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1 File Tab

2 Quick Access Toolbar

3 InfoCenter
4 Options Bar
5 Type Selector
6 Properties Palette
7 Project Browser
8 Status Bar
9 View Control Bar
10 Drawing Area
11 Ribbon
12 Tabs on the ribbon
13 A contextual tab on the ribbon, providing tools relevant to the selected object or
current action
14 Tools on the current tab of the ribbon
15 Panels on the ribbon

1. File Tab
The File tab provides access to common file actions, such as New, Open,
and Save. It also allows you to manage files using more advanced tools,
such as Export and Publish.
2. Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access toolbar contains a set of default tools. You can
customize this toolbar to display the tools that you use most often.
3. InfoCenter
InfoCenter provides a set of tools that enable you to access many
product-related information sources.
4. Options Bar
The Options Bar is located below the ribbon. It displays conditional tools
dependent on the current tool or selected element.
5. Type Selector
The Type Selector identifies the currently selected family type and
provides a drop-down from which you can select a different type.
6. Properties Palette
The Properties palette is a modeless dialog where you can view and
modify the parameters that define the properties of elements.
7. Project Browser
The Project Browser shows a logical hierarchy for all views, schedules,
sheets, groups, and other parts of the current project. As you expand and
collapse each branch, lower-level items display.
8. Status Bar
The status bar provides tips or hints on what to do. When you highlight an
element or component, the status bar displays the name of the family
and type.
9. View Control Bar
The View Control Bar provides quick access to functions that affect the
current view.
10. Drawing Area
The drawing area displays views (and sheets and schedules) of the current
project. Each time you open a view in a project, the view displays in the
drawing area on top of other open views.
11. Ribbon
The ribbon displays when you create or open a file. It provides all the tools
necessary to create a project or family.

12. Tooltips
Tooltips provide information about a tool in the user interface or an item in
the drawing area, or instructions on what to do next when using a tool.
13. Keytips
Keytips provide a way to access the application menu, the Quick Access
toolbar, and the ribbon using the keyboard.
14. Selecting Elements
Many of the controls and tools that you use to modify an element in the
drawing area are only available when an element is selected.
15. Controls and Shape Handles
When you select an element, various controls and handles appear on or
near the element. Use these controls to move the element or modify its
size or shape.
16. Search
Enter keywords in the Search field to quickly find the content you need in
a long list of options.
17. Recent Files
Recent Files lists the models and families that you opened most recently.
Click a recent model or family to open it, or use one of the buttons to
perform another action.
18. Background Processes
Revit uses background processes to carry out performance intensive tasks
so you can continue working in the model

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