Tengo que estudiar mas _______________________________________________________

2. No puedes llevar camiseta a la oficina _______________________________________________________

3. No es necesario que vayas en coche _______________________________________________________

4. John tiene que trabajar el próximo domingo _______________________________________________________

5. No debes tocar ese botón _______________________________________________________

6. Tendremos que terminar el proyecto pronto _______________________________________________________

7. Debes darte prisa o perderás el autobús _______________________________________________________

8. Creo que debo escribir una carta a Paul _______________________________________________________

9. No tienes que traer comido. Hay muchísima _______________________________________________________

10. El profesor nos dijo que no teníamos que llevar los libros


11. ¿Qué crees que debo hacer? _______________________________________________________

12. No puedes ir a la disco si no tienes 14 años


I __________________ to get up early because I start work at 8 a.m. I will ______________________ to leave work
early if the snowstorm continues. In Ireland, you _______________________ smoke in pubs You
____________________ respect the rules when you walk your dog in this park. Before you enter the park, you
____________________ attach a leash to your dog's neck. You ______________________ enter the park until your
dog is on a leash. If your dog is running free and the police stop you, you will probably _______________ pay a fine.
Of course, you _______________________ walk your dog in the park. You can always go somewhere else.

III) Complete the sentences with a lot of, much, many, too much, too many, enough: 1- People in England don´t drink
________________ coffee. They prefer tea. 2- Layla wants to buy a tablet, but she hasn´t got ________________
money. 3- They didn´t see ________________ bands at the concert because they were late. 4- There were
________________ people at the disco last night. We had a great time! 5- I can´t hear you. There´s
_______________ noise in this bar. 6- The traffic is terrible in New Delhi. There are __________________ cars. 7-
The woman was badly injured in the accident. She lost _________________ blood. 8- I have to get fit because I don´t
feel strong________________.

3 Complete the second conditional sentences so they are true for you. I’d be in the school orchestra if I could play an
instrument well. . 1 If I donated a million pounds to a charity, . 2 If I had the opportunity to visit the North Pole, . 3 I
would reduce my carbon footprint, . 4 If the government invested more in recycling plants, . 5 If we grew our own
vegetables, .

2 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. CSI Miami (1) is (be) a famous TV series. It (2)
(win) Top TV Series in 2005 and 2006. It (3) (film) mainly in the USA between 2002 and 2012. The plots (4) (revolve)
around a team of forensic investigators and police officers. In each episode a crime (5) (commit) and the team had to
solve it. All the evidence (6) (collect) using the latest techniques, but traditional police work (7) (be) also important.
Horatio Caine, the head of the crime lab, (8) (play) by David Caruso. Other actors in the series (9) (include) Emily
Procter, Jonathan Togo and Eva LaRue. Text Pulse © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015 30 Photocopy

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs in brackets. In the 1800s, women didn’t use
to vote in elections. (vote) 1 In early Victorian times, children long hours in mines or factories. (work) 2 When I was
two I to school. I stayed at home with my mum. (go) 3 Before the Second World War women at university very
much. (study) 4 Men more rights than women and children. (have) 5 We French at school. Nowadays children can
study Spanish or Chinese. (study)

Write passive sentences in Simple Present.

1. the documents / print

2. the window / open
3. the shoes / buy
4. the car / wash
5. the litter / throw away
6. the letter / send
7. the book / read / not
8. the songs / sing / not
9. the food / eat / not
10. the shop / close / not
Write passive sentences in Simple Past.
1. the test / write
2. the table / set
3. the cat / feed
4. the lights / switch on
5. the house / build
6. dinner / serve
7. this computer / sell / not
8. the car / stop / not
9. the tables / clean / not
10. the children / pick up / no
Write passive sentences in Present Perfect.
1. the postcard / send
2. the pencils / count
3. the door / close
4. the beds / make
5. the mail / write
6. the trees / plant
7. the money / spend
8. the room / book / not
9. the rent / pay / not
10. the people / inform / not
Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). You must either use Simple Present or Simple

1. The Statue of Liberty (give) to the United States by France.

2. It (be) a present on the 100th anniversary of the United States.
3. The Statue of Liberty (design by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
4. It (complete) in France in July 1884.
5. In 350 pieces, the statue then (ship) to New York, where it (arrive on 17 June
1885.The pieces (put) together and the opening ceremony (take place)
on 28 October 1886.
6. The Statue of Liberty (be) 46 m high (93 m including the base).
7. The statue (represent) the goddess of liberty.
8. She (hold) a torch in her right hand and a tablet in her left hand.
9. On the tablet you (see / can) the date of the Declaration of Independence (July
4, 1776).

Decide whether to use simple present, simple past, present perfect, conjunctive or passive
voice. Use the long forms.

The Fellowship of the Ring (be) the first book of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
trilogy, which (set) in a fictive world, Middle Earth. It (tell) the story of
Frodo, a hobbit, and a magic ring.

