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Conrad’s Activity School

Syllabus for the First Term (Session 2018-19)
Class : U.K.G.
English Reading : Phono Drill – Lessons 1 to 4
English Recitation : Tini Mini Songs Pg No. 1 to 6
English Dictation : i) Difficult words from the Phono drill book
(lessons 1 to 4)
ii) Paragraph Dictation lessons 1 and 3
English Written : i) One and many
ii) Days of the week
iii) Opposites
iv) Use of A/An
v) Question / Answer
vi) Fill in the blanks
vii) Make Sentences
viii) Essays : Myself, The Sun
English Writing : Phono Drill – Lessons 1 to 4
Maths : i) Counting 1 to 200
(written and ii) Write in Numerals 1 to 100
orals) iii) Write in Words 1 to 100
iv) Shapes
v) Sums (Addition, Subtraction-one digit)
vi) Table of 2,3,4
vii) Backward Counting 20 to 1
viii) Circle the greatest and the smallest number
ix) What comes before, after, in-between.
Hindi Orals : fxurh 1 to 20
: Reading from Loj ljxe Pg no. 3,7,10,13
Hindi Recitation : cky xhr Pg. 3 to 10
Hindi Written : i) vk ls bZ ek=k “kCn
 beyk
 fp= ns[kdj “kCn fy[kks
 [kkyh LFkku Hkjks
 lgh feyku djks
 ek=k yxkvks
 pkjks ek=kvksa ds ikap&ikap “kCn
ii) rqdcanh “kCn
Hindi Writing : lqys[k (Selected lines given in the copy)
Science : i) Parts of the body
ii) Vegetables
iii) Fruits
iv) Flowers
v) Colours
vi) Food we eat
vii) Wild Animals
viii) Domestic Animals
ix) Clothes we wear
English : Q.1 What should you say when you want to go to washroom.?
Conversation Ans. 1 We should say “Please may I go to washroom”.
(Orals) Q.2 What should you say when you want to drink water.?
Ans. We should say “Please may I drink water”.
Q.3 Where is the food cooked.?
Ans. Food is cooked in the kitchen.
Q.4 What is your address.?
Ans. My address is ..........................................................
Q.5 What is your parent’s occupation?
Ans. My parents occupation is my father is a ..................
and my mother is a ............................
Q.6 When is your birthday.?
Ans. My birthday is on .................................................
Q.7 What day is today.?
Ans. Today is .................................
Q.8 What day was yesterday.?
Ans. Yesterday was ………………………
Q.9 What will be tomorrow?
Ans. Tomorrow will be ............................
Q.10 Who is the principal of your school?
Ans. Rev. Fr. Kalyan Paul Lakra is the principal of our school.
Q.11 What is your Phone No.?
Ans. My Phone no. is ............................
Q.12 Who are we?
Ans. We are Indians.
Moral Science : Lessons 1 to 4 from the book ‘Right is Right’
(Oral) Q.1 Who is the Father of all.?
Ans. God is the Father of all.
Q.2 Who made us?
Ans. God made us.
Q.3 When should we pray to God?
Ans. We should pray to God everyday.
Q.4 Who made the world.
Ans. God made the world.
Q.5 Where is god?
Ans. God is everywhere.
Q.6 Whom should we thank for everything?
Ans. We should thank God for everything.
Q.7 Who has given you your parents?
Ans. God has given me my parents.
Q.8 Who are parents.?
Ans. Mother and Father together are called parents.
Q.9 What is a prayer.?
Ans. A prayer is talking to God.
Q.10 Sing the Song – I am Special.
General : Q.1 Name 5 fruits that we peel and eat?
Knowledge Orals Ans. The fruits that we peel and eat are Banana, Papaya,
Orange, Kiwi and Pomegranate.
Q.2 Why should we eat food?
Ans. We should eat food to be strong and healthy.
Q.3 Name any 5 leafy vegetables?
Ans. Spinach, Coriander, Cabbage, Mint and Fenugreek (Methi).
Q.4 Name any 5 vegetables that can be eaten row?
Ans. Cucumber, Radish, Carrot, Cabbage and Onion.
Q.5 Which flower grows in water.?
Ans. The Lotus grows in water.
Q.6 Which flower always faces the Sun.?
Ans. The Sunflower always faces the Sun.
Q.7 Which is the largest land animal?
Ans. The Elephant is the largest land animal.
Q.8 Which is the largest water animal?
Ans. The blue whale is the largest water animal.
Q.9 Which is the largest bird?
Ans. The ostrich is the largest bird.
Q.10 How many legs do insects have?
Ans. Insects have six legs.
Q.12 Name any four flightless birds?
Ans. Penguin, Ostrich, Emu and Kiwi
Story : The Fox and the Grapes
Once upon a time, a fox saw a bunch of grapes hanging from a vine. He
wanted the grapes. So he jumped and jumped again, but he could not get
the grapes. So, he went saying “The grapes are sour.”
Moral: We should not pretend and keep trying till we succeed.
Drawing and : i) Traffic Light
Colouring ii) Happy Birthday
iii) Freehand Drawing
iv) Rainy Day
Craft : i) Tulip Flower
ii) House
iii) Rabbit
St. Conrad's Activity School
Syllabus for the Second Term (Session 2018-19)
Class: U.K.G.
English Reading : Phono Drill book Lessons: 5-9
English Recitation : Tini Mini Songs book Pgs. 7-11
