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CCI English
How do you pronounce these words?

occur laugh bargain exile arrival Pi

Complete the sentences.

1. I ____________ (not have) a good memory.

2. France is very good at _______________ (horseback riding) and _____________ (sword fighting).
3. I don't believe in ghosts but I think _____________ (beings from other planets) are a
4. It's important to be able to ________________ (do a lot of things at the same time) in order to
be a good manager.
5. He was ____________ with autism at a young age.
6. We were responsible _______ deciding when it's acceptable for France to ___________ war on
another country.
7. I'm bad ____ creating a budget, but I still try to _________ an effort.

Create sentences using the following prompts.

… is gifted at...
A friend … has an aptitude for …
A family member … is hopeless at … … because …
A co-worker … is an expert in …
… always complains about...

Grammar – Present Perfect

Complete the table:

be was been break

swim cut
begin write
lose break
forget fall
have choose
go make

Present Perfect Review – Grammar in Use Unit 13

 How has Paris changed since you were a child?
 How has your life changed since you became a parent?
 How have you improved in your career over the last 10 years?
Language for present and past ability
CCI English
Aliyat Hano’ar 42 | 6745023 | Tel Aviv-Yafo | | +972 073-7694499
CCI English
What can you remember about the human computer and human camera?

Read the sentences from the article and answer questions 1 – 3.

1. Which sentences describe present ability and which describe past ability?
2. Which words are used to express past and present ability? Underline them.
3. Which three sentences are negative?

a. If you tell Daniel your brith date, he can tell you what day of the week you were born on.
b. He could see a building just once and remember everything about it.
c. As a child, he couldn't make friends.
d. He is able to do extremely difficult calculations.
e. He was able to calculate 82 x 82 x 82 x 82
f. He wasn't able to sit still.
g. He always manages to draw everything in the right place.
h. He managed to learn Icelandic in one week.
i. he didn't manage to pass his exam.

Read the text quickly. What does Derek have in common with Daniel Tammet and Stephen

Complete the text with the words in the words below:

can isn't can't managed

could to couldn't able

Speaking about abilities

 Put one tick next to the things you can do now.
 Put two ticks next to the things you could do when you were a child.
 Put three ticks next to the activities you are very good at.

___ change the tire on a car ___ paint a picture

___ run for an hour ___ tell a joke in a foreign language

___ climb a mountain ___ write with your left hand

___ remember important dates ___ play tennis

from history

___ ride a motorbike ___ catch and cook a fish.

Say how often you do these things and which of them you enjoy. Describe any special memories
you have of any of these activities.

CCI English
Aliyat Hano’ar 42 | 6745023 | Tel Aviv-Yafo | | +972 073-7694499
CCI English

CCI English
Aliyat Hano’ar 42 | 6745023 | Tel Aviv-Yafo | | +972 073-7694499

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