As the story (begin) , Frodo (give) a magic ring. The wizard Gandalf
then (tell) him of the Rings of Power and of Sauron, the Dark Lord, who(make)
the Master Ring to rule all other Rings. Gandalf (advise) Frodo to leave home and keep
the ring out of Sauron's hands who already (send) his Black Riders in search for it.
Frodo's ring (give) Sauron the power to enslave Middle Earth.

Frodo (leave) the shire with three travelling companions: Sam, Merry and Pippin. First
they (know/not) that the Dark Riders (pick up) their trail already. But soon
the four friends (find out) about that.

They (have) a few encounters with the Dark Riders which Frodo and his friends(can)
only just escape. In one attack by the Dark Riders, however, Frodo (wound) badly. Still,
his friends (manage) to escape with him. Travelling on, they (reach) the
country of the elves. There Frodo (heal) by Elrond, an half-elven.

A council then (decide) that the ring (must / destroy) and(send) nine
individuals, the fellowship of the ring, to the Cracks of Doom to fulfil this task. The
group (travel) through the lands of Hollom and finally (come) to the mines of Moria.
There they (have to) fight against orcs and a demon of flames called Balrog. Fighting Balrog
on the bridge of Khazad-Dum, Gandalf (save) his friends. Gandalf himself,
however, (drag) into the depths by the demon. The others (manage) to escape.

When Boromir, one of the fellowship, (try) to steal the ring, Frodo (realise) that
he (have to) continue on his own. His dear friend Sam, however, (want/not) to let
him go alone. So he (accompany) him and eventually the two of them (reach) the evil
land of Mordor.

Hadrian's Wall

Fill the gaps with the correct tenses (active or passive voice).

1. In the year 122 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian (visit) his provinces in Britain.

2. On his visit, the Roman soldiers (tell) him that Pictish tribes from Britain's
north(attack) them.

3. So Hadrian (give) the order to build a protective wall across one of the narrowest parts of
the country.

4. After 6 years of hard work, the Wall (finish) in 128.

5. It (be) 117 kilometres long and about 4 metres high.

6. The Wall (guard) by 15,000 Roman soldiers.

7. Every 8 kilometres there (be) a large fort in which up to 1,000 soldiers (find)

8. The soldiers (watch) over the frontier to the north and (check) the people
who (want) to enter or leave Roman Britain.

9. In order to pass through the Wall, people (must go) to one of the small forts
that(serve) as gateways.

10. Those forts (call) milecastles because the distance from one fort to
another (be) one Roman mile (about 1,500 metres).

11. Between the milecastles there (be) two turrets from which the soldiers (guard)
the Wall.

12. If the Wall (attack) by enemies, the soldiers at the turrets (run) to the nearest
milecastle for help or (light) a fire that (can / see) by the soldiers in the

13. In 383 Hadrian's Wall (abandon) .

14. Today Hadrian's Wall (be) the most popular tourist attraction in northern England.

15. In 1987, it (become) a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

3. Complete the sentences with a passive construction, using the verbs given in the form

1. Much of London (destroy) _________ by fire in the seventeenth century. (Past Simple)

2. The man who (bite)____________________ by a snake was given a serum. (Past Perfect)

3. A leader should be a man who can (respect)____________________. (Infinitive)

4. Many slums (demolish) ___________ to make way for new buildings. (Present Continuous.)

5. The police (instruct) ___________ to take firm action against hooligans. (Present Perfect)

6. He (save)______________ from bankruptcy by the kindness of a friend. (Past Simple)

7. A cease-fire (expect) ____________________ (declare) ____________________ later this

week. (Present Simple, Infinitive)

8. A great deal of research (do)__ ____ into possible causes of cancer (Present Perfect)

9. The worker claimed that he (victimize)___________ by his employers. (Past Continuous)

10. The tenant (evict)____________________ for not paying his rent. (Past Simple)

11. It (think) ____________ that the Government would do something to help. (Past Perfect)

12. Three hundred new houses (build) _________ by the end of next year. (Future Perfect)

13. Because of a strike, work on the building had to (discontinue)___ ________. (Infinitive)

14. The witness strongly objected to (cross-examine)____________________. (Gerund)

15. (Threaten)____________________ by a blackmailer, he immediately informed the police.

(Perfect Participle)

16. I am not accustomed to (treat)____________________ in that way. (Gerund)

17. The passengers ought (inform) ____________________ the train (withdraw)

____________________ from service. (Perfect Infinitive. Past Perfect)

18. Customers (ask) ____________________ to ensure that they (give)

____________________ the correct change before leaving the shop, as mistakes cannot

afterwards (rectify)____________________. (Present Simple, Present Perfect, Infinitive)

19. Was he very upset at (not offer)____________________ the job? (Gerund)

20. The man was sent to prison for six months, (find) ____________________ guilty of fraud.
(Perfect Participle)

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