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John Doe
ABC Corporation
Somewhere, NA 12345

Dear John,

The eagerly awaited <TRADE SHOW NAME HERE> takes place on January 1 2000 at
8pm, in Class A Hotel, on Main Street.

The format of the evening is as follows:

09:00 Arrival
10:00 Opening Speaker (NAME HERE)
18:00 Wine and Cheese reception
20:00 Closing remarks

Please ensure to bring adequate business cards with you, as you will have an
opportunity to mix with a broad spectrum of the business community. I look
forward to seeing you on the night.

Please RSVP only if you CANNOT attend.



A. N. Other

B.Invitation to attend an exhibition

C. From:

D. (General Manager)
(Pragati Event Management Ltd.)

E. (Sales Manager)
(Latest Mobile Phones Limited)
(21, Park Lane)
(29th October, 2004.)

F. Dear (Mr. Patel),

G. It gives me great pleasure to invite you to the (Latest Gadgets Expo), to be held in (Hi-Tech
City Gardens) from (4th to 6th November, 2004). For the convenience of everybody the
timings have been fixed from (9.00a.m to 8.00p.m)
H. This exhibition aims to provide an opportunity for everybody who is interested in (latest
gadgets) to interact with one another.

I. We look forward to seeing you at the venue.

(Preeti Rao


The 4ECM will be organized by the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in

collaboration with Stockholm University under the auspices of the European

Mathematical Society (EMS). The title of the Congress is "Mathematics in Science



The series of European Congresses of Mathematics first started in Paris in 1992 and

since been held in Budapest and Barcelona. The last congress in Barcelona

about 1400 participants from 87 countries. The 2004 Congress will be a major event

the mathematical year. The main part of the program will be devoted to Pure and

Applied Mathematics.

The Nobel Institutes of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences are supporting the

Congress. This enables the organizers to invite six prominent specialists in physics,

chemistry and biology who will share their views on the significance of mathematics

in their subject in a lecture of their own choice.

For continuous updates and detailed information on the 4ECM Congress, please visit

the congress website

Exhibition organiser

Stockholm Convention Bureau (StoCon)

P.O Box 6911

SE-102 39 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone: +46 8 5465 15 00

Fax:+46 8 5465 15 99


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