Golden Mean Number 1,618

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1.618 :
Number of Golden Ratio, mystery of Kaaba, Miracle of Islam and Koran, it is the
high time for Divine Secrets, Divine Mysteries. Soon on display!

In a little while, you will see scientific proofs of unbelievable mysteries that
have remained hidden in the Holy City of Mecca for thousand of years with your
own eyes. Mecca is willed as direction of kowtow, convention place for billions
of Muslims and as the holy center of Islam. Those Muslims, who can afford, are p
rescribed to arrive go on a journey through Kaaba, Muzdelife and Arafat and to c
onvene in the sacred city.

Phi Constant- 1.618, superior design number of mathematics. The Creator has alwa
ys used the very same number in numerous events in the universe; in our heart pu
lses, the aspect ratio of DNA spiral, in the special design of the universe call
ed dodecehadron, in the leaf array rules of plants called phylotaxy, in the snow
flake crystals, in the spiral structure of numerous galaxies. The Creator used
the same number; the number of golden ratio which is 1.618

It is determined that this ratio has been used for the design of various reputab
le architectural structures, even including Pyramids in Egypt. Famous astronomer
Kepler defined this number as a great treasury. Numerous famous painters, engin
eers and architects, like Leonardo Da Vinci, have been using this ratio in their
works of art for hundreds of years.

As a result of his 25 years long study, aesthetician Dr. Steven Markout proves t
hat each of human faces and bodies, created pursuant to this ratio, are complete
ly beautiful. If the relative ratio is 1.618 for the components of any structure
, then this form will be convenient to Golden Ratio, the perfect design.

So, where is the Golden Ratio Point of the World?

The proportion of distance between Mecca and North Pole to the distance between
Mecca and South Pole is exactly 1.618 which is the golden mean. Moreover, the pr
oportion of the distance between South Pole and Mecca to the distance between bo
th poles is again 1.618.

The miracle has not been completed yet; The Golden Ratio Point of the World is i
n Mecca city according to map of latitude and longitude which is the common dete
rminant of mankind for location.

The proportion of eastern distance to the western distance of Mecca s solstice lin
e is again 1.618. Moreover, as shown in the Figure, the proportion of the distan
ce from Mecca to the solstice line from the west side and perimeter of world at
that latitude is also surprisingly equal to the golden ratio, 1.618. The Golden
Ratio Point of the World is always within the city borders of Mecca, within the
Holy Region that includes Kaaba according to all mapping systems despite minor k
ilometrical variations in their estimations.
At home, you can precisely measure the distance between any two points of World
by means of Google World s ruler feature. If you wish, you can easily verify the c
orrectness of the given ratios by calculating latitudes and longitudes or even b
y using a simple calculator. In drawings, you initially see how to locate start
and finish points on Mecca city and North Pole. With respect to positive longitu
de and latitude values and by taking drift angle to the land, but not to the sea
, the single Golden Ratio Point of the World is Mecca.

Phi matrix program is an American program used for displaying golden ratio of pi
ctures and drawings. If we assume the longitude and latitude map of the World as
an everlasting painting which has an endless depth, and open it in this program
, we will find out that the Golden Ratio Point of the World is the City of Mecca

Miracles go on

Golden Ratio Miracle in the Verse, Mecca of Koran.

There is one unique verse in Koran that includes Mecca word and an expression th
at mentions clear evidences within the city which will grant faith to humanity.
The relation between the City of Mecca and the Golden Ratio is clearly engraved
in Ali Imran Surah s (section of Koran) 96th verse. The total number of all letter
s of this verse is 47. Calculating the golden ratio of total letters, we find ou
t that the word of Mecca is implied; 47 / 1,618 = 29.0. There are 29 letters fro
m the beginning of the verse till the word, Mecca just as in the world map. If o
nly one single word or letter was missing, this ratio could never been constitut
ed. Without pushing the limits, we have conducted the very same process that we
conducted on world map and witnessed the glorious coherence of number of letters
that reveals the relation of Mecca and Golden Ratio.

All these evidences show that; The Creator of the World and mathematics is the s
ame One and Single God, the indefinable and great force that has created Kaaba,
holy region and Koran. He reminds whole humanity that he has granted signs to al
l humanity on the basis of his foreknowledge about the future and the common lan
guages of humans.

Discoveries regarding the relation between Golden Ratio, Mecca, Kaaba and Koran
have been increasing day by day. In the figure, it is indicated that measurement
s by golden ratio compass that is also known as Leonardo compass, prove that Mec
ca city is located on the Golden Ratio Point of Arabia while Kaaba is located on
the Golden Ratio of Mecca City. According to probability calculations, all thes
e proofs can not be incidental.

Try to survive until Summer, 2009. You will witness to miraculous news in holy b
ooks, Golden Ratio Point of the World, great mysteries about Jesus the Christ an
d Hz. Mohammed (SAV) with their scientific proofs.

This discovery is made by the 3d graphic artist, director who made some works th
at are world-wide famous, Erdem Çetinkaya. Right now his work of documentary-movie
which includes the miracle of Kaaba and the miracles named Holy Mysteries .

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