English Dictation : (i) Difficult words from the book Phono Drill. Lesson: 5-9
(ii) Paragraph Dictation: Lessons 6 and 8.
English Written : (i) Question Answers
(ii) Make Sentences
(iii) Essay: My City, My Classroom, My Best Friend
(iv) Use of this / that
(v) Rhyming words
(vi) Gender
(vii) Pairing words
(viii) Use of is/ am/ are
English Writing : Phono Drill book Lesson: 5-9
Maths Written & oral : (i) Counting 201-400
(ii) Write in numerals 101-150
(iii) Write in words 101-150
(iv) Sums - Add & Subtract (2 Digits)
(v) Tables - 5, 6, 7
(vi) Backward Counting - 50-1
(vii) Ascending & Descending Order
(viii) Missing Numbers
Hindi Reading : (i) Reading from the book ^^Loj Hkkjrh** Page -
16, 19, 24, 27, 30, 33.
(ii) fxurh 21-40 (Oral)
Hindi Recitation : Pgs. 11-18 from the book ^^cky xhr**
Hindi Written : (i) ^^m ls vkS** ek=k 'kCn
§ beyk
§ fp= ns[kdj 'kCn fy[kks
§ lgh feyku djks
§ [kkyh LFkku Hkjks
§ N% ek=kvksa ds ik¡p&ik¡p 'kCn
§ ek=k yxkvks
(ii) jaxksa ds uke
(iii) Qyksa ds uke
(iv) i'kqvksa ds uke
Hindi Writing : lqys[k (Selected lines given in the class work notebook)
Science : (i) Our Helpers
(ii) Insects
(iii) Birds
(iv) Young ones of Animals
(v) Living & Non Living Things
(vi) Means of Transport
(vii) Things in the Classroom
(viii) Festivals
(ix) Electronic Gadgets
English Conversation (Oral) : Q1. What are your hobbies?
Ans. My hobbies are....................and....................
Q2. Who is the head of your family?
Ans. the head of my family.
Q3. Who is your best friend?
Ans. my best friend.
Q4. What do you like to eat the most?
Ans. I like to eat...................the most.
Q5. Where should we throw the waste?
Ans. We should throw the waste in the dustbin.
Q6. What do we use to write in our notebook?
Ans. We use a pencil to write in our notebook.
Q7. What should we never do while studying?
Ans. We should never make noise while studying.
Q8. Which is the temple of learning?
Ans. School is the temple of learning.
Q9. How many letters are there in English Alphabet?
Ans. There are twenty six letters in English Alphabet.
Q10. How many colours are there in a rainbow?
Ans. A rainbow has seven colours. They are violet, indigo, blue, green.
yellow, orange and red.
Q11. Who is the Vice Principal of our school?
Ans. Rev. Fr. Sunil Barwa is the Vice Principal of our school.
Q12. How can we save water ?
Ans. We can save water by closing taps and showers after use.
Story : Two Silly Goats
Once upon a time there were two silly goats. They wanted to cross a
narrow bridge. One silly goat was on one side, the other silly goat was on
the other side. When they came to the middle of the bridge, they could
not pass each other. Now both of them wanted to be the first to cross.
They began to fight. As they were fighting, both of them fell into the
water and drowned.
Moral: Foolishness is always punished.
G.K. (Oral) : Q1. Which is the huge ball of fire?
Ans. The Sun is the huge ball of fire.
Q2. How many planets are there in our solar system?
Ans. There are nine planets in our solar system.
Q3. Who is the current Prime Minister of India?
Ans. Mr. Narendra Modi is the current Prime Minister of India.
Q4. Who is the current President of India?
Ans. Mr. Ram Nath Kovind is the current President of India.
Q5. Which is the largest continent of the world?
Ans. Asia is the largest continent of the world.
Q6. Which is the largest country of the world?
Ans. Russia is the largest country of the world.
Q7. What is the name of our country?
Ans. The name of our country is India.
Q8. Which is the capital of India?
Ans. Delhi is the capital of India.
Q9. Where is our city located?
Ans. Our city is located in Uttar Pradesh (U.P.)
Q10. What is the currency of India?
Ans. Rupee is the currency of India.
Moral Science (Oral) : Lesson 5-8 from the book "Right is Right".
Q1. Who loves you?
Ans. My parents love me.
Q2. Do you help your parents at home?
Ans. Yes, I help my parents at home.
Q3. Who teaches you?
Ans. My teacher teaches me.
Q4. Do you obey your teachers and elders?
Ans. Yes, I obey my teachers and elders.
Q5. Do you share your things with your friends?
Ans. Yes, I share my things with my friends.
Q6. With whom you love to play?
Ans. I love to play with my friends.
Q7. Whom should we help?
Ans. We should help one another.
Q8. What should you say when someone gives you something?
Ans. I should say ‘thank you’ when someone gives me something.
Q9. Who helps you in doing your home - work?
Ans. My parents help me in doing my homework.
Q10. When someone asks you "How are you" what will you say?”
Ans. I will say "I am fine, thank you."
Drawing & Colouring : (i) Christmas Scene
(ii) Free hand drawing
(iii) Fruit basket
(iv) Scenery
Craft : (i) Envelope,
(ii) Boat
(iii) Ice-cream

U.K.G. THIRD TERM (2018-19)
Phono Drill- Lesson 10 to 12
Tiny Miny Songs- Pgs 12 to 16
1) Difficult words from the above lessons 10 to 12
2) Para dictation- Lessons 10 & 11

1) Q/Ans
2) Make sentences
3) Fill in the blanks
4) Use of these/those
5) Action words
6) Months of the year
7) Use of in/on/under
8) Singular/Plural
9) Essay- Books, Nature

Phono Drill- Lessons 10 to 12

MATHS (Written & Oral)

1) Counting 401-600
2) Write in words 151-200
3) Write in numerals 151-200
4) Sums (Add, Subtract, Multiply)
5) Tables (8,9,10)
6) Time & Clock
7) Put <,> or =
8) Expanded & Short form

1- fxurh 1&50
2. Reading from Loj ljxe Pgs. 7,10,13,16,19,24,27,30,33,35,37 & 39.

cky xhr
Pgs. 19 to 26
1) अ&अ: ek=k 'kCn
 beyk
 fp= ns[kdj 'kCn fy[kks
 lgh feyku djks
 [kkyh LFkku Hkjks
 Ekk=k yxkvks
2- if{k;ksa ds uke
3- Qwyksa ds uke
4- lfCt;ksa ds uke
5- [kkyh LFkku Hkjks

Selected lines given in the classwork notebook
1) Water Animals
2) Animals & their homes
3) Animals & their sounds
4) Indoor & Outdoor games
5) Our home
6) Types of houses
7) Means of transport and traffic lights
8) Places around us
9) Seasons
1) STORY- Learn any one fairy tale of your choice.
2) Learn to speak any 10 lines on the picture given on Pg. 43 of Phono Drill.
3) Learn to speak 10 lines on your family.


Lesson 9 to 11 from the book “Right is Right”
Q.1. When should we brush our teeth?
A.1. We should brush our teeth in the morning and at night.

Q.2. When do you take bath?

A.2. We take bath daily in the morning.

Q.3. How should you speak to others?

A.3. We should speak politely to others.

Q.4. Who teaches you good manners?

A.4. My parents and teachers teach me good manners
Q.5. What should you never do?
A.5. We should never fight, tell lies or use bad words.

Q.6. What should you say when you want to have something from a person?
A.6. We should say, “May I have it please.”

Q.7. What should you say when someone says “Thank you”?
A.7. I will say “Welcome” or “You are most welcome”
Q.8. How will you make way when you want to go through a busy place?
A.8. We will make way by saying “Excuse me please”.

Q.9. What will you say when you want to enter someone’s room?
A.9. I will say “May I come in please”.
Q.10. Name 3 golden words.
A.10. Sorry, please and thank you are 3 golden words.


Q.1. What is the colour of our National Flag?
A.1. Our National Flag is of Tricolour.

Q.2. Which is our National Anthem?

A.2. ‘Jana Gana Mana’ is our National Anthem.

Q.3. Which city is known as the ‘City of Lakes’?

A.3. Udaipur is known as the ‘City of Lakes’.

Q.4. Which city is known as the ‘Pink City’?

A.4. Jaipur is known as the ‘Pink City’.

Q.5. Who is known as the ‘Father of our Nation’?

A.5. Mahatma Gandhi is known as the ‘Father of our Nation”.

Q.6. Who is known as the ‘Nightingale of India’?

A.6. Sarojini Naidu is known as the ‘Nightingale of India’.

Q.7. Who was known as ‘Netaji’?

A.7. Subhash Chandra Bose was known as ‘Netaji’.

Q.8. Which is the National sport of India?

A.8. Hockey is the National sport of India.

Q.9. Which is the National tree of India?

A.9. Banyan is the National tree of India.

Q.10. Which is the National Song of India?

A.10. ‘Vande Mataram’ is the National Song of India.

Q.11. What is your city famous for?

A.11.My city is famous for Taj Mahal.

Q.12. Who is the current Chief Minister of U.P.?

A.12. Yogi Adityanath is the current Chief Minister of U.P.


1) Fish Aquarium
2) Holi Scene
3) Any 3 cartoon characters
4) Free hand drawing
1) Dog face
2) Star
3) Robot